Pow Wow, Issue 2

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PW Portage High School

6450 US Highway 6, Portage Volume 77 Issue 2 October 2016

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women in the u.s. have been a victim of domestic violence men in the u.s. have been the victim in an abusive relationship EVERYONE WANTS TO SEE IT END Page 14


October 2016

What is in Pumpkin Spice Sauce?


We all know how to make a basic latte; steam up some milk, brew your coffee, and mix the two together. But what gives the pumpkin spice latte its flavor? Why, the special Pumpkin Spice Sauce of course! Here’s what you’re consuming all Fall long.

sugar condensed skim milk

pumpkin puree fruit and veggie juice



salt potassium sorbate

The Twitter Poll Is In: Will you consume A PSL this month?




54% page design by Emma Havrilla


Table of Contents

October 2016

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On the Cover

Domestic Violence

One out of every three women and one out of every four men report having been in either a physically or verbally abusive relationship. See what local organizations and the Portage Police are doing to curb domestic violence. Photo illustration by Lexy Young

Fall Play

Halloween Students prepare to audition for the Fall Play “ER” to be presented next month. Photo by Brooke Windle

Take a trip to the ER

The Thespians announce the show for their annual fall play, “ER.” Attendees can expect a both humorous and realistic account of what could happen in an emergency room. The play will take place next month.


Check out our spread on all things Halloween, including students’ wonderfully 90’s kids costumes (thanks, mom and dad) and a quiz to see just how spooky you’ll be this Monday.

Pages 10-11 Page 8

Page 14


Ready to Spook



Track Upgrade

The iPhone7

P o r t a g e High Sc h o o l

6450 US Highway 6, Portage Volume 77 Issue 2 October 2016

Editor-in-Chief............................Lexy Young Managing Editor........................Jaden Amos Photography Editor..............Madison Perez Copy Editor................................Shelby Ford Design Editor..............................Sierra Judy Staff Writers.............................Jessica Butz ............................Evan Gerike ...................Trent Haraminac ......................Tori Henderson ............................Haley Mergl .........................Darius Owens .........................Becca Rosado ...........................Jamie Valdez ......................Kaylee Darnell Staff Photographers............Hope Anderson ............Brooke Windle .............Grace Steorts Staff Designers.....................Emma Havrilla .................McKenzie Price

After months of work and debate over changing costs, the outdoor track is ready for the final stages. See what happened to the old track, what halted construction and what makes up the new track.

Pages 18-19

Is it worth the hype? Is the camera really that much better? And is the missing headphone jack really that big of a deal? Staff writer Evan Gerike breaks down the specs on Apple’s new iPhone7.

Page 23


October 2016

Mother Teresa Named Saint

Mother Teresa becomes saint after Second Miracle was comfirmed Becca Rosado >Staff writer @Becca_Rosado01

Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, most commonly known as Mother Teresa, became a saint in the Catholic church this past August. For any catholic this is very important as becoming a saint is one of the highest achievements that someone can receive in the Catholic church. According to the Catholic Church, being a saint means that you are devoted to God and that you are truly a servant of God. Anyone can become a saint, including people who are not Catholic and people who do not believe in God. Becoming a saint is a very long and hard process. The first step in becoming a saint is that church officials have to examine a candidate’s good deeds for evidence of virtue; such as performing a miracle and over all pureness. Secondly, the bishop submits the candidate’s case to the Vatican. The Vatican is the congress of the Catholic church. The Congregation for the Causes of Saints then scrutinize the candidate’s case. Once the Congregation finally approves the cause, it is then passed onto the Pope. From there, the Pope reviews the case and decides if the candidate has lived a virtuous life. The individual is beatified (blessed) when one of their miracles is verified posthumously (after death

of the individual). Canonization occurs once the Congregation verifies that a second miracle occurred in the candidate’s life. If a candidate passes this process, they are considered a saint. According to the Catholic Church, Mother Teresa performed one miracle while she was alive and once she passed another miracle happened because of her. According to nobelprize.org the first miracle that was ever preformed by her was when a women with stomach cancer prayed to her while Mother Teresa visited her town. Soon after praying the woman was cured. According to the Catholic Diocese of Gary the second miracle that she performed was when a man with multiple brain tumors prayed to her for healing and all of his brain tumors disappeared within a couple of days of praying to her. Along with her becoming a saint, she also left her childhood home at the age of 18 to join the Sisters of Loreto; which is a missionary of Irish nuns that missioned to India. Mother Teresa has won numerous awards for her time serving in her missions including the Pope Jon the XXIII Peace Prize in 1971. Although Mother Teresa has died Catholic church’s around the world encourages people to pray to her for healing and strength.




