IATE 2017 | Programme

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Welcome to IATE

This booklet includes the papers registered for presentation at the 6th Conference of the IATE - International Association for Tourism Economics, hosted by the University of Bologna, Rimini Campus, between June the 20th and June the 23rd, 2017. Overall 199 submissions have been received, each one reviewed by 2 anonymous referees. Net of rejections - withdrawn papers and authors who could not attend the conference - this scientific programme includes 145 papers, 3 invited talks and one round table. The Conference - which builds upon the previous editions held in University of Balearic Islands (Spain, 2007), Chiang Mai University (Thailand, 2009), Bournemouth University (United Kingdom, 2011), University of Ljubljana (Slovenia, 2013) and Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong, 2015) - has been co-organized by the Department of Economics and the Centre for Advanced Studies in Tourism - CAST of the University of Bologna. CAST is an interdepartmental research centre that was instituted and activated in February 2014 by the University of Bologna at the Campus of Rimini, in order to foster advanced scientific research and professional training in the tourism field. It is participated by the departments of: Economics, Management, Statistics, Life Quality Studies. Paolo Figini Chair of the 6th Conference of the IATE

This year marks the tenth anniversary of the foundation of the International Association for Tourism Economics, an association set up by three founding universities (the University of Balearic Islands, the University of Cagliari and the University of Nottingham) to contribute to the advancement of tourism economics. It is therefore very fitting that as we celebrate this tenth anniversary, the IATE conference returns to Europe, and to a university that has a strong reputation in tourism economics. The conference programme includes keynote presentations by IATE’s first two presidents: Eugeni Aguiló (2007-2009) and Larry Dwyer (2009-2013) and a concluding session on the first ten years of the association. While the anniversary is an opportunity to look back at what the association has done, it is also a great time to look forward to the next ten years! Adam Blake IATE President

Conference map

Location Rimini Campus, University of Bologna Important addresses: 1. Conference Venue Alberti Building, Piazzetta Teatini 13 2. Coffe Breaks Teatini Building, Piazzetta Teatini 10 3. Conference lunches and welcome dinner Sala dell’Arengo Rimini City Hall, Piazza Cavour 27 4. Welcome Reception Bagno 26, Lungomare Claudio Tintori, 30

photo: Archivio Fotografico Provincia di Rimini | Tiberius Bridge


B6 Tourism demand (1)

A6 Tourism demand in destinations (1)


D6 Tourism demand (2)

B5 Culture and tourism

A5 Crisis and tourism


D3 Economic modelling of tourism (1)

C6 Tourism demand in the accomodation sector

C3 Tourism destination (1)

B3 Tourism modelling and forecast

A3 Climate change and tourism


D2 Issues in tourism (3)

D5 Tourism growtth and development

C2 Issues in tourism (2)

B2 Destinations and development

A2 Issues in tourism (1)


D1 Innovation in tourism

D Thursday 22 9.00-10.30

C5 Impact of tourism

C1 Experiental tourism

B1 Big data in tourism research (1)

A1 Pricing in t ourism



C Wednesday 21 16:30-18

B Wednesday 21 14:30-16.00

A Wednesday 21 11.30 -13.00


Parallel sessions organization

F6 Tourism demand (3)

F5 Tourism development and poverty

E5 Tourism and the environment E6 Tourism demand in destinations (2)

F3 Economic modelling of tourism (2)

F1 Tourism competitiviness (2)

F Friday 23 9.00-10.30

E3 Tourism destination (2)

E2 Issues in tourism (4)

E1 Tourism competitiviness (1)

E Thursday 22 11.45-13.15

G6 Tourism demand (4)

G5 Tourism policy and taxation

G3 Tourism, labour market and human capital

G1 Culturale issue in tourism destinations

G Friday 23 14.30-16.00

H6 Tourism demand (5)

H5 Tourism and sustainability

H3 Issues in tourism (5)

H1 Big Data in tourism research (2)

H Friday 23 16.30-18.00

Tuesday 20th

PhD Workshop 9.00 – 18.00 (Alberti 3) Welcome and Introduction 9.30 – 10.00 Paolo Figini (Chief of the Conference) Morning session Lectures: 10.00 – 13.00 Marco Montanari (IT developer) The use of Big Data in Tourism Research Lorenzo Zirulia (University of Bologna) Experiments in Tourism Economics Steve Hood (STR Share Centre) Hands on: STR Share Centre for academic research Lunch Break: 13.00 – 14.00 La Tavola Pitagorica Via Tonti, 2 Afternoon session Presentation of PhD projects Welcome Reception 19.00 Bagno 26, Lungomare Claudio Tintori, 30

