PNW Builder Spring 2018

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A quarterly resource to help build clubs and communities

Spring 2018

inside the builder | Spring The KiwanisBuilder magazine is published quarterly by the Pacific Northwest District of Kiwanis International. Standard-class postage paid Portland, OR 97208. Postmaster: Please send address changes to: PNW District Builder 5427 Glen Echo Avenue Gladstone, OR 97027 USA Address changes should be submitted to: Kiwanis International Attn: Member Services 3636 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, IN 46268-3196

VOLUME 90, NO. 2

4 Governor’s Message 5 Membership Benefits 6 Governor-Elect’s Message 7 Improving Your Club 7 Celebrating the Century 8 100th Year Coin & Medallion

May is Membership Month The PNW is now half way through the year. We’re on track now, but to achieve a net gain in membership we need a big push through May. Governor Roger wants you to gain new members because:

10 Call to Convention

• You need a new Kiwanian friend

12 DCON Delegate Form

• You need to have more fun

Submissions guidelines and Advertising rates and requirementscan be found online at

14 DCON Registration Form

• Your Club needs more helping hands

23 Trustee Candidate Emhoff

• Your Club needs new ideas

Publication Schedule Winter January 1 Spring April 1 Summer July 1 Fall October 1 ____________________

20 100th Anniversary T-Shirt

• Your Club needs new potential leaders

26 Signature Project Winner

• Your Club’s success is the foundation for the PNW’s success

KiwanisBuilder magazine Roger Bell Governor 2017-2018 Pacific Northwest District of Kiwanis International Submissions to the Editor The information in the KiwanisBuilder magazine is for illustrative, entertainment, and discussion purposes only. It is intended to provide general information about the subject matter covered and is provided with the understanding that neither Kiwanis, the contributors nor the designer are rendering legal, accounting or tax advice. You should consult with appropriate counsel or other advisors on all matters pertaining to legal, tax or accounting obligations and requirements. ©2018

28 Zeller Fellows in Moses Lake 29 Dr. Zirkle Receives Award 30 Kiwanis Kiwestions Game

Start today to ensure that your Club’s membership grows in May and in every other month!

23 #1 Medallion Raffle

The Kiwanis Mission Kiwanis empowers communities to improve the world by making lasting differences in the lives of children.

Your Club Makes Our Mission A Reality! Spring 2018 | PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine 3

A message from 2017-2018 Governor Roger Bell

Greetings From The Governor A huge thank you to everyone for taking up the challenge for net positive membership growth in the Pacific Northwest District this year. Not only are our numbers looking good; but our ability to meet the service needs of our communities is improved by our increase in membership. If the average Kiwanian puts in over 40 hours of service each year, then right now the District will provide more than 20,000 additional hours of service to the communities of the PNW due to our growth so far this year. During our Mid-Winter Conference in February we recognized 43 clubs for adding 4 or more new members already this year and 49 Kiwanians for sponsoring 2 or more new members. We can be over 100 clubs and 500 Kiwanians so recognized by year’s end. I want to bring back “May for Membership” and am asking every club to hold a membership event during the month of May with a goal of adding two new members to each club during the month. Think of it as adding 80 hours of service to kids in each club or across the District an additional 22,000 hours improving lives in our communities. Our Service Leadership Programs are all showing great growth and service improvements. Our CKI Governor, Cody Li, just completed his year and turned things over to new CKI Governor, Esmeralda Hernandez, a former Key Clubber from Grandview, WA and now a student at Western Washington University. Our Key Club Governor, Dmitri Saberi, just passed the gavel to new Key Club Governor, Ingrid Redford from Capital High School. Not only have they met their goals for membership, service hours and fundraising; but they have exceeded them through the efforts of all of their clubs and members. I can think of no better way to congratulate them than to send an interclub to each Service Leadership Program in your area with that congratulatory message. My favorite task as Governor is to visit Clubs and Division Council Meetings because I get to see firsthand the service being performed around the District. So far this year, I have visited over half of the Divisions and even presented an Every Day Hero Award to a Dog. That was K-9 Falko in Eugene, Oregon. I’ve seen some amazing service projects, unbelievable fundraisers and fantastic social events. In short, I’ve had fun experiencing the Real Kiwanis World of the PNW. As the PNW we are displaying “new thinking” and developing “new possibilities” for positive impact on our communities. We can be even better if we train all of our leaders. Plan now to send your club leaders to a Club Leadership Education (CLE) session near you. Check out the scheduled locations here in the Builder or on the PNW web site. We have two additional great events coming up. The first being the Kiwanis International Convention in Las Vegas. Not only can you experience the sounds, tastes and sights of Vegas; but you also have the opportunity to elect the PNW’s own Steve Emhoff as International Trustee. The second event is the first time ever for three Districts to come together for a Tri-District Convention in Spokane, Washington. You will not want to miss this unique opportunity to meet Kiwanians from Montana and Western Canada August 16th through the 19th. Get out your western duds and get ready for the fun and excitement of a good old fashion “Western Ho Down” as we celebrate in Spokane. Dress code for the entire convention is western casual; so get ready to party with your boots on. Let me end by saying as a District let’s be sure we are aiming at our targets and our chances of hitting them will be greatly improved. Thanks for all you do for Kiwanis. Your 2017-2018 Governor Roger Bell

