BBFC Research

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BBFC Kristopher Bareham


The BBFC is a non-governed independent institute that regulates and classifies films and DVD’s for cinemas and stores. The 12 grade is given to films that are suitable for children 12 or over, there may be a tread of death in the film but it will not linger on the scene for a while; there would be no visible representation of blood or gore, if there is then it will be minimal, the use of bad language on the film should be mild using words like ‘B*****d’, there should be little discrimination in the film.

The U grade is given to films that are primarily aimed ant young children, these are mostly animations like Dr Seuss's Lorax, these films would feature no adult content, but it may have some jokes that are suitable for adults but wrapped up in suitable content for children. The PG classification is given to films that are primarily aimed at children between the ages of 8-12 and may feature only mild bad language and infrequently. There should be no discrimination and no dangerous behavior that a child can reenact and the possible harm that could come to the child.


A 15 film will typically feature different language to an 18, a 15 would use words such as c**p and s**t in some circumstances where deemed appropriate. There may also be some discriminatory language like ‘gay’ used in the film but used in appropriate places and not used loosely between conversation in the film. Also themes of mild blood and injury can be focused on but should not be shown in detail. The use of drugs in a 15 film should be minimal or implied in the way that does to influence the audience.

However in an 18 rated film, offensive language has no gauge and words can vary from ‘s**t’ to ‘c**t’ and can be used in casual conversation amongst the characters. The uses of discriminatory language can also be used in conversation in the film, language like ‘n****r’ can be used any moment in the film. The violence in an 18 rated film can be as gory and bloody as the director desires. An example of this would be in the SAW films in which multiple traps contain also a lot of viscera at the kill. The use of drugs in a 18 can be varied and shown in detail.

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