Wednesday 21st

Opening Cerimony - 9.30 - 10.00 (Alberti 14) Giorgio Bellettini (Director of Department of Economics) Adam Blake (President of IATE) Leonardo Cagnoli (President of Uni.Rimini Spa) Paolo Figini (Chief of the Conference) Andrea Gnassi (Mayor of Rimini) Steve Hood (STR Share Centre) Alessia Mariotti (Director of Centre for Advanced Studies in Tourism - CAST) Antonio Rotolo (Deputy Rector for Research, University of Bologna) Keynote Lecture 1 - 10.00 – 11.00 (Alberti 14) Armando Peres (Chair, OECD Tourism Committee) International Trends and Tourism Policy in OECD Countries Coffee Break 11.00 – 11.30 Teatini Building, second floor Piazzetta Teatini, 10 Parallel Session A - 11.30 – 13.00 A1 - Pricing in Tourism (Alberti 1) Paolo Figini, Simona Cicognani and Lorenzo Zirulia (University of Bologna, University of Verona, University of Bologna) Booking in the rain. The impact of weather forecast on the pricing strategy of hotels Aleix Calveras (Universitat de les Illes Balears) An analysis of all-inclusive as product bundling in competitive markets: evidence from the Balearic Islands, 2001 - 2010

Wednesday 21st

Graziano Abrate and Giampaolo Viglia (University of Piemonte Orientale, University of Portsmouth) Ride on the roller-coaster. The impact of dynamic pricing on hotel performance Miha Bratec, Larry M. Dwyer and Tanja Mihalic (University of Ljubljana) Daily Deals in the Hotel industry: an S-C-P perspective A2 - Issues in Tourism 1 (Alberti 2) Frederic Thomas, Peter Richards and Potjana Suansri (EIREST, Leeds Beckett University, CBT-I) Game theory insights in the debate on the role of tourism as a development tool Jeroen Klijs, Joppe Curvers, Ondrej Mitas and Diana Korteweg Maris (NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences, HZ University of Applied Sciences) The impact of tourism on retail Anna Klerby (Dalarna University) Visitors’ attitude to public funding of a non-profit music festival. The case of the Peace & Love-music-festival, Sweden Ivett Sziva (Corvinus University of Budapest) Smart destinations for smart Generation? The requirements of Generation Y in the area of innovative communication A3 - Climate change and tourism (Alberti 3) Roberta Atzori, Alan Fyall, Jill Fjelstul, Aslo Tasci and Graham Miller (CSUMB, University of Central Florida) Climate Change Denial and Social Representations: The Case of Florida’s Coastal Destinations Xi Wu, Shuang Cang and Adam Blake (Bournemouth University) The Impact of UK’S Climate Conditions on Inbound Tourism Demand from Italy

Wednesday 21st

Isabel Albaladejo, María-Pilar Martínez-García and Fuensanta Arnaldos (Universidad de Murcia) Tourism, environment and growth in an economy with pollution abatement activities Simona Cicognani, Maurizio Mussoni and Lorenzo Zirulia (University of Verona, University of Bologna, University of Bologna) Weather forecasts accuracy and tourism prices: an empirical investigation on Italian ski resorts A5 - Crisis and Tourism (Alberti 5) Cristina Bernini, Maria Francesca Cracolici and Peter Nijkamp (University of Bologna, University of Palermo, Tinbergen Institute Amsterdam) Tourism Consumption Behaviour of Italian Households in the Crisis Time Julio Angel Afonsor Rodríguez and María Santana Gallego (University of La Laguna, University of the Balearic Islands) Is Spain benefiting from the Arab Spring? On the impact of terrorism on a competitor country Sharon Teitler Regev and Shosh Shahrabani (Yezreel Valley College) Willingness to pay for airline security Isabel Albaladejo and Maribel González-Martínez (Universidad de Murcia) A nonlinear dynamic model to international tourism demand in Spanish Mediterranean coast A6 - Tourism Demand in Destinations 1 (Alberti 6) Yi-Chen Lin and Wen-Shenn Deng (Tamkang University) Is there evidence for the tourism destinations convergence hypothesis in the cross-country setting?

Wednesday 21st

Juan Luis Eugenio-Martin and Estefanía Sánchez-Cevallos (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja) Testing the presence of spatial spillovers in visitor attractions Stefano Scagnolari and Andrea Pellegrini (Università della Svizzera italiana) The relationship between length of stay and transportation mode in the tourism sector: a discrete-continuous analysis of Swiss data. Sigbjorn Tveteraas and Martin Falk (University of Stavanger, WIFO) Regional Divergence in Nordic Winter Tourism Demand Growth Lunch - 13.00 – 14.30 Sala dell’Arengo, Rimini City Hall Piazza Cavour, 27 Parallel Session B - 14.30 – 16.00 B1 - Big data in tourism research 1 (Alberti 1) Aliza Fleischer, Eyal Ert and Nathan Magen (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) The Role of Personal Photos in Generating Trust on Airbnb Margherita Pedrana (European University of Rome) Smart tourism and creative tourism. A model of interpretation. Chiara Dalle Nogare and Raffaele Scuderi (University of Brescia, University of Enna “Kore”) “Tell me what you do”: mapping tourist behaviour in time and space from tourist card data.