4 PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine | Spring 2018

Kiwanis member benefits‌

Youth, Life, Happiness! There are many benefits to Kiwanis membership, at least according to numerous studies that I’ve seen over the past 20 years. Involvement in community-based organizations, like Kiwanis, have been shown to impact your longevity, your health, and your happiness. Kiwanis membership may very well add years to your life. Your membership has the potential to keep you active and busy, ingredients that help you live longer. Being involved with people and being challenged to learn and grow are also important factors that tend to increase life spans. One of the factors to feeling younger may be what you pick up from those you surround yourself with. That means when you regularly work with young people, their enthusiasm and excitement of life is contagious, and you receive the benefit. Studies indicate that people who interact with others in a positive fashion tend to be healthier. Those that keep busy and are actively involved and engaged in life are also more resistant to disease and illness. When active people do get sick, they tend to recover quicker and with less long-lasting impact. Sharing meals, spending time socializing, and working together for the common good; all of this enriches the lives of our Kiwanians. Sharing laughter and good times as well as just being with our friends is healthy. People never do as well when isolated, so membership becomes valuable not only to those we serve, but to those serving. That warm feeling that one gets by doing something good for others will be the start of experiencing happiness. Getting your hands dirty by actually helping someone is a great start to finding your daily does of good feelings and being happy. Organizations like Kiwanis give their members many opportunities to feel good about the use of their time and money that results in happiness being felt by the member. Your Kiwanis membership may be a significant factor in your feeling younger, living longer and healthier, and being happier than many of your peers. It is also a reason to ask friends and family to join you in service through the Kiwanis organization. I have found that when you associate with young people, you gain as much as you give. Your experience and knowledge that you share with young people is returned by them with a connection to the world they live in. You gain appreciation of the challenges that being young has for them today. They may even teach you a few tricks for using social media. They will challenge your beliefs, and then listen to why you choose to believe. There are no guarantees in life. Youth fades in the body, but the mind retains what it chooses. We are not in control over how many days we have or our health, but we do choose how we live those days and what our attitude is for dealing with life. Our search for happiness is a continuous effort and one that has more to do with what we give than what we get or achieve. Kiwanis, a terrific way to retain youth, live life, and find some happiness.


Melanie Bozak

Margie Wilson

Kiwanis Club of Port Townsend

Kiwanis Club of Cascadia

Division 33

Division 78 Spring 2018 | PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine 5

A message from 2017-2018 Governor-Elect Jerry Deas

From The Governor-Elect In 1970-71, J. Arthur Stewart from the Kiwanis Club of Kent Meridian was the Governor of the great Pacific Northwest District. This was the time that I was asked to join Kiwanis. As the story goes, I was at my dentist who was the President of his Kiwanis Club at the time and of course, when he have a drill going in your mouth, you dare not say NO. Being a past Governor of CKI, it was really an easy choice. Now, back to J. Arthur Stewart. Many people think when I say “IT’S GREAT TO BE A KIWANIAN” that I created this cheer but I must credit Dr. J. Arthur Stewart for instilling this in me when I would hear him speak as a very young Kiwanian. This is something that has stuck with me for almost 50 years. When I say “It’s Great to be Kiwanian”, I have to wonder, what does this mean to me and to you. Hopefully I can share my thoughts and give you a perspective as to my meaning. Serving this year as your Governor-Elect has helped me to really understand the meaning and let me share that with you. Clubs that work so hard to create a wonderful and meaningful Christmas, working the land and tilling the ground to produce the vegetables for those in need to enjoy, creating all-star casts and future dancers, actors and sports stars, worrying about and working in the local community with children living apart from their families in foster care, Bike Rodeos and Children’s Fairs. This is what it means to be a Kiwanian and to be Great. Serving the Children of the world becomes our platform and when we work with our sponsored youth in partnership, we create a great place for people to live and for our children to thrive. As you read this, I will have been so blessed to have spent time with our CKI and Key Club members at their respective district conventions and to begin working with the leadership of the greatest and largest youth service organizations in the world. Almost 14,000 CKI and Key Club members help make us GREAT. My hope is that we can begin a journey that will bring the family together to create the greatest district in Kiwanis International and as you know, I cannot do it without you. Won’t you join me as we go from Good to Great and shout it from the mountain tops--IT’S GREAT TO BE A KIWANIAN. Jerry Deas Governor-Elect

Conferences & Trainings






Fairbanks, Alaska



Pullman, Washington



Hillsboro, Oregon



Bellingham, Washington



Tacoma, Washington



Kennewick, Washington



Springfield/Eugene, Oregon



Bend, Oregon

8/12/2018 2 6 PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine | Spring 2018


Consistently successful clubs consistently train their leaders. Plan now for all of next year’s officers and potential future leaders to get that training at one of our Club Leadership Education (CLE) sessions. We will be adding a few more to shorten the distance you must travel to attend. Look for these soon.

Improving Your Club 2018 is going strong and there are many successes exciting Kiwanians throughout the PNW. New members, training of Club Coaches and Club Organizers, and a renewed focus on how to help build your local Kiwanis club will bring new members and projects to further serve the children. Your organization at the District and International levels is focused on providing incentive and training that will aid the members of your club in improving your club. The training doesn’t offer you a “magic wand” to wave and fix problems or to create new opportunities. It merely starts a conversation that allows your own fellow members to find and decide on actions that they believe in. This is the year when you should ask your Lt. Governor what tools are available to help your club to achieve greater growth than in the past few years. This is a year to evaluate your projects and activities and as a club decide which are the most valuable in both service and in involving new members. The premise of the Kiwanis programs that every local club can utilize is that the answer already exists in your club. All it takes is some open discussion and analysis of the membership and the community. Looking at all your current successes and finding ways to increase them. Take a look at the needs of your community and considering new projects to fill those needs. Membership is priority one only because without new members, our organization will not be able to expand its service to children and our communities. Without new members we will not have

potential new leaders to step up at the Club, Division, and District level. Without new leadership working their way through the organization we will not have the new service projects which will expand the awareness of the Kiwanis organization in every community. Governor Roger Bell has set many big goals for himself and his team. These goals are for the benefit of our clubs, not for the District. The benefit to the District comes with the growth and prospering of our local clubs. We are a third of the way through the Kiwanis year. The calendar is flipping fast through 2018 and your clubs’ future is in your hands. Learn what tools are available to you and discuss with your fellow members which ones offer the best choice for your club to try. The most important thing the remember is that improving your club is the goal of Kiwanis International, the PNW District, and your Division. The choice is yours, the actions will be yours, and the results will be yours. Are you ready to add some new friends to your Kiwanis circle, possibly have your club start a new service project, and see your legacy in a growing Kiwanis Club? If you are, then ask for help, use one of the tools, and be ready to share your opinion. Improving your Kiwanis Club is what Kiwanis wants. It is your choice. – Ed Luttrell, District Secretary

