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Remembering 9/11: A

Remembering 9/11:

A tribute to those who lost their lives

American flags were put out along 14th Street at Lake Rd. in memory of the tragedies of 9/11, for those who lost their lives in the New York City Twin Towers, at the Pentagon and for the plane that crashed in the Pennsylvania field. Four flags were also staked for the anniversary attack at Benghazi. In total, 2,978 flags were placed by Ponca City volunteers. Volunteers who helped to place flags included BSA Scout Troop 524; Friends of the Grand Home; Oklahoma Highway Patrol; DAR; Jay Wagner; Rick Sands; Jana Rinehart; Al Stehno; Kent Stehno; Sue Allen; Kevin Bozek; Kate Bozek; Tyler Langston; Colton Bowker; Thomas, Sharon and Judd Godfrey; Dan and Sherry Hoach; Christabel Roper; Kim and Todd Roper; Michaela and Aaron Crompton; Ralph and Pauletta Beatty; Joe Glaser; and Sissy and Jaden Carver.