Wednesday 21st

Veronica Leoni, Paolo Figini and Jan Olof William Nilsson (Universidad de las Islas Baleares, UniversitĂ di Bologna, Universidad de las Islas Baleares) Fast and furious? The impact of AirBnB in an important tourism destination: the case of Balearic Islands. B2 - Destinations and Development (Alberti 2) Bo Zhou and Yanping Xu (Xiamen University) Tourism development and regional productivity efficiency: evidence from southwest China Inci Oya Coskun and Mustafa KÄąrca (Anadolu University) Determinants of Tourism Demand: How do price and income variables affect Turkish Outbound Travelers? Bozana Zekan (MODUL University Vienna) The Impact of the Managerial Judgement in Benchmarking of Cities: Does It Make a Difference in the End? Mohammed El Fengour (University Mohamed the Vth in Rabat) Tourism economics and sustainable development in Moroccan Rif mountains B3 - Tourism Modelling and Forecast (Alberti 3) Stephen Pratt and Markus Schuckert (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) Economic Impact of low-cost carrier in a saturated transport market: Net benefits or zero-sum game? Benjamin Ognjanov, Yihong Tang and Lindsay Turner (Insyncresearch, Central University of Finance and Economics, Victoria University) Forecasting International Tourism Regional Expenditure Andreas Papatheodorou (University of the Aegean) Exploring the Dynamics in the Airline - Airport - Tourism Destination Authority Relationship

Wednesday 21st

Chenguang Wu and Menglin Zhou (Sun Yat-sen University) Is forecast combination a choice when interval forecasts are required? B5 - Culture and tourism (Alberti 5) John Avella (California State University) A Strategic Program to Educate the Next Generation of Sustainable Hospitality Managers Manuela Presutti, Francesco Barbini, Cristina Boari and Laura Vici (University of Bologna) Film festivals as a cultural and entrepreneurial source for local development: Il Cinema Ritrovato case study. Ryan White and Daniel Langehough (Baylor University) Past Unknown: Living Archaeological Digs as a Stimulus to Tourism Enrico Bertacchini, Massimiliano Nuccio and Alessandra Durio (University of Torino) Factors affecting excursionists’ museum attendance: evidence from Abbonamento Musei Torino Piemonte 2005-2014 B6 - Tourism demand 1 (Alberti 6) Marta Disegna and Neelu Seetaram (Bournemouth University) A Copula based censored system approach to modelling expenditure of British tourists Shlomit Hon Snir, Sharon Teitler Regev and Anabel Lifszyc Friedlander (Yezreel Valley College, Tel Aviv University) Micro-economic determinants of FIT-tourist expenditures in Israel Andrea Saayman, Melville Saayman and Armand Viljoen (North-West University) Africa’s Outbound Tourism – An Almost Ideal Demand Perspective Sarath Divisekera (Victoria University) A Price-Dependent Demand System: An Alternative Approach to Model Tourism Demand

Wednesday 21st

Coffee Break - 16.00 - 16.30 Teatini Building, second floor Piazzetta Teatini, 10 Parallel Session C - 16.30 – 18.00 C1 - Experiential Tourism (Alberti 1) Akarapong Untong, Vicente Ramos and Mingsarn Kaosa-Ard (Maejo University, UIB, Public Policy Studies Institute) The Factor Structure of Spa Satisfaction: a Penalty-Reward Analysis Natalia Tur, Javier Rey-Maquieira and Vicente Ramos (UIB) What impact is Experiential Tourism having on Competitiveness? Rico Maggi and Eva Vroegop (Universtiy of Lugano) The present value of the past: evidence on vacation memories and satisfaction with life Margarita Payeras, Marta Jacob and Carmen Florido (University of the Balearic Islands, University of the Balearic Islands, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) Does the Hotel supply take advantage of the opportunities of experiential tourism? A case study in a rural area in the Balearic Islands C2 - Issues in Tourism 2 (Alberti 2) Silvio Attard and Brian Micallef (Central Bank of Malta) Assessing the macroeconomic impact of extending hotel height limitations Oddne Skrede and Sigbjørn Tveterås (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, University of Stavanger) Agglomeration Effects in the Norwegian Tourism Industry