WE ARE CELEBRATING A CENTURY OF SERVICE IN THE PNW! On Sunday, February 25 the Pacific Northwest (PNW) Kiwanis Board adopted a new program to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the PNW District on January 17, 2019. In recognition of the 100th Anniversary of the PNW, we are offering two unique and collectable items, a coin and a medallion. Medallion: In recognition of the PNW Centennial, there will be no more than 100 of this two and half inch numbered medallion struck. Each of these medallions will be sold for $500.00 except for #1. All medallions must be pre-ordered. Medallion number 1 will be raffled off at District Convention (DCON) in Spokane in August. Each raffle ticket will cost $5. Coin: There will be unlimited pre-ordered numbered silver coins with gold highlights. Each coin will cost $250 with an optional bezel and lanyard to allow the owner to wear the coin as a medal for an additional $50. Number one coin will be auctioned off at District Convention. Coins and medallions will be delivered to DCON at Spokane in August 16-18, 2018.

Please use the order form on the next page to order your coins and medallions. While clubs should send their check or credit card information to the District, US members may make their payment to the PNW Foundation for tax benefits. The PNW Foundation has graciously made this one of their projects this year. Remember to take advantage of this tax deduction, your members need to make the check out to PNW Foundation and put Coin/Medallion in the memo line or note it on the credit card information of the order form. To get all members in the mood for celebrating this historic milestone, our members may pre-order a Limited-Edition T-Shirt. Please see the T-Shirt order form in this issue. Join in celebrating the birth of the PNW on January 17, 1919 with a coin or medallion for you, your club, or as a gift to a deserving Kiwanian. All profits from this program will be dedicated to reducing and hopefully paying off the mortgage on the District headquarters which will benefit every member in our great District. – Ed Luttrell, District Secretary Spring 2018 | PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine 7

The Pacific Northwest District will be celebrating its 100th Anniversary in January 2019! To commemorate this milestone we have created two collectible items. The first item is a silver coin with gold plated select areas. The approximate size of the coin is 37mm. A lanyard and bezel can be added to allow the coin to be worn. Each coin will also be individually numbered. Place your coin pre-order before the cut-off date of July 1, 2018.

Shown at the approximate size of 37mm.

Each coin is $250. To add a Lanyard and Bezel is $50.

The second item is a bronze finished medallion. The front features the 100th Anniversary design and the back features the Kiwanis Mission statement. The approximate size is shown below. Each medallion will also be individually numbered. A maximum of 100 medallions will be struck, so order early to reserve yours.

Each medallion is $500. Quantity is limited. Use the included form to place your order.

All items are available by pre-order only. The cut-off date for all pre-orders is July 1, 2018. Cost shown is US dollars. 8 PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine | Spring 2018

Order Your Coins and Medallions Now!

100th Anniversary Commemorative Silver & Gold Coin: Qty. ____ x $250.00

= _______

Lanyard and Bezel (to make coin wearable):

Qty. ____ x


= _______

100th Anniversary Commemorative Medallion:

Qty. ____ x $500.00

= _______

Total = ______

Place your item pre-order before the cut-off date of July 1, 2018. A maximum of 100 medallions will be struck, so order early to reserve yours. Initial delivery will be at 2018 DCON in Spokane. Orders not picked up will be shipped. C O N TA C T I N F O R M AT I O N

Name ______________________________________ Phone ____________________________________________ Email _________________________________________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________________________ M E T H O D

NOTE: Registrations paid Credit Cards will by credit card will beuse processed in US dollar US Dollars fee amounts.

q q q

Visa MC



Credit Card No.: Billing Zipcode_________

Check: No ____________________

Exp. Date ______ / ______ CVC#_______ Signature __________________________________

Spring 2018 | PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine 9

Official Call to the Pacific Northwest District Convention The Bylaws of the Pacific Northwest District of Kiwanis International establish a requirement for the District Secretary to issue a call to the Annual District Convention. This notice is published to satisfy this requirement.

On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Pacific Northwest District of Kiwanis International, I hereby issue this call to the 101st Annual Convention of the Pacific Northwest District. The Convention will be held in Spokane, Washington during the period of August 16-19, 2018. Each chartered club, in good standing in the District, shall be entitled to three (3) delegates, two of whom should be the President and President-elect. Each club may choose one alternate for each delegate. The forms for the certification of delegates and alternates will be available download from the Events tab > District Convention choice on the Pacific Northwest Kiwanis District website: The District website will also have full registration and housing information for the convention when it is available. The purpose of the District Convention is: to elect officers for the coming administrative year; consider amendments to the Bylaws; adopt resolutions; provide education and training; and conduct any other business as may properly come before the delegate body. Clubs who wish to propose amendments to the District Bylaws, and/or resolutions, must have them in the hands of the District Secretary at least sixty (60) days prior to the convention (June 15, 2018) in order for them to be considered by the House of Delegates in 2018. Our Convention Committee has been working hard to insure that we have a successful District Convention as well as a fun and exciting weekend. We sincerely hope that all clubs in the Pacific Northwest District will be represented by at least one delegate.