October 2016

Thespians prepare for play ‘ER’

hopeful fall cast play members listen and prepare for auditions. Photo by Brooke Windle

This year, >Associate editor Thespians @Jaden_pucka will be producing the show, ER. Their main goal this year is also to “get more butts in seats”, as Thespians Co-President Valerie Plinovich puts it. This year’s play is about a Chicago hospital and what happens in the emergency room. It centers around the lives of the doctors who work in the emergency room and events that happen on a certain Saturday night.

Jaden Amos

Thespians are doing as much as they can to fill the auditorium on opening night. “We’re making sure promos, posters and press releases get released into the public earlier than usual,” Plinovich said. “We are also going to be advertising our show in other cities and theatre communities besides Portage, [such as] Valpo, Chesterton and Hobart. Each year the Thespians Director, Kevin Giese decides on what the fall play will be. Members are allowed to suggest ideas about what play should be

performed, but this year Giese made the final decision himself. Plinovich believes her main goal this year is to get a larger turnout for the fall play. She believes that Portage has talented actors and wants a larger audience to display it to. “ER is an extremely hilarious show with such talented student actors and that we honestly put out hearts and souls on the stage to deliver a higher standard of high school theatre than any school around here,” Plinovich said.

Internet changes learning


October 2016


Portage High School starts to go online

Kaylee Darnell

In the past couple of years, the internet has gotten bigger and bigger, and more widely spread. The internet has taken a huge toll on just about everything, from communicating with friends, to playing games to passing time. One aspect that the internet has changed drastically is school work. In many classes throughout Portage, teachers have been eliminating the use of textbooks altogether and replacing them with online textbooks. Spanish teacher Natalie Krause taught for ten years at New Prairie, where the students had iPads and used Smart Boards in the classrooms. “I was used to doing things this way and was told Portage was also going paperless. When I planned my lessons I planned to use the iPads and Schoology as much as possible,” Krause said. Sophomores Alexis Koutelas prefers online editions to bulky textbooks. “They are huge and bulky and weigh a ton in your backpack,” sophomore Alexis Koutelas said. “So just being able to pull out your phone or tablet in class instead of a big old book is so much easier. It is also easier to be able to do at homework and assignments online, and also be able to get help from your teacher right then and there when you really need it.” Some students do love the fact that some teachers are getting rid of the traditional books and using online devices instead, but some students are against it. “I semi-like it because it is >Staff writer @_kayleedarnell

less for me to carry throughout the day, but it is difficult for some of the students to log in or remember their passwords,” sophomore Callie Joseph said. Koutelas said that not all students enjoy the online textbooks, and that it sometimes leads to problems with teachers. “Some kids in my class hate that we have online books and online homework, because they always forget about it since it isn’t in their backpack but on their phones instead. They always fail to do their homework and then they complain about it and blame the teacher because it was online and not on a piece of paper,” Koutelas said. Krause said that a perk of using the online editions is the lack of stress over having enough textbooks for all of the students in a class. “I do have textbooks that I could use in the classroom but I just don’t have enough for all my students, but I do prefer online books,” Krause said. Some teachers have changed the way that they work in the classroom, using the internet and Schoology to post assignments and their class textbooks’ pages. While some teachers have kept the traditional way of having the classroom, by keeping their homework on paper and passing it out to the students, some teachers are throwing out the pencil and paper and bringing in the iPads and Wi-Fi.

Pow Wow staff gives their opinions on online technology “Honestly i don’t like it. Teacher’s sometimes don’t give us our passwords for the online textbooks or don’t open up the assignment so we can’t do it. I feel as a student I learn better with paper and pencil and with the textbook I’m prone to go on the internet and check twitter rather than do my work.”

-Becca Rosado

“I feel that the teachers who put all of our assignments online are assuming children are online all day. When I get home and do my homework I always forget to look online for homework assignments and I think it puts kids at a disadvantage who don’t spend their lives on the internet.”