Wednesday 21st

Orsolya Szakály (Corvinus University Budapest) Gastronomic tourism and street food as an innovative product of Budapest Kir Kušcer and Domen Trobec (University of Ljubljana) Environmental impacts of demand for new forms of road transport services C3 - Tourism destinations 1 (Alberti 3) Lorenzo Masiero and Richard Tianran Qiu (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) An analysis of long-haul tourist preferences for stop-over destination visits Alicia Fourie, Melville Saayman and Elmarie Slabbert (North-West University) Who are the big spenders travelling to South Africa? Vincenza Odorici, Manuela Presutti and Marco Savioli (University of Bologna) Contingent effects of strategic orientation on performance: Evidence from the hotel industry in Rimini Rafael Vallejo Pousada, Elvira Lindoso-Tato and Margarita Vilar-Rodríguez (University of Vigo, University of La Coruña) The Tourism Economy in Spain, 1900-1939: New sources, new methodologies and new results. C5 - Impact of tourism (Alberti 5) Hanlin Xu (Rikkyo University) The Different Effects between Tourism Arrivals and Receipts on Poverty Alleviation: A Panel Quantile Regression Analysis Oksana Tokarchuk and Oswin Maurer (Free University of Bolzano) Residents’ quality of life and support for tourism development: the role of moderating factors

Wednesday 21st

Josep Raya, Esther Martinez and Dolors Celma (Tecnocampus-University Pompeu Fabra, University of Girona, Tecnocampus-University Pompeu Fabra) Economic and social yield of investing in hiking tourism: The case of Berguedà, Catalonia, Spain Mara Ursache (Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania) European tourism: a centre - periphery perspective C6 - Tourism demand in the accomodation sector (Alberti 6) Ulrich Gunter and Irem Önder (MODUL University Vienna) Determinants of Airbnb Demand in Vienna and its Implications on the Local Hotel Industry Aldric Vives, Marta Jacob and Margarita Payeras (University of the Balearic Islands) Price Variation Sources, Customer Segmentation, and Price optimization Methods in the Hotel Sector: A Critical Review of the Literature Martin Falk and Raffaele Scuderi (WIFO, Austrian Institute of Economic Research, University of Enna Kore) Modelling booking channel selection. Evidence from European level data Aldric Vives, Marta Jacob and Eugeni Aguiló (University of the Balearic Islands) Online Hotel Demand Model and Own-Price Elasticities in a Mature Resort Destination

STR Share Centre for Research in Tourism - 18.00 (Alberti 1) Steve Hood (STR Share Centre) Conference Dinner - 20.00 Sala dell’Arengo, Rimini City Hall Piazza Cavour, 27

Thursday 22nd

Parallel Session D – 9.00 – 10.30 D1 - Innovation in tourism (Alberti 1) Van Nguyen and Sarath Divisekera (Victoria University) Determinants of innovation in tourism: theory and evidence Ekaterina Sorokina, Robertico Croes and Alan Fyall (University of Central Florida) Exploring unique challenges of small and medium tourism enterprises Silvina Elias, Andrea Barbero and Flavia Poinsot (Universidad Nacional del Sur) Innovation and oleotourism: a theoretical analysis applied in the southern region of Buenos Aires (Argentina) D2 - Issues in Tourism 3 (Alberti 2) Carla Massidda, Ivan Etzo and Romano Piras (University of Cagliari) The relationship between immigration and tourism supply: the case of Hotels and Restaurants in Italy Sigbjorn Tveteraas, Kristin H Roll, Ragnar Tveterås and Helge Jørgensen (University of Stavanger, University College of Southeast Norway) Staff Workload Mismatch and Service Productivity Annie Tubadji and Peter Nijkamp (University of Bologna, Tinbergen Institute) Linguistic Proximity in Tourist Destination Choice and the Balassa-Samuelson Effect: A Regional Economics Perspective Pablo Andres Agramont Tourism economics: what is organized receptive tourism and what is its importance about net international reserves for the future in Bolivia?