Edward Luttrell District Secretary

10 PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine | Spring 2018

FILE BY July 16, 2018


2018 DISTRICT CONVENTION SPOKANE, WASHINGTON Pacific Northwest District of Kiwanis Certificate of Election of Delegates and Alternates Kiwanis Club of ______________________________________________________________________________________ Official Name

Province or State


Key #


THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the following members of this Club are duly elected delegates and alternates to the Pacific Northwest District Convention. DELEGATES




1)_______________________________________________ 1)________________________________________________ 2)_______________________________________________ 2)________________________________________________ 3)_______________________________________________ 3)________________________________________________ Our Club has budgeted to help defray the costs for our delegates to attend the District Convention. Only use this area in the event your club is unable to assign club members as delegates and/or alternates at the Convention. According to Article VI, Section 6 of the District Bylaws, you are permitted to have your current Lt. Governor or any Past Lt. Governor residing in your division and not already representing another club as a delegate to represent your club for voting purposes at the District Convention in the event your club is unable to have its own club members in attendance. Therefore, if your club is intending to have representation by its current Lt. Governor or Past Lt. Governor, please identify them in the area provided. (Make sure you have secured permission from the named representative.) Office/Year

Verified by District Secretary







Each charter club in good standing shall be entitled to three (3) delegates to the convention. An alternate should be chosen for each delegate. Each delegate will be entitled to cast one vote and in his/her absence an alternate may cast one vote. There will be no voting by proxy. All delegates and their alternates should be elected by their club board and this form submitted to the District Office at least thirty (30) days prior to convention. Each club delinquent in the payment of International or District obligations shall not be considered in good standing and therefore not permitted to vote until payment is made. ____________________________________________ President Signature


_____________________________________________________ Secretary Signature


This form does not constitute a convention registration. Use official registration and reservation form for this purpose. Immediately following the election of your delegates:

Send to: PNW District Office, 5427 Glen Echo Avenue, Gladstone, OR 97027-2627 Fax: 503-305-8303 Spring 2018 | PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine 11



OFFICE USE ONLY Registration # ________ Batch # ____________

REGISTRATION INFORMATION - Please print clearly and complete ALL sections First Name___________________________________ Last Name __________________________________(for badge) Is this your first time at a Pacific Northwest Kiwanis District Convention?(Yes or No) _____________________________ Guest Name First______________________________ Last_______________________________________(for badge) Mailing Address ___________________________________________________________________________________ City __________________________________________State/Prov. ________ Zip or Postal Code _________________ Home Phone (

) __________________ Work Phone (

) ___________________ Fax (

) __________________

E-mail Address ___________________________________________________________________________________ Club Name _____________________________________ Division __________

Club Key # ___________________



❑ Wheelchair accessibility needed ❑ Wheelchair accessibility needed

❑ Special dietary needs, ie. allergies or vegetarian - please note below: ❑ Special dietary needs, ie. allergies or vegetarian - please note below:

____x $165.00 = __________ Full Registration - Kiwanian & SLP (Early registration discount price: through July 1st) Includes ALL Saturday Meal Events & Sunday Breakfast (4 Meals total) ____x $190.00 = __________ Full Registration - Kiwanian & SLP (Registration price after July 1st) Includes ALL Saturday Meal Events & Sunday Breakfast (4 Meals total) ____x $15.00 = __________ Guest Registration (Non-Kiwanians only, please.) (No meals included. Available ala carte.) ____x $15.00 = __________ SLP Registration With No Meals (For Aktion, K-Kids, Builders, Key Club & Circle K members.) (No meals included. Available ala carte.) ____x $50.00 = __________ Joint Team Dinner (Thursday Evening - Honoring the 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019 District Leadership Teams) (Includes Lt. Governors, Lt. Governor Desigates, Immediate Past Lt. Governors, District Chairs & Past Governors) (Event is NOT included with Full Registration) ____x $24.00 = __________ Pioneer Breakfast (Friday Morning) - (Event is NOT included with Full Registration) ____x $36.00 = __________ Great North Luncheon (Friday Noon) - (Event is NOT included with Full Registration) ____x $22.00 = __________ Bingo & A Bite (Friday Evening) - (Event is NOT included with Full Registration) ____x $25.00 = __________ Outreach & Honors Reception (Saturday Evening) - (Event is NOT included with Full Registration) (To Benefit Our Service Leadership Programs) ____x

$5.00 = __________ 2018 PNW District Convention Collector’s Pin - (Item is NOT included with ANY Registration)

____x $31.00 = __________ A la Carte: Saturday Awards Breakfast (Saturday Morning) - (Event is included with Full Registration) ____x $40.00 = __________ A la Carte: Big Sky Luncheon (Saturday Noon) - (Event is included with Full Registration) ____x $55.00 = __________ A la Carte: Governors Banquet (Saturday Evening) - (Event is included with Full Registration) ____x $31.00 = __________ A la Carte: Breakfast with SLPs (Sunday Morning) - (Event is included with Full Registration) $______________ GRAND TOTAL

Mail completed form and payment to: PNW KIWANIS CONVENTION 2018 5427 GLEN ECHO AVE., GLADSTONE, OR 97027

Please initial box to indicate that you have read & understand the District Convention Policies. (separate sheet) Fees cannot be split between check and charge. Please complete the following section.

❑ ❑

Check #______ enclosed. VISA

PHONE: 503-305-7635 FAX: 503-305-8303 E:mail: Website: http: //



Billing Zip Code _______________ CVV# ________ Expiration Date

_______ / _______

Credit cards will be processed in US dollars or at par in CDN dollars.

____________________________________________________________ Revised 3/23/2018

12 PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine | Spring 2018

Build Your Club With

Ideas – Excitement – Energy Available Only at the 101st DCON in Spokane August 16-19

Over 30 Learning Track Sessions to improve your leadership skills! Learn how to improve your club! Increase your knowledge of Kiwanis!