-Trenton Haraminac


October 2016


FAFSA opens early application on Oct. 1 College-bound seniors can begin filling out form; application deadline still set for March For those pursuing the >Staff Writer path to col@haley_Mergl lege, there have been recent changes that need to be recognized. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid, better known as FAFSA, is now available for students three months earlier, starting on Oct. 1 compared to the previous start date on Jan. 1. For those college bound students unaware of what FAFSA is, it is the official form used to request any form of governmental assistance needed through schooling. By accessing the form through FAFSA.org, each college bound student must enter personal information, financial information, choose up to ten schools to send it to and

Haley Mergl

sign. Guidance counselor Sarah Wilkins-Senart is informed on this important document and the recent changes. “There are a few new changes to the FAFSA but everything else is the same as before,” Wilkins-Senart said. “You can now start it much earlier, but you still have until March 10 to complete the forms and you can use the previous years taxes for it now.” Wilkins-Senart recognizes the use of FAFSA and the importance of students filling the form out. “FAFSA basically determines state grants and loan eligibility,” Senart said. “Almost anyone can get a loan but grants are not given to everyone. With grants, you don’t have to pay them back so depending on what parents make the government basically gives

you money to go to school. With loans, you have to pay back so FAFSA determines how much you are allowed to get.” FAFSA, while used for determining eligibility for grants and loans, serves more purposes. “FAFSA can be used for other things,” Senart said. “Based on a student’s FAFSA, some schools will offer you a job on campus and will reduce tuition to offset some costs and many scholarship programs require the fafsa to be filled out.” Since the costs of colleges are so high, students seeking a higher education must become familiar with FAFSA in order to receive help. “Unless your family is one of the few that can afford to pay out of pocket,” Senart said,” it is important that everyone fills out FAFSA if they plan on going to college.”

Types of Federal Financial Aid

Filling out the FAFSA can gain various types of aid


A federal grant does not have to be repaid. Schools will often refer to this as “Gift Aid,” as it is free money. While scholarships are often meritbased, grants are based on need. Grants may have to be repaid if the student drops out of school, fails to finish a semester or does not maintain an adequate GPA.


Loans are money you can use for school and pay back later. Sometimes, you will not need to start repaying your loans until after you graduate; however, you will need to pay interest on these loans. Federal student loans are often more desirable than private loans, as federal loans are more flexible on repayment plans and have lower interest rates.

Work Study

Federal work-study programs offer part-time jobs to students who show financial need. Oftentimes, the work will be community service-based or related to the student’s area of study. Not all schools participate in this program, so students will want to see if their schools of choice offer work study.


October 2016

Trump and Clinton Face Off


Presidential candidates meet in debate last month

The national debate that took place on Sept. 26 could have a big role on the election, which makes it important to see who won. Polls conducted online immediately after the debate showed Donald Trump jumping up multiple points. A majority of figures released a week later show Hillary Clinton increased her lead over her opponent.

Polls released within 24 hours

Polls released a week later

CNBC - Trump, 68%; Clinton, 32%

Politco and Morning Consult Clinton, 42%; Trump, 36%

Fortune - Trump, 53%; Clinton, 47%

LA Times - Trump, 47%; Clinton, 43%

Time.com - Trump, 52%; Clinton, 48%

CBS - Clinton, 49%; Trump, 41%

page design by Evan Gerike, Trenton Harminac and Tori Henderson

Fact Checking the Nominees

What claims made by the candidates were truthful?

Claims Trump denied claiming global warming was a hoax by the Chinese.

Clinton claimed that “Donald publicly invited Putin to hack into Americans.” Trump claimed Clinton has been fighting ISIS her entire adult life. Clinton said we need to make college debt free so more young people can get their education.

Facts Tweeted in 2012: “The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S manufacturing non-competitive.” Trump in fact did not encourage anybody to hack anything, but he did say he hopes they find the missing emails from Clinton’s private email server. Clinton is 68 years old and reached adulthood in 1965. ISIS has been around since 2013, which is also the year Clinton left the State Department. Clinton has proposed making college tuition free for in-state students that also go to a public college. However, tuition free does not equal debt free.



