How To Take Care Of Your Dog’s Health

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How To Take Care Of Your Dog’s Health

Understanding Your Dog's Anal Gland All dogs have anal glands. They are located on either side of the anus. Behind the anal gland is a sac that secretes a strongly smelling substance. The dog uses is anal glands to mark its territory every time it excretes.

The scent that the dog deposits conveys information about the sex of the dog and its health. This is important for other dogs since they are territorial animals. That is why dogs smell one another's anal glands and deposits of feces. They are checking for a male competitor or a female on heat.

When they function well a dog's anal glands are no problem. But they can become blocked and that can lead to problems. A responsible dog owner should now how to express their dog's anal glands to move the blockage and prevent problems.

You may notice your dog dragging its rear end across the grass. This means that they are itchy and can be a symptom of blocked anal glands.

If you do not know how to express the dog's anal glands then consult your veterinarian who will do it for you. It is a good idea to take the opportunity of learning to do this yourself because it will save future vet's bills and is comparatively easy.

What you need to do is to hold the dog's tail up pointing towards its head. Then take a paper towel and press the left side of the left gland with your thumb and your forefinger on the right side of the right gland. Squeeze firmly and gently. The glands should issue a brownish yellow substance.

If the glands have become seriously impacted the method described above may not work. You will then need to put on some surgical gloves. Lubricate them with KY jelly and remove the blockage manually.

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