Have Fun, and Meet Kiwanians

SPEAKERS THAT WILL GIVE YOU VALUE AND INSIGHT: Steve Siemens, Past International President and professional speaker will be featured at the opening session on Friday, a Mega-Learning Track on Saturday, and will provide the Keynote address at the Governors Banquet

Roy Bird, Past KI Trustee from Western Canada District will be featured at the Friday luncheon.

Dave Curry, Past International President from Montana District will be the featured speaker at the Saturday luncheon.

Highlight Your Calendar for Attendance at DCON 2018 Today! Registration Opens May 1 (at the latest) -

Spring 2018 | PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine 13

Club Leadership Education (CLE) - Makeup Session 101st PNW District Convention - Spokane, WA Thursday, August 16th, 2018 at 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Room 102A-C, Spokane Convention Ctr. 334 W. Spokane Falls Blvd., Spokane WA 99201

Incoming Club Officers, Members and Future Leaders: Did you (or will you) miss the Club Leadership Education Session offered in your division/region? If so, you have the opportunity to attend a special makeup session in conjunction with the District Convention in Spokane, Washington. It has been shown that clubs whose officers attend Club Leadership Education generally have more success than clubs whose officers do not attend. For that reason, the Board of Trustees of Kiwanis International has mandated that club officers attend CLE prior to assuming office. Spokane will be your final opportunity to attend CLE before the beginning of the 2018-2019 administrative year. Training will begin at 9:00 AM on Thursday, August 16th at the Spokane Convention Center. Cost for the all-day session is $50 US/$50.00 CDN if registered by August 1st. Registration after August 1st or at the door will be $60 US/$60.00 CDN. Lunch is included. Please pre-register by mailing or faxing (faxing is for credit card payments only) the coupon below to the District Office by Wednesday, August 1, 2018. PNW Kiwanis, 5427 Glen Echo Ave., Gladstone, OR 97027-2627 Fax: (503) 305-8303 YES! Save my spot at the CLE Makeup Session. Enclosed is my payment of $50 US/$50.00 CDN. Club Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Division: _____ Club Key #: _____________ (Circle One: 18-19 Pres/VP/Sec/Treas/Dir/LTG/Member) Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: _______________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: ( E-mail: (

) ______________________________ Work Phone: (

) ________________________

) _________________________________________________________________________________ ❑ Check #______ enclosed. Expiration Date ______ / ______ CVV# ______

NOTE: Credit Cards



Billing Zip Code __________________

will be processed at par as needed. 14 PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine | Spring 2018




Bite! Spokane DCON - Friday Night - August 17, 2018 6:00pm in Room 100B


Includes a light meal of 1/2 a sandwich, salad, and no host bar plus 5 Bingo games. You can play another 10 games for $10. $50 goes to the winner of each game. The last game - Super Bingo - starts at $100. Proceeds will go toward the District building’s mortgage.

Spring 2018 | PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine 15

16 PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine | Spring 2018

Spring 2018 | PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine 17


Silent Auction

to benefit the PNW District Outreach Fund For the tenth year in a row, the Cascadia Internet Club will be administering the PNW Outreach Silent Auction for the 101th PNW District Convention in Spokane, Washington.

Proceeds from the Silent Auction go to the PNW District Outreach Fund to support critical Service Leadership Program activities such as: Scholarships to Key Leader Weekend for Key Club District Board Members (Officers, Lt. Governor, Committee Chairs) CKI Officer Travel to the Governors and Administrators Training Conference in Indianapolis CKI Board Member Travel to CKI Leaderscape Training in Indianapolis Key Club and CKI Officer Expenses to the Kiwanis District Conventions Making the expense of the CKI District Convention affordable for College Students And many more‌ The auction is administered by the Cascadia Kiwanis Club. Proceeds go to the PNW District Outreach Fund. YOU CAN HELP OUR YOUTH BY DONATING A GIFT BASKET FOR THE AUCTION (And, of course, by bidding!) Items from your corner of the District are always appreciated and donated items may also include gift certificates for products and travel. The Gift Basket minimum value should be at least $30.00. Donated items or baskets that are valued at less than $30.00 may be bundled together to make a larger basket. Please turn in your basket to the Cascadia Kiwanis Auction Receiving Table and include a list of what is included in your basket.

For more information contact: Lonnie Johnson Kiwanis Club of Cascadia Phone: (541) 659-1832 or E-mail:

18 PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine | Spring 2018

Officer Pin Pre-Order Form


Name ______________________________________________Street ___________________________________________________ City/State/Zip______________________________________________________________ Phone __________________________ E-mail Address _______________________________________________________________________________________________ M E T H O D

NOTE: Credit cards will be processed in U.S. Dollars

q q q

Visa MC



Credit Card No.: Billing Zipcode_________

Check: No ____________________

Exp. Date ______ / ______ CVC#_______ Signature __________________________________

Billing Street Address: ______________________________________________________________________

Forms may be mailed or faxed to your PNW District Office Team at the following: PNW Kiwanis District Office - 5427 Glen Echo Avenue, Gladstone, OR 97027-2627 Telephone: (503) 305-7635 Fax: (503) 305-8303 Spring 2018 | PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine 19

PNW 2018 DISTRICT CONVENTION Spokane, Washington August 16-19, 2018

Display Table Request Organization ________________________________________________________________________________ Requested By _______________________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________________ City _________________________________ Prov/State __________________ Postal/Zip ________________ Home Telephone (

) _______________________ Bus. Telephone (

) _____________________________

TYPE OF DISPLAY District Committee/Project Complimentary

Club or Division Project $100 US / $100 CDN

(Fee to be submitted with this form.)

Commercial Space $350 US / $350 CDN (Fee to be submitted with this form.)