October 2016

“Good Nutrition On The Go” STEP 1.......ALOE


STEP 2.......TEA




STEP 3.......SHAKE







6455 US Highway 6 Portage, IN 46368 219-706-9944



October 2016

n e e w o l Hal #TBT





, junior a k t a w r a K y 1. Kell ll, junior 2. Caitlin Be o, senior b m a R a s s ly 3. A el, senior n n o c c M n o 4. Madis


This is


October 2016


The month of October is filled with yummy treats, comfy clothes, crisp leaves, and most importantly, HALLOWEEN! Even if you aren’t dressing up this year, most of us have dressed up in the past, and we all have that one embarrassing picture. Take a look at some of the student submitted haunting Halloween photos. And while you’re here, take our spooky quiz!

How spooky are you? A. How many pumpkin spice lattes do you drink a month? One a day duh (3) What’s pumpkin spice (1) 400!!!! (4) Maybe once a month (2)

B. What is your Halloween costume? A ghost..BOO! (3) Which one? (4) A pretty pretty princess (1) Why would I wear a costume? (2)

D. What’s your favorite fall activity? Sleeping (1) Going to the apple orchard (2) Watching scary movies (3] Haunted houses (4) E. How many scary movies do you watch in October? One a day (3) Once a week (2) NEVER (1) Skips school to watch Hocus Pocus all day (4)

C. Tricks or treats? Who cares? (1) TRICKS OBVIOUSLY (4) Why not both? (3) Treats! I don’t care about cavities (2)

How spooky were you? • If you have a score of 18 or above, you are one spooky ghoul • If your score was 10-18 then you’re pretty scary • If you scored below 10 then you are just counting down the days for Halloween season to be over page design by Emma Havrilla


heroin usage grows in porter county


October 2016

Porter County Chief Sheriff Jeff Biggs discusses the growing and dangerous heroin problem in Porter County

Q: I was told that there has been a “new strand” of heroin that has a much higher fatality rate, is this true? A: The DEA has recently reported that drug dealers are cutting heroin with carfentanil, an elephant tranquilizer. This mixture is highly toxic.

1999-Biggs starts seeing heroin in Porter County

2013- Porter County death tolls peaks at 16

2014- heroin death toll in Porter County is 13

Q: What is the percentage of heroin-related deaths in Porter County? A: This year so far, heroin related deaths make up 34% of all overdoserelated deaths in Porter County. There has been 38 overdose deaths this year. Q: How could you tell if one is a heroin user? A: The first thing someone may notice about someone using heroin is a personality change. They may act drastically different than they usually do. There may be track marks on their arms or hands. I have seen many users hide their track marks with long sleeves. If someone is wearing long sleeves during a hot summer day it may mean they’re trying to hide their arms. They will usually have paraphernalia on them somewhere (such as spoons and needles). However, not all heroin users have track marks. Q: How does heroin affect the human body?

2015- heroin death toll in Porter County is 13

A: Narcotics can either be a depressant or a stimulant. Heroin is a depressant. Someone who has just used heroin may nod off as if they are falling asleep. Q: Does Porter County have another major drug problem?

2016- heroin death toll currently at 15

A: Prescription drugs are another major concern for Porter County. Many people steal prescription drugs from their family or friends. They even fake an illness or a tooth ache just to try and get a doctor to prescribe pain medicine so they can either abuse it or sell it. This year, overdoses related to prescription drugs make up 42% of all overdose deaths. Most prescription drug-related deaths are of a result of a person mixing two or more drugs together. In my career, I have worked four years in undercover narcotics. I have spoken to many heroin users. Some of the users I have met look extremely normal, have normal jobs and families. Unfortunately, in my 21 years of service, I have not seen many heroin users who have been able to break the addiction. Many of the users I knew have overdosed and died on the drug.

page design by Jaden Amos


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October 2016


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domestic violence awareness month Features

October 2016


page design by Lexy Young

People who experience domestic violence may: Seem anxious or afraid to please their partner Agree with everything their partner says Receive harassing phone calls from their partner Mention that their partner is controlling or has a temper People who are physically abused may: Have unexplained bruises Frequently misses work or school without reason Dress in long sleeves and pants in heat, to cover bruises People who are emotionally abused may: Seem to have self- doubt Show personality change such as an outgoing person becoming introverted Show anxiety, depression, or seem suicidal Help is available 24 hours a day from the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) Information provided by clicktoempower.org

Each year, millions of Americans are affected by domestic violence. October is domestic violence awareness month. it often overlooked and people do not talk about this topic. teens have the highest rate of intimate partner violence.