Thursday 22nd

D3 - Economic modelling of tourism 1 (Alberti 3) Nicolas Peypoch, Bernardin Solonandrasana (University of Perpignan, CRESEM) Re-examining French tourism performance with fsQCA: a regional perspective Juan M. Hernández and Christian González (University of las Palmas de Gran Canaria) A growing model for the lodgings and services network in a destination Sharon Teitler Regev and Shlomit Hon-Snir (Yezreel Valley College) Factors affecting tourists’ preferences for urban or nature destinations in international and domestic tourism Riccardo Curtale and Rico Maggi (Università della Svizzera Italiana) Understanding the impact of children’s preferences for family activity choice: an SP experiment including parents and children D5 - Tourism, growth and development (Alberti 5) Elvira Fetahu (University of Elbasan) and Roberto Patuelli (University of Bologna) Tourism and Growth: A Review and Meta-Analysis Giuliano Bianchi (Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne), Mondher Sahli (Victoria University of Wellington) and Laura Vici (University of Bologna) Tourism-led Growth Hypothesis in New Zealand: a country specific approach Simone Marsiglio (University of Wollongong) On the Implications of Tourism Specialization and Structural Change in Tourism

Thursday 22nd

Sauveur Giannoni (UniversitĂ di Corsica Pasquale Paoli), Juan Maria Hernandez (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) and Jorge Vicente Perez Rodriguez (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) Market-segment targeting and long-term growth in a tourism-based economy D6 - Tourism Demand 2 (Alberti 6) Andrea Pellegrini and Igor Sarman (UniversitĂ della Svizzera italiana) Stochastic frontier estimation of holiday budgets for Multiple Discrete-Continuous Extreme Value model: An application to tourist expenditure analysis Lorenzo Masiero and Richard Qiu (Hong Kong Polytechnic University) Reference-dependent Behavior in Destination Choice: Stated Choice Experiment for Long-haul Leisure Travels Martin Falk and Sigbjorn Tveteraas (Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO), University of Stavanger) Returns on investments: The downhill skiing story Robertico Croes and Jorge Ridderstaat (University of Central Florida) The effects of business cycles on tourism demand flows in small island destinations Keynote Lecture 2 - 10.30 - 11.15 (Alberti 14) Larry Dwyer (University of Ljubljana, Griffith University and UNSW Business School, Sydney) Who is the ideal tourist and why should economists care? Coffee Break - 11.15 - 11.45 Teatini Building, second floor Piazzetta Teatini, 10

Thursday 22nd

Parallel Session E - 11.45 - 13.15 E1 - Tourism competitiveness 1 (Alberti 1) Sarath Divisekera and Van Nguyen (Victoria University) Innovation and firm productivity: evidence from Australian tourism business Bozana Zekan, Irem Ă–nder and Ulrich Gunter (MODUL University Vienna) Benchmarking of Airbnb Providers: How Competitive Are European Cities? Graziano Abrate, Clementina Bruno, Fabrizio Erbetta and Giovanni (University of Piemonte Orientale) Decision-making, strategies and performance evaluation of Italian travel agencies Giorgio Ribaudo and Cristina Ribaudo (University of Bologna, IRSTEA) Questioning the value of hotel chains with regards to international sales E2 - Issues in Tourism 4 (Alberti 2) Juan L. Eugenio-Martin and Ubay R. Perez-Granja (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) Testing the tourism led growth hypothesis with rolling panel VAR and Granger causality tests Tina Segota and Tanja Mihalic (University of Ljubljana) Elicitation of tourist accommodation demand for counter-seasonal responses: evidence from the Slovenian coast Pablo Singerman (Universidad de Buenos Aires) The Economic Observatory of Meetings Tourism of the Argentine Republic Lucia Cicero, Franceso Marangon, Linda Osti and Stefania Troiano (University of Udine, University of Udine, Free University of Bolzano, University of Udine) Landscape attributes and expenditure behaviour during agritourism vacations. An exploratory study.

Thursday 22nd

E3 - Tourism destinations 2 (Alberti 3) Kansinee Guntawongwan, Vicente Ramos, Akarapong Untong and Mingsarn Kaosa-Ard (Chiang Mai University, University of Balearic Island, Maejo University, Public Policy Studies Institute Behaviur of medical tourists in Thailand Claudio Detotto, Sauveur Giannoni and Claire Goavec (Università di Corsica Pasquale Paoli) Does good governance attract tourists? Aleix Calveras (Universitat de les Illes Balears) Competition and the quality of a tourism destination Judith Turrion Prats and Juan Antonio Duro Moreno (Universitat Rovira i Virgili) Determinants of tourist seasonality in Spain E5 - Tourism and the Environment (Alberti 5) Melville Saayman, Andrea Saayman and Peet van der Merwe (North-West University) Counting the lion’s mane – a tourism perspective Sandra Makumbirofa and Andrea Saayman (North-West University) Willingness to pay for common pool resources: A comparison between Ponta do Oura and Portofino Annie Tubadji, Maurizio Mussoni and Lorenzo Zirulia (University of Bologna) Balassa-Samuelsson Effect, Culture and Pricing. The Case of Lonely Planet Tourist Guidebooks Pedro Pintassilgo, Patrícia Pinto, Andreia Sofia Costa, António Matias and Maria Helena Guimarães (University of Algarve, University of Évora) Environmental Behaviour of Birdwatchers: A case study in Portugal

