Polo Lifestyles January 2022: Sarah Jessica Parker

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ENERGY IN MOTION JUSTIN JOHNSON Wellness contributor @goliathcoaches


AKE CHARGE. STEP INTO YOUR PURPOSE. STRIVE FOR THAT NEW POSITION. BECOME THE EXECUTIVE. Through the ages, taking charge is an action we have consistently rewarded. One thing we elevate is a strong leader. We worship the hero or heroine, the ones willing to sacrifice themselves for the idea, for the message, for what they believe is right. However, this month, I want to express a different version of taking charge, using the example of a human battery. We have several physiological systems, such as a digestive system, that convert what we consume into energy to keep our battery charged and in its best operating function. page 184

We need to stay charged, ready, aligned and operational. When you break the human body down atomically, we are merely a combination of positive and negative charges. The number of electrons determines the charge of the atom. When the electrons outnumber the protons, you have a negative charge. When the protons are the majority, the charge is positive. Biologically, this is the foundation for the energy we use. Oftentimes, thoughts, feelings and actions can help positively charge energy, while misuse can drain energy. Together, these charges transfer energy that literally powers us, ensuring these complicated systems, like the digestive system, get the needed energy to do their job. Have you ever walked into a room and thought, “The energy is different in here”? Or met someone and immediately felt good energy? That charge we’re talking about transfers energy. Although we use these terms figuratively, what we are saying speaks to a much deeper level. Technology allows us to be much more independent, and

through that, it gives a much different energy. Life has become less communal and much more self-centered. Recently, I’ve heard, “I don’t need you to help me, Google will,” or “I don’t need you to entertain me, I have Tik Tok for that.” We substitute high fives and good jobs for social media likes and comments. Now, this is not a technology-bashing piece, and, on the contrary, I believe that technology is one of the best things that has happened to us. However, I will say we need to remember to connect to the charges that authentically make us human. We consistently underestimate what real human positive energy does for us. To a point, we have lost the ability to understand what truly charges us. Our emotions would have us believe the joy we desire can only be found outside of us, as if we do not have the necessary systems to produce positive, loving and healthy energy. False! We are far too dependent on the world to fix individual problems, when we should look deeper into ourselves for the answers. What charges you? What gets your energy going in the right direction?

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