Non-Kiwanis Affiliated Non-Profit Organization $200 US / $200 CDN (Fee to be submitted with this form.) The following is requested: 1 Table

Power Outlet

2 Tables

(May incur extra charge.) Other _____________________________________________________________ DISPLAY TIMES: Noon Thursday, August 16, 2018 until 4 p.m. Saturday, August 18, 2018. SETUP TIMES: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday, August 16, 2018 & 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Friday, August 17, 2018.

NOTE: ALL exhibitors MUST be fully registered for the convention. ALL space subject to availability. Exhibitors are responsible for their own equipment rentals! Your requests will be confirmed by the PNW District Office. If space must be denied, rental fee will be returned. For any raffles or giveaways it will be the organizing club’s, committee’s, or group’s responibility for getting the items to the recipients. Requester’s signature: ______________________________________________________________________________ Approved

Denied - Reason _______________________________

Return request by Jul y 15, 2018 to the District Office at: PNW District Office, 5427 Glen Echo Avenue, Gladstone, Oregon 97027-2627 Fax: 503-305-8303 E-mail: 20 PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine | Spring 2018

May is for Membership Friendship • Fun • Service

Changing the World One Child at a Time Ask Someone to Join Your Kiwanis Club in May! Spring 2018 | PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine 21





Catch A Show Cirque du Soleil, magic shows, musicals, concerts, comedy. The choices are . . . dizzying. Red Rock Canyon The Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area offers desert beauty, towering red cliffs and abundant wildlife. Located 20 miles from Las Vegas. Fountains at the Bellagio With a combination of music, water and light, the Bellagio delivers a spectacular audiovisual performance with its majestic fountains. Free. Hoover Dam Named one of the Top 10 Construction Achievements of the 20th Century, Hoover Dam continues to draw crowds 80 years after its creation. The dam is 35 miles south of Las Vegas. The Downtown Container Park Made entirely of shipping containers stacked on top of each other, this outdoor park is a family-friendly shopping, dining and entertainment attraction. Springs Preserve The 180-acre Springs Preserve features an array of exhibits, galleries, trails, entertainment and gorgeous desert gardens that are fun and educational for all ages. Located 15 minutes away from Las Vegas. Las Vegas Motor Speedway Ever wanted to drive a Lamborghini or a McLaren, or perhaps a NASCAR model? Head to the Las Vegas Motor Speedway for an experience you’ll never forget. The Grand Canyon One of the most majestic natural wonders of the world, the 277-mile long Grand Canyon offers colorful and pristine views. About 300 miles southeast of Las Vegas, in Arizona. Eiffel Tower Experience The Eiffel Tower Experience features a panoramic bird’s-eye view of the Las Vegas Strip from 460 feet above the ground.

June 28 - July 1, 2018 22 PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine | Spring 2018

STEVE EMHOFF Candidate for



Jack Delf Distinguished Service Medal, PNW 2015 George F. Hixon, Diamond Level Mel Osbourne Award, Canadian Foundation Helping Hands Bronze Medallion, PNW Foundation Carthage-Pullman Award, CKI Ruby K Award, 40+ New Members 40 Years as a Kiwanian 40 Years Perfect Attendance

COMMUNITY AND BUSINESS • Served on various Community Boards • Scoutmaster: BSA Troop 200 for 4 Years Both sons achieved Eagle Scout • Served on City of Yakima Community Review Board • President: Northwest Burn Foundation 2008-2011 • Yakima Assn. of Realtors Local Community Service Award, 2010 • Washington Assn. of Realtors State Community Service Award, 2011 • Started career in Real Estate, 1985 (owner was a Kiwanian) • Purchased the business in 1994 and renamed to Emhoff Group, Inc.

PERSONAL INTERNATIONAL LEVEL • Chair of International Leadership Committee (PAC), 2013- Current • Attended 8 International Conventions


• • • • •

Born: Yakima, WA Yakima Community College United States Coast Guard, 1973-1977 Two sons, six grandchildren Happily partnered to Dr. Sally Rodgers (met through Kiwanis)

• Governor, 2005-2006 Motto: Together We Care • Lt. Governor, 2002-2003 & 2016-2017 • Chair: Past Governor’s Association • Served on Finance Committee, 2002-Current • Chair: District Convention, 2006-Current


Joined: 1978 at the age of 27 President: 1986-1987 & 2015-2016 Served as Asst. Secretary: 1988-2005 Served on or chaired every committee

CLUB LEVEL – CASCADIA • Charter President, 2008-2010 • Treasurer, 2013-Current

1014 S 16th Ave. • Yakima, WA 98902 509.945.3944

Spring 2018 | PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine 23

100th PNW Anniversary T-Shirt Available only for a limited time. Order yours now!

Indicate if you want a Men’s or Women’s cut (misses sizes) shirt:

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Qty. ______

x $15.00 = __________


Qty. ______

x $15.00 = __________


Qty. ______

x $15.00 = __________

Shipping ($5.00 ea.) = __________ For a large quantity order please call for a quote to save on shipping costs.

TOTAL= __________

Pick-up is available at District Convention in Spokane or you may have your order shipped to you. All orders must be placed by 8/1/2018.

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Indicate Delivery Method:

Please ship my order to the address below. I will pick up my order at DCON in Spokane.

