January 19, 2015 - The Posey County News

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Successor to The Poseyville News & New Harmony Times



Tuesday, January 19, 2016


(USPS S4 439-500) 39 500)) Volume 136 Edition 3

Teachers, parents differ on school uniform question By Valerie Werkmeister Could North Posey students be required to wear uniforms next school year? Discussions are underway following the results of recent surveys completed by teachers and parents. Angie Wannemuehler, Director of Curriculum Assessments and Special Programs, presented the results of the survey to school board members during their meeting last Monday, January, 11. The board was pleased to hear a total of 856 people participated in the survey. Responses to the questions ranged from the following choices: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree or strongly disagree.

According to the survey, teachers and parents are on opposite sides of the question with teachers largely in favor of school uniforms. A total of 56.25 percent of teachers agreed with the idea while 50.18 percent of parents were against the idea. Overwhelmingly, 60.18 percent of teachers felt school culture was the largest factor that influenced their preference for their choice, while 46.25 percent of parents felt it was their own parenting philosophy that influenced their decision. When asked if teachers should also be required to wear uniforms, 44.98 percent of

parents strongly agreed. However, teachers didn’t feel the same way as 35.71 percent strongly disagreed with the idea. Interestingly, both groups were within the same range when it came to answering whether they felt a school uniform would help address the peer pressure issue of fitting in. Twenty-five percent of teachers and 24.24 percent of parents strongly agreed with the statement. Overall, teachers felt school uniforms promoted positive behavior. Only 22.05 percent of parents disagreed with that statement. However, it should also be noted that only

17.50 percent strongly agreed and 20.19 percent agreed. The final survey question asked whether a district-wide dress code of appropriate and modest dress would promote positive student behavior. Both teachers and parents agreed with the statement with 37.50 percent of teachers and 28.94 percent of parents making this choice. The board will continue to gather data on the topic and no final decision was made at this time.

Continued on Page A10

Cynthiana business to be conducted in new Town Hall digs

North Posey High School’s Homecoming will be held Friday, January 22 between the reserve and Varsity basketball games. Members of the 2016 basketball homecoming court are, in front, left to right, Haley Messic, Caitlyn Creek, Payton Latham, Morgan Alvey, Rhiannon Bailey, Miranda Johnson, Baylee Willman, Lindsey Koester, and Alexandra Stump. In back are Cooper Motz, Brandon Hamman, Evan Krohn, Ross Bender, Austin Graves, Jacob Jost, Quinton Fife, Jacob Sanford, and Jarrett Motz.

Historic trip being planned for NPHS By Valerie Werkmeister North Posey High School students will have the unique opportunity to witness a presidential inauguration in person. History teacher Brandon Barrett is planning a trip for January 19 – January 22, 2017 and hopes to have a large number of participants commit to the trip. An informational meeting will be held on Thursday, January 21, at 6 p.m. in his classroom (C-6) at the high school. World Strides is organizing the travel plans and will supply a tour guide to lead students through the many fascinating and historical monuments in our nation’s capital. Some of the sites include the Washington Monument, the Holo-

caust Museum, Martin Luther King Memorial, Jefferson Memorial, Lincoln Memorial, the Smithsonian Museum, the Space and Air Museum, the Viet Nam War Memorial, the Korean Memorial and the Ford Theatre. Of course, the big event will be the inauguration where students will view from the National Mall. This is the second trip of this type organized by Barrett. He hopes to plan a historical-based trip for North Posey students every two years. He would like to take students to Philadelphia, Gettysburg and Valley Forge for the next trip. The cost of the Washington, D.C. trip is $1,000 per participant and Barrett stated he hopes to have

Briefly Poseyville Legion to meet January 21 The Poseyville Post 278 of the American Legion will meet at 6 p.m. on January 21. PC Historical society plans January meeting The Posey County Historical Society will meet on Saturday, January 23 at 10 a.m. in the Training Room at the Police and Fire Station. Becky Higgins and Ray Kessler will be outlining the events of the Mount Vernon Bicentennial which is to be celebrated all during 2016. Friends and members are invited to attend. NH Fire Department announces annual Sausage Supper New Harmony Fire Department will hold their Annual Sausage Supper on January 23, 2016 at the Posey County 4H Fairgrounds Community Center. Serving begins at 4 p.m. Adults $10. Children (under 12) $3. Come and join us for our annual, all you can eat dinner. Marrs Elementary schedules annual Kindergarten Round-Up Marrs Elementary School’s annual Kindergarten Round-Up will be on Wednesday, February 10 from 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. in the main entry. If you or anyone you know will have a child eligible please stop by and pre-enroll. If you cannot come that day you are welcome to stop by the office after February 10, 2016 to get an enrollment folder. Children must be five by August 1, 2016 in order to qualify. PC Health Department to hold immunization clinics The Posey County Health Department will hold immunization clinics at the Coliseum, Room 20, in Mount Vernon, Ind., from 8:30 – 11:30 a.m. on the following days: Thursday, January 14, 2016, Thursday, January 28, 2016, Thursday, February 11, 2016 and Thursday, February 25, 2016. Appointments are not needed for these clinics. For questions, contact the Health Department at 812-838-1328. MSDMV sets Kindergarten Registration for February 10 On Wednesday, February 10, 2016, the Metropolitan School District of Mount Vernon will be conducting Kindergarten Registration. Full-day Kindergarten is offered in all three elementary schools. (If school is canceled or delayed on February 10, the make-up date is February 17.) Children whose fifth birth date occurs on or before August 1 may enroll in Kindergarten. You will need your child’s birth certificate and a current copy of his/her immunization history to complete enrollment information. To register, please go to your child’s elementary school on February 10, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Each elementary principal will be available from 9-10 a.m. on February 10 to answer questions and give a short tour of the building. If you have any questions, please call your child’s school. Farmersville Elementary School 812-838-6593; Marrs Elementary School; 812-985-2082; West Elementary School 812-833-2072.

Bus/Ag .................A8 Classifieds ............B 8 Community...........A4 Church...................A7

50 students and chaperones go on the trip. He said he will plan fundraisers to make the trip affordable for anyone attending. Those who have questions and are unable to attend the meeting should contact Barrett during the school day at 812-673-4242 or via e-mail at bbarrett@northposey. k12.in.us

By Valerie Werkmeister The Town of Cynthiana will soon have a new town hall building. Town board members met for their first meeting of the new year last Tuesday, January 12, and approved the purchase of the former Pearison’s Band Shoppe building on Main Street. According to Clerk-Treasurer Greta Mounts, the building will offer twice the amount of space as the current building. The town pays $600 monthly rent for the current facility to owner Ron Oursler, who resides in Spokane, Wash. Mounts said the current town hall building has been in use ever since she became clerk-treasurer 26 years ago and possibly as long as 30 years. The flooring and carpeting needs to be updated as well as the heating and air system. Mounts said the opportunity to purchase the former Pearison’s building came at just the right time. The town must renew its lease in March. “We felt that purchasing our own building for $40,000 was a steal,”

Mounts said. It requires no repairs or renovations, other than maybe a few walls to create office space for Mounts and Cynthiana Town Marshal Andy Porath. The town will use cumulative capital development funds to pay for the purchase. Mounts stated they will begin the process of moving files and items stored in the community center soon. They hope to occupy the new facility before the end of March. New board members Todd Kennedy and Carolyn Price will have a bit of a learning curve to catch up on some of the town projects. After they elected Kennedy as the new board president, they heard information regarding the water and wastewater project. Mounts stated she initially thought the town would need to apply for grant funding by March to move the project forward. She said the state recently informed her the town could have up to another year to apply for funding through the

Continued on Page A10

Posey’s first 2016 baby arrives By Valerie Werkmeister It’s a boy. The new son of Stephanie and David Scheu has the distinction of being the first Posey County baby born this year. Little, or should I say, tall Asher Albert Scheu arrived on Friday, January 8, 2016 at 9 a.m. He weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces and was 21 and three-quarter inches long. He was welcomed home by his two very excited and very anxious siblings, five-year-old Hadlie and four-year-old Eli. “They asked all the time when he was going to be here. We told them he would come after Christmas. So, every day after Christmas, they’ve been asking when he would get here,” Stephanie said.

Asher Albert Scheu Stephanie said he wasn’t due until January 22, but she woke up Friday morning feeling the beginning signs of labor. As her husband

prepared to leave for work, she cautioned him to stay 10 minutes longer. Ten minutes was all it took for them to decide that was the day. Stephanie proceeded to have three more contractions in those 10 minutes. Labor with her other two children went fast, so she and David knew they shouldn’t delay in getting to the hospital. Fortunately, both grandparents live close by in St. Phillips and the soon-to-be-new-again parents were able to arrive at St. Mary’s Hospital in Evansville in time. Paternal grandparents are Patty and Al Scheu and maternal grandparents are Martha and Tom Sitzman.

Continued on Page A3

Full-time grandma is Verville fit By Lois Mittino Gray In her 16 years on the job, Jackie Verville was called by many names by her clients, including JackiePam and Jackieville. This past weekend she started her retirement called by her favorite name ‘Grandma’ when

she flew with her three-year-old grandson Jack on his first plane ride ever down to Florida where she begins her new life in the Sunshine State. Jackie retired from the job of Vice-President of Easter Seals of

Jackie Verville had fun driving the company fork lift as she crossed it off her bucket list at her retirement party. She is shown with her replacement as Vice-President Chris Imes. Photo by Lois Mittino Gray

Deaths .................... A3 Legals ...................B7 Opinion ................A9 Retrospective........A5

School ....................A8 Social .....................A6 Sports ...... .........B1-4 TV Guide...........B5-6

Posey County. She was feted with a retirement party by coworkers for family and friends on Wednesday afternoon, January 6 at their offices on Main Street and Industrial Road. A goodbye cake, punch, and many kinds of nibbles were served to those who stopped by the open house to reminisce and give out well wishes. “We are really going to miss her. She puts her heart and soul into this work,” said Cindy Eaton, Case Manager of Employment Services. Easter Seals Rehabilitation Center of Posey County involves working with persons of all ages who may be developmentally disabled or be on social security disability. Sometimes a person may be injured on the job and the rehab center staff will help them locate something else they can do for work. “Jackie’s been a wonderful mentor and really taught me a lot,”

Continued on Page A10

PAGE A2 • JANUARY 19, 2016



Quartetto Gelato, a Canadian new classical quartet from Toronto, Ontario, kicked off Under the Beam’s 2016 series at New Harmony’s Murphy Auditorium. The muchvaulted group was thrust into the limelight after being named NPR Performance Today’s ‘Debut Artist of the Year’ in 1996 and awarded ‘Best Classical Group’ at the 10th annual Independent Music Awards at Canadian Music Week. The group boasts a wide

array of genres such as tangos, gypsy music and folk songs. Visit www.underthebeams. org for more information on Under the Beam’s upcoming shows, including Ruthie Foster (soul, blues, rock, folk, and gospel) Madeleine Peyroux (jazz singer, songwriter, and guitarist) and BeauSoleil avec Michael Doucet (Cajun). For more information on Quartetto Gelato, visit www.quartettogelato.ca. Photos by Zach Straw

Canvas & Conversation Thursday, January 28th 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

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DAY OF PRAYER FOR THE LEGAL PROTECTION OF UNBORN CHILDREN. “Lord Jesus, reawaken in us respect for every unborn life, make us capable of seeing in the fruit of a mother’s womb the miraculous work of the Creator, open our hearts to welcome generously every child that comes into life. Accompany the choices of legislative assemblies with the light of your Spirit, so that peoples and nations may recognize and respect the sacred nature of life, of every human life.” -- Pope Benedict XVI Forty-three years ago the Supreme Court decided a case that would ultimately end the lives of tens of millions of unborn babies. The legalization of abortion through the Roe v. Wade decision allowed the death of up to 1 out of 3 children born in the following generations. On the same day, they released the Doe v. Bolton decision that ultimately made abortion legal up to the day of birth in all 50 states. For forty-three years the United States continues to have one of the most extreme abortion regimes in the world. Today a child, in every context of American law except for abortion, merits her parents’ care and protection. Forty-three years later, women’s health is still a central issue, but scientific data does not support abortion access as healthy for women. Many women are pressured or even forced into unwanted abortions. In a major survey of American women who had abortions, 64% said they were pressured to do so by others. Their feelings of fear, anxiety, and pain about the abortion procedure itself are compounded by feelings of guilt and anguish about the death of their child. Women who have had abortions are often denied the opportunity to grieve and to resolve the trauma, injustice, and pain they have experienced. Abortion is evil because it takes the innocent, dependent life of a uniquely precious unborn child. Some claim it as a necessary evil because women’s equality depends upon it. Wouldn’t authentic equality instead require that men and society respect, protect, and support women’s childbearing capacity, alongside their many other talents and abilities? Forty-three years later, the pro-life community is as committed as ever to promoting the human dignity of both mother and child. You can join Posey County Right to Life and be a part of protecting all human life. Proceeds from our fundraisers are currently y used to support Birthright, Life Choices, Black Township Trustee Trus office, and Precious Poseys. These organizations not only co counsel and support women, but nurture a woman before and after the birth of her child.

Posey County Right to Life Respecting all Human Life from Conceptiont to Natural Death. 812-781-9293 • Facebook.com/poseycountyrighttolife poseycountyinrighttolife@yahoo.com

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JANUARY 19, 2016 • PAGE A3


OBITUARIES Tamara McCarty Tamara Joy (Newman) McCarty, 53, of Mount Vernon Ind., passed away Friday, January 15, 2016 at her home. She was born June 29, 1962 in Evansville, Ind., to Bennie Wayne Newman and Betty (Saltzman) Reinitz. T d Tammy was a graduate of Mount Vernon High School. She was a member of Mount Pleasant General Baptist Church. Tammy was an avid reader and loved gardening, cooking, and spending time with her family. She was preceded in death by her parents; sister, Jennifer Murphy; and brother, Darrell Newman. She is survived by her sons, Schuyler McCarty, Lance McCarty (fiancé, Kaylee Parrish), and Derek McCarty; grandchildren, Landon, Madalyn, and Myles McCarty; sisters, Brenda (Larry) Bosecker and Robin Abbott; brother, Brett (Tina) Newman; sisterin-law, Susan Newman; and half brother, Benny Ray Newman. Funeral service will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday, January 19, 2016 at Schneider Funeral Home, 512 Main Street, Mount Vernon, Ind., with Rev. Dallas Robinson officiating and burial to follow in Bellefontaine Cemetery. Visitation was held from 4 until 7 p.m. Monday, January 18, 2016 at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made to the National Kidney Foundation of Indiana or Alexandrian Public Library. Condolences may be made online at www.schneiderfuneralhome.com.

Paulette Herrenbruck Paulette ‘Polly’ (Rhoades) Herrenbruck, 69, of Evansville, Ind., passed away at 8:11 a.m., Thursday, January 14, 2016, at St. Mary’s Medical Center. Polly was born to Noble and Louise K. Rh d on S t b 14 Rhoades September 14, 1946, in Evansville, Ind. She retired as an insurance agent from Old National Insurance after 27 years of service. Polly enjoyed camping with her family and driving them around on her golf cart. She was a strong woman who worked hard to take care of her children. She enjoyed shopping and anything else her children talked her into. Polly was the heart of her family. She is survived by her daughters, Stacy (Mike) Wagner of Wadesville, Ind., Stephanie (Jon) Fifer of Wadesville, Ind., Samantha Herrenbruck, Susan Reeves (Michael Euler), and Sarah (Wes) Taylor, and son, Scott Herrenbruck all of Evansville, grandchildren, Joshua (Taylor) Wagner, Amanda (Bobby) Wagner, Lexie, Libby, and Lia Fifer, Makinley and Drake Herrenbruck, Gabriella Taylor, great-grandchildren, Robert Redden and Addison Wagner; sister, Becky Swinehart, sister-in-law, Jayne Rhoades, and nieces, nephews and other family. She is preceded in death by her parents and brother, Edward Rhoades. Funeral Services were held at 11 a.m., Monday, January 18, 2016 at Boone Funeral Home East Chapel-A Family Tradition Funeral Home, 5330 Washington Avenue, Evansville. Burial will be in Sunset Memorial Park Cemetery. Friends visited from 2 until 7 p.m., Sunday, January 17, 2016, at Boone Funeral Home - East Chapel and Monday from 10 until Service time at 11 a.m. Memorial Contributions may be made to Friends of Harmonie State Park, P.O. Box 217, New Harmony, IN, 47631, or Greyhound Pets of America Tri-State Chapter, P.O. Box 21574, Owensboro, KY, 42304, or Masonic Learning Center-Children 203 Chestnut Street, Evansville, IN, 47713. Condolences may be made to the family online at boonefuneralhome.net.

Business as usual at MV Common Council By Lois Mittino Gray The first Mount Vernon Common Council meeting of the year on January 7 was filled with well wishes for incoming District 2 Councilman Larry Williams with a few tense moments in between. Mayor John Tucker started out by announcing the following appointments: Board of Works, Brian Jeffries and Bill Curtis; Solid Waste District, Larry Williams; and City Attorney, Beth McFadin Higgins. Tucker stated he talked with Council Member Andy Hoehn about serving once again on the Area Plan Commission and Hoehn agreed to stay on it. Tucker said that since this is a council appointment, and not just a mayoral one, a motion must be made to approve Hoehn by consensus. Councilman Curtis made the motion that Hoehn be the Council’s appointment to the Commission. Councilman Williams said he was interested in serving on that commission as well. Attorney Higgins noted there was a motion on the floor, and asked if there was a second. Tucker then asked again and after a long tense pause, the motion died for lack of a second. Councilwoman Becky Higgins moved Williams be appointed to the Area Plan Commission. It was seconded by Jeffries and passed by roll call vote, with Councilman Hoehn abstaining. Tucker asked Hoehn if he would like to do the Solid Waste Committee then, instead of Williams, but he declined. The next organizational item was designating a Mayor Pro Tem. Councilman Curtis has done it for the last four or five years, and he was appointed unanimously to the position. Attorney Higgins reminded the group to get their meeting times on the record. They will be meeting every other Thursday, except for the months there are five Thursdays. In that event, they will only have two meetings a month In other council action: • Larry Robb, Posey County Emergency Director, appeared before the council to present the new county mitigation plan. It is updated every four years and he highlighted some of the changes as the county prepares for natural disasters, such as earthquakes, flooding, or tornadoes. Mitigating things lessen the impact of a disaster. He stressed everyone in the county should sign up for Code Red alerts on their phones so they can be warned of impending concerns quickly. • In legal action, Attorney Higgins conducted the second reading of the ordinance to zone and rezone certain real estate in Mount Vernon. Most of these parcels are located along the river, and there is quite a list. Higgins also conducted the second reading of an ordinance brought to them by Area Plan Commission Director Mindy Bourne. It will clean up language and correct errors that are currently cited in the code. Other legals included second reading of the parking ordinance to establish three handicap spots in front of St. Mathew Church and first reading of an ordinance to establish one spot near Trinity Church. • Higgins explained that all city employees will be required to fill out 99A forms on a daily basis of hours worked, paid time off taken, etc. Earlier in the day, the Board of Works approved the form to use. It is to be turned into the Clerk-Treasurer’s Office with the payroll. The forms, after being signed by the employee, will become part of the em-

ployee file. Higgins concluded by stating State Board of Accounts also requires this be done for audit purposes. • In his District Two report, Councilman Williams asked about the new video recording system. Clerk-Treasurer Christi Sitzman said it is always on and is motion activated. The meetings will be saved onto a USB drive and burned to a disc for viewing on Time Warner. She added they are still trying to get the bugs worked out of it. Williams would really like to see them take advantage of this equipment by putting the meetings on the city website, or YouTube, and possibly live stream it. He noted that the city website is out of date and still lists Sue Shelton as District 1 council person. He suggested an intern or a high school student might be interested in taking charge of updating it. • In his District Three report, Councilman Hoehn said the city had some recent heavy rains and it appears that the rain garden at the old Russell Trailer Park has held pretty well. He added, “It was a good mitigation project, it has worked well, and it looks good.” • In her report, Councilwoman-at-Large Becky Higgins announced she would bring up the ‘white elephant in the room,’ that being the flashing light at Fourth and Walnut Streets. She asked Mayor Tucker if he had heard from INDOT yet. He replied no, and she observed that it has been yellow flashing for about 90 days now and from what she can see, it isn’t helping much. Traffic still gets backed up during certain times of the day. Nancy Sexton, a citizen in the audience, said she is out walking quite a bit and watches that area a lot. She thinks Fourth Street traffic moves much better now, though there are still a lot of trucks. She stated walkers can cross the street easily, too. Councilwoman Higgins continued her report by stating the first meeting for River Days will be January 19. This year marks the second annual ‘Thank You Blue Week’ and it will be held during the last full week in January. She invited everyone to the city’s first Bicentennial event, the opening of the time capsule on January 30 at 1 p.m. at the police and fire station, in the training room. • Sewer Chairman Williams told the others he went to the sewer department today to meet the employees. Former Councilman Steve Fuelling accompanied him and they are starting to work on a budget and will be asking some other people for help. • Under Old Business, Councilman Jeffries reported that a nuisance ordinance committee meeting was held on December 20, 2015. They are still gathering information and Councilman Hoehn will get the proposal to Attorney Higgins. • The Mayor reminded everyone that year end reports are due by February 4, ten copies each. • Acting as the Water Utility Board, Water Superintendent Chuck Gray was proud to announce that the new water plant construction is finished. The automatic transfer switch just arrived and it is one big piece of equipment, four feet by eight feet in size. After that is wired up, everything will “be good to go for a January 18 test startup to fire up the filters and turn on the ultraviolet light disinfection lamps.” He estimated it will all be fully operational by the middle of February.

‘Baby’ continued from Page A1 Stephanie said with the start of the first contraction to the time he was born only took three hours. Asher stayed in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) following his birth until Saturday evening due to some breathing issues. “He’s doing just great now,” his mom happily reported. St. Mary’s Hospital spokesman, Randy Capehart said, “It’s great to see

a growing family like the Scheu’s use our hospital. We are here if they need us for continued family support, education and breastfeeding programs.” Capehart said St. Mary’s is the only hospital in the area to have earned the Babies Friendly designation. The honor was earned through the establishment of their parent education and breastfeeding programs available to all parents.

When asked how Hadlie and Eli feel about their new little brother, Stephanie responded, “They adore him. They are just over the moon in love with him.” Stephanie will enjoy her 12-week maternity leave with her new son and children before she returns to work as a first grade teacher at Lodge Elementary School in Evansville. David works in construction with Skanska.

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99¢ $ 09 1 $ 09 1 $ 19 1 $ 19 1 $ 19 1 $ 19 1 $ 39 2 $ 49 2 $ 99 1 $ 99 1 $ 25 1

Baked Beans ........... 8.6oz

Brooks Chili Beans ........... 15.75oz

Green Giant Vegetables ........... 14.75oz Hunt Tomato Sauce ........... 15oz Hunt Specialty Sauce ........ 15oz Hunt Tomatoes............... 14.5oz Hunt Diced Tomato........... 14.5oz Del Monte Fruit ................ 4oz/4pack Black Top Pink Salmon .......... 14.75oz Minute Rice ..................... 14oz Minute Rice Ready Cups .......... 2-4.4oz Rice-A-Roni Sides .................... 6.9oz

Pasta-A-Roni $ Sides .................... 4.8oz Kellog’s $ Frosted Mini Wheats..... 18oz Honey Nut $ Cheerios ................ 12oz Multi-Grain $ Cheerios ................ 12oz Quaker $ Chewy Granola Bars ........ McCafe $ Coffee Pods ............. 12ct McCafe $ Premium Roast Coffee .. 12ct Maxwell House $ K-Cup ....................... Gevalia $ Columbia K-Cup ............. Swiss Miss $ Cocoa ................... 10ct Cousin Willie $ Popcorn ..................... Kraft $ Miracle Whip ............ 30oz

125 269 289 289 269 669 659 689 689 149 129 479


$ 09

2 Wish-Bone $ 29 Dressing...................... 2 Grape Jelly .............. 30oz


$ 99

9 $ 99 Lean Ground ............. 4 Emge $ 19 Bacon .................... 4 Emge $ 99 Sausage.................. 1 Foster Farms $ 99 Corn Dogs............... 5 Banquet $ 09 TV Dinners ................... 1 Westpac $ 29 Select Vegetables ....... 1 Sara Lee $ 29 Cheese Cake ................. 4 Sara Lee $ 99 Coffee Cake .................. 3 Ribeye Steak ............. 1lb








Sara Lee $ Pound Cake .................. Pepperidge Farms $ Cake ......................... Sara Lee $ Pies .......................... Praire Farms $ Ice Cream ............. 1/2gal Praire Farms $ Sherbert ..................... North Star $ Novelty Bars.......... 12-16ct Kraft $ Shredded Cheese ........ 8oz Praire Farms $ Dips ...................... 8oz Praire Farms $ Cottage Cheese ......... 16oz Praire Farms $ Sour Cream ............. 8oz

329 349 399 389 389 289 299 119 209 119

Renuzit Solid Air Freshner ........ 7oz

$ 29


PAGE A4 • JANUARY 19, 2016


COMMUNITY Moose Lodge’s weekly BB Gun Spot Shoot Father and son spend five months

hiking the Pacific Crest Trail It’s just a trail. 2,660 miles of dirt, sand, gravel, granite, lava and pine needles. It cares not who treads on its ever changing surface. Its very existence depends on the footsteps of those who navigate its pathway. Reaching the end of this two-foot-wide track a person finds themselves at the end of something that goes on in every aspect of their life. A deep inner emotion grips at the soul, one that can only be understood by those who Eleven-year-old Blake Huntsman of Not just for the boys, Farmersville El- have also walked along this Marrs Elementary School won this Sun- ementary student KayLee Roberts was all seemingly never ending trail. The agony experienced days Daisy Red Rider BB gun. Photo by smiles after competing in round 18 during was dwarfed by the God inZach Straw Sunday’s event. Photo by Zach Straw spiring landscape. From the hot arid desert of southern

California to the snow covered High Sierra Mountains. They traversed the pine covered wilderness areas of northern California and Oregon. They climbed the lava flows of Oregon and crossed the Bridge of the Gods on the Columbia River. Washington State would not go without a fight as they climbed the alpine mountains and crossed swollen rivers. Walking late into the night and waking as a new day brings predawn light, Stagecoach and Family Man experienced what few have. Day by day the layers of civilian life were peeled from their cluttered conscious allowing the miracles of God

Luke Pickman was the proud winner The winner for week two was nine-yearParticipants of all ages lined up to shoot at the third week of the Daisy Red Ryder BB Gun at the old Drake Branson from Carmi, Ill. Photo of the BB Gun Spot Shoot. Photo by Zach Straw first spot shoot at Moose Lodge 497 on submitted January 3. Photo submitted

Moose Lodge to hold Spot Shoot Mount Vernon Moose Lodge 497 located at 711 West Second Street, Mount Vernon, Indiana will be holding their annual Daisy Red Rider BB Gun Spot Shoot the following Sundays in January: 24, 31. Doors open at noon; spot shoot starts at 1 p.m. Two dollar meat and $5 cash rounds available to both

adults and children. Special rounds held for children only. Weekly contest round for children, one winner each week will receive a new Red Rider BB Gun courtesy of the Moose Lodge 497. Food and refreshments will be available at the lodge. Bring your own Daisy Red Rider BB Gun or guns provided by the lodge.

Community Table Jan/Feb Free meal every Thursday, serving from 5 to 6 p.m. at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, Poseyville. Everyone is welcome. No preaching, just good eating. Thursday, January 21 – Relay for Life Chili, Pimento Cheese, Relish Sticks, Dessert Thursday, January 28 – Cheeseburger Casserole, Carrots, Bread Slice, Applesauce, Dessert

Thursday, February 4 – Cheddar Mac and Ham Casserole, Carrots, Applesauce, Bread Slice, Dessert Thursday, February 11 – Swedish Meatballs over noodles, Green Beans, Applesauce, Valentine Cupcakes Thursday, February 18 – Chicken Tetrazzini, Salad, Rolls, Cookies Thursday, February 25 – Ham and Cheese Sandwich, Chips, Baked Beans, Dessert

Birthdays January 19 - Terry McCleave, Sr., Maxine Watson, Gene Conyers, Olivia Conyers, Sara Ann Trembczynski, Laurie Robinson, Annemarie Cardin, Kimberly Wilson, Larry N. Mackey, Paul Breeze, Max Roll, Kim Walsh January 20 - Dawn Nelson, Nancy Defries, Jillian Marie Becher, Mike Johnson, Sherrie Titzer, Nusha Mobley, Emily Osborne, Rosemary Tron January 21 - Mark Austin, Kendall Wilson, Herb Reynolds, Alan Kent Racine, Kayden Eaton, Velma Hyatt, Payton Powers January 22 - Nicholas Wilkinson, Joyce Artin, Tracy Austin, Brooklynn Hamman, Ryan Mobley, Peggy Eaton January 23 - Mackenzie Lynell Atkins, Lindsay Creek, Winnie Morrison, Jim Ries, Adam Hoffman, Lindsay Wilhoyte, Raela Cullum, Brittany Givens January 24 - Jeremy Harris, Mary Huck, Hal Kattau, Robin Lynn Overton, Mack Conyers January 25 - Timothy Hoffman, Terry Hon, Ashley Knight, Heather Werry Hendon, Jan Slifer, Justin Rutledge, Bob Hogan If you have a name to be included in the birthday calendar, please send to us at P.O. Box 397, New Harmony, IN 47631

WMI News Brand New Releases on our shelf for this month include: ‘Deadly Heat’ by New York Times Bestselling Author Richard Castle ‘Stars of Fortune’ by Nora Roberts ‘The Witches: Salem 1692’ by Pulitzer Prize winning author Stacy Schiff ‘Strike Dog: A Woods Cop Mystery’ and ‘Force of Blood’ by Joseph Heywood WMI Children’s programs are now back in full swing. Library Lil Thursdays at 6 p.m. Preschool Story Time at 10:30 a.m. The new Quilting Circle will meet every Wednesday setting up at 5 p.m. This week you can learn a strip quilt pattern (please bring your own supplies). January 26 at 6 p.m. screening of the 2013 movie ‘Copperhead.’ This film depicts a family

to be revealed. Halfway Home is available in both print and eBook versions. Book Information: Halfway Home, Author: Donald L. Reavis, Publisher: Donald L. Reavis, ISBN: 9781942845270, Published: October 2015, Pages: 274 About The Author: Donald L. Reavis, born and raised in the farmlands of Indiana was taught common sense from an early age. His parents, both from conservative backgrounds, instilled in him the knowledge of the Creator and Christian principles. At the age of fourteen he left the public school system and continued his education in the field of construction. During these years working with his father he acquired his private pilot license. In 1987 he was hired by the FAA and spent the next 24 years controlling aircraft in southern California and Florida. After retirement he started backpacking with his wife, spending as much time as possible in the mountains where the dream of hiking the Pacific Crest Trail was conceived.

PC Community Foundation announces 2016 Scholarship Program details

The Posey County Community Foundation is accepting applications online for their 2016 Community Scholarship Program. Twenty-six individual scholarships will be offered during the 2015-16 scholarship cycle. Deadline to apply is midnight, February 29, 2016, unless otherwise stated below. For more information regarding specific deadline dates, eligibility and selection criteria, and supplemental requirements for each individual scholarship opportunity, please visit www.communityfoundationalliance.org/ posey/scholarships/opportunities. The following is a list of the community scholarships that will be offered along with their award amounts: Bobby Rogge Memorial Scholarship ($200); Byron and Lila Brenton Memorial Scholarship ($4,800); Cash Family Scholarship ($500); CountryMark Technical Trade Scholarship (Estimated $4,500); Craig Andrew Spradley Memorial Scholarship ($1,000); George and Peggy Rapp Scholarship ($3,000. Two scholarships may be awarded from total amount listed); Gillenwater Scholarship (College Scholarship Award) ($1,000); Gillenwater Scholarship (Junior College or State-Supported Technical College Scholarship Award) ($500); Herb and Betty Curry Scholarship ($1,000); James W. Moore Scholarship ($300); Jay Lampton Memorial Scholarship ($400) Deadline to Apply: February 12, 2016; Katie Kanowsky Memorial Scholarship ($1,000); Kevin Dillon North Posey Memorial Scholarship ($1,000); Kiwanis Memorial Scholarship ($1,000); Mac McCutchan Memorial Scholarship ($1,200); Margaret Corbin Wathen Scholarship ($500); North Star Scholarship (Open only to renewal candidate during the 2015-16 scholarship program.); Oscar and Helen Uebelhack Agriculture Scholarship ($1,000); Posey County Co-op Scholarship ($2,000); Riedford Health Professions Scholarship ($500); Robby Wilson Memorial Scholarship ($500); Rosella and Doyle Oursler Scholarship ($1,500); SABIC Innovative Plastics Schol-

APL News

arship ($1,000); Southwestern Indiana Master Gardener Association Scholarship ($2,000) Deadline to Apply: February 3, 2016; Whitney Wehr Memorial Scholarship ($1,500); William H. Keck Leadership Scholarship ($3,500). Many of the Community Foundation donors have honored their loved ones, communities, high schools, colleges, or professions by endowing scholarship opportunities through the Foundation. We administer separate scholarship funds established by individuals, families, corporations, and organizations to assist local students in pursuit of advanced education. Together, these scholarships make up our Community Scholarship Program. Eligibility requirements and selection criteria are determined by the individual donors. Each scholarship is unique and supports students with a variety of backgrounds, educational goals, and economic status. Awards are made withoutregard to race, creed, color, sex, religion, or national origin and are based on a competitive process, which may consider academic achievement, extracurricular activities, personal aspirations, educational goals, and financial need. Established in 1992, the Posey County Community Foundation is one of nearly 700 community foundations in the United States today. We serve Posey County, offering people a variety of ways to achieve their goals for this community through charitable giving. The Posey County Community Foundation, a partner of the Community Foundation Alliance currently administers over 81 funds established by individuals, families, businesses, civic groups, and agencies to improve the quality of life in Posey County. For more information about the 2016 Community Scholarship Program, or how to apply, please contact Monica Spencer, Director, at 812-838-0288 or visit our website at www.communityfoundationalliance.org/posey.

By Stanley Campbell

Registration has begun for our ‘Winter Fun!’ storytimes for children five and under and their caregivers. Storytimes will be offered on Mondays at 9:30 or 10:30 a.m. and Tuesdays at 9:30 or 10:30 a.m. This four week session will begin the week of January 25 and will be held at Hedges. Registration has also begun for Laughs and Crafts, which will be offered on Thursdays at 3:30 p.m. at Hedges. This program for kids in grades Kfive will begin January 28 and run for four weeks. For more information about these programs, or to register, call the library at 838-3286. I-ce You Reading. - January 19 to February 29 Join us for our Tenth Annual Adult Winter Reading Program. Register at the Information Desk and pick up from upstate New York torn the official rules and snowball apart during the American cards. Winners will be notiCivil War. fied by telephone on Tuesday, So bring your popcorn and March 1, 2016. your kepi and join us. Getting Crafty: Easy

Retiring? Changing Jobs?

Heart String Art - January 19 at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Local artist Monica Emerson will help you how to make an easy piece of Heart String Art that’s perfect for Valentine’s Day. Registration is required. This program will take place in room 223 at Hedges Central Community Center. Please enter through door 16 on Canal Street This is a secure building, so please plan on arriving five10 minutes before the start of the program or you may be locked out. LITerally Speaking Book Discussion - January 19 at 1 p.m. Join us to discuss The Truth According to Us by Annie Barrows. You can get your copy of the book at the Circulation Desk. This program will take place in room 223 at Hedges Central Com-

munity Center. Please enter through door 16 on Canal Street This is a secure building, so please plan on arriving five-10 minutes before the start of the program or you may be locked out. Getting Crafty: Mitten Earrings - January 20 at 10 a.m. We’ll kick off the Tenth Adult Winter Reading Program with an appropriate craft -- mitten lampwork earrings. All supplies provided, but be prepared to do some fine detail work. Registration is required. This program will take place in room 223 at Hedges Central Community Center. Please enter through door 16 on Canal Street This is a secure building, so please plan on arriving five10 minutes before the start of the program or you may be locked out.


Drawing and Watercolor for Adults - January 21 and 28 at 10 a.m. We will be working on development skill in drawing and watercolor. For information on this series call Stan Campbell at 812-838-3286. All supplies provided. Registration is required but if you have your own supplies feel free to just walk-in. These programs will take place at the Mount Vernon Senior Center on West Eighth Street. You can register well in advance for any of our programs by going to our website at http://alexandrianpl.org. Can’t register on-line? Call the library at 812-838-3286 or visit in person. Our library staff representative will be ready to assist you and answer your questions. Check out our Facebook page and Like us.



