Annex Post September 2022

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Some are


FINDING LOVE OVER OLD MOVIES The Social’s Jess Allen on how she met her best friend & partner Simon Gadke 27

— oversized blazers & high tops 23

BEST OF TORONTO 2022 Our guide to the best things to eat, shop and do in T.O.







Our 33rd annual primer to the city’s top private schools and programs

the best mooncakes for giving and eating in T.O. 39THE NEW FALL UNIFORM Jeanne

MINIMAL DESIGN, MAXIMUM LUXURY Toronto homes offering all the modernity with very little gaudiness Craig Wong onBeker on the trendy autumnal pairing

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What is your daily ritual?

What are you most excited about?

What talent would you most like to have? Anything musical.


20 questions for Adrienne Arsenault

It is amazing how you can be alone almost anywhere in this city. A good park, a busy street, a march in the ravines.

What’s hanging above your couch? Um. My living room window.

Everything. The responsibility of it scares me and that is exciting too. It is more than the opportunity to continue to report from around the world. I am really keen to be the wing woman for the journalists we have around Canada and across the world.

The number of Drake’s top five singles on the Billboard Top 100, breaking the record of 29 by a U.K. band called the


Leslie Street Spit. It totally fascinates me, and I love watching it


Where do you think is the best view in the city?

What’s your prized possession?

The tyranny of time, the rancour, the aggression and threats that keep smart and dedicated people away from what is an extraordinarily important field.

Is there one thing you have multiple versions of?

Toronto’s Adrienne Arsenault takes over as CBC’s chief correspondent this month for the public broadcaster’s news program ‘The National.’ We ask Arsenault about her new gig, her greatest fear and what she thinks of Lisa Laflamme’s departure. by Ron Johnson

What do you always have next to your computer? Everything. TV remote control, notepad, pens in various stages of chaos and drawings from the little humans I am grateful to have in my life (not so little any more).

sink in for people, what has gone into carving that patch of wildscape out of cityscape.

My first job was being on set with my dad who was a director. I was really young, and he kept ordering me to spend the time rolling and properly coiling cables, again and again. It is possible he was trying to get me out of his hair, and I am not sure the rest of the crew were thrilled, but I took that seriously. I still do!

What’s the first job you had in Toronto?

The ranking of Toronto’s Ossington Avenue in a new list of the coolest streets on the14planet.

What is your greatest fear? How much time do you have? Snakes. Roller coasters. Bad luck.

I want to say the gym. I really do.

What’s your idea of perfect happiness?

My pals. No better humans on earth than dear friends.

I wish my dad were still here so I could tell him all about this. He was a TV director and a wildly enthusiastic man. He would fall off his chair and then pepper me with a million questions. I am fiercely protective of the importance of public broadcasting and a robust CBC and the joys and necessities of good journalism.

I really was. What a blow. But not just because I am a female journalist in her 50s aging under bright lights. I think all reporters winced with worry and frustration at that news. I have known Lisa for a long time. We’ve always worked at different networks but have been in the field together many times. I have enormous respect for her work.

What’s the worst career advice you’ve received? “Manage your expectations.”

What would change about your field?


Where in the city do you go to be alone?


Riverdale Park. Convince me I’m wrong!

As a female journalist, were you surprised to hear the treatment of Lisa Laflamme?

Who in Toronto would you most like to hang out with?

A super small spot near Bay and Dundas. I wanted to live in the middle of everything.

The betting odds of the Toronto Maple Leafs winning the Stanley Cup this season — second to defending champs

What does being chief correspondent of The National mean to you?

Where do you go to get away from it all? If there is water, I will go there.

The NBA jersey number being retired to honour the late Bill Russell. The latest Raptor to wear the number wasCoreyToronto-bornJoseph.6

My dusty brown boots. I bought them in the first few years I was a reporter, and I have taken them to every intense shoot I have ever done.

I have ancient flip-flops I bought in the Middle East in the early 2000s, and bought lots of them.

Where was your first Toronto apartment?

I am lucky to feel happy a lot, even in stressful situations: so great teammates working together to chase a story that matters and everyone is in sync. That is bliss.

Where’s the first place in town you send visitors?

And some days I really mean that. If I can lift somewhat heavy things in the morning a few days a week, I figure I can handle the rest.



Mike Layton seems like the obvious choice to run for leadership of the NDP, and Ana Bailão would be a strong candidate for the Liberals or Conservatives. As for Denzil Minnan-Wong, at 59 years old and after 28 years in municipal politics, he likely decided that, if he was going to do something else, he needed to do it sooner thanAlthoughlater. it is always good to get new ideas and a fresh perspective at city council, the loss of these three individuals in particular will be felt. My guess is that, although their work at the city might be done, their days in politics are not over yet.

Karen Stintz is a former city councillor, elected in 2003, and was a chair of the TTC. She lives in Ward 8.


opportunities for ambitious individuals to keep developing skills. At the provincial and federal level, there are different ministries and various opportunities. At the city of Toronto there are the coveted positions of TTC chair, budget chief and deputy mayor, but there are many more councillors than positions, and even these

At the federal and provincial level, the most common reason that politicians don’t run for reelection is because they don’t think they will be successfully reelected. At the municipal level, this doesn’t apply: since name recognition seems to be everything, city councillors are virtually guaranteed to be reelected. However, the dynamics of the larger wards and the strong mayor system have made a difficult job even less rewarding and some city councillors realize that their work at the city was done.The municipal system also doesn’t really provide many

There are many reasons that politicians choose not to seek reelection, although, in my opinion, wanting to spend more time with family is never one of them.


In the upcoming municipal election, one-quarter of the city councillor seats will be vacant because the incumbents have either taken a new job or simply decided not to run again.

Outgoing deputy mayor and city councillor Ana Bailão

positions are Councillorslimited.with ambition generally don’t stay beyond one or two terms. Such is the case with respect to Kristyn Wong-Tam and Michael Ford. Both are ambitious and decided to leave municipal politics for provincial politics. The same could probably be said for Joe Cressy. After two terms, Joe Cressy took a job at

George Brown College. The surprise announcements were from Denzil MinnanWong, Ana Bailão and Mike Layton. These individuals provided strong voices on council and different perspectives. Denzil Minnan-Wong was often viewed as the reliable conservative voice of an increasingly left-leaning council. Ana Bailão was a strong advocate for affordable housing and viewed as sage and reasonable. Mike Layton was fiercely progressive and advanced a number of causes, from climate change to social justice. None of them have indicated that they have another job lined up. My guess is that each of these individuals had designs to run for mayor and those plans were squashed when John Tory announced he was running for a third term — despite his previous pledge to be a two-term mayor. None had a desire to sit around for another term, especially in a council in which the mayor has even more power.

Why the city’s councillors are all quitting their jobs

The dynamics of larger wards and decreased power make challenging position even less desirable

What those priorities are is not yet clear: they will be set out in a regulation approved by the

It builds on the forced amalgamation of Toronto in 1997 and the arbitrary decision by the Ford government four years ago to cut the number of wards in half.

disempowers democratically elected city councillors and centralizes all meaningful decision making. It is a deliberate effort to take away from local residents their ability to have a say over the decisions that affect their lives. It is profoundly undemocratic.

The mayor can veto decisions thought to “potentially intervene with provincial priorities.”

The question for the candidates for city council in the upcoming election is how they will respond to this legislation.


Mayor John Tory and Premier Doug Ford might be working very closely together in the years to come

The questions that should be put to the mayoralty candidates in election meetings leading to Oct. 24 are pretty straightforward. They all revolve around the exercise of powers the new mayor will have under Bill 3, the Strong Mayors, Building Housing Act.


“This means the mayor tothesubservientistoprovince,notcitycouncil.”

Scary. These are very troubling times in Toronto.

decision making.

The key question to mayoral candidates is: Do you agree that you will only exercise these powers if they have been endorsed by a majority vote of city council? Agreement of mayoral candidates on this issue will ensure that power is not in the hands of just one person, but instead, in the hands of the city’s elected representatives as it has been for the last 188 years.

With new bill locals may have zero say in how the city is run


Mayor John Tory has said that in principle he supports this

provincial cabinet meeting in secret. This means the mayor is subservient to the province, not to city council or the people of Toronto.Itis an unprecedented realignment of decision making, assigning all this power to one person who is subservient to the province and stripping these powers from the elected representatives of the city.

Bill 3 assigns the mayor the power to do virtually everything of importance normally done by city council. The mayor can determine the organizational structure of council, including the number of wards; the way that community councils function; and so forth. The mayor can appoint committee chairs and deputy chairs — something normally done by the committees themselves — as well as for agencies, boards (such as hockey rinks) and commissions.

Mayor to serve premier not residents?

John Sewell is a former mayor of Toronto. His most recent books are How We Changed Toronto and Crisis in Canada’s Policing.

If the mayor refuses to seek the majority of council for decisions, will the candidate agree to refuse to attend council so that there is no quorum for a council meeting?Ikeep wondering about the mode of municipal government that Premier Ford has in mind with this realignment of power in Bill 3. I think he likes the new model that Premier Xi has imposed on Hong Kong: get rid of local democracy to make sure it does not interfere with what you want to do.

The mayor can hire and fire city staff, except for a few positions, something normally done by council as a whole by majority vote. Now the mayor can direct council to do what they want, something that has always been prevented under the current system. The mayor will prepare and approve the city budgets. All these powers can be challenged only by a two-thirds vote of council, something very unlikely because the mayor will entice at least a third of council with chair positions and other perks.

The net result, if Bill 3 passes, will have the effect of cutting residents out of meaningful


Local residents ongoing complaints may have spurred the city to take action by Keena Al-Wahaidi

Noise from street racing is out of control

The cars aren’t just modified for racing. They are modified to emit loud, abrasive, and some might say gawd awful, sounds.

But the city hasn’t given up on reducing the noise caused on the DVP.“In July 2022, Toronto City Council also requested the Ontario government to strengthen the enforcement of vehicular noise under the Provincial Highway Traffic Act, including by introducing demerit points for modified exhaust and excessive noise,” Coun. Robinson said.

In a news release last month, Mayor John Tory outlined that the city is seeking the following:

Street racing on the DVP has long annoyed residents

“The impacts of noise pollution on mental and physical well-being are well-documented, ranging from hearing loss to sleep disturbance and cognitive health effects,” she said.


• Increase fines and assign demerit points for modified exhaust and unnecessary vehicle noise offences under the Highway Traffic Act.

She mentioned that noise pollution of this kind causes several problems, both mentally and physically.

In this effort to enforce higher fines and rules on vehicles that use noisy modifications, the City of Toronto is appealing to the provincial government.


In a statement to Streets of Toronto, councillor Jaye Robinson said the issue has persisted in recentMoreyears.specifically, Robinson outlined it as a common issue on the Don Valley Parkway (DVP) and the Bayview Extension.

Many residents of central Toronto who live within a few kilometres of the Don Valley Parkway, Highway 404 and other roadways are all too familiar with the sound. The peace of a quiet evening at the park or at home in bed with the window open is broken by the high decibels emitted by modified cars and motorcycles racing on the Don Valley Parkway. And people have hadResidentsenough. around the Don Valley Parkway continue to suffer from the noise caused by modified vehicles racing along the highway.

• Develop stricter and more

of checks


She’s heard friends mention that the DVP should be put down to one lane at night. She doesn’t think that would be a fair decision to make for the whole of the community.ForBuday, the question of fairness is a good one to ask.

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to sleep and continues until after we go to bed. It makes it hard to go to sleep all summer.”

Merlin Hargreaves, who lives in Leaside, describes the noise from modified vehicles as a loud disturbance.Andasthe warm weather hits, so does the commotion.

• Explore options for setting decibel limits for such devices as leaf blowers, lawn mowers, grass trimmers and chainsaws.

And according to other residents, some say current bylaws aren’t always being imposed.

“They’re neglecting to enforce their own bylaws,” said Ingrid Buday, who lives by the Gardiner Expressway.Budayis an active member of the DVP Noise Action Group and has been interested in noise reduction for a bit over a year.


The R.I.D.E. program is an example of a system that

• Make regulatory changes to enable the city to initiate an automated noise enforcement pilot project.

“As soon as the nice weather hits in the spring and early summer, we start hearing loud revving noises coming from the direction of the Millwood Bridge,” said Hargreaves.“Thisusually starts right around the time we are putting our kiddo

• Report back on technological developments on noise-activated cameras and automated noise •enforcement.Examinethe health impacts of noise with the help of Toronto Public Health.

But the campaign discontinued back in 2019, a move that she said now allows people to “do whatever they“There’swant.” no blitzes. With the

“The motorcyclists know that,” she said. “And he was saying a lot of them will pull up to police officers and pull wheelies.”

“It’s unfair that one person in one vehicle … can wake up hundreds of thousands of people,” she

In the same news release, the city said it would do the following when reviewing its noise bylaw next year:

“What we’ve learned over the last couple of years, people have noticed the spikes of the noise.” Buday said this is mostly due to motorcycles racing at night.

specific regulations on vehicle modifications, including provisions to allow for periodic inspections of vehicle exhausts and potential modifications.

Jodi Goldfinger, who resides in the area, said the noise doesn’t allow her to sleep with the window open. Like Buday, she feels the city is not doing enough to combat the problem.Butwhen Goldfinger spoke to a Toronto Police Service community relations officer, he told her officers can’t chase people on motorcycles.

• Report on noise from city vehicles and fleets, including garbage trucks.

“ think about someone doing a loop between the DVP, Gardiner, 427, 401 — how many people are they waking up at 100 decibels?” she said.

R.I.D.E. campaigns that happen for drunk driving, everyone gets pulled over and everyone gets assessed. Here, the police and the city could do that, but they don’t,” sheForsaid.other residents, the noise made by the DVP is so distressing that they’re considering moving out of the city.

She does sound measurements from people’s balconies to understand the way noise travels and how it’s affecting day-to-day life.“What we’re learning is that a highway — the DVP for example — generally puts out about 70 decibels, give or take. Maybe it drops down to 60 at night … and that is like a white noise,” she said.

She recalled that Ontario’s Drive Clean program that checked emissions and exhausts on a regular basis was a great starting point to reduce the sound from modified vehicles on the DVP.

The proposal wouldn’t be the first time a church has partnered with a developer in the city: St. Monica’s Church at 44 Broadway Ave., in Toronto’s midtown, has done the same in order to repair its building, as has the church at 300 Bloor St. W. in the Annex and another at College Street and Bathurst Street. Local city councillor Mike Layton said the unlikely pairings allow the churches to add another community benefit — additional housing as the city has been in the midst of a supply crunch.

Yet another church in Toronto is teaming up with a developer to gain the needed funds for refurbishment.WalmerRoad Baptist Church in the Annex is partnering with developer TAS to create a proposed 20-storey tower on its property just west of the church. The proposal for 38 Walmer Rd. includes 162 residential units, a new courtyard and a “commercial community hub.” The new building, designed by ZAS Architects, would loom over the church that dates back to 1889.

north were addressed. In response, TAS decided to replace one building with the proposed courtyard to create more of a buffer zone between the townhomes, Layton said.

At Walmer, the church’s director, Deborah Mealy, told Post City that the search for repair funding began in 2016, when it became apparent it didn’t have the money needed. She said that the church was inspired by other congregations pairing with developers and found a good match in TAS, given its previously shown commitment to community engagement.

“There was a point when we didn’t know if we’d be able to continue on because we could not care for the building,” Mealy said. “So we had to find something that could help us.”

Mealy is looking forward to the new amenities that will be added, such as the courtyard and community hub, which she thinks will help welcome people to the new space. A better connection to the community goes well with the church’s history of social engagement, which has included food banks and the creation of Canada’s

first church daycare. NEIGHBOURHOODNEWS

Walmer Road Baptist teaming up with developer on 20-storey condo


Annex church to be developed

by Eric Stober

“You can’t recreate some of those old buildings,” Layton said. “Some of them are in rather significant states of disrepair.”

Rendering of proposed development at 38 Walmer Rd. For takeout call ahead to expedite your order or go to For more information go to or call (416) 636-1230 SERVING DELICIOUS FOR OVER 65 YEARS Serving the best corned beef and pastrami in the city of Toronto since 1957 Whether you’re looking for a casual dinner or planning a feast for the High Holidays your perfect meal is just a phone call away!

Layton said the church on Walmer is a “really special building” and there is strong demand to see it protected. He said that the developer has already done a significant amount of community engagement in which concerns over the tower’s proximity to townhomes to the

600 living spaces will be created in city program by Ron Johnson

Filion added that the centre could open on Sept. 1, with residents arriving through September and October, in addition to reiterating his support for what could end up being quite an innovative program.“Asa Councillor and a Canadian proud of our tradition of extending a hand to people from around the world who come here seeking a better life — especially those fleeing war, violence, and other dangers — I am more than willing to devote my remaining time as Councillor to make this program an innovative and successful model for others,” he stated.

According to the city, the Hotel Novotel plan would not only create more space for refugees in Toronto, but it would also free up space in the city’s shelter system by allowing refugees currently in nonrefugee-specific shelters to move to the new site.

consultation or opportunity for input leading up to the city council meeting on Aug. 15.

600 living spaces for refugees are coming to Hotel Novotel

Other local community groups, such as the Willowdale Interfaith Council, voiced support for the initiative.

In addition to living space, the new centre would provide other supports for refugees. The city stated that such supports could include legal services, assistance with finding permanent housing, employment and education support and referrals to health care and mental health supports and other community services.

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“We only learned of this proposed agreement through a newsletter distributed by Councillor John Filion three weeks ago and have not received any communication from city staff. Before Council makes a final decision, the Willowdale BIA would like to schedule further consultation and communication between staff, community stakeholders, and the business community, to ensure this plan will foster successful

long-term outcomes for all involved,” a letter read, in part.

North York hotel to house refugees

The total cost for the city is approximately $80 million over fiveCityyears.councillor John Filion, in whose Willowdale ward the facility is located, posted on his website that the Hotel Novotel plan was new to him.

“I am proud of our tradition of extending a hand to people from around the world.”

have legitimate questions — for example, do local schools have enough space for the children who’ll be arriving? — that I am still in the process of getting clear answers to.”

The Hotel Novotel, located at 3 Park Home Ave. near the corner of Yonge Street and Sheppard Avenue, will be home to 600 refugee living spaces.

The City of Toronto is taking over hundreds of rooms in a North York hotel to use as emergency shelter spaces for refugees and refugee claimants.

Ahead of the Toronto City Council meeting when the Hotel Novotel plan was approved by a vote of 14 to 9, a number of local groups, including the Willowdale BIA, expressed reservations regarding the new centre but also that there was very little


The move is the response to a steadily increasing stream of new refugees to Toronto, according to the press release, which also stated that the increase is “driven largely by the border reopening and easing of international travel restrictions.“Inthefirst half of 2022, an average of 55 new refugee arrivals per week accessed Toronto’s shelter system,” the city stated. “There are currently more than 1,800 refugee clients in shelters. Despite adding 750 new spaces for refugees and refugee claimants in the spring of 2022, demand continues to grow.”