C O N T A C T / S H I P P I N G


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NOTE: Credit Cards will be processed in U.S. Dollars



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Expiration Date _______ / _______ CVV#_________


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Check: # ______________

Signature __________________________________

Order forms may be mailed or faxed to your PNW District Office Team at the following: PNW Kiwanis District Office - 5427 Glen Echo Avenue - Gladstone, OR 97027-2627 Telephone: (503) 305-7635 Fax: (503) 305-8303 24 PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine | Spring 2018

Club Leadership Education (CLE) Is For Everyone A club’s board of directors is composed of elected directors and club officers. Most of the business of the club is handled by the board of directors. The board determines the policies and activities of the club, approves the budget and bills to be paid, gives counsel to committees and handles general management of the club. Each officer position has a set of responsibilities and resources to guide them. Kiwanis International requires club presidents and secretaries complete CLE to ensure that club officers are equipped with the tools they need to succeed. The leadership guide contains useful information for a variety of division and club leaders and is available from the District office or can be downloaded at: Every Kiwanis club secretary, president and lieutenant governor receives a copy. If other club leaders could use the information in this guide, please feel free to request or download a copy for them. While every member can access any online training provided by KI through their PortalBuzz page, the on-line CLE training is intended to be a resource of basic officer information for those who missed their training, not to replace the instructor led session.

Spring 2018 | PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine 25

Centennial Cookbook

Signature Project Winner

The PNW will be putting out a cookbook with favorite recipes of the PNW members. So this is a project that every member in the PNW can take part in whether it is a recipe or financial.

The Pacific Northwest District Kiwanis is a very creative and service-minded District. As the District Service Chair, it was my responsibility to conduct this year’s Signature Project Contest for the District. We received many wonderful submissions, which made it very hard to select just one. The committee selected the project we felt would best compete for the District.

We will be financing the cookbook in several ways. Finding grants; selling chapters, an individual can do this, a club or division for $50.00. Selling ads to businesses for full page ad for $100.00; 1/2 page ad for $54.00; 1/4 page or business card size for $50.00. There will also be “In Memory” pages to recognize a loved one. You may want to put in a picture. Another way to help is a straight donation. There were already two donations as of the Mid Winter Conference. And just think, if six people donate $1,000 each, the book is paid for. A Beaverton company, Riddle Press will be printing our book. They are great people to deal with as they have given me several valuable suggestions. The cookbook will have a spiral binding so the book will lay flat. We will be selling the book for $20.00 and will be available before Christmas. All of the proceeds will be going to Doernbecher Children’s Hospital, Seattle Children’s Hospital, BC Chil-dren’s Hospital and the SIGN program. To get the Recipe Collection Form or if you have any questions, please contact Margie Swanson at:

need videos?

I am very pleased to announced at the Saint Helens Daybreakers Kiwanis Club was selected as the winner for their Annual Children’s Fair project. Here are some excerpts from the club’s submission: In a region with high unemployment, with a high level of students eligible for the free lunch program and with homelessness among families and many teens, this project has a dual purpose. To provide a safe and friendly activity for children around Halloween and provide parents and caregivers the opportunity to secure information that can help develop healthy children and families. It also allows Kiwanis to spread their message about building healthy communities, one child at a time. Twenty-seven years ago, club member Charlotte Hart, working with the Community Action Team examined the demographics of the county. They discovered that extracurricular opportunities were not easily available for low income families. So, it was decided to bring the activities out to them and have it affordable – FREE. For this project, both young children and adults are served through healthy activities for children. Several outreach activities such as face-painting, petting zoo, drama presentation, a K-9 demonstration, a Fish Pond, Puppetry, a reptile show, and coloring activities have been seen over the years. There have even been visits by the “Cloud City Garrison” from Star Wars. For adults, informational tables provide important info on immunizations, child safety seats and impaired driving. Materials are for birth through teens and adults of all ages. Children are exposed to free activities that they would have to travel to a large city to see. Parents receive information on important topics and community activities, such as the Library, Dance, Martial Arts, Drama, Insurance, Child Protection, ID kits for parents, information on Children’s Medical Services, Mental Health, Dental Health, Immunizations, and Schools. 26 PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine | Spring 2018

Total cost of the project is approximately $3,000. In the space of six hours, 8,000-10,000 children and adults are served each year. - Melanie Bozak

Division 52 Signature Project 2017-2018 The inaugural “Kiwanis Kid’s Karnival” in Wenatchee on Saturday, February 17, 2018 was a success! 350 kids with parents and siblings played games, won prizes, ate popcorn and got a book, all for FREE! Snow was falling in the morning, threatening the event, but by mid-day, the sun was out, roads were clear and the community accepted our invitation to the Pybus Public Market. Youngsters visited 13 booths where they guessed how many marbles were in the container, won cupcakes at the cake walk, tested their skills fishing, tossing bean bags and candy, popping balloons, shooting rubber band targets. The candy tree, the popcorn and water station and the face painting booth were busy all afternoon. Gloria the clown made animals out of balloons for the children.

Caesar’s. Hooked on Toys-provided a red bicycle, Hobby Lobby discounted face painting supplies. Numerica Credit Union supplied backpacks to carry prizes; NW Cascade Bank printed passports, participants filled in their names and phone numbers then got their cards punched at each booth for prizes from Oriental Trading Co. The passports were then deposited in a large box as the participants exited the event for drawings of larger prizes. All winners were notified by phone if not present. Cherry Creek Radio (7 stations) featured RiverView Kiwanians on their talk radio station and ran PSA announcements on the rest, The Wenatchee World and Nickel Ad paper ran ads for 2 weeks prior, NCW Life TV Ch 12 & Ch 19 promoted the event on their community event calendar as did the Wenatchee School District. PYBUS MARKET donated the indoor space to accommodate the booths and provided plenty of parking.