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JANUARY 19, 2016 • PAGE A5

70 years worth of phases, changes, and birthdays Madeleine, many folks have heard me say in the past year that instead of becoming 71 this January, I was planning on turning around, and heading back to 69. While you are going to reach the big milestone of 10 in early March, D M I have a hard time believing that I am really this old. The B last 20 years or so have sped C by very quickly. I frequently P say how fortunate I feel that I have very few physical impairments of aging, except when I look in the mirror, of course. Anything can change very quickly, of course. My oldest Shih Tzu, Abbie, will also be 10 on Valentine’s Day. I can see a few signs of aging in her, like not seeing too well, and hesitating before jumping up on a chair. It makes me sad to see her starting to slow down. She was a rescue dog, and she has been with us since she was about 18 months old. Her previous owner kept her locked in a bathroom for that first part of her life. Shortly after the holidays every year, my children ask me what I want to do for my birthday. Many years, I just ask for everyone to get together and eat a meal with me, most of the time at the Silver Bell. One of the happy things about Facebook is having so many friends wish one a Happy Birthday. One of the downsides of a January birthday that I mention every year is the fact that I just get my mind right about eating correctly again when this occasion comes along. Winter is the hardest time to resist calories. The long evenings provide way too much time to eat other things after pp , especially p y with various things g hanging g g around from supper,

the holidays. Heather’s birthday comes up in early February, and even though these birthdays provide a nice break in the long bleak winter months, it means more cake. My mother, Madeleine, would have been 105 years old on January 3, and I will always have special memories of her on that day. Anyone’s birthday so close to the holidays is sometimes hard to properly celebrate. However, I always try to remember the day as much as possible. She treasured the cards that I gave her and kept them all, just like I do. Madeleine, I know that your generation will not know what to do with all of the greeting cards that have been saved through the years, but I hope you will not throw them away. I would like to picture that you, Alexander, and Issabella, and your children, will get them out and look at them sometimes. I am sorry that you will be responsible for so many things to keep. Mostly, I just want you guys to recall sharing occasions, like birthdays. I believe that most people mainly want the next generations to remember them, and how their lives shaped the futures of the young people to follow. I want to feel that good things will be in your futures, despite so many changes for you to navigate in your time. Love for your family and the keeping of traditions should remain as constants, despite all of the crazy things going on in the world around you. I would love to believe that by the time you celebrate your 71st birthday, hate, violence and bigotry will have lost their place on the evening news. Perhaps your generation will have more common sense, tolerance, and empathy for their fellow man. I see all of the luscious birthday cakes on the food shows, and wish I knew how to concoct one of those and enjoy y crumb. Most of the family would probably not enjoy every

Alzheimer’s Program Communication is more than just talking and listening – it’s also about sending and receiving messages through attitude, tone of voice, facial expressions and body language. As people with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias progress in their journey and the ability to use words is lost, families need new

ways to connect. Join us to explore how communication takes place when someone has Alzheimer’s, learn to decode the verbal and behavioral messages delivered by someone with dementia, and identify strategies to help you connect and communicate at each stage of the disease. Registration required. $5

PCPP News Adoption Location Please visit PC Pound Puppies at Pet Food Center North (on First Avenue by Target) on Sundays, Noon to 3 p.m., where you can meet many of the dogs available for adoption. Pictures are posted in the window of Pet Food Center North, and a flier is displayed at Hawthorne Animal Clinic. If you see a dog you are interested in, please email us atpc_poundpuppies@ yahoo.com or go to our website ( pcpoundpup-

donation suggested. Designed for family caregivers; please no professionals. Date: January 28, 2016 Time: 5 - 7 p.m. Location: Alzheimer’s Association, 701 North Weinbach Avenue, Suite 510, Evansville, Ind. Registration required by calling 1-800-272-3900

PHS News

Posey Humane Society is located at 6500 Leonard Road, Mount Vernon, Ind. (behind Hawg ‘N Sauce restaurant). Cat Food Donations A cat’s digestive system can sometimes be a finicky thing, so we are trying to regulate what our cats are eating. For that reason we ask that any cat food donations you make please be limited to Purina Cat Chow, Iams or Pupies.com rina One Sensitive Systems. Our Wish List As always we appreciate any We always need: monetary donations. Heavy Duty Leashes (the braided ones hold Also, check out our new up longer, and are easier on our hands) and improved website www. Wire crates, new or used in good condition adoptapet.com/poseyhuTreats, bones, rawhides mane, and find us on faceDog toys book www.facebook.com/ Bedding, such as blankets, sheets, rugs, tow- poseyhumane els

Social Security Administration by Charo Boyd, Social Security Public Affairs Specialist

Access affordable health care and the insurance marketplace The Affordable Care Act (ACA) provides Americans with better health security by expanding coverage, lowering healthcare costs, guaranteeing more choice, and enhancing the quality of care for all Americans. Everyone is entitled to affordable healthcare. Under the law, a new “Patient’s Bill of Rights” gives the American people the stability and flexibility they need to make informed choices about their health. Some of the benefits of this coverage include: Ending Pre-Existing Condition Exclusions for Children: Health plans can no longer limit or deny benefits to children under 19 due to a pre-existing condition. Keeping Young Adults Covered: If you are under 26, you may be eligible to be covered under your parent’s health plan. Ending Arbitrary Withdrawals of Insurance Coverage: Insurers can no longer cancel your coverage just because you made an honest mistake. Guaranteeing Your Right to Appeal: You now have the right to ask that your plan reconsider its denial of payment. Open enrollment began in November and ends January 31. Compare healthcare plans so that you can find the best one for u, and sign up before the enrollment period ends. You can you, rnn more more about mo abo boutt the the he insurance ins nsur uran ur ance an ce marketplace mar arkke ketp ket tpla lace aand lace ndd how how to to apply apppl ply learn

for benefits at www.healthcare.gov. If you are 65 or older, you are entitled to Medicare. Certain people younger than age 65 can qualify for Medicare, including those who have disabilities and those who have permanent kidney failure. The program helps with the cost of healthcare, but it does not cover all medical expenses or the cost of most long-term care. You can access everything you need for Medicare, including online applications and publications, at www.socialsecurity. gov/medicare. Social Security and affordable healthcare go hand-in-hand. The Affordable Care Act and Medicare help ensure that you and your family are covered.

Red Cross Blood Opportunities

the exotic fillings and flavors, however, so I guess we will stick with the basics. One of my favorite photos of me, as a baby, is the one where I am carefully contemplating my first birthday cake. It is obvious that I learned to appreciate the dubious joys of sugary treats very young. As I think back on all of my past birthdays, I am amazed at all of the different phases of my life and the changes in the world that I have seen. Even though there are so many things that are not right on this planet, I am thankful for all of the blessings I have. I try not to focus on the events and peo- Cathy contemplating her ple that have disappointed first birthday cake. and saddened me, but instead to remember all of the good times. Madeleine, I hope that I am around to watch you children grow to adulthood, and to celebrate your accomplishments. Getting older is not so scary when one can see another generation coming along to pick up the reins in the 21st century, and I am confident you will always remember and honor the family that came before you.

Featured Animals

of The Posey County Pound Puppies. Call (812)-305-4737

Corky DOB: 5/13 Corky was rescued from a hoarding situation along with 90+ other dogs. He lived indoors all his life in a small house with no ventilation and filled in feces and urine. He currently has a dislocated kneecap and doesn’t have use of his hind leg. He is awaiting surgery but nothing slows him down. He is very active and loves to run and play as if it’s his first day of freedom from his horrible past. He also loves to lay and cuddle. He is a super dog but is not house-trained and will benefit from someone willing to help him with his training. He needs an active family with a fenced yard. He has been known to shred toys and blankets because he gets bored when left alone. He has been dealt a lousy hand in life but has handled himself well. He is such a happy and loving boy. We know there is a loving home out there for this sweet boy. He has had a rabies shot, 7-way shot, bordetella and wormed. He is neutered, microchipped and heartworm tested. Corky came to the shelter 5/15 and is in a foster home but looking for a furever home.

Paws for a Cause set for March 12 Come out and join us for a casual evening of food, fun and entertainment at the 2nd Annual Another Chance for Animals ‘Paws for a Cause Big Show Extravaganza!’ This year’s event will be held at Tropicana Evansville on Saturday, March 12, 2015 and will help raise funds for Another Chance for Animals. ACA is dedicated to the rescue, care and placement of homeless animals in the area, working diligently to find forever homes and loving families for these animals. General admission tickets are only $40 per person, or gather a group and reserve a table of 10 for only $375. With your ticket, you will be treated to dinner and a variety of live entertainment, including solo acoustic music by Allen Tate and Chuck Gee, Duo, Tom Small, Nick Hamilton, Tony Henning, stand-up comedian Gavin Eddings and the acoustic rock band, Jenny’s Bad Hair Day. A cash bar will be offered, plus you will not want to miss the items we have in our silent auction. Here is the Schedule of Events for the evening: 5 p.m.– Cocktail hour, silent auction bidding and music 6:30 p.m. - Dinner and program 7:30 – 10 p.m. – Entertainment and silent auction (auction closes at 9 p.m.) Attire: Casual. ACA logo t-shirts are encouraged and/or purple clothing. Don’t have an ACA shirt? They will have plenty for sale.

How to donate blood Simply download the American Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit redcrossblood.org or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) to make an appointment or for more information.


This Week’s Weather Forecast

PAGE A6 • JANUARY 19, 2016



94 Feet to premier in Evansville Jan. 29 Special to the News Rossetti Productions is excited to announce that their new feature film, 94 Feet, will have it’s World Premiere at Showplace East in Evansville on Friday, January 29, 2016. The movie will start at 7 p.m., with cast and crew coming together at the theater starting at 6 p.m. for pictures and autographs. 94 Feet was shot entirely in Evansville and Mount Vernon, Indiana in January of 2015, and is slated for Worldwide release in April of 2016. “We wanted to the first showing of the finished product to be in the area that we shot the movie,” Writer/Director Chip Rossetti said. “So coming back to Evansville for the Premiere was an easy decision.” Synopsis: An industry that has sus-

Chiara Faye Deig Nathan and Megan Deig are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Chiara Faye Deig, born December 4, 2015 in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Grandparents are Roger and Kristine Deig of Mount Vernon and Walt and Janet Todd of Fort Wayne and great grandparents are David and Ruth Ritzert of Mount Vernon and the late Marvin and Sue Deig.

tained a town for over 100 years, announces that it is closing it’s doors. A family that has been the cornerstone of the community has given up. The only thing that can save the dying little town... is an unspeakable tragedy. From Chip Rossetti, the writer and director of Fathers, The Accidental Missionary and The Borrowed Christmas, comes a faith based adventure into the heart of a family, and the core of a mountain. 94 Feet. 94 Feet stars many great actors from Evansville and Mount Vernon, as well as actors from all over the country. The Executive Producer for the movie is Larry Wilcox, who is best known for his role as John Poncherello in the hit television show CHiP’s. “Walking through fire in life with

your head high may shape a positive future, and having a faithful spirit is surely the cornerstone of such meaningful thoughts, choices and actions,” Wilcox said. “94 Feet is a wonderful film to reflect on your past, present and future.” “A lot of people are going to be able to relate to the story of 94 Feet,” Rossetti said. “It’s a story of faith in times of adversity. It has drama, adventure, comedy, a love story and a lot of cliff hangers. It really showcases how believers deal with adversity by turning to their faith”. More information about the movie, and the Premiere, can be found at www.facebook.com/94feetmovie.

Women’s Fund of Posey County announces grant program The Women’s Fund of Posey County is comprised of strong, caring, and focused women determined to make a difference in the community in which they live and serve. The Foundation is pleased to announce that starting on January 11, 2016, the Women’s Fund of Posey County will be accepting grant proposals from nonprofit organizations that serve Posey County and support the Women’s Fund mission: To give opportunity, encouragement, knowledge and hope to Posey County. Proposals are sought for charitable projects and activities that address needs and opportunities in health, human services, arts and culture, education, community development, and other areas that would improve the quality of life in Posey County. Through yearly grants, the Women’s Fund of Posey County supports a wide variety of organizations and programs serving Posey County, such as domestic violence prevention, family support programs, health initiatives, education, and child care. In previous years, the fund has awarded grants to the Posey County Special Olympics, Zion United Church of Christ, Lippe Nursery School, Mount VernonBlack Township Parks and Recreation, Friends of Harmonie State Park, Children’s Learning Center, Mount Vernon Azalea Trail, and Hoosier Salon. The Women’s Fund of Posey County welcomes funding requests from non-profit organizations that are tax-exempt

under sections 501(c)(3) and 509(a) of the Internal Revenue Code and from governmental agencies serving Posey County. Funding requests from other non-profit organizations to carry out charitable projects or activities in Posey County may be accepted; however, the non-profit may be required to obtain a fiscal sponsor. The online application will open on January 11, 2016, and proposals must be submitted electronically by February 22, 2016. Funding guidelines and proposal instructions may be obtained by visiting our website at www.communityfoundationalliance.org/grant/ womens-fund-grant-program. Established in 1992, the Posey County Community Foundation is one of nearly 700 community foundations in the United States today. We serve Posey County, offering people a variety of ways to achieve their goals for this community through charitable giving. The Posey County Community Foundation, a partner of the Community Foundation Alliance, currently administers over 81 funds established by individuals, families, businesses, civic groups, and agencies to improve the quality of life in Posey County. If you would like more information on the Women’s Fund of Posey County or about how you could create a fund with the Foundation, please call Monica Spencer, Director, at 812.838.0288 or visit our website at www.communityfoundationalliance.org/posey.

Legion collects items for troops Once again, the American Legion Post 5 of Mount Vernon is collecting items to be sent to our deployed Posey County troops. We did this for Christmas and was a huge success; we were able to send 27 boxes. We will be collecting thru February 1 in order for boxes to reach our military men and women by Valentine's Day. A list of suggested items is available at the American Legion by the collection barrels. Any questions, please contact Shasta Carr, Rhonda Bryant, or the American Legion at (812)838-5122.

State Sen. Jim Tomes (R-Wadesville) congratulates honored award recipients at the 25th annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Indiana Holiday Celebration at the Statehouse Thursday, Jan. 14. Rev. Adrian M. Brooks, Sr. received the 2016 Chairman’s Award for his leadership, most notably within his congregation, which has grown to over 4,500 members. Under his direction, the church offers over 50 ministries including childcare and substance-abuse programs, which have created a sense of renovation and renewal in the Evansville community. The Alexandrian Public Photo submitted Library will now be accepting debit and credit cards for Posey County Special Olympics payment of fines and fees. Presents “Planning For Your Dependent with Special Needs” Patrons may charge $4 ABLE Act, Waiver Update, Special Needs Trusts and Guardianship (and up) to their card for overdue fines, lost books, Where: MVHS, 700 Harriett Street, Mt. Vernon, Indiana Meeting Location: Cafeteria (Enter thru door #1) meeting room reservations,

Debit, Credit cards now accepted at APL

When: Thursday, January 28, 2016 Time: 6:00-7:30 p.m.

Light refreshments will be provided Please rsvp to: maierjd@mvschool.org Pl

Speaker: Gordon Homes, CFP® ™

A Certified Financial Planner practitioner, Gordon focuses on Financial and Estate Planning for families who have children or dependents with Special Needs. He brings a unique perspective through his experience both as an advisor and parent. He assists families with a myriad of issues including understanding and accessing public benefits, preserving benefit eligibility through Special Needs Trusts, and Guardianship concerns. A frequent speaker at parent support group meetings and state conferences, he is nationally recognized in the area of Special Needs planning, contributing to articles in The Washington Post, The New York Times, and Kiplinger’s Personal Finance. He serves on the MetLife Center for Special Needs Planning National Advisory Council and is active in numerous organizations that serve the Special Needs Community.

MetLife does not provide tax or legal advice. Please consult your tax advisor or attorney for such guidance. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (MLIC), New York, NY 10166. Securities products and investment advisory services offered by MetLife Securities, Inc. (MSI) (member FINRA/SIPC) and a registered investment adviser. MLIC and MSI are MetLife companies. L0415417748[exp0416][IN,KY,MI,OH]

Zumba classes held on Mondays Zumba classes are currently being be held on Mondays at 6 p.m. at the Mount Vernon Community Center. The instructor is Joy Alldredge. For more information, she can be reached at 812-483-1882.

WDB Youth Committee meeting change The Workforce Development Board - Youth Committee meeting set for Friday, February 19 at 8 a.m. CT has been changed to Thursday, February 18 at 8 a.m. CT at Innovation Pointe, 318 Main Street, Evansville, Ind.

copies and more. As long as the amount due is more than $4, patrons can use plastic, and with no transaction fees. If you have any questions Griffin resident Kevin Gardner braves the elements please call the Circulation and the 17-degree temperatures to cook steaks on the grill Desk at (812) 838-3286. on Sunday afternoon. Photo by Dave Pearce

Philharmonic gives back with free tickets The Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra begins the New Year by making available Free Tickets for TriState students K through 12 at the January Classics concert, ‘Brass, Brahms and Bravura!’ on Saturday, January 23, at the Victory Theatre beginning at 7 p.m. Due in part to the generous contribution from the Evansville Philharmonic Guild, students from EVSC, Evansville Catholic Schools, Signature School, Warrick County, Posey County, Henderson County and other Tri-State and homeschooled students have the opportunity to attend The Victory Theatre and experience this concert performed by extremely talented professional musicians. Gary Wagner, Executive Director, said, “This is a unique opportunity for the Evansville Philharmonic to give back to the community and to in-

troduce area students to live symphonic music.” The Evansville Philharmonic Brass section takes center stage as they perform James Beckel’s ‘Concerto for Brass and Orchestra.’ This performance is part of a series of premieres of the work. Van Cliburn silver medalist, Antonio Pompa-Baldi completes the first half of this concert as he performs Respighi’s Piano Concerto in A Minor with technical prowess and genuine sensitivity. Mr. Pompa-Baldi appears regularly at the world’s major concert venues including New York’s Carnegie Hall, Paris’ Salle Plyel, Milan’s Sla Verdi and Boston’s Symphony Hall. A Steinway artist, Mr. PompaBaldi is on the piano faculty of Cleveland Institute of Music. The second half of the concert brings a mood of

sunny cheerfulness with Brahms’ warm and passionate Symphony No. 2 (‘Pastoral Symphony’). Concert Sponsors for ‘Brass, Brahms and Bravura!’ are Cynthia Wolfe of Wolfe’s Auto Auction and Mrs. John Philip Robertson. Guest Artist Sponsor is Mrs. Phyllis R. Grimm. Adult tickets start at $19. To order, go online at www. evansvillephilharmonic. org or call the Philharmonic Box Office at 812425-5050. Tickets can also be purchased at the Victory Theatre box office two hours prior to the concert. College Student Rush tickets can be purchased for $10 each at the Sixth Street entrance with a valid student ID. Members of club2030 can purchase a two ticket maximum for just $15 each, online only, before 3 p.m. on Saturday. See the website for more details.


JANUARY 19, 2016 • PAGE A7


Each picture tells a story for quilter, receiver By Brooke Simpson Evelyn Seyfarth moved to Mount Vernon in 2000, and brought with her an amazing talent for a craft that is quickly dying. Originally from New York, Evelyn learned to sew in school, and from her mother. She started with making jackets for her brothers, Barbie clothes, and small alterations for friends and family. Now she is an avid quilter and a very talented one at that. Several months ago Judy Powers approached Seyfarth with a picture of a Noah’s Ark Quilt. Using only the picture, Evelyn brought that quilt to reality. She rarely uses a sewing machine and does everything by hand. This quilt has some sections that have close to 15 pieces that had to be put together. Evelyn spends her free time with the Trinity Quilters where

ladies work on one large quilt together, but she also has ladies that come to her house and they each work on their own individual projects. Each picture tells a story for her as well as the one who receives the quilt. Delores Higginbottom brought over some old jeans and Evelyn talked of the handkerchief from Higginbottom’s mother that was sewn into one of the squares. There is a nice sized sewing room that she has in her home and on a shelf there are photo albums with pictures of her works from over the years. Barbie doll clothes with sleeves smaller than a dime, quilts for many occasions that Evelyn has made. Even naming each pattern in a unique way as each one in itself is one of a kind. Her largest quilt to date is a Queen size basket pattern, that looks so perfectly stitched one

would think it was just stamped onto the fabric. But Seyfarth only uses the machine to put the binding around the edges to ensure a strong, uniform seam. There are sewing machines on the market now that will even embroider just with the push of some buttons. The work they create is wonderfully uniform but even doing the same pattern by hand can be just as beautiful and distinctive. The process takes a little longer and for those who still appreciate handmade over store-bought it is worth the wait and price. Handmade items take weeks, often months to complete. There is no quick way to get a project done. At 91 she has a quick wit, and spunky attitude, and a love for the craft. When looking at one of her pieces one can feel the love in every stitch, that can’t be bought in stores.

Ninety-one year old Evelyn Seyfarth works on one of the many quilts she does on a yearly basis. Photo by Brooke Simpson

Seeds of the Sower by Michael Guido Everyone looks forward to a New Year and the hope it represents. ‘Well wishers’ come at us from every direction wanting us to reap a harvest of joy and happiness, peace and prosperity. A ‘good new year’ is a universal desire that everyone seeks. But how can we assure ourselves of having a Happy New Year? The answer comes from Isaiah 41:10. First, we must honor the two ‘nots’ - do not be afraid and do not be dismayed. Fear and dismay will disturb our minds, trouble our souls and destroy our health. Only as we place our faith in the goodness and grace of God will our fears evaporate and dismay vanish. Second, add the two ‘I ams’ - I am with you and I am your God. Our God is always with us and we are never beyond

His reach. When problems arise He wants to solve them. When needs arise He will meet them. When foes would destroy us He will conquer them. When storms appear He will calm them. Third, we need to mix them with the three ‘I wills.’ I will strengthen you. He has all the strength we need with some to spare. I will help you. Here is help that is seeking us and is suďŹƒcient for every situation. I will uphold you. With what? The very same hands that hold the universe together! If we want 2016 to be a Happy New Year we must begin every day of every week of every month of the year reading God’s Word and spending time in prayer. Visit us at: SowerMinistries.org

Tips for Remaining Faithful in Marriage Question: You’ve been happily married for more than ďŹ fty years now. Have you ever been tempted to be unfaithful to your wife? What are the danger points that those of us who are younger should watch for? Answer: Honestly, I have F never even considered cheat- ing on Shirley. The very ... thought of hurting her and in- B D . viting God’s judgment is more J than enough to keep me on the D straight and narrow. Furthermore, I would never destroy the specialness we shared for all these years. But even marriages that are based on that kind of commitment are not immune to Satan’s attacks. He laid a trap for me during a time of particular vulnerability. Shirley and I had been married just a few years when we had a minor fuss. It was no big deal, but we both were pretty agitated at the time. I got in the car and drove around for about an hour to cool o. Then when I was on the way home, a very attractive girl drove up beside me in her car and smiled. She was obviously irting with me. Then she slowed down, looked back, and turned onto a side street. I knew she was inviting me to follow her. I didn’t take the bait. I just went on home and made up with Shirley. But I thought later about how vicious Satan had been to take advantage of the momentary conict between us. The Scriptures refer to the devil as “a roaring lionâ€? seeking whom he may devourâ€? (1 Peter 5:8, KJV). I could see how true that description really is. He knew his best opportunity to damage our marriage was during that hour or two when we were irritated with each other. That is typical of his strategy. He’ll lay a trap for you, too, and it’ll probably come at a time of vulnerability. Beautiful, enticing, forbidden fruit will be oered to you when your hunger is greatest. If you are foolish enough to reach for it, your ďŹ ngers will sink into the rotten mush on the back side. That’s the way sin operates in our lives. It promises everything. It delivers nothing but disgust and heartache. There will be many temptations, of course. The primary danger will come from the intense longings that burn within each of us--many of them tugging us toward what is morally wrong. It has been my observation that whatever a person hungers for, Sa-

tan will appear to oer in exchange for a spiritual compromise. If illicit sex is your desire, it will eventually be within easy reach. Don’t be surprised when you are beckoned by a willing partner. If your passion is for fame or power for its own sake, that prize will be promised (even if never delivered). Remember that Jesus was oered bread following His forty-day fast in the wilderness. He was promised power and glory after He had been contemplating His upcoming road to the cross. My point is that Satan uses our keenest appetites to tempt us. These are a few of the fundamentals for young people like you who are determined, with the apostle Paul, to ďŹ ght a good ďŹ ght, ďŹ nish the course, and keep the faith (2 Timothy 4:7). I can tell you that you will not be able to accomplish this in your own strength and dedication. But it will be achieved only by dependence on the One who has promised to walk with you every day of your life. Another important principle is to avoid the circumstances where compromise is likely. A girl who wants to preserve her virginity should not ďŹ nd herself in a house or dorm room alone with someone to whom she is attracted. Nor should she singledate with someone she has no reason to trust. A guy who wants to be moral should stay away from the girl he knows would go to bed with him. Remember the words of Solomon to his son: “Keep to a path far from her, do not go near the door of her houseâ€? (Proverbs 5:8). I know this advice sounds very narrow in a day when virginity is mocked and chastity is considered old-fashioned. But I don’t apologize for it. The Scriptures are eternal, and God’s standards of right and wrong do not change with the whims of culture. He will honor and help those who are trying to follow His commandments. In fact, the apostle Paul said, “He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bearâ€? (1 Corinthians 10:13). Hold that promise and continue to use your head. You’ll be glad you did. From Dr. Dobson’s book, The Complete Marriage and Family Home Reference Guide For over 30 years, Dr. James Dobson has been America’s trusted source for psychologically sound, biblically based advice to help strengthen marriages, parents and families. For more practical help and encouragement, visit: www.drjamesdobson. org

Tim Tebow sponsors Night to Shine on Feb 12 Antioch Christian Church announced today that they will serve as one of the more than 100 churches around the world that will host Night to Shine sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation simultaneously on Friday, February 12, 2016. Night to Shine is an unforgettable prom night experience, centered on God’s love, for people with special needs ages 16 and older. This worldwide movement is already set to take place next year in 41 states across the nation and seven countries around the world‌and the numbers continue to grow. Every guest of Night to Shine will enter their prom on a red carpet complete with welcoming friendly paparazzi. Once inside guests will receive VIP treatment including hair and makeup stations, shoe shining stations, corsages and boutonnieres, a karaoke room and of course, dancing! The highlight of the night will come when every one of the Night to Shine guests is crowned as a king or queen of the prom. “We are honored to be able to work with so many churches across the county and around the world to impact the lives of people with special needs,â€? said Erik Dellenback, executive director of the Tim Tebow Foundation. “After such an amazing response to the inaugural event held in 44 locations earlier this year, our prayer is that this event will one day change the face of Valentine’s Day weekend from simply a celebration of love, to a cel-

ebration of God’s love for people with special needs.â€? As sponsor of Night to Shine, the Tim Tebow Foundation will provide each host church with a detailed instruction manual, a Prom Kit complete with decorations and gifts for the guests, ďŹ nancial support and individualized sta guidance. During Night to Shine 2015, 44 hosts churches and 15,000 volunteers worked together to honor the more than 7,000 kings and queens of the prom. This year, the host churches are expected to see more than 20,000 people with special needs at prom all at one time around the world. For more information on this worldwide movement and to support the continued growth of Night to Shine with a donation, visit: http:// www.timtebowfoundation. org/index.php/night-toshine/ For additional information on the Night to Shine hosted by Antioch Christian Church, visit antioch@acclife.org. The Tim Tebow Foundation exists to bring Faith, Hope and Love to those needing a brighter day in their darkest hour of need. That mission is being fulďŹ lled every day through the foundation’s seven areas of outreach, including W15H, Timmy’s Playrooms, Orphan Care, Adoption Aid, the Tebow CURE Hospital, Team Tebow and Night to Shine. For more information on the Tim Tebow Foundation, please visit www.timtebowfoundation.org

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Sermon of the Week: Inventory Time By Pastor Timothy Johnson, Countryside Baptist Church There are seven churches in chapters two and three of the book of Revelation. Four of the churches God brings out some good points and some bad points about them. Two of the churches God has nothing bad to say about. One church, however, God has nothing to good to say about them. This week, I’d like to look at one of the churches, the church of Ephesus. Ephesus is one of the four that has some good and some bad mentioned about it. I would reckon most all Christians if we took inventory of our lives would agree there is some good and some bad there. Things we are doing right, but there are also things we know we should and could do better. Since all churches are made up of people, it is no surprise the majority of the seven succeed in some areas, but are deďŹ cient in others. When reading the good things listed about the church from Ephesus, the place looks like the dream church. They did things, got things accomplished, and if they had to work up a sweat, that was no problem. They did not rush into things; they had the patience to wait until the time was right. They had a hatred for sin and knew the Scripture well enough, if someone would ever preach some false doctrine, they would recognize it immediately. They did everything for the sake of Jesus’ name and persevered (Revelation 2:2-3). Jesus then mentions only one thing that is wrong with the church, “Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy ďŹ rst loveâ€? (Revelation 2:4). With all this good and only one thing the

matter could it be that bad? After all, most of the churches had something wrong with them. However, this one problem is so severe the church of Ephesus is the only church of the seven God promises to “removeâ€? if they do not repent (compare Revelation 1:20 with Revelation 2:5). Even the church of the Laodiceans, which God had nothing good to say about at all, does not receive the threat of God shutting them down. Keeping that ďŹ rst love is essential to the life of a church and the Christians that make up the church. In the gospels, Jesus was asked, “which is the great commandment in the law?â€? His response, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the ďŹ rst and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophetsâ€? (Matthew 22:3640). The church at Ephesus worked hard and were very Bible smart, but they lost the real motivation behind what they were doing. Since every church is made up of individuals; I am going to switch gears and talk about individual Christians. Why do you do what you do in the church? Why do you teach that class? Why do you volunteer to clean the building or mow the grass; shovel the snow? Why do you take a week out of your summer and be a cabin dad at camp every year? Why do you visit the ailing in the hospital? Why do you sing in the choir or perform on the worship team? Why do you play the piano? I ask these questions

not only to the person in the pew but also the people of the clergy. Why do you preach those sermons and all the other work you do? Are you thinking any of the following thoughts? “If I don’t do it no one else will.� Does that sound like an attitude of love or an attitude of desperation? “Everyone expects me to do this; I’ve been doing it for years.� Is that a sense of duty or an attitude of love? “What will everyone think of me if I just up and quit doing this?� Doesn’t that statement sound a little more self-centered instead of an attitude of love?

Don’t get me wrong, I am not trying to tell everyone to stop working at the church, but from time to time, it is necessary for Christians to take heart inventory - why we do what we do. God did tell the Ephesians, if they repented, their church would stand the test of time. If you’ve discovered the love has departed from your Christan service, ask God to restore your heart attitude (Psalm 51:10-13). Love the Lord with all your heart, love your neighbor - all the commandments hang on those two. We can goof up in many ways, but when there is love in our heart God will work through it (Proverbs 10:12).

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PAGE A8 • JANUARY 19, 2016



Isaac elected School Board President By Lois Mittino Gray Bus Replacement Fund. “If we order both Mark Isaac was elected the new School now, they should be ready by August,” noted Board President at the first meeting of the year School Superintendent Tom Kopatich. of the Mount Vernon Board of • In personnel matters, the board School Trustees on January 4. He accepted the intent to retire from then conducted the election of othGlenda Sue Word as a food service er officers as well as the rest of the worker at the junior high school business meeting . Kathy Weinzaeffective December 18, 2015. Kopfel will serve as Vice-President patich announced she has worked and Beth McFadin Higgins as Secfor the district for 24 years. The retary. Heather Allyn was thanked board accepted the resignation from by all for her work as president in Curtis Nelson as a teacher effective Mark Isaac the past year. December 16, 2015. Nelson was The reorganized board set to work establish- an English teacher at the high school whose ing policies and regulations for the year. comments in class led to his decision to resign. Regular meeting dates will continue to be Long term substitute teachers on staff have the first and third Monday of each month at the picked up his class load to continue instruction Mount Vernon Junior High School library at this semester. 5:45 p.m. School board salaries remained the • confirmed the employment of Mary Esker same at $1936 per year for the first monthly as a teacher assistant, replacing Jason Basham meeting, $109 for the second regular meet- in the junior high computer lab. ing of each month, and $60 for special meet• granted Teresa Crissup a leave of absence ings. Business mileage reimbursement also as a teacher assistant at West Elementary remained the same as last year at 46 cents per School to become a long term substitute for a mile. Mary Buchanan was reappointed Trea- teacher on pregnancy leave this semester. surer and Loren Evans as Deputy Treasurer. • sixteen staff members were given permisA resolution was adopted allowing the two to sion to attend eight various educational meetuse signature stamps and signature images on ings ranging from Math Assessment Workchecks when conducting board business and in shops and textbook fairs to a Technology the School Lunch Extracurricular Account. Educators Conference in Denver, Colorado in The board reappointed the law firm of Van- June. Haaften and Farrar to serve as legal counselfor • granted permission to Angelus to perthe school corporation for 2016. The hourly form on Sunday, February 7 in Jasperand to rate will remain at $175 per hour. Adam J. the Business Professionals of America high Farrar was designated the primary responsible school students to travel tostate competition in lawyer to the board. Indianapolis on Sunday, March 6, 2016. To take advantage of discounts and to make • entered into an agreement with Teamsters advance payments for current vouchers, per- Local 215 for school district bus drivers and mission was granted to write checks in ad- attendants beginning January 1, 2016 for one vance of meetings when deemed necessary to year. The board approved the Teamsters Local serve the best interests of the school corpora- 215 Memorandum of Understanding agreetion. Another resolution outlined what persons ment with the custodial and maintenance perwould be responsible for managing nine sepa- sonnel for a one-year term. The issue of Merirate accounts at individual schools. The final tain health insurance plans was worked out for action of the new year business was to adopt a both groups. resolution authorizing the school district trea• Information to the board included the surer to investsurplus funds and to establish School Lunch Fund Report for November, investment income accounts for the receipt of School Lunch Menu for January, contract bus this interest income for calendar year 2016. drivers’ fuel adjustment chart, and extracurIn other board action: ricular financial reports. Copies are available • accepted the bids from Kerlin Bus Sales of in the Superintendent’s Office for the public Silver Lake, Indiana to purchase one 72-pas- to peruse. senger Transit school bus and one 30 passen• The next board meeting is set for Monday, ger special purpose bus with air conditioning January 18 at 5:45 p.m. in the Mount Vernon for a total of $202,393 to be paid from the Junior High School Library.

Wildcats of the Month

The following ten students were selected by the faculty of Mount Vernon High School as ‘Wildcat of the Month’ for December, 2015. Students are selected based on criteria which include academics, citizenship, effort and attendance. December honorees are: Row 1: Sam Campbell, Jerod Rye, and Blake Weinzapfel. Row 2: Marissa Kiesling, Bailee Kimmel, Caroline Cox, Audrey Dausman, Dylan Dutkiewicz, and Hunter Stonestreet. Not pictured: Quincy Irick, Hannah Erwin, and Noah Morton.

GMVA directors take office Four new directors of the Greater Mount Vernon Association (GMVA) took office on January 14. New directors include: Chris Cash, General Manager of Posey County CoOp; Heath Rigsby, General Manager/ Golf Professional for Western Hills Country Club; Jake Warrum, Attorney; and Greg Oeth, Posey County Sheriff. The directors authorized five thousand dollars for support of the Chamber of Commerce Wine on Water event scheduled for Saturday, April 30. The event will bring vendors with food, wine and craft brewers to the riverfront for and entertaining day in Mount Vernon. There will be music on stage throughout the day. Since this event is expected to bring a large crowd to the riverfront, it will support the major focus of the GMVA; which is to encourage people who work in Mount Vernon to

live here by showcasing the quality of life in our city. Miles for Mount Vernon event organizers presented a plaque to the GMVA for sponsorship of their fundraiser this spring. The event had a record number of participants raising funds to support Mount Vernon High School athletic programs. John Taylor, Executive Director of the Posey County Economic Development Partnership, spoke to the directors regarding economic development issues in the Mount Vernon area. According to Mr. Taylor, progress toward the construction of Midwest Fertilizer is continuing with expected groundbreaking in the near future. Mr. Taylor also spoke of additional economic development possibilities that will bring expanded business and employment opportunities to the Mount Vernon area.


North Posey High School Senior, Shelbi Newcomer, was able to win for North Posey High School a $1,000 scholAja Sexton stands in front of her first grade class as the West Elemenarship. She missed her half court shot tary principle Paul Swanson reads off the names of students in her class but was able to make her Free Throw and win the Scholarship for the High that earned academic honors on Friday January 15, 2016. Photo by Brooke Simpson School. Photo submitted

Farm Futures survey sees bigger soybean crop, smaller corn Farmers produced big corn and soybean yields in 2015 that could keep supplies burdensome in the coming year, according to Farm Futures final survey of production. USDA updates its production estimate January 12, when December 1 Grain Stocks and Winter Wheat Seedings reports are also released. For corn, the magazine estimates the crop at 13.57 billion bushels, less than achieved the past two years but still the third biggest crop ever. USDA previously said the corn crop would come in at 13.654 billion bushels. Farm Futures survey of more than 1,550 farmers put yields at 169.1 bushels per acre (bpa), down slightly from USDA’s last estimate, with harvested acreage of 80.27 million nearly 400,000 less. Soybean numbers headed in the other direction, though not dramatically so. The magazine put production at 3.986 billion bushels, a record if achieved, but only five million more than USDA’s current estimate. Farm Futures found harvested acreage rising by 280,000 to

82.709 million, though yields of 48.2 bpa were down slightly from USDA’s last guess. “These numbers wouldn’t do much to change the bearish mood of the markets,” says Farm Futures Senior Grain Market Analyst, Bryce Knorr. “The corn production estimate is a little supportive, but probably not enough to turn the market around on its own. For that to happen, demand must improve.” Feed and industrial usage could be a little better than expected when grain stocks data is updated January 12. But those gains could be partly offset by weaker exports. Overall Knorr sees 2015 ending stocks at 1.642 billion, down 143 million from USDA’s December report. In addition to slightly larger supplies, soybean stocks could be swelled by demand that isn’t quite as good as first expected. Modestly weaker crush and exports could result in 2015 ending stocks rising to 492

million, 27 million more than USDA’s December number. “A huge crop is coming on in South America, and flooding on the U.S. river system could slow late season exports,” Knorr said. “Chinese demand also may not return after the Lunar New Year holidays in February.” Farm Futures second survey of winter wheat seedings found little overall change, though there were regional shifts. Growers said they planted 39.46 million acres of winter wheat, little changed from levels sown for harvest in 2015. But hard red winter wheat acreage fell to 27.6 million, a five percent drop from 2015. Soft red winter wheat ground rose 20 percent to 8.54 million, while white wheat slipped around two percent to 3.343 million. Farm Futures surveyed growers December 11, 2015 to January 4, 2016, respondents received an email link to an online survey.

