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HOROSCOPES: MISS PEARL NECLIS – what your stars hold for February

Aquarius (the Water Carrier)

21 January - 19 February

Take your time this month and do things right instead of setting yourself with deadlines that you can’t meet. Set yourself guidelines that you are able to follow and that will help keep you on track.

Pisces (the Fishes)

20 February - 20 March

You’re all fired up and ready to work this year but finding what you want to do is proving difficult. Relax and think about what makes you happy and maybe you can find the right balance.

Aries (the Ram)

21 March - 20 April

There is something important building in your life and it is going to make a big impact. However, you’re not very comfortable with change and are not sure what to expect.

Taurus (the Bull)

21 April - 21 May

It might take you a while to get back into the swing of things this month as your mind could still be dreaming about the lovely holiday you have just had. You should start thinking practically now though and your creative thinking could lead to new possibilities.

Gemini (the Twins)

22 May - 21 June

Even the most intelligent of ideas can go wrong sometimes and the key is not to take it too personally. Just concentrate on what is possible and you’ll find you might reach your goals sooner.

Cancer (the Crab)

22 June - 22 July

You seem to have a hard time being in social situations with people you don’t know and still seem to be stuck in a place that isn’t doing your soul any good. You need to find time for you and try to listen to yourself and what you are saying.

Leo (the Lion)

23 July - 21 August

Your time off has hopefully refreshed you enough that working continuously for the next year isn’t as daunting as it sounds. Remember, you can always take time off for yourself and going away will recharge your batteries again.

Virgo (the Virgin)

22 August - 23 September

Don’t try and implement all your ideas at once. If you try and change your approach to the way you work, you might find that by some fine-tuning you will produce some excellent results.

Libra (the Scales)

24 September - 23 October

You feel like your creativity is slipping you by, but it’s not. You’re just getting to the point where you have taken on too many projects and are not finishing any of them. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s easy to say ‘No’.

Scorpio (the Scorpion)

24 October - 22 November

You sometimes feel like a change and the only way you can achieve this is by a good cleanout, both physically and emotionally. When that’s done you will have a great opportunity to look back and see how cluttered you were before.

Sagittarius (the Archer)

23 November - 22 December

As the new year begins, you need to make sure that your life is going in the direction that you want. Choices that were made in haste in the past need not be repeated in the future.

Capricorn (the Goat)

23 December - 20 January

You’re thinking of making an escape somewhere on your own but you need to give yourself some more time to settle into the groove. Make the most of these long summer nights and have a holiday at home.