1 minute read

Freedom from nasty bunions

A non-invasive treatment is proving helpful for many bunion patients.

Bunions are a progressive deformity, and if not assessed early can get painful, claw your toes, affect your ability to move freely or even wear your favourite shoes. Many bunion patients have been told that there is nothing they can do apart from surgery.

Surgery is not the only option.

Bunion surgery involves implanting metal roads and screws to straighten the big toe joint. However, surgeries often lead to complications including infection, scarring, pain and inability to walk for months. Many sufferers who have had surgery notice their bunions return, and often worse than before.

A less invasive treatment can help.

My name is Shaun McCann, owner of Corrective Foot Solutions. Over the past six years since we’ve opened the doors, we’ve helped hundreds of bunion patients get rid of their bunion pain, improve toe deviation, wear more shoes and lead an active lifestyle without surgery.

We use Foot Mobilisation Therapy which is a gentle hands-on technique that corrects the cause of your bunion by working on the misalignments in the foot, as well as strengthening the weakened muscles around the joints. “I only wish I had found you sooner!”

We believe that the sooner a bunion is treated, the better the correction.

Have a FMT Podiatrist evaluate your bunion for only $35 (usually $105)

Call before 20 February 2023 and here’s what you will get...

-An in-depth consultation about your bunion

-A complete hands on joint assessment

-Gait analysis

-Answer all your probing questions

C all today on 09 212 9250

Level 3B, 272 Parnell Road