Structural Concrete Alliance offers education for all
THE STRUCTURAL CONCRETE ALLIANCE has announced the dates and locations for its free to attend Continuing Professional Development (CPD) seminars and demonstration days during 2017. Designed to provide delegates with an introduction to structural asset protection and repair, the half-day CPD seminars offer an introduction to corrosion as well as techniques for repair, protection and strengthening. This year’s CPD events have been fully revised and will feature new presentations, offering an introduction to each of the key protection and repair techniques. Each event will cover causes of corrosion; electrochemical systems; concrete repairs and coatings; carbon fibre strengthening and sprayed concrete; as well as inspection and testing techniques. Recent case studies will be offered to demonstrate the application of each technique.
Following the success of its first practical demonstration day, held in September 2016, the Alliance is planning two such events during 2017. These free CPD events run from 9am-3pm and offer delegates an opportunity to witness interactive demonstrations of key repair, protection, strengthening and sprayed concrete techniques. Following an initial welcome and introduction, the delegates are divided into groups to visit five separate demonstration stations. Each station will feature live displays highlighting the key preparation skills and techniques involved in concrete repairs, carbon fibre strengthening, concrete testing, sprayed concrete, and cathodic protection and monitoring systems. Delegates will also be given an opportunity to discuss their queries with members of the Corrosion Prevention Association (CPA), Concrete Repair Association (CRA) and Sprayed Concrete Association (SCA) who will be exhibiting at the event. Four CPD seminars and two demonstration days are scheduled during 2017: • Bristol – 28th March • Newcastle – 25th April • Central London – 3rd October • Birmingham – 7th November • Demonstration Day South, Leighton Buzzard – 10 May • Demonstration Day North, Leigh, Lancashire – 6 September For those unable to make the seminars or demonstration days, the Alliance also offers CPD presentations which can be delivered on-site to interested parties. CPD presentations are available which cover concrete repair, structural strengthening with fibre reinforced polymers, principles of corrosion prevention and sprayed concrete techniques. The programmes are specifically designed to give an insight into corrosion prevention, concrete repair procedures and allied refurbishment techniques. They have been produced for the benefit of specifiers, contractors and owners of structures and buildings containing concrete components who need a brief explanation of the methods and critical matters to be taken into account when looking at specific projects. Each presentation lasts for around an hour. The programmes are 45 minutes in duration, with 15 minutes set aside for questions. To enable both technical and practical queries to be dealt with, the programmes are normally presented by a specialist contractor and a specialist product manufacturer member of Alliance associations. The Structural Concrete Alliance is an umbrella organisation which brings together the Concrete Repair Association (CRA), Corrosion Prevention Association (CPA) and Sprayed Concrete Association (SCA) to provide a single co-ordinated voice for the structural concrete refurbishment and repair industry. The Alliance offers a single point of contact for major clients and a definitive source of information and advice for all involved in the repair, refurbishment and management of concrete infrastructure and the protection from corrosion of a wide range of structures. q • For further information, or to book, visit the website at