Thursday 22nd

E6 - Tourism Demand in Destinations 2 (Alberti 6) Valeriya Shapoval, Tadayuki Hara and Liza Cobos (Rosen College UCF) Tourist perception of Japan as a tourist destination and characteristics that influence their choice. Tatiana David Negre, Juan M. Hernández and Sergio Moreno-Gil (University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) Understanding tourists’ leisure expenditure in the destination: a social network analysis Cristina Bernini and Laura Vici (University of Bologna) Visitor expectations and perceptions of sustainability in a mass tourism destination Agnes Defranco and Cristian Morosan (University of Houston) U.S. Traveller Classification based on their computer use in hotels abroad: insight from latent profile analysis Lunch – 13.15 – 14.30 Sala dell’Arengo, Rimini City Hall Piazza Cavour, 27 Social Programme - 14.30 Visit to San Marino (16-00 – 18.00) Special Session “Tourism in Microstates” (18.00 – 19.00) Neelu Seetaram (Bournemouth University) Tourism in Microstates: theory and facts Nicola Renzi (San Marino Minister of Foreign Affairs) Tourism in Microstates: the San Marino experience

Gala Dinner Piazza della Libertà - San Marino 20.00 – 23.00 Kursaal Congress Centre - Piazzale Kennedy 17, San Marino

Friday 23rd

Parallel Session F - 09.00 - 10.30 F1 - Tourism competitiveness 2 (Alberti 1) Begoña Fuster, Adelaida Lillo-Bañuls and Carmen Martinez Mora (University of Alicante) Offshoring of Services as a Competitive Strategy in the Tourism Industry Sylvain Petit and Jean-Jacques Nowak (IDP Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut Cambrésis, RIME Lab Université de Lille 1) Tourism specialization across qualities in Europe Renato Medei and Laura Vici (University of Bologna) Foothold on today, outlook for tomorrow: a data envelopment analysis of most visited global art museums Shohei Kurata and Yasuo Ohe (Chiba University) Competitive Structure of Accommodations in a Japanese Onsen (Hot Springs) Resort Area: a Spatial Econometric Approach F3 - Economic modelling of tourism 2 (Alberti 3) Igor Sarman and Adam Czarnecki (Università della Svizzera italiana, Polish Academy of Sciences) Integrating push-pull factors and destination attachment in a latent variable model for second-homeowners’ intention to move Caiping Wang, Honggan Xu, Gang Li and Jason Li Chen (Sun Yat-sen University, University of Surrey) Social responsibility toward community and small tourism enterprises’ performance: the moderating effects of owners’ demographics

Friday 23rd

Anyu Liu, Richard Qiu and Daisy Fan (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) To Love or To Hate -The Investigation of the Attitude of Host to Tourism Development using a Utility Maximization Model Maria Gabriella Baldarelli (University of Bologna) Tourism, “game” and sustainability: myths and paradoxes of accountability F5 - Tourism, Development and Poverty (Alberti 5) Adam Blake (Bournemouth University) Tourism and Poverty Alleviation: Tools and Policies Eric Tchouamou Njoya (University of Huddersfield) and Neelu Seetaram (Bournemouth University) Tourism Linkages, Income Inequality and Poverty Alleviation in Kenya: A Dynamic CGE Analysis Natalia Porto and Natalia Espinola (Universidad Nacional de La Plata) Income inequalities and tourism development in Argentina: a regional approach Babul Thomas Gomes, Adam Blake and Neelu Seetaram (Bournemouth University) The Tourism Value Chain and The Prospects of Pro Poor Tourism F6 - Tourism Demand 3 (Alberti 6) Yong Chen and Giuliano Bianchi (Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne) Income, wealth and tourist consumption: a testing of the permanent income hypothesis Doris Chenguang Wu, Jason Li Chen, Gang Li and Haiyan Song (Sun Yat-Sen University, University of Surrey, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) Tourism Demand Modelling – A Nonlinear Approach

Friday 23rd

Egon Smeral (Modul University Vienna) Variations in seasonal asymmetric tourism behavior across the business cycles Coffee Break - 10.30 - 11.00 Teatini Building, second floor Piazza Teatini, 10 Round Table - Friday 11.00 - 12.30 (Alberti 14) Blue growth and tourism Anna Montini (Deputy Mayor for Environment Municipality of Rimini / Assistant professor of Environmental Economics, University of Bologna) Fabio Fava (Italian representative, Program Committee of “Bioeconomy Challenges: Research on Food Safety, Sustainable Agriculture and Silviculture, Research on Marine, Maritime and Fluvial Environment” Section – Horizon 2020” Program) Lisa McKenzie (Head of Marine Energy Centre, winner of the 2016 Edition of the Blue Economy Business of the Year) Melville Saayman (North West University, South Africa) Stefania Lallai (Sustainability and External Relations Director, Costa Crociere) Alessia Mariotti (Director of CAST – Centre for Advanced Studies in Tourism, University of Bologna) IATE General Assembly - 12.30 - 13.15 (Alberti 14) Lunch - 13.15 - 14.30 Sala dell’Arengo, Rimini City Hall Piazza Cavour, 27

