These Unique Harry Potter Wands Will Be Out Of This Wizard World.

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These Unique Harry Potter Wands Will Be Out Of This Wizard World. With these new training poles, your little ones will learn to cast spells by drawing shapes in the air, just like their favourite Harry Potter characters.

What kid wouldn't love to have his own wand after experiencing the wizarding world of Harry Potter? With a wave of their hand they could clean their rooms, float things in the air, and fix the lamp they broke while trapping it in the living room. But they must first learn how to use their wands, and this is where the new Harry Potter character wand from JAKKS Pacific comes in. These wands will be released later this year and are perfect for teaching your little wizard how to cast all kinds of spells straight out of the Harry Potter universes, such as Alohomora, Incendio, and Wingardium Leviosa. Each toy magic wand has a magic cure, but instead of a phoenix feather or dragon heartstring, the core houses a motion sensor (like the one you see on smartphones and game controllers) that can track how your child moves the wand through the air. . If they learn the patterns and execute them correctly, they can cast spells that are brought to life by lights and sounds. As soon as they master their magic technique, kids can challenge themselves with fun games like Wizard Tag, Spell Practice, and Dumbledore's Army. In Wizard Tag, children fight and cast spells until a wizard's wand loses its power. Magic Practice is a race of who can perform certain spells the fastest, and Dumbledore's army is a magical version of rockpaper-scissors.

The toys come in three variations - Harry's wands, Dumbledore's, Voldemort's - and they look like a lot of fun. The feeling of finally getting these spells right is sure to make your kids feel real, even if they don't really know how to do magic. (Maybe this will come with the 2001 version?) In the meantime, when your little wizards are done with their new toys, they probably just have to tidy up their rooms the old-fashioned way. Explore the collection of new Harry Potter wands UK of our souvenir shop in London. Get the unique wands from our best collections.

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