Filion held two virtual meetings on the Hotel Novotel plan on July 18 and July 27.


“This proposal caught me by surprise, when I first learned about it less than three weeks ago, a few hours before the staff report recommending it was released,” he wrote. “I am frustrated that City staff made my job more difficult by not giving me the opportunity to provide early information. People

tool is another way for officials to figure out what the problems are and how they could be solved. It is the first time the city has used such mapping for this use, Robinson said.

“There's been a lot of near misses, and there's been a lot of concern about what people are witnessing and observing on a daily basis,” she said.The Leaside Neighbourhood Transportation Plan will become available in early 2023.

Local residents raising concerns as part of neighbourhood transportation plan by Eric Stober


She said her office has been focusing on small wins to address traffic issues, such as setting a 30kilometre-an-hour speed limit on all Leaside

streets, as well as narrowing some intersections and having automated photo radar police enforcement.Theonline

Red pinpoints signifying traffic issues can be seen scattered throughout the area’s map.

Robinson said she is trying to send more police to problematic areas to boost enforcement.

At Sutherland Drive and Parkhurst Boulevard, one comment reads, “There have been numerous t imes when drivers do not stop at this intersection,” and, “I have witnessed at least three incidents in the past year where a child has almost been struck by a car at this intersection.”

The plan is up and rolling again after a pandemic-related suspension. The City of Toronto will gather information, such as local traffic patterns and behaviour, to inform changes that could be made in the neighbourhood. The first community meeting concerning the plan was held in 2022 and saw about 100 attendees, said city councillor Jaye Robinson.

“You’ve been hearing about traffic issues in Leaside for well over a decade,” Robinson said. “People are very frustrated.”

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“Cars do not adhere to the 30km/hr limit,” another comment reads. Along Millwood Road, comments also flag speeding despite the slower speed limit: “The Millwood stretch from Sutherland to Bayview is extremely dangerous.”

Leaside residents have been given the opportunity to voice their traffic concerns. Locals can add their concerns and suggestions via a new online tool, where their comments and those made by others can be seen publicly and pinpointed to the location of the issue.

Enough with the dangerous shortcuts

The move is the next step of the Leaside Neighbourhood Transportation Plan (LNTP), a holistic, network-wide look at the area and a plan for how traffic and safety issues can be addressed.

Robinson said issues include speeding and rolling through stop signs, and the area unfortunately has been a magnet for drivers trying to find a quicker route off main arterial roads such as Eglinton Avenue East.


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BRYCE AVE. AND HEATH ST. W. 10 A.M. 10 P.M. 10 A.M. 1 2411A.M.A.M.A.M.P.M.



HEDON AVE. AND SAUNDERS ST. 2 P.M. 5 A.M. 1 A.M. 5 A.M. 2 P.M AUG. 18 AUG. 19 AUG. 20 AUG. 23 AUG. 21


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With four bedrooms, seven bathrooms and gold finishes, the home at 152 Newton Dr. is spacious and stunning. It comes with a massive swimming pool and private elevator. It’s listed for $3.988 million with Forest Hill Real Estate Inc.

Understated interiors have been all the rage since before Marie Kondo shot to fame, and these Toronto homes offer all the modernity without any of the gaudiness. From a Scandinavian-style Forest Hill residence to a contemporary abode, these properties will definitely spark joy!

This Scandinavian design–inspired corner house at 1 Shorncliffe Ave. features four bedrooms and four bathrooms with a beautifully landscaped yard. It’s listed for $4.175 million with Chestnut Park Real Estate Ltd.



The three-bedroom, four-bathroom home at 74 Garnet Ave. is all about simple luxury. The family room, kitchen and dining room all flow seamlessly into the ultra-manicured backyard via bi-fold doors — plus you’ll find a full home theatre on the lower level coupled with an award-worthy display case. Check out the laneway garage that could easily turn into a laneway home addition! It’s listed for $3.249 million with Harvey Kalles Real Estate Ltd.








receiving, even in the middle of August. I expect to see the decline in prices to level off in the 416 because of tighter market conditions overall and an increase in transactions. Demand clearly still exists, but concerns over interest rates and recession are having an impact. As for how much further prices could come down, RBC recently droppedreleased a report that forecast a 23 per cent decline in average price in 2022. That’s already happened — with the average price down 23 per cent from the peak in February. Once we start seeing a more normal amount of transactions, prices will level out, but I don’t think it will drop much further. The 905 region has seen a greater decline in average price, but that may just be an overreaction to rising rates and buyers moving back into the 416.

ECCLESTON: I think homebuyers should buy precisely when they are ready and able to comfortably afford the home that they believe they desire. The purpose of purchasing property is not solely for investment purposes. It is also to improve one's quality of life. I don't

BRIAN GLUCKSTEIN: I think there is going to be much more caution and less of a frenzy than we’ve seen. If there’s a particular property that someone really wants, they will buy it, but otherwise, I think people might be sit-

Dragon on CBC’s Dragons’ Den; Co-founder & President, Clearco

CEO, The Keesmaat Group

Principal, Gluckstein Design; Author

MICHELE ROMANOW: Fall will be interesting for the area as I definitely think we'll see an uptick in volume from the notoriously slow summer. The 416 and suburban regions will continue to be popular with younger buyers who want to be in or close to downtown as most



companies have returned to a hybrid working model. We're definitely past the peak of the market, which is a net benefit finally swinging in favour of buyers. We'll continue to see calculated drops in prices, but so much depends on how high mortgage rates will go and how those rate hikes push more buyers into renters.

Deputy Chief Economist, CIBC Capital Markets

rently for sale are trapped in a situation where they bought a property and need or want to sell their current property. We are seeing many vendors rent instead of continuing to sell. I doubt prices will fall much at all except for isolated individual sellers, which will appear like falling prices. I do believe that we are in a recession and it will last through the year, with interest rates aggressively being cut in the new year. My advice to anyone during these 6- to 12-month corrections is not to panic, do not sell. They represent buying opportunities. It is possible to find a motivated vendor that might save you 20 per cent over what it might have cost you six months ago. These corrections never last very long and before you know it prices are back above the correction.


POST CITY: What do you predict for the fall market both in the 416 and in the suburban 905 region, and how far can home prices drop?BRAD

BARRY COHEN: The 416 and the 905 are very different markets at this juncture. While both are expected to see an increase in the number of homes listed for sale, supply is more constricted in the 416. At the time of writing this response, there were only 570 detached houses listed for sale in all of central Toronto, which is very low from a historical standpoint. True, the summer months are typically a slow time for sellers to come to the market, as many travel and go to the cottage, but the dearth of listings has been further exacerbated by sellers holding off on their decision to sell because of rising mortgage rates. Once the kids settle back into school, we should see more households make decisions on whether to upsize, downsize or stay put. Most sellers today are either waiting for a more realistic price or waiting for the market to improve overall. Buyers and sellers that traded in the last few months did so out of necessity (either bought or sold before the rates rose, relocating, family changes, etc.), but I am encouraged by the amount of showings we are

Developer, Lamb Development Corp.




BENJAMIN TAL: I think the fall season will be OK. It will be a more relaxed market relative to the past few months.

Co-founder, Wiltshire Eccleston Developments

POST CITY: Should homebuyers consider waiting to buy until 2023 when the market is predicted to bottom out?


LAMB: Currently, the number of homes for sale is quite low, and I believe that will continue. Most vendors cur-

ODEEN ECCLESTON: In addition to the impact of interest hikes, we must remember that June, July and August are typically slower months for real estate. Further, this summer has been the first time Torontonians have been able to enjoy a "normal summer" in two years. As such, many people have been focusing on leisure time by visiting family and friends, heading to cottages and travelling out of province or out of the country. As fall settles in, I think we may see increased consumer interest and activity in both the 416 and the 905.

ting on the sidelines to see what’s happening with interest rates, what’s happening with prices and maybe pausing their purchase.

Luxury Homes Specialist; Principal, Barry Cohen Homes Inc.





When the overall supply of housing is tight, and people start to get spooked about high prices and high interest rates, they hold off entering into the market. The lag of people staying in the rental market longer than they might normally, while at the same time adding international students and new immigrants to the rental pool, is creating a supply shortage on the rental side. Adding students and people from elsewhere is a policy established by government, and this has been poorly coordinated with the work of the Canada Housing and Mortgage Corporation in driving forward new housing supply. It’s a left hand/right hand problem that the government needs to fix. There are three parts to this: Some rental housing is governed by rent control and not impacted. Some housing is not governed by rental control, and we’ve seen crazy increases. The third part is working people who get completely bumped out of housing. They loose access to housing -—the rent is just too damn high. This is when access to housing becomes a moral issue and an ethical one, and it makes political dilly dallying particularly sobering.

ECCLESTON: According to the Bank of Canada, their goal in raising rates is to get inflation back to its two per cent target from its record high of eight per cent earlier this year. I suppose as long as inflation is a significant issue, BOC will continue to try to combat it by raising interest rates.

LAMB: No, now is a great time to buy. Prices will likely bottom out in the fall. Of course, this is my opinion, and timing the worst and best time to buy or sell is a tricky business.


The supply shortage is acute. It is not make-believe. The Smart Prosperity Institute has been verifying the need for new housing and affirms that, as touted by politicians, we need 1.5 million new homes over the next decade in Ontario alone. This is about two things: the pre-existing housing shortage that existed before the pandemic and the projected growth rate. The backlog and the future need, in other words, create a pretty dire situation for a province that wants to continue to attract talent and grow its economy. This is the heart of the problem — no one has figured out how, with the available land, labour and trades, to build that much housing in such a short time frame. It is possible that we will unlock this in the next few years. But as it stands right now, relatively straightforward developments are still on the back burner, due to convoluted processes and frivolous appeals, languishing. Until that changes, the housing shortage will continue to get worse over the long term.

There have long been claims that we are out of land in the GTA. Shouts to dismantle the Greenbelt have abounded. But in a great ironic twist, we now know that the vast majority of land in places like Toronto is loosing population density. Yes, we are cramming a lot of density on our avenues and in our centres, but the next evolution of our city really demands that we find under utilized sites and use them to accommodate more housing. The problem is not access to land, the problem is the way in which we are using land. When we get the density right, we transform places that are single use (housing) with one form of mobility (driving) to become walkable, mixed use places where many people can thrive, with a lower carbon footprint. That is the gift of density, if we put it in the right places.



TAL: Timing the market is impossible. I think that the coming few months will provide a reasonable entry point from a long-term perspective..

believe buyers should play the waiting game. I think they should buy when the time feels right for them and their families.


short-term buy, they will do well in the not-too-distant future. The Bank of Canada’s aggressive approach to curb inflation seems to be working. The cost of goods appears to be heading in the right direction. If the BOC [Bank of Canada] slows or stops hiking rates, we could run back into the same old problem of not enough supply and pent-up demand sooner than you think.

GLUCKSTEIN: In the long run, housing prices have increased over time, so if it’s something that someone’s going to buy and stay in for a very long time, even if it goes a little lower in the next year, it will always come back up. If it’s something they’re going to be in temporarily or if they’re purchasing the property as an investment, maybe they should just wait and watch the market.

COHEN: I wouldn’t wait. You can never time the market perfectly. Who would have predicted that housing values would surge during a pandemic? The market is underpinned by solid economic fundamentals. We have a government policy aimed at increasing levels of immigration. Unemployment is at its lowest level in 50 years. Interest rates are STILL at historic lows. There is a lack of developable land and homes available. The last census identified an increase in singleperson households. Real estate has historically proven to be a longterm investment. And yes, in the long run, prices will continue to rise. I don’t believe a buyer who plans to live in their purchase for five years is going to look back when they sell and say to themselves “I wish I’d bought in May 2023, not October 2022.” If the property makes sense for the buyer, it's in a good location and not a

TAL: The market will adjust to higher rates but we have not fully adjusted. The market will continue to show some softening in the near term. Ongoing project cancellations suggest that a year or two from now there will be shortage of new products alongside growing demand leading to some upward pressure on prices.

LAMB: I do not think they will go more than one per cent higher. I believe that we are already in a recession, and I think consumers are now shellshocked. Most items are starting to fall or are stabilizing. Prices do not have to fall year over year to have low inflation, they just can’t go up. Many prices are here to stay. We need to stop future price hikes, which I believe are in process. I believe the Bank of Canada will start reducing rates in the early winter. Governments always overkill the economy when raising rates to fight inflation.

COHEN: I think analysts are predicting an overnight rate of three to 3.5 per cent.

LAMB: No chance of that. Medium- to long-term, the real estate economy in Toronto is in a crisis. Too many people chasing too few properties, and it is almost impossible to develop real estate in Toronto. Prices are going to rise forever, sprinkled with short-lived economic corrections, which are just buying opportunities. Toronto will be one of the most, if not the most, expensive cities for real estate in the world.

ECCLESTON: I think in niche markets such as luxury custom homes (both in the 416 and the 905), it is possible that we’ll continue to see small rises in value as they remain rare products with strong demand.

POST CITY: Is there a chance the market defies the rate increase and actually rises this


flation starts to slow down or decrease, there might be a pause in interest rate increases, but there definitely will be increases.

Jennifer Keesmaat thinks the federal government's priorities aren't in line to tackle the housing shortage

ROMANOW: I fully expect the Bank of Canada to raise rates at least one more time this year, but we should be sure to make the distinction between interest rates rising and mortgage rates, which while higher than the record lows of 2020 are still in line with the historic lows of the 2010s and significantly lower than any other time over the last 30 years. Mortgage rates were pushing 20 per cent in the early ’80s, so in context, these rates are just slightly inflated.

I just don't expect significant price increases this year given what the market can bear and has been through over the last two plus years. The GTA continues to be an incredibly desirable place to live and work, and with the influx of global companies opening offices in the region, the market has shown an increased stability. I'm not expecting any drastic increases or decreases in price and value over the next year or so.

POST CITY: How much higher can interest rates go?

ROMANOW: If homebuyers can wait, it seems like supply will increase and prices will level out, tilting the scales in favour of buyers. The big difference between 2008 and now continues to be supply. There is no influx of housing that leads to dramatic price crashes. Just like the markets, we're in a bit of a correction period, and most people can agree prices over the past two years have been inflated, so instead of a bottom out, we'll see smaller, incremental price decreases, especially if the Fed continues to raise rates.

TAL: The five-year rate has probably peaked. We see the Bank of Canada’s overnight rate rising to 3.25 per cent and staying there for the duration of or most of 2023. The risk is that inflation will be more sticky. In this case the Bank of Canada will be more aggressive — a situation that will hurt the housing market.

GLUCKSTEIN: We’re going to see a number of increases in interest rates within the year, so they will go up, but we just don’t know by how much and for how long. If in-


GLUCKSTEIN: No, I do not think so. I would be surprised if the market defies the rate increases. I don’t think that’s going to happen. I think it’s more challenging for many first-time buyers to get into the market, both because of higher interest rates and the stress test making it more difficult for them since they may not qualify for the price point that they qualified for a year ago.

POST CITY: Toronto is lagging behind other cities when it comes to workers returning downtown. When, if ever, will this change and what are the real estate market impacts especially on the condo market?

COHEN: I think that most large major centres are facing the same challenges with workers returning to the downtown core. However, there seems to be a more concerted effort to get workers back into the office in Toronto, and in some instances, workers have been mandated back. The financial district does appear to be coming back to life, with lineups now reported outside food franchises in the Path. Foot traffic is also up. The condominium market has certainly bounced back from those dark days in 2020. We saw a real comeback in 2021, with strong sales for both condominium apartments and townhomes, and demand has been relatively steady in 2022 as people return to the core. We’ve also seen a shift in the downtown condo market, with many sellers now choosing to rent as opposed to sell, as they capitalize on the hot rental market.

ECCLESTON: As interest rates increase, I think we will see more people selling. Those who decide to hold on to their homes may wish to renovate. I think many will opt for new bathrooms, kitchens and swimming pools.

POST CITY: Will we see more people choosing to sit on the sidelines and upgrade their own homes in the year ahead? What will be the home reno trends to watch for?

FALL REAL ESTATE ROUNDTABLE COVER STORY $1,400,000$1,200,000$1,000,000$800,000$600,000$400,000$200,000$0 January February March April May June July AugustSeptember OctoberNovemberDecember 2019 2020 2021 2022 TRREB MLS® average resale home price, monthly with three previous years for comparison

ECCLESTON: I believe the trajectory of the market was unsustainable over the past two years. I welcome this current, more balanced market and believe the outlandish competitive environments we'd been experiencing went on for longer than it should have. I've been a realtor for 14 years, so this current, slower market is reminiscent of markets I've experienced in the past.

ECCLESTON: The issue is that people have grown accustomed to primarily working from home, so much so, they are resigning from positions that require in-office work days. The reports of continually high COVID infection rates and other contagious viruses being spread, such as monkeypox, don't help the employers in this regard either. It will be a challenge for employers for the next few years, and I believe commercial real estate values will be impacted the most as a result.

POST CITY: Isn’t the slow down a good thing now that my kids' generation will be able to afford a home? What’s the downside?

LAMB: If buyers sitting on the sidelines are smart, they will jump in now. This opportunity won’t last long. People will likely continue to renovate their homes because selling costs are very high.

COHEN: The decline has no doubt made housing more affordable for the younger generation, but higher carrying costs in terms of interest rate hikes have negated any upside realized from lower prices. However, if the trend continues, it does make sense for buyers to jump in the market now.

ROMANOW: Supply for homes and condos still continues to be lower than we need. We need smart and controlled increases in housing stock to be able to truly understand who holds the upper hand, buyers or sellers, and in order for this market to be operating at its peak, it can't dramatically favour one or the other. Currently, while home prices may have dropped year over year, with inflation and rising mortgage rates, many individuals and families are actually paying more monthly in housing costs and not having as much equity in their homes. So while cost may look lower at first glance, all-in prices have actually risen and first homes are still unaffordable for many.

ROMANOW: I am a huge proponent of in-office culture and love the energy sitting around whiteboarding and solving hard problems with our team. I just don't think that level of collaboration can be recreated over Zoom. That coupled with flexibility means we're seeing more demand to return to downtown living. As we move into the fall, I expect more employees to return to the office multiple days a week without their employers needing to mandate it. We've already seen that shift, which just helps the entire downtown economy, from lunch spots to happy hours and everything in between.

TAL: After rising by close to 50 per cent in two years this is a very welcome adjustment. Remember that we were borrowing activity from the future during COVID and the future has arrived. It’s simply allocation of activity over time. Note, however, that even after that adjustment the GTA will be far from affordable.