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Students from West Elementary School get in a Hummer limo on Friday, January 15 at the McDonald's on Fourth Street in Mount Vernon. The students earned the limo ride by selling at least 20 tubs of cookie dough in their fall fundraiser. Photo by Brooke Simpson

Corn and Soybean Day to explore benefits of Cover Crops Purdue Extension is conducting their Annual Area Corn and Soybean Day on Friday, January 22 at the Vanderburgh County Fairgrounds Activities building, beginning with registration at 8 a.m. This year’s program will focus primarily on cover crops and their uses and benefits in crop and livestock production. Farmers who plant cover crops can expect to see lower input costs and healthier soils for both crop and livestock production, according to a soils expert with The Ohio State University. For crop producers, the benefits include lower pesticide use and more efficient use of soil fertilizer and nutrients, said Jim Hoorman, an Ohio State University Extension educator and an assistant professor studying cover crops and water quality issues. Jim will be the featured speaker and discussing these benefits and more at this year’s Purdue Extension, Area Corn and Soybean Day on January 22.

“The increase in soil organic matter from cover crops results in improved water infiltration, less water runoff, improved soil structure, reduced soil compaction and ultimately higher yields for farmers using cover crops,” Hoorman said. The benefits of cover crops for livestock producers include growing and harvesting more forages, improved pastures and an extended grazing period, he said. For more information, contact Jon Neufelder at the Purdue Extension office in Mount Vernon at: 812-838-1331 or by e-mail at: neufelde@purdue.edu. A complete list of speakers and topics is available by visiting the website at www.extension.purdue.edu/posey. Purdue University is an Affirmative Action institution. If you have a disability that requires special assistance for your participation in any program, please call the Purdue Extension, Posey County Office at: 812-8381331.





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JANUARY 19, 2016 • PAGE A9


Weekend with ‘old friends’ is humbling experience This weekend, I met aging and apathy headon. I spent a large part of the weekend with some old friends and met some new ones. Every year about this time, and for the past 37 years, an old friend invites many of the area’s old tennis conďŹ dants to a weekend at Kenlake Resort in Aurora, Ky. It had been several years T ... since I had made time for the S event. With some last-minute T encouragement from my F

wife, I took Friday and Sat- B D urday away from my pair of P jobs to see old friends, enjoy company, and attempt to play a little tennis again. That’s where I came face-to-face with the aforementioned aging and apathy. For the past nine years, I have spent very little time enjoying life outside of work. Like most everyone, I enjoy being able to pay my bills and having food on the table. But my two lines of work keep me surrounded by friends so there are worse situations. But when I took to the tennis court for the ďŹ rst time on Friday, I didn’t realize how much bigger the court is now that it was when I played on a regular basis. Facing college students whose serve comes in fairly consistently at around 130 miles per hour, I quickly realized that they obviously have made the courts larger because these guys hit the ball in places that ‘normal’ people cannot retrieve. I also rapidly realized the truth in one of the things my mom always told me. She always said, “if you don’t use it, you will lose it.â€? Nowhere was that more evident than when I attempted to play tennis competitively for the ďŹ rst time in many years. I have lost most of my mobility and it

seemed like all of my timing. From the way I remember myself playing tennis to the way I was playing now, the demon of age had obviously ravaged my body. But spending time with probably the best friend I ever had, Robert Largent, was one of the highlights of the weekend. Bob has a way of making you feel good about yourself, even when in the back of your mind, you know you probably shouldn’t. Most of my tennis ineptness can be explained by the fact that I have hit a tennis ball maybe two times a year for the past eight or ten years. I seldom take time to get away for any kind of meaningful exercise. But after just a few minutes of seeing me in action on the court, Bob reassured me that this weekend was just for fun and good company, not competition. It was good advice. But for anyone with an ounce of competitiveness, you know it’s never enough to do anything subpar when you know you are capable of doing it better. My part of the tennis was lackluster at best but spending time with old friends again was priceless. We all enjoyed the company and had a lot of fun, much of it at my expense, I might add. For those of you who know anything about tennis, you know it is important to keep newer strings in your racquet for maximum performance. My strings matched my game. Those who play regularly and competitively probably restring about once a month, depending on just how competitively and how often they play. After I had exited the competitive portion of the weekend, I glanced down to see the date of the last stringing of

my racquets. It was October of 2007. The age of not only my strings but also my racquets prompted one of my ‘friends’ to suggest that I might want to contact the Smithsonian to see if there would be interest in my tennis equipment. I recently read a piece that has been attributed to Steve Jobs, the founder and mastermind of Apple products. It reads like this: The last words of Steve Jobs I have come to the pinnacle of success in business. In the eyes of others, my life has been the symbol of success. However, apart from work, I have little joy. Finally, my wealth is simply a fact to which I am accustomed. At this time, lying on the hospital bed and remembering all my life, I realize that all the accolades and riches of which I was once so proud, have become insigniďŹ cant with my imminent death. In the dark, when I look at green lights, of the equipment for artiďŹ cial respiration and feel the buzz of their mechanical sounds, I can feel the breath of my approaching death looming over me. Only now do I understand that once you accumulate enough money for the rest of your life, you have to pursue objectives that are not related to wealth. It should be something more important: For example, stories of love, art, dreams of my childhood. No, stop pursuing wealth, it can only make a person into a twisted being, just like me. God has made us one way, we can feel the love in the heart of each of us, and not illusions built by fame or money, like I made in my

life. I cannot take them with me. I can only take with me the memories that were strengthened by love. This is the true wealth that will follow you; will accompany you, he will give strength and light to go ahead. Love can travel thousands of miles and so life has no limits. Move to where you want to go. Strive to reach the goals you want to achieve. Everything is in your heart and in your hands. What is the world’s most expensive bed? The hospital bed. You, if you have money, you can hire someone to drive your car, but you cannot hire someone to take your illness that is killing you. Material things lost can be found. But one thing you can never ďŹ nd when you lose: life. Whatever stage of life where we are right now, at the end we will have to face the day when the curtain falls. Please treasure your family love, love for your spouse, love for your friends. If a man with the success and wealth of Jobs realizes the importance of family and friends, how much more should I do the same? As I looked around this weekend, I saw what time can do to the body. However, time can dampen the spirit only if we allow it. So in the coming year, I plan to update my tennis equipment, spend a little more time on the court and in the gym, but most importantly, I want to spend more time appreciating my family and friends. I still have to make time for work because I have to eat. We all are dierent and have different ways of showing what we feel inside. But rest assured, if you have touched my life in a positive way, you are my friend.

Guest Editorial: Greg Allen Presidential Thoughts, Then, And Now President Obama recently gave his final State of the Union address. The legacy of his presidency will be the subject of debate for quite some time, but current conjecture, by many, would assert he’s the worst president America’s ever had. Opinions of Barack Obama no doubt run the gamut. However, I’m of the opinion words matter and they’re a reflection of what resides within a person’s soul. For the sake of analysis, we’ll dive into the thoughts of probably one of the greatest presidents America has ever had and those of our current one. Today, the United States Constitution is constantly being subverted - yet, Abraham Lincoln cautioned: “Don’t interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties. And not to Democrats alone do I make this appeal, but to all who love these great and true principles.� (August 27, 1856) Abe boasted that, “I have never had a feeling politically that did not spring from the sentiments embodied in the Declaration of Independence.� (February 22, 1861) Lincoln asserted: “Let us turn this government back into the channel in which the framers of the Constitution originally placed it.� (July 10, 1858) “The people are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts - not to overthrow the constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.� (September 17, 1859) Not to the extent it was in the 1860s, but America is still deeply divided along racial lines. Many say the President is complicit

in that - ‘Divider in Chief’ was a recent best-selling book. Mr. Obama claimed: “I don’t want to pit Red America against Blue America. I want to be President of the United States of America.� (Nov. 10, 2007) In a 2008 speech, presidential candidate Barack Obama said: “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.� When Barack Obama ran for office he said his administration would be the most trustworthy and transparent in history, but the exact opposite has rung true. Abraham Lincoln claimed: “I believe it is an established maxim in morals that he who makes an assertion without knowing whether it is true or false, is guilty of falsehood; and the accidental truth of the assertion, does not justify or excuse him.� (August 11, 1846) In 2004, Mr. Obama said: “We can participate in the political process without fear of retribution and that our votes will be counted - or at least, most of the time.� That statement has a disclaimer at the end and the IRS would indeed dish out retribution after that was targeted toward conservative groups. In 2006, The President said: “If the people cannot trust their government to do the job for which it exists - to protect them and to promote their common welfare - all else is lost.� (August 28) “Americans still believe in an America where anything’s

possible - they just don’t think their leaders do.� (September 1) “I always believe that ultimately, if people are paying attention, then we get good government and good leadership. When we get lazy, as a democracy and civically start taking shortcuts, then it results in bad government and politics.� (September 25) Abraham Lincoln was assertive in saying: “I do not think I could myself be brought to support a man for office whom I knew to be an open enemy of, and scoffer at, religion.� (July 31, 1846) Interesting though, Barack Obama claimed: “This notion that’s peddled by the religious right that they are oppressed is not true. Sometimes it’s a cynical ploy to move their agenda ahead. The classic example being that somehow secularists are trying to eliminate Christmas, which strikes me as some kind of manufactured controversy.� (Jul. 11, 2006) Mr. Lincoln’s insights were keen when he said: “I have understood well that the duty of self-preservation rests solely with the American people.� (January 19, 1863) “When the people rise in masses in behalf of the Union and the liberties of their country, truly may it be said, “The gates of hell shall not prevail against them.� (February 11, 1861) Greg Allen’s column, Thinkin’ Out Loud, has been published bi-monthly since 2009. He’s an author, nationally syndicated columnist and the founder of Builder of the Spirit in Jamestown, Indiana, a non-profit organization aiding the poor. He can be reached at www.builderofthespirit.org or follow him on Twitter @GregAllencolumn.

Guest Column: Governor Mike Pence Governor calls on POI to explore fourth port

The Snowbird’s lament Hoosiers wear pajamas on Sunday morning at home. Many Floridians wear them everywhere, all the time. The only Hoosiers who wear house shoes to dinner are the same Hoosiers who play GAVEL Bingo. Floridians wear GAMUT house shoes to church. The servants at Down- BY JUDGE ton Abbey dress better JIM REDWINE than elected officials in Florida, well, maybe Indiana too, but you get the metaphor. Half of God’s waiting room sits around, not in, swimming pools speaking English with funny Yankee accents while the other half mow, trim, plant and construct while speaking Spanish. Peg and I fall into category one, but we speak proper Hoosier. We only use our high school Spanish when we leave our geriatric condo complex. There are parks everywhere in Florida.

Nobody uses them except people with dogs. Indiana does not waste farmland on parks. Hoosiers flock to the few parks they can find and play softball while Floridians remain Bingobound and look at all the parks. Indiana in winter provides proper weather. Ice, snow, sleet and frostbite are reveled in by Hoosiers who honor school closings and worship tow trucks. Floridians don parkas at 60 degrees, give unsolicited advice to Hoosiers such as, ‘Just quit your job and move down here,’ and ask, ‘What’s a tow truck?’ The grass in Indiana has the courtesy to go dormant in October and remain in repose until April. Grass in Florida prides itself on providing year round off the books employment to the three million illegal immigrants who have accept-

Ph. 812-682-3950 • PO Box 397 • New Harmony, IN 47631 Fx. 812-682-3944 • www.PoseyCountyNews.com

ed Emma Lazarus’ open invitation on the Statue of Liberty. By the way, within a month of arrival, each traveler puts, at least, two more cars into Florida’s kamikaze traffic. Hoosiers drive cars too, but in Indiana, dodge’em as a sport is discouraged. Hoosiers eat breakfast at breakfast time, i.e., before eight a.m. Restaurants in Florida do not even open until nine and Floridians consider it gauche to eat an egg before ten. People in Indiana harness the Ohio and Wabash Rivers for industry and recreation. Florida is also surrounded by water, but the only ones who use the ocean are a few middle aged surfers who greet everyone with, ‘Hey, Dude.’ In summary, Floridians dress funny, talk funny, drive crazy and have no winter. Hoosiers are normal, but freeze half the year. If you want to contact Peg or me before spring, send us a letter.






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In the 2016 State of the State Address, Governor Mike Pence called on the Ports of Indiana to ‘vigorously explore’ building the state’s fourth port in southeastern Indiana. Here is the governor’s statement from Tuesday’s State of the State Address: “Indiana’s ports have also been spectacular catalysts for job growth. That is why I have called upon the Ports of Indiana to vigorously explore the building of a fourth port in the far southeastern part of our state, which could unleash enormous economic investment throughout the southeast region of our state.� The Ports of Indiana is a statewide port authority created by state legislature in 1961 that operates three ports on the Ohio River and Lake Michigan. The three ports include Port of Indiana-Burns Harbor (opened in 1970) on Lake Michigan and two ports on the Ohio River: Port of Indiana-Mount Vernon (opened in 1976) and Port of Indiana-Jeffersonville (opened in 1985). “It’s very gratifying that Governor Pence sees our ports and marine highways as vital parts of his transportation, infrastructure and economic development initiatives,� said Rich Cooper, CEO for the Ports of Indiana. “He has asked us to explore the development of a new port in a southeast Indiana area that has long been very intriguing to us and is highly worthy of a closer look. We share the Governor’s belief that there is tremendous op-

portunity for Indiana to build on its past port successes and further leverage its access to railroads, highways, and the Gulf of Mexico via the Ohio River to generate economic development opportunities in a new region of our state.â€? The mission of the Ports of Indiana is to develop and maintain a world-class port system that operates as an agile, strategically-driven, selffunded enterprise dedicated to growing Indiana’s economy. Funding for the creation of Indiana’s three ports was provided by state appropriations, but ongoing operations and capital investments are funded by the Ports of Indiana through operating revenues. Indiana’s two existing river ports have a combined economic impact of over $2 billion per year and support 15,000 total jobs. “We would like to build on this success and further leverage synergies between our existing ports,â€? Cooper said. “We feel fortunate that our Governor and our state legislators have been very supportive of our port system and truly understand the beneďŹ ts of having a robust multimodal transportation network that supports business growth and economic development. We look forward to working with community leaders in southeast Indiana as well as our public and private partners to pursue the next steps for the potential development of a new port.â€? For more information, visit www.portsoďŹ ndiana.com.

The Posey County News - USPS 439500 is published weekly for $39 in-state and $48 out-of-state by Pearmor Publishing LLC, PO Box 397, New Harmony, IN 47631. Periodicals postage paid at Mount Vernon, Indiana Editor: Dave Pearce Postmaster: Denise Howard Send address changes to: The Posey County News, PO Box 397, New Harmony, IN 47631

PAGE A10 • JANUARY 19, 2016



Posey GOP chooses Meighen as new

Commissioner Jerry Walden, Treasurer Justin White, and Commissioners Carl Schmitz file for their intention to run for the offices they currently hold during the first week of filing this week. Photo submitted

‘Cynthiana’ continued from Page A1 Office of Community and Rural Affairs. They have already completed a $40,000 planning grant to help identify the needs of their facilities. Mounts said the new board will need to determine what part of the project to tackle first, water or wastewater. They have received project cost estimates of $2.5 million for both projects. The town would need to provide a minimum of 10 percent of the project costs for their portion. She added the town would most likely need to do the wastewater treatment project first, which has been estimated to cost $500,000. Kennedy and Price will need to familiarize themselves with the projects before a final decision with the third board member, Gary Smith, can be made The board decided to institute a six-month review period for Porath. Mounts stated this was in order so the board can determine their expectations for him in this position. They also approved Porath’s request to purchase a new laptop. He has not had a dedi-

cated laptop for use in his capacity as the town marshal. He currently uses one from his full-time job as Posey County Sheriff’s Deputy. The board approved his request. He will need to review laptop and software options before making a purchase. The implementation of a Neighborhood Watch program was considered. The board will review program requirements and may consult Posey County Prosecutor Travis Clowers before moving forward. The board tabled the topic to discuss during the next meeting. A new attorney was hired to replace longtime board attoney, Jeff Ahlers. Jacob Weis of William H. Bender law firm was chosen to represent the town board. Two non-working generators were declared as surplus and will be sold for $1,000 to an interested buyer. Mounts added the generators are old and parts to repair them can no longer be obtained. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 9, at 6 p.m. in the town hall.

By Dave Pearce The Posey County Republican Party announced on Saturday that Sarah Beth Meighen has been selected as the new Posey County Auditor. Meighen was chosen in a caucus of county precinct committee people on Saturday morning. “As a former auditor with the Indiana State Board of Accounts, an internal auditor at Accuride Corporation and Old National Bank, and former employee of the Posey County Assessor’s Office, Sarah Beth brings a wide array of knowledge and experience to her new position,” said Posey County Republican Chairman Greg Newman. “We thank her for her eagerness to serve the people of Posey County and welcome her as Auditor.” She will replace Kyle Haney who resigned recently to take a position in the private sector. Meighen, originally from Henderson, Ky., has a degree in accounting from the University of Southern Ind. She is married to Michael Meighen, International Director of Health, Safety and Environmental for SUEK, a Russian Coal Company. They have one son, Hank Partridge. The mother of the eight-year-old is obviously proud of her son who attends St. Matthew School. He shared that he plays piano, soccer and was the 50- to 55-pound weight bracket Mount Vernon City Champion for 2015. She has called Posey

PVFD growing, Mayo takes office By Valerie Werkmeister The Poseyville Volunteer Fire Department is slowly growing in numbers. During last Wednesday’s Poseyville Town Council meeting, learned from fire chief Sam Martin of a few new recruits. Martin requested the council’s approval to add Pat Hyatt, Robert Jesse Hyatt, Patrick Allen and Jamie Hyatt to the ranks. In addition, Levi Hyatt would like to serve as a cadet. Fire department members had already approved their membership. The council approved his request. Martin also stated former fire chief Michael Crawford was recently elected to serve as a captain while Austin Ahrens was chosen as the lieutenant. Crawford recently returned to the fire department after relocating back to the area with a job transfer. Martin commended the snow removal efforts from city streets by the town street department during the recent snowstorm. Council members also expressed their appreciation of city employees who strive to do a good job to keep the roads safe. Julie Mayo is now serving in her new role as clerk/treasurer. She informed the council she has chosen Diana Powell and Lynda Baker as her deputy clerk/treasurers who may sign documents on the various town accounts. She reminded audience members and the council that utilities will be disconnected upon the first of each month if utility bills are not paid. Mayo and council president, Bruce Baker, have repeatedly stated in the past the town is willing to work out payment options with its utility customers. Before utilities are disconnected, customers are encouraged to contact Mayo at the town hall. Mayo also requested the council pass Resolution 201601-13-01 for a $60,000 surety bond regarding her position as clerk/treasurer. The bond is required by the state as a means to protect the town in the event Mayo is ever found mishandling town funds. Council members then approved ordinance 2016-01-13-01 that set a blanket bond for coverage of the town marshal, dep-

uty marshals and deputy clerks for the same circumstances. Town employee Jeremy Farrar stated utility department employees have been working to replace a water filter, however they are waiting for the parts to arrive from the manufacturer. The new building under construction that will expand the size of the town garage and its storage capacity is nearing completion. Once the new garage doors arrive, they will be installed so the inside can be completed. Farrar stated employees have been able to move some of their machinery and equipment to the new structure already. Farrar also stated the new generator has been installed at the community center. The generator was purchased through grant funds and will serve the community in the event of an emergency or natural disaster. Prospective Eagle Scout, Kyle Payne, attended the meeting to learn about town government and how it operates. Baker and council attorney, William H. Bender, explained a few of the council duties. The council reviewed the status of a nuisance ordinance violation on property at 56 West Fletchall Street, owned by Michael and Linda Yancey. Bender stated his associate, Jake Weis and town marshal Doug Saltzman spoke with the Yancey’s to explain the town would aid in the clean-up and removal of debris from their property. The Yancey’s were given until January 13, to be in compliance or respond to the assistance offer. Bender stated he would need to confirm with Weis they had, in fact, not responded before the town should proceed with assessing tickets and fines. The council approved moving forward with fines if Bender confirms the Yancey’s did not contact Weis. John Taylor, Director of the Economic Development Commission, informed council members a dinner and presentation has been planned for February 18, at 6 p.m. at the New Harmony Inn. He declined to elaborate on the subject matter, but encouraged the council to attend. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 10, at 4:30 p.m. in the town hall.

Sarah Beth Meighen County home since 2006. The family moved from New Harmony to Mount Vernon in 2014. They are very involved in St. Matthew Church. Her husband Michael is head of Parish Council and is a member of the Buildings and Grounds Committee. Meighen is on the Marketing Committee for the school. “We enjoy living in Posey County,” she declared. “I started my accounting career in audit with the Indiana State Board of Accounts in 2003, just after my USI graduation,” Meighen explained. “I was a Field Examiner there for two-and-a-

half years. My specialty was auditing county seats and school corporations.” Meighen left SBOA and accepted a position at Accuride Corporation. She began there as an auditor, was promoted to Senior Internal Auditor and then to Internal Audit Manager. Following the running of the $1 billion company’s entire Internal Audit Department, she left Accuride in 2011 to pursue full time motherhood. She enjoyed the next four years as a full-time mother but re-entered the workforce as a Senior Internal Auditor at Old National Bank. She has resigned her position there. “We would like to thank Kyle Haney for his outstanding leadership as Posey County Auditor,” Newman said of the outgoing auditor. “Kyle served in his position with integrity and professionalism and was dedicated to serving the best interests of the people of Posey County. We wish him well as he begins his new endeavors.”

Local firefighters were called to an explosion at Mount Vernon’s Valero Renewable Fuels on Monday morning at approximately 4:30 a.m. According to a Valero spokesman, “Early this morning, there was an incident involving a fire at the Valero Renewables-Mount Vernon plant that was quickly extinguished. No injuries were reported, and there was no impact on the community. The cause is under investigation.” Photo by Zach Straw

‘Verville’ continued from Page A1 said Production Coordinator Denise Baugh. Another function of the Rehabilitation Center is to provide jobs for some of the clients who work there at the center on special production contracts, such as with SABIC. All in all, about 80 persons are using services right now. Jerilyn Erwin, who serves as the case manager for individuals, says Jackie “wears many hats in her job. She can really go with the flow.” Jackie, who originally hails from Minnesota, has lived in the Evansville area for 42 years. Her twin sons, Chris and Craig, graduated from Central High School. Now grown with children of their own, both boys live in Florida. Jackie and her husband, Tom, will shuttle between Sarasota and Tampa to visit grandchildren. The pair plans to buy a home in Florida as soon as they sell their east side Evansville home. Jackie is in Florida now and Tom stayed behind to coordinate the home sale. In between relaxing, Tom and Jackie plan to travel to the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone National Park this year. Jackie loves to sew and made many aprons used by the workers. Jackie’s replacement as Vice President is Chris Imes. The Evansville native started in the position in October so Jackie could help train him. Imes has a Master’s Degree in Family Life from Concordia University in Nebraska. He lives in Newburgh with his wife and three sons. He hopes to increase the number of persons receiving services and will network with the community to get more in-house job contracts. Kelly Schneider, Executive Director of Easter Seals of Southwest Indiana, remarked, “We have been so fortunate to have Jackie here for so long as she functions so independently. Now we’re excited for Christ to carry her work forward.”

‘Uniform’ continued from Page A1 Teachers at the junior high and high school were also asked via survey their opinions on instituting block scheduling. This schedule would hold classes on certain days for longer periods of time rather than on a daily schedule. At the junior high, seven teachers agreed with the idea; six did not want that type of schedule and five had no opinion. At the high school, 12 teachers said yes to the idea while nine said no. Eight teachers did not have an opinion. Based on these results, Dr. Camp did not feel he should recommend block scheduling to be instituted now. He stated it’s something they could continue to explore, but it would be on the ‘back burner’ for now. As is customary with the start of the new year, school board attorney William H. Bender conducted elections for board officer positions. The board decided to elect Amy Will as the new secretary. She will also serve as the board’s Policy Liaison. Vince Oakley has held the position for the past year. He will continue in his capacity as the Legislative Liaison. The remaining board members will retain their current positions. Geoff Gentil will continue as board president and president of the board of finance; Brett Stock will

continue as the Treasurer of the Board of Finance; Greg Schmitt will serve as vicepresident; Carol Lupfer will serve as the treasurer and Jayme Bender is the deputy treasurer. In turn, the board also kept Bender as their board attorney. Board members also decided to continue the long-time trend of retaining their current salaries and not asking for any additional funds to attend special meetings. They are paid a $2,000 stipend plus $100 per meeting for a total annual salary of $3,200. Conflict of interest statements were signed by Oakley, Will, Gentil, Schmitt and Angela Wannemuehler. Camp listed several policies he would like the board to review in time for the February meeting. He commended the districts’ ability to create their own policies rather than hiring an outside firm to handle the matter. He explained other school dis-

tricts pay as much as $15,000 to a firm that handles the task for them. Policies under review include: asbestos, board compensation, copyrighted words, food service, homeless children, parental participation in Title 1, patriotic ceremonies and observances, retention, special education least restrictive environment and surrogate parent, and weapons. Gentil also suggested a revision of the chaperone policy to include male and female chaperones when necessary. Other board approvals included: • A request from Nancy Dougan and the MSD of North Posey cooks to use the high school kitchen on January 22 and 23 to make egg rolls. Funds raised from the sale of the egg rolls is donated to North Posey Relay for Life, Cookin’ Friends team. • A request by Alysa Cox to use the high school on Satur-

day, February 20, from 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. for a cheer clinic. • A request by Jamie Deuerling to use the high school on February 6, from 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. for a dance clinic. Participants will perform during halftime at boys’ basketball games later that evening. • A request from Ezra Leslie, the high school band and choir director, to take Tabitha Wildman and Destiny Gish to participate in All-State Honor Choir in Ft. Wayne on January 14 -16. He was also granted approval to take Austin Lee and Sarah May to AllState Honor Band in Terre Haute on January 22 – 24. • A request by Mike Wassmer to take qualifying FFA

students to the National Farm Machinery show in Louisville, Ky., on February 10. Their expenses are paid through the FFA fund. • A request by Marilyn Rogers to take eligible students in Physics, Calculus and AP English on the annual trip to Chicago March 12 – 15. Their expenses are paid through the corporation’s general fund and the students. • A request by Nancy Dougan to purchase a heated proofing cabinet at North Elementary School (NES) cafeteria from C & T Design for $1,785.90. Cafeteria funds will pay for the cabinet. • FMLA requests from NES teacher, Jenny Wig-

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gins, for leave from January 4 through approximately January 30; and high school teacher Carrie Schmitt for leave from February 1 until approximately February 12. • A retirement request from Sharon Travers from her position as a cook in the cafeteria at the end of the school year. She has served 19 years in her position. • A resignation request from Ashley Grimes as the girls’ junior high track coach. • A request by junior high principal Steve Kavanaugh to hire Andrew Statham as a long-term substitute music teacher for the second semester; and Austin Little as the junior high wrestling coach.


JANUARY 19, 2016 • PAGE A11


Perry Hammock, the Director of the Indiana Bicentennial Commission and his wife Alice, share a conversation with New Harmony’s Patricia Gosh.

The New Harmony Association of Interpreters celebrated Colonel Dr. Richard Owen at the Indiana Bicentennial Legacy Event, Victorian High Tea. The celebration was held at the Working Men’s Institute on Sunday afternoon. Seen here are Colonel Owen and his wife Anne Eliza portrayed by Jeanne and Nathan Maudlin. Photos by Dave Pearce

Dr. Donald Pitzer, USI Emeritus Professor of History, speaks with Erik Under the Beam’s Chair Terry Becker and Executive Director Liz Mumford perform Stephen Arneberg, great-great-grandson of Richard Owen. Foster’s ‘Beautiful Dreamer’ at Sunday’s Tea.

Indiana State Geologist Todd Thompson presents the Working Men’s Institute with a New Display of Indiana State’s Geologists from 1837 through the present, featuring Colonel Dr. Richard Owen.

The Secretary and President of the New Harmony Association of Interpreters, Linda Warrum and Marlene Huffaker sampling the tea’s fares, provided by the staff of The Red Geranium. “O UR LIB ER

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Mary Griggs, Treasurer of the New Harmony Association of Interpreters, registers guests at Sunday’s Victorian Tea.


