catalog summer 2014 potxibb

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made in barcelona

Spring - summer 2014

Baby & kids 0-8 Català Potxibb, fa tot el procés íntegrament a Barcelona, des del teixit i l’estampació a la confecció. Potxibb confecciona amb cotó 100% i amb estampació digital que assegura una molt bona qualitat i durabilitat dels dibuxios. De 0 a 8 anys. Samarretes m/c fins als 12 mesos amb coll tipus Español Potxibb, hace todo el proceso íntegramente en Barcelona, desde el tejido y la estampación hasta la confección. Potxibb confecciona con algodón 100% y con estampación digital que asegura una muy buena calidad y durabilidad de los dibujos. De 0 a 8 años. Camisetas m/c hasta los 12 meses con cuello tipo English Potxibb, makes all the process in Barcelona, from the fabrics and print to the confection. Potxibb uses cotton 100% and works with digital print, whick gives a very good quality and assures longetivity of the pictures. From 0 to 8 years. Short sleeve T-shirts up to 12months with body neck. tel: 34-616534214

Ref: 08

Ref: 09


Ref: space01

Ref: space05

Ref: stpace04

Ref: space02

Ref: space06

Ref: space03

Ref: space07

Ref: space10

Ref: space08

Ref: space09

Ref: spaces11


Ref: penguins01

Ref: penguins05

Ref: penguins04

Ref: penguins02

Ref: penguins06

Ref: penguins03

Ref: penguins07

Ref: penguins10

Ref: penguins08

Ref: penguins09

Ref: penguins11


Ref: stars01

Ref: stars05

Ref: stars04

Ref: stars02

Ref: stars06

Ref: stars03

Ref: stars07

Ref: stars10

Ref: stars08

Ref: stars09

Ref: stars11

Ref: 11

Ref: city04


Ref: city01

Ref: city05

Ref: city02

Ref: city06

Ref: city03

Ref: city07

Ref: city10

Ref: city08

Ref: city09

Ref: city11

Ref: 09


Ref: elephants01

Ref: elephants05

Ref: elephants04

Ref: elephants02

Ref: elephants06

Ref: elephants03

Ref: elephants07

Ref: elephants10

Ref: elephants08

Ref: elephants09

Ref: elephants11

Ref: 04

Ref 10

All the articles possible in this blue. References; Blue 01,02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11 as the other articles

All the articles possible in black. References; Black 01,02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11 as the other articles


3 y

Real images of baby articles, and sizes.

Ref 1. 3m, 6m, 12m, 18 months

Ref 2. 3m, 6m, 12m, 18 m, 2 years

Sizes for the rest of the articles:

3m, 6m, 12m, 18m, 2y, 3y, 4y, 5y, 6y, 7y, 8 years old

Ref 3. 3m, 6m, 12m, 18 m, 2 years

See our catalogue in Collection baby and kids. 0-8 years old. tel: 34-616534214

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