COHEN: Yes, that’s entirely likely. The decision to renovate will add value to those homes and should serve to further protect prices from coming down while everyone adjusts to the change in the market and financing. Some of the trends we saw during the pandemic will continue, including home theatres, gyms, pools, offices and heated/covered porches. I think these renovations will continue out of fear of being locked down again.

good things came out of the recession. Zoom is a useful tool. Life is not really worth living if it is always spent alone at home. I believe humans know this. Likely that this just happens naturally over the next one to two years.

ROMANOW: The HGTV generation is definitely here to stay and permeating across all budgets, from DIY projects to high-end home renovations. In 2020 and 2021, we read a lot about bettering one's self, and 2022 feels like the natural progression of that with bettering one's living and working space, to optimize space and to create more value for resale. A few things I continue to keep my eye on are upgrading of outdoor spaces to be livable year round as well as smart home devices, whether that means lighting, appliances or even larger items like whole home generators, tankless water heaters and boilers. These have higher upfront costs but almost always pay off in the long Additionally,run. I do expect to see more people opting to rent, which will drive the rental market downtown even higher.


GLUCKSTEIN: Well, I don’t think there’s a downside necessarily for people that are in it for the longterm. It’s like the stock market: if stocks go up and down, you’re not selling them every day. You’re in it for the long-term and hopefully for your retirement. They’ll go back up similarly for the housing market, but right now the decrease in housing prices is not making it more affordable because your interest rates are significantly higher than they were a year ago. It’s almost balancing itself out. I don’t think this is going to make it more affordable unless we see a significant drop in prices, and I don’t see that in major metropolitan areas. Maybe in the suburbs you’ll see a larger decrease in home prices, but in the cities, like Toronto or Vancouver or Calgary, I think strong markets are going to continue to be strong markets.

GLUCKSTEIN: The prices of homes have become so high, so the gap between what people live in and what they have to spend to upgrade to the next level has become so large that many people have decided not to sell, but instead renovate their homes. I think that’s been happening for a while. When people

look at their options, they’re just finding the prices too high to move, and I think that’s going to continue.

LAMB: Employers with backbones would help [bring more employees downtown]. Government with vision and a dose of reality would also be nice. Some

COHEN: Although there may be a chance, I wouldn’t be so bold to bet on it, given the downward pressure on average price in the last quarter. The average price statistic currently reported is based on a fewer number of transactions because there are fewer sellers in the market, and even less that are willing to sell at a price buyers feel is the new market norm. Once we see an increase in the sales volume that comes with a traditional fall market, we’ll have a better idea of where the market is headed. Right now, I am seeing some really strong sales and a few ugly ones. But when I see the overall statistics reported, it’s shocking to me because my feeling is that the market is a lot stronger than what is being bandied about. So yes, it wouldn’t shock me if we saw an increase in prices from where we are today.

GLUCKSTEIN: I think we’re still on that recovery from COVID. It’s like the hangover from COVID where no one is sort of really back to themselves. I think people need to work together, to have that interaction, and I do think people will come back to work in the city. And regardless, when it comes to major cities like Toronto, people still want to live in the city, so I don’t think that’s really going to impact the condo market. Whether people work from home or in office towers downtown, I think many people still want to be in the city. I don’t think the condo buyer is going to want a condo in the suburbs. If they want a condo and they’re living in a small space, the whole point is living in the city and taking advantage of it.

LAMB: Nothing has changed, Toronto is doomed to be one of the most expensive cities in the world to live in, and nothing is going to change that. In the midst of this spiral upwards there will be buying opportunities, such as today.

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According to Wildlife Trusts, an organization instrumental in European rewilding efforts, beavers and the landscapes they generate benefit people and wildlife by helping to reduce downstream flooding — “the channels, dams and wetland habitats that beavers create hold back water and release it more

In Europe, many towns and municipalities are reintroducing beavers where they were previously wiped out. In Scotland, beavers were released into a 44-squarekilometre area in 2009 after a 400year absence. The five-year trial’s success convinced the government to allow beavers to remain.

These tiny animal engineers can improve Ontario wildlife as they build

PROJECTS IN PROGRESS: • 369 Lake Promenade • 11 Berkindale • 710 Hillsdale • 22 Astor • 67 Sutherland • 29 Ava RECENTLY COMPLETED: • 15 McGillivray • 26 St. Hildas • 137 Chiltern Hill • 662 Hillsdale • 131 Alberta COMING SOON: • 59 Lake Promenade • 8 May Tree • 32 Ardmore • 76 Brunswick • 83 Southvale • 561 Briar Hill • 30 Bayfield Cres • 402 St. Clements • 7 Holland Park • 45 Rumsey • 47 Astor • 195 Sutherland • 147 Bombay

David Suzuki is the host of the CBC’s The Nature of Things and author of more than 30 books on ecology (with files from boreal project manager Rachel Plotkin).


The beaver was almost near extinction in Ontario before rewilding efforts eventually brought them back to southwestern Ontario. When beavers build dams, they convert rivers into wetlands or ponds that support the growth of new species — from turtles to crustaceans.

slowly after heavy rain.” They also reduce siltation, and the wetlands sequester carbon, an essential process for fighting the climate crisis.In Vancouver, where I live, beavers in Stanley Park have created new wetland habitat and reduced invasive species like water lilies. (Some human intervention has been necessary, such as protecting a number of trees with wire mesh and taking measures to ensure water levels are maintained.)Beaversaren’t the only animals that engineer the worlds around them, often making them more viable for other creatures. Many do, which has led to efforts worldwide to reintroduce species to fulfill the roles they’ve historically played in maintaining healthy ecosystems. In fact, one could argue that all animals play an active role in shaping the places in which they live, to varying degrees. Some, such as invasive zebra mussels, can negatively reshape ecosystems. The human animal, of course, has engineered some of the worst impacts!

According to Janet Marinelli in Yale Environment 360, “In the past two or three decades, research has underscored the importance of large mammals like bison as ecosystem engineers, shaping and maintaining natural processes and sequestering large amounts of carbon.” She notes that bison wallowing sculpts “depressions in


Beavers have long been considered nuisances. They knock down trees and block waterways, often flooding areas where humans live and gather. But recent moves to leave the beavers alone show they can enhance and restore natural environments.Likeother animals that create, modify and maintain their environments, beavers are referred to as “ecosystem engineers.” In one study, scientists determined busy beavers improve ecosystem health, “increasing species richness at the landscape scale.” They found that in New York’s central Adirondacks, “ecosystem engineering by beaver leads to the formation of extensive wetland habitat capable of supporting herbaceous plant species not found elsewhere in the riparian zone.”



the ground where water can accumulate and sustain healthy stands of Marinelligrass.”also writes, “coral-reef habitats, created by the ecosystem engineer coral species, hold some of the highest abundances of aquatic species in the world,” and, “Prairie dogs are another terrestrial form of allogenic ecosystem engineers due to the fact that the species has the ability to perform substantial modifications by burrowing and turning soil.” Their activity influences “soils and vegetation of the landscape while providing underground corridors for arthropods, avians, other small mammals, and Engineeringreptiles.”cantake many different forms. The most obvious is structural engineering, in which creatures create or modify elements of their habitat. But, as Berke notes, engineers also modify chemical environments and even the levels of light entering a land or seascape. “In modifying light, plankton and filter feeders are analogous to those terrestrial organisms that cast shade, most if not all of which are structural engineers. In terrestrial systems, then, light engineering entirely overlaps with structural engineering, while in marine systems light is largely controlled by organisms that do not create structure.”Ultimately, when we lose wildlife populations, we don’t only lose the animals themselves; we also lose the version of the world that was shaped, in part, by their agency. The result, like so many of our impacts, is less healthy, more monoculture ecosystems that reflect back only human enterprise.

Beavers help ecosystem health by forming new habitats

Leave it to the beavers

Port Perry Agricultural Society and Fair

— Julia Mastroianni

$15 for adults and $8 for kids aged 5 to 13, and those four and under get in free.

want to miss. Get ready to shop handmade, artisan products; grab some fresh cranberries (or try the dipped-in-candy variety for a treat); and stroll through the Cranberry Farmers’ Market — although you might want to do that after you’ve gotten your fill of the whirling carnival rides. Then take a trip to Johnston’s Cranberry Marsh and Muskoka Lakes

Cranberry Festival in Bala


From a weekend dedicated to all things cranberry to an agricultural fair with an extreme rodeo

Winery, where you can book a cranberry plunge (go knee-deep in a sea of cranberries), a wagon tour or a wine and cheese patio tasting. The festival will run from Oct. 14 to 16, and tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for kids.

Paris Fair in Paris

Applefests from Brighton to Bowmanville

From the small town of Bala comes the not-so-small Cranberry Festival. For over 35 years, the Cranberry Festival has been a family-friendly event that art and cranberry enthusiasts alike will not

September and October is the golden season (pun intended) for apples, so celebrate them in classic Ontario fashion — at a local Applefest! Brighton, located near Belleville, is bringing back its free Applefest this year from Sept. 22 to 25. Get ready for a themed parade, the Applefest Lighthouse Bike Ride, helicopter rides in King Edward Park, pancake breakfasts and, of course, the annual street festival hosting over 100 local vendors showcasing all things apple (and more!). Then you can do it all again on Oct. 15 at the annual Applefest in Bowmanville — the one-day, free festival offers every apple creation you can think of! Try fresh-pressed apple cider, homemade apple pies and crisps, cider doughnuts, candy apples and just plain apples too! Insider tip: get to the fresh apple fritter tent early, as they’re a crowd favourite and sure to have a lineup.

5 fall festivals worthy of an Ontario road trip

This annual fair is small town Ontario at its best! From Sept. 3 to 5, prepare for some of the wildest competitions you’ve ever seen. Start off strong with the lawn tractor pull, then watch the demolition derby (essentially real-life bumper cars where participants do as much damage to older cars as they can). Then enjoy the heavy horse show, the extreme rodeo and the horse pulling competition — and don’t forget the homecraft division where exhibitors compete in categories from the heaviest potato to the most oddly shaped vegetable. Tickets for entry cost

Fall is the season of sweater weather and apple picking, but there’s one more perk that will make the cooler weather even better — fall fairs! Ontario is home to over 30 harvest festivals this season, and here are four of the best that you can turn into a road trip or a day trip.

GREAT ESCAPES CURRENTS The Annex 123 Spadina Rd., Toronto 416-961-6446 • We’re celebrating a fresh, new feel. Join us for an Open House celebration to get a taste of our new dining experience and enjoy a tour of our refreshed spaces. Open House Saturday, September 17th • 12:00pm - 4:00pm Don’t wait to discover The Annex. Call 416-961-6446 to RSVP.

Since 1858, the Paris Fair has been around to showcase the best in agriculture and beyond. The fiveday fair opens by partnering with the ambassador competition for mentoring future leaders and closes with the classic horse show. In between, visitors can show off their pooches at the children’s pet show and the extreme dogs show. Other top events include the kids pedal tractor pull and demolition derby. Throughout the weekend, all the classic carnival rides will be open and everything from blooming onions to mini doughnuts will be available. The fair runs from Sept. 1 to 5 with general admission of up to $15 for adults and free for children under 5.

The Paris Fair features everything from theatre shows to pet shows

“I had a family — and a grandmother in particular — who exposed me at a very early age to the performing arts,” she says.


“To get authentic Indigenous representation on the screen, that for sure is a fight, but [there’s] also the beautiful journey of it and how integral it is to self-identify and express ourselves,” says Podemski. “It is exercising such a freedom. And it's pretty unmatched.”

STUDENT: Tamara Podemski

protector. She strived to be the same for her younger sister, Sarah.

GRADUATED: Claude Watson School of the Arts

“To be on set and you look around the room, and you’re seeing Gary Farmer, you’re seeing Kimberly Guerrero, Sarah Podemski, Danis Goulet — it’s a wildPodemskipicture.”says Reservation Dogs does a good job of emulating what it’s like to grow up on a reservation. That in itself is a victory.


episodes in this incredible role of Teenie, who is coming back to the rez and grew up with all the parents of the main kids,” she says. “It was nice to be woven into the existing world already.”

Tamara Podemski on seeing Indigenous representation in Reservation Dogs by Zakiya Kassam

Singing, dancing and acting her way to success

From age eight until she graduated at 18, she attended the Claude Watson School for the Arts in North York, where she was surrounded by aspiring actors, musicians and visual artists. It was there that she performed a traditional Fancy Dance at an assembly in front of her peers — an experience she regards as “claiming her space” as an Indigenous performer for the first time. It’s also where she would meet her first talent agent, who would help her to secure a breakout role as Little Margaret in the Canadian drama film Dance Me Outside. But if you

“I think, because the entertainment business is so isolating, it makes such a difference when you have people that you can trust,” she says. “Within Toronto there was also a very strong Indigenous arts community, and I grew up under their mentorship.”

“That early influence blew my world open for me to know that

“We were in dance clothes all the time. Yeah, it was that dramatic,” she says. “I can't say the same about the academics. The academics just kind of fell to the side.”

Podemski.“Igotto join the cast for two

this way of expressing myself in the world could bring a lot of joy and connection.”Podemski is one of three sisters, and all attended the Claude Watson School for the Arts and went on to act professionally. Podemski describes her older sister Jennifer as a mentor and fierce

Tamara Podemski stars alongside her sister Sarah in ‘Reservation Dogs’

ask Podemski where her love for performing was first sparked, she’ll tell you it was at home.




In her most formative years, Tamara Podemski lived for dance rehearsals. The Toronto-based actor and musician compares her school experience to the television show Fame

Podemski is known for her role of Deputy Sheriff Joy in Outer Range. And this past month, she appeared in season two of Reservation Dogs, which follows the exploits of four Indigenous teenagers in rural Oklahoma.

Reservation Dogs boasts an allIndigenous writers room, crew and regular cast. It is a celebration of legacy talent.


Podemski’s artistic career has spanned three decades and includes a Broadway stint as Maureen Johnson in the Mirvish Production of RENT and a celebrated music career that led her to launch her own label and release three albums.

Podemski plays an onscreen sister to her actual sister Sarah

Tandoori Chicken

Realizing he’s “the one” I can’t think of a specific moment, maybe because it often feels like our entire relationship has been a series of moments confirming that he’s it for me. Every time he makes me laugh, every time he and my mom talk about their shared love of Shelley teacups and old plate patterns and even the time I had a tank top on and he compared me to Linda Hamilton from Terminator 2…if Linda Hamilton had a sister who’d, you know, “lived a little.”

I was working at Terroni on Queen, about to turn 30, and in the midst of a huge crush on a dishwasher who was eight years my junior and who was not Simon. I was feeling a little lost. OK, more than a little lost. Then one day this dishwasher’s friend showed up on the patio. He seemed

The first date

When Jess Allen joined The Social in its first year as a correspondent, she quickly garnered her own fanbase. Viewers were excited when they turned on the TV to see her join the other hosts with her quick wit and commentary. Now, ahead of the premiere of the 10th season of The Social on Sept. 6, we asked Allen to share the details of how she met her longtime partner Simon Gadke.

Lamb Chop Afghani

The courtship

We’re both good at being ridiculous and seeing our ridiculousness, so dinner talk is never dull. We also both share the same taste for extremely dry, crisp and minerally white wines. In short, it’s humour and white wine.

Jess Allen and her partner Simon Gadke CURRENTS

We joke that we will end up like two old Victorian ladies surrounded by their kitschy treasures, sitting in their overgrown garden wearing inlittlestayfriendswritingsippingbluestonetheonerobes.moth-eaten-but-still-fabuloustheirButmytruedreamisthatdaywecanlivepart-timeonislandofCreteinatraditionalhouse,closetothesapphirewaterforspontaneousswims,oncrispcoldwhitewine,atourdesks,hostingourwhomakethejourneytowithusandstillbeingjustalost.Andstillverymuchlove.

How they met

There’s an old saying: the couple that Merchant-Ivorys together, stays together, and we’ve found this to be true. It’s also true of Real Housewiving, Below Decking and Drag Racing together. Our shared interests really run the gamut of high-low: from Coors Light to Barolo, from public pools to sailing on the Mediterranean, which, OK, we’ve only done once, but we hope one day it becomes a hobby.

Aloo Gobi Masala TandooriPomfretGolden Lamb Madras


Secret to success

In a little bit longer, it’s being comfortable with not necessarily having the answers to all the questions this life presents to us.

Harpo, and Groucho (Zeppo never came up). The tension was there when I was ready to head home to my little apartment. So, I very slowly put on my boots. My bulky, unwilling parka. My hat. My gloves. My scarf. Then I asked him if he thought it was absurd that I really liked him. He said no, and then he kissed me.

The Social’s Jess Allen on how she met her best friend and partner Simon Gadke


Saturday, Sunday and Monday: 4pm - 9pm Tuesday to Friday: 3pm - 9pm 1554 Avenue Road, North York 416.789.9797 “Athiti devo bhava” “A guest is equal to god” Ancient Sanskrit Proverb


Our courtship took place over many months. We took tap dancing lessons, we played pool, we watched Marx Brothers movies and ’30s screwball comedies. Late one night, during a snowstorm, I drove over to his parents’ house, probably because he’d just picked up a copy of Horsefeathers from the library. Afterwards, we talked through the finer points of Chico,

We went for dinner at the old Swan restaurant on Queen Street. He ordered swordfish. I ordered beef short ribs. After, we ended up at the Vespa diner for a slice of cherry pie and coffee. Then I drove him home to his parent’s place. Why? Because he still lived with his parents.

Finding love over old movies and short ribs

“I asked if he thought it was absurd I really liked him. He said no, then he kissed me.”

Shared hobbies and interests

I thought, “Here’s a guy who is older, also friends with the dishwasher but doesn’t seem that lost.” I was wrong about two things: Simon was eight years my junior and he was also a little lost.

The future together


3. Steven Spielberg has made personal films before but none are as intimate as The Fabelmans. In the film, the teenage Sammy Fabelman (Gabriel LaBelle) finds the power of movies and storytelling helps him deal with a family crisis. Spielberg’s youngest sister, Nancy, says the film is loosely based on their childhood but thinks the messaging is universal. “There is so much authenticity woven throughout,” she told the Jerusalem Post, “that it had me yearning for our parents and yearning for our childhood with big fat hot tears rolling down my cheeks. My parents are looking

Spielberg set for splashy TIFF debut

SkidmoreFlickr/Gage© Wishes our Friends, Family & ShanaCustomersTova Closing Sun., Sept. 25 at 3:00 pm, Reopening Wed., Sept. 28 at 7:00 am Closing Tues., Oct. 4 at 3:00 pm, Reopening Thurs., Oct. 6 at 7:00 am. CENTRESTREETDELI905-731-80371136CentreStreet, Free in home service Toronto Canada/U.S.A.416-283-2508Wide1-800-668-7439 Protect your Table from • Heat• Spills• Dents • Scratches with a custom table pad Made in Canada Magnetic Locking System

Here’s a look at 10 real deal movies at this year’s fest.