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H to be begin incr ts st as ally ow of y ty ca an the ol e trail in 18 was a ect fo cFad ing shed art th unable 7, 20 s now ry will a $500 he star e ning mplin d kind he wasyou kn go- m armon ed as a Loc n’t ted to d polic to 16)). origin r our dins to put Y , he ha s H , nu rv la s ha L e proj e year to C ce af ha ow se n, sa e go it’ lly bo is T ally Bicen who a po ford purc e- Posey on kn e tio ceiv so C Coun to ON ects e.. dw ed H ink com ucker an calle tenn foun cket that hase the ouncilw ty’s ONLY Locally e. H 15. he’ll re al salary gradua increase n an n. You get me t. I th hopefu om al . “Wenty’s tinu pa Owned Newspaper ar n de oG d d M ial cal munniity added rienc d firemartrigh e oun tenn oath ab oman Con ra an Dep y and the annu . Upo r $500 be give r- tio ing to and st time an nefit fr will cFad Year? d our rk in its t expe S . (USP T 439-5 see busineestyy cent that he ey C s 3re try e he Rec y 9 500) our ial Cel out he -at-L se h re od lice 00) to din’ ” (N city. EM y4 ill be lly I plac ILEAe anothe se will ys of se Fi l wha sssees er. a Pos or an e Po ) d Is SW ea sB r po ot on com be a go ople w hopefu cDanie t thhe s an “We still ha call plans ebratio r wor arge B ay be der M luff e: M n’t th e as prio ked as Harm for th ent an c. at receiv y incr d 90 dasalaryy to to pe e ye y ar d we do ha sn’t ing wn’s re and ell,” M para for a happen n Comk as ecky at its ount at a ew atcher epartm Sabi will final pa tion an nual n in spen ary H worVolum to g he as w the brin may ve so give Hig ca e N esp135 or des, Pearce Editio di e at 42 eek an an D ua the be loBy foun Verin it et gs,” be n ed ng. Dave ket this ar ng m oehn R m for tht, a di eriff’s curityn 17 torc tfish to d ou mittee Chair gins ta -w s- Th ter grad ing his New e b from ding inat proat th a e Stre ea. oney ho he m able e mon up ho r . a m The m se h th s th ur en rm ha br “T Poseyv lk af an r 0. Sh r s rela hi Firs te m nty as ille Town fo h hi rd w his an of ed af to 00 ke times d s st et in A co ne ades n fit ne used to m ey do pe on y, spnamen Counci wormet t is in Ev Indintly begin rs of met ary wor ed at ou ake vice of $34, iel is end of require at be orkl is th the te is m In . king DWedne the and 10 eeded eake t,atwin l tric sday evening y embe ncil Janu . C ost rece s to uary 1, tern e it ha nated a new C r taking pa e of ing it w dianap pany lessly conc tive Hall told tota McDan re the will bee ining e in Poseyv t on rs an City m intend Febr hwes cadem er efes yBaker on ca ar to ityupBic off, yespoke w m n Cou iday, arshal ppen by lo ill $8 she een fiv en proc gs an t and If gr Couille. man pl ace budget ” nc While the owne 9. R prov olis is lling a scamned th befo ar, he his tra posed dproen- said that at the A fe y Tow g on Fr wn m Wat. Let town He ing on e Sout ent A man t, ca to owingwasilmapprov its ho se e sa mak gns id at r sh isshwilling betw fficers th Stallin ith to “W Lquickly rs em tin in th ’s ary mon er resi nary yee cost of w the an Bri ed, talk y otifhethey all with people id. toework our r for a ades’ e a co nding elf L that is loca owcall d e nearry W liv turned e.” to O at Enforc Har ial mee d a new bers G d Rog . tra embe Plan to l oc s, and comrules, an k an N city room iran ed andillia cies mbers aine elderl $2 fe office py of out ve al R makeven conc talk cil mstates hed batiorepay th ville Law rs of the rutility s membe wee He mun Jepolispec d hire l mem k an e vote M to w ordinan ms ew ff e. ly-eThe y ces. coun ) can their ry au ecords a th oc an bs his er q this inor. ity riles wbills are ts staff ts, once the echo and departm he utility ork ent lect Counci all erbut hesed. “Thi proper 8, an counci Blayl t for Gib as an WILEA iel and ent thationary ary to m mak prop then and disconn ssted heads an ye a ed ed on s alike ected, re ty answ alli on en le agreed ts ar all in is ew er ar w at ea that sometimes qu past dues ith tic Seco makmusttobe paid th tte ow N py pres d D iel as (S McDan agreeme prob til Janu Alv St copy ty deed was uuct w a Con thealpublic th rs. not th ne nd ing it “con in full. ity oseneeds be remind i nd th ce son, e were ders an McDanthat w e, on man al un tin edtiof ed an of lifsentimto Dis On of th ce. e deed It goes e firs rs espe aansimilar nusome Pear ernon al miscotyy Ja know J il t sign serve asn marsh D he town has , en trict attemp at uenote, the policies and the e Wad id Flan . Caleb sition favorit etown’s m ave ed oofesthe of th eeds it’s ju in spel time arcially here ts been penalti ting ouunnt whe Cou trac the y D ount V of sexu y C tow av absent e po wn athat come No- to ridd the streets will Co will are B along D ls st . ou es n fid in nc for of to . rim M not th W n as hemanyil- abando s abiding Pa e it in e lette publ a real The nd fo fall e af A from inte P se arge e Po wer en for ed by e retired re ge A easnepossibl •The first remind by them. ic caus Drive in r to ed sae.id,Town ned vehicles th s ch is w ask rs was record money is noth that dri have able Le to ge Marshal Doug chos occupi plin. H face ns in . 6 Saltzman Julie Mayo, who er came from L e d interif as mak ing prob not ai indicat t of ed he had resume ated som he ha called s.” long t Cham rem 00 bond too the , 27, of he ha tter of er fo dents of Poseyv asked that resi- tagging does d ethi d to to he at ot gs , vehicle si an ille ng ,0 be reminded r s Sc ber. ed as d w ng $5 ccordi Stallin itted th baby that utility bills l, 21 notices and has with 14-day tow to do th r at e are A ki A. , adm ear-old vem cDanie noticed there are lice about the eighth mailed out on or several n nu ng ab told hi go withis. He tention onn, M gs John -y he may have n Po of the month and vit, nt Verno the 14 missed. He allin are due on the offi mber, out th m not that had a an erno situawill be workin twenty e le ci tr sq pa A. St n V of the ctim Mou se withh ildren. Mount room id payments are subject -third. Late days to compleg in the coming few ain al. The uare fo tter. y the ansthe are John d vi t c e ete te this to a penalty a $89 n sa cour gs’ ch and utilities are of of th ade aaw allege s wen gove copy small otage, •On yet another process. lin agai agai subject to disconStal embeerrss were m r of the Officer re her a friendmeof pr note, board as rn nect if they are member Steve ings of th not paid by the M ment of yo menta your int ha sessed ve Ahrens asked ers. e whe d told ith so othe fic first m day f tm s de about of l e the the ha m A ar of a side pon following town’s policy pair of Scouts ew th loca ur title agen ed or disDep whe on animals. He Devin were Ser h n eet with im’s ho ughter tercours U Mayo said there month. cy said he had e vicn Kiesel was recognrecognized bring the Poseyv ct her da al in ad been asked uld ted. “ from . You other Lac ving have m th vi been kn tio some to ille re to disconnections ey B up d ized for his Eagle Town Council T like d at xu the and p made in the town someone had complained because tending the meeting, talk ve natu meeting on Wedne Scout Projec reez pri aske e allege ted th had se ’ prop councan one and that those of a dog Poseyv iti sday evening. or dogs running ed to e ca he fortit ha e, L me ri residents were erty ille Town Counc of his requirement for earnin t while Chad Fishback was ty to th err indi that sh ‘Tony. attempt the sens e com loose in town. O surprised to learn aura bs recognized for il members Ron g an owne hhe s ney Jake Weis, that all past due Saltzman indicated that atFallowfield, Bruce Eagle Scout Badge. Pictur motth other’ tified as ficers due to be mor n Fri an Posey County utilities must be rs to the town back, of ed are, in front, in to ht int B Baker, and Steve Director of Econo sby, d drin By paid in full before Posey Prosecutor ght the mshe iden polic li e kly that im mig , Conti mic Developme Dav ntinu Am ks at nued and Scout brou rned ed on Page A12 Poseyville Fire pment John TaylorAhrens. In back are attore one o male ed quic the vict yB D r was ker retu , Chief Sam martin Leader Travis Clowers, Pos oern Amer e. incr ollars Pearc Tw realiz tion, Poseyville Town Devin Kiesel, Chad FishPhoto by Dave or orke , and Poseyville mal er, ican s Pearce Marshal Doug but nversa a fe rvices w n the w Wastewater D so Poeasing for lo e/Valer an Saltzm ith L Department manag tim e co an, w d A egio Whe e Se way seyv ly tougcal go ie W er Jeremy Farrar ngi nP of th speaking otectiv victim. vern erkm s to ille h . e os D P Pr to d of m sa Po ick t 5’ able Child allege ey. s stor seyv ve monficials come ents aneisterr nA the Phot annu on Ja day, age sp ille’s to ey. have by in d tow k to rise emak o b al N mad ns th spea surp y Z ew thro Dec ace. T wn ga e it e paas have ach Yea nice n Hom d Pa st a po st mee ugh th ember own rage be r’ Str very tensio fe an zati happ int few ye en Li aw s Eve Ex ed a ni fina ting th e end 23, tocounci will so pson to lo wan ened nc Par Sim es receiv PurdueRight tothe orga for l ey de of on ok ars e A oke ty w ha grou ted $2 was w for th fina mem T ing By Dave Pearce Brro us Posi ring th ounty’s eck to reeze. icer, and he ad for th cided e year lize an bers vee ad nd. 5,00 e go ere y eq B B io du ff e to ch di ui 0 So The results are will Water tion projec appr . It w d ap mett W ditiona Preec 2016, Posey C 000 Martha Life O is do men pmen we to co t anothe in and the Posey cient coverage.’ pr ove as 5, th to edne l a $2 County Jail’s annual has be us build is bein t. The same status the also ove cl has t to do t to do decide me ou r bid uary meeting. ented late wifed Right ps and inspection reexisted during expa du c aim spa slud alread ed no ing to g affi port came back es his that d w t and an th r an grou ers e pr and 2012 inspect with predominantly 2011 an y be t on ho xed e said s . nsio riinngg ge B id us at pu d ez es y of ecorde both ions. glowing reviews tter to to en us ly to use with aker w to re and as We fo would t our this co n an this A . According to Bre reviews.. Timem8or 2 nty R e with state codes 210 Bru ccordi d th ryl Po ed ed fo clea a slud the re was held on Thursd The inspection IAC 3-1-1 the Seib ent on move a mat und a go ah sludge mpany i m owonyin e 3-1-14 (a) 18 Cou activect time. ager Che ing neede Pos ay. r hi n Po ge m ar of of ce B ng in snrm y E sey very al w $25000ert Farm to ex their sl ter of piece of ead an in th In the inspection nd re, sufficient ppersonn‘There shall be am m “black aker, thto Pose ncceew HEamileINC Po a was the perf es’ man for fu ed to thars. S to cl seyvill achine the Gas report, it was en el in the jail achi city as ne that s, w plain udge.” fact, N used d bu e ri noted st e th S al d yv si go all e that at pe at ea e times ye to pa w there pe Po e Nan ED to pprovide adequa . ew e o wn ille n N slud hiicch eq y y of on-owne eded is was sp ho char that th “W ne fo ld” st ex sar& ryl E deaths or escapes have been no pervision cam ecious ts in th had appast tw ain this Har uipte susche ew ge h slud e ha r $120when may ha Town d of in D r fir ofew in the past year inmates and to ly $1 d equi now ent ea ges rough yAT m ag Pr an an H bu e R an le he ut on gr gr ar th th from ensure the Posey County staff and inmate mon t B “Thi er N d K y ch to pm an the ge on d this 00 a ey de ve st Cou ing, PelE ten them ten for joys ught safety.’ I strongl s pi 2000 en going tim use th agre ruck ncil y ak new farm co few writ ram go Fund asking s writ very d ci In a staffing analysifacility. ville eNan n en recomm DO y so w er said ece plus th t for ye to be e the sl e equi emen d mac land mpa mon ded to a di Pres rlai theoda r ha s that was develop end that tthe county council th seofy Gen prog munity lt like completed in 2013, ff id mbe e is e Pte hine ,” ny th ths r ED A Potte aintaine in and a p ot e deci with of equi e char ars to able udge pmen t pr ag pick up erent ki ent Com e fe uch. Cha e. Sh Tau e . “T Bak m sh at dation was made the recommen- needed staffhiring pplan to hire the on m todd h gh WN baacck ect ou ded to a smile pmen ge to come to be doremov t, r of year sh too m zation, ers cam ars to hey er ex cam o. a sl nd that three more and comply with O ddys p ho gr ye mbbe staff members ran udge wen plai e in the analysis and the co pieccekhhooee an r leaf put . “It’ t will run the at a to ne by be hired at the esso LLY Cha Works just bee organi custom st four ed prov le A . Phili th ne t jail a an tw s itt standar ta ou e facile w la eq d ity. y L the St dc a d an blic la rd For ds, A rBut with a new th inspector wrote. t of the d pu In I di T of eq trac agon o ba big st us uipm l co ye uc LOC Satu d for w man for the er reco Until the newar her rlain San busi purp t ou jail currently being or renovated is occupie by hhe ne uipm tors. T and ys on piece for ent. st tern rd of Puest on e po ars, th d consideration ne jail ness ose r of ho month own. H considered by ts an mbe year ef o hwes oa lli should Posey County door400 feet w stru ent.” he othe other the bu of equiPrepar given to hiring so w of Chabe But ng pl e build Sout non B stt a Win ial Even Street each has gr00) officials, the additional personn sw in si ctur pm s,” ing to serve comm commu r on equipmilding,Churc er the hat os ing er abou ace additiona nn union 5 nion V ho am g for t. at a l hi el en te e during -5 staff the ew present jail. gr 39 may ill nt en the Bicentennial tin ch w ze an will plac t 10 for L was unt Vernon. Pictur one ht in Mount ill be ent lik ray presen e Mou oup w re Bicents that W iing ev will depending on the not be needed, service 4 diana ill pr d in “We were again be oG ding e code year ynn T used gr ie ques design of the fa2 for tast they bePS e outoConference of the United ed left to right: Matthew Craftocelebration at First United ‘cited’ for not ittin son, re fore th her prem s ow ine having sufficie s thispastor no Methodist cility. n4 Con ovide plclude twapproxim n, Bishop Micha illS ev. David Steven Methodist Church, FUMC nt jail staff person- Lois M y John ed be nounce city’s mber re p.m. w e and e w(U hand long were ago w nnew t the Rev. el Coyner itio to, 18 at But, according en er he tinu pastor the Rev. s. Photo submi ch By the pear to an Cha to 9 submittted Ed tane to the report, nel to operate the facility,” T Ther rticipa s th Christopher Millayof the In- ‘sick days, ted ce is icappe er was ange n -foo ely 30 ed o ty of spac pa said Brit erce, ap ary 7 one of .’ The e noon vendor bility. Posey County d d, days ooff, vacatio have135 , retired Sheriff be T e Th fe m th e nP e t tall nty now laws compl ater Janu ns outside jail op of lia well. ded they mgethe operations present and “This does concern me; Greg Oeth. Com g on . It will on W nut for ral win es age for tall eqgarageet so i4- lo as e ate ad staffhowever, it meetin il 30 olurin al ing challe th e ho H Facated challenges and A5 ‘Win n to W be seve certific ngg food s. She ccurityVdu uippr at th e possibl pe d A ir Conti e insuffin gr s nued on Page A12 will e oo day, be calle Mai e will s and s selli l boxe s for se Keck eck Gonner Gonne man to hold en that ound tern nt er om ca s th able the w s. Keck Gonnerman rman annual Harvest will osed fr id therbartend staura electri officer ay af or it will hold their annual sa Dinner and Dance re e Frid By Lois Mittin 2015 at the Posey ace, e Lyn to on k be cl hnson r own based e of the policce Harvest Dinner and et on o Gray County 4H Fair Commu Dance on Novemb Jo si n T ce thei ounty- ire us off duty a Fried Chicken e stre About 75 citizen er 14, nity Center. resi nce ownDinner provided C ide qu o e th s aand half the by St. Matthews Doors open at 5:30 p.m., with Entertainment will prov t Posey will re for tw New Harmony clloosse candidates for 10 he dents many Men’s be Town Council the bu person. Tickets can provided by The Works with Katie Club beginning at 6 p.m. est to ha ge A eigh ndors e budget electio ‘Meet the Candid be purchased at Hawg’N ound ilding ve Beste York. Cost requ ates’ forum held n attended the g ve in th n Pa Richard Kaufma Succe is $25 per the o in ’Sauce and Silverwo s on era ssor n at House 812-480 ed to Thrall’ to ey mor ed -4733, Jody The on Tuesday, Octobe od or by contactin s OpPosey 457-4713, Candy Kaufma ville mon e event. approv g e ce vote. n 812-480 News r 13. tinu Morlock LOCA -9167, New Harmony New 812-550 d 6 Katie & LLY Harmthe ntra Hoehn -3316,OWN 1789 in downtow ony Times Business Associ Sponsored by Brian Pierce, 812Con ED AND entir e boar 16 at se n Evansville. Must and KimOPER l preside ates, the group’ DyehouseATED nt Jim Spann welcom t , 20 Th be 21-years-old or s mee y 12 , plea older and ID will 812-455-SINC 1882 ingEthe ge A sel goal of the evenin ed all in attendance statbe required. rd tto y, Januar estions MV Moose Lodge Nus g was “honest, Booaar da 7 W Lynn qu communication hosting The Mount Vernon th B respectful esd Ann all sta For allth that leads to better eaal . il Moose Lodge 497 All You Can Eat Fish Dinner T y H meet Tuon, Ind. 8-1328 Art better election bs h voter turnout and with potato, baked will be having an buil son C ownsh outcome for our muc ill ount beans, All Jaco ious Po din omm ip town.” y C ard w nt Vern 812-83 String s how n to at 5 p.m. at the Lodge, slaw, hush puppies this Saturday You Can Eat Fish Dinner Participating in se gh T t, rt ou Bo u Po r. Prec Janu the ow night, 711 en lutio you ea West Second Street. xc ge of ideas M October 24 starting as se nity rust under). The public on dates David Flande exchan at sh le so ealth 20 2 , artm E $10 per person, sy H were candiape is invited to attend. ing t un Cen ee D rs, Ryan Rapp, ty H Room lth Dep ttyy: New Harmony : Eaa make th a possib ill help Day. sp y un Call ahead for carry (Children $5 12 and Gary Watson. , ft f Roger use ter, onn w w after a trip to a Wade and servant e raf y Co liseum e Hea g Cra Incumbent outs, 812-838-3664. you y has erson ntine’s lies d fo a b ie M Germany. nt Do Don Gibbs planne , he would like Mount Vernon Pose can tend, but sent a inn ar t th pp d N As a public r ab uild er d to pass the letter rlier tha The at the Co contac ts Gettttin what ic Libr ica Em for Vale ar y su the netown The Mount Vernon Bicentennial Committee out ing cer that morning that to at- generation “better . to the next dealing with health earlier en inngg,, so Publ extends Bicentennial has st than what t Mon perfect necess choose will h Owew found p.m he was he loves 10 pres m extended its Bicente deadline es. Spann read ur is year e is h ands ar tis rian it.” He said that, “My absenc issues. the stateme from his letter nnial Celebration ally APL ay is co lexand local rt that’s All yo to do ogram enter . e in noo way reflec s. P elpin in fr “Your big opportu Lntoctranslated from German reflects the import of this meeting. hot ored ruce gt e’s D ne? A uaarryy 19 ring A ifying. u have . This pr Please an ont that W nity is where you ance I enjoy being on Y nu o b to eo ntin yo a at St rest nt B the pl Because he feels are right now.” the ccouncil and to see busines y D restor of th Posey County’s Vale ve som a. On Ja Heart and gr st. All or 6 p.m Center. please be ting onwa NL commu n be reside that ople s flourishh in this want practic av e lo . ul cco off ay ee ONLY Locally e. al thing P a said h pe of town that I love e ca ant, ’s Ohe would likenication is so icimport you dilem m piece bbeautif of any 10 a.m munity ing, so you m l mno w back P Pea The Owned Newsepaper ty so : rd and wit bers y address rce . ster ish nci ge. serv a good un system at town councito do isityget your an easy sult is u free ogram ral Com re build ram or ou The remaining publicork em it Boa up regi esFk atBad hr re yo e pr three candidates Co l meetin util can w e D ut :// A C nt is a secu the prog u ncaCn Chnad util owgsn sookeveryo mak the end ed for nd the ges Ce cil declined to for a se to m the dues seat on coun-osey hear what is said. When asked ow rm T id participate. , te eatio eSatcohttp sp ling tone d.TYo teve D e. Alvin Blaylo T is start of ire about talk once l past P the bridge, he feels the town, the A nd be prov t to at 3 at Hed reet Th Drone responded fohil agsit le d of d S aylor, M quville lt Inw e and Brenda wilfuture t aker is an re eb il th s St al an 22 no to the invitati ck an ill county om B an w l w ct E work is , re w du ar y and nc m as partners and bent Joe Straw f bu ed ple you n ha wn state er, hn T own callshould room ram PostheyePAroje an Cana befo y eachCou did not even reply on, while Incum- take as agree ted ey ity stafonnect . e ng t blic Liinbrg Bak ic time ace in 166 on inutes is prog thlli t Jo tow ets Cit whattorespon s lles T n at one can’t communication either way tto Nor pl in t vi or m for th nbyg ca SconuPu il discto full , the e stre cles ic at en if th utsibility clen and ignored the olson askedrce do pro-Citizen Towitinall ea. rn Bruceionm g alone. ored it.. th E clin artm take ugh do fivee--1100 . th hi g in te n e areNichr rg ebrit Dr. Matt Hanka ea hime encan atelop atPioosney thLaura the talk ndriat fol.o ep lem 0 a.m d,uniz ratio t predojec agle th ro riving ggiist paid ilar no to rid d ve Dou e P eyvill how elm , them ev hileyouedget terfully replied lls that? fully managed s, y uniz 11D:3 af iz eisAElexa dren enta eg st crgn sion and kept time. master ianp wfiim li- tobido Dev m ne al ed m os sdng g t be He the discu Dav , P“Nothi ay replace discus- be em alho wer8:w30at–er , Januar 16. on ar out. Re to doco lold omicld im persiste on College Avenue He iss a politica ry torthh aluex e. W prsov iran By Lois Mittin il Don’t a si mptin andoMarsh resumtow s, ponce. By given mus wait mte sday y re ing fo ed and director of l science . This year’s event F 20 n hos C,lofroas o Gray Gym vill asto ap The Wpermis edne eysion On atto children’s party rule ouncway. act. Lead te y ab n the Master lock this easyereor go req Ren ed will be Saturday, ont to Eenco t will viInd. W , Thur ry 25, t the e had er Degree in Public professor ed Mount Vernon nas and w86 December 5 with 8 gniz his ar stm rarof up theman . Tow d he 14-day e ar e Pos et w city The Cthe tm rn for u8Jeffries also made Tra ts32 on,ville, 2016 Februa contac That Stole Christm lighted Christmas parade. This Adminisagre s to Pick a met l in Conti er H co e ofh Depbaer Dto m. Darrin been as to . Lemberg would Police Lieuteniuant ep der e te , , year’s dg h 83 as.’ Ve le the 14 co th theme Everyon re motion ay nued ns it ik ey 2ca t is ‘The lltmemealth the Generation e is welcome to like to upgrade to purchase ltirec MLou eant Pnu osary Thursd questio Hal d bu turned nceson eaalllth of possib indi es w ticed issed. few of81S as g,C on needA12 s alPage n’s help and share ideas. Grinch Three equipment to give information call Hea his training tynH Becky Higgins at PC nciun dustries for $1,270 radar unit from MPH Inair sel w tinP ty D20, inut sdan For more ayd, Ja and pose kly ordina t headpublic e tow me For as tzman vehicl s no ve m ming . 812-204-7388. live training scenaricity officers more realistic ou A p Kie e mee Cseey om Sco y CoCou n, 11, 2016 clinics. 8-1328 Thtiur this latest model, . All new police cars have quic and rtmen the e of th that co os. He attende Sal ing d ha ha e co ess. ard Posey County Counci in th ow y :ar and ys g 83 m, Ro Vernon Board ours h e nPoososey ese ry ut Lemberg has Posey County Council l on Aging plans of Public Works d the Mount men using the but cies depa etimes som lties em. om tagg ces anhe may in this proc te, bo out Dev diing e TTh toring da m to train P liseu brua for th at 812- closin iday H or Ve s,Co Nashville trip 26 to request monies meeting June cu 20-year-old on Aging Nashvil llowf Sam old Generation the is a three-day, ay, FFe needed tment holiday Jr. Hol of Mot be c and som ded of e pena g by th me fr resiten eeyvill Wtheie th noti ral orkingete th r no ked ab He model in his police0-yearle Tripwill be for roesefohTh ar two-nig t One g ie ursd s utraining ce car. th that remin and th idin der ca that ded suit and Genera things like a Taser seve l be w mpl othe s as imals. use at Nashville Nightlif ht trip. The trip includes a visit December 7-9, 2015. 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PAGE A12 • JANUARY 19, 2016


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Posey County’s ONLY Locally Owned Newspaper.



February 11th 3:00pm - 6:00pm


Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Volume 136 Edition 3

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Sanford shines as Lady Vikings celebrate pair of wins

North Posey Lady Viking basketball coach Larry Kahle presents a basketball to senior guard Kayla Sanford. Sanford recently became the leading 3-point shooter in the school’s history.

By Dave Pearce The North Posey Vikings did a signiďŹ cant job of moving up in the Pocket Athletic Conference standings this week with wins over Heritage Hills and Pike Central. And on an individual note, Kayla Sanford shot her way into the North Posey record book. The crafty senior actually broke the record back in December but no one realized just how many of the 3-pointers she had made‌at least not until Saturdays game against Pike Central. Sanford broke the record that had been set by Jennifer Donner. Going into the season, Sanford needed 24 3-pointers to claim the record. The record had been 136 and Sanford has 164 heading into the remainder of her senior season. “She broke it back in mid-December,â€? Kahle said with a smile. But Sanford is more thrilled about two team wins than she was about the individual accolade. “I can’t thank my friends, family, and especially my teammates for this accomplishment,â€? Sanford said humbly in a post on Facebook. “DeďŹ nitely could not have done it without you guys and all your support.â€? But the Vikings moved out to 12-7 with the two wins this week and that’s the most important statistic. Against the Lady Patriots, a team that had dominated the Vikings just one year ago, the Vikings proved how much they have improved. The Vikings came out ready to play and took a 12-7 lead after the ďŹ rst period. Then a solid defensive eort propelled the Vikings to a 25-13 lead at the half. The decisive quarter came just after the half when the Vikings outscored the Lady Patriots by a count of 18-8 to eventually bring home the 49-32 win. “We played exceptionally well over at Heritage Hills,â€? North Posey Coach Larry Kahle said. “Ally (Brandenstein) had 20 points and Brooklynn Hamman did a tremendous defensive job on Heritage Hills’ best player, their sophomore center,â€? Kahle said. “She tore us up last year and for threeand-a-half quarters, Brooke held her to two points. She ended up with eight points but the rest of them came in the fourth quarter, after I took Brooke after the game. And Brook at 10 points to go with that.

Continued on B3

North Posey senior center Brooklynn Hamman looks for an open teammate during basketball action. Photo by Dave Pearce

Graves breaks record in first Viking win of the season By Dave Pearce The demon has been exorcised! The North Posey Vikings looked like experienced veterans at winning when they defeated the Tecumseh Braves on Friday night at North Posey High School. “The ďŹ rst half was just a real good high school basketball game,â€? North Posey Coach Heath Howington said. “We told our guys coming into the game that’s the way it would be.â€? Trailing 30-29 at half-time, the Vikings outscored the Braves 16-9 in the third period and 17-5 in the fourth to claim the win. But Howington pointed out that any time you face a team coached by Coach Kevin Oxley, you have to play both hard and well to win. He felt his team did both. “Now that we’ve got that out of the way, we can just go out and play,â€? Howington said. North Posey High School Senior Guard Austin Graves hit 5 three-point Field Goals on his way to a game high 25 points. The 3-pointers put him atop the school’s All – Time career 3-point record at North Posey as the Vikings won their ďŹ rst game of the season. However, Howington was more impressed with Graves’ performance on the defensive end of the court. “In the fourth quarter, Austin dove for a ball and somehow got it to one of his teammates for an easy basket,â€? Howington said. “That was easily his best play of the night. That was probably his best game in a Viking uniform and it had nothing to do with his scoring. It was what he did on both ends of the oor.â€? After a back-and-forth ďŹ rst half, it looked like it might be the same old story again as the Braves moved out to a sixpoint lead. But this time, the Vikings seemed to be the team that wanted it the worst. From that point forward, the Vikings outscored the Braves 30-4 to claim the victory. “The second half, I just thought we played a little harder than they did and that usually doesn’t happen against a Tecumseh team,â€? Howington said. “I thought our guys stepped North Posey senior guard Trent Weber takes the ball up to the challenge.â€? to the basket during a recent Viking game. The team deAt the half, the team adjusted its defense just a bit to try and feated Tecumseh on Friday night. Photo by Dave Pearce switch up the defense to keep the Braves o balance.


“We keep track of something called ‘punches,’ which is three defensive stops in a row,â€? Howington pointed out. “We had four punches in the second half and that is a season high.â€? But Graves was not the only player to contribute. Jacob Sanford started at the point and despite his job to distributing the ball, he also ďŹ nished with 11 points, ďŹ ve rebounds, three assists and no turnovers, He had one 3-point basket. He played well defensively, too.â€? Six-foot-6 senior Grant Scheller got into foul trouble in the ďŹ rst half of the contest but Howington was proud of the eort he got from the bench. “David Bender, Trent Weber, and Alex Stewart did a great job o the bench and Noah Scheller had eight points and eight rebounds,â€? Howington said. Foul trouble limited Grant to six points and ďŹ ve rebounds. Ethan Morlock had ďŹ ve points while Stewart had three and Bender two. The team had only seven turnovers and held the Braves to 14 second-half points “Our crowd was really awesome and I want to credit our student section because they are a huge part of it,â€? Howington said of the fans. But on Saturday night, the Vikings traveled to Forest Park, where the night before the Rangers had moved to 9-3 on the season with an impressive win over a South Spencer team. Despite a season-high six 3-point baskets coming into the contest, it rained 3-pointers on the Vikings in the second half as the Dubois County team ďŹ nished with 12. “We were play8ing one of the hottest teams deďŹ nitely in the PAC and one of the hottest in Southern Indiana,â€? Howington said. “They were 9-3 coming in for a reason.â€? The Vikings got o to a great start, with Howington feeling that the team had carried over positive energy from the night before. The Vikings jumped out to a 10-4 lead and forced the Rangers to take a quick time-out in an eort to regroup. The Vikings trailed by two at the quarter break and by seven at the half. “Forest Park really caught ďŹ re and went to a 1-2-2 halfcourt trap,â€? Howington said. “They forced us into some turn-

Continued on B4

Continued on B3



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Saint Wendel School’s fourth grade 2015-2016 undefeated Mater Dei feeder basketball league and tournament champions. In front are Gavin Corne, Jonah Zoller, Luke Donner, and Chase Hannah. In row two are Cole Cullum, Jackson Gra, Blaine Herr, and Kylan Wathen. In back are coaches Chris Herr and Andy Wathen. The team has gone undefeated for two years in a row now.