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Sophomore Joslihn Corradino preparing to serve the ball. Photo by Brooke Windle

October 2016 For the past three years, the volleyball team has drawn Crown Point for sectionals. Crown Point is currently ranked number one in the region and number ten in the state. Sectionals were held on Oct. 20 and the team lost 3-0. Head coach Kevin Bontrager says that the team was the underdog for the match. Bontrager says that team has taken steps to being very competitive during the sectional game. The season has not been going as well as he wanted, but has hope for the future seasons. “We are making some nice steps to being very competitive in the future and have some younger players that will help a lot,” Bontrager said. “Many of our key players will also be returning.” Written by Sierra Judy The girls golf season came to end for most of the girls loosing at sectionals. However portage had two individuals make it to regionals. Sophomore Olivia Wood and Junior Cori Rhodes both scored high enough to advance to regionals as individuals. Wood had to say “The team needs more practice, and dedication to improve for next season.” The girls team hopes to improve next season. Written by Trenton Harminac

Sophomore Olivia Woods swings the golf club. Photo by Simone Edwards

Senior Madison Allen takes place at DAC meet. Photo by Madison Perez

The girls cross country team has been moving on from sectionals to regionals for years, and this year is not any different. On Oct. 8, the cross country team placed third at sectionals. Five runners placed in the top 30 for All-Sectional Honors, says head coach John White. The girls cross country team placed second at regionals on Oct. 15 and advanced to Semi-State on Oct. 22. The team had four personal records and two season best times. Four girls ended up with regional honors. White is excited for semi-state. “We are looking forward to another strong run in the postseason and carrying on the Portage Tradition,” White said. Written by Sierra Judy The girls soccer team finished regular season play with a record of 8-8. Winning their last game of the season against Hobart 2-0. Yet again in sectionals Portage had to play Hobart. However this time they found themselves on the wrong side of a 2-0 final score. Junior Cailee Hodges said that the sectional game did not determine how they played the rest of the season and they still improved from winning only 3 games last year to winning 8 games this season. Written by Trenton Harminac

Sophomore Olivia Woods swings the golf club. Photo by Madison Perez



October 2016


Leaves fall as the seasons end Portage finished the season strong with a record of 6-3, and taking down the previously undefeated LaPorte Slicers in the final game of the regular season 31-18. However the season is not quite over yet. Portage hopes to keep their season going when they play Merrillville in sectionals on Sept. 28. Written by Trenton Harminac

Football player gets into starting position. Photo by Hope Anderson

The boys tennis team lost to Valparaiso in the first round in sectionals on Sept. 29. Head coach Scott Garrison says the team could of done better, and that they need to practice more in the off season. The team went 5-8 this season. Garrison says that out of the eight loses, five of them were loses 2-3 so the team could have won those matches to make the team have a winning record. Garrison says that the team has a lot of young players, so if he can get them to play more between November and July the team would be a better as a whole. Written by Sierra Judy Junior Zack Gertzen serves in tennis match Photo by Madison Perez

Boys Cross Country is riding high after winning both Sectionals and Regionals. The boys started by winning sectionals with 60 points and then went on to win Regionals with 59 points. Coach Erickson Stated “The team is doing a great job, they are very competitive, very mentally tough and are willing to do whatever it takes.� Not only is the team doing well but Senior Antonio Chapa finished first at Sectionals. Chapa said that it was a relief to win sectionals, that all his hard work had finally paid off. Portage will hope to keep the train rolling at semi-state. Written by Trenton Harminac Senior Antonio Chapa takes third place at DAC invite. Photo by Madison Perez

The boys soccer team drew Chesterton for sectionals on Oct. 1. The team fell to the Trojans 5-0. Head coach William Fortenberry confirmed that four started players had been suspended from the sectional game. Fortenberry says that the four starters being suspended affected how the sectional game ended. During the season, the team only lost to Chesterton 2-1, when the clearing of the ball hit the ref at the 18 giving the ball to a Chesterton player who scored a goal. The team ended its season with a 5-10-2 (2-5 DAC) record. Written by Sierra Judy Senior Rudy Moravec defends the ball against Highland. Photo by Madison Perez


19 13

October 2016

This year, the PHS Athletic Department repaired the track. It ended up taking longer than expected and caused the soccer team to play one of their home games at Willowcreek. Here is the “inside� scoop on why the track was so delayed.