7. Set against a background of wartorn Syria, The Swimmers, directed by Sally El Hosaini, tells the incredible and true story of Yusra and Sara Mardini, sisters who fled Damascus to find a new life and a chance at competing in the Olympics. The harrowing story of survival, that includes a dangerous voyage in a small boat packed with refugees across the Mediterranean Sea, was described by Cameron Bailey as “an exciting, epic journey and the arrival of an important filmmaker."


6. At age 15, Cea Sunrise Person was working as a high-fashion model in Manhattan and Paris. North of Normal, the new film from director Carly Stone, tells the story of Person’s unconventional childhood with hippie mother Michelle, played by Sarah Gadon, and her journey from the wilderness of Alberta and British Columbia to the runways of the fashion world. “Cea’s memoir was gripping,” Gadon told Deadline, “and I knew Carly Stone was the perfect director to bring her story to the screen.”

Director Steven Spielberg brings his latest ‘The Fabelmans’ to Toronto

With a full slate of in-person screenings, red carpets and more, the Toronto International Film Festival is celebrating the return of real, or should we say reel, life from Sept. 8 to 18.

down at their four children and kvelling.”


who co-directed the documentary with filmmaker Chelsea McMullan, employs a mix of concert footage, excerpts from her novel Split Tooth, interviews that explore stories of pain and jubilation and illustrations and animation by Inuk artist Shuvinai Ashoona. “Ever Deadly is meant to be an experience, to flood over you and take you on a journey guided by a live performance for the ages,” says McMullan.

5.Moonage Daydream promises a look into legendary artist David Bowie’s sound and vision like no other. It is an immersive look at the life and career of the legendary artist, which features previously unreleased footage from Bowie's personal archives and is the first film to be officially authorized by the musician’s estate. A career as long and complex as Bowie's can't possibly be contained in a traditional doc, so Brent Morgen's sensory approach is ideal to capture Bowie's enigmatic magic.

2. The National Film Board of Canada says of Ever Deadly that it is a documentary look at Polaris Prize–winning musician Tanya Tagaq’s “transformation of sound with an eye to colonial fallout, natural freedom and Canadian history.” To bring that to life, Tagaq

1. The larger-than-life Spanish artist Salvador Dalí gets the big screen treatment in Dalíland, the closing night film of this year’s Toronto International Film Festival. Set in 1973, the film sees Ben Kingsley play the mercurial artist as his marriage to his muse Gala (Barbara Sukowa) begins to show its wear and tear. Director Mary Harron, whose husband John Walsh wrote the script, says the film is bittersweet but adds, “There’s a lot of comedy in it.”

4. “I Like Movies is based on my experiences working at a Blockbuster Video in Burlington, Ontario, in the early 2000s,” says Toronto writer/director Chandler Levack. It’s the story of how movie obsessive Lawrence Kweller (Isaiah Lehtinen) allows his love of film, dream of attending New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts and anxiety to alienate the most important people in his life. The Toronto-based Levack, who studied cinema at the University of Toronto and screenwriting at the Canadian Film Centre, is thrilled to be part of TIFF this year. “It is no exaggeration when I say premiering my first feature at TIFF 22 is the single greatest achievement of my life.”

The top 7 films to check out at this year’s film festival by Richard Crouse

that time, it was nothing more than a fun hobby to him.

pioneer in the online education space. He represents a small category of Canadian athletes who were able to make it out of the country, compete at the highest level and make a global name for themselves. Latifi has noticed the sport growing across North America in the past few years as education and awareness have gone up drastically.

As Latifi’s contract expires at the end of 2022, he is hoping to score his first points of the year at the Dutch Grand Prix on Sept. 4. His FW22 chassis just got a new set of upgrades that Latifi utilized in a rapid performance, which landed him the final qualifying round for the first time in his career. Need for speed, indeed.

For most professional race car drivers, their career started a decade before they could legally drive. But Latifi, now a household name among Formula 1 fans, was already 13 by the time he took a liking to the sport.

But Latifi has only spent a total of eight days back home since he began driving F1, a fleeting break for the driver who predominantly spends his time in London, England. But feeling homesick is part and parcel of being a young racer with an international dream.

He and racer Lance Stroll from Montreal get the honour of being the only Canadian drivers to enter F1 in over 20 years.

is not very accessible,” Latifi says. “We need to bring the costs down at the grassroots level. It’s not like playing soccer or tennis or basketball, where you need a ball, a pair of shoes and that’s about it.… With karting, you need to potentially drive hours from where you live, have the kart, the tires, the fuel and the time.”

In 2019, Williams signed Latifi as a reserve driver. However, Latifi would spend the majority of his time racing in Formula 2 for DAMS, which would turn out to be his final campaign.

“The reason why I got into karting [a road racing variant] is because I enjoyed it. I found it really, really fun. I got into it without the intention of ever pursuing it as a career,” says the 27-year-old over a Zoom call.

Down the line, Latifi hopes the sport continues to grow, allowing kids to begin karting under much more affordable circumstances. Toronto is home to select go-kart tracks, and local drivers can race under TRAK, a registered and non-profit corporation that is tied directly to the FIA (Formula racing’s governing body).

Latifi chose the number 6 at the start of his rookie season, a reference to the city he calls home. “It’s where I’m from, where I was raised, and the city I’m proud to be representing,” he wrote on his website.

Formula 1 has shot up in popularity, potentially topping 1 billion fans worldwide this year. Although Netflix’s Drive to Survive series deserves credit, the allure of rivalry and competition is the reason why fans are flocking to the 2020, Torontonians, who had no real skin in the game, sat back and cheered on the sports contributors. However, after stints with two different teams, Williams Racing gave a homegrown talent the chance to take a seat on its team. And on the opening day of the 2020 season, Nicholas Latifi heard the infamous words of British sportscaster David Croft.


He would go on to kart all around Ontario, slowly developing a love for the sport. However, at

“Lights out, and away we go.”

Latifi’s time at Williams, he would serve as a test driver for Renault and Force India in Formula 1. His flair and ability to adapt allowed teams to gather data quickly and proved to both teams and himself that he deserved a seat on an F1 team.

From top: Nicholas Latifi; Williams Racing offered Latifi a seat on its team

Latifi is more than just a


by Marcus Mitropoulos

Latifi was one of the luckier ones —his father, Michael Latifi, is the CEO of Sofina Foods Inc., and his mother, Marilena, was born into the Saputo family, of dairy company Saputo Inc. fame. Sofina Foods has remained a major sponsor for Latifi since his career took off.


Toronto’s Nicholas Latifi overcame incredible odds to earn his spot on the Formula 1 race circuit.To become a professional hockey player, you’re competing against thousands for around 700 spots in the National Hockey League. Not even remotely easy. But to become a professional Formula 1 driver? You’re competing against thousands for 20 spots — no more, no less. Since 2020 one of those coveted spots has belongs to Latifi.

While attending Crescent School, Latifi says, “The nine years I spent here were a real privilege.” His former headmaster, Michael Fellin, says that Latifi was the “pioneer of remote learning” as he attempted to balance his fast-paced racing career with his studies.

“It’s a very important question that I’ve asked myself a lot. Naturally, with pursuing something at a high level, there are sacrifices,” he says. “My life and my social circle slowly shifted away from the friends I had at school and moved toward people in the racing world. In my teenage years, I definitely missed out on a lot. You know, social gatherings, parties every now and then, I would be at none of these.”

Before Latifi got his big break, he says he had his best experiences driving cars in Formula 2. “My years in Formula 2, particularly 2017 and 2019, were really enjoyable. They were more competitive years, always fighting for podiums, so that was cool.”

It wasn’t until he began tasting success that Latifi quickly shot up the ranks from Formula 3, then Formula Renault 3.5, and finally Formula 2 in Europe and beyond.

After claiming four wins, eight podiums and the Vice Champion of F2 title, Latifi was given the nod to replace Robert Kubica, one of Williams’ drivers at the time. Since then, Latifi has maintained his seat on the grid through multiple seasons.

In the years leading up to

By this time, Latifi was still continuing his grade school studies at Crescent School in Toronto. However, he would spend his last year and a half online as he travelled and won races.Inhigh school, he had to decide what meant more to him — growing up with a “normal” childhood or his career?

Since achieving his dream, Latifi has been focused on helping others achieve their own.

“The biggest thing is the sport

So how did Latifi, a former Crescent School student and a kid who grew up in Toronto, become one of only 20 Formula 1 drivers in the world?


627 Mt. Pleasant Rd.

Kate Chomyshyn and Julio Guajardo, of former Quetzal fame, opened FONDA BALAM last year backed by celeb chef Matty Matheson, and they’ve been serving up perfect, crispy tacos ever since. Try their signature taco de birria when you visit. 802 Dundas St. W.


Hidden in the back of a Hasty Market, FLAMING STOVE is a must for any shawarma fan. Trad saj bread is handmade and filled with falafel or chicken.

We swear it’s not just ’cause Drake loves it, but SOTTO SOTTO sure knows its pasta. All the faves are here — cacio e pepe, linguine alla puttanesca, rigatoni ai quattro formaggi — dished out with a side of romance. 120 Avenue Rd.

Doughnuts from The Rolling Pin



Come for the $16 fish and chips with a storied British past, stay for the cosy atmosphere and friendly faces.

SMITH is only open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the weekend. But when you can squeeze in a reso, try the huevos rancheros or croque madame and watch the hangover melt away. They also do epic bloody caesars. 553 Church St.

PHILOXENIA does salt baked fish tableside, zucchini chips and an incredible moussaka. The vision of Hanif Harji has helped create what is quite possibly the 905’s best restaurant.


21 Davisville Ave.


Originally a Kensington wholesale business, this doughnut shop has turned into one of Toronto’s most in-demand brands. Try the ferrero rocher doughnut for decadent goodness or the cherry cream supreme for a twist on a classic. 1505 Gerrard St. E.

North York’s favourite neighbourhood doughnut shop has perfected the art of holed desserts, from your classic yeasty confectionary to extremely Instagrammable innovations like biscoff cheesecake and fluffernutter flavours.


3347 Yonge St.



There isn’t much Indonesian food in T.O., but fortunately LITTLE SISTER does an incredible job. Nibble on satay lilet skewers with Balinese spiced chicken and flavour-

Since COVID claimed Planta spinoff Palm Lane, we’ve been making our own salads. Well, no more! MANDY’S came from Montreal and brought along its made-toorder salads, with a selection of more than 50 ingredients, to two T.O. locations.

OLDE YORK FISH AND CHIPS serves up all kinds of fried fish battered in the owner’s own family recipe. 96 Laird Dr.

52 Ossington Ave.

1970 Avenue Rd.

BOBBETTE & BELLE has earned its popularity. Try the carrot cupcake with cream cheese frosting or ultimate chocolate one to see what all the fuss is about.







532 Eglinton Ave. W.


This spot is known for its authentic Indian dishes cooked on a coal tandoor. The pre-set thali at COPPER CHIMNEY is a popular lunch option, and the jumbo prawns or chicken marinated in tandoori spices are local faves.


This was too close to call!

Around for a cool 78 years (since 1944), AVENUE DINER is a beacon of comfort. Get endless coffee poured by Louis Klasios and his team while filling up on the massive all-day breakfast, or try the banquet burgers.

222 Davenport Rd.

Carb lovers can savour THOBORS’s fresh baguettes, like-in-Paris croissants and veg-studded fougasse. Sweeter bites include macarons in flavours like apricot-rosemary.

8199 Yonge St., Thornhill

365 Wilson Ave.

Mention ramen, and there’s bound to be a debate raging. For us, TOUHENBOKU takes the, well, noodles. Go white ramen in a creamy broth or the red spicy version. 2459 Yonge St.

BEST FILIPINO WILSON’S HOUSE OF LECHON in the burgeoning barbecue intersection of Bathurst and Wilson is our go-to. The chicken and pork skewers grilled over open charcoal are perhaps the city’s best.

You’ll find gelato close to what you had in Italy at HOTEL GELATO. Try the pistachio or hazelnut, and you’ll know exactly what we mean.




SURESH DOSS has become the go-to guy for the CBC, the Star and Smorgasburg Food Festival. Read him, watch him — he knows the suburbs better than anyone, from Scarborough to Mississauga to Brampton. If you’re a foodie, he’s one to watch.

Although SUNNY’S CHI NESEjust opened last month, this restaurant from the team behind MIMI Chinese already has a cult following, thanks to its exclusive pop-up days. This new spot offers ingredient-driven dishes from all across China. 60 Kensington Ave.

BEST MACARONS With NADÈGE, chef Nadège Nourian made her name with pastel-hued macarons in indulgent flavours like hazelnut praline, cotton candy and blueberry vanilla. 1099 Yonge St.





Its delightfully flaky exterior cocoons a melt-in-yourmouth centre. RAHIER’s croissant has yet to be beat. 1586 Bayview Ave.



When the mood for takeout strikes, dial up C’EST BON. It’s got egg fried rice with chicken, pork and shrimp. It’s got spicy Sichuan noodles with veg. It’s got chow mein. And more! 2685 Yonge St.







BEST MODERN DINER Sam and Robert have created a true north T.O. landmark with UNCLE BETTY’S DINER. Tuck into comforting eats like the meat loaf sammie, fancy hot dogs and grown-up mac and cheese with pancetta and truffle oil. 2590 Yonge St.


We haven’t had it yet, but we’re going to guess Brandon Olsen, who became famous making it as the staff meal at Bar Isabel and then later at Le Banane, is crushing it at the new GRATEFUL CHICKEN inside Chef’s Hall on Richmond. 111 Richmond St. W.

Bagel and a schmear? Anthony Rose’s andwhitefish,more.APPETIZINGSCHMALTZdoesthatandWelikeourswithgravlax,dillcukeshorseradishcreamcheese. Dupont St.


Burger snobs can’t go wrong at HOLY CHUCK. The inventive menu jumps from its signature burg to one with Ontario lamb and crispy chicken on top. 1450 Yonge St.

This spot is related to the space that boasts the second oldest wings in Buffalo. Twin T.O. brothers brought Buffalo’s best to Hogtown with DUFF’S WINGS.FAMOUS 1604 Bayview Ave.

BEST INDIE COFFEE Head to this micro roaster and café for perfect espressos pulled from seasonal beans. DE MELLO PALHETA is also known for its freshly baked goods including the popular daily quiche. 2489 Yonge St.

3328 Yonge St.

Chef Masaki Saito moved here from New York, where he had earned two Michelin stars, and set up in Yorkville with only one thing on the menu — a $680 omakase dinner. People wait months to try his lavish creations. 88 Avenue Rd.


3248 Yonge St.



This race was too close to call!

Helmed by Patrick Kriss, the classically prepared, contemporary French cuisine and ambience at ALO makes it the home of one of the coveted seats in town. Snag a reso here and be the hero of the night. 163 Spadina Ave.



The intimate and deceptively humble 20 VICTORIA has been wowing Torontonians since it opened last year. The menu focuses on seasonal ingredients and simple yet nuanced flavours.

This polished uptown restaurant helmed by chef Jackie Lin takes a cue from Tokyo’s high-end sushi restaurants. Diners have a choice of two omakase menus, the priciest of which includes wagyu and caviar dishes.


Since 1953, oilsthetheirsalmonTorontoSONSand-operatedfamily-owned-jointKRISTAP-hasbeenprovidingwiththebestsmokedoutthere.Theysmokesalmoncold,allowingforfishtoretainitsomega-3(andsuper-tendertaste).

Albert Wiggan opened ALBERT’S REAL JAMAICAN FOODS 35 years ago to serve items like jerk chicken loaded into a super-soft coco bun along with fresh veg. 542 St. Clair Ave. W.

Coffee shop by day, cocktail bar by night, BOXCAR SOCIAL is known for its crafty cocktails and wine and beer list. They may have Summerhill’s best secluded patio. 1208 Yonge St.

DREYFUS is the brainchild of Joe Beef alum Zach Kolomeir. Beyond tiny, this could be Toronto’s smallest high-end eatery. Not since Susur Lee opened on Niagara Street has such a wee place produced such big flavours.



300 Eglinton Ave. W.

This old school Italian delicatessen is also home to a hidden sandwich bar at the back and the nicest staff on the planet. You have to try the prosciutto sandwich with fig jam, buffalo mozzarella, spicy salami and balsamic.

The bakers here know their way around a pie. Award-winning creations at PHIPPS BAKERY include lattice-style fruit pies and a super-rich caramel and pecan number. 420 Eglinton Ave. W.


Authentic Italian fare at 7 NUMBERS includes squash blossom fritters that come out every fall — but the lasagna is a showstopper. Catch chef Mama Rosa in the kitchen, doling out her special ingredient: love. 516 Eglinton Ave. W.

We love GREENHOUSE JUICE for its organic coldpressed liquids that are pumped full of superfood ingredients. The Gatsby with kale and apple is a must. 5 Macpherson Ave.

Owned by Vito Rizzuto of Five Doors North fame, this artisanal butcher shop has meat pies, quiche and some of the best steaks in town. Plus no question is too trivial for the people behind the counter at THE BUTCHER’S SON. 2055 Yonge St.

130 Ossington Ave.


BAGEL WORLD is hands down Toronto’s best bagel — but not just any bagel. You must order the twister; think nutty, salty goodness. 336 Wilson Ave.


96 Harbord St.

YITZ’S DELi has been gone for five years — but is it ? At Summerhill Market, they revived the brand with recipes f rom the original Yitz. Close your eyes and imagine your hand on the giant hot dog door handles that used to grace Yitz’s. 446 Summerhill Ave.

5469 Yonge St.








A sandwich fromOriginalPancer’sDeli


Stop by EATALY for the fresh pasta bar take it and make it at home and you won’t believe the quality Try the caccio e pepe round ravioli or our fave, ricotta and spinach -filled square raviolis. Don’t forget to grab pistachios for garnish. 55 Bloor St.W

This deli has been around for 65 years. Grab a huge pastrami (this is Pancer’s Original’s best meat), and if you want authentic, order kishka (potato-stuffed derma with gravy) or a knish (pastramifilled Jewish meat patty).


3856 Bathurst St.


GÔUTER serves Parisianquality kouign-amann (butter cake), the king of French desserts — forget chocolate, think butter and a subtle sweetness.

This race was too close to call!

KWAN dishes out delights every day but Tuesday: steamed ’shroom and truffle dumplings, chicken siu mai, pork pot stickers. Save space for steamed egg custard buns (or the classic BBQ pork version). 808 York Mills Rd.