PAGE B2 • JANUARY 19, 2016


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to de re ic afte $32,50 I’ve this ed aw f in of publ t as a caFire e will paid at life. to do d talk set stuf kind ease 17. H to be begin incr ts ning mplin hakind of he was u know - men mony as a 7, 20 s now ry will a $500 he star d go , he ha Har served , yo has bonu is sala ceive once tion, . C d we ha know to go ink it’s lly so ed H He an 15. he’ll re al salary gradua increase n an n. You get me t. I th hopefu om al em tinu nce. d d fr star nu tio g to 00 pon perie and fir epartgive Con and time anbenefit I will (USP in D5 sey an the an EA. U her $5 ill be serT4 re e ex EMS 439-5 3 try re 9 he w od ot lic to 0 00) ill IL e an Fi e Po0)) l e lly a P ys of an d SW ease r po ony com be a go ople w hopefu cDanie prio ked as Harm for th ent an c. at receiv y incr d 90 dasalary to to pe ing wn’s re and ell,” M ew atcher epartm Sabi will final pa tion an nual worVolum to g he as w e N esp135 or Editio e at 42 eek an By Dave Pearce D ua the et for tht, a di eriff’s curityn 17 th -w s- Th ter grad ing his bein from it ated oe in a The Poseyville that utility service can men nty Sh ly as se n his Evan - af to br 4,000. is term his pr d m nefit for ker times a be restored. met Wednesday Town Council wor met ary Cou t recent to begi ry 1, in rn Indi y vice l of $3 aniel e end of require at be the and 10 eeded nu ncil Hall in Poseyv evening at City Baker spoke tota McD re th will be ining told e Cou iday, Ja arshal. mos intends Februa hweste cadem ille. While the she een fiv en proc gs and up and said that wn If Fr m pro- town is befo ar, he his tra posed budget the He ing on e Sout ent A y To g on town y Wat willing to work was approved, gns betw fficers th Stallin ith em tin in th ar mon er with people talk if they quickly turned resi nary ye cost of bers w d O at Enforc Har ial mee d a new bers G d Rog . tra call e to k an l memes he room iran batio pay th cies and ordinan city rules, poli- the utility and talk to members of ville Law wee He at spec d hire l mem k an the vote M unci staff but once ces. The Counci ) a bs his er q this inor. to re an unci layloc for d co t that st ry and the utility and department l ib an EA bills 8, an ed G m are IL y l disconn co B st na heads alike agreed t ected, all past dues as answ alli arre with a that sometimes (SW cDanie reemen obatio Januar New Alvin presen d Don iel w must be paid in t St the public needs was M an ag the pr until as full. be reminded of i to ce n man isconduc il on a son, e were ders an McDanthat w e, al On a similar note, ed some of the town’s Pear know Ja m the town has sign serve asn marsh policies and the Wad id Flan . Caleb sition favorit ave nt Vernosexual ounty penalties that come been attempting to rid e m w D oill nt po n y th to av aN w se the B along for not abiding D ou of sey C in of as many abando the streets tow rim affid in e ab A M arges from inte Po use wer en for ed by e retired e •The first remind by them. as possible. Town ned vehicles the s ch le ca e Driv rdri have Marsha chos occupi plin. H face ns in . te Julie Mayo, who er came from Saltzman obab not indicated he had l Doug ng Cham e pr 27, of Le had in r of mai bond of lo th es re dents of Poseyv asked that resi- tagging resume he to t d tte 00 at gs, , do vehicles with ille be remind Scot ber. $5,0 ccording Stallin itted th babysi 14-day that utility bills ed notices and l, 21 are m A e has noticed there tow old A. vem cDanie about the eighth mailed out on or several n, ad -yearare Polic M gs John he may have of the month and non situavit, nt Verno the 14 missed. He allin are due on the an will be workin Ver e twenty A. St Mou se with ildren. Mount e of th victim room id payments are subject -third. Late days to compleg in the coming few the John te this to a penalty n sa cour gs’ ch of the ade awar alleged s went and utilities are of •On yet another process. lin agai agai subject to disconStal embers were m r of the Officer re her a friendmenote, board nect if they are member Steve ings of th t s. he not paid by the he M so er Ahrens en told w ot asked first the town’s day of the followi em A pair of Scouts artm offic home er had rse with side pon ng policy on animal about Dep when th t with ht were recognized S ou ’s cU Mayo said there month. s. ug rc He said vi Devin im ee he bring te e n da Lac erving Kiesel had been asked have been some the Poseyville in was recognized kn tio d to m d vict her re to th disconnections ey B up Town Council for his Eagle at xual and p made in the town someone had complained because tending the meeting, talk ve natu meeting on Wedne Scout Projec reez pri aske e allege ted th had se ’ and that those one of a dog Poseyv iti sday evening. or dogs running ed to e ca fortit ha e, L me ri residents were ille Town Counc of his requirement for earnin t while Chad Fishback was to th r indi that sh ‘Tony. attempt the sens e com loose in town. O surprised to learn aura bs recognized for il members Ron g an he s ney Jake Weis, that all past due Saltzman indicated that atFallowfield, Bruce Eagle Scout Badge. Pictur mot other’ tified as ficers due to be mor Fri and d Posey County utilities must be the town back, of ed are, in front, in to ht int Baker, Director of Econo sby, By ri paid in full before Posey Prosecutor ght the mshe iden police kly that im mig , Continued on Page mic Development and Steve Ahrens. In back Dav Am nks at and Scout Leader brou rned are attorJohn Taylor e one o male ed quic the vict yB D A12 Poseyville Fire Chief Sam Travis r was r retu oern Amer incr ollars Pearc Tw realiz tion, martin, and Poseyv Clowers, Poseyville Town , Devin Kiesel, Chad Fishale. worke worke Photo by Dave m e/ ic t ea fe er fo e sa Pearce Marsh V ille es an bu a Wastewater Depar so Po sing r lo al Doug Saltzm , an aler tim e conver with e Servic When th an, tment manag d A Legio way seyv ly tougcal go ie W . th eaking ectiv er Jeremy Farrar ngi n im of ve er s to ille ct . e D Pos ot vi sp of h to rnm km sa Po ick t 5’ able Child Pr alleged ey. s stor seyv ve monficials come ents aneister JanA the Phot annu e on day, age sp ille’s to ey. have by in d tow k to o b al N mad rpris emak ns th spea y Z ew thro Dec ace. T wn ga e it e pa have ce su Hom Pa ach Yea a po st fe ry ni tension and ti mee ugh th ember own rage r’ Str happ fe w been a ve int aw s Eve fina ting th e end 23, tocounci will so pson ceived rdue Ex to Li organiza r to lo year wan ened ht nc Par Sim l ey de of on ok s oke Posies reg the Pu y’s Rig to the e. A fo, ty w ha grou ted $2 was w for th fina mem T ing ro By B ez Dave k nt and he ad for th cided e year lize an bers ve ad 5, er ere Pearce equi nd. So 000 e go By ecious , durin Cou e chec a Bre ffic The results are will Water dition projecto appr . It w d ap met W ditiona Pr 2016 Posey 000 Marth Life O is do men pmen we to co t anothe in and the Posey cient coverage.’ pr ove as 5, l th to ed a $2 County Jail’s annual has be us build is bein t. The same status the also ove cl neshas t to do t to do decide me ou r bid uary meeting. ented late wifed Right ps and inspection reexisted expa duri aim pa slud alread ed no ing to g affi port came back es his that d w t and an th r an grou ers e pr with predominantly 2011 and 2012 inspections. during y be t on ho xed e said s . nsio ng ge B id us at pu d ez esory of ecorde both glowing review tter to en us ly to use with aker w to re and as We fo would t our this co n an this A . According to Bre s. The inspect l Po eded to Tim em82 nty R e with a sl the mov a m und state codes 210 Bru ccordi d th ry mpa sl en m go y Se ed ion was cl ud th re he ou e. tiv held ud n IAC t in ib on Thursday. a e 3-1-14 (a) for ean e at ar e on ah ge ny snowoy E 1se8y C ry ac ect tim ager C ing ne e Pos of ce B ng hire Posege mac of th al w $25000ert Farm to ex their sl ter of piece of ead an in th In the inspection sufficient personn‘There shall be rf an fund to th S ile C Po as ve ce inHarm am m “black aker, thto Pose , to e el in the achi city as ne that s, w plain udge.” fact, N used d bu e rien ewd EmSIN tha w at the pe sies’ mpast for aled years. noted that there report, it was all times clea yville hine w Gas e to yv go pe Po e to provide adequajail at . ew e o is expe ryN wn ille eq y n N slud hich l an ED y of on-owne eded is was sp ho char that th “W ne fo ld” deaths or escapes have been no pervision cam ecious ts in th had appast tw ain th Har uipte suew Tsche ge first Dsar& slud e ha r $120when may ha Town of inmate in the past year ly d now ent ea ges rough mon ag gran Pr gran g, and the Har but RyAE le her er Nofew from the Posey to “T $1 equi staff and inmate s and to ensure mon y the ge on d this 00 a they de ve st Cou in PelE ten them ten for County joys ught dK Bak his pi 2000 pmen going ch tim use th an ag safety.’ I strongl ruck ncil y new farm co few writ ram go Fund asking s writ very d ci In a staffing analysifacility. re ville eNan n en recomm DO y so w er said ece plus th t for ye to be e the sl e equi emen d mac land mpa mon ded to a di Pres rlai theoda r ha s that was develop end that the county council th seofy Gen prog munity lt like completed in 2013, mbe e is e Pte hine ,” ny th ths e de with of eq e ch ars to able udge pmen t r ED A Potte aintaine in and pick fferen iden a pr fe hiring om ha the h. Sh recomm ag ar plan e ot C t C ui e m . “T Bak sh ci at h gh N to hire uc n, endation was made t e. up s to back ect ou ded to a smile pmen ge to come to be doremov t, cam ar sh o m r of hey er ex cam o. a sl kind that three more needed staff and comply with the ddyson p hom rantoddTau OW t w run mbe ks ye st be to ganizatio omers ur year prov at a staff members udge hoe r leaf pu wen plai e in . A ili the analysi ne Y o gr ha “I pi s th be and L st s or e C ill le fo hired Ph ece the jail standar Litt ju and t ou ned at the facilan W e or y cu last es AL w t tw t’s a la e eq tota by ity. But with dcth ana rded For ds, the St. inspector wrote. t of the d pu a new Indi Public Satur- for th w man for the er reco T of eq trac agon o ba big st us uipm l co ye uc LOC Until the newar her rlain San busi purp t ou jail currently being or renovated is occupie d of est on by he ne uipm tors. T and ys on piece for ent. st tern e po ars, th d consideration ne jail ness ose r of ho month own. H considered by ts an mbe year ef hwes oard lli should Posey County door40 feet w stru ent.” he othe other the bu of equiPrepar given to hiring so w of Chabe But ng pl e build s,” ing to serve commu Sout non B st a Win ial Even Street each has gr00) official ild e additio eq ct s s, in pm the r er nal th ac ur hat whi in ab personnel ad- for the present ditional staff may one uipm ing,Churcenh in 5 nion ater ent. tenn gram39-5 ill ho nt V ting ch w size an e will plac out 10 e for L g was will jail. one t Mount Vernon. Pictur during the Bicentennial service en diana ray presen e Mou oup w re Bicents that W ing ev will depending on the not be needed, 4 ill pr d in “We were again be fo t lik be oG ding e code year ynn T used gr ie ques design of the fa2 tast they bePS e toConference of the United ed left to right: Matthew Craftocelebration at First United ‘cited’ for not ovid clud appr ittin son, re re th her prem r th pastor s ow ine having sufficie s no Methodist cility. Methodist Churc n4 n, is neout the Rev. David illS e pl e tw oxim nt jail staff person- Lois M y John ed befo nounce city’s mber re p.m. w e and e w(U hand long were ago w nh, FUMC pastor Bishop Michael Coyner of itio Stevens. Photo tBut, according enty o, 18 at er w he ch the InBy the the Rev. Christ pear to an Cha to 9 submitted Ed tane to the report, nel to operate the facility,” Ther rticipa s th ce is icappe er was ange n of sp -foo ely 30 opher Millay, ve 35 pa said Brit erce, ap ary 7 one of .’ The e noon vendor bility. Posey County d d, retired ‘sick days, days off, vacations ace t tall Sheriff Greg Oeth. be The feet m ey haeth1e th e lia nty now laws compl ater Janu and outside jail operati for mg Com ting on . It will e on W nut for ral win es of as well. ded th lu so ions present staff- “This does concern me; howeve 4- lo tall garage al ing challenges the e ho H Facated ve rtificat food She ad yVo durin ee pril 30 ‘Win equi r, it W se m and at possible insuffid A ce be ps. Continued on Page n to ng curit will pes th irgrou the oon day, be calle Mai e will s and s selli l boxe s for se Keck Gonnerman A12 enab at th nds. tern nt er om ca er af er fr ra to ill nd tri hold th e s th Keck Gonnerman annual Harvest w osed ay le it wor elec e offic will hold their annual barte restau said Dinner and Dance Frid By Lois Mittin 2015 at the Posey ace, e Lyn to on k be cl hnson r own based e of the polic Harvest Dinner and et on o Gray County 4H Fair Commu Dance on Novemb Jo si n T ce thei ounty- ire us off duty a Fried Chicken e stre About 75 citizen er 14, nity Center. resi nce ownDinner provided C ide qu o e th s and half the tration program by St. Matthews Doors open at 5:30 p.m., with Entertainment will prov t Posey will re for tw New Harmony clos candidates for at USI. Speaking he dents many Men’s be A10 Town Council the chosen out t to bu order was random person. Tickets can provided by The Works with Katie Club beginning at 6 p.m. ha eigh ndors e budget electio ‘Meet the Candid of age ques be purchased at Hawg’N ound ilding ve ly Beste York. Cost ve e re ates’ forum held n attended the allotted five a box of names. All four hopefu Richard Kaufma Succe is $25 per on P ing ey in th era House on and Silverwood or ssor to The’Sauce n 812-480-4733, ls were at Thrall’s Opminutes to introdu ed th mor s to vo on Tuesday, Octobe Posey by contacting Jody Kaufma 457-4713, Candy ville their ideas. Then prov ce themselves nued mon e ce te. n 812-480 News ti r 13. Sponsored the New Harmo Morlock ap LOCA & -9167, New n and 812-550 Hanka d 6 Katie LLY Harm ntra Hoehn 812-3316,OWN drew a questio 1789 in downtow by the Busine ony Times ny Business Associ Brian Pierce, Co ED AND boar 16 at n, prepared by n Evansville. Must and KimOPER l preside ss Associates, ates, the group’ DyehouseATED nt Jim Spann welcom The be 21-years-old or out of another eet y 12, 20 , please s the ten minute older and ID will 812-455-SINC box to start ingEthe1882 ar to m s discussion for sel goal of the evenin ed all in attendance statbe required. MV Moose Lodge ard y, Janu questions each candidate. tions were allowe L Nus g was “honest, communication hosting r QuesThe Mount Vernon d from audien lth Bo esda Wil ynn T respectful Ann all sta that leads to better Moose Lodge 497 All You Can Eat Fish Dinner ce members during Hea eet Tu , Ind. Fo 1328. s better election bs voter turnout and this time, too. with potato, baked will be having an buil son C ownsh m nt y Art uch outcome for our beans, slaw, hush All You Can Eat Jaco ious Po Cou ard will Vernon812-838- String how m n to First up was din omm ip town.” y at Fish puppies Particip 5 p.m. Dinner Independent candid this Saturday at the Lodge, ating in the gh Pose lth Bo , Mount ent, Heart shows solutio u Prec Janu er. as se unity Trust ate Ryan pRapp under). The public 711 West Second Street. $10 per night, October 24 starting dates David Flande exchange of ideas were candi- who said he was raised in g on a Hea om 20 Departm Easy that ssible help yo . person, (Childre is invited to attend. in t un Cen ee D Poseyv e rs, ty Ryan ille, New n $5 12 and but wspto love ay y: Rapp, Roger Wade Harmony after un Ro po ill Call ahead for carry Gary Watson. lth mak use ter, onn a trip to Germa Negrew y Co liseum, e Hea g Craft n you y has a son w ine’s D lies Incumbent Don outs, 812-838-3664. and servant d fo a b ie M er nt , he would like Mount Vernon Gibbs planned Pose ca tend, but sent a ar t th pp dny. As a public r ab uild er to at- genera to pass the letter The at the Co contac ts Gettin what ic Libr ica Em for Vale ar y su the netown The Mount Vernon Bicentennial Committee out ing cer tion so Publ . to the next dealing with health earlier that morning that he extends Bicentennial has st h t Mon perfect necess choose will Owew found esen ming, p.m 10 was he loves “better than what n book pre-order deadline issues. tis pr extended its Bicente deadline y Spann ur is year e is h ands ar ria that, “My absenc the read . The new deadline nnial Celebration all ted from it.” He said ed. ce APL ay is co lexand local rt that’s All yo to do ogram enter e in no way reflects from his letter “Your big statementoctransla s. P elpin in fr for orders for the Germa of this meeting. ru opportunity hot or g e’s D ne? A ar y 19 ring A ifying. u have . This pr Please an the importance hardbound book W I enjoy being on Y L is where you are right n that o b to re ont of nu eo ntin yo at is St rest nt B the pl Because he feels the council and to see busines yD Posey County’s now.” Vale ve som a. On Ja Heart and gr st. All or 6 p.m Center. please be ting onwa st NL commu n be reside that ople s flourish in this want practic av ore. the lo . ul co of ay ee ONLY Locally id pe al thing P town that I love e ca ant, ’s Ohe would likenication is so icimport you dilem m piece beautif of any 10 a.m munity ing, so you m l mno w back P Pea The Owned Newsepaper so addressnty : to do is get rd anda sa with bers of y rce . ster ish nci ge. serv a good u system your an easy sult is u free ogram ral Com re build ram or ou The remaining publicork em it Boa up regi adesFk atBad hr ity re yo e cu og pr nt three candidates Cohear what at town council meetin w m e util es e D uttp:// A util owgsn sookeveryo mak the end ed for nd the ges Ce is a se the pr You ncaCn C ycan cil declined to is said. When asked iohn T participate. Alvin for a seat on coun-ose the bridge, sp ling tone lk to ce th st du ovid to atte at Hed et This start of ireed.Towfohrm ileat leeSatcoht Steve r, D nd, about ta P pr the Blaylock and Brenda A Drone responded er il pa he feels the town, il future on ll t lo d sit d qu w l e of re 3 be In ag , an Tay n M s no to the invitati om is w ll an f but , al Bak Eeb work as partner will you wan om 22 nal St fore th m isosreeyevi dultct ar y w and nccounty bent Joe Straw ple s and eachCou n ha wn state er hn ca should ed ro ra P th PAroje an Ca be y ow t did not even reply on, while Incum- take as agree ted ey ity stafonnect . e ng t ic Liinbrg Bak ic time ace in 16 on inutes is prog thlli Jo tow ets Cit whattorespon s lles T n at one can’t communication either way to Nor pl in t vi or m for th nbyg ca SconuPubl rn il discto full , the e stre cles ce clen ic at en if th utsibility and ignored it.. the olson askedrce do pro-Citizen Towitinall g alone. th E clin artm take ugh do five-10 . th hi g in n te e areNichec brit Dr. Matt Hanka le ria r ea. BruatelioopnmatPioosney ea hime encan thLaura the talk ep 0 a.m lem xand tnpfol.orgeld,uniz th ro riving gist ratio af tizpredoj AEleag paid ilar no to rid d ve Dou e P eyvill how , them ev hileyouedget lls that? s, y uniz 11D:3 enta sion and kept time. masterfully managed the discus- replied ia wfiimm Dev li- tobido m ne al ed crgn thheis an m os sdng g t be He dren Dav , P“Nothi ay replace wer8:w30at–er , Januar 16. on ar out. Re to doco lold omicld im persiste He is a politica ry tor aluex e. W prsov be iremFalho By Lois Mittin il Don’t a si mptin andoMarsh resumtow s, ponce. By given mus wait mte sday re ing fo ed and director of 20 n hos C,lofroas q ont to o Gray Gym vill asto ap The Wpermis d edne eysion On atto rule ouncway. act. Lead ur te y ab n the Master Degree l science professor lock this easyereor go 25, e t will vi Mount Vernon nas enco w86 gnized his rearstmRen ra , Inlld.e W16, Th bruary ntact th r ts32 an Tow d he ha14-day e are in Public Admin reed Pick up Pos et w city The Cthe tmE of et the en Police fo T Jeffries on iu That m ar ag 20 Stole er r Lieuten e u also ep 8rn ism to . of er Fe co in , co m Christm be to Lemberg would made the motion ep ant. Darrin te ith D b Dto , er dg nuedes. H as.’ Everyone is Ve eyyvi14 sday, l Conti le e lth em co83 re th as ike eds s 2the Generation like to upgrade lthec eantd Pnu welcome to help osar Thur questions Hal d bu turned of possib indica es w ticed issed. few nc on of81S l was ng, on ne A12 s alPage n’ equipment to give Three radar unit to purchase information call Hea his training and share ideas. HeaDir, inutMLou lm r Ja na w se ad ic , d r d ty ci cl Becky g from PC an ai dustrie e m ty For di y to ti city no ay Higgins at 812-204 n un n 20co ,sdan 16 an MPH more po kl se officers more realisti s for $1,270. All as tzm vehi s m or t he publ e s. Fo 28. live training scenari min ve ur A p Kie e mee Cseou -7388. om S y CoCou new police cars Inn 20 c this latest inic 13 quic and rtmen the e of th that co os. He attende Sal ing rs d ha ha e co ess. ard Posey County Counci have in th ow model, and ys:arThtiuary 11, these cl 2-838- ing m, Ro Vernon Board e nPo osey Hou Veh l on Aging plans of Public Works d the Mount men using the but Lemberg has to train the Posey County Council cies depa etimes som lties em. om tagg ces anhe may in this proc te, bo out Dev ding e TTh toring da m P liseu br clos for at 81 iday or s,Co 26 to request monies meeting June 20-year-old Genera llowf Sam ay, Fe needed tment holiday Jr. Hol of Mot be c sefocu and som ded of e pena g by th me fr resiis a three-day, two-nig on Aging Nashville Tripwill Nashville trip ten eyvill Wtheie th noti ral orkingete th r no ked ab He model in his police sd e tion for ro ar t things One g ur ie be s utraining at Decemb e ill au like a Taser car. th er 7-9, 2015. th remin and th idin der ca that ded suit and Genera seve l be w mpl othe s as imals. use at Nashville Nightlif ht trip. The trip includes a visit Pos Jak eyonP e 16 C,hThrctse are no lth Dep nounce ther Kin a Bure ches w ance The board also tion Three radar Po erra to Opry Mills, then This e Dinner his T made a motion police Hea V an tin Lu Indian be cies not ab min ked remin or wil to coyet an Ahren an beca dog ney k, Pos e28F,ir20e nt car. servthe go men for sole bid bran dinner Pea to reject the Parthenon, a ride the Delta Theater, guided tour of Nashville, d r reti received BM Mar of the license e18 in ob Ele poli g for first re ho ase be out on and Flatboats inside 7 “With ceregard days n Steve licy onasked of a wn. avoi bac eyvill A ec Dpp m y e inmeanthei Opryland Hotel, photo stop at the Flow sewer projectfor the East Side Gravity of the Grand Old Opry House. V w ll •O r d nces ner arrc th . i e led alon he inysp19om and backstage tour throughout the entota the terrible tragedies be s po been aine in to wn Pea Cost is $319 for Pos o by nnou missio at all BM y, Ja resu al ar e nu •T Mayo, oseyvi e mai e mon . Lat y countryry G need s ar meeting, the bid . When opened at a prior a double occupan ot nu m VA mem town’ had compl ose the to chltes an lt rd 812-838-4656 to P s ar we do not get caught , we was considerably cy. Please call Janu pred in Davbrre Ph th e ym to make sure the enginee ansu BM hy, Co today th h MBonyda register. higher than day, with The nas Juli s of y bill th of ty-thi a pena onil’s the he had ing lo that r’s estimate. The 12 The o train using scenari off guard. rnat Jaes ced th roug ay. ATllheonyTu iummen need put on dent utilit e eigh e twen t to to disc first back s. y.De lid said eone runn cated t Abe noun hold until the board bid rejection was Jim Hirsch s nt . ge A t is a new training os they might encoun Correction ec t a at t th Ken V), an nuar y 16 g Jr. ho s hoCurou came view rsda rep m gs indi e th ter. that SRF was could bj mistake P th th so be and ec nly identifi assured I’ll need new equipfunds would still su on do ment for it,” he (BM rday, Ja er Kin busines g re 8 Thu tion Lv on port in.A be available. Sewer in a photo cutline. He should ed as a Jail Commander for the abou due are e subjpaid byth. told or tzman Superintendent th me have been titles Sheriffs Office ow volunteer Reserve Rodney Givens Satu tin Lu heduled The board was the board. ued .... ld on spec ha are ents ies ar e not mon en so wn the Reserve Comma Sal Unit of the Posey board with an email present sc Mar nder of the ....gl.. as he the 1inat therpee s inO County Sherriff ntin nd Councilman supportive of the request from Shelley Love ed the paym utilit ey ar owing ve be the to sur’s Office. We apologiz any confusion this ing the city that Brian Jeffries told Co ...... Bw 1In0 -1 th4 esca Cou assure for may have caused. the needed funds put together a and if th e foll ere ha e in were due ted.Aor training plan on Lemberg be extended for Ag .... nect of th said th mad nts past fore osey a a year so the boardcould still r with Chief Beloat, paper, conSilverwood Restau e7P ng confident in rejectin Bus/ ssifieds y......no..de..aths.A felt more In an announc and “we’ll run day ayo ctions reside all ll be rant and you’ll get .. tha staffiin 201 M ne ose that in fu it ....fr..om your equipment through $912,736 remain g the bid. Givens said that Mount Vernonement made last evening, Silverwto close la n C u on th s in the fund for urces will be from n money.” project ood In eted ma will id .. Restaur ant and Gifts in use on the encourages resident close permanently, effective disc that lear pa . pl as d internal funds COIT and LECEF funds ommch........ immediately. Owners s to remember the C com on w bers and ed to ust be already budget importa have nce r ed. of supporting local Don Temme, left, Continued on Page dati f mem with pris ities m Pictured left to businesses. Chu af ut t il Gonnerman Red and Darrell Creek stand in front right are: Dr. A3 st ut B Wade; Matt Wagon Day on Hanka, moder David Flanders; Bus/inAg Red Wagon Saturday. A total of Don’s antique tractor at the ity. curren ator; and Jim Spann .......Photo Poseyv Keck.......by...A9 of 23 tractors were , New Harmony candidates Ryan Rapp; Gary jail ey C Theres on display at The Business Associ Watson; Roger Classifiedsille. hs ................ er Valerie Werkm ates. Photo by Pos onal .... B10 -11 a BratchDeat .... A3 eister Lois Mittino Gray ti nd osey County Scho di Lega ol ....................A Community... creases will often ls...............B9Commissioners meet the salary depety ........A4 ncil members 8 and employ of other met ees Social .............. Opinion .............. 10 Chu cili meeting this weekside by side in a ger period who have been working a lon- own would be rch.. conside ....... B red ....... ....... ‘exemp of time. ployees. t’ em-...A7 s of county businesto discuss a few Sports ...... ....... A6 Retrospective ..A11 ist i Audito County official ..B1-4 ........A5 hod - ‘s become a regular s. The meetings ation of r Kyle Haney stated that the creo TV Guide...... Met e In rectify this situatios feel that in order to s work towards habit as county of- termine job classifications will help ed of th tired n, they must .....B7-8 deopen communicatio salary nit en each entity. n added it would increases in the future. He ate job descriptions and classifi first crest U oyner lay, re cations ir each be employ necessary to determ for e of the discuss which employ at F l C Mil ine will begin ee. A new budget discussion ion on ichae her in August and they sire to create job points involved and ‘non-ex ees are considered ‘exemp ti M stop t’ would like to classifications bra for empt’ meansempt.’ As a general rule, ‘ex- have something in place by employees. It has cele ishop hri then. County council ice , B ev. C employees who been noted that to earn overtimthose employees are unable receive salary stated he has contactmember Dave Pearce e pay. Elected serv fton e R in- ers who office holdial Cra r th ed Warrick County are able to make nn to to y decisions on their half Continued on Page ente thew pas Gra and n Bic Mat MC no A3 itti zens Cou the ght: , FU h ng ri s M citi Town s’ fo erie Werkmeister uri ft to hurc Loi 75 d C n d le By bout mony didate ay, bers of the Cynthi ist ted nio A Har Can uesd ana Town Board mu ture hod mit partment of Enviro us T scussed routine e com . Pic Met sub nmental Manag matters on their met last Tuesday, June Neweet th on ony B w ement of his certific Sims also discuss agenda. They decided he town’s aging ce r 14, se m nn rve ernon nited Photo an se ed ou lawnmower with ‘M ar ation. problem be to clay tiles D U H pa H ith s. to nt V ial grade mower of a drain at 11000 s with several drains in town. the ven and ovem ., w era New Jim S the from Nix Equipm a new Scag Cheetah need ing North Street have The t il member Patti to be replace ner on N p.m p.m. ent in Poseyville. par Mou ce of Ste collapsed and will the iden al of n tha Din ance 5:30 at 6 per Pre h in feren David and much of it d. Sims stated it drains across ver other quotes Wilson stated she favored has collapsed. He the state highwa pres the goicatio out rc on ev. vest r and D open at nning t is $25 ting the Scag but from John Deere u ar h y gi was ac C said the problem d the Scag mower able to temporarily and Gravely mower C na ing mun tion i eR al H Dinne Doors lub be k. Cos cont 812is not s are better-built patch it, town desires. Wilson dia tor th and will have the s. lem on Elm Street. Duringsolved. Sims also noted a similar com er elecpating l annu vest ter. ’s C Yor or byHoehn 2-455probheavy rains, floodin old Har Cen Men Beste ood d. pas service on the moweralso stated that Adam Nix lon- the drains in that area. bett artici id F g occurs around to h nual unity ews Katie lverw , Katiehouse 81require agreed P Dav n . He asked the board’s Si an r an omm atth 67 rd approved the so s $6,635 purchase. erm thei ir C St. M ks withce and 480-91 im Dye will be permission to notify ment of Transp date y Wat sen mployee Steve or K au onn hold Fa by ID 2the Indiana Depart r ortation (INDO Sims k G will nty 4H ided he W N’S 81 , and and T) of the problem can be slated inne er Gar , but i ncountered some informed board members that so the project inn sh D g Kec nerman y Cou r prov ed by T Hawg’ aufman Pierce older problems and his allow Sims on their schedule for repairs tend ing w h D Eat Fi 24 startinand e computer to on Pose Dinne ovid sed at dy K Brian ld or . The board agreed to contact INDOT is y G PC Innovations is no longer working. F -o k e Jo , pr an . to deal , “M Town es in Wadesville o retrieve importa Kec at th hicken ill be purcha 4733, 3316 -years Eat ou C ctober $5 12 64. and they merous marshal Andy Porath reporte im that is m Can All Y ght, O hildren 838-36 2015 ied C ent w can be 2-480- 2-550- t be 21 d that he has receive stated he is currentnt files and reports from the complaints about T 2hard inform y speeding vehicle ly using a persona You an ni (C a Fr tainm ets d nuof thsee 81 ck 81 Mus ed ork and request All having turday rson, outs, 81 on nter . Tick aufman Morlo ville. ed the town purcha l laptop to com- enforci the board he has been watchin s on North Street. He g to e E n Sa pe be l m n n on K ns ure. ng the speed limit g the area and r se a new laptop dli tio is osti will this per carry pers hard Candy n Eva dear will be and ensuring vehicle in stop at the dea Celebra book e Ha ge hge 497 ppies et. $10 d for ic 13, ntow agreed they would s stop sign. R s make d od d pu a m l comple n re ea w D 47 search for a reasona w te The board approv se L Lod hush nd St l ah exte nnia boun elco e 457- in do bly price lapci Ne E ed a request tee ente hard e w o, th Moo Moose slaw, Seco . Cal Church to use the reported that he & AT 1789 mit its Bic r the r 30. Wes. Als color park shelter and by Turning Point Christian MV ernon beans, 1 West to attend recentl s party. fo be facilities on July th er ss erator for the town. y passed his certification w PER l Com 18, for a block nt V baked ge, 71 vited ndedorders ovem sine te wat d four e tests ia They will notify te ou n The next board N O r n ex M to, N od in an t to d bu Po the Indiana DeThe pota the L blic is ente has line fo ads is ns an , Bob cond et (nex ore Madison and p.m. in the town meeting will be held on Tuesda ille D se Marissa Moles Bic ial hall. y, July 14, at 6 in the with p.m. at he pu yv AN on tenn dead paid zatio irts the Stre r m enjoy some time fountain at the ern icen new e for gani r T-sh on ain ys. Fo se D at 5 der). T Mount Vernon Sunday afterno riverfront on nt V non B The adlin es, or ore fo open 84 M e da Po NE un on. Photo by Dave Mou nt Ver adline. the de churched a st will be nce, 12 on thos7388. light up the sky Pearce he W eet d e s, ra oG ra Rec y or ay be der M n in spen ary H di ket this ar ng m oehn R on St ea ho s st reet in . A co ey ne ades ed atin is m In e o g it w dianap pany lessly conc ill pr olis calli on a erne ovid is se ng its scam d that ea nd el th copy ing ou f Loc at is local of th t ve al Rec makeir ry au ords prop then erty tic deed


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su noon 204Mou der de an orie open stor to m nesd tee Wed io The pre-or ber 16 hist has . The con In m. to at 812a. mit meet re Stat em mily ittee le Bea i om book Nov for fa omm s for sa side are 10 Higgins t C will d Fi 5 w now ads ial C r item onth in urs ecky tree ittee e an ber l n S omm e Polic Decem is ‘TheF paid entenn othe the m The hocall B era , e , Mai C Bic ts and ys of lon). ation ev M on n Streetom in thturday ’s theme ideas. Sa in as r s AF Op- da rm k pr ai ro be Sa year shar . m rs fo fo t, s rist n M ce d Thu en Duc in et khu tate Com ill Ch as O nferen t willde. Thi lp an 4-7388 re rk s G en on tm 20 he a t m Dic E al e w al ern hris the co ’s ev para e to 812ille d y eal tion om de nd nt V non C m. in year tmas com ns at ashv ber lan nd R a c at a Mount Ver at 6 p. e. This Chris e is wel Higgi e Ra t of rs N ch in gre ow ns N em th pla be DecOpry M e n A n Mou er 21 venu hted ryon ecky An on ng ct aid en The ctob ge A and lig .’ Eve call B r pa ,” s sid arm d ra n. en Agi Tripwillvisit to ashvill ee ucti the n O Colle party istmas ation im ars Pre of F an ctio twe cil on ille es a of N otel on n’s Chr on A , rm ye ice ns arm ire be re e oun ashv clud ur d H cti n ny o e info ry C ging N trip in ided toprylan uble o V tio . “F e d en au ilso rmo sold lin child t Stol pe le nt p ra , gu ha O a do in ou A b e ny th ap ” he , T a h to W ers ita ey C il on ip. T ater side for er. pa ve h er. g of w H hic uch e Pos Councnight tr ner Theboats in $319 regist oth inev A9 dri uld mb rdin on Ne d w y m av t d to y at in t is oco ove co ils of lan rett an e e. s h pas ge ount tw e D ta Fl Cos 4656 d at th b lue 8y C day, htlif Del se. N Ac W lty of s p arp m Pa ion lan wh ould va this sh ults Posea three-ille Nig de the y Hou 812-83 w ea s wa n e rect il Com e is ashv n, a ri ld Opr th see d w nd er the res ar’s dre d R acre day Cor as a Ja les th do , ye m of to n t la low tit e an 6 nes at N rtheno nd O ue 8 d el just e la en ed n to ears e at yna nal tified been nty Sh n 3 Pa e Gra en i e rr rc th y o o g d ha ve d t id ou W pa ps, of cu en aris nt com et ati din of th nly ld ha y C may on ha lue hile y tr mp ce in ark rs N lea com take e shou e Pose n this C s is a re a m m e th io H v W rall co f nch d r l w was tline. nit of confus tau o ra lan arm on’s tate il oil wil ld ne in U sch Res so e s ille. any Hir oto cu ve ge ar ases and hift to F nati l es e ood ening, 15 ou Jim a ph r Reser th f th yv nd ye cre rm ld s g e rea 20 ich c verwlast ev ently in ntee in il of o ose me a be- u S in f th fa o rd h an im o wh e ade ty ard P volu of d c cco y, ranc t m perm r the ali nd in pri av gin a lts r, be en s, a pan d men close qu sta ed t as es h , be dian su ea r. e unce will remem re l y ic om an th e on no lu es In in a pe annoernont- nts to st ivota C rm . t, to th ucti as d va selv of . All is a e s an p In nt V reSsia decy fa ny arv a p . Fir up s a on w lan em third outh 2015 com of ws a ti Mou ages , th pa “H it s t f e on n ...... t e urm Na no at w loca nkly ect hern idly tha es o pric Ne g . ak n encoeu ell, m th he fra corr nort rap ree ric e ed s o if s/A ds d en n T ite to e g s ag e p es th an wa see a Bu ssifie nit th on wn , un qu n in th adin ie r th riv O wd to ying e A cC ers h to gu g pre part r fo h d Cla mmu . th M u ly cro , rm re te w nin d s ted yea hic .. at Mic al nt 100 fy b fa re a ibu kno of o h n e c n s c tr ti C a w l ll e f tio ll, ce o jus rc rs, the on ll rd tly Lo tere ota ities hur ra nne ex ess uld ea esto w at c le. A reco cen rm iv d Y C b p P n o c t a o o le ve inv kn th r s ty d re e fa no m nd. ll, a ex y co NL Ce cC Da st ers tors d fo oun he rtil is nes la Sti , in the y M sO By Mo wn f fac f lan y C fetc h, fe ville ed Re d Da rb nd ps y’ ha rha ce Ba do o o se re ric sey W nd ne nt t en s, pe lan ds alue Po r ac of f Po on n a ctio ders ou ur f nd exa dre e v the pe res e o ver, ctio t au Bid sev tC go . pe T yC , th at 00 ac dg we A tha le. for en in ce de s, r. rs se th 7,2 69 e e Ho n’s In alla lke sid read den vil us ut h to e 1 y o e rm a th n Po o r n D ro e b . $ m t e s fi s e a it y e pe r th m W fro nd a orm Wil me Po gen on th e s m rs arn g w g fo fro aren m rs nd la e n at sa y in so ek ee le rin in or ar ve f I ats g K se nt and ntee serv ntor ing u th y, the ert ite H eli o se itin nd da y, rop t qu s. w d on BS volue fun volu isters a me drais y, yo d’s ow vis , a alt e p no on Ne tly rati th by ig S me fun wa chil BB t r ey, fia th ere as w, en la ig , on r ra join thers rs B eco the her in a , B nty lo qu ec w l re fr y U Sca Be t elo e D ra me g o the . B ith Eit ce age ou t. g in roth nn Co lpin Bro unty e w up. ren ok p ey C g lis nk - e th it y jo o , A he Big y Co r tim g gro diffe ebo Pos aitin leba 6:30 hm En ay D ette Sc se tee in ig ac of w ritt 5, nd d h Po lun lann a b ur F ters our B 201 ig a tart y. ur anc vo d p ake it o Sis on e to 22, ur B . S nit M an m is ig n om ly f o ers mu

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Sports .............. . Bus/Ag ..............B 1 - 3 Opinion .............. ...A7 TVGuide...........B..A10 9-10

T O o r t LY so L es CA cc LO

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Church................ Social .............. ...A6 .......A5 School .............. ......A7

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e y’ el y beautifuul

and really think about what will work the best where. I have planned five stations for Friday night’s show. There are three stagings near the front of the iverdays schedu viewing area, one led the middle of the in River Days Commit for September 11-13 hill and one in tee is busy the back against the preparing for another 5 which is set for river bank for fabulous fun September 11-13, the really big ones 2015. de historic demonst at the end,” he rations, food booths, Popular events that will explained. “That’s Classic Car Show, Smoke on the Ohio, the children pet these big compan problem with eptember 12. Saturday ’s events, and musical talent. A ng’s Concert on the evening’s fireworks, a sure crowd parade and use barges ies that come in or just one launch riverfront. You can pleaser, Facebook at Mt. site. The firewor Vernon River Days follow the event and get ks We are still acceptin or www.mtvernonr place, one right come out of one iverdays. g after ally volunteers. If vendors, Guide sponsors, entertain that gets so boring. another, and you would like to ment, join us then please sign and get into They don’t de483-2922. call 812it. These past few weeks I have Posey 4-H Fashio been sitting in my warehouse till ed to attend the 2015 n Revue is July 7 2 or Posey County 4-H to music, wiring 3 a.m. listening kers’ Style Show at no charge on TuesdayFashion Revue and the and stuffing shells control boxes y Center of the Posey , July County 4-H Fairgrou 7, starting at 7 every minute of into tubes loving ion Homemaker nds. Four-H youth adult it.” Bob Jarrett holds ds will be presente members will show off their creation Once Bob gets d to all participants. s a budget from tional Convention. a large ball shell at a Pyrote r 4-H Fair or Extensio For the Lions Club chnic Guild Interna n activity, please more information sponsor, he orders ative Extension Service the Mount Vernon This one is much larger than contact - fireworks from the show by calling 812-838 the Posey catalog ones Friday night, but he s the shells look -1331 or emailing poseyces@purdue.edu. gives readers an will use in the world. This year’s all over like. The flat part show idea of on the bottom energy. Photo submit bank schedules provides the necessa what some American-made works, has ted Midnight but ry lift ninety percent are night Swim will be July 3, 2015. SwimSwim By Lois Mittin including Portuga from overseas, at 11 a.m. and stay under the stars until o Gray open until midnigh Bob Jarrett is as He orders differenl and the Orient. t. Pool fee is $3, four and under swim excited as a little nics, designed last year’s free. kid about the July 4 making differen t size fireworks and River Days upcoming firewor animal show comin Festival firewor t shapes and colors. show scheduled ks shows in ks Some g are to Mount for APL made to be buried nge animals and Vernon and promat the Mount Vernon Friday, July 3 ises this discovering new in the ground, some above, Friday’s show facts you will want to riverfront. But will some instead of sitting attend the Alexand about animals you be require even bigger and hand lighting in a lawn chair rian Public Library is featuring Amazon do his oohing to native and better. An Evansville by remote , others have to be lit John on Wednes and aahing, he tive animal show Harrison High control. is educational fun day, July 8 at 2 p.m. planning to sit is graduate, School Bob will have for all ages. Plus eers from the audience on he about seventy Silly the pavillion at the big rock by works, planninhas been buying fire- eighty to is free and no registrat an opportunity to become directly percent of his show the top of the g his own shows hill doing all with a remote wired to and go off when reation gym at Hedges.ion is required. This event will control in his he pushes the take pressing hand years. the wiring for them for 27 buttons Please enter through correct the buttons to A pyrotechnic Eighth Street. door 11 on make the he pro deluxe, script. wirelessly following his orchestrated show has been using An assistant will happen. electro nic firing middle be Bob, owner of mechanisms since stage lighting the near the Jarrett Pyrotec ctive........A4 1994. hremaining “I take my Deaths ................ time and get persona Continued on Page ............B7-8 l .... A3

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y se branches will be closed Saturday hours , July 4, 2015 through nce of Independence n Tuesday, July 7, Day. All branches resume regularly Monday, 2015. For a schedule hours, please visit complete list of branch locations d and myBMV.com.





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with July 3 firewor b will sponsor the ks show annual fireworks show Riverfront. Boy Scouts will be selling Friday, July 3, 2015 at the hotdogs and drinks show beginning with the around 9 p.m.





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JANUARY 19, 2016 • PAGE B3


Wildcat seniors go out in style with pair of wins “Jordan Crabtree is closing in on the school breast-stroke record which is an eight year old record,” said head Mount Vernon swim coach Stephen Loehr. “Jillian Schirtzinger, our senior diver currently holds both the six and 11 dive school records. We have 12 seniors on this team this year. I could go on and on about how these athletes have contributed to this team over the past four years, but it would be a book. They are great young athletes, leaders, students and most importantly people.” The boy’s team won an exciting contest, 101-81. The girl’s made light work of the Lady Pioneers,134-49. The two teams combined for a Mount Vernon win, 235-130. Cora Epley was first in the 50-yard freestyle, with a time of 25.88. Elle Cox was right behind her with a 26.83 finish. Epley also won the girls 100-yard freestyle as she displayed her dominance. Olivia Trent followed Epley, with a 59.03. Taylor Culley showed solid endurance in the 500-yard Freestyle, finishing first, with a time of 5:58.97. She also finished first in the 200-yard IM 2:28.81. Meredith Crawford finished second in the 100-yard Backstroke with a time 1:03.40. Cox swam a tight race in the 100-yard breaststroke. She had Boonville’s Mikhayla Gresham right on her tail. She was a mere 0.15 faster with a time of 1:23.54. Pearl Muensterman topped the field in the 100-yard Butterfly, with a swift 1:08.54 finish. Schirtzinger continues to have an impressive season on the diving board. She scored a 243 and took home top honors in the 1-meter Diving. Gerard scored 218.95, and finished second. Mount Vernon won both the 200 (1:48.17) and 400-yard Freestyle (4:02.20) relays. The Lady Wildcats also won the 200-yard Medley Relay in Wildcat Reid Veatch shows great form in the tuck position while completing a dive during senior night this week 201.91. On the boy’s side, it was Jacob Howard, placing second in the at Mount Vernon. Photo by Garry Beeson 50-yard Freestyle. Howard also won the 100-yard Freestyle with By Brandon Cole a time of 52.45. A dozen seniors represented Mount Vernon this week against Bailey Shumate won the 200-yard Freestyle with a time of Boonville on Thursday night, as both the boy’s and girl’s Wildcat 2:07.10. He finished over six seconds in front of the nearest comteams came out victorious. petitor. Senior night was a huge success as the 12 swimmers led their Jordan Crabtree topped the field of swimmers in the 100-yard respective teams to victory. Breaststroke. His 1:01.54 just held off the nearest Boonville Jordan Crabtree, Ethan Harms, Hannah Cross,Taylor Culley, swimmer. That is one of the fastest times in school history and Haylee Ford, Drew Glover, Josie Mercer,Tess Norris, Kati Rus- he is slowly creeping on the school record of 58.89. sell, Jillian Schirtzinger, Ashley Walls and Hadlee Whoberry Reid Veatch showed his skill on the diving board. His 162.05 make up an impressive bunch indeed. score was the highest score in the 1-meter diving. Gunner Schro-

Jillian Shirtzinger is mid-air during one of her dives as the Wildcats defeated Boonville on senior night. She is one of the most decorated divers in Mount Vernon swimming history. Photo by Garry Beeson eder finished second. Mount Vernon took home top honors in the 200-yard Freestyle Relay with a time of 1:35.72. The 200-yard Medley Relay was not a close contest. Mount Vernon finished with a 1:48.18. They finished over :25 ahead of the nearest Boonville team. “We aren’t done yet as a team, we still have the Big 8 Conference meet this week at Jasper and Sectionals in the coming weeks,” said Loehr. “We are looking forward to both.”

Lady Wildcats move to 11-9 while boys are even at 6-6 By Brandon Cole The Lady Wildcat’s basketball team has refocused their strategy and come away with three-of-the last four contests. They beat Tecumseh, 46-36 on Tuesday and Heritage Hills 7355 on Friday. In Last week’s action, Mount Vernon held on to a 46-43 victory over Mount Carmel, but fell to Vincennes 71-40. In a low scoring contest, it was Mara Canada who led Mount Vernon on Tuesday, with 15 points. Haley Ritzert pulled down a team high, 12 rebounds. Alexis Nall and Madison Cross tossed in 10 points on the night. The Lady Wildcats were in a tight battle, but were able to pull away in the final quarter, outscoring Tecumseh by six. Learning how to put teams away in the final quarter, will prove invaluable as the post-season begins. On Friday night, the Lady Wildcats continued on their winning ways as they routed Heritage Hills. Nall led all players with 28 points. The Wildcats led, 15-12, going into the second period. At halftime, the two teams were all knotted up at 33 points. The story of the game was the third quarter and the sound defense that Mount Vernon displayed. Making the most of their opportunities, the Lady Wildcats outscored Heritage Hills 25-3 in the third quarter. They pulled away and never looked back. Canada put up a whopping 17 points and Hallie Fisher added 11. Nall led the team with six rebounds. “Mount Carmel was a good win for us,” said head Mount Vernon basketball coach, Doug Blair. “They had two strong girls inside. Their main goal was that they were going to put three girls on Alexis (Nall) every time she got the ball. It was kind of tough in that situation and they tried to play us pretty physical.” The Lady Wildcats proved they are a team and other girls stepped up. “Hallie Fisher had a great game,” said Blair. She scored well for us, came up with some rebounds and also got some deflections.” Fisher finished the game with 12 points, seven rebounds and six steals. Alyssa Smolsky stood at center court as the game began. Right from tipoff, this game turned physical. Both teams

played smothering defense and both got called for a few hard fouls. Some of the fouls went uncalled under the basket, as the refs seemed to be letting the girls play at times. Nall captured a steal off of a Smolsky deflection with 7:26 left in the first, but was unable to connect on the fast break attempt. The Lady Aces got on to the scoreboard first on a fast-break layup, one minute into the game. Smolsky got called for the foul on defense with 6:22 left in the first, with a push. Mara Canada scored the first basket for Mount Vernon shortly after. Canada was fouled as she connected on a layup. She hit her free throw. Mount Carmel fired back with a three-point basket that was all net. After Nall’s layup, the game was tied up at five. With 5:20 left in the first, Smolsky swatted at a Mount Carmel player dribbling in front of her. She made contact with the ball and went diving for it. Canada and Nall rushed in and hit the ground, tying up the ball with two Mount Carmel players. Megan Ghrist came into the game for Smolsky after her second foul. Ghrist played some nice defense and showed little drop off from the substitution. With the game tied at eight, Mount Carmel got away with a charge under the basket. The layup counted and the physicality continued. Hallie Fisher scored on a layup, with :35 left in the first. This brought the score to 14-11 and this is how the first quarter would come to an end. Mount Carmel cut into the lead and just trailed by one at half, 24-23. Going into the final quarter, the game stood at 3734. The two teams went point-for-point in the final quarter. In the end, Mount Vernon came away with the three-point win. The Lady Cats were led by Nall, with 16 points, eight rebounds and seven steals. Canada chipped in with nine points, including 4-5 from the free- throw line. Maddie Cross added five points with tight defense on the guards of Mount Carmel. The Junior Varsity also won by a margin of 35-15. Addie Robinson, Haley Ritzert, Ghrist, Allison Simpson, Emily

Lady Vikings, from Page B1 Kahle also complimented the efforts of Kamryn Brandenstein, who continues to increase her production as she gets stronger after suffering an injury earlier in the season. “Kamryn came off the bench for some big points again and she has done that for us several games in a row now,” Kahle said. “She can shoot the three and she can drive to the bucket. And Kristin Schorr continues to play well. She has played very well since Christmas break.” Besides Baandenstein and

Hamman, Sanford finished with eight points and Kamryn Brandenstein seven against Heritage Hills. Jenny Scheller and Kaitlyn Blankenberger had two apiece. But on Saturday, the Vikings struggled a little against Pike Central, as they got the win but had trouble pulling away. “Pike Central then came in with a pretty salty little team. We would pull out to a 10-point lead and they would cut it back to five. We’d go up 10 again and the next thing you know they are back to

within five. With about three minutes to go, they pulled to within four and we pulled the ball out.” The Vikings were determined to shoot either layups or free throws down the stretch. The biggest problem with that philosophy is the Lady Vikings struggled at making either one down the stretch but somehow managed to hand on for the win. “Teams have been putting all kinds of pressure on Kayla and she has been doing a good job lately of getting the ball to other people so we can





North Posey High School senior guard Austin Graves set the career 3-point record during Friday night’s win.

Mount Vernon wrestler Micah Keller went undefeated with all pins at the Castle Duels Tournament.





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score other places,” Kahle said. “That way, she doesn’t feel like she has to force it. But Saturday, she scored 16 and Ally had 11 and Brooklynn had nine. Brandenstein came in with a big 3-pointer again.” Both wins came on the strength of complete team efforts, according to the coach. “Against Pike Central, I’ll bet we missed 10 lay-ups and six of them in the fourth quarter,” Kahle said. “They were not uncontested lay-ups but they were shots we should have made. We tried to change our shots a little to try not to get blocked or fouled.” Sanford’s 15 led the team while Ally Brandenstein had 11. Hamman had nine and Kristin Schorr had seven. Kamryn Brandenstein finished with five while Jenny Scheller and Hannah Beshears had two apiece and Blankenberger added a free throw. The Vikings will take on one of the area’s most sought-after players on Wednesday evening when the square off against Evansville Memorial. Six-foot-3 Emily Sullivan has already signed to continue her basketball career at the University of North Carolina. After Wednesday’s game against Memorial, the Vikings will play Saturday at Tell City. The sectional draw will be held on Sunday as this year’s season is rapidly winding down.