Friday 23rd

Parallel Session G - 14.30 – 16.00 G1 - Cultural Issues in Tourism Destinations (Alberti 1) Davide Provenzano (University of Palermo) The migration-tourism nexus in the EU28 Annie Tubadji, Paolo Figini, Peter Nijkamp and Andrea Saayman (University of Bologna, University of Bologna, Tinbergen Institute, North West University) Religious Proximity as a Factor for Outbound Tourist Choice Destination: Impacts for Productivity and Migration Eva Hagsten and Martin Falk (University of Iceland, Austrian Institute of Economic Research) Measuring the impact of the European Capital of Culture programme on overnight stays: Evidence for the last 20 years Giovanni Ruggieri and Francisco J. Calderon Vazquez (University of Palermo, University of Malaga - UMA) Tourism development in UNESCO Natural Heritage Sites: The case of Sicilian volcanic sites: Mount Etna and Aeolian Islands G3 - Tourism, labour market and human capital (Alberti 3) Fikru Alemayehu and Sigbjørn Tveterås (University of Stavanger) Labour Demand Flexibility: Do Strategy and Room Capacity Matter? Patrizia Battilani, Francesco Barbini and Marco Savioli (University of Bologna) Transmission of Competencies and Hotel Performance in a Mature Tourism Destination Adelaida Lillo-Bañuls, Jose Manuel Casado-Díaz and Hipólito Simón (University of Alicante) Examining the Determinants of Job Satisfaction among Tourism Workers

Friday 23rd

Maria Tugores (University of the Balearic Islands) Labour market insertion of young people in the hospitality and tourism sector G5 - Tourism Policy and Taxation (Alberti 5) Roberto Cellini and Tiziana Cuccia (University of Catania) How free admittance affects charged visits to museums: An analysis of the Italian case Martin Falk and Yang Yang (Austrian Institute of Economic Research, Temple University) The causal effect of VAT and city taxes on overnights stays in European cities Francisco López-Del-Pino and José-María Grisolía-Santos (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) Pricing congestion on a beach. Analysis of an access fee to the protected island of Lobos (Canary Islands) Javier Rey-Maquieira, Françesc Sastre and Javier Lozano (University of the Balearic Islands) The economic rationale for Government intervention to reduce seasonality G6 - Tourism Demand 4 (Alberti 6) Akarapong Untong, Vicente Ramos Mir, Danaitun Pongpatcharatomtep and Mingsarn Kaosa-Ard ( Maejo University, University of the Balearic Islands, Chiang Mai University, Public Policy Studies Institute) A Stimuli-Response Decision Model for Chinese Travellers to Thailand Alexandros Apostolakis, Markos Kourgniantakis and Shabbar Jaffry (TEI Crete, University of Portsmouth) Examination of Individual Preferences for Smart Hotels in Crete María Santana Gallego, Shina Li, Andrea Saayman and Leo Jago (University of the Balearic Islands, University of Surrey, North West University, University of Surrey ) The economic legacies of the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa

Friday 23rd

Xiang Lin and Martin Falk (Sädertörn University, Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO)) Income elasticity of tourism demand over seven decades Coffee Break - 16.00 - 16.30 Teatini Building, second floor Piazzetta Teatini, 10 Parallel Session H - 16.30 - 8.00 H1 - Big data in tourism research 2 (Alberti 1) Martin Falk and Markku Vieru (Austrian Institute of Economic Research, University of Lapland) Online booking channels allow for last-minutes bargains Yang Yang and Zhenxing Mao (Temple University, California State University) Sleepless nights in hotels? Understanding guests’ sleep quality from online reviews Long Wen, Chang Liu and Haiyan Song (University of Nottingham,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) Forecasting Tourism Demand Using Search Query Data: A Hybrid Modelling Approach Paolo Figini, Laura Vici and Giampaolo Viglia (University of Bologna, Portsmouth University) On noise and difficult convergence of non-certified review systems. It is like rolling a dice. H3 - Issues in Tourism 5 (Alberti 3) Matteo Maria Cati (University of Bologna ) The impact of e-learning and e-examination on the gained knowledge of students of Tourism Economics courses