Whatever your heart desires, THE ABBOT has it all. Get the club sammie (maple-ginger glazed chicken with bacon on brioche) or the shepherd’s pie (rosemary gravy–laced beef and veg with mashed potatoes). 508 Eglinton Ave.W

A tiny French butcher shop by day, Parisian steak house by night, CÔTE DE BOEUF is run to perfection and priced fairly. They serve grass-fed, beautifully aged steak, impeccable oysters and the rich namesake main.

BEST FALAFEL PARALLEL wins this one. But here’s the catch. They don’t make a falafel sandwich — you order a plate of the delicate (read: non-greasy) falafel balls, a side of pita and either a Parallel or tabouli salad and you make your own sandwich.

217 Geary Ave.



BEST UDON MENAMI offers an unbelievable noodle experience, from nagasaki to curry udon. The owner studied for several years with an udon master in Japan — believe it! Next time your ramen buddies come calling, take them here instead.



2021 Yonge St.

498 Eglinton Ave. W.


1007 Yonge St.

LOVES YOU The mother-daughter team at MAMA LOVES YOU offers a wide selection of vintage garments for both men and women, stretching far into the past right up to the ’90s. We love the cool Queen West vibe at this shop. 541 Queen St. W.


ZERO20 KIDSoffers stylish outfits to kids everywhere. The large 8,000-square-foot boutique has grown to become such a size due to the company's overwhelming popularity.


156 Duncan Mill Rd, #19

LOVERSLAND has the perfect wedding dress for the big day, as well as an incredible selection of cocktail dresses for that fall gala. The shop is wrapped in a boho vibe with amazing service.


1224 Yonge St.

ANDREWS offers the best in luxury fashion for women. Here, you’ll find the most coveted brands, everyday essentials and a knowledgeable team that comes with a long-standing family business.

BLACK GOAT is doing its darndest to drape us in ultrasoft cashmere. It’s got hats, shawls, turtlenecks, leg warmers and, yes, socks — all crafted from luxe long strands of cashmere from Mongolian goats.

2901 Bayview Ave.



662 Mount Pleasant Rd.

7700 Pine Valley Dr.



BEST COTTAGE CHIC Timeless casual classic apparel at the trendy midtown shop LEMONWOOD will have you looking your best whether at the launch in Muskoka or at that fall backyard soirée.


215 Ossington Ave.


HAVEN has asserted itself out of T.O.’s top streetwear spots. The store is always stocked to the brim with brands, ranging from designer houses to technical, functional.

SILVER SNAIL made the move from Yonge and Dundas to Queen West last year, so now you get the fun of snagging your favourite comic book (trust us, they have them all) without trekking up all those stairs. 809 Queen St. W.


THE COOP is a longstanding, bi-level menswear boutique offering the best designer labels and shoes amid a rusticchic vibe.Everything you could need to look your best,with the vibe of a small boutique.




CHOSEN offers a terrific selection of well-worn vintage pieces, paired with a sprinkle of designer goods, and even vintage accessories, books and housewares. Owner Melissa Ball is a gem and has a fantastic eye. 1599 Dundas St. W. BEST BOUTIQUESVINTAGE VS. This race was too close to call!

COMPANY is a fantastic local shop with an awesome selection, a friendly service department and even community events and rides.


Instill a love of reading in your youngster at MABEL’S FABLES. From baby to teen and everything in between, this magical bookstore has the whole family covered.

The ever-dapper Derrick Adams of STUDIO D sure knows his soles. His gorgeous picks hail from the likes of Rayne London, Sebastian Milano and MSGM. Your feet will thank you.


Whether you need a raincoat or a grooming session for your furry friend, DOGFATHER & CO is the place. They also offer teeth cleaning for the pups that want an all-natural treatment.

190 Richmond St. E.


131 Bloor St. W.

BELLA is part of the fabric of the Eglinton nabe. Scan the boutique’s Instagram to spot owner Melissa Guido donning daily inspo. Staples like ruffly frocks, playful jumpsuits and wrap sweaters abound.

960 Bathurst St.

Since 1975, OVER THE RAINBOW has been the place to go in Toronto for the best denim on the planet, including all the latest styles from Citizensof Humanity to Nudie Jeans.

55 Bloor St. W., Suite 55

55 Bloor St.W., Suite 123

A 1960s Irving Nadler set from Mama Loves You


110 Bloor St. W., Lower Level

A work of art ChronicfromInk

BEST SKIN CARE CONSONANT SKINCARE is constantly impressing us with their research-backed products that do exactly as they promise. Try the hydrextreme serum for a formula that outperforms current trendy hero ingredient hyaluronic acid.

24 Kensington Ave. VS.

Vegetation beckons from every corner of APRICOT FLOW

Midtown consignment shop REWIND COUTUREis hard to beat when it comes to highly curated designer finds for less. You’ll find a few Hermes scarves for almost half the price in their new arrivals section. 577 Mt. Pleasant Rd.



This Kensington Market mainstay has quickly established a name for itself as one of the premier tattoo destinations in the city, thanks to the creative artists who exude passion for their craft.


2 Roxborough St. W.

911 Millwood Rd.


Think that trusty toaster is, um, toast? Chances are, the folks at FIX IT AGAIN SAM think otherwise. The team here can revive your beloved household items like no other.

BEST HAIRSTYLIST L ooking for an extraordinary experience at a hair salon? JIE P RIVÉ SALON is the place. Jie Matar has a personality that is larger than life and prices that match the quality. 180 Davenport Rd.

535 Eglinton Ave. W.

KANER’S in Yorkville is a trusted secret gem capable of not only giving new life to your lovely loafers and flats but also that designer handbag you can’t seem to get rid of.

Rosedale’s GEE BEAUTY is beloved by stylish peeps like the Coveteur’s Stephanie Mark and more. With Gee’s help, put your very best brows, skin and face forward.


432 Bloor St. W.


For over 75 years, special.larityappliancesellingAPPLIANCEShaveCAPLANbeenTorontonianspremiumbrands.Therepopu-andqualitymakethem 1111 Weston Rd.

ROYAL LIGHTING has a wide selection of unique European fixtures, and they stock some very hard to find bulbs. Staff will be happy to help you find the parts you need. 1549 Avenue Rd.

540 Eglinton Ave. W.



An antique shop that’s home to everything from vintage diamond rings to props from Guillermo del Toro’s Nightmare Alley, CYNTHIA FINDLAY FINE JEWELLERY & AN TIQUESis real a treasure trove – and staff are as knowledgeable as they are friendly! 284 King St. W.




819 Queen St. W.

BEST HARDWARE STORE WIENER’S HARDWAREHOMEisthe oldest and we think the best in the city for all your household needs, from tools to grills to glue guns.




With a downtown, midtown and Vaughan location, CHRONIC INK is an ideal place to go for those getting their first tattoo, as staff are warm, friendly and willing to take you through the process step by step.


This race was too close to call!

There’s so much more to brows and lashes these days than plucking and mascara. Fret not, FLIRTY FLUTTERS covers it all, from micro-blading brows to mega volume lash extensions, which are surprisingly light. 691 Mt. Pleasant Rd.

That delectable dinner that crept its way onto a beloved dress will be long forgotten after a trip here. You can trust ASHFORD CLEANERS with your finest frippery — Ashford will even do couture!

252 Eglinton Ave. E.


Looking for an authentic barbershop experience with an ambience and style that makes you feel welcome and well taken care of, then be sure to visit LATHER & STEEL for the best men’s grooming in the city. 1009 Yonge St.

In addition to offering the classic fingers and toes beautifying mani-pedi, LTS NAILS has an organic version with Arbonne products for the naturalista in the nabe. You can get your wax on at the same time.


ERS. Nature’s quirks are embraced in cacti, succulents and bright blooms, all carefully curated by delightful owner Cathy Kim. 621A Mt. Pleasant Rd.

Since 1995, Chad Wolfond has worked to establish the charming LONSDALE GALLERY in Forest Hill village as one of the city’s go-to contemporary spaces. Check out the Changing Tides exhibition beginning Sept. 10.

BEST CONCERT VENUE KOERNER HALL is an acoustic marvel and an amazing use of a historic space at the Royal Conservatory of Music. It’s always a pleasure to head to this venue for a show. Wonderful size, proportions and ambience make it special.

Pipeline, a productionrecentatSoulpepper



The City of Toronto moved forward with a plan to name the area in front of the Russian Consulate as FREE UKRAINE SQUARE to support our friends.

One of the Payette.artisticbestlongest-runningcity'sandtheatresunderthedirectionofMikeCheckoutHan-nahMoscovitch’s


30 Bridgman Ave.

345 Carlaw Ave.


7 Queens Quay E.





This east end theatre has established itself as a cherished cultural hub in the neighbourhood, thanks to its thoughtfully curated lineup and its multipurpose space. Watch out for an adaptation of the novel Fifteen Dogs this season.

too close to call!

VS.VS. This


Although the city seems to be overrun with comedy clubs lately, there is still nothing better than a night out at YUK YUK’S, the birthplace of some of the best even like Jim Carrey and Howie Mandel.


CASA LOMA continues to create spectacular events for the city, including some awesome escape room adventures such as the Murdoch Mysteries series running right now. It’s the perfect complement to the city’s famed castle.

Toronto has become immersive experience central over the last few years. Although we love them all, it’s hard to top the FRIENDS EXPERIENCE. A pop culture touchstone, this event allows participants to put themselves inside the show.

1 Austin Terr.


And the venerable BEN MCNALLY BOOKS continues to set a very high bar.

PostDemocracy opening on Nov. 8.

410 Spadina Rd.

Soulpepper, under new(ish) artistic director Weyni Mengesha continues to explore fantastic and significant works as well as cherished classics. We are so excited about this season’s revival of Da Kink in My Hair! 50 Tank House Lane race was


Although it’s happening slowly, the city is taking opportunities where it can to create a complete and safe separated cycling network, including new lanes on Yonge and University and those planned for Eglinton.

There are some new venues that have opened up, but we love the AXIS CLUB (formerly Mod Club). Housed in a historic building right in Little Italy, it’s the perfect balance of intimate and large enough to showcase amazing talent. Don’t miss Jeremie Albino Sept. 20.


We love a good movie theatre that combines history with modern amenities: the best example is the PARADISE THEATRE, which has a range of live performances along with thoughtful film selections and great amenities.

224 Richmond St. W.


60 St. Clair Ave. E.

2400 Yonge St.


BEST LOCAL POLITICIAN Outgoing city councillor JOE CRESSY was a fine leader during the pandemic, heading up the vaccination team whose passion for the people of Toronto and his loud voice on council will be missed.

BEST NEW FOOD FEST SMORGASBURG has taken the city by storm since launching this summer. Imported from Brooklyn, this festival curates an incredible array of the city’s best food every Saturday until Sept. 10.

1006 Bloor St. W.

3401 Dufferin St.



Yes, Toronto has had a huge year in pop culture, but we think Domee Shi’s love letter to her hometown in the Pixar animated movie Turning Red is about as good as it gets.


The vinyl album trend seems to have plateaued but has left a number of fine music shops in the city ideal for shuffling the stacks. But the best is SONIC BOOM, where you can even get an album from the PhonoMat vending machine.

273 Bloor St. W.

317 Adelaide St. E.


722 College St.

What makes a good book shop is more than just a lot of books. It’s well-read workers that can guide the experience. It’s an atmosphere, a vibe if you will.

215 Spadina Ave.

Hip pickleball aficionados have a fun new midtown facility to partake in the social sport. FAIRGROUNDS just opened last month with four colourful courts, as well as food, beverages and a feel-good vibe, but no membership fees.

36 | POST 2022SEPTEMBER| Everything Must Go! Dining Room Furniture; Desks; Side Tables; Commodes; Chests of Drawers; Chandeliers; Lamps & Decorative Accessories Tuesday to Friday 11-4; Saturday 11-2 Appointments Available 3317 Yonge Street, Toronto (Yonge at Fairlawn) 416 482 3317 JOHN YOUNG GALLERIES English and French CLEARANCERETIREMENTFurnitureSALE50%-70%OffStorewide Turning houses into homes since 1977 T. 416.636.5495 680 Rivermede Road . Concord . Ontario Keele St., North of Highway #7www.AltaModaFurniture.comCustomFurnishings.Bedrooms. Dining Rooms. Sofas. Dinettes FALL HOME DESIGN

37 | POST 2022SEPTEMBER| SaleEnd-of-SeasonGreatSavings!LimitedTime. Toronto: Castlefield Design District Vaughan: Highway 7 & 427 Woodbridge IMPROVE THE CURB APPEAL I MPROVE OR ADD G ARDENS YOURRETHINKSPACE Small Changes Can Create Big Innovative, single-component, scuff-resistant latex formula for long-term durability and minimal maintenance. Full sheen assortment: Matte, Eggshell, Peal, Semi-Gloss At the corner of Dufferin and Wilson since 1959. ©2020 Benjamin Moore & Co., Limited. Aura, Benjamin Moore, Gennex, and the triangle “M” symbol are registered trademarks, and Colour Lock is a trademark of Benjamin Moore & Co., Ltd. 4/20 3620 Dufferin Street, Toronto, ON 416 635 6560 FALL HOME DESIGN


• Once cooked, take the steak off and place on a cutting board to rest.

- Pint of pine mushrooms

- Fresh Thyme

The sautéed wild mushrooms are a perfect complement to the steak and bring the whole meal together. Your guests will love the aromas from the BBQ, and they will get everyone excited for what is to come. Slicing the tomahawk steak tableside adds a rustic wow factor that will be sure to impress.

- Fresh Rosemary

As summer winds down, our thoughts turn to rustic, hearty meals to enjoy with family and friends, and we know they will love this showstopper dish. The tomahawk steak served with a side of wild mushrooms is easy to cook, a ton of fun and super delicious.

• Place a cast iron pan on your grill over high heat. Pour a drizzle of olive oil in the pan. Add the mush rooms and give a light stir. Add two cracked bulbs of garlic to the pan.

Ingredients:-Largetomahawk steak, bone-in (2-inch steak) - Kosher salt - Pepper - Olive Oil - Pint of chanterelle mushrooms

• Give the mushrooms a rough chop. No need to wash the mushrooms.

It’s the perfect time to fire up the grill and enjoy the warmer weather with family and friends. A family-run business for over 75 years that is renowned as the destination for delivering dream kitchens – both indoor and outdoors – Caplan’s has sponsored a new cooking series that focuses on cooking simple and delicious recipes outdoors. Hosted by acclaimed chefs Rob Rossi and Craig Harding, Open Fire creates delicious, innovative dishes, and one of their favourite recipes is shared with you here.

Steak & Wild Mushrooms

L-R Open Fire hosts Chefs Rob Rossi and Craig Harding, Steak with Wild Mushrooms

• Over a medium-high heat on your grill, place the steak and cook for around 10 minutes each side. A meat thermometer should read an internal tempera ture of 130 degrees.

• Take out tomahawk steak 30 minutes before cooking to rest. Season with kosher salt and pepper gener ously. Add a drizzle of olive oil.


• Strip a few pieces of rosemary and thyme into the pan. Add some cracked pepper and two pinches of salt after the mushrooms have cooked for a few min utes. Next up, add two tablespoons of unsalted butter and cook for 2 more minutes then place in a serving bowl.


- 2 bulbs of garlic

- Unsalted butter

A Late Summer Grilling Recipe from Chefs Rob Rossi & Craig Harding

Be sure to tune in to Open Fire, airing weekly on TLN, for more recipes.

• Slice the steak against the grain and serve with the wild mushrooms. Enjoy!




“They use the interior of the red bean, so it’s really pasty and smooth. It makes the flavour very mellow. It smells like a roast pork bun but has the look of a cake. Not my favourite. I don’t love the lard aftertaste.”

The chef helms Patois, Bar Mignonette and Ting Irie, the first Jamaican restaurant in Dubai.

1800 Sheppard Ave. E., $42 for 4 oubl e the yolk,doublethe a s t e

6464 Yonge St. #122, $37 for 4


353 Broadview Ave., $20.60 for 4

283 Dundas St. W., $7 for 5

Eaten during the Mid-Autumn Festival, mooncakes are presented as a gift to friends and family. Chef Craig Wong gives us the scoop on the best of these traditionally red bean– or lotus-paste-filled Chinese delicacies in Toronto.




270 West Beaver Creek Rd., Richmond Hill, $78 for 6 light


300 John St. #141, $33Thornhill,for6


“It has that pork flavour to it. It’s interesting. Maybe I have some more growing up to do so that I can appreciate this one a little more. I would definitely buy this for the older people in my life.”


“Very gingery, porky, there’s actually some candied winter melon. There are pieces that have so much sugar on them that they crystalize and become crunchy.”

345 Spadina Ave., $7.50 per piece

“It’s pasty, it’s heavy. As a kid, this is everything that I didn’t like in a mooncake because I would bite into them, hoping for lotus, but I’d get this. I appreciate it a lot more now.”





“It’s really cool, not something you see quite often. Foodies would definitely get this set from me as a gift. The winter melon is a lot lighter than the lotus or the beans.”

S t e l l ar crust+



4910 Yonge St., $62 for 6




“They’re using salted egg yolk as a basis for a custard. It’s not traditional, but it’s cool. I would buy this set for my younger cousins. This has a modern approach, but it doesn’t fulfill my soul.”


“The smell is a clean, uplifting scent. It has a double yolk, which is a classic move. It’s a quintessential mooncake, and the yolk is oily, which I like. I would buy this set for myself.”


For the mature pal at e




“Wow, this is delicious. This one tastes like a very nice, clean white bean. The crust is nice, and so is the scent. I expected it to be way more dense in flavour and texture, but it’s actually very pleasant.”

40 | POST 2022SEPTEMBER| From Concept to Creation, We Inspire by Building Your Exquisite Home. C o n t a c t u s t o p l a n y o u r d r e a m h o m e 1899 Avenue Rd. Toronto 416.881.1010 FALL HOME DESIGN

“Now Toronto is where Americans and Europeans are looking to see what’s next.”

“There’s nothing quite like everyone sitting down together over a plate of something wonderful, so I generally get the task. I also don’t think anyone in the family wants to compete with me, that’s for sure.”



ambassador of Toronto and he still is,” Boulud says. “I love his energy and creativity and the videos are incredible that he makes with his son.”The thought of chef Daniel Boulud watching Susur deconstruct Taco Bell on TikTok is startling, but Boulud says it’s important for restaurants to remain current, and he also wants to debunk the snooty fine dining air. Bouloud says he learned an important lesson during the pandemic, and that was to not take himself so seriously. There are financial goals at all of his restaurants, and supply chain issues and interest rates are impacting the bottom line of his business. Boulud is having trouble finding people to staff his global restaurants and says he’s feeling a burden unlike anything he’s felt before. But Boulud, reached at his farm outside Lyon, with a smile, says he feels gratitude. Cooking once did, and still does, stir his soul.