Duckworth, Courtney Bourne, Ashley Underwood, Danielle Minton and Nicole Reese all had solid contributions in the victory. “On Saturday, we just started out really sluggish,” said Blair. “They started out 15-2 against us. In the second quarter we came back. We came within one point.” The Lady Wildcats took the lead in the second half. “We actually scored the first basket in the second half, but everything fell apart after that. Vincennes had a couple players out. They were in a situation where they rallied around a couple of girls that were hurt. They really keyed in on Alexis and Mara as well.” The final score was 71-40. “We’re doing a good job working the ball around, but we just really need to do a better job on the defensive end,” said Blair. “Were going to work on getting better defensively. We have to work better on setting screens, on the offensive side. The Lady Wildcats presently have a 11-9 record. “We only have three games left,” said Blair. “Were going to go back to the drawing board and work on a few things. Were going to get back to what we were doing in the beginning of the year. Were going to work on getting some easy points off of our defense.” In Wildcat boys’ action this week, Damon Collins (17) and Walker Paris (12) led the Mount Vernon boy’s basketball team in a losing effort against Vincennes Lincoln (66-46) on Friday. This game evened out the Wildcat’s record at 6-6. Vincennes Lincoln is a tough team with a 10-3 record. Vincennes came out tough from the gates, in the opening quarter. They led 21-12 going into the second period. Mount Vernon fought back in the second. They owned the quarter and narrowed the gap, 27-24, at half. It was really anybody’s game at this point. Vincennes, however pulled away in the third quarter and held on for the 20-point win. Tanner Curtis led the Wildcats in assists, with three. Paris led the team in blocks, with two. Dylan Guthrie led the team with five rebounds. Luke Steinhart (7), Bryce Krizan (6) and Blake Jackson (4) rounded out the team scoring.


Baseball sign-ups being taken in St. Wendel St. Wendel Athletic Club will be having baseball signups for boy’s ages 7-14, along with sign-ups for Babe Ruth try-outs ages 13-15 on the following dates: Saturday, February 6 from noon to 3, Sunday, February 7 from 9:30 a.m. to noon, and Saturday, February 13 from 9 a.m. to noon. For more information on age groups/levels and cost, please visit our website www.leaguelineup. com/stwendelyouthbaseball. You can also check us out our Facebook page at St. Wendel Athletic Club. North Posey’s Brown qualifies for state chess finals North Posey’s Dylan Brown tied for first place in the championship division of the regional chess meet at Mount Vernon, Indiana this Saturday. He qualified to participate in the state tournament in Indianapolis on January 23, 2016 at Pike High School. North Posey Boys to play in Toyota Classic The North Posey High School Boys Basketball team will no longer be competing in the McDonalds Holiday Tournament at Vincennes. Starting next year the team will be competing in the Toyota Gibson County Teamwork Classic, the dates, times and locations to be announced. School officials have signed a three-year contract to play in the Classic in 2016, 2017, 2018 With This Coupon

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Whadda ya wanna know?

PAGE B4 • JANUARY 19, 2016


Vikings turn the tables on Wildcats, take three of five at Castle By Dave Pearce The North Posey Vikings turned the tables on Mount Vernon, nearly upset Reitz, and defeated a solid Central squad on Saturday at the Castle Invitational. Earlier in the week, the Vikings handled business at home by defeating Evansville North by a score of 43-30. But Viking Coach Cody Moll was on a high after a successful weekend at Castle. The Vikings were handled easily by one of the state’s best in Castle to open the day but rebounded nicely to take a 3-2 record out of the tournament and prepare for the Pocket Athletic Conference Championships this Saturday at Heritage Hills. The Vikings opened with the homestanding Knights and if they were not awake on Saturday morning, they most certainly were following that match. “They took it to us and they have a very good team,” Moll said of the Knights. “They have kids that want to go there. They have had transfers and move-ins. They have a very solid program and I can’t knock them. They came out and beat us bad. They physically beat us up and I think mentally we were beaten before the match.” While the score was one-sided, Colton Gamblin was the only Viking wrestler to come out with a win against the Knights, although there were other Vikings who were not without their chances. “We were in several matches,” Moll said of his team. “Levi Miller could have won but his guy just kept battling him and battling him. Kaynin Capps was up with ten seconds to go and he got put on his back and lost.” Although Moll said he was not upset with the score, he was upset that some of his wrestlers did not battle the way they are capable of battling. However, they made up for it later in the day. In the second round, the Vikings took on conference rival Tell City, a team they had beaten in a close match earlier in the season. But this time, the Vikings meant business. They defeated the 60-18.

“I told the kids before this match that we had beaten Tell City before and I want to beat them again but I want to see that we have improved… have gotten better,” Moll said. “Last time they scored either 28 or 30 points and this time, they got 18. It was definitely a better match for us. Josh Wiggins was beaten by their best kid but other than that, we were in it in every match.” Following that, the Vikings showed just how much they have improved. Despite losing to Reitz, they narrowed the gap significantly against Reitz, who had man-handled the Vikings in the Harrison tournament earlier in the year. But perhaps the sweetest win came over county Rival Mount Vernon, just a little over a week after the Wildcats had beaten the Vikings decidedly in Mount Vernon. “We lost very badly last time and we lost by only 11 this time, and actually had put ourselves in a position to have an opportunity to win,” Moll said proudly. “It was a big improvement and I was very happy with their efforts. We had a couple of swing matches that made the difference there. We were basically one pin away. I really thought we could have won.” Moll cited a couple of specific notable improvements. Cameron Kendall, who wrestled at 106, lost to his Reitz opponent by 13 points at the Harrison tournament earlier in the season. On Saturday, Kendall defeated the same wrestler by four points. “Cameron is really peaking at the right time and that’s what I want all my wrestlers to do,” Moll said. “But he has really come a long way since the beginning of the year.” At 138, Ryan Martin pinned his Reitz opponent, the same wrestler who had pinned him at Harrison just a few weeks ago. And at Harrison, Levi Miller was beaten by his Reitz opponent but this time, Miller pinned his opponent from the west side. “We had a lot of matches that were reversed in our favor,” Moll said. And then against Central, the school where Moll helped coach just two or three years ago,

Viking win, from Page B1 overs.” The Vikings trailed by as many as 12 in the opening half but a big 3-pointer by Graves and a lay-up at the half-time buzzer cut the lead back to seven. Starting the second half, the Vikings got the basketball first and with some good execution, got the ball into Grant Scheller whose basket cut the lead to five. “From there, we struggled to score and they did the opposite,”Howington said. “They were 12-of-23 from 3-point land. They hit six of those threes in the fourth quarter which really helped stretch their lead. There aren’t two many teams on our schedule that are going to beat those guys when they shoot the ball like that.” Howington pointed out that it was nearly a reserve situation from last year, when the Vikings put on a 3-point clinic in defeating the Rangers in Poseyville. “I thought we did a lot of good things but

they were just a good team and were very tough to beat on their home floor,” Howington said. “They are a team we may see here again in just a few weeks.” Against the Rangers, Grant Scheller had 13 and Graves finished with 11. Morlock added seven and Sanford had six. Weber and Bender added two apiece. Howington said there is no doubt in his mind that the team that came out of this weekend is a better team than entered it. The Vikings will face South Spencer on Friday night at homecoming, in the only game scheduled for this week. However, the reserves will play in a tournament on Wednesday at Harrison. “South Spencer is a good team that got off to a 5-0 start and lost some close games,” Howington said. “Without question, they are one of the most talented teams in out conference. And they will be ready when they come into Poseyville.”

his Vikings defeated the Bears, a particularly good win for the coach. “After the first five matches, we were ahead 30-0,” Moll said. “Josh Wiggins had a really big match at 132. “After the first period, it was 8-8, a lot of points scored. They put each other on their backs over and over but Josh ended up pinning him and I know that was a match that Central thought they were going to win. That was some nice bonus for the team.” Moll said that three years ago, the Bears pitched a shut-out against the Vikings. “It’s great to see how well the kids are coming along,” Moll said. The Mount Vernon match was a barn-burner and things got heated at times, as they always seem to do when the county’s two schools are involved. But when it was over, the Vikings had reserved last week’s lop-sided loss to the Wildcats and had pulled out a 39-36 win. “At 106, Cameron Kendall was beaten by the Mount Vernon kid but on Saturday, he pinned him. I thought Cameron had a good chance to win but I didn’t know he would pin the kid,” Moll said. “That actually gave us the lead. Then we pinned at 113 with Cameron Fisher. They were going to forfeit against Levi (Miller) but Levi pinned anyhow. I figured Fisher would get a pin and I had figured Levi would get a forfeit or a pin so the swing match was when Kendall got the pin. That was huge.” Moll said that before the Kendall match, he really hadn’t paid too much attention to the score because the Wildcats had won so decisively just the week before. “When Cameron got the pin, I said ‘oh boy’ and went back and started counting up the points and realized we could win,” Moll said with excitement. “Ryan Martin got a big pin at 138 in that match, too, after losing the first time against Mount Vernon. And Kaynin Capps also got a big win. Kaynin went 4-1 on the day and really should have gone 5-0. Fisher went 4-1, too.” I was just happy with the whole team,” Moll said. “When they walked out there, they

USI to present Mattingly dinner benefit The University of Southern Indiana will present ‘A Dinner with Don Mattingly,’ former New York Yankees Major League player and current manager of the Miami Marlins, at 6 p.m. on Friday, January 22 in the University’s Josephine K. Carter Hall, University Center West. ‘Donnie Baseball’ was born and raised in Evansville, Indiana, where he was one of the nation’s top prospects as a high school player at Reitz Memorial High School in 1979, and was drafted by the New York Yankees in the 19th round of the 1979 draft. Mattingly played his entire 14-year Major League career from 1982-95 with the New York Yankees and amassed 2,153 hits, 222 home runs, 1,099 RBI, and a .307 lifetime average in 1,785 games. His No. 23 was retired by the Yankees on Aug. 31, 1997. He also had a plaque dedicated to him in Monument Park at

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Yankee Stadium that reads in part: ‘A humble man of grace and dignity, a captain who led by example, proud of the Pinstripe tradition and dedicated to the pursuit of excellence.’ Tickets are $100 per person, which includes an $80 charitable gift to USI Athletics. Guests will enjoy hors d’oeurvres and a cash bar at 6 p.m., dinner at 6:45 p.m., and a program at 7:30 p.m. that includes a moderated Q and A. Dress is casual. Guests bringing their cameras or cell phones will have a photo opportunity with Don Mattingly. To purchase tickets, please call Sara Rhoades at 812-465-7149 with your credit card information, send a check payable to USI Foundation, 8600 University Blvd, Evansville, IN 47712 with names of attendees, or visit www.usi.edu/ onlinegiving and type Don Mattingly Dinner and names of attendees in the Comments/Questions box.

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walked out to win.” Team results: Castle 5-0, Reitz 4-1, North Posey 3-2, Mount Vernon 2-3, Central 1-4, Tell City 0-5. Round 1: Castle 66, North Posey 3; Central 54, Tell City 27; Reitz 36, Mount Vernon 30. Round 2: Castle 55, Reitz 9; North Posey 60, Tell City 18; Mount Vernon 51, Central 24. Round 3: Castle 72, Central 6; Mount Vernon 56, Tell City 18; Reitz 42, North Posey 31. Round 4: Castle 51, Mount Vernon 24; North Posey 45, Central 34; Reitz 63, Tell City 12. Round 5: Castle 83, Tell City 0; Reitz 54, Central 18; North Posey 39, Mount Vernon 36. Undefeated Wrestlers—106-weight class: Devon Casebolt (Castle). 113: Baxter Annakin (Castle). 120: Neal Bealmear (Castle). 126: Carson Willis (Castle). 132: Braedon Clopton (Castle). 138: Austin Ramsey (Castle). 145: Austin Bethel (Mount Vernon). 152: Micah Keller (Mount Vernon). 160: Jacob Farmer (Castle). 170: Evan Dowell (Castle). 182: Carson Mohler (Castle). 195: Will Rolley (Castle). 220: Tristin Choate (Mount Vernon). 285: Wade Ripple (Mount Vernon). On Tuesday, prior to the Saturday success at Castle, the Vikings hosted Evansville North. The Vikings took care of things on their home mats by handing the Huskies a 43-30 loss. Individual results are as follows. 106 – Kendall NP pin Hobdy (N) :41; 113 – Fisher NP dec Myers (N) 18 – 11; 120 – Miller NP pin Stasi (N) - :35; 126 – Rapp NP FF (N); 132 – Elpers (N) dec Wiggins (NP) 4 – 1; 138 – Martin (NP) pin Rigg (N) 3:48; 145 – Burke (N) pin Jasso (NP) 2:17; 152 – Gray (N) dec Capps (NP) 8 – 2; 160 – Coahe (N) win by FF; 170 - Frymire (NP) Major Dec Gallagher (N) 11 – 2; 182 – Adkins (NP) pin Eaton (N) 3:16; 195- Naylor (N) pin Werkmeister (NP) 2:22; 220 – Smith (N) win by FF; and 285 – Cross (NP) pin Stockton (N) 1:12. The Vikings will participate in the Pocket Athletic Conference Championships this weekend before the sectional on the following Saturday.

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Self Defense - Martial Arts

Movie: ››› “Bridesmaids” (2011, Comedy) Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph, Rose Byrne. A maid of honor’s life unravels as the big day approaches. (In Stereo) (DVS)

(6:00) Dateline

Madam Secretary The president’s plane NCIS (In Stereo) (14) Å (DVS) goes missing. (14) Å

60 Minutes (N) (In Stereo) Å

(6:00) 60 Minutes

Movie: ››‡ “The Lost World: Jurassic Park” (1997, Adventure) Jeff Goldblum, Julianne Moore.

Alaska: The Last Frontier Exposed “Do or Die” (N) (14,V) Å

Alaska: The Last Frontier “Episode 16” (N) (In Stereo) Å


(4:30) Movie: ›››

Futurama (14)

Futurama (14)

Mako Mermaids “Dolphin Tale” (G)

Steve Austin’s Broken Skull (PG)



Superstore “Color Wars” (N) (PG,D)

Wheel of Fortune

Telenovela (N) (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Supergirl An alien kidnaps an anti-alien senator. (N) (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Project Reveal

Angie Tribeca “Pilot” (N) (PG) Å

How I Met (14)

44News at 10 (N)

Eyewitness News at 10pm (N) Å

14 News at 10:00PM (N) Å

The Simpsons (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Cops (14) Å

Cops (PG) Å

Medium (PG)

Austin & Ally (In Stereo) (G) Å

Medium (PG)

Hannah Montana (G) Å

Caribbean Life (G)

American Dad (In Stereo) (14) Å


Golden Girls (PG)

Cops Rel. (PG)

Charlie Rose (N) (In Stereo) Å

Family Guy (In Stereo) (14) Å


Golden Girls (PG)

Cops Rel. (14)

Worst Cooks in America (G)

Caribbean Life (G)

Mysteries at the Museum (PG) Å

The Venture Bros. (14)

Cleveland (14)

Island Life (G)

Frasier (PG) Å

Jamie Foxx (PG)

Celebrity Name Game (PG) Å


Antiques Roadshow “El Paso” (G)

The Cleveland Show (14) Å


JANUARY 25, 2016

Frasier “IQ” (PG)

Cops Rel. (PG)

Cutthroat Kitchen (G)

Island Life (G)

Mysteries at the Museum (PG) Å

Cleveland (14)

Nightline (N) (G) Å Inside Edition (N) (PG) Å

The Insider (N) (In Stereo) Å

How I Met (14)

Forensic Just. (14)

Parks (PG)

Conan Conan and Michelle Obama visit troops. (14) Å

How I Met (14)

Cougar Town (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Parks (PG)

Forensic Just. (14)

Forensic Just. (14)

Cops (PG) Å

War & Peace Andrei returns home from war. (Part 2 of 4) (14,V) Å


Nicky, Ricky (G)

Full House (G)

Full House (G)

WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (In Stereo Live) (PG) Å

Movie: “Invisible Sister” (2015) Rowan Blanchard, Karan Brar. Girl Meets World Cleo accidentally makes her sister invisible. ‘NR’ Å (G) Å

(6:00) NCIS (PG)

Mako Mermaids

To Be Announced

Movie: ››› “Enemy of the State” (1998, Suspense) Will Smith, Gene Hackman, Jon Voight. Rogue agents hunt a lawyer who has an incriminating tape. ‘R’ (Adult language, adult situations, violence) Å

(4:30) Movie: ››› “Top Gun”

South Park (MA)

The Middle (PG)

Cake Wars “Kung Fu Panda 3” (N) (G)

I Live There (G)

Ellen’s Design Challenge (N) (G) Å

I Live There (G)

Kids Baking Championship (N) (G)

Beach Town (PG)

House Hunters (G) Hunters Int’l (G)

Bargain Places

∞ CMT Last-Standing (PG) Last-Standing (PG) Last-Standing (PG) To Be Announced ≤ HALL Last-Standing (PG) Last-Standing (PG) Last-Standing (PG) The Middle (PG)

[ TRV Bizarre (PG) ¨ HGTV Love It-List It (G) ≠ FOOD Diners, Drive (G)

Dateline on TLC (N) (14) Å U TLC Dateline; TLC (14) Dateline on TLC (N) (14) Å The Magicians (N) (14) Å V SYFY (5:30) Movie: ›› “G.I. Joe: Retaliation” (2013, Action) Bob’s Burgers (14) Burgers (PG) Cleveland (14) X TOON Advent. Time (PG) King of Hill (PG)

Friends (PG) Å

Friends (PG) Å

Nightly Show (14)

The Middle (PG)

At Midnight (14)

South Park (MA)

The Middle (PG)

Friends (PG) Å

The Middle (PG)

South Park (MA)

Jessie “Katch Kipling” (G) Å

The Middle (PG)

Guilty Pleas. (G)

The Middle (PG)

5 Restaurants (G)

Golden Girls (PG)

Diners, Drive (G)

Tiny House (G)

Golden Girls (PG)

Cops Rel. (14)

Diners, Drive (G)

Tiny House (G)

Bizarre Foods America (PG) Å

Family Guy (14)

I Live There (G)

Aqua Teen (14)

Golden Girls (PG)

Cops Rel. (14)

Golden Girls (PG)

Cops Rel. (PG)

Cake Wars “Kung Fu Panda 3” (G)

Ellen’s Design Challenge (G) Å

I Live There (G)

Chicken (MA)

Hannah Montana (G) Å

American Dad (14)

Jamie Foxx (PG)

Frasier (PG) Å

Frasier (G) Å

5 Restaurants (G)

Cops Rel. (PG)

Guilty Pleas. (G)

House Hunters (G) Hunters Int’l (G)

Bizarre Foods/Zimmern (PG)

Superjail (MA)

Magicians (14)

Dateline on TLC (In Stereo) (14) Å

Austin & Ally (In Stereo) (G) Å

The Magicians Recruitment for a magical institution. (14)

Jessie “Identity Thieves” (G) Å

12 Monkeys “Splinter” (14) Å

Liv and Maddie (In Stereo) (G) Å

To Be Announced

The Magicians (N) (14) Å

American Dad (14) American Dad (14) Family Guy (14)

House Hunters (G) Hunters Int’l (G)

The Middle (PG)

Daily Show (14)

Movie: ››‡ “Surrogates” (2009) Bruce Willis. Premiere. Å (DVS)

Dateline on TLC (In Stereo) (14) Å

Girl Meets World (G) Å

Colony Will’s first day. (14)

Dateline on TLC (In Stereo) (14) Å

Bizarre Foods/Zimmern (PG)

Fresh Prince (G)

War & Peace (14,V) Å

Fresh Prince (PG)

Movie: ›››‡ “The Fugitive” (1993, Suspense) Harrison Ford, Tommy Lee Jones, Sela Ward. An innocent man must evade the law as he pursues a killer. ‘PG-13’ (Adult situations, violence) Å

Daily Show (14)

The 700 Club (In Stereo) (G) Å

War & Peace Pierre Bezukhov inherits a fortune. (14,V) Å

Friends (PG) Å

Dateline on TLC (N) (14) Å

Best Friends When- K.C. Undercover ever (G) (Y7) Å

South Park (14)

Recovery Road “Blackout” (14,D,L,V)

Archer (MA) Å

Recovery Road “Blackout” (14,D,L,V)

Archer (MA) Å

South Park (MA)

South Park (14)

The Fosters (N) (In Stereo) (14) Å

Full House (G)

South Park (14)

War & Peace Andrei returns home from war. (N) (14,V) Å

Full House (G)

(4:30) Grease

(6:00) War & Peace (In Stereo) (Part 1 of 4) (14) Å

Game Shakers (G) Henry Danger (G)




> ? B C

2016 Australian Open Tennis: Men’s and Women’s Quarterfinals. From Melbourne, Australia. (N) (Live) Å : ESPN2 Women’s College Basketball: Tennessee at Kentucky. (N) College Basketball: Kansas at Iowa State. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å ; ESPN (6:00) College Basketball: Duke at Miami. (N) (Live) Movie: ››‡ “The Da Vinci Code” (2006, Mystery) Tom Hanks. A religious mystery could rock foundations of Christianity. Å (DVS) < TNT (4:00) GoodFellas Movie: ›› “Gangster Squad” (2013, Crime Drama) Josh Brolin, Ryan Gosling. Å (DVS)

War & Peace Andrei returns home from war. (Part 2 of 4) (14,V) Å

Cops (14,V) Å

Diesel Brothers Heavy D ignores budget Fast N’ Loud Richard sells the ’79 restrictions. (14) Å Camaro. (PG) Å

Angie Tribeca “Pilot” (PG) Å

How I Met (14)

The Late Show With Stephen Colbert (In The Late Late Show With James Corden Extra (N) (In Stereo) (PG) Å Stereo) (PG) (In Stereo) (14,D) Å

Jimmy Kimmel Live (N) (In Stereo) (14,D,L) Å

Movie: ››‡ “Oblivion” (2013) Tom Cruise. A stranger’s arrival triggers one man’s battle to save mankind.

Forensic Just. (14)

North Woods Law (In Stereo) (14)

Movie: ››‡ “Funny People” Å

The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Late Night With Seth Meyers (In Stereo) Last Call With (In Stereo) (14) Å (14) Å Carson Daly (14)

Cog Railway (G)

Diesel Brothers Heavy D ignores budget Fast N’ Loud The ’32 five-window Ford restrictions. (N) (14) Å Coupe. (In Stereo) (14) Å

War & Peace Andrei returns home from war. (N) (Part 2 of 4) (14,V) Å

Cops (14,V) Å

Movie: ››› “Star Trek Into Darkness” (2013, Science Fiction) Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Karl Urban.

(6:00) War & Peace Pierre Bezukhov inherits a fortune. (Part 1 of 4) (14) Å

(4:00) Oblivion

The Big Bang Theory (PG) Å

Regional Voices


Golden Girls (PG)

Steve Austin’s Broken Skull (PG)

Cutthroat Kitchen (G)


South Park (MA)

Paid Program

Some restrictions apply. Must present this coupon to receive offer. Offer valid for a limited time only. #PCN1


How I Met (14)

Mysteries at the Museum (PG) Å

Chicken (14)

House Hunters (G) Hunters Int’l (G)

Golden Girls (PG)

Jessie “Rossed at Sea” (G) Å

Married by Mom & Dad (PG) Å

Liv and Maddie (In Stereo) (G) Å

Mod Fam (PG)

Finding Bigfoot (In Stereo) (PG)

Mod Fam (PG)

South Park (14)

Robison (PG)

Movie: ››‡ “Rocky V” (1990) Sylvester Stallone. The former champ agrees to train a rising young fighter. Å

South Park (14)

Dr. Jeremiah (G)

Today’s Service at FOR AN OIL Yesterday’ss CHANGE Price...


Cops (14) Å


Cops (PG) Å

Cops (PG) Å

7 SPIKE Cops (PG) Å

0 DISC (14) Å

How I Met (14)

South Park (MA)

Joel Osteen (PG)

Teachers (14)

Hoarders (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Younger (14) Å


Movie: ›› “Fantastic Four” (2005, Action) Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba, Chris Evans. Å (DVS)

Family Guy (14) Å Family Guy (14) Å Family Guy (14) Å Conan Conan and Michelle Obama visit (DVS) (DVS) (DVS) troops. (N) (14) Å

How I Met (14)

Scorpion “Da Bomb” A top-secret rocket NCIS: Los Angeles Kensi and Deeks launch. (N) (14,L,V) Å make an announcement. (N) (14)

Bachelor Live (N) (In Stereo Live) (14,L) Å

The Biggest Loser “Ready? Set. Auction!; Ship Shape” An auction features flashy prizes. (N) (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Travel Detect (G)

Eyewitness News at 9PM (N)


Antiques Roadshow “El Paso” (G)


Jane the Virgin “Chapter Thirty-One” Rogelio’s mom reveals a secret. (PG)



Steve Austin’s Broken Skull (PG)

Cutthroat Kitchen (N) (G)

Island Life (N) (G)

Mysteries at the Museum (PG) Å

Island Life (N) (G)

Movie: “October Kiss” (2015) Ashley Williams, Sam Jaeger. (G) Å

Steve Austin’s Broken Skull (PG)

Worst Cooks in America (N) (G)

Caribbean Life (G)

Mysteries at the Museum (PG) Å

Caribbean Life (G)

(6:00) Fast N’ Loud Fast N’ Loud: Revved Up (N) (In Stereo) Fast N’ Loud The ’32 five-window Ford (14) Å Coupe. (In Stereo) (14) Å


Family Guy (14) Å Family Guy (14) Å American Dad (DVS) “Roots” (N) (14)

CABLE CHANNELS # WGN-A (6:00) Movie: ›››› “Children of Men” (2006) Clive Owen. Å

L * WEVV Tonight (N) Å


Who Wants to Be a The Bachelor (N) (In Stereo) (14,L) Å 9 + WEHT Millionaire (PG)

. $ WFIE (N) (G) Å

_ ( WTVW at 6:30PM (N) beach. (N) (In Stereo) Å ) ` WNIN PBS NewsHour (N) Antiques Roadshow “Little Rock” (G)

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend A group trip to the


Eyewitness News




≤ HALL (6:00) Movie: “Love on the Air” (2015, Romance) (G) Å

Country Strong

Guy’s Grocery Games (N) (G)

≠ FOOD Guy’s Games (G)

Beach Bargain (G)

Beach Bargain (G)

Family Guy (14)

Mysteries at the Castle (PG) Å

Food Parad. (PG)

¨ HGTV Flip or Flop (G)

American Dad (14) American Dad (14) Family Guy (14)


Cleveland (14)

K.C. Undercover (Y7) Å

Mod Fam (PG)

Long Island Medium (PG) Å

K.C. Undercover (Y7) Å

Cleveland (14)

Married by Mom & Dad (N) (PG) Å

Mako Mermaids “Blizzard” (G)

Futurama (14)

North Woods Law (In Stereo) (14)

Mod Fam (PG)

King of Hill (PG)

Long Island Medium (N) (PG) Å

Finding Bigfoot (N) (In Stereo) (PG)

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (14)

X TOON Steven Univ. (PG)

Medium (PG)

Girl Meets World (G) Å

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (14)

North Woods Law (N) (In Stereo) (14)

Futurama (14)

Friends (PG) Å

Hoarders “Ruby; Mary” (PG,L) Å

Friends (14) Å

Movie: ›› “Rocky IV” (1985, Drama) Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire, Burt Young. Vengeful boxer Rocky Balboa faces a deadly Soviet fighter. ‘PG’ Å

Futurama (14)

Movie: ››› “Grease” (1978, Musical) John Travolta, Olivia Newton-John, Stockard Channing.

Movie: ›› “G.I. Joe: Retaliation” (2013, Action) Dwayne Johnson, Bruce Willis. Å (DVS)

Dateline on ID (14) Medium (PG)

Friends (14) Å

Fit to Fat to Fit “JJ; Ray” (PG) Å

Friends (PG) Å

NFL PrimeTime Å

Mike & Molly (14)

Movie: “Toni Braxton: Unbreak My Heart” (2016) (PG,L,S) Å

Mike & Molly (14)

Movie: ›› “The Scorpion King”

Alaska: The Last Frontier Atz Lee and Jane brave temperatures. (14) Å

Movie: ››‡ “The Book of Eli” (2010) Denzel Washington, Gary Oldman. Å (DVS)

SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å

V SYFY (6:00) Movie: “Tremors 5: Bloodlines” (2015, Action) Å


Futurama (14)

Liv and Maddie (N) Bunk’d Jorge is (G) Å homesick. (G)

K.C. Undercover (N) (Y7)

K.C. Undercover


Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (14)

Law & Order (14)

North Woods Law (In Stereo) (14)

To Be Announced




Futurama (14)

Full House (G)

Hoarders (N) (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Full House (G)

Movie: ››› “Rocky III” (1982, Drama) Sylvester Stallone, Mr. T, Talia Shire. A merciless contender forces Rocky into a title match. ‘PG’ (Adult language, violence) Å

Futurama (14)


Full House (G)

Hoarders (N) (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Full House (G)

(6:00) Movie: ››› “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” (1986) Matthew Broderick.

Henry Danger (G)

Hoarders “Ruby; Mary” (PG,L) Å

Hoarders (PG)

? A&E

I AMC “Rocky II”

NFL PrimeTime (N) (Live) Å

2016 Australian Open Tennis: Round of 16. From Melbourne, Australia. (N) (Live) Å

Movie: ›‡ “Tyler Perry’s Temptation” (2013, Drama) Jurnee Smollett-Bell, Lance Gross. A handsome billionaire leads a married woman astray. Å

Movie: ››› “The Dark Knight Rises” (2012) Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway. Batman faces a masked villain named Bane. Å (DVS)

> NICK Game Shakers (G) Henry Danger (G)

C COM Futurama (14)

Killing Fields Rodie Sanchez and Aubrey Alaska: The Last Frontier “Episode 16” St. Angelo. (In Stereo) (14) Å (In Stereo) Å

Movie: ›› “Eurotrip” (2004, Comedy) Scott Mechlowicz. Å

Raising Hope (14)

Friends (In Stereo) Person of Interest (14) Å (14) Å

Chevrolet Buick GMC

I Am Number Four

Everybody Loves Raymond (PG)

Blue Bloods (In Stereo) (14) Å

The Closer “Fresh Pursuit” (14,L,V)

Save big at Expressway


Extra (N) (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Paid Program

Scandal A congressman needs Olivia’s help. (In Stereo) (14) Å

Jeopardy! (In Stereo) (G) Å

Movie: ››‡ “The Heat” (2013, Comedy) Sandra Bullock, Melissa McCarthy, Demián Bichir.

Movie: “Toni Braxton: Unbreak My Heart” (2016) Lex Scott Davis. Toni Braxton becomes a rhythm and blues singer-songwriter. (PG,L,S) Å

2015 World Series of Poker

Fix It & Finish It (G) Å

Castle A model’s corpse appears in a fountain. (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Paid Program

Outdoorsman With Buck McNeely (G)

Mercy Street (In Stereo) (14) Å

Bob’s Burgers (In Stereo) (PG) Å

JANUARY 24, 2016 12:00 12:30

Movie: ››› “Batman” (1989, Action) Jack Nicholson, Michael Keaton, Kim Basinger. Å

44News at 10 (N)

Eyewitness News at 10pm (N) Å

14 News at 10:00PM Å

Bob’s Burgers (In Stereo) (PG) Å


Independent Lens (PG) Å

Family Guy (In Stereo) (14) Å


Movie: ››‡ “The Mummy Returns” (2001, Adventure) Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, John Hannah. (In Stereo)

Alaska: The Last Frontier Atz Lee and Jane brave temperatures. (N) (14)

Movie: ››‡ “The Heat” (2013, Comedy) Sandra Bullock, Melissa McCarthy, Demián Bichir.

(6:00) Movie: ›‡ “Tyler Perry’s Temptation” (2013, Drama) Jurnee Smollett-Bell, Lance Gross. Å

Identity Thief

SEC Storied (N) : ESPN2 Women’s College Gymnastics ; ESPN 2015 World Series of Poker From Las Vegas.



7 SPIKE (6:00) Movie: ››› “The Mummy” (1999, Adventure) Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz. (In Stereo)

(6:00) Alaska: The 0 DISC Last Frontier (14)

% WTBS rible Bosses”

(5:00) Movie: “Hor- Movie: ›› “We’re the Millers” (2013, Comedy) Jennifer Aniston, Jason Sudeikis, Will Poulter. A dealer goes to Mexico with a fake family to score drugs. Å (DVS)


L * WEVV (N) Å

Family Guy (In Stereo) (14) Å


NOVA “Mystery Beneath the Ice” (G)

This is Kentucky Basketball


Movie: ›› “We’re the Millers” (2013, Comedy) Jennifer Aniston, Jason Sudeikis, Will Poulter. A dealer goes to Mexico with a fake family to score drugs. Å (DVS)

Quantico “Go; Over” NATs receive an explosive assignment. (In Stereo) (14) Å

Galavant Rushing Galavant to a healer.

9 + WEHT Home Videos (PG) (N) (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Amer. Funniest


_ ( WTVW Stereo) (PG) Å Theory (14) Å Theory (PG) Å ) ` WNIN (6:00) Nature (PG) Masterpiece Classic (PG) Å

Mercy Street (N) (In Stereo) (14) Å


Masterpiece Classic (N) (PG) Å


Eyewitness News at 9PM (N)


America’s Untold Journey -- 450 YearsAfrican-American


The Big Bang

The Big Bang


Family Feud (In


SUNDAY EVENING 6:30 7:00 7:30


9 + L *



% 0 7 8 9






≠ ∞ ≤







The Doctors

Live With Kelly




Varied Programs

Varied Programs

Varied Programs






The Price Is Right

The View













Varied Programs

Criminal Minds



Wil. West Mickey

PJ Masks Mickey

Law & Order: SVU

Pit Bulls-Parole






Law & Order: SVU

Pit Bulls-Parole


Criminal Minds




First Take

Grey’s Anatomy





Hunt Intl




Home & Family





American Experience (N) (14) Å


American Experience (N) (14) Å

The Big Bang Theory (PG)

How I Met (14) The Big Bang Theory (PG)



The Simpsons (In Stereo) (PG) Å


Little House/Prairie



Teen Food




Castle Thunder








Charlie Rose (N) (In Stereo) Å


How I Met (14)

Pitch Slapped “This Is Aca-War!” Coach Dance Moms Abby’s new mini team Diana takes a huge risk. (PG) arrives. (PG) Å

Tosh.0 (14) Å

Tosh.0 (14) Å

Tosh.0 (14) Å

Shadowhunters (N) (14) Å

Mod Fam (PG) Liv and Maddie (G) K.C. Undercover Å (DVS) (Y7) Å (DVS)

Mod Fam (PG)

River Monsters (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Tosh.0 (14) Å

Celebrity Name Game (PG) Å


Nightline (N) (G) Å Inside Edition (N) (PG) Å

The Insider (N) (In Stereo) Å

Last Call With Carson Daly (14)

Finding Your Roots (PG) Å

The Cleveland Show (14) Å


JANUARY 19, 2016

Parks (PG)

Parks (PG) Conan Noel Fielding; Purity Ring. (14) Å Cougar Town (In Stereo) (PG) Å

How I Met (14)

Killing Fields Rodie Sanchez and Aubrey Moonshiners “Six Feet Undercover” St. Angelo. (In Stereo) (14) Å Mark and Digger craft brandy. (14)

2 Broke Girls (14) Å (DVS)

How I Met (14)

Dance Moms Abby directs her rage toward Mackenzie. (PG) Å

Bunk’d (In Stereo) (G) Å

Girl Meets World (G) Å

Mod Fam (PG)

Chopped “Let’s Do Lunch” (G)

Fixer Upper Renovating a ranch. (G)

Delicious Destinations (PG)

Nightly Show (14)

Tosh.0 (14) Å

Shadowhunters (In Stereo) (14) Å At Midnight (14)

Tosh.0 (14) Å

Daily Show (14)

Pretty Little Liars (14) Å

Married at First Sight (14) Å

Fresh Prince (PG)

CSI: NY A young dancer is killed. (14) Fresh Prince (PG)

Chopped “Brunch Battle” (N) (G)

House Hunters (G) Hunters Int’l (G)

Booze Traveler (N) (PG) Å

Chopped “Fig Out” (G)

Fixer Upper (G) Å

Bizarre Foods/Zimmern (PG)

Family Guy (14)

12 Monkeys “The Keys” (14) Å American Dad (14) American Dad (14) Family Guy (14)

The Expanse “Windmills” (N) (14,L,V)

The Little Couple “Safety First!” (G)

Aqua Teen (14)

Golden Girls (PG)

Cops Rel. (PG)

Golden Girls (PG)

Cops Rel. (14)

Chopped “Let’s Do Lunch” (G)

Fixer Upper Renovating a ranch. (G)

Delicious Destinations (PG)

Chicken (MA)

12 Monkeys “Yesterday” (14) Å

Kate Plus 8 “Blind Date” (PG) Å

Jessie “Bye Bye Bertie” (G) Å

Hannah Montana (G) Å

American Dad (14)

Frasier (G) Å

Cops Rel. (14)

Frasier (PG) Å

Jamie Foxx (PG)

Chopped “Brunch Battle” (G)

House Hunters (G) Hunters Int’l (G)

Booze Traveler (PG) Å

Superjail (MA)

12 Monkeys “Tomorrow” (14) Å

The Little Couple (In Stereo) (G) Å

Austin & Ally (In Stereo) (G) Å

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (14)

Madagascar Madagascar was left untouched by man. (In Stereo) (PG) Å Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (14) Austin & Ally (G) Å Jessie “Someone Has Tou-pay” (G)

Mod Fam (PG)

River Monsters (In Stereo) (PG) Å Mod Fam (PG) Best Friends When- Girl Meets World ever (G) (G) Å

Mod Fam (PG)

Kate Plus 8 “Blind Date” (N) (PG)

Jessie (In Stereo) (G) Å

Mod Fam (PG)

Madagascar Madagascar was left untouched by man. (In Stereo) (PG) Å Mod Fam (PG)

Daily Show (14)

The 700 Club (In Stereo) (G) Å

Friends (14) Å Married at First Sight (PG) Å

Friends (PG) Å

SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å

Dance Moms Abby’s new mini team arrives. (PG) Å

Movie: ››› “Bad Boys” (1995, Action) Martin Lawrence, Will Smith, Tea Leoni. Two Miami cops attempt Movie: ›››‡ “The Karate Kid” (1984) to recover stolen police evidence. ‘R’ (Adult language, adult situations, violence) Å Ralph Macchio. ‘PG’ Å

Tosh.0 (14) Å

Pretty Little Liars (14) Å

Friends (PG) Å Fit to Fat to Fit “JJ; Ray” (PG) Å

Friends (14) Å

∞ CMT Last-Standing (PG) Last-Standing (PG) Last-Standing (PG) Movie: ››‡ “Tower Heist” (2011) Ben Stiller. Condo employees plot revenge against a Wall Street swindler. The Middle (PG) The Middle (PG) The Middle (PG) Golden Girls (PG) Golden Girls (PG) ≤ HALL Last-Standing (PG) Last-Standing (PG) Last-Standing (PG) The Middle (PG)

Planet (PG) [ TRV Bizarre Foods (G) Planet (PG) Fixer Upper (G) Å ¨ HGTV Fixer Upper (G) ≠ FOOD (6:00) Chopped (G) Chopped Junior (N) (G)

Full House (G) Fit to Fat to Fit “JJ; Ray” (N) (PG)

Full House (G)

Movie: ››› “The Bourne Supremacy” (2004, Suspense) Matt Damon, Franka Potente, Brian Cox. Jason Bourne fights back when the CIA tries to kill him. ‘PG-13’ Å

Tosh.0 (14) Å

Pretty Little Liars (N) (14) Å

Full House (G) Married at First Sight (N) (14) Å

Full House (G)

The Little Couple (In Stereo) (G) Å The Little Couple “Safety First!” (G) U TLC Kate Plus 8 (PG) V SYFY (6:00) Movie: ›››‡ “Skyfall” (2012, Action) Daniel Craig, Judi Dench, Javier Bardem. Å Bob’s Burgers (14) Bob’s Burgers (14) Cleveland (14) X TOON Advent. Time (PG) King of Hill (PG)

Mako Mermaids

Mod Fam (PG)

Monsters (PG)

(4:30) Movie: “The

Tosh.0 (14) Å

Pretty-Liars (14)



Nicky, Ricky (G)

Married-Sight (PG) Married at First Sight (PG) Å

Game Shakers (G) Henry Danger (G)

I AMC Bourne Identity”

> ? B C


We Bare


The Late Show With Stephen Colbert (N) The Late Late Show With James Corden Extra (N) (In Ste(In Stereo) (PG) (N) (In Stereo) (14,D) Å reo) (PG) Å

Jimmy Kimmel Live (N) (In Stereo) (14,D,L) Å

2016 Australian Open Tennis: Second Round. From Melbourne, Australia. (N) (Live) Å : ESPN2 (6:00) College Basketball: Kansas at Oklahoma State. (N) College Basketball: LSU at Texas A&M. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å ; ESPN (6:00) College Basketball: Illinois at Indiana. (N) (Live) Movie: ››‡ “Red 2” (2013) Bruce Willis. Retired operatives return to retrieve a lethal device. < TNT (6:00) Castle (PG) Movie: ››‡ “Red 2” (2013) Bruce Willis. Retired operatives return to retrieve a lethal device.