10 20

was added, to create a stronger base. Once the limestone was added, a layer of asphalt was put on top. In the future, expect to see a bright red track, because there are plans to finish it with red rubber.

30 40 50

page design by Emma Havrilla



October 2016

Getting the track

50 40

30 20


back on track A Closer Look

The reason the track took longer than expected to repair was because of structural problems. The bottom layer, which consisted of soil, was holding too much water. To support the soil, limestone


October 2016


Gymnastics welcomes two new coaches to the team The gymnastics team is in for a big change this Trent Haraminac year when Lisa Whipps and >Staff writer Brandi Butz take over for the long time coach Karen Barcelli. Hoping to improve the team, the new coaches are aiming for five wins this season. Junior Cassie Prohl said she has mixed feelings regarding the change in leadership, but she is eager to see what the team can accomplish this year. “I'm sad that she [Barcelli] left because she was a really good coach, but I am excited for the new coach,” Prohl said. With new coaches and changes in a program usually comes conflict, however Butz said that the goal of the new coaches is to be positive. They want to coach everyone, even if they haven't played their whole lives, and to try to get more students involved in gymnastics. Junior Johnna Vaughan, who has been on the team for three years, said that it's going to be a big change, because she is different from the old coach, but she thinks they are going to do well. Junior Laura Joseph has high hopes for the fivewin goal that the new coaches have set. “I would like to start the year off getting wins and get far,” Joseph said.

Junior Laura Joseph takes her position on beam. Photo by Matt Rasnic

Cassie Prohl perfomrs her floor routine. Photo by Matt Rasnic



October 2016

In 1945 a Chicago Cubs fan brought a goat to game four in the Major League Baseball World Series to the Cubs vs. Tigers game. Cubs fan William “Billy Goat” Sianis decided to bring his pet goat to the game for good luck. When P.K. Wrigley did not allow the goat to come in, Billy Goat threw up his hands and said, “The Cubs ain’t gonna win no more. The Cubs will never win a World Series so long as the goat is not allowed in Wrigley Field.” Since Billy Goat declared this curse, the Cubs have not stepped foot onto another World Series field. With the Cubs’ success in 2016, fans discuss whether or not this curse will be broken.

page design by Lexy Young

Q: Is the curse broken? “I don’t believe in the curse. The Cubs’ main issue over the last 108 titleless seasons has been management. The last manager that won a World Series with the Cubs was Frank Chance he went 768-389 as manager that’s a .664 win percentage. Since then, no manager has even come close to .600 until Joe Maddon came to Chicago. As a Cub he is 200-123 that’s a 619 win percenting. No curse, just poor management.” Isaac Rodriguez, Senior

“First of all, “the curse” is stupid. It’s hard to win a world championship in any sport, it just so happens that the Cubs took a really long time to win again. They’ve had legitimate title contending teams but weren’t able to pull through. Hopefully they can finish this year.” Jonathan Moran, Senior

“I would say yes because can’t hold different people that weren’t even alive when that stuff happened responsible just because they wear the same uniforms.” Michael Retherford, Senior


Topics in today’s America Taking a stand against not standing Opinion

Kaylee Darnell >Staff writer @_Kayleedarnell

Colin Kaepernick kneeled during the playing of the National Anthem during a preseason NFL game on August 26. His decision to do this was in protest of police brutality. “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder,” Kaepernick told NFL Media in an exclusive interview after the game. His choice of protest started a huge controversy, which escalated as more and more professional athletes joined in by also kneeling or sitting. Some high school students, fans, and parents throughout the nation also joined Kaepernick. Although many argue that it is his