Daniel Boulud isn’t bragging, and he isn’t poking fun at his wife or the nearly 45 mouths he’ll feed later today from his firepit, where he loves grilling meat and fish and making vegetables on his woodburning outdoor oven, beside his bocce pit. It’s more that the 67year-old is semi-retired and enjoying the fruits of his longtime excellence in his profession, which includes not only the two-time Michelin-starred Daniel restaurant in New York, but eponymous outposts everywhere from Palm Beach to Dubai, from Singapore to Washington D.C.


Chatting from his kitchen outside Lyon, France, chef Daniel Boulud, one of the most lauded chefs in the history of his profession, has a smile on his face when asked who does the cooking when his large family gathers around his table for a meal.“Ilove the act of sharing with the ones you love,” he says serenely, as the sun shines through his big bay window where, in the background, there are rolling, golden fields.

by Ben Kaplan

“I love what I do and think, if anything, that I learned to take a pause during COVID and reflect on how we operate as a business with compassion,” he says. “Compassion for our suppliers, our customers, our winemakers and foragers and for each other. We must do better for each other because there is no reward financially like the gift of serving something with love.”

Talking about the Michelin guide that is officially coming to Toronto, Boulud says, “I think the Michelin star is a huge step for Toronto and a sign the city is moving in the right direction.”

“I’ve had so much great talent from Canada in my kitchens in New York, and I think of Carl Heinrich from Richmond Station and, of course, Patrick. I’m very proud of what he’s accomplished at Alo and think he’s tremendous,” saysHeBoulud.addsthat he remains excited by the cooking — and personality — of his friend Susur Lee.

Alo’s Patrick Kriss

In Toronto, Patrick Kriss — the owner of the highly praised Alo — got his start as a sous chef at New York’s Daniel restaurant, and Le Select (the buzziest new restaurant in town after it reopened this year following its closure in 2020) has Zachary Barnes in the kitchen, another local star who learned how to cook from Boulud.

anoints the Toronto culinary scene as being on par with any place in the“Torontoworld. for a long time had to look south and look east — meaning they had to look to Europe, America and Asia for concepts, but it’s a testament to the young chefs who’ve worked so hard here for so long because now Toronto is where Americans and Europeans are looking to see what’s next,” he says.

“For 25 years Susur was the

The chef and owner of Richmond Station and 2012 winner of Top Chef Canada developed his skills in New York at several of Boulud’s restaurants, including db Bistro Moderne.

Boulud’s d|bar and Café Boulud will both be doing something special for TIFF



The chef behind Alo was named Canada’s Most Outstanding Chef by Canada’s 100 Best Restaurants in 2017, 2018 and 2019. He worked under Boulud as a sous chef at his eponymous New York restaurant Daniel.

“The energy of Toronto in September is unlike any place in the world,” he says, adding that unique local offerings to expect from him this month include oysters with caviar and crab stuffed with Canadian salmon.

Boulud is sheepish about whether or not his own Toronto restaurant might be first up to win the prestigious award that he’s famous for. But he says the energy generated from the award’s arrival will inspire all of the local cooks. “I absolutely hope that one day we might earn the Michelin for Café Boulud—we might not be there yet, but every great food town has to have ambitions,” he says, then

energetic room where patrons were devouring plates of lobster tagliatelle, rotisserie duck and warm madeleines. The restaurant, which is long and winding and warm, sits above the d|bar, and Boulud says both restaurants will be doing something special this month for the Toronto International Film Festival.

Now helming the recently reopened Le Sélect Bistro, Barnes honed his culinary craft in the kitchen of Boulud’s restaurant Daniel, as well as Alo and Gordon Ramsay London.

On a recent Thursday night in Toronto, his Café Boulud in Yorkville, inside Yorkville Avenue’s Four Seasons Hotel, was an


Why worldtheislookingtoT.O.

Daniel Boulud says the energy of this city in September is unlike anywhere else



Northern Stone Design Inc., a family run landscaping company, gears itself every season to making landscape dreams a reality for hundreds of GTA customers. The staff at Northern Stone Design Inc. have a combined trade experience of over 50 years, specializing in stone work and softscape for any residential or commercial property. If quality of workmanship and customer satisfaction are your top priorities, look no further than Northern Stone Design Inc. Northern Stone Design Inc. gives at home estimates and consultation for free and looks forward to a great 2023 season with its GTA customers.


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The restaurant announced a no-tip model to eliminate the descrimination built into tip culture, raising wages and menu prices to compensate.

This statement, posted on Reddit, prompted one user to write, “Tipping is this weird strange North American thing where it’s okay to pay workers almost nothing and expect them to sell their butts off to pay their rent.”A recent Restaurants Canada survey found Canadians tip 17.6 per cent on average, compared to 15 per cent before the pandemic.



She’s not the only one who feels like rules around when you should tip and how much is getting harder and harder to navigate. In fact, this Summerlicious Reddit post comes on the heels of another viral Reddit post that made the rounds a couple of weeks ago when a Redditor posted “the most offensive tipping options I’ve ever come across” after having a couple of cocktails at an unnamed local bar. When the user went to pay his bill, the machine’s options read:

This smokehouse joined the movement in June, announcing a new starting and “livable” wage of $22.25 for all staff that they then factored into all menu prices.

An 18 per cent tip is now the new baseline for some Toronto restaurants

This eatery took to Instagram in 2020 to announce the end of tipping, opting to increase wages instead, and built an average 18 per cent price increase across the menu.

There’s no doubt that the service industry has suffered immensely as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Ongoing closures threatened the livelihood of tons of service workers; supply chain issues have made must-have

on almost $100 worth of takehome wine, and I just sort of panicked and skipped the tip since it was bar service anyway.”

• 18% (Needs improvement)

• Other In his post, he said, “The idea that I’m tipping 18 per cent and it’s written out that I’m insulting the bartender somehow and they need improvement is awful. I’ve never felt so manipulated into tipping 25 per cent.”

• 20% (Kay)


We asked a couple of local Toronto residents what they thought about Summerlicious’s claim and what their standard operating procedures are when opting to skip the dishes and head out for dinner.

“I tip 18 per cent if it’s good and 20 per cent if it’s great,” says Emma, who works in corporate law in the city. She says those rates are in line with her current understanding of the Toronto average. That said, she feels the tipping culture is getting out of hand. “At some establishments, I’ve seen the lowest pre-set tipping option set at 20 per cent, meaning the higher end was 25 per cent or 30 per cent.” She recalls a time at the beginning of the summer when she visited a local wine bar in the city and had two glasses while out with a friend. This spot does bar service exclusively, and when she was checking out, she grabbed a couple of bottles from the bottle shop to take home. When the tip option came up there was no way for her to put in a customized amount.

“I wasn’t going to tip 18 per cent

But it’s more than just bars and restaurants. Scott is a selfproclaimed foodie who does freelance work for a variety of local restaurants across the city.

Although he is a staunch 18 per cent tipper (20 per cent if the service goes above and beyond), when he’s having lunch or dinner out, he’s on the fence when it comes to fast-casual spots and coffee shops.


Richmond Station

When she handed the terminal back and her receipt printed, the bartender asked matter-of-factly, “No tip?” She was mortified but felt like the establishment had kind of put her in a corner.

• 25% (Good enough)


• 30% (Great job)

Summer isn’t complete without the annual culinary event Summerlicious, which kicked off on Aug. 12 and runs until Aug. 28. Patrons have the chance to experience a three-course meal at some of the best spots across the city, selecting from prix fixe menus at six extremely reasonable price points ($20–$75) for lunch or dinner.Although the event makes a ton of pricey restaurants a little more accessible for the average Toronto foodie, some people are a little upset at the tipping details in the fine print on the Summerlicious website that advises patrons that gratuity is not included and recommends an 18 to 20 per cent tip, calling it “a standard expression in Toronto.” Not everyone seems to agree.

ingredients and restaurant supplies pricier than ever before; and rising inflation rates mean consumers generally have less disposable income to spend on eating out. That said, when people do venture out for a nice meal, is 18 to 20 per cent really the new norm in an era where the cost of living is higher than ever before?

“I only really tip at local places that have amazing and reasonably priced food. I don’t mind rounding up a bit to make my $12 sandwich a $14 sandwich if it helps. But for the most part, I’m not tipping on that iPad terminal.”Thatsaid, there are some locals who have accepted this new normal. “I always tip, even if it’s just 10 per cent for takeout. Tons of people had a role in getting your order into your hands,” says Vanessa, a sales executive in the live music industry. She adds, “Frankly, people suck, and surely aren’t the nicest to wait staff. A little something for me could be something big for them, like an extra dollar on my already $4 latte.”Itshould be noted that some Toronto restaurants are experimenting with a no-tipping policy, such as Barque in the city’s west end. In addition, although the restaurant minimum wage in Ontario has been rising, it’s still not nearly enough to be considered a living wage in the city, so an end to tipping would require restaurant owners to make up the difference in some way.

by Raquel Farrington


“It has everything that you would expect to find in an old home, and we didn’t change any of it, we just gave it a big facelift,” Chartrand says.

The Consultation Process

You don’t need to like your lawyer enough to get together on weekends, but it is important that you get along with and trust them. “Some personal injury cases may be drawn out over days, months, or even years depending on the subject matter of the case, so it’s very important that you can get along with your legal representation,” shares Sandra Zisckind.

If you find yourself looking for a personal injury lawyer, it’s important to trust the name you know. Call Diamond and Diamond anytime at 1-800-567-HURT or schedule a free consultation today.

With its original exposed brick walls and a beautiful secret back terrace with a seating area, walking into the Hamptons feels more like heading over to a good friend’s house for dinner, and that’s exactly how chef and co-owner Rachel Chartrand wanted it to be.

This Victorian home in Little Italy is actually a restaurant

How long has your lawyer been practicing? Skill in the courtroom and savvy negotiating skills both take time and experience to acquire. While experience is important, it’s not the be-all end-all when choosing a lawyer. As Sandra Zisckind says, “The reality is that not every lawyer will have a substantial amount of experience. Whether they just graduated law school or are transitioning into personal injury from a different practice area, it’s important to find a firm with


With personal injury lawyers and law firms, it’s crucial to do your homework to ensure that you’re entrusting your case to the right lawyer and the right


Positive Track Record

“This has been something that I’ve dreamed of my entire life,” Chartrand says.”I’ve been in the industry for a very long time, and everything I’ve done in my career has always led me to this point.”

The Hamptons arrived on the scene last month with seasonal menus guided by fresh ingredients by Christine Hogg

tial attorney and their opportunity to gain an understanding of the facts of your case. It’s important to evaluate how responsive your lawyer is during this Sometime.questions to consider are:


Working Style

With Cases Similar to Yours

The open concept layout, which also features a sunroom, allows guests to go from room to room, while sipping their complimentary glass of Prosecco that’s offered upon entry.

No one ever plans on having to hire a personal injury lawyer, but the reality is that many people will have to do this in their lifetime. If such a situation arises, it’s important that you find the right lawyer and legal team for your case. A personal injury lawyer specializes in filing civil claims for clients who have been injured through no fault of their own and seeks compensation for their injuries. Personal injury laws in Canada are complex, so it’s important to find a lawyer who understands your situation.

• Do they respond within a day, or do they take multiple days to respond?

the knowledge and expertise to support junior lawyers throughout their case.”

What you should consider when choosing a personal injury lawyer


Tips from Sandra Zisckind of Diamond & Diamond Lawyers

menu at The Hamptons revolves around fish, vegetables and meat

The intriguing allure of the Hamptons has already attracted a crowd of regulars in Toronto, from couples craving a night out away from the kids to those eager to take advantage of the puppy-friendly patio out front.

Inside, wallpaper and teak furniture accents lend what Chartrand calls “a very Scandinavian” feel to the restaurant, and downstairs, a wine cellar will soon offer private tastings and additional eating space.

“The similarities between our food and theirs is that we are focused on really great ingredients,” Chartrand says.A thinly sliced raw yellow and green zucchini salad with freshly shucked Ontario peas that is tossed in a Dijon and apple cider vinaigrette, finished with fior di latte, olive oil and freshly cracked peppercorns is among the menu’s bestsellers so far. Another is the “tomatillo three ways,” which features baby bay scallops simmered in tomatillo juice and topped with a thinly sliced tomatillo and a cucumber and shallot mignonette that’s finished with olive oil and cracked pepper. The third star of the menu is a venison tartare from New Zealand, which features a tenderloin cut that’s tenderized and tossed with duck yolk, capers and Dijon mustard. The Hamptons’s take on the tartare is served with a baby butter lettuce cup instead of bread for a beautiful finish.As the season cools, the Hamptons will also add a wood-fired pizza oven that can cook whole fish and roast meats and vegetables.

Fee Structure

Sandra Zisckind is a lawyer who was called to the Bar in 2003 and practices in the area of Plaintiff personal injury litigation in Toronto

A lawyer and law firm’s track record for success are very important factors to consider when deciding on a lawyer to work with. Ask your prospective lawyer if they have won or secured favourable settlements for their clients with similar situations to you in the past. If the answer is no, then you may want to keep looking for a lawyer with a proven track record for success in similar cases to yours.


Nestled in an old brick Victorian house and tucked among the other residential houses of Clinton Street, the Hamptons is the latest upscale restaurant to come to Toronto’s Little Italy.

team. Higher fees do not always lead to better service, and conversely, more affordable fees do not always mean that your lawyer will not be able to handle your case effectively. “At Diamond and Diamond, our clients don't pay until the case is settled, '' shares Sandra Zisckind.

The consultation process covers the initial meeting(s) and communications between you and a lawyer who you’re considering working with. This is your opportunity to get to know your poten-

• Are their responses genuine and helpful, or is every conversation trans•actional?Arethey looking for every opportunity to maximize the compensation that you deserve?

The Hamptons’s seasonal menu revolves around vegetables, fish and meat. A move Chartrand says blends in well with the Italian restaurants in the area.

As Canada’s largest personal injury law firm, Diamond and Diamond has developed a strong and knowledgeable team of personal injury lawyers who can fight for you to get the compensation you deserve. The firm’s Managing Partner, Sandra Zisckind, identifies several important factors that you should consider when choosing your legal representation.

The Hamptons is located at 53 Clinton St. in Toronto and is currently open for dinner from Monday to Saturday from 6 to 9:45 p.m.


Just after 1 a.m. on Aug. 9, two individuals broke into Capra’s Kitchen, located at 1834 Lakeshore Rd. W., taking the restaurant’s safe in its entirety. Capra’s kitchen, along with many local supporters, reposted the surveillance cameras from inside the office, as well as the parking lot. The alleged robbers appeared to have taken off in an early 2000s Honda CR-V. The licence plate was not caught by the restaurant’s security cameras.

to their Deceased Son Andrew Capra was in the safe that was stolen…. To the thief … please … if you are reading this … send back Andrew’s belongings.”Capra’sKitchen is a casual, urban restaurant that serves a number of Italian dishes, including antipasto, pasta and pizza.

Accessible through the Kensington Mall entrance at 60 Kensington Ave., Sunny’s will be open for dinner service from Thursday to Monday. Since its inception in November 2020, the restaurant’s menu was only offered to newsletter subscribers.

shaokao spots in Chengdu and Xi’An to Dai Pai Dongs in Hong Kong, the menu at Sunny’s draws from regional traditions to create an experience that’s casual and playful. Diners can expect an extensive natural wine list and ingredient-driven dishes off the charcoal grill or fresh out of the wok.There is also a wide selection of baijiu (a popular liquor that’s hard to find in Canada), distilled from fermented sorghum. Tables can be booked directly through the restaurant’s website. Sunny’s holds space for some walk-ins, but due to its popularity, reservations are recommended.

—Marcus Mitropoulos

Chef Massimo Capra had this to say in his Instagram post: “Please watch video … share video and please, if anyone has any information regarding this terrible crime, please let us or the Peel Regional Police know. Chef Massimo is offering a cash reward for any info that helps us catch the people who did this, as some very personal items belonging


Sunny’s brings fun and flavour to Kensington Market by Christine Hogg


The team behind Sunny’s Chinese

Chinese pop-up opens for reals

After much success as a pop-up, Su nny’s Chinese officially opened in Kensington Market on Aug.Originally18. announcing the grand opening of a storefront location last fall, Sunny’s Chinese was meant to open this spring.

“We consider ourselves to be a very fresh approachable restaurant with a wonderful team of staff. Our food is sourced locally whenever possible and we also use high-quality ingredients from Italy and Canada,” a statement on the restaurant’s websiteCaprareads.isoffering a cash reward to anyone who has information regarding the robbery.

Safe stolen from Massimo Capra’s T.O. restaurant

If you’re curious about how in demand this new, permanent location is, know that the restaurant’s previous pop-up concept would sell out immediately when subscribers were notified of new events. Previous pop-ups offered up nine-course set menus that would feed two to three people and featured tasty and exclusive dishes, from maple tofu to beef dumplings.Theteam behind Sunny’s stopped doing pop-ups in September of 2021, just weeks before opening up the more upscale MIMI Chinese. They brought Sunny’s back for a limited edition pop-up in January, the perfect teaser for the opening of their Kensington restaurant.Known as the funky downtown cousin to MIMI Chinese, Sunny’s is inspired by high energy dining cultures found throughout China. From

Following the restaurant's success, Matheson and Butcher opened their second location on Avenue Road near Lawrence West in 2018. Leading into the pandemic, the chefs offered an extensive menu, including pizzas made of three day–aged dough, organic California tomato sauce and fresh cheeses.Once COVID-19 hit, the pair opted to offer customers a more minimalist menu which saw the

If pizza isn’t really your jam, then don’t worry. Maker offers a prime list of Buffalo or lemon pepper wings, letting you get down and dirty right beside your pizza-loving friends. Alongside the wings is the bodega sandwich, which has mortadella, ham,

double pepperoni scattered atop grass-fed mozzarella, toasted fennel powder and their organic tomato sauce beneath. For those wanting something a bit more filling, Napoli Dynamite features a healthy handful of house-made Italian sausage amongst green olives, candied jalapenos, roasted red peppers and mozzarella with sea salt on top to finish it off.

former menu reduced to eight items. However, they continued pumping out the classics, which the people loved, leading them out of the pandemic on the right foot.Now in 2022, Maker Pizza boasts four restaurants, each with its own unique flair — and they’ll

Matty Matheson brings his wildly popular pizza to Thornhill

Celebrity chef Matty Matheson and Shlomo Butcher will be unveiling a new Maker Pizza location in Thornhill this month. It marks the pair’s fifth location around the city, slowly dominating Toronto’s pizza scene. Maker Pizza opened its first location in 2015 on Cameron Street, tucked away near Queen and Spadina. It would be an understatement to say that the spot blew up, with fans flocking to the original location for a taste of Matheson’s new venture.


