Pockets of Change [Preview]

Page 12

of land throughout the district. Trainee Lillian says the old methods of farming were unproductive. Now, she is growing enough to feed her family and gets upwards of 100 shillings when she brings produce to the market to sell. It’s not much money in our eyes (roughly $1.20 CAD), but to Lillian’s family, it makes a big difference. These third generation farmers are evidence the program is working, as the message gets passed from one family to the next. Families are now digging themselves out of extreme poverty, eating nutritious food right from their own gardens and passing on valuable knowledge to those around them. It’s a miracle to see harsh soil turned into fertile land, and that miracle is being replayed again and again in Siaya, Kenya today.

P astor William’s garden is a thriving example of what’s possible with �tte r farmin� method�. 78


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