Friday 23rd

Anna Teixidor, Albert Saló and Anna Garriga (Universitat de Girona, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universitat de Girona) The effect of public and private goods and services on campsite pricing: empirical approach in Spain

Committees and Staf

Elisabeth Valle and Carles Manera (Universidad de las Islas Baleares) Industry and services in Baleares, 1950-2015: regional deindustrialization in a tourism economy Rabiaa Hsouna, Mondher Sahli and Hatem Salah (University of Tunis (El Manar), Victoria University of Wellington, University of Manouba) Productivity, efficiency and its determinant factors in the Tunisian hotel sector

H5 - Tourism and sustainability (Alberti 5) Malgorzata Ogonowska and Dominique Torre (University Paris 8 - LED, Université Côte d’Azur - GREDEG CNRS) Heterogeneous residents and sustainable tourism development Zheng Cao (University of Surrey), Gang Li (University of Surrey) and Haiyan Song (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) Tourism and Economic Globalisation: A Review of Literature Pui Sun Tam (University of Macau) Tourism and Economic Growth: Case of a Resource-stricken Tourist Destination Roberta Curiazi (FLACSO, Quito) The community-based tourism into the local development: a socially sustainable “sharing economy”? A general overview of experiences in Ecuador.

Friday 23rd

H6 - Tourism Demand 5 (Alberti 6) Max Munday, Annette Roberts, Neil Roche, Kieran Hyder, Mike Armstrong, Adam Brown, Sarah Pilgrim-Morrison and Jodie Hargreaves (Cardiff University, Cefas, Sustanace Coop, Marine Management Organisation, MMO) Recreational sea angling and its significance to the English economy? Maria Santana Gallego, Jaume Rosselló Nadal and Johan Fourie (University of the Balearic Islands, University of Stellenbosch) Fatal attraction: How terrorism, crime and corruption hurt tourism Mehmet Karacuka and Necmettin Celik (Ege University) The effects of terrorist attacks on destination preferences of domestic and foreign tourists: a spatial tourism analysis in Turkey’s sub-regions Calvin Jones, Chen Xu and Max Munday (Cardiff Business School, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University) Understanding the Impact of Tourism on National Economic Development: The Potential of Tourism Satellite Accounts Concluding session 18.00-18.30 (Alberti 14) Ten Years of IATE Eugeni Aguiló (University of the Balearic Islands) The IATE: Ten years of a successful partnership Stephen Pratt and Stephen Wanhill (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Bournemouth University) International Association for Tourism Economics (IATE) Conferences: A History Closing Cerimony 18.30 - 19.00 (Alberti 14)

Committees and Staff

Local Organizing Committee Paolo Figini (Chair) - Patrizia Battilani - Alessia Mariotti - Maurizio Mussoni - Roberto Patuelli - Annalisa Spalazzi Lorenzo Succi - Laura Vici - Lorenzo Zirulia Programme Committee Paolo Figini (Chair) - Adam Blake - Vicente Ramos - Mondher Sahli - Patrizia Battilani - Larry Dwyer - Gang Li Tanja Mihalic - Maurizio Mussoni - Andreas Papatheodorou - Roberto Patuelli - Sylvain Petit - Stephen Pratt - Andrea Saayman - Neelu Seetaram - Egon Smeral - Haiyan Song - Laura Vici - Stephen Wanhill - Lorenzo Zirulia Local Staff of the Rimini Campus Administrative Staff: Federica Della Vittoria - Marisa Masala Communication, Graphics and web: Marina Chiarini - Annalisa Spalazzi Students: Maria Keila Beard - Claudio Di Bartolo - Maryan Fayez Fawzi Qardan - Beatrice Frinzi - Galeazzi Giulia - Ilaria Gardenghi - Mahziar Hakim - Ksenia Koltcova - Andrea Mastrosimone - Fabio Mataloni - Antonio MazzarĂ - Luca Nanetti - Daria Petrova - Marta Riccato - Svetlana Romashchenko - Salvatore Salvia - Assel Satymbayeva - Cecilia Saurin Yuliia Semeniuk - Samuele Stevanin - Binh Thuy - Mlanjana Mbuyiselo Vusumzi - Janina Wasserhaas

With the partnership of

and the sponsorship of ISSN 1354-8166



ECONOMICS The Business and Finance of Tourism and Recreation Vol 23 No 3

May 2017


International residential tourist shopping styles: A study of British and German citizens in Spain The impact of the Australian carbon tax on the tourism industry United States Short-term debt and long-term debt determinants in small Introducing labour productivity changes into models used for economic impact analysis in tourism guests’ price premium and revisit intention Non-linear models for tourism demand forecasting

(continued on back cover)

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