Dance Moms Abby’s new mini team arrives. (N) (PG) Å

Movie: ››‡ “Fast & Furious 6” (2013, Action) Vin Diesel. Hobbs offers Dom and crew a full pardon for their help.

(6:00) Dance Moms Dance Moms Abby directs her rage (PG) Å toward Mackenzie. (N) (PG) Å

Bourne Legacy








Last Man Last Man Last Man

Movie: ››‡ “Fast & Furious 6” (2013, Action) Vin Diesel. Hobbs offers Dom and crew a full pardon for their help.



News News

Last Man Last Man Last Man

Varied Programs

Little House/Prairie


Family Guy “Stewie American Dad (In B. Goode” (14) Stereo) (14) Å


Little House/Prairie



Varied Programs

Clarence Nexo Kni. Teen

Dateline: Real Life

Varied Programs

Contessa Contessa Pioneer

Varied Programs


Dateline: Real Life

Law & Order: SVU


The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Late Night With Seth Meyers James (N) (In Stereo) (14) Å Spader; Jenna Fischer. (N) (14) Å

Conan Noel Fielding; Purity Ring. (N) (14) Å

How I Met (14)

44News at 10 (N)

Eyewitness News at 10pm (N) Å

14 News at 10:00PM (N) Å

Frontline (N) (In Stereo) (PG) Å

The Big Bang Theory (PG) Å


Little House/Prairie




Dateline: Real Life

Law & Order: SVU

Killing Fields Rodie Sanchez and Aubrey Moonshiners “Trouble Brewing” The St. Angelo. (N) (14) Å shiners double their efforts. (14) Å

The Big Bang Theory (PG)


News ABC

Blue Bloods


Alvinnn!!! Alvinnn!!! Henry


6 P.M.

Business News


Moonshiners “Trouble Brewing” The shiners double their efforts. (N) (14)

The Big Bang Theory (PG)


Dateline: Real Life

Limitless “Stop Me Before I Hug Again” Brian goes to Quantico. (N)

Marvel’s Agent Carter “The Lady in the Lake; A View in the Dark” (Season Premiere) An unusual homicide. (N) (In Stereo) (PG,D,L,V) Å NCIS: New Orleans A staged suicide turns out to be murder. (N) (14) Å

Law & Order: SVU Varied Programs



Question Around

Varied Programs




Varied Programs



Blue Bloods

Ellen DeGeneres



Wild Kratt Wild Kratt Martha

Eyewtns News


Jdg Judy Jdg Judy Big Bang

5 P.M.

South Pk South Pk South Pk Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama South Pk

Varied Programs

Chappelle Key Movie


The First 48



NFL Live



Grey’s Anatomy

2016 Australian Open Tennis

Grey’s Anatomy

Varied Programs

Varied Programs



The First 48


Blue Bloods

Dr. Phil


The People’s Court

4 P.M.

Jeopardy! 14 News at 4:00PM


Rachael Ray



Two Men Two Men Mike

NFL Insiders

Alvinnn!!! Parents



Grey’s Anatomy

Varied Programs

New Girl

In the Heat of Night

Let’s Make a Deal

The Dr. Oz Show

Crime Watch Daily


Bill Cunningham

3 P.M.

Movie: ››‡ “Cowboys & Aliens” (2011) Daniel Craig. Extraterrestrials attack a 19th-century Arizona town.

(6:00) Moonshiners Moonshiners: Outlaw Cuts Josh and Bill’s bunker is threatened. (N) (14)

The Big Bang Theory (PG)

In the Heat of Night

Contessa The Kitchen



Varied Programs


DC Films Presents Eyewitness News at 9PM (N) (Y7)

Cupcake Wars

Varied Programs

Hollywood Game Night Marlon Wayans; Chicago Med “Bound” Airplane stowChicago Fire The city prepares for a Kevin Nealon. (N) (14) Å aways are injured. (N) (In Stereo) (14,L) tornado. (N) (14) Å (DVS)

NCIS “Deja Vu” A storm causes power outages. (N) (In Stereo) (14,L,V)

General Hospital

Flip Food Fix It

The Talk



7 SPIKE Movie: ›› “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen” (2009, Science Fiction) Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel. (In Stereo)

0 DISC (14) Å


Criminal Minds



Varied Programs Animal Cops

The Flash “Potential Energy” Joe and Iris DC’s Legends of Tomorrow (14)

Seinfeld (In Stereo) The Big Bang Theory (PG)




His & Hers


Two Men Two Men Mother

CABLE CHANNELS # WGN-A Funny Videos (PG) Movie: ››› “Red Dragon” (2002, Suspense) Anthony Hopkins, Edward Norton. Å




2 P.M.

T. Smiley Charlie Rose



Cleveland Cleveland American American American American Fam. Guy Fam. Guy New Girl

Varied Programs

No Reservation

Who Wants to Be a Marvel’s Captain America: 75 Heroic 9 + WEHT Millionaire (PG) Years (N) (In Stereo) (PG,V) Å

Wheel of Fortune

Eyewitness News

L * WEVV Tonight (N) Å


The Chew

48 Hours: Hard Evid. 48 Hours: Hard Evid. 48 Hours: Hard Evid. Dateline: Real Life


Animal Cops

_ ( WTVW at 6:30PM (N) get to know Wally. (N) (PG) Å ) ` WNIN PBS NewsHour (N) Finding Your Roots (N) (PG) Å . $ WFIE (N) (G) Å

Young & Restless

Local Lifestyles


1 P.M.

Varied Programs


Days of our Lives



Saturday Night Live Saturday Night Live Guy Code Varied Programs

Varied Programs

CMT Music


No Reservation





Midday With Mike

Dinosaur Dinosaur Super

Judge Mathis

10 A.M. 10:30 11 A.M. 11:30 12 P.M. 12:30

Umizoomi Shimmer Bubble

Criminal Minds


Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Home & Family

CMT Music




My Cat From Hell



Varied Programs


Varied Programs









First Take

700 Club Special Programming





Tmrrwlan PJ Masks Mickey

Varied Programs

Crocodile Hunter



Gilmore Girls
























SportsCenter Charmed

Mike & Mike Cont’d





FamFeud FamFeud Steve Harvey

9 A.M.

Unsolved Mysteries Unsolved Mysteries Unsolved Mysteries Frasier





Creflo D. Funny Home Videos Walker, Tex. Ranger Walker, Tex. Ranger Walker, Tex. Ranger In the Heat of Night Married

Movie Cont’d


J. Meyer




CBS This Morning

Good Morning America



. $




Eyewitness News Daybreak


) `

8 A.M.

_ ( WTVW


7 A.M.


TV GUIDE 1/19/16 through 1/25/16 THE POSEY COUNTY NEWS• JANUARY 19, 2016

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WEDNESDAY EVENING 6:30 7:00 7:30









JANUARY 20, 2016 12:00 12:30

The Insider (N) (In Stereo) Å

How I Met (PG)

Conan Mike Tyson; Joanne Froggatt. (14) Å

Parks (PG)

Cougar Town (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Parks (PG)

Tanked (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Movie: ››› “Hitch” (2005, Romance-Comedy) Will Smith, Eva Mendes, Kevin James. A smooth-talker helps a shy accountant woo an heiress. Å

Tanked “Tanks N’ Roses” (PG) Å

NCIS: Los Angeles (14) Å (DVS)

Tanked “Boyz II Men to ATM” (PG)

Movie: “Rambo: First Blood Part II” Colony “Pilot” (14) Å (DVS)

Frasier (PG) Å

Cops Rel. (14)

Beat Bobby (G)

Beat Bobby (G)

House Hunters (G) Hunters Int’l (G)

Mysteries at the Monument (PG)

Superjail (MA)

Frasier (PG) Å

Jamie Foxx (PG)

Flip or Flop (G)




Undateable (In Stereo) Å




Penn & Teller: Fool Us Magicians include Kostya Kimlat. (In Stereo) (PG)



Eyewitness News at 9PM (N)


The Big Bang Theory (PG) Å


The Simpsons (In Stereo) (PG) Å


Charlie Rose

Celebrity Name Game (PG) Å


JANUARY 22, 2016

The Cleveland Show (14) Å


Washington Week


Family Guy (In Stereo) (14) Å

American Dad (In Stereo) (14) Å

Charlie Rose (N) (In Stereo) Å

The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Late Night With Seth Meyers (In Stereo) Last Call With (In Stereo) (14) Å (14) Å Carson Daly (14)

Dateline NBC (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Great Performances at the Met “Il Trovatore” (Season Premiere) Verdi’s “Il Trovatore.” (N) (In Stereo) (PG) Å

The Insider (N) (In Stereo) Å

14 News at 10:00PM (N) Å

Superstore (In Stereo) (14) Å

Nightline (N) (G) Å Inside Edition (N) (PG) Å


Jimmy Kimmel Live (In Stereo) (14,D,L)

Eyewitness News at 10pm (N) Å

Charlie Rose

Reign “Bruises That Lie” Mary tries to resist falling for Gideon. (N) (14,V)


Eyewitness News

_ ( WTVW at 6:30PM (N)

Wheel of Fortune

) ` WNIN PBS NewsHour (N) Washington Week

. $ WFIE (N) (G) Å

20/20 (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Parks (PG)

Parks (PG)

2 Broke Girls (14)


2 Broke Girls (14)

Parks (PG)

Parks (PG)

The Late Show With Stephen Colbert (N) The Late Late Show With James Corden Extra (N) (In Ste(In Stereo) (PG) (In Stereo) (14,D) Å reo) (PG) Å


Parks (PG)

2 Broke Girls (14)

Parks (PG)

Person of Interest (14) Å

Movie: ›› “She’s the Man” (2006) Amanda Bynes, James Kirk. Å


Person of Interest “Baby Blue” (14)

Cougar Town (In Stereo) (PG) Å

2 Broke Girls (14)

Jail (PG,L) Å

Bring It! “Homecoming Hell” The Dolls prepare to face their rivals. (PG,L)

Jail (14) Å


Person of Interest “Risk” (14,L,V)

Cougar Town (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Undercover Boss (N) (In Stereo) (PG) Å Hawaii Five-0 Chin and Kono are held at Blue Bloods A retired lieutenant accused 44News at 10 (N) gunpoint. (N) (In Stereo) (14) Å of a crime. (N) (14) Å

Who Wants to Be a Last Man Standing Dr. Ken “The Semi- Shark Tank Jimmy Kimmel and Guill(PG) Å nar” (PG,D) Å ermo Rodriguez. (PG) Å (DVS)

9 + WEHT Millionaire (PG)

Entertainment L * WEVV Tonight (N) Å


Movie: ››‡ “Horrible Bosses” (2011) Jason Bateman, Charlie Day. Premiere. Three oppressed workers plot against their employers. Å (DVS)

Gold Rush “Crew War” Parker’s new mechanic causes a mutiny. (PG,L)

Jail (14,L,V) Å

% WTBS Movie” (PG) Å

Seinfeld “The

Killing Fields: Unloaded Rodie Sanchez and Aubrey St. Angelo. (14)

Cops (PG) Å

Cops (14) Å

Bring It! “Fan Chat: Hell Week” Dianna must change her choreography. (PG,L)

SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å

The Rap Game “Style and Swagga” A cheating scandal makes waves. (PG,L)

Cops (PG) Å

Killing Fields: Unloaded Rodie Sanchez and Aubrey St. Angelo. (N) (14)

Gold Rush Todd and Dave’s dozers get stuck in mud. (PG) Å

Gold Rush Todd and Dave’s dozers get stuck in mud. (N) (PG) Å

Cops (14) Å

Cops (14,V) Å

Gold Rush: Pay Dirt “Goldzilla Gold” Tensions soar on the claims. (PG,L)

The Rap Game (N) (PG,L) Å

Cops (14) Å

0 DISC “Crew War” (PG)

Movie: ››‡ “Man of Steel” (2013, Action) Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Michael Shannon.

Bring It! “Homecoming Hell” The Dolls prepare to face their rivals. (N) (PG,L)

Cops (PG) Å

7 SPIKE Cops (14) Å

Bring It! “Fan Chat: Hell Week” Dianna must change her choreography. (PG,L)

Movie: ››‡ “Man of Steel” (2013, Action) Henry Cavill, Amy Adams. Young Clark Kent must protect those he loves from a dire threat.

Cops (14,V) Å

White House

Cops (14) Å

(6:00) Bring It! (PG) Å

(6:00) Gold Rush




NBA Basketball: Indiana Pacers at Golden State Warriors. From Oracle Arena in Oakland, Calif. (N)

2016 Australian Open Tennis: Third Round. From Melbourne, Australia. (N) (Live) Å

NBA Basketball: Miami Heat at Toronto Raptors. From Air Canada Centre in Toronto. (N) (Live)

Fresh Prince (G)

Fresh Prince (PG)

Unforgettable “Game On” (14,D,L,V)

The Comedy Central Roast Various celebrities roast Justin Bieber. (MA) Å

Movie: ››‡ “The Lizzie McGuire Movie” (2003, Comedy) Hilary Duff.

Friends (PG) Å

Criminal Minds “The Pact” (14,L,V)

Friends (PG) Å

The 700 Club (In Stereo) (G) Å

Friends (PG) Å

Criminal Minds “No. 6” (14,L,V)

Friends (PG) Å

Full House (G)

Unforgettable “About Face” (14,D,L,V)

Full House (G)

Hawaii Five-0 “Ua’aihue” (14,V) Å

Unforgettable “Game On” (14,D,L,V)

Full House (G)

Movie: ››‡ “Red 2” (2013) Bruce Willis. Retired operatives return to retrieve a lethal device.

Criminal Minds “The Pact” (14,L,V)

Harvey Beaks (Y7) Pig Goat Ban. (Y7) Full House (G)

Movie: ››‡ “Sherlock Holmes” (2009, Action) Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law. Å (DVS)

: ESPN2 College Basketball: Rhode Island at George Washington.

; ESPN NBA Countdown < TNT (6:00) Bones (14)

> NICK Odd Parents (Y7) ? A&E Criminal (14)

Crash Test: Rob Huebel (MA)

Treehouse: Out on a Limb (PG)

Mod Fam (PG)

Mod Fam (PG)

Mod Fam (PG)

Alaska Proof (14)

Girl Meets World (G) Å

Mod Fam (PG)

Alaska Proof (14)

Jessie “Four Broke Jessie (In Stereo) Kids” (G) (G) Å

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (14)

Treehouse Masters (In Stereo) (PG)

Say Yes: ATL

Austin & Ally (In Stereo) (G) Å

Say Yes: ATL (PG)

Hannah Montana (G) Å

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (14)

Treehouse: Out on a Limb (PG)

(4:30) “Gone in

Shadowhunters (In Stereo) (14) Å B FAM (6:20) Movie: ››› “Back to the Future Part II” (1989) Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd. Archer (MA) Å Archer (MA) Å The Comedy Central Roast Various celebrities roast Justin Bieber. (MA) Å C COM Archer (MA) Å

Mod Fam (PG)

Star vs. the Forces Bunk’d Jorge is of Evil (Y7) homesick. (G)

Movie: ››› “Live Free or Die Hard” (2007, Action) Bruce Willis, Justin Long, Timothy Olyphant. America’s computers fall under attack. ‘PG-13’ (Adult language, adult situations, violence) Å

Alaska Proof (14)

Mod Fam (PG)

Gravity Falls (In Stereo) (Y7) Å

Treehouse Masters (N) (PG)

Alaska Proof (14)

Mod Fam (PG)

Austin & Ally (In Stereo) (G) Å

Movie: ››‡ “Armageddon” (1998, Science Fiction) Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton, Liv Tyler. A hero tries to save Earth from an asteroid. ‘PG-13’ (Adult language, adult situations, violence) Å

To Be Announced

Mod Fam (PG)

Austin & Ally (In Stereo) (G) Å



Mod Fam (PG)

Girl Meets World (N) (G) Å

I AMC Sixty Seconds”


Bunk’d Jorge is homesick. (N) (G)

First Swipe (PG)

Mako Mermaids

Say Yes: ATL (PG) Say Yes: ATL (PG) Love; Lust (PG)


Bob’s Burgers (14)

Mysteries at the Museum (PG) Å

Superjail (MA)

Movie: ››› “The Fifth Element” (1997, Science Fiction) Bruce Willis, Gary Oldman. Å

Mysteries at the Castle (PG) Å

Brew & ’Que (G)

Eric Andre Sh. (14) Aqua Teen (14)

Diners, Drive (G)

Frasier (PG) Å

Jamie Foxx (PG)

Neon Joe (14)

Diners, Drive (G)

Cops Rel. (PG)

Mysteries at the Museum (PG) Å

Diners, Drive (G)

House Hunters (G) Love It or List It (G) Å

Frasier (PG) Å

Childrens (14)

Diners, Drive (G)

Cops Rel. (PG)

Mysteries at the Museum (PG) Å

Dream Home (G)

Golden Girls (PG)

Mysteries at the Castle (N) (PG) Å

Mysteries at (PG)

Diners, Drive (G)

Cops Rel. (PG)

Mysteries at the Museum (PG) Å

Say Yes: ATL (PG) Say Yes: ATL (PG) Say Yes: ATL (PG) Love; Lust (PG) First Swipe (PG) U TLC Say Yes: ATL (PG) Say Yes: ATL Movie: ››› “Twister” (1996, Action) Helen Hunt, Bill Paxton, Cary Elwes. Å V SYFY (5:30) Movie: ››› “Galaxy Quest” (1999) Tim Allen. Bob’s Burgers (14) Bob’s Burgers (14) Cleveland (14) Family Guy (14) Family Guy (14) X TOON Advent. Time (PG) King of Hill (PG)

Brew & ’Que (G)

House Hunters (G) Hunters Int’l (G)

Golden Girls (PG)


Eyewitness News



JANUARY 23, 2016

House Hunters (G) Hunters Int’l (G)

Diners, Drive (G)

Cops Rel. (14)

Diners, Drive (G)

Golden Girls (PG)

Love It or List It (G) Å

I Love Kellie Pick

Diners, Drive (G)

Golden Girls (PG)

Am. Diner (G)

I Love Kellie Pick

Love It or List It (G) Å

Diners, Drive (G)

The Middle (PG)


Down South (14)

The Middle (PG)


The Middle (PG)

Home Improve. (G) Home Improve. (G) The Middle (PG)


Movie: ›› “National Lampoon’s European Vacation” (1985) Chevy Chase.

¨ HGTV Love It-List It (G) ≠ FOOD Diners, Drive (G) ∞ CMT Last-Standing (PG) ≤ HALL Last-Standing (PG)






Bones A woman’s body is found, without bones. (In Stereo) (14) Å


The King of Queens Raw Travel (In (PG) Å Stereo) (PG) Å


Community (In Stereo) (PG) Å


Community (In Stereo) (PG) Å

NOVA “Mystery Beneath the Ice” (G)


Movie: ›› “Hardbodies” (1984, Comedy) Grant Cramer, Teal Roberts, Gary Wood. Eyewitness News at 9PM (N) Aging swingers pay beach bum to fill hot tub.

Austin City Limits (N) (PG) Å

Saturday Night Live Ronda Rousey; Selena Gomez performs. 1st Look “Destina(N) (In Stereo) (14) Å tion Charleston”


_ ( WTVW at 6:30PM (N)

Music City Roots: Live From (PG)

TMZ (N) (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Inside Edition Weekend (N) (PG)

Open House NYC (In Stereo)

14 News at 10:00PM (N) Å

Eyewitness News at 10pm (N) Å

Earth’s Natural Wonders (PG) Å

Figure Skating: U.S. Championships: Ladies Free Skate. From Saint Paul, Minn. (N) (In Stereo Live) (PG) Å

Earth: A New Wild “Home” Å

Wheel of Fortune

44News at 10 (N)

Antiques Roadshow “Spokane” (G)

) ` WNIN Enrique Chia (G)

. $ WFIE (G) Å

48 Hours (In Stereo) (PG,V) Å

Blue Bloods “Working Girls” (14,L,V)

Engagement (14)

Everybody Loves Raymond (PG)

MythBusters “Cooking Chaos” Testing two viral video sensations. (PG) Å

Movie: ››› “Definitely, Maybe” (2008) Ryan Reynolds. Å (DVS)

Raising Hope (14)

Friends (In Stereo) Person of Interest (14) Å (PG) Å

Beyond the Headlines: Toni Braxton (N) Whitney: Beyond the Headlines (PG,L) (PG) Å Å

Friends (PG) Å

Mike & Molly (14)

Mike & Molly (14)

Cops (PG) Å

Louie (MA)

Cops (14) Å

Louie “Dad” (MA)

Jail (PG,L,V) Å

Movie: “Toni Braxton: Unbreak My Heart” (2016) Lex Scott Davis. Toni Braxton becomes a rhythm and blues singer-songwriter. (PG,L,S) Å

Cops (14) Å

Raising Hope (14)

Movie: ›› “The House Bunny” (2008, Comedy) Anna Faris, Colin Hanks, Emma Stone. A sexpot teaches misfit sorority sisters about men. Å

Movie: “Toni Braxton: Unbreak My Heart” (2016) Lex Scott Davis. Premiere. Toni Braxton becomes a rhythm and blues singer-songwriter. (PG,L,S) Å

Engagement (14)

Diesel Brothers Salvaging their Duramax Diesel Brothers The Muscle buys a batgiveaway. (In Stereo) (14) Å tered El Camino. (14) Å

Seinfeld “The Wife” Blue Bloods A friend of Frank’s is almost (PG) Å attacked. (In Stereo) (14) Å

48 Hours (In Stereo) (PG,V) Å

Blue Bloods (In Stereo) (14) Å

Diesel Brothers “Free Willy’s” A rusty 1948 Willy’s Jeep. (14,L) Å

The Big Bang Theory (PG)

The Big Bang Theory (PG)

The Big Bang Theory (PG)

The Big Bang Theory (PG)

Diesel Brothers The Muscle buys a battered El Camino. (14) Å

The Insider (N) (In Stereo) Å

NCIS: Los Angeles Fashion model may be in danger. (14) Å (DVS)

Blue Bloods (In Stereo) (14) Å

The Big Bang Theory (PG)

NBA Basketball: Chicago Bulls at Cleveland Cavaliers. From Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland. (N) (Live) Å

Blue Bloods (In Stereo) (14) Å

The Big Bang Theory (PG)

Best Pan Ever! (G) NBA Countdown 9 + WEHT (N) (Live)

(6:00) Entertain-

L * WEVV ment Tonight (N)

CABLE CHANNELS # WGN-A Blue Bloods (14)

The Big Bang % WTBS Theory (PG)

(6:00) Dual Survival MythBusters “Cooking Chaos” Testing two viral video sensations. (N) (PG)

0 DISC (14) Å

“Tyler Perry’s Madea Goes to Jail”

Cops (N) (14) Cops (14) Å Forensic Just. (14) Forensic Just. (14) Forensic Just. (14) Forensic Just. (14) Cops (PG) Å Cops (14) Å 7 SPIKE Cops (14,V) Å Movie: ››› “Kung Fu Panda 2” (2011, Comedy) Voices of Jack Black. 8 FX (5:00) Turbo (2013) Movie: ››› “Kung Fu Panda 2” (2011, Comedy) Voices of Jack Black.


SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å

Friends (PG) Å

SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å

Friends (PG) Å

Friends (PG) Å

SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å

Fresh Prince (G)

Movie: ›››‡ “Minority Report”

The First 48: Killer on the Run Å

Tosh.0 (14,L)

Shadowhunters (In Stereo) (14) Å

Yankee Jungle (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Movie: ››‡ “Fast Five” (2011, Action) Vin Diesel, Paul Walker. Å (DVS)

Pit Bulls and Parolees (In Stereo) (PG)

Hannah Montana (G) Å

Untold Stories of the E.R. (PG) Å

Austin & Ally (In Stereo) (G) Å

Yankee Jungle (In Stereo) (PG)

Colony Will’s first day. (14)

Movie: ››› “The Matrix Reloaded” (2003, Science Fiction) Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss. Freedom Movie: ››‡ “The Matrix Revolutions” fighters revolt against machines. ‘R’ (Adult situations, violence) Å (2003) Keanu Reeves. ‘R’ Å

Full House (G)

Movie: ››‡ “John Carter” (2012, Science Fiction) Taylor Kitsch, Lynn Collins. Å (DVS)

SportsCenter (N)

Fresh Prince (G)

2016 Australian Open Tennis: Round of 16. From Melbourne, Australia. (N) (Live) Å

College Basketball: Arizona at California. (N) (Live) ; ESPN College Basketball Movie: ›› “I Am Number Four” (2011) Alex Pettyfer, Timothy Olyphant. Premiere. Å (DVS) < TNT Resident Evil Game Shakers (G) Nicky, Ricky (G) 100 Things (G) Thundermans (G) Full House (G) > NICK (6:00) Rufus (G)

Tosh.0 (14) Å

: ESPN2 (5:00) College Football: NFLPA Bowl. (N) (Live) Å

The First 48 (In Stereo) (14) Å The First 48: Killer on the Run (N) The First 48: Killer on the Run (N) The First 48: Killer Confessions (14) The First 48 (In Stereo) (14) Å ? A&E The First 48 (14) Movie: ››› “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” (1986, Comedy) Matthew Broderick, Alan Ruck. Shadowhunters (In Stereo) (14) Å B FAM (6:00) Movie: ››› “Clueless” (1995, Comedy) Alicia Silverstone. Premiere. Movie: ›› “50 First Dates” (2004) Adam Sandler, Drew Barrymore. Movie: › “Mr. Deeds” (2002, Comedy) Adam Sandler, Winona Ryder. C COM (5:58) Movie: › “Mr. Deeds” (2002) Adam Sandler.

(6:00) Movie: ›››‡ “The Matrix” (1999, Science Fiction) Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne. A com-

Movie: ››‡ “Fast Five” (2011, Action) Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Jordana Brewster. Å (DVS)

I AMC puter hacker learns his world is a computer simulation. ‘R’ (Adult language, violence) Å

Yankee (PG)

Pit Bulls and Parolees (N) (PG)

(5:30) Movie: ›› “Fast & Furious”

Jessie “Rossed at Sea” (G) Å

K.C. Undercover (Y7) Å

Parasyte (14)

Champloo (14)

Dragon Ball Z (PG) Akame (MA)

House Hunters Renovation (G) Å

Ghost Adventures (PG) Å

Untold Stories of the E.R. (PG) Å

Sex Sent Me to the E.R. (MA) Å

Best Friends When- Jessie “What a ever (G) Steal” (G) Å

Lab Rats: Bionic Island (Y7) Å

Gamer’s Guide to Everything (Y7)

Sex Sent Me to the E.R. (N) (14) Å

Worst Day Ev. (14) Untold Stories of the E.R. (PG) Å

Untold Stories of the E.R. (PG) Å

Yankee Jungle (N) (PG)


Movie: ›‡ “Spy Kids: All the Time in the World in 4D” (2011, Adventure) Jessica Alba. (In Stereo) ‘PG’ Å

Yankee Jungle (In Stereo) (PG) Å


(6:00) Movie: ››‡ “Spy Kids 3: Game


S DISN Over” (2003) Antonio Banderas.


Cleveland (14)

Family Guy (14)

Movie: ›››‡ “King Kong” (2005, Adventure) Naomi Watts, Jack Black. A beauty tames a savage beast. Å

King of Hill (PG)

American Dad (14) Family Guy (14)

Movie: “Tremors 5: Bloodlines” (2015) Michael Gross, Jamie Kennedy. Å

Cleveland (14)

V SYFY (5:30) Movie: ››› “Twister” (1996) Helen Hunt. Å Dragon Ball Z (14) King of Hill (PG) X TOON Teen Titans (PG)

Property Brothers “Tory & Darren” (G)

Ghost Adventures (PG) Å

Log Cabin Lvn (G)

Cops Rel. (PG)

Diners, Drive (G)

Log Cabin Lvn (G)

Diners, Drive (G)

The Dead Files (PG) Å

Cops Rel. (PG)

House Hunters Renovation (N) (G)

Diners, Drive (G)

Frasier (PG) Å

Ghost Adventures (PG) Å

Cops Rel. (14)

Property Brothers “Tory & Darren” (G)

Diners, Drive (G)

Golden Girls (PG)

Ghost Adventures (N) (PG) Å

Cops Rel. (14)

Ghost Adventures (PG) Å

Diners, Drive (G)

Golden Girls (PG)

Property Brothers “Jim & Gabby” (G)

Ghost Adv. (PG)

Diners, Drive (G)

Cops Rel. (PG)

Diners, Drive (G)

Diners, Drive (G)

Golden Girls (PG)

Diners, Drive (G)

Diners, Drive (G)

Cops Rel. (PG)


Diners, Drive (G)

Golden Girls (PG)

Diners, Drive (G)

Party Down South (14)


Frasier (PG) Å

Movie: “Unleashing Mr. Darcy” (2016, Romance) Ryan Paevey. Premiere. Å

Party Down South (14)

¨ HGTV Property Bro (G) ≠ FOOD Am. Diner (G)

Party Down South (14) ∞ CMT Down South (14) ≤ HALL (6:00) Movie: “Love on the Sidelines” (2016) Emily Kinney.

TV GUIDE 1/19/16 through 1/25/16

Parks (PG)

Mysteries at the Monument (PG)

Chicken (MA)

Cops Rel. (PG)

Kids Baking Championship (G)

Flip or Flop (G)

Golden Girls (PG)


BROADCAST CHANNELS Eyewitness News at 9PM (N)

Eyewitness News

The Cleveland Show (14) Å

Celebrity Name Game (PG) Å

Family Guy (In Stereo) (14) Å Nature (In Stereo) (PG) Å

American Dad (In Stereo) (14) Å

The Big Bang Theory (14) Å Charlie Rose (N) (In Stereo) Å

The Simpsons (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Supernatural Lucifer offers Sam a way out. (N) (In Stereo) (14) Å Earth’s Natural Wonders (PG) Å

Arrow “Blood Debts” Oliver seeks revenge for Darhk’s attack. (N) (14,L,V)

_ ( WTVW at 6:30PM (N) Earth’s Natural Wonders (PG) Å

Nightline (N) (G) Å Inside Edition (N) (PG) Å

The Late Show With Stephen Colbert (N) The Late Late Show With James Corden Extra (N) (In Ste(In Stereo) (PG) J.K. Simmons; Josh Holloway. (14) reo) (PG) Å

Jimmy Kimmel Live (N) (In Stereo) (14,D,L) Å

Last Call With Carson Daly (14)

Chicago P.D. The unit targets a cocaine 14 News at supplier. (N) (14) Å (DVS) 10:00PM (N) Å

Code Black A patient becomes obsessed 44News at 10 (N) with Malaya. (N) (14) Å

2 Broke Girls (14)

Parks (PG)

How I Met (14) Å (DVS)

How I Met (14)

Conan Mike Tyson; Joanne Froggatt. (N) (14) Å

The Big Bang Theory (PG)

The Big Bang Theory (14)

The Big Bang Theory (PG)

The Big Bang Theory (PG) Survivorman: Wild Instincts “Transylvania: Part 1” Transylvanian Alps.