Matheson began to garner his celebrity chef image after he became executive chef of Parts & Labour on Queen Street. From there, Vice Media latched onto the star, allowing him to produce a series called Munchies on Vice’s YouTube channel.

smoked turkey and genoa salami all on a freshly baked sesame roll: not to mention the provolone tomato, white onion, iceberg lettuce, roasted red pepper, pickled jalapeno and pepperoncini that lies underneath.Therestof the menu consists of some garlic finger appetizers, chopped salads, cookies and a healthy assortment of dips to go alongside your pizzas.

The celebrity chef’s pizza empire has massively expanded over the last two years by Marcus Mitropoulos

An opening date for the Thornhill location hasn’t been announced, yet, but it should be any day now. An exact location hasn’t been shared, but the team says the shop will be at the intersection of Bathurst Street and New Westminster Drive.

For those looking to try something more unique, Frank’s Best begins with a smooth white base with their grass-fed mozzarella above. Then, caramelized onions and goat cheese are amplified with rosemary, sea salt and organic honey — all sitting atop a sesame crust bed.


L-R: A rendering of the new Thornhill location; Matty Matheson

be adding Thornhill into the mix. Their menu is broken down into red and white pizza (In reference to the sauce), wings, sandos and appetizers, along with dessert and drinks.Atthe top of the most popular list is Dr. Pepperoni, a pizza lover’s dream, which includes



6. Query diversity.

4. Where do your students go on to? Where do they go after and in what percentages? It’s not that we

Ask for examples of how they’ve worked in the past to help a young child who isn’t making friends. If they can’t tell you how they’ve done it before, they likely haven’t. And won’t.

2. Seek to discover the quality of the teaching staff. This is hard to tease out. Important questions: What’s their retention rate? How many teachers have been here for more than five years? Look for a good mix of new and older teachers. How many teachers have done advanced and/or specific training?

Ask schools how they've helped children who aren't making friends

8. How do you deal with bullying?

Choosing a school is challenging because there are so many factors to consider, access can be limited and cost may be an issue. And to complicate matters: what’s really important and how do you figure out if they’ve got it, or they’re just “hoisting the flag” for prospective parents? Read on for the questions you need to ask in order to get the real goods.

8 topics every parent should ask about

Finding the right school

by Joanne Kates

1. What’s the maximum number of kids in a class at your school? The best teacher in the world can’t do great work with 35 kids. Size matters.

need our kids to go to Harvard, but if 50 per cent of their graduates aren’t pursuing higher education, something’s wrong.

Teachers, students, admin staff: Will my kids see diversity of colour, culture, gender and ability? If they don’t see inclusion, they don’t learn it.


Pay close attention to how the students react to the teachers. If they won’t let you observe a class, closely watch teacher-student interactions in the halls. That’s a big tell.

7. How do you support students who struggle academically?


How long does it take to identify and then to begin assisting a struggling student? How long is the waiting list for an assessment? What are the specific ways in which they assist these kids?

Two wrong answers: We don’t have bullying at this school. I won’t tell you the name of the private school that gave me that answer when I inquired. The other wrong answer is to sit down the alleged bully and chastise them. That is the royal road to reprisals, and it rarely ends without further harm to victims. Also ask what anti-bullying training their staff get.

Donate Your Used Bicycles We’ll pick them up for canadianbicyclerecycling.cafree!CanadianBicycleRecyclingBesuretoletusknowwhichmagazineyousawouradin!Knowingwhichneighbourhoodsrespond,helpsushelpothers!

8. How do you support students who struggle socially?

3. What is the relationship between students and teachers?

Our 33rd annual Private Education Guide features top private schools & extracurricular programs, including an easy-reference information bar containing class size, student–teacher ratios & real tuition costs.

The Toronto Heschel School is a hidden gem, offering a progressive Jewish education within a warm, caring community. Abraham Joshua Heschel said, “Wonder is the root of all knowledge.” We aim to inspire a sense of awe and wonder in your children, and a lifelong love of learning. The school is inclusive and egalitarian, promoting mutual respect. Small acts of kindness and concern for others are the basis of interactions at our school. Heschel offers an integrated curriculum in which arts-based activities and Jewish

culture serve as conduits for the Ontario school curriculum. We teach for understanding, whereby students internalize concepts and learn to think creatively and critically. Bilingual kindergarten classes foster a high level of Hebrew competency. As the first Jewish Day School in Ontario to reach Platinum EcoSchool status, environmental literacy is emphasized. Contact Bailey at to discover what a Heschel education could mean for your child!

Our broad aspiration is to be recognized as the leading elementary school community in Canada in realizing the unique potential of each child. Please visit our website or contact our admissions team to learn more about the Montcrest experience for your child and Montcrestadmissions@montcrest.cawww.montcrest.cafamily.School-You’ve


got this.



The Toronto Heschel School

Montcrest School

SCHOOL TYPE: Independent School

Philosophically, we understand that education alone is not enough. It is education with values that matter. Our creative and stimulating curriculum goes well beyond the standard requirements and is designed to ensure that students move onto high school with a breadth of knowledge. Our small class sizes and specialist teachers mean particular strengths are identified and nurtured. This is Northmount School.


STUDENT/STAFF RATIO: 7:1 TUITION: $8,500-$19,950


Montcrest School is a welcoming community that specializes in cultivating incredible young people. We believe in small class sizes and unparalleled student-teacher relationships. We believe individuality is something to protect, not suppress. And we believe in meeting our students with the ideal supports — and perfect challenges — for each age and stage, so they emerge as secure, self-directed young people who excel in academics and in life. Simply put, Montcrest helps children become who they’re meant to be.

SCHOOL TYPE: Private School

Northmount School




STUDENT/STAFF RATIO: 8:1 TUITION: $19,600 – $23,900

SCHOOL TYPE: Independent School

STUDENT/STAFF RATIO: 8:1 TUITION: $28,150-$45,455


Northmount School is Toronto’s only independent, JK to Grade 8 Catholic boys’ elementary school. Catholic principles provide the foundation and purpose to our school’s everyday life that lead us to a conscious belief that we have a responsibility to prepare our students to build a better world. Thus, our students learn and grow in a community that places great value on the God-given dignity of each person, individuality, self-discovery and kindness, while immersed in a strong academic program.


Now celebrating its 60th anniversary, TFS’ mission is to develop multilingual critical thinkers who celebrate difference, transcend borders and strive for the betterment of humankind. The pioneer of French immersion in Canada, TFS offers an education that is unparalleled in its excellence, preparing students for today’s global world. Bilingual and coed since 1962, TFS teaches the curricula of France and Ontario through the framework established by the IB programs. We want our students to exude academic ambition, benefit from an all-round development as individuals and citizens, and view the world from an international perspective. TFS students balance rigorous science, arts and humanities programs, in a caring and nurturing environment. Students benefit from exceptional facilities, a 26-acre ravine, and a diverse, non-denominational environment. Campuses in Toronto and Mississauga. Ask about our full entrance scholarships for Grade 7 and above.

Toronto Prep School 10:1

TUITION: $30,650-$32,250 250 Davisville Avenue, Suite 200 Toronto, Ontario M4S 1H2 Phone: 416.545.1020 www.torontoprepschool.comcom o, 416.545.1020 www.torontopprepschool.c Visit our website for more information and be sure to click on the links to our FaceBook and Instagram pages. Contact: Fouli Tsimikalis, Director of Admissions at The Toronto Prep School is an independent, co-educational, university preparatory school for discerning students and parents.

A combined 60 years of teaching experience has prompted Steve and Fouli Tsimikalis to create an environment that promotes learning, develops leadership and awakens social consciousness through the employment of energetic and hand-picked experienced faculty and staff. Toronto Prep offers a rigorous academic curriculum with the opportunity for students to participate in a variety of school clubs and athletics. Each student will receive a MacBook 13" with an extended warranty. Steve and Fouli have determined that it truly takes a village to raise a child. “A faculty working closely with parents/ guardians, smaller classes, supervised extra help before and after school and on Saturdays help students reach their personal potential for success,” notes Fouli. Their passion for teaching is evident: “The opportunity to contribute to the development of young men and women is a privilege,” says Steve.

TFS - Canada’s International School

SCHOOL TYPE: Independent School YEAR FOUNDED: 1962 GRADES: Age 2-UE ENROLMENT: 1,500 STUDENT/STAFF RATIO: Varies TUITION: $22,180-$37,630 “The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for Dorothycuriosity.”Parker

50 | POST 2022SEPTEMBER| 60 ansàToront o “ I am so proud to see how quickly his language, social skills and values are Clementdeveloping.”’94withCarter TFS.CA



Through play and inquiry-based learning, Temple Sinai Community Preschool strives to provide an engaging, happy and supportive environment for children, ages ten months to four years, to learn and gain an understanding of the world around them. We are dedicated to fostering each child’s love of learning and endeavour to help them reach their fullest potential. We have a low teacher-student ratio that creates a supportive and engaging environment. Parent involvement is a vital part of our philosophy,


Situated on a 100-acre campus north of Toronto among the rolling hills of King Township, The Country Day School is a leading JK-12 co-ed, non-denominational independent school. Since 1972, the dynamic and friendly CDS community has been nurturing student talent and fulfilling promise. Our innovative approach to learning integrates leading-edge technology, sophisticated facilities and exceptional teaching. We offer a superior educational experience that is sensitive to individual needs, enables learning


The Country Day School ENROLMENT: 790 STUDENT/STAFF RATIO: 8:1 TUITION: $31,250 SCHOOL TYPE: Independent School YEAR FOUNDED: 1972 GRADES: JK-12 The Country Day School offers JK-12 in a co-ed, non-denominational environment located on 100 beautiful acres in King. 13415 Dufferin Street, King, Ontario L7B 1K5 T: 905 833 1972 Come visit The Country Day School in action this fall! Play, Learn


Temple Sinai Community Preschool

ENROLMENT: 150 STUDENT/STAFF RATIO: 5-8:1 TUITION: Please call for details SCHOOL TYPE: Preschool YEAR FOUNDED: 1969 GRADES: 10 mths to 4 years Reingold Tutoring We develop students for success! • Quality tutoring for every subject • One-on-one virtual tutoring (some in person) • Customized lessons • Highly skilled and experienced tutors • Motivation, study skills, and test prep • Strong results with learning disabled students Private tutoring services 50% Discount on first lesson | Flexible Hours & Scheduling Grades 1-12 + University


and equips students for life. Emphasizing education with balance, CDS provides diverse opportunities in academics, athletics, and visual and performing arts. Plus, students of all ages also love to explore our sprawling campus for outdoor education activities. This is a place of possibilities where students unearth their passions and everyone feels known, supported and inspired. This is a school where each graduate can answer the biggest question of all: Who will you be? Learn more at and grow......

and we provide unique opportunities for active parent participation. Fundamental to our program is our Jewish philosophy, where the introduction to and celebration of the Jewish festivals is central. Our beautifully renovated school boasts spacious classrooms, a fully equipped gym, a stimulating discovery room, an engaging library and an exciting new playground! For more information, please call Shoshi Lugassy, Director of Early Childhood Programs, at 416.487.3281 or email

Reingold Tutoring is an established private tutoring company that specializes in math and science, servicing students in North York, Thornhill and Richmond Hill. We offer customized in-home, one-on-one tutoring for students in high school and elementary school. All of the tutors at Reingold Tutoring are highly motivated, responsible and skilled tutors who will ensure your son/daughter will attain their goals of higher education. They will teach, motivate and boost the confidence of your child. We have

also had excellent results with students who have learning disabilities. Please visit our website at to read some of our client success stories. We pride ourselves on always being there for you at all times of the day and promise to be available when you need us most. Please feel free to give us a call at 647-519-4771 now to discuss your child’s upcoming education and learning needs or visit us online at

Reingold Tutoring


“Ability may get you to the top, but it keepcharactertakestoyouthere.”—StevieWonder

Since 1852, St. Michael's College School has been educating and forming young men in goodness, discipline, and knowledge for lives of leadership and service. We are Canada's only Catholic, Basilian, faith-based independent school, educating young men from Grades 7 to 12 in a university-preparatory programme. Under the direction of the Basilian Fathers, our students discover the courage and develop the faith to be a modern man of St. Michael's: free in mind, body, and soul to pursue truth, choose goodness, create beauty, and build a civilization of love and care in service to our community and the world. Our students unleash their passion for meaning and curiosity by embracing Deep Learning, an inquiry-based learning pedagogy. In graduating young men who change the world through lives of faith, character, and service, St. Michael's College School brings integrity, unity, and healing to a fractured and uncertain world.


Prestige School offers students an accelerated curriculum, close home-school contact and small class sizes. Younger students benefit from advanced math and science programs, French lessons from JK, nutritious hot lunches and extensive before and after school care. Additionally, students can look forward to intricate arts and crafts lessons, music and dance classes, and computer studies sessions that will encourage students to be creative through computer animation and document publishing. Older students experience individualized learning and 100% university placement. Our after school program strives to support the needs of children through academic, recreational, and social opportunities that enhance school day learning and build upon individual strengths and interests necessary for lifelong success. Our programs are designed to: improve children’s grades and academic achievement; increase children’s interest and ability in reading; increase homework quality; promote better social skills and improve self-confidence.

Prestige School TYPE: Independent School

St. Michael’s College School


SCHOOL TYPE: Independent School YEAR FOUNDED: 1852 GRADES: 7-12 ENROLMENT: 1,000 STUDENT/STAFF RATIO: 14:1 TUITION: $21,500 PRESTIGE SCHOOL • Small class sizes • Accelerated Math & Language programs • French from Kindergarten • Physics, Chemistry & Biology as separate subjects from Grade 4 • Graduates receive OSSD • Outdoor playground Independent Private School • Grades PS to 12 Richmond Hill Campus 11 Headdon Gate (Bathurst & Major Mackenzie) Toronto Campus 21 Eddfield Avenue (Yonge & Sheppard) • 416-250-0648 • Before/After School Programs • Door-to-door transportation • Homework Help • Hot lunches • Tutoring • Variety of clubs

YEAR FOUNDED: 2003 GRADES: PS to 12 ENROLMENT: 280 STUDENT/STAFF RATIO: 8:1 or 18:1 TUITION: $14,500 - $18,000 “The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.” — B.B. King

J. Addison

GRADES: Infants to Gr. 6

Partnership IELTSYork University


Located in Markham, Ontario, our Early Learning, Elementary, and High School programs offer an incredibly safe and inclusive environment that fosters cooperative learning, intelligence and creativity to students from ages three to eighteen. As a community of learners, our philosophy is to



Building Strong Foundations since 1995.

foundation and equips young minds with skills needed for future success. Our Elementary program features an enriched curriculum that focuses on wellness, problem solving and higher level thinking skills while nurturing individual strengths, encouraging innovative thinking and fostering a global perspective. Our students achieve superior results in math contests, spelling bees, sporting events and the Canadian Achievement Test. French Immersion is also available.


“I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.”


SCHOOL TYPE: Private School

Central Montessori School (CMS)


At CMS, we believe in the importance of building strong educational foundations during children’s most formative years. This has been our sole focus for over 25 years. With 4 campuses in central North York and Thornhill, CMS is committed to providing outstanding, accredited Montessori education that is accessible and affordable.

cultivate an educational environment that goes beyond academic accomplishments by providing them with exciting and engaging learning experiences. These learning experiences not only take place in the classroom, but also on the stage, in the gymnasium, on our field trips, in our dormitory, and in our dance studio. Take the time to visit and feel the energetic atmosphere created by our leaders of the future.

A leading independent Montessori school for over 25 years, Bannockburn is recognized throughout Toronto for its outstanding academic standards, steadfast commitment to Montessori education, and deep respect for the potential in every child. Bannockburn’s Toddler, Primary and Elementary Montessori programs offer an enriched curriculum that exceeds provincial standards and nurtures a love of learning. Children ages 18 months to 12 years flourish in a child-centered community that culti-

At J. Addison, as we celebrate our 20th anniversary this year, we continue to make it our mission to inspire, support, and nurture all of our students into becoming well-educated, empathetic global citizens.

SCHOOL TYPE: Independent School



— Michael Jordan

vates independence, imagination and intellect. Located in a beautiful facility, Bannockburn provides an ideal setting for inspired learning, with brilliant Montessori classrooms, ample outdoor space, a full-size gymnasium, and Music, Art and French specialty teachers. Every family at Bannockburn is proud to call it home: a warm, welcoming place where children love to learn, and where they thrive as creative, confident and compassionate individuals. Please visit to learn more.

Bannockburn School


GRADES: Toddler to Gr. 6


CMS recognizes each child’s unique learning style and supports them towards reaching their full potential. Our renowned Casa program helps children build a solid


TUITION: $900 - $2000

STUDENT/STAFF RATIO: Varies by Age TUITION: $17,450 –$26, 900

SCHOOL TYPE: Private/Boarding/Day

Our dedicated and experienced faculty care deeply about our students and their education. They share a true passion for teaching and participate in all aspects of school life as mentors, coaches and leaders. Our graduates leave us with a strong sense of character, leadership skills and dedication to community.

As the leading benchmark for Early Childhood Education since 1955, SCELS has stuck to its promise. Our promise is to provide an exceptional, individualized program that works best for your child. With an intimate staff of twenty, and small class sizes in one of Toronto’s historic landmark churches, we’ve developed a reputable program that encompasses a balanced academic and social/emotional curriculum. As you walk into our school, you feel instantly welcomed by our devoted team and outstanding students all flourishing together in a structured, academic, and play-based environment. At SCELS, each child has their own Individual Program Plan that we put in place to support positive growth every term – from Nursery through to Grade 2. Come and see for yourself! Join us for our Open House on Tuesday, October 18th, 9:15 am - 11 am. Contact us at to book a tour or visit to learn more about us. Be a part of our community, be a part of SCELS.


Hudson College


St. Clement’s Early Learning School

SCHOOL TYPE: Private School

“Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.” – Anthony J. D’Angelo

54 | POST 2022SEPTEMBER| COLLABORATE EDUCATE GRADUATE St. EarlyClement’sLearning School 70 St. Clements Avenue, Toronto M4R 1H2 416-489-0822 or


Hudson College is a non-denominational, coed school offering a superior academic experience from our Reggio Emilia-inspired JK-SK program to university entrance. We ensure that all students enjoy a safe, challenging and rewarding environment that nurtures their maximum potential. Recognized for our excellence in delivering a rigorous, balanced curriculum and dedication to developing the whole child –academically, socially and emotionally – we give students the individual attention needed to develop their unique strengths and interests.

SCHOOL TYPE: Private School

STUDENT/STAFF RATIO: 10:1 TUITION: $35,800 (Day School)


YEAR FOUNDED: 1867 GRADES: JK to Grade 12

It’s how we inspire them to forge their own paths, and prepare them to thrive far beyond our campus walls. Because when a girl’s learning has meaning, she is unstoppable.

