'Enheduanna - A Manifesto of Falling' Live Brain-Computer Cinema Performance - CCA programme

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ENHEDUANNA-A MANIFESTO OF FALLING Live Brain-Computer Cinema Performance


Production|Directing|Brain-Computer Interface|Live Visuals

with ANASTASIA KATSINAVAKI Texts|Theatrical Performance


Music Composition|Sound Design|Live Electronics

CCA GLASGOW THU 30 & FRI 31 JULY 2015|8.00PM /EnheduannaLive

Supporting Creativity

GSA Students’ Association

Polina Zioga and the GSA Digital Design Studio (DDS) present ’Enheduanna– A Manifesto of Falling’, a new innovative performance, with actress Anastasia Katsinavaki, and composer Minas Borboudakis. This international production is the result of Polina Zioga’s doctoral research on brain-computer interfaces that provide the brain with a non-muscular channel for communicating with the external world. The real-time brain-activity of a performer and the audience controls the live audio-visual projections and the atmosphere of the theatrical stage, which functions as an allegory of the social stage. The performance explores the life and work of Enheduanna (ca. 2285-2250 B.C.E.), an Akkadian Princess, the first documented High Priestess of the deity of the Moon Nanna in the city of Ur (present-day Iraq), who is regarded as possibly the first known author and poet in the history of human civilisation, regardless of gender. In her most known work, ‘The Exaltation of Inanna’ Enheduanna describes the political conditions under which she was removed from high office and sent into exile. She speaks about the ‘city’, power, crisis, falling, and the need for rehabilitation. Her poetry is used as a starting point for a conversation with the work of contemporary writers that investigate the notions of citizenry, personal and social illness, within the present-day international, social and political context of democracy. The project has been realised in the GSA Digital Design Studio, in collaboration with the School of Psychology of the University of Glasgow, the School of Art, Design and Architecture of the University of Huddersfield, and with the support of the NEON Organization, CCA, MyndPlay and the GSA Students’ Association. Performed in English, Greek, and French with English supertitles. Please be aware of that the event will be filmed. POLINA ZIOGA Production|Directing|Brain-Computer Interface|Live Visuals Polina Zioga (based in Glasgow, UK, born in Athens, Greece) is a multimedia visual artist and PhD Candidate at the GSA Digital Design Studio. Her interdisciplinary background in Visual Arts and Health Sciences has influenced her artistic practice and current research on the use of Brain-Computer Interfaces and application development in real-time audiovisual and mixed-media performances. Her work has been

presented since 2004 in North and South America, Asia, and Europe in solo and group art exhibitions, international art fairs, museums, centres for the new media and the digital culture, and international video-art and film festivals. www.polina-zioga.com ANASTASIA KATSINAVAKI Texts|Theatrical Performance Anastasia Katsinavaki (based in Athens, Greece, born in Cologne, Germany) is an actress and singer. She has collaborated with prominent Greek theatre directors, such as Spyros Sakkas, Natassa Zouka, Yannis Anastasakis, Stamatis Kraounakis, Panagiotis Larcou, Vassilis Kontaxis, Vassilis Nikolaidis, Grigoris Karantinakis, Kostas Kazakos, Yannis Kakleas, Elli Papakonstantinou, Theodore Abazis, and Giorgos Kimoulis. She has performed in major theatres and festivals in Greece, such as the National Theatre of Northern Greece, Megaron Athens Concert Hall, Michalis Kakoyiannis’ Foundation and Epidaurus Festival. MINAS BORBOUDAKIS Music Composition|Sound Design|Live Electronics Minas Borboudakis (based in Munich, Germany, born in Heraklion, Greece) is a pianist and composer, awarded with numerous scholarships and European prizes. His music has been commissioned and performed by renowned orchestras, including the Symphonieorchester and the Rundfunkorchester of the Bavarian Radio, the Radio-Sinfonieorchester Stuttgart (SWR), the Rundfunksinfonieorchester Saarbrücken (Saarland Radio), the Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale della RAI, the Athens State Orchestra (KOA), the American Wind Symphony Orchestra and the Tonhalle- Orchester Zurich. www.minasborboudakis.com DR. PAUL CHAPMAN Research Supervision PROF. MINHUA EUNICE MA Research Supervision PROF. FRANK POLLICK Research Supervision ELENI ONASOGLOU Direction of Photography ALEXANDER HOROWITZ Max MSP Jitter Programming INES BENTO COELHO Choreography IOLI MICHALOPOULOU Costumes Design & Creation BRUCE ROBERTSON Software Engineering HANAN MAKKI ZAKARI Graphic Design ALISON BALLANTINE Finance Manager BRIAN MCGEOUGH Business Development Manager JESSICA EVELYN ARGO Brain-Computer Interface Technical Assistance JACK MCCOMBE Video Documentation ALEXANDRA GABRIELLE Video Documentation CATHERINE M. WEIR Photo Documentation SHANNON BOLEN Sound Recording


Adorno, Theodor W., Frenkel-Brunswik, Else, Levinson, Daniel, and Sanford, Nevitt (1950): The Authoritarian Personality. New York: Harper & Row. Used by permission of HarperCollins Publishers and the American Jewish Committee. Copyright ©1950 American Jewish Committee Archives and Records Center. All rights reserved. Angelou, Maya (1995): A Brave and Startling Truth. Used by permission of The Angelou Johnson Family. Copyright ©1995 The Angelou Johnson Family. All rights reserved. Hadji, Tasia (1988): Enheduanna: He epoche, he zoe, kai to rgo tes. Athens: Odysseas. (in Greek) Used by permission of Tasia Hadji. Copyright ©1988 Tasia Hadji. All rights reserved. Laplanche, Jean and Pontalis, Jean-Bertrand (1988): The language of psychoanalysis. London: Karnac and the Institute of Psycho-Analysis. Used by permission of Karnac Books. Copyright ©1988 Karnac andthe Institute of Psycho-Analysis. All rights reserved. Pampoudis, Pavlina (1989): O Enikos. Athens: Kedros. (in Greek) Used by permission of Pavlina Pampoudis. Copyright ©1989 Pavlina Pampoudis. All rights reserved. Woolf, Virginia (2002): On Being Ill. Ashfield: Paris Press. Used by permission of Paris Press. Copyright ©2002 Paris Press. All rights reserved. Yourcenar, Marguerite (1974): Feux. Paris: Editions Gallimard. (in French). Used by permission of Editions Gallimard and The Estate of Marguerite Yourcenar. Copyright ©1982 Editions Gallimard. All rights reserved.


Charlotte Bonelli and the American Jewish Committee Archives and Records Center, Jan Freeman, Paris Press and The Estate of Virginia Woolf, Editions Gallimard and The Estate of Marguerite Yourcenar, Tasia Hadji, HarperCollins Publishers, Dr. Francis McKee, Saven Morris and The British Psychoanalytical Society (incorporating The Institute of Psychoanalysis), Pavlina Pampoudis, Mark Roesler and The Angelou Johnson Family, Rod Tweedy and Karnac Books, and Prof. Emeritus Basil N. Ziogas. All the CCA staff members, Daisy Abbott, Ronan Breslin, Jenny Brownrigg, Danny Buksh, Erifyli Chatzimanolaki, Maria Fotopoulou, Pete Furniss, Evangelos Katsinavakis, Iain Laird, Dr. Daniel Livingstone, Dr. Steve Love, Avril McAllister, Alex Misick, David Styles, and Evi Viza.

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