October 2016

right to decide if he would rather stand for the anthem or kneel thanks to the First Amendment, I strongly disagree. The U.S. National Anthem, The Star Spangled Banner, was written by Francis Scott Key in 1814 after he was inspired by seeing the American flag flying above after the American victory in the war of 1812. In 1913, President Herbert Hoover signed a bill declaring that the poem, Star Spangled Banner, became the United States National Anthem. United States code 36 U.S.C 301 states that during the National Anthem, when the flag is displayed, all present except those in uniforms should stand at attention facing the flag with their right hand over their heart. Members of the Armed Forces, veterans, and those not in uniform should remove their hats with their right hand and place it over their heart. Individuals in uniform should give the military salute from the first note to the last note. Violation of this code does not have any penalty or consequences because of the First Amendment; however, the flag and the National Anthem represent those who fought to give us those rights. Yes, standing for the National Anthem is a choice since it represents freedom, but it

is highly encouraged to stand for it and to have a moment of silence. I do understand that it is not required to stand, but those who are kneeling are basically spitting in the face of all those who have fought for our country and freedom, those who are still fighting, those who have previously fought, veterans, and those who have lost their lives. Many athletes have left playing for their million-dollar contract sport to go and fight for our country. Pat Tillman was selected as the 226th pick by the Arizona Cardinals in 1998 and left playing football in June 2002 to list in the United States Army to fight for our freedom. He decided to join after the attack of 9/11. Tillman was killed in 2004 by friendly fire aggravated by the intensity of the fight. Tillman now has his own award that is presented at the ESPY’S. The award is called, “Pat Tillman Award For Service”. The award is given out to someone who has sacrificed their life for someone else’s. Use Tillman as an example, an example of what an actual American is. There are many other ways to prove your point and to show what you’re fighting for and what you believe in. This is not one of those ways. Show some respect and stand up.

Third party candidates hold no validation Tori Henderson >Staff writer @Torixhenderson

Anybody who has been following the presidential election has undoubtedly heard all of the negativity surrounding the lineup of candidates. Even from the beginning of the campaigns, nobody has seemed to be too fond of either of the Democratic or Republican presidential hopefuls. Despite this, people still trudged on, without looking further at other political parties and who they have to offer. Most Americans identify with either the Democratic or Republican party. However, according to a recent poll conducted by gallup.com, 57% of Americans polled said America needs a third major political party. In comparison, according to another poll conducted by Gallup, in 2014, 43% of Americans said they identified themselves as Independent, while 30% identified as a Democrat, and 26% identified as a Republican. However, according to a poll by CNN, 44% of people polled said they stand with Democrat Hillary Clinton, 42% said they stand with Republican Donald Trump, 8% said they stand with Libertarian Gary Johnson, and only 2% said they stand with Green party representative Jill Stein.

If these third party candidates can’t even achieve the 15% polling numbers they need to have in order to participate in the presidential debates, yet they are still wasting their time and money on a campaign they aren’t going to win. One of the biggest problems third party candidates face is lack of coverage. Since the majority of Americans are either Democrats or Republicans, those frontrunners tend to be covered quite a bit more in the media. This gives third party candidates a considerable disadvantage, as it makes it harder to branch out and give voters alternative options, while gaining supporters at the same time. Throughout American history, there hasn’t been many third party candidates who make it all the way to the White House. In fact, the last non-democratic and nonrepublican president was Millard Fillmore of the Whig party in 1853, after president Zachary Taylor, also of the Whig party, died. And by the looks of it, we won’t be seeing a new third party candidate in the during the final round of the presidential election. While third party candidates may not have a shot at claiming the White House as their own, they do still have an influence in the election. For example, in the state of Colorado, Johnson is pulling votes from Clinton and Trump, causing Trump to lead Clinton 42% to 41%. Colorado is a vital state

to the Clinton campaign, so this could really do some damage. On top of stealing votes, if Johnson or Stein dropped out of the race, their voters would disperse to the other remaining candidates. Not all of their supporters would still go out and vote, but many would, and with a race as close as this one it could be good for one campaign, and ruin another. Former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders also talked about why he wouldn’t run for president under a third party in an interview with the Huffington Post in July. Sanders said he wouldn’t be running as an independent in the election because he wouldn’t want to split the Democratic party to choose between Clinton and himself, while the entirety of the Republican party was sending their votes to one candidate. Sanders also talked about how Ralph Nader running for president as a Green party candidate split left wing voters between Al Gore and himself, and ultimately led to George W. Bush being elected president. Although third party candidates may seem to play an important role in the rest of the election, they are still irrelevant at this point. They may be able to influence the route of the election, by staying out and keeping their name on the ballot, but in the long run they have no chance of claiming the White House as their own.