BSS offers innovative STEAM-focused academics, a robust athletics program and an expansive collection of co-curriculars. Students are provided with numerous

For over 150 years The Bishop Strachan School (BSS) has been inspiring young women to be fearless and educating them to be leaders. Renowned for its powerful learning approach, the school’s new wing boasts state-of-the-art learning spaces designed to foster collaboration, investigation and inquiry.

TUITION: Starting at $20,325

opportunities to engage with the world and find their place in it.

“I’ve got this.”

BSS welcomes day and boarding students. Join us at an open house this fall.

SCHOOL TYPE: Independent School

Blyth Academy is a private school community of eight campuses in Ontario (six in the GTA). Each one is a thriving school community. Our average class size of 12 students allows our teachers to get to know students one-on-one and teach to their individual learning styles. Whether a student needs to slow down to focus on understanding concepts or speed up to excel and challenge themselves, they can rely on our passionate and engaging teachers for the tools to succeed. Our high



Blyth Academy

At BSS, questions are just as important as answers. Students are emboldened by teachers to become confident, critical thinkers. To dive deeper into unique interests, tackle big problems, and take risks.

school students follow a two semester, four-term schedule, with only two subjects per term. This structure promotes deeper understanding of subjects and better prepares students for the post-secondary program of their choice. Ninety per cent of Blyth Academy students are accepted to their top choice college or university and 85 per cent receive partial or full scholarships.

A leading independent JK-12 school for girls. Over $2 million available in financial assistance.

We have more than $2 million in financial assistance available, and seek to provide opportunities to as many qualified applicants as possible. With expert faculty supporting students’ emotional, social and creative development, BSS provides an inclusive and caring environment. Learn more at


Online learning options available. Visit to learn more.

The Bishop Strachan School


SCHOOL TYPE: Private School


The value and desirability of nursery school is widely recognized not only on educational grounds but also for developing social skills and Establishedself-confidence.in2000,the Beez Kneez Nursery School provides a warm and creative atmosphere to foster young children’s imagination, curiosity and intellect. Our programs facilitate children’s social, emotional, physical and intellectual growth through an enriched curriculum, which includes French and dance classes taught by our own specialty teachers. Most importantly, the children benefit from a high degree of individual attention from dedicated, professionally qualified teachers. All of our teachers hold Ontario teaching certificates and/or early childhood education diplomas, and the majority of our teachers also hold university degrees. Morning, full day, and extended programs available.

Lytton Park* Davisville Village


SCHOOL TYPE: Independent School

STUDENT/STAFF RATIO: 8:1 TUITION: $4,250-$20,000

GRADES: 3-12

The Beez Kneez Nursery School


Crescent School

YEAR FOUNDED: 2000 GRADES: PS to Kindergarten ENROLMENT: 75


Crescent School has been a leader in boys' education since 1913. Our mission, Men of Character from Boys of Promise, enables each boy to reach the full potential of his unique abilities. Character development drives everything we do. Crescent School has three divisions: Lower School (Grades 3-6), Middle School (Grades 7-8) and Upper School (Grades 9-12). In each division, we are committed to mentoring, role modelling, relational learning – which bring out the best in boys – and instilling core values of respect, responsibility, honesty and compassion. We nurture wellbeing while cultivating excellence in academics, arts, athletics, business, outreach and robotics. Our expertise is supported by exceptional resources, including high-tech learning spaces, modern libraries, a professionally equipped theatre and superb athletic facilities. A Crescent School graduate knows who he is, is ready and able to lead, and understands what is required to create his own legacy.

The BEEZ KNEEZ Nursery NurserySchoolSchool FOR CHILDREN 18 MONTHS - 4 YEARS NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR SEPTEMBER 2022 Visit orVisitwww.Beezkneez.cawww.Beezkneez.cacall4164878847fora orcall4164878847foratour.tour. Morning, afternoon, full day from7:45am-5:00pmfromextendedprogramsavailableextendedMorning,afternoon,fulldayororprogramsavailable7:45am-5:00pm “Education is the passport to the future, for belongstomorrowtothosewhoprepareforittoday.”MalcolmX

SCHOOL TYPE: Independent School

CGS (Children’s Garden School)


STUDENT/STAFF RATIO: Call for details

SCHOOL TYPE: Private School

GRADES: Preschool to Grade 4



Bayview Glen


Music to Model United Nations, Athletics to Advanced Placement. We value collaboration, problem solving and academic risktaking to foster the entrepreneurial mindset and respect for diverse viewpoints that are essential for success in the 21st century. Bayview Glen students graduate as compassionate cosmopolitans, fully prepared for top ranked universities at home and abroad. Equally important, they step forth with the skills and attitudes needed to embrace and influence a world of accelerating change.

GRADES: Age 2 - Grade 12

and well-being, the CGS experience prepares students for their next steps to the larger private schools. CGS offers Early Start (preschool)-Grade 3 with full or half-day Early Start options. The Real Food for Real Kids hot lunch program is included with the Early Start program and an option for JK-Grade 3 students. Visit their website at to discover what makes CGS special or contact / 416-423-5017

TUITION: $11,300-$24,500

TUITION: $19,850 - $29,450

Since 1986 Children’s Garden School, located at 670 Eglinton Ave. E., has been trusted to provide children with an exceptional education based on a welcoming, creative learning approach. CGS is a place where students thrive through an academically stimulating, personalized curriculum delivered in a warm environment. CGS is celebrated for its academic integrity, early literacy, participation in the arts, athletics and public speaking. Committed to small, nurturing classes, and student health


Bayview Glen is an academically invigorating, co-educational independent school for students from age 2 to Grade 12. Situated on two closely connected campuses in North York, our vibrantly diverse community is inspired by expert teachers and fuelled by a forward thinking curriculum. Bayview Glen welcomes all students into a nurturing community that allows inquisitive minds to flourish. Our broad offering of curricular and co-curricular activities ranges from Drama to Design Thinking, Robotics to Round Square,


Greenwood College School

Register for New Stream student tours:,2022


opportunity for every Jewish child to experience TanenbaumCHAT. Come and find out what makes our school special! Find yourself at TanenbaumCHAT!

Greenwood helps students develop the knowledge, skills and character they need to lead fulfilling lives and reach their full potential. Our personalized academic program provides each student with a high level of both challenge and support, and our welcoming, gender-inclusive community fosters openmindedness and engagement. Greenwood’s teachers get to know their students not only as learners, but as people. With this foundation in place, our progressive approach to learning challenges students based on what

STUDENT/STAFF RATIO: Call for Details TUITION: $22,500



ARoAvenueadrtsSchool JK to Grade 12 Registration is open www.avenueroadartsschool.comnow! an exciting new Fall 22’ program anAvAvenueRoadexcitingogramnewpr ogramnewwww.avenueroadartsschool.comwww.avenuer

TanenbaumCHAT, the GTHA’s premier Jewish community high school, offers enriched academic programming, an array of extra-curriculars, excellent educators, renowned ruach (spirit), and friendships that last a lifetime. An emphasis on Jewish values and community service strengthens our students’ Jewish identities. Our extremely successful New Stream program, which accounts for 25% of our 2022 intake, welcomes students who are new to Jewish education and provides an

they need to stretch themselves and grow academically. Outside of the classroom, Greenwood offers an array of high-calibre athletics, arts and extracurricular programs. Experiential learning opportunities, including outdoor education and service learning, encourage students to find new depths of perseverance and to build connections with the broader Toronto community. When our alumni leave Greenwood, they’re ready to thrive in highly selective postsecondary programs, and to explore what excites them.


ARAS looks forward to welcoming you back this Fall through its virtual program! Registration is now open at

Avenue Road Arts School

SCHOOL TYPE: Extracurricular YEAR FOUNDED: 1993 GRADES: Toddlers - Adult

58 | POST 2022SEPTEMBER| Join us for an open house:

SCHOOL TYPE: Independent School YEAR FOUNDED: 1961 GRADES: 9-12

Portfolio Preparation: Visual Arts. Whether it is for school applications, scholarships, extracurriculars, or just for fun, this course facilitates the opportunity for students to learn art fundamentals, exercise their mind and cognitive skills as well as an opportunity to display their inner creativity!

Avenue Road Arts School roots its values in offering high quality art classes, believing that everyone is an artist. Through a varied roster of public classes, outreach programs in public and private schools, birthday parties and private classes, ARAS continues to create a path for creative minds through arts education taught by professional artists and Thiseducators.Fall,the School is offering a new course for grades 3 - 12 that works towards youth portfolio building and development in

SCHOOL TYPE: Independent School YEAR FOUNDED: 2002 GRADES: 7-12

— Albert Einstein

SCHOOL TYPE: Independent School

Due to Covid we are presently not holding open houses. welcome you to book a private tour. call the

WillowWood School


Crestwood School

dents. WillowWood School is a full facility featuring a fitness room, gymnasium, music room, art room, and film and digital media arts studios. Our location on “School Street” (Scarsdale Road) gives us access to incredible amenities and services that allow us to incorporate swimming, dance, and robotics into our curriculum. Classes are small, the atmosphere is warm, and technology is at the forefront of our teaching methodology. Visit for more information and to set up your interview and tour.


Smashthe  Takethe stage. ceiling.


school Celebrating 42 years Open House: October 20, 27 & November 17.

Fiercely Independent

Branksome Hall, a leading independent International Baccalaureate (IB) World School for girls, challenges and inspires students to love learning and to shape a better world. Through the unique combination of wellbeing, outstanding academics and international mindedness, Branksome Hall students become impactful leaders who give back to their communities. Known for our strong liberal arts curriculum that develops critical thinking and inquiry skills, students can also participate in our immersive Study Abroad


Branksome Hall

YEAR FOUNDED: 1980 GRADES: Foundation 1-2, 3-12

how we´re



“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”



WillowWood was founded in 1980 based on the core value that all students have a right to learn with dignity, that a warm and nurturing school can serve as a foundation for remarkable lives and that it is the whole person that matters. We have a long tradition of delivering targeted, personal education that considers each student’s needs, inclinations, and strengths. Our staff employ a team-based approach to teaching and conduct regular education strategy meetings to discuss how best to deliver the curriculum to each of our stu-


Program with our South Korean sister school, Branksome Hall Asia, as well as Noodle — our pioneering accelerator program for student entrepreneurs. Our graduates are welcomed by leading universities in Canada and around the world, most with scholarships, and we provide more than $1.4 million in student financial assistance each year. Branksome continues to set the pace for innovation in girls’ education, ensuring today’s students are well-prepared to solve tomorrow’s complex problems.

TUITION: $20,300-$30,300

See helping

— striving to maintain the balance of a child’s physical, social and emotional development. Each teacher is the key. With a well-planned program, a positive rapport with each and every student and a sense of commitment and dedication, Crestwood School’s goals are met!

Crestwood is located in the beautiful wooded valley at Bayview Avenue and Lawrence Avenue.

SCHOOL TYPE: Private School

Crestwood School practises the traditional art of teaching by challenging young minds to learn and by structuring experiences that make learning possible. The school’s philosophy is based on tried-and-true methods of teaching the basics, thus providing students with a solid foundation in the three Rs. Homework and development of students’ organizational skills and good work/study habits are an integral part of the program. At the same time, Crestwood School is concerned with the “whole child”

students shape their own futures at Branksome Hall.


STUDENT/STAFF RATIO: 10:1 TUITION: $19,725-$25,300

SCHOOL TYPE: Independent School

The Sterling Hall School

SCHOOL TYPE: Independent School

Discover a school as unique as you are.

We're taking a leadership role in learning so our learners will lead an ever-changing world. How? Their educational journeys will be marked by academic rigour and a renewed curriculum that continually challenges and assesses the act of learning in an inclusive and safe environment. Students will value learning as an outcome in itself, understanding it's about the success of the journey, not just the destination.

Our school culture is warm and welcoming, with a strong community that enriches the experience of every SHS boy by creating a sense of belonging. Sterling Hall’s values of learning, character, and community are the foundation of all we do - that is why we are known as the school where boys belong.

SCHOOL TYPE: Independent School


“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela

At SHS, we ensure boys are engaged in their learning, providing a challenging, leading-edge curriculum taught by caring and highly dedicated faculty. We support boys in developing their interests, character strengths, and leadership skills during these formative years.



St. Clement’s School


We specialize in educating boys from Junior Kindergarten - Grade 8, delivering innovative academic practices and a character program that is a core component of SHS. Our boy-focused programming inspires individual growth, curiosity, and a passion for learning.

St. Clement’s School is an independent girls’ day school in midtown Toronto. At SCS, we are evolving and redefining what it means to really learn and thrive in a world where the only certainty is change. We don't just want our students to thrive, we want them to boldly thrive - to see disruption as opportunity and possibility, to seize change with agility and imagination, to tackle the complex world of tomorrow with confidence and character.




TUITION: $34,500

To describe my school, I would use the three words from its motto: “Wisdom, Courage, Integrity” as well as development and success.

Current Grade 9

Which school tradition are you most proud of?

What has been your biggest accomplishment to date?

Which school tradition are you most proud of?

My biggest accomplishment to date is corunning a volunteer-based tutoring service for kids from JK to 8. I am proud of this achievement specifically due to the ESL class that I taught. As someone who is bilingual, it was very meaningful to me to be able to use both of the languages I grew up speaking to help others.

The school tradition I am most proud of is the Alan B. Jackson Award. This award is voted on by the graduating class for the person we think has made a positive impact on the wellness of the people around them through kindness and caring. I think both the meaning behind the award and the voting process are special to the CDS community.

What has been your biggest accomplishment to date?

What was the biggest impact for you of going to school during the past few years of the pandemic?

The advice that I would give to new students would be to try and make new friends, get involved in a wide range of extracurricular activities throughout the school year and use their time wisely.

Prestige School

Tell us about an educator who has inspired you. Mr. Rodrigues, a math teacher from J. Addison School, definitely inspired me. He was supportive, helpful, kind and showed great patience in teaching me as well as my peers! I am truly grateful to have had him as an educator at J. Addison School.

“J. Addison School has taught me to think critically, the importance of teamwork, accountability and how to communicate effectively.”

What advice would you give to new students?

What advice would you give new students?

If you could describe your school in 5 words, what would they be?

Our school always brings excitement to the school year with traditional celebrations, field trips, concerts and charity events.

How do you think your school has prepared you for life after graduation?

Personally, my biggest accomplishment to date was graduating at the top of my class, as I worked extremely hard to put forth my very best in my academic studies at J. Addison School. In addition, I applied self-discipline by creating an organized schedule to succeed in my secondary education.

The memories that will stick with me the most are those I made with friends, playing games in school.

Cindy Ma Graduating Grade 12

The biggest impact of going to school during the past few years of the pandemic was adjusting to online learning, being remotely away from friends and teachers but also capitalizing on the additional technological learning platforms that I would not have initially used.

Which school tradition are you most proud of?

What advice would you give to new students?

What are you looking forward to most about your plans for after graduating?


The five words that I would use to describe J. Addison School would be supportive, diverse, intimate, friendly and memorable.

Tell us about an educator who has inspired you.

“Five words to describe the Country Day School are resilience, creative, active, committed and confident.”

“Our school always brings excitement to the school year with traditional celebrations, field trips, concerts and charity events.”

Maksims Lisins

J. Addison School

How do you think your school has prepared you for life after graduation?

I am looking forward to gaining control of my life and leading myself on my wanted path.

One of the school traditions that I actually enjoyed was singing the Canadian national anthem every morning in my homeroom class. Despite our diverse student community at J. Addison School, I found that there was a sense of belonging and commonality as well as respect when we sang the Canadian national anthem.

If you could describe your school in 5 words, what would they be?


CDS has always emphasized education with balance. I think finding balance in life is a very important skill that is often forgotten. During my time in high school, I was able to experience many clubs that I never thought I would join like cooking club, robotics and model United Nations. CDS provided me with opportunities to explore my likes and dislikes as well as build my skill set in the process.

Melina Moeinkhah Graduating Grade 12

My advice would be to find a system of planning that works for you. I think lots of students tend to stop using their planners after a month because it is not a system that worked before for them, so finding something that does work is key.

I think my school has taught me very valuable lessons and skills that I can use after graduation. Most importantly, my school has given me inspiration to chase my dreams and achieve my goals after graduation.

When you look back at your time at your school, what will you remember the most?

All my educators greatly inspired me by talking to me and caring about my own goals and dreams. That helped to put me in a desired mindset.

An educator who has inspired me is Mrs. Lee. As one of the most compassionate people I have met, Mrs. Lee pushed me to challenge myself as a STEM student. It was clear that she cared for each of her students and was willing to spend her time helping all of us succeed. Her positive attitude and perseverance is something I look up to and hope to embody one day.

The Country Day School

My advice to new students would be to learn how to manage your time, make your life enjoyable, know your goals, stay motivated and focused.

Tell us about an educator who has inspired you.







After its renovation in 1969, the Uptown Theatre became one of the world’s first multiplex cinemas. The Balmuto Street entrance of the theatre, shown here, gave access to two mini theatres with 200 seats after it was converted.

The Imperial Theatre, now the Ed Mirvish Theatre, is located at 263 Yonge St. Built in 1920, the theatre originally opened as the Pantages. In 1972, it underwent a renovation to create six auditoriums and was renamed the Imperial Six Theatre.


The Willow Theatre was a modern theatre best known for its large block-glass entrance. Located on the east side of Yonge Street at Ellerslie Avenue, it was one of the last Toronto-area theatres to run a double feature until it closed in 1987.

The Downtown Theatre, located at 285 Yonge St., opened in 1948. Along with the Biltmore Theatre, it was one of the first to offer a double feature. The first movie screened was ‘Let’s Live a Little,’ starring Robert Cummings and Hedy Lamarr.

Opened on April 25, 1949, the Towne Cinema was one of Toronto’s major art theatres and one of the early sites for the Toronto International Film Festival, known as the Festival of Festivals, as shown here in 1976.

The Biltmore Theatre, with its impressive sign and marquee, was located on Yonge Street just south of Gerrard. Opened by the Biltmore theatres chain on April 15, 1948, you could take in double and triple features for $1 until it closed in 1986.

Before you go... take a gander at some of the city’s most iconic movie theatres of days gone by! Follow along on Post City’s Instagram @streetsoftoronto this month for more.


has recently released its model suites, allowing you to experience, in person, the luxurious mid-town lifestyle available here. Explore the gorgeous designs and interact with the high-end features and finishes available throughout our selection of move-in ready residences. MOVE IN NOW Visit Bianca Model Suites Now Open BILD GREEN BUILDER OF THE YEAR | BILD HOME BUILDER OF THE YEAR ©Tridel 2022. ®Tridel, “D” design, Tridel Built for Life, Tridel Built for Life Design, and Built Green. Built for Life are registered Trademarks of Tridel Corporation. Project names and logos are Trademarks of their respective owners. All rights reserved. Building and view not to scale. Illustrations are artist’s concept only. Specifications subject to change without notice. E. &O.E. August 2022.

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