5 minute read

Health and Beauty


There are four vital words that we all must heed – listen to our bodies! This article deserves an emphatic opening statement because it’s one of the most important learning experiences we will ever undergo. Our bodies do not give off signals for nothing. There is a term called biofeedback, which is defined as “the process of gaining greater awareness of many physiological functions of one’s own body.” Listening and tending to what our bodies communicate can make the difference between health and illness. So, what do we need to pay attention to? There are many factors at play. But, here are four general signals that will do wonders for us when we are sensitive and active toward them.

If you’re satisfied or full, stop eating. As children, some of us sat at restaurants or dinner tables hearing “clean your plate before you can get up.” These voices may have even gone as far as to induce guilt by speaking of starving kids not fortunate enough to have a full plate in front of them. In addition, someone spent hardearned money for your meal. This can be a strong conditioning to overeat. However, it is important to consider hunger cues. From general discomfort to the body’s digestion efforts and more, the effects of overeating take a toll. Furthermore, the portion sizing on plates can sometimes be enough for two to even three meals! Additionally, it is not mandatory to have an appetizer, main meal and dessert in one sitting. If your body is telling you that it has had all that it can comfortably handle, listen!

Certain food cravings may be caused by nutrient deficiency. Studies show that those consistently craving sweets, may simply need to increase magnesium intake. Magnesium helps regulate glucose (or blood sugar) and insulin.

Now, I would say that lack of nutrients is not the only cause for food cravings. There are several arguments that insist these cravings are instead due to sight; smell; or deficiencies in sleep, hydration, relaxation or joy and fiber, to name a few. Whichever view you hold, when our bodies are signaling certain food cravings, it is wise to consider if lack of a nutrient or any of the above reasons are the cause. For instance, I may get a sudden urge for banana bread. Instead of impulsively reaching for a slice, I may consider that my body may be craving bananas because they are rich in potassium. Is it a crime to have a slice of banana bread? Absolutely not! However, it is important to consider whether my craving may be satisfied by simply eating a banana, which nourishes my body without any added sugar or refined simple carbs.

How is your energy and sleep quality? We’ve all heard the saying “you snooze, you lose.” However, I would say the opposite is true. If you don’t snooze, you lose. The pros of adequate sleep are a list that goes on and on and impacts our lives greatly. However, the body doesn’t just do amazing things based on the quantity of sleep hours; it also sends out alarm signals based on the quality of sleep. If you are constantly hungry, not sleeping well or always hit with fatigue and low energy – your body is telling you something! Are you eating too few calories? Are you eating too many calories in one sitting? Does your stress management need work? Are you missing out on sleep hours because of time constraints or poor time management? Do you wind down without your phone before you get some shut eye? Are you over-training in the gym? Are you ingesting enough dietary fiber? Reflect on some possible reasons and make an effort toward change. Your body, and especially your mental state, will function SO much better!

Is it hunger or thirst? It is common to mistakenly think you are hungry when, in actuality, a glass of water would bring the satisfaction! So how do you tell the difference? It’s most likely hunger if the feeling comes on gradually, or you are moody, feeling weak, have stomach rumblings or feel the need to eat more than every three to four hours. It’s most likely thirst if you have darkly colored urine, a headache, dizziness or dry eyes and skin. Note that feelings of thirst are usually indicative that you may be dehydrated, so drink liquid throughout the day. If you are still confused as to which one it is, a simple test is to drink a glass of water and wait 20-30 minutes. If you’re still hungry, and cravings or emotional eating is not a factor at play, then it’s probably a good idea to get some food into your system! Take care of yourselves, and happy October!

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Frances Coonrod 580-761-1712 Frances.Coonrod@gmail.com

FRANCES COONROD 580-761-1712

Frances.Coonrod @gmail.com

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY

Call or Text Frances Coonrod, 580-761-1712

Frances Coonrod 580-761-1712 Frances.Coonrod@gmail.com

Call or Text Frances Coonrod, 580-761-1712

October is a fun month with lots of activities and changing weather. I can make October a month to remember for you and your family. Call or text @ 580-761-1712.

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