Product Review: Apple’s iPhone7 October 2016


Camera capabilities add value to the new model Evan Gerike >Staff writer @evangerike

Although it’s commonly stated that change is necessary, change is not always accepted. When the iPhone 7 was announced, there was plenty of change - and backlash, too. The most notable change was the removal of a headphone jack. Other changes included making the phone water resistant, adding total storage and a click-less home button. While many people will say the cons outweigh the pros, the difference comes down to what the consumer wants. Apple also changed up the look of their popular smart phones. The slim, curved design and size is identical to the iPhone 6S; the 7, however is ever-so-slightly lighter. For those who still have one, the iPhone 7 design is still a major improvement over the boxy iPhone 5’s. The colored antenna bands on the back removed, leaving the phones a solid color. In terms of color, Apple reinstated the gold and rose gold colors, while getting rid of the space gray. The white iPhones have become more gray, and Apple made the biggest splash with the addition of matte black and jet black to the line ups. The elimination of the headphone jack caused a large stirring in the population of Apple users. Anyone with the iPhone 7 will need to purchase a pair of Bluetooth headphones, or they can use the dongle, included with the purchase of the phone, which is an adapter to plug regular headphones into the Lightning port. These users will not be able to both charge their phone and listen to music. The removal of the jack sounds poor in theory, and played out terribly in practice as well. Apple had a chance to make one of two huge improvements to the iPhone with the

expunging, but struck out on both of them. Without a jack to take up space, Apple had room to expand the battery big-time, yet the battery life remains the same as the 6S. An even more expected addition would be wireless charging, something Apple has been lacking while Samsung continues to jog ahead. However, the 7 does not offer an easy charging method; in fact, charging on the iPhone 7 only becomes harder if you’re trying to listen to music. What Apple did use the removal of the headphone jack for is the new home button. After years of a button that needs to be pressed, Apple’s new home button is a strange feeling. The button uses touch sensors to recognize when the user is pressing it. The mechanics are similar to the 3D Touch used on iOS 9 and 10, where you can press harder on apps, messages or your text box to give yourself more options. The button definitely feels awkward at first, almost like meeting someone and recognizing their face, but not being able to place a name - mostly foreign, but with a strange sense of familiarity. This is definitely a feature that will become second nature in the long run, as did the fingerprint sensor released with the iPhone 5S. The click-less home button is one of the hits for Apple on the iPhone 7. Apple also helped convince customers to buy iPhones with their camera improvement. The camera and picture quality has consistently been something used to compare the iPhone to other competitors, often used as bait to drag consumers away from iOS. Now Apple has improved the quality of images captured, breaking down a barrier between iOS and Android. The camera was a bigger focus point on the 7 Plus, which has exclusive features such as a dual lens to improve shot quali-

ty and a option where the background of a photo is blurred. While this alone may entice users to upgrade, the camera is still not the new phone’s biggest improvement. The biggest hit by far is the addition of water resistance. Although it is once again just Apple playing catch up to the competition, especially Samsung, it is still a huge addition. The 7 can be completely submerged in water for up to half an hour - and still emerge unscathed and in working condition. Many consumers who insist on purchasing Apple products will love this feature, something users have been grumbling about for multiple iPhone releases. Of course, after all this, there is only one question - should I upgrade? There’s obviously no sure fire answer; after all,

it’s up to the user’s needs and values. If you are in need of a new phone, the 32GB iPhone 7 is the same price as the 128GB iPhone 6S ($649), so you’ll have to weigh the features. If you’re interested in the camera, the 7 might be worth the price, while if you’re intrigued by the water resistance but already have a Lifeproof case, you might want to hold off. Overall, the iPhone 7 was not much of a groundbreaker. A disappointing lack of added battery life and a controversial removal of the headphone jack lead to much disapproval, but added storage, camera improvements and water resistance make a strong case of making up for it. Most importantly, minor improvements from Apple open up the window for a potentially mind-blowing iPhone 8 release next year.

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