4 minute read

The Importance of a Healthy Gut

HEALTH &Beauty

Story by Kera Kester, NASM Certified Personal Trainer/Contributing Writer

Hello friends! Hopefully you beautiful people have begun your amazing fitness journeys. Either we are keeping a consistent gym routine schedule, gradually raising the number of steps taken each day or incorporating active habits into our daily lifestyles. That is noteworthy, and I applaud you for it! There is an infinite number of topics that we could delve into when it comes to exercise. However, today I’d like to discuss two foundational elements of overall health. Wall sits, cardio and weightlifting are great but that is not all there is to health and beauty! What is a perfect push up without proper gut function? What is an energizing runner’s high without a solid immune system? These essential functions are more than just additives to working out; they are core foundations that create the capabilities that our bodies work from. Gut Health/Digestion If there is one thing that I always talk about, it is the importance of a healthy gut! Your intestines house important gut microbiome or gut flora. These intestines, along with your esophagus and stomach, allow proper food digestion through joint effort within our bodies. The gut is where food is broken down and delivered as nutrients through our bloodstream. When functioning properly, good bacteria and immune cells fight off bad bacteria and viruses. A healthy gut improves your immune system and is even shown to relieve symptoms of depression. Our gut microbiome – the microorganisms inside of your intestines, can become compromised. This affects your brain, mood, skin, heart, hormone levels and ability to absorb nutrients. Yes, your gut has a part to play in every aspect of your health! Even better, it will let you know when it needs aid. A bodily alarm may sound as an upset stomach, bloating, constipation, heartburn, unintentional weight fluctuations, constant fatigue, skin irritation or food intolerances. When it sets off an alarm, taking vitamins or drinking tea specific to gut health can come to the rescue. Taking pre- and probiotic supplements is also ideal. Some probiotic foods you can incorporate are bananas, garlic, asparagus, onions and yogurt. Additionally, getting 7-8 hours of sleep each night, eating slowly, resisting the urge to overeat and staying hydrated will do wonders. Avoid fried, high-sugar and high-fat foods. Instead, eat plantbased, high-fiber and whole foods as the main bulk of your food intake while ingesting caffeine and alcohol in moderation if you enjoy these. Fun Fact: You can replenish electrolytes within your body by adding lime and a pinch of salt to your water! Immune System The immune system is a network of cells, tissues, chemicals and organs. Your primary lymphoid organs create immune system cells called lymphocytes. These biological processes ward off disease pathogens like bad bacteria, parasites and fungi. Antibodies are created to distinguish viruses from your own healthy tissues in order to maintain bodily health. If you are frequently sick, tired, stressed, infected or dealing with an upset stomach, then your immune system may need a boost. Thankfully, there are many ways to improve it! Avoid foods high in salt, omega-6 fats and sugar additives, as well as highly refined carbs and foods that are processed or fried. Some other enhancements are exercising regularly (which aids in stress relief), choosing veggies and fruits as a good bulk of your diet, getting 7-8 hours of sleep and avoiding high levels of alcohol or smoking. One of my favorite aids is colloidal silver. I have been a huge activist for this amazing liquid for years! Since I began using it, I rarely ever get sick. My body can always tell when it’s been without it for a couple of days because I feel SO much better after taking it! There is even a gel form to speed up the body’s healing process when applied on a wound. I highly recommend incorporating this into your lifestyle! I should add that is ideal to consult with a doctor before ingesting colloidal silver since all bodies do not function and respond the same. I hope this information has served as either an amazing epiphany or a great refresher for you! I care about your total health and wellness, not just where your VO2 max sits or how long you can hold a plank! Prioritizing and stewarding your gut and immune system is arguably one of the top essentials of all that you do. If you get anything out of all that I write, know that those two foundational blocks of life are what I will always be highly emphatic about. If you have any questions or topics you’d like to throw my way in regards to health and beauty, feel free and go for it. I am here for you! Much love and prosperity to you all!