Person of Interest (14) Å

The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Late Night With Seth Meyers Danny (N) (In Stereo) (14) Å DeVito; Whitney Cummings. (N) (14)

NOVA “Mystery Beneath the Ice” (G)

Modern Family (PG) Å (DVS)

The Mysteries of Laura Laura is in danger. (N) (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Criminal Minds “Drive” Corpses are discovered in public places. (14,L,V)

Eyewitness News at 10pm (N) Å

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit A murky date-rape case. (N) (14)

Wheel of Fortune

Mike & Molly (N) (14) Å

The Big Bang Theory (PG) Dual Survival “Long Way Home” Grady and Bill try to get fire. (14,L,V)

Person of Interest “Root Cause” (14)

The Goldbergs (N) (PG) Å (DVS)

blackish (N) (14) Å American Crime New evidence raises (DVS) questions. (N) (In Stereo) (14) Å

) ` WNIN PBS NewsHour (N) Nature (N) (In Stereo) (PG) Å . $ WFIE (N) (G) Å

The Big Bang Theory (PG)

Person of Interest “Legacy” (14,L,V)

2 Broke Girls (N) (14) Å

Who Wants to Be a The Middle “Float9 + WEHT Millionaire (PG) ing 50” (N) (PG,L) Entertainment

L * WEVV Tonight (N) Å CABLE CHANNELS # WGN-A Person (14) Seinfeld “The

% WTBS Bubble Boy” (PG) Survivorman: Wild Instincts “Transylvania: Part 1” Transylvanian Alps. (N)

Dual Survival: Untamed “Fire and Ice” (In Stereo) (14) Å

Dual Survival “Long Way Home” Grady and Bill try to get fire. (14,L,V)

The Rap Game “Style and Swagga” A cheating scandal makes waves. (PG,L)

Mod Fam (PG)

Lizzie McGuire (In Stereo) (Y) Å My 600-Lb. Life “Amber’s Story” (PG)

Lizzie McGuire (In Stereo) (G) Å

Movie: ››› “Serenity” (2005) Å

Parks (PG)

Daily Show (14)

Cops Rel. (14)

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(6:00) Dual Survival Dual Survival: Untamed “Fire and Ice” (N) (In Stereo) (14) Å

Movie: ››› “Hitch” (2005, Romance-Comedy) Will Smith, Eva Mendes, Kevin James. A smooth-talker helps a shy accountant woo an heiress. Å

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow “Pilot, Part 1” (N) (14,L,S,V) Å

Nightline (N) (G) Å Inside Edition (N) (PG) Å

2 Broke Girls (14)

How I Met (14)

Workaholics (14)

Mysteries at the Monument (PG)

Golden Girls (PG)


0 DISC (14) Å

(5:00) Movie: ›› “Made of Honor”

Movie: ›› “Homefront” (2013, Action) Jason Statham, James Franco. Premiere. (In Stereo) Movie: ›› “Death Race” (2008, Action) Jason Statham, Tyrese Gibson. (In Stereo) 7 SPIKE (5:00) Movie: ›› “Parker” (2013, Action) Jason Statham. Movie: ››› “Iron Man 3” (2013, Action) Robert Downey Jr. A powerful enemy tests Tony Stark’s true mettle. Movie: ››‡ “The Wolverine” (2013, Action) Hugh Jackman. Wolverine confronts the prospect of real mortality. 8 FX The Wolverine


Tanked “Boyz II Men to ATM” (PG)

Movie: ››› “First Blood” (1982, Action) Sylvester Stallone, Richard Crenna. A Vietnam vet is hounded by a brutal small-town sheriff. ‘R’ Å

2016 Australian Open Tennis: Second Round. From Melbourne, Australia. (N) (Live) Å : ESPN2 (6:00) College Basketball: Wake Forest at North Carolina. NBA Basketball: Golden State Warriors at Chicago Bulls. From the United Center in Chicago. (N) NBA Basketball: Atlanta Hawks at Portland Trail Blazers. From Moda Center in Portland, Ore. (N) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å ; ESPN NBA Countdown Castle “Reckoning” (PG,V) Castle “The Wrong Stuff” (PG) Castle “Hong Kong Hustle” (PG,L,V) Castle “At Close Range” (PG,L,V) CSI: NY Parts. (In Stereo) (PG) Å < TNT (6:00) Castle (PG) Castle “Resurrection” (PG,V) Full House (G) Full House (G) Full House (G) Full House (G) Friends (PG) Å Friends (PG) Å Friends (PG) Å Friends (PG) Å Fresh Prince (PG) Fresh Prince (PG) > NICK Thundermans (G) Movie: “Rufus” (2016) (In Stereo) (G) Duck Dynasty (PG) Duck Dynasty (PG) Duck Dynasty (PG) Duck Dynasty (PG) ? A&E Duck Dynasty (PG) Duck Dynasty (PG) Duck Dynasty (PG) Duck Dynasty (PG) Duck Dynasty (PG) To Be Announced Duck Dynasty (PG) Duck Dynasty “Lake Boss” (PG) Shadowhunters (In Stereo) (14) Å The 700 Club (In Stereo) (G) Å Movie: ››‡ “Robin Hood: Men in Tights” (1993, Comedy) Cary Elwes. B FAM (5:45) Movie: ››› “The Parent Trap” (1998, Comedy) Lindsay Lohan, Dennis Quaid. South Park (MA) South Park (MA) South Park (MA) South Park (14) South Park (14) South Park (14) Daily Show (14) Nightly Show (14) At Midnight (14) South Park (14) South Park (MA) Daily Show (14) C COM South Park (MA) (4:30) “The Bourne Movie: ››› “The Patriot” (2000, War) Mel Gibson, Heath Ledger, Joely Richardson. A man and his son fight side by side in the Revolutionary War. ‘R’ (Adult situations, graphic violence) Å

I AMC Supremacy” Å NCIS A rescue mission in Syria. (14)

Mod Fam (PG)

Tanked “Tanks N’ Roses” (PG) Å

NCIS “Semper Fortis” (PG,L,V)

Skin Tight “Melissa and Jeff” (14)

That’s So Raven (G) Å

My 600-Lb. Life “Chad’s Story” (PG)

The Expanse “Windmills” (14,L,V)

Austin & Ally (G) Å That’s So Raven (G) Å

Skin Tight “Melissa and Jeff” (N) (14)

Face Off “Child’s Play” (14) Å

Best Friends When- Girl Meets World ever (G) (G) Å

The Expanse “Windmills” (14,L,V)

Bunk’d “Gone Girl” (G) Å

Face Off “Child’s Play” (N) (14) Å

American Dad (14) Expedition Unknown (PG) Å

Superjail (MA)

Aqua Teen (14) Expedition Unknown (PG) Å

Wild Things With Dominic (PG)

Mystery Diners (G) Mystery Diners (G)

Chicken (MA)

Expedition Unknown (PG) Å

American Dad (14) American Dad (14) Family Guy (14)

Property Brothers (G) Å

Family Guy (14)

Expedition Unknown (N) (PG) Å

Bob’s Burgers (14) Cleveland (14) House Hunters (G) Hunters Int’l (G)

Golden Girls (PG)

JANUARY 21, 2016

House Hunters (G) Hunters Int’l (G)

Mystery Diners (G) Mystery Diners (G) Mystery Diners (G) Mystery Diners (G) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives (G) Golden Girls (PG)

Property Brothers “Jim & Gabby” (G)

Property Brothers “Jim & Gabby” (G)

Golden Girls (PG)

Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives (N) (G)

Golden Girls (PG)

Frasier (PG) Å

The Middle (PG)

Jamie Foxx (PG)

The Middle (PG)

Cops Rel. (PG)

The Middle (PG)

Frasier (PG) Å

The Middle (PG)

Last-Standing (PG) Last-Standing (PG) Movie: ››› “Pretty Woman” (1990) Richard Gere. A corporate raider hires a hooker to act as a business escort.

My 600-Lb. Life “Chad’s Story” (PG)

NCIS “Check” (14,L,V) Å (DVS)

(6:00) NCIS (PG)

(6:00) Tanked (PG) Tanked (In Stereo) (PG) Å

J AP R USA Mako Mermaids

Movie: ››‡ “High School Musical” (2006, Musical Comedy) Zac Efron. Students conspire against two teenage singers. (In Stereo) Å

Eyewitness News

_ ( WTVW at 6:30PM (N) Heroes Reborn Tommy faces his biggest The Blacklist An assembly of high-level challenge. (N) (14) Å (DVS) criminals. (N) (14) Å

How I Met (14)

Fresh Prince (PG) The First 48 (In Stereo) (14) Å

Fresh Prince (G)

At Midnight (14)

Movie: ›‡ “Little Fockers” (2010, Comedy) Robert De Niro, Ben Stiller.

Friends (PG) Å The First 48 “Dark Waters” (14,L)

Friends (PG) Å

Friends (PG) Å The First 48 “Bad Medicine” (PG)

Friends (PG) Å Full House (G)

Full House (G)

Nightly Show (14)

The 700 Club (In Stereo) (G) Å

Colony Will’s first day. (14)

Alaskan Bush People (In Stereo) (14)

Daily Show (14)

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (14)

Alaska Proof (14)

Workaholics (14)

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (14)

Wild West Alaska (In Stereo) (PG)

Alaska Proof Colony Will’s first day. (N) (14)

Alaskan Bush People (In Stereo) (14)

Hannah Montana (G) Å Extreme Weight Loss “Ashley” (PG,L)

Jessie “Driving Miss Jessie The kids are Austin & Ally (In Crazy” (G) snowed in. (G) Stereo) (G) Å My 600-Lb. Life: Supersized (14)

Beat Bobby (G)

House Hunters (G) Hunters Int’l (G)

American Dad (14) American Dad (14) Family Guy (14)

I Love Kellie Pick

Call 812-838-5339

S DISN (G) Å My 600-Lb. Life “Amber’s Story” (PG) U TLC My 600-Lb (PG) Face Off “Wanted Dead or Alive” (14) V SYFY (4:30) Serenity Bob’s Burgers (14) X TOON Advent. Time (PG) King of Hill (PG) Expedition Unknown (PG) Å [ TRV Expedition (PG) ¨ HGTV Property Bros. (G) Property Brothers (G) Å Diners, Drive (G) Diners, Drive (G) ≠ FOOD Diners, Drive (G) ∞ CMT Last-Standing (PG) Last-Standing (PG) Last-Standing (PG) ≤ HALL Last-Standing (PG) Last-Standing (PG) Last-Standing (PG)






Celebrity Name Game (PG) Å


The Cleveland Show (14) Å


The This Old House Hour (G) Å


Family Guy (In Stereo) (14) Å


Charlie Rose (N) (In Stereo) Å


The Big Bang Theory (PG) Å


Masterpiece Classic (PG) Å


Eyewitness News at 9PM (N)


Masterpiece Classic (PG) Å

The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Late Night With Seth Meyers (In Stereo) Last Call With (In Stereo) (14) Å (14) Å Carson Daly (14)

BROADCAST CHANNELS The 100 “Wanheda: Part One” A team effort to rescue Clarke. (N) (14,L,S,V)

14 News at 10:00PM (N) Å

Wheel of Fortune

) ` WNIN PBS NewsHour (N) New Vision New Harmony

2 Broke Girls (14)

How I Met (14)

Parks (PG)

The Late Show With Stephen Colbert (N) The Late Late Show With James Corden Extra (N) (In Ste(In Stereo) (PG) (N) (In Stereo) (14,D) Å reo) (PG) Å How I Met (14)

How I Met (14) 2 Broke Girls (14)

Mom (N) (In Stereo) Angel From Hell (N) Elementary Holmes and Watson pursue 44News at 10 (N) (14) Å (PG) Å a hacker. (N) (In Stereo) (14) Å

American Dad (In Stereo) (14) Å

Antiques Roadshow “Spokane” (G)

Shades of Blue Wozniak decides to confront Harlee. (N) (14) Å

Jimmy Kimmel Live (N) (In Stereo) (14,D,L) Å

Life in Pieces (N) (PG) Å

The Simpsons (In Stereo) (PG) Å

. $ WFIE (N) (G) Å

Eyewitness News at 10pm (N) Å

The Big Bang Theory (PG)

Elementary (In Stereo) (14) Å

Fast N’ Loud Richard gambles on a Ferrari F-40. (In Stereo) (14) Å

2 Broke Girls (14)

Elementary (In Stereo) (14) Å


2 Broke Girls (14)

The Insider (N) (In Stereo) Å

Who Wants to Be a Beyond the Tank Entrepreneurs want to My Diet Is Better Than Yours “The Dreaded 5K; Fight for Your Life” The contes9 + WEHT Millionaire (PG) expand. (N) (PG) Å (DVS) tants get ready for a 5K. (N) (In Stereo) (PG,L) Å Entertainment

L * WEVV Tonight (N) Å CABLE CHANNELS # WGN-A Elementary (14)

Fast N’ Loud The Chopped Model A must be finished. (14) Å

Cougar Town (In Stereo) (PG) Å Fast N’ Loud A 1931 Ford Model A. (In Stereo) (Part 1 of 2) (14) Å

Conan Eva Longoria; Jose Andres; Marques Ray. (14) Å Å (DVS)

Conan Eva Longoria; Jose Andres; Marques Ray. (N) (14) Å Fast N’ Loud A 1932 five-window Ford Coupe. (In Stereo) (14) Å


The Big Bang Theory (PG)

The Big Bang Theory (PG)

Fast N’ Loud Engine problems on the Dart. (14) Å


Movie: ›› “Space Jam” (1996)


Baskets (MA)

Seinfeld “The % WTBS Watch” (PG,D)

Movie: ›‡ “The Watch” (2012, Comedy) Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn.

Movie: ›› “Happy Gilmore” (1996, Comedy) Adam Sandler. (In Stereo)

Tosh.0 (14) Å

Alaska Proof (N)

Austin & Ally (In Stereo) (G) Å Skin Tight “Melissa and Jeff” (14)

Best Friends When- Girl Meets World ever (G) (G) Å

Mysteries at the Monument (PG)

Beat Bobby (G)

Golden Girls (PG)


6580 Leonard Rd.

(6:00) Fast N’ Loud Fast N’ Loud Richard is given a drag race challenge. (14) Å


Baskets (MA)

Lip Sync (14)

Inside the NBA (N) Å

SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å

Project Runway: Junior The designers must make a statement. (PG) Å

Mike & Molly (14)

Baskets (N) (MA)

Lip Sync (PG)

Child Genius: Battle of the Brightest (PG) Å

Lip Sync Battle (In Stereo) (PG)

Movie: ››‡ “The Heat” (2013, Comedy) Sandra Bullock, Melissa McCarthy. Premiere.


Child Genius: Battle of the Brightest (PG) Å

SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å NBA Basketball: San Antonio Spurs at Phoenix Suns. From US Airways Center in Phoenix. (N)

SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å

2016 Australian Open Tennis: Third Round. From Melbourne, Australia. (N) (Live) Å

Project Runway: Junior The designers must make a statement. (PG) Å

7 SPIKE (5:30) Movie: ››› “Coming to America” (1988) Å 8 (6:00) Project Run- Child Genius: Battle of the Brightest (N) way: Junior (PG) (PG) Å

Project Runway: Junior The designers must make a statement. (N) (PG) Å


30 for 30 : ESPN2 (6:00) College Basketball: Memphis at Cincinnati. (N) (Live) College Basketball: Ohio State at Purdue. (N) (Live) ; ESPN (6:00) College Basketball: Kentucky at Arkansas. (N) (Live) < TNT (6:00) NBA Tip-Off NBA Basketball: Los Angeles Clippers at Cleveland Cavaliers. (N) (Live) Å The First 48 (N) (In Stereo) (14) Å Tosh.0 (14) Å

WWE SmackDown! (N) (In Stereo) (PG) Å

Wild West Alaska (N) (In Stereo) (PG)

Alaska Proof (14)

Wild-Alaska (PG)

Austin & Ally (In Stereo) (G) Å

Extreme Weight Loss “Ashley” Ashley tries to lose half of her weight. (PG,L)

Movie: ›› “High School Musical 2” (2007, Musical Comedy) Zac Efron. A teen befriends members of a wealthy family. (In Stereo) ‘NR’ Å

Law & Order (14)

Tosh.0 (14) Å

(6:15) Movie: ››› “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” (2009, Fantasy) Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson.

Nightwatch (N) (In Stereo) (14) Å

Idiotsitter (14)

The First 48 “Dark Waters” (14,L)

Idiotsitter (N) (14)

Movie: ››› “Air Force One” (1997, Suspense) Harrison Ford. ‘R’ Å

Movie: ››‡ “Scooby-Doo” (2002) Freddie Prinze Jr. (In Stereo) Å

Tosh.0 (MA) Å

Movie: ››› “Top Gun” (1986, Action) Tom Cruise, Kelly McGillis. A hot-shot Navy jet pilot downs MiGs and loves an astrophysicist. ‘PG’ (Adult language, adult situations, violence) Å

Thundermans (G)

South Park (MA)

Movie: ›‡ “Gone in Sixty Seconds” (2000, Action) Nicolas Cage, Angelina Jolie. A retired thief must steal 50 cars to save his brother. ‘PG-13’ (Adult language, adult situations, violence) Å

The First 48 (14)

> ? B C (3:30) Movie: “The


I AMC Patriot” (2000) ‘R’ J AP R USA Mako Mermaids

S DISN “The Siren” (G)

House Hunters (G) Hunters Int’l (G)

I Love Kellie Pick

American Dad (14)

Bob’s Burgers (14) Cleveland (14)

Beat Bobby (G)

Golden Girls (PG)

Aqua Teen (14) Mysteries at the Monument (N) (PG)

I Love Kellie Pick

Movie: ››› “Fright Night” (2011, Horror) Anton Yelchin, Colin Farrell, David Tennant. Å

Flip or Flop (N) (G) Flip or Flop (G)

Beat Bobby (G)

The Middle (PG)

Family Guy (14)

Kids Baking Championship (G)

I Love Kellie Pick

Movie: ›‡ “The Order” (2003) Heath Ledger. A priest meets an immortal who swallows sins.

Bob’s Burgers (14) X TOON Advent. Time (PG) King of Hill (PG) [ TRV Mysteries at (PG) Mysteries at the Museum (PG) Å Flip or Flop (G) Flip or Flop (G) ¨ HGTV Flip or Flop (G) ≠ FOOD (6:00) Chopped (G) Chopped “Healthy Rivalry” (G)

The Middle (PG)

My 600-Lb. Life: Supersized (N) (14) U TLC My 600-Lb (PG) V SYFY (6:00) Movie: ››‡ “The Faculty” (1998, Horror) Å

∞ CMT (6:00) Movie: ››› “Pretty Woman” (1990, Romance-Comedy) Richard Gere, Julia Roberts. Å The Middle (PG) ≤ HALL Last-Standing (14) Last-Standing (PG) Last-Standing (PG) The Middle (PG)

* HOURS * Tuesday thru Thursday: 10:30am - 8pm Friday and Saturday: 10:30am - 9pm


JANUARY 19, 2016 • PAGE B7

LEGALS Court News Arrests January 8 Kierstin Young—Mount Vernon—Warrant, False Informing (Pretrial Termination)—PCS January 12 Shannon Kellough— Evansville—Warrant—Nonsupport of a Dependent Child (failure to appear)--ISP Complaints

December 15 3:14 a.m.—Assault—Caller advised his fiance’s dad has hit his fiancé and she is shaking and barely breathing. While attempting to get more information, caller was advised female subject was having convulsions—Pine Tree Drive, Mount Vernon 8:01 a.m.—Road Closed— Closed, will call when open— Scherer Road, Poseyville 8:13 a.m.—Reckless—

Legal Ads 2016-08

NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING OF LAND OCCUPIERS TO BE HELD FOR THE POSEY COUNTY SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT To all occupiers of lands lying within the boundaries of the Posey County Soil and Water Conservation District, notice is hereby given that on the 9th day of February, 2016, beginning at 6:00 p.m., an annual meeting will be held for the purpose of making a full and due report of activities and financial affairs since the last annual meeting and to elect a supervisor for the Posey County Soil and Water Conservation District of the State of Indiana. All land occupiers and other interested parties are entitled to attend. The meeting will be held at the Holy Angels Community Center, New Harmony. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Chuck Ries, Chairman Matthew McFadin, Vice Chairman Larry Burkhart, Member Jim Droege, Member Matt Schenk, Member

Semi, white, pulling enclosed trailer, all over the roadway— I-64, Griffin 10:17 a.m.—Theft—Caller advised there was someone possibly stealing gas from the gas tank—St. Philip’s Road, Evansville 11:03 a.m.—Investigation—Out at this address for investigation—Uebelhack Road, Mount Vernon 11:12 a.m.—Scam—Received phone call stating he was being sued by the IRS. Did not give them any personal information. No officer needed—Lower New Harmony Road, Mount Vernon 11:42 a.m.—Domestic— Arguing in front of a child. Lots of pounding, screaming, banging—Old Hwy 62, Mount Vernon 11:46 a.m.—Message— Needing to speak with deputy. Custody issue—Tile Factory Road, Mount Vernon 12:23 p.m.—Reckless— Dark colored SKX, driving recklessly, cutting caller off like they were going to hit caller’s vehicle—Caborn Road, Mount Vernon 2:41 p.m.—Reckless—Red S10 all over the roadway. Tint-

ed windows—Hwy 62, Mount Vernon 4:21 p.m.—Information— Will meet deputy for information on a case he is working— Frontage Road, Poseyville 7:27 p.m.—Reckless—Silver or gold truck is westbound in the eastbound lane. Driving at a high rate of speed. Several cars have had to get off the roadway to avoid a collision— I-64, Cynthiana 8:01 p.m.—Accident— Two vehicles, no injuries— 8th/Mill St, Mount Vernon 8:49 p.m.—Threatening— Advised her dad is making threats to the caller and her fiancé on Facebook. Officers were just at her residence last night because her dad beat her up, she advised. Request to speak with officers—Pine Tree Drive, Mount Vernon 9:21 p.m.—Agency Assist—Out with state on traffic stop—Hwy 62, Mount Vernon 10:43 p.m.—Accident— Caller has served to miss a deer and is in a ditch, no injuries—SR 165, Wadesville December 16 9:26 a.m.—Threatening— Caller states that family mem-

Legal Ads 2016-12

The Robinson Township Board will meet at the township trustee office located at 201 Schroeder Road South, Wadesville, IN on Jan. 19, 2016 at 5:30 p.m.

Dated this 8th day of January, 2016.

Gary Saalweachter Robinson Township Trustee

Published in the Posey County News on January 19 & Feb 2, 2016 - hspaxlp Published in the Posey County News on January 19, 2016 - hspaxlp 2016-11 LEGAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING


Notice is hereby given by the Board of Zoning Appeals of the Posey County Area Plan Commission of a public hearing to be held 5:00 p.m. Thursday, February 11, 2016 at The Hovey House, 330 Walnut St., Mt. Vernon, Indiana. Upon the following Special Use and Variance applications, the Board of Zoning Appeals will at that time hear objections thereto:


SPECIAL USE/VARIANCE: DOCKET NO: 16-02-SU-BZA & 16-02-V-BZA APPLICANT: Paul Turner/Smithville Communications OWNER: Smithville commuications PREMISES: A part of the East Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section Six (6), Township Four (4) South, Range Thirteen (13) West, lying in Bethel Township, Posey County, Indiana. More commonly known as 100 North Street East, Griffin, Indiana. Containing 0.064 acres more or less. Complete legal description is on file at the Posey County Area Plan Commission Office). Nature of Case: Applicant requests a Special use for a 30’ TV antenna mast in an Agricultural Zoning District Section 153.032 (B) (3) Use Unit 3 Public Protection and Utility Facilities, Section 153.148 (B) (9) and a Variance for relaxation of street side yard setback and rear yard setback under Section 153.033 (B) (1) (b) and 153.033 (B) (3) (b) of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Mt. Vernon, Town of Cynthiana, Town of Poseyville and Unincorporated Posey Couny.

2000 ½ ton Ford F150 Truck VIN 1FTRF17W3YKA53135 Mileage: Approx. 284,000


Notice is hereby given that the Posey County Commissioners will be accepting bids for the purchase of surplus county vehicles. The vehicles for sale are as follows;

2008 Ford F150 Truck VIN # 2FTRX12W58FC33391 Mileage: Approx. 182,383 2004 Ford Crown Victoria VIN # 2FAHP71W24X148514 Mileage: Approx. 168,133 2007 Ford Crown Victoria VIN # 2FAHP71W47X147398 Mileage: Approx. 179,000 The 2008 and 2000 Ford F150’s are available for inspection at the Mt. Vernon County Highway Garage and the 2004 and 2007 Ford Crown Victoria are available for inspection at the Posey County Sheriff’s Department for anyone interested in submitting a bid to purchase these vehicles. All bids must be submitted to the Auditor’s office by 4 p.m. on Monday, February 1st, 2016. The bids will be opened at the Posey County Commissioners meeting on Tuesday February 2nd, 2016 at 9 a.m. at the Hovey House 330 Walnut Street, Mt. Vernon IN 47620. Any questions concerning bids on these vehicles can be directed to the Auditors office at 812-838-1300. Published in the Posey County News on January 12 & 19, 2016 - hspaxlp

Published in the Posey County News on January 19, 2016 - hspaxlp 2016-06

Legal Ads NOTICE TO BIDDERS Posey County, Indiana


Posey County, Indiana

Project/Work: Removal of a total of fourteen (14) unsafe structures: thirteen (13) located in the City of Mount Vernon, Black Township, Posey County, Indiana and one (1) in the Town of Cynthiana, Smith Township, Posey County, Indiana Notice is hereby given that Posey County will receive sealed bids for the above described “Project/Work” at the office of the Posey County Auditor, 126 E. 3rd Street, Coliseum Building, Room 222, Mount Vernon, Indiana, 47620 until 8:30 A.M. (local time) on February 2, 2016. Such bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at 9:00 A.M. (local time) on February 2, 2016 in the Posey County Commissioners’ Meeting Room, Hovey House, 330 Walnut Street, Mount Vernon, Indiana 47620. No late bids will be accepted. A Bid Bond or certified check in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the amount bid must be submitted with each Bid regardless of the amount of the Bid. A one hundred percent (100%) Performance and Payment Bond will also be required of the successful Bidder. All Bids must also include a completed Form No. 96 with a non-collusion affidavit attached, acknowledgement of addendum(s) received and the company’s financial statement.

bers are threatening caller. Also says there is a subject at Busler’s he is having trouble with. Asked him not to stay there if he is being threatened. Said he doesn’t have anywhere else to go. He is requesting a deputy to come talk to him. He will be inside, waiting—Broadway, Evansville 12:51 p.m.—Wanted Person—Female—Main St, Mount Vernon 2:31 p.m.—Investigation— No information—Uebelhack Road, Mount Vernon 5:34 p.m.—Message—Has more information for deputy—Continental Camp Road, Griffin 6:57 p.m.—Motorist Assist—Out with a broke down vehicle—4th/Main St, Mount Vernon 10:02 p.m.—Agency assist—Will be out with deputy on traffic stop—Hwy 62, Mount Vernon December 17 10:41 a.m.—Wanted Person—Red Ford Mustang—4th St, Mount Vernon 2:06 p.m.—Suspicious— Heavy duty green trash can sitting in the wood line. House on property is abandoned. Caller is worried it could be a meth lab—Upper Mt. Vernon Road, Mount Vernon 5:31 p.m.—Car/Deer— Husband hit a deer in a red Pontiac G6. He is not injured, just needing a report—Koester Road, Wadesville 6:25 p.m.—Alarm—Residence, entry door—Waterford Drive, Mount Vernon 11:44 p.m.—Noise—Caller advised that the neighbor is playing loud music and keeping his family awake—Gregory Lane, Mount Vernon December 18 7:44 a.m.--Information— Broken down bus with kids on it. Another bus is on its way to pick up the kids. It is not in the road and causing a hazard— hwy 62, Mount Vernon 8:32 a.m.—Motorist Assist—School bus broken down—Hwy 62, mount Vernon 10:33 a.m.—Message— Male subject staying at female’s house, stealing things, shooting up. Caller wants to speak with an officer about what can be done—Posey County 12:51 p.m.—Reckless—2 passenger cars, both blue in color, one possibly a Mustang, drag racing on the highway— Hwy 62, Mount Vernon 1:02 p.m.—Suspicious— Pole barn/house door is open. Tried calling brother of subject but was unable to reach him. Lights are on in the residence—Continental Camp Road, Griffin

2016-10 The following County Operating Claims have been filed with the Auditor's Office and will be presented to the Board of Commissioners, POSEY COUNTY, IN at the regular session on January 19, 2016 William W Gooden Smith & Butterfield Douglas Walton John Jacob Warrum Baier & Baier Farris Reporting Jean Hadley McFaddin Higgins Printcrafters VanHaaften & Farrar Grand Total:

$ 10,08817 $ 28.45 $940.50 $7,666.50 $380.00 $355.10 $1,448.75 $2,137.27 $ 809.53 $118.75 $23,973.02

Kyle J Haney Posey County Auditor

The Work consists of, but is not necessarily limited to the following: Removal of a total of fourteen (14) unsafe structures: thirteen (13) located in the City of Mount Vernon, Black Township, Posey County, Indiana and one (1) in the Town of Cynthiana, Smith Township, Posey County, Indiana

Published in the Posey County News on January 19, 2016 - hspaxlp


Contract Documents for the Project/Work have been assembled into one or more bound Project Manuals which may be viewed from January 12, 2016 through February1, 2016 by appointment during general office hours at the following locations:


1. Posey County Auditor’s Office, 126 E. 3rd Street, Coliseum Building, Room 222, Mount Vernon, Indiana, 47620. Please contact Kyle Haney, Posey County Auditor, at (812) 838-1300 to make an appointment Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. (local time). Please call ahead for holiday closures.

The fiscal body of Posey County, Indiana (the Posey County Council) hereby declares that on Tuesday, February 9, 2016 at 9:00a.m., a public hearing will be held at the Meeting Room in the Hovey House, 330 Walnut Street, Mount Vernon, Indiana concerning the following proposed ordinance to the members of the Posey County Income Tax Council imposing a Local Public Safety Tax and the Council’s vote on said ordinance. Members of the public are cordially invited to attend the hearing for the purpose of expressing their views.

2. Mount Vernon City Hall, 520 Main Street, Mount Vernon, IN 47620. Please contact Sherry Willis, Mayor’s Office, at (812) 838-5576 to make an appointment Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. (local time). Please call ahead for holiday closures. Copies of these Project Manuals may be obtained at the Economic Development Coalition of Southwest Indiana, 318 Main Street, Suite 400 Evansville, Indiana 47708 from January 12, 2016 through February 1, 2016 between the hours of 8:00AM to 4:00PM (local time) Monday – Friday. The cost for each specification book is $50.00. Checks should be made payable to the Economic Development Coalition of Southwest Indiana. Please note the Economic Development Coalition of Southwest Indiana office will be closed on January 18, 2016 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. This Work will be funded by the County of Posey. The participation goal for Minority/Women/Veteran Business Enterprises for this contract is 10%. A pre-bid conference for discussion of the Work, the bidding requirements will be held at 10:00 A.M. (local time) on January 19, 2016 at Mount Vernon City Hall, Mount Vernon, IN 47620. All prospective Bidders, including contractors and subcontractors, are strongly urged to attend the pre-bid conference. For accommodations needed by persons with disabilities to attend the pre-bid opening meeting, please call Sherry Willis, City of Mount Vernon at (812) 838-5576 on or before January 15, 2016. For accommodations needed by persons with disabilities to attend the public bid opening meeting, please call Kyle Haney, Posey County Auditor at (812) 838-1300 on or before January 28, 2016. Posey County reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any informalities and to accept the bid which it deems most favorable to the interest of the Owner after all bids have been examined and canvassed.

ORDINANCE OF THE POSEY COUNTY COUNCIL COMES NOW THE POSEY COUNTY COUNCIL, AS A MEMBER OF THE POSEY COUNTY INCOME TAX COUNCIL, AND PROPOSES AN ORDINANCE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Posey County Income Tax Council imposes the Local Public Safety Tax on the county taxpayers of Posey County, Indiana. The Local Public Safety Tax is imposed at a rate of Twenty-five hundredths of one percent (0.25%) as provided by IC 6-3.5-6-31. This tax takes effect October 1, 2016. 2. Pursuant to Indiana Code 6-3.5-6-1 et seq., the adoption of this Ordinance by the Posey County Council shall be treated by the Posey County Auditor as a casting of all of the votes of the Posey County Council Income Tax Council votes, certified as 73.72 votes, in favor of, and adopting, the Ordinance imposing the Local Public Safety Tax on the county taxpayers of Posey County, Indiana.

Please contact Debra Bennett-Stearsman, Economic Development Coalition of Southwest Indiana at (812)423-2020 if you have additional questions.

3. Passage of this Ordinance shall be transmitted to the Posey County Auditor who is instructed to deliver this Ordinance to all other members of the Posey County Income Tax Council. All other members of the Posey County Income Tax Council shall vote on it within thirty (30) days after receipt.

Published in the Posey County News on January 12 & 19, 2016 - hspaxlp

Published in the Posey County News on January 19, 2016 - hspaxlp

4:18 p.m.—Alarm—Residence, garage entry door— Spahn Road, Wadesville 4:27 p.m.—Burglary— Came home and there are items missing from the home. Believe they left the door unlocked on accident. No one is in the residence at this time— St. Phillip’s Road, Evansville 6:52 p.m.—Accident—1 vehicle in the ditch. Male subject is responding, however, is stating he is injured. Vehicle is down in the deep ditch—Hwy 68, Cynthiana 10:54 p.m.—Impaired Driver—Burgundy sedan, hazards are on, subject believed to be intoxicated—Old 69, Mount Vernon December 19 1:07 a.m.—Welfare Check—Caller is wanting her ex-boyfriend checked on. Advised he has been making threats—Wade Park Drive, Wadesville 6:06 a.m.—Motorist Assist—Silver BMW, 1 occupant—Hwy 62, Mount Vernon 10:32 a.m.—Alarm—Panic alarm—Main St, New Harmony 11:59 a.m.—Alarm— Showing lobby motion alarm—St. Francis Av, Poseyville 4:05 p.m.—Message— Has more information for deputy reference theft from last night—St. Phillip’s Road, Mount Vernon 5:18 p.m.—Suspicious— Brown Toyota Camry, has been sitting there for over an hour. 1 male occupant in the vehicle—Upper Griffin Road, Griffin 6:51 p.m.—Medical—Raben Road, Mount Vernon 7:10 p.m.—Message—he owns property on Old Blairsville Road. This is where his daughter is. Daughter is in jail in Evansville. There are people that have moved into her house and he wants to know what he can do about these people. He’s asked them to leave but they won’t leave— Midway Drive, Poseyville 10:19 p.m.—Breaking and Entering—Back bedroom window busted out. 3 guns taken. May know who took them—Raben Road, Mount Vernon December 21 6:40 a.m.—Suspicious— Subject in a silver suv with someone in it. Unsure what the problem is—Sauerkraut Lane, Mount Vernon 8:41 a.m.—VIN Inspection—2 hopper bottom trailers—Kimerling Road, Griffin 12:06 p.m.—Reckless— Silver vehicle, older male driver, swerving all over the road—I-64, Griffin 2:00 p.m.—VIN Inspection—Sterling 2002, 2004 commercial garbage trucks— Romaine Road, New Harmony 4:26 p.m.—Lockout—1995 Jeep, white, aware officers are not liable—Lexan Lane, Mount Vernon 4:57 p.m.—Department of Natural Resources—Deer deceased in the roadway—Hwy 69, New Harmony 10:21 p.m.—Assault— Daughter’s boyfriend assaulted caller. Caller is outside, male subject is inside. Caller and his daughter will be sitting in a blue Chevy Silverado truck. Caller does need medical attention; busted caller’s face up—Old Blairsville Road, Wadesville December 22 1:55 a.m.—Accident—Advised there is a van flipped over in the ditch. Lights were off, unsure if any occupants— Springfield/Spring Switch, Mount Vernon 9:35 a.m.—Motorist Assist—White Chevy Impala— Hwy 69, Mount Vernon 11:27 a.m.—Message— Wants to speak with an officer about target practice. Location is just outside city limits of New Harmony—Maple Hill Road, New Harmony 10:57 a.m.—Hit and Run— Advised semi truck struck side of work truck and kept going. Needs a report for department. No injuries—Savah Road, Mount Vernon 1:14 p.m.—VIN Inspection—Green 2006 Chevy 3500 pickup—Mumford Farms Road, Griffin 1:59 p.m.—Disturbance— Advised they have an employee on the property refusing to leave—St. Wendel Cynthiana Road, Wadesville

PAGE A8 • JANUARY 19, 2016



January 23, 2016




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Southwind Apartments 465 W. 9th St. Mt. Vernon, IN 47620 This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer

Call: (812) 838-2088



Crossword of the Week CLUES ACROSS 1. Women (French) 5. Hyrax 8. Distress signal 11. Trade 13. Large northern deer 14. The 3 Wise Men 15. Marten of N Asian forests 16. Hoover’s agency 17. Received an A 18. 2nd Islamic month 20. Light brown 21. ClariďŹ ed butter used in Indian cookery 22. Frankness 25. Argentina’s capital 30. Citizen of Kenya or Zimbabwe 31. Noah’s boat 32. Family of languages in So. Africa 33. Inappropriate 38. ScientiďŹ c workplace 41. Hungriness 43. Say to talk about an annoying topic 45. Sing and play for somebody 47. Strike buster 49. A citizen of Thailand 50. Civil Rights group 55. Honest Company’s Jessica 56. ‘__ death do us part

Linda L. Dickens 455-1490

Loretta Englebright 431-8458


57. Malarias 59. Claim against another’s property 60. Mined metal-bearing mineral 61. Dashery 62. Capacity unit 63. Primary color 64. Indian dress

Michelle Hudson 457-4928

Ken Johnson 449-6488

10. The plane of a ďŹ gure 12. Ocean 14. Public presses 19. Civil Rights activist Parks 23. Cooking container 24. Arctic native 25. Founder of Babism 26. Bashkortostan capital 27. Bulky grayish-brown eagle 28. Louse egg 29. About sight 34. ___/Tuck: TV drama 35. Black tropical American cuckoo 36. Chest muscle (slang) 37. Expression of disappointment 39. One who assists 40. Antilles island 41. Served food 42. Egyptian Sun god 44. Performed successfully 45. Cavalry-sword 46. Abba __, Israeli politician 47. Jonas __, cured polio 48. The Muse of history 51. Express pleasure 52. Turkish leader titles 53. Castro country 54. Nobleman 58. ___ Lanka

CLUES DOWN 1. Manuscripts (abbr.) 2. Netherlands river 3. Italian island 4. One’s own being 5. More adroit 6. Balkan country 7. Psychologist B.F. 8. Investment group Goldman ___ 9. Double curve

Monica Kittinger

Cara Straub


Delene Schmitz


Julia Vantlin



431 E. 4TH ST., MT. VERNON, IN

(812) 838-4479



OPEN SUNDAY 1:45-3:15


415 Western Hills Dr. 5 br 3.5 ba 2 story brick on .88 A $259,900

600 Locust 3 br, corner lot, hardwood floors $64,900

612 Mulberry Street 5 br 2 ba home w/ basmt $154,900

300 Western Hills Drive Custom brick 3br/3ba on 1.43 A $324,900

201 Loren Dr., New Harmony Single family ranch or duplex, 4br/2ba $124,900

3486 Sailer Road 3 br brick home, 2 car gar, 1.77 A $106,900

1118 E. 5th St. 4 br, 2 ba, some hardwood floors $89,900

337 Riviera Brick 3 Br, 1.5 Ba w/ Full Basement $89,900

722 Mulberry Street

728 Evergreen Beautiful 5 br, 2.5 ba, 2 story Victorian Completely remodeled 3 br/2 ba $189,900 $144,900

703 S Arthur 2 br, 2 ba home on corner lot $79,900



717 E. Steammill Completely renovated 2br 1 ba $64,900


JANUARY 19, 2016 • PAGE B9

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PAGE B10 • JANUARY 19, 2016




#EM246032 (RED)

#EU195739F (RED)








$11,490 2014 VOLKSWAGEN PASSAT #EC084534 (WHITE)


#DL242683 (BLUE)












2008 MAZDA 6











#EH533281F (BLUE)







#85M47945F (BLACK)





2015 FIAT 500 ABARTH





#D1707101 (BLUE)











2008 GMC ACADIA #8J156124F (RED)














#119155M (SILVER)







2003 DODGE STRATUS #187884 (BLACK)




#8471M (BLACK)




#3622M (GREEN)


$22,490 #EG184265F (BLACK)

#704450M (BLUE)




2014 RAM 1500


#7W611533F (BLACK)



#231635M (BLUE)

#36515M (WHITE)




#BBJ00914F (TAUPE)

#85165485 (BEIGE)



#EU170368 (WHITE)






#BR246679F (BLACK)

#DC211112F (RED)





#70003596 (BLACK)

#AU024985 (WHITE)

#AR096313F (BLACK)





#FT502117F (GRAY)-AUTO




#126637M (SILVER)

#9N501029 (WHITE)


#310851M (SILVER)



2007 LEXUS GS 350


#834239M (BEIGE)

#166936M (GRAY)

#DGC07285F (BLACK)



#24218M (SILVER)



5230 E. DIVISION ST. (Across From Harrison High School) Open Mon-Sat 8:30am-8:30pm toll free Excludes tax and doc fees. Some photos for illustration purposes only. See dealer for details.^^Spin with purchase.


Chances of winning grand prize is 1/366, every spin wins a prize. Winner responsible for sales tax. ^No payments until 2016 excludes the 2015 Fiat 500L model.

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