Kiwanians came early to set up the booths, and spent the afternoon with the kids and their families. They stayed late to clean up. It was a Division 52 undertaking including Cashmere Kiwanis, Cashmere Key Club, Leavenworth Cascade Key Club, Eastmont Kiwanis, Eastmont Key Club, Apple Valley Kiwanis, RiverView Kiwanis, Ephrata Kiwanis, Downtown (Wenatchee) Kiwanis, River Academy Key Club, Wenatchee Key Club. Each club came up with an idea for booths, Apple Valley made WELCOME posters, and the Key Clubs participated in a contest to develop a flyer. River Academy Key Club won $100 and received a certificate. Dave Rodstol printed signs of “THANKS TO LOCAL SUPPORTIONG BUSINESSES”, Strawn Landscaping supported the carnival by buying swim passes from the Wenatchee City Pool, others that donated from local businesses in the area range from PEPSI donating bottled water so attendees did not get dehydrated, Old Mill Tavern made fresh popcorn for onsite snacks, Owl Drug-Free ice cream cones coupons, WILD HOCKEY Team-Family pass to home game for season 20182019, McDonald’s-Free meals and ice cream cone certificates, Liberty Theater donated movie passes for a family of 4, Town Toyota Wenatchee Skating Rink donated 2 passes with skate rentals. Local pizzerias donated family size pizzas: Dominos, Papa Murphy’s, Pizza Hut, Abby’s, Papa John’s and Little

This Signature Project was the idea of Division 52 of the Pacific Northwest District’s Past Lt. Governor Mary Garcia-HammansMayo (from RiverView Kiwanis and Eastmont Kiwanis). Last October, she suggested having a FREE “family fun” event - an old fashioned carnival (like they had at schools in the 50’s-70’s) for low income families. An opportunity for parents to learn about Kiwanis, and for their children to play and win prizes, and EVERY child would go home with a free book. Because of the collaboration of the entire community, this event was a success! - Char Tolliver, Lt. Governor Division 52 Spring 2018 | PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine 27

A Need Fulfilled Sometimes the best ideas just find you. One such idea was a request for an AED for a local school district. Now 2 AEDs (automated external defibrillators) are located in the two buildings of the very small school district, the gym and where the classes are held (the buildings are 500 feet apart). Palisades School District in Central Washington State serves only 25 students. Students and the community use the school and its gymnasium as the heart of the small community. The cost of two devices would be more than $3,600 and the school didn’t have that kind of money in its general fund. The school reached out to area service clubs to help then acquire the machines and RiverView Kiwanis of Wenatchee, Washington was glad to adopt this as their signature project for 2017-2018.

The machine will come from the Netherlands and is called a Philips Heart-Start. RiverView members worked with Philips to expedite the delivery time of the AED from the normal 5-6 months to a few weeks. After the AED is received, training will take place for teachers, PTA, volunteers and administrators. On March 6, 2018, RiverView Kiwanis of Wenatchee Washington President Anthony Toulouse presented a $3,600 check for the AEDs to Dr. Ismael Vivanco, superintendent of Palisades School District. Three fourth graders — Carter Riggs, Ian Mendoza and Jonathan Salgado — also participated by holding the “big check.”

Palisades School District is 30-45 minutes from 1st response services. A cardiac event could turn into catastrophe and it could be prevented for a young person or anyone in the school with the use of the AEDs. RiverView was happy to help. Around the world, Kiwanis Clubs have a priority of helping children. Worldwide efforts currently include a goal to eliminate maternal and neo-natal tetanus in the world in conjunction with UNICEF. The goal is to immunize 3 million women in Guinea and 5 million in Nigeria during the first quarter of 2018. In the past, Kiwanis International partnered with UNICEF through Morton Salt to help eliminate iodine deficiency disorder. On a more local scale, Palisades School District presented an opportunity for Kiwanians to make a positive impact for community members.

RiverView thanks Palisades School District for making us aware of their need and Philips for their quick cooperation to help us possibly save a life. - John MacDonald, RiverView Kiwanis Club of Wenatcheek

Zeller Fellows in Moses Lake Moses Lake, Washington has 13 Zeller Fellows! Three of these came about through Kiwanis members, each donating $1250 to the EliMiNaTe Project. Six have been awarded by Moses Lake Kiwanis Club in appreciation for volunteerism. Four have been given by Moses Lake High School Key Club to adults who support their service projects. Left is a photograph of the latest recipient, Lynn Townsend (holding the certificate), who is surrounded by Key Club officers. Frontier Middle School Builders Club and Lakeview School K-Kids have also raised funds. Altogether approximately $17,000 has been raised in Moses Lake. That means over 9000 mothers will not lose any their babies because of tetanus infection during the birthing process. - Louis Logan, Moses Lake Kiwanis Club Secretary 28 PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine | Spring 2018

Lewis G. Zirkle, MD, receives DOD Medal for Distinguished Public Service Dr. Lewis G. Zirkle has been awarded the US Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service. This is the highest honorary award presented by the Secretary of Defense to non-career Federal employees, private citizens, and foreign nationals. United States Secretary of Defense James Mattis, a native of Richland, presented the medal to Dr. Zirkle at a ceremony on February 26 in Richland, WA.

On one of his trips to Indonesia, he found a man with a fractured femur who had laid in traction for three years. Dr. Zirkle had taught the local surgeons how to help the man, but they did not have the right equipment to perform the surgery. In that sentinel moment, Dr. Zirkle made it his life mission to educate surgeons in developing countries and equip them with the right orthopaedic tools, so can provide timely and effective surgery to their impoverished patients. “I just have to say, Dr. Zirkle, that you’re a part of the inspiration,” said Secretary Mattis. “You’re part of the reason America will stay a great country because you prove we’re a very, very good country. We’re obviously proud in the Department of Defense, too, to say that your unfailing sense of kindness and purpose grew out of the traumas of war.” “I accept this award on behalf of the SIGN family because all of you have helped, all of the surgeons overseas have contributed, and I’m very honored to have the chance to work with you,” Dr. Zirkle said.

“Dr. Lewis G. Zirkle is recognized for distinguished public service for his continuing dedication to provide the injured poor around the world with the ability and the freedom to walk again. While serving the Nation during the Vietnam War, Dr. Zirkle was first inspired to help his overseas counterparts bridge the gap and create equitable orthopaedic treatment for citizens of impoverished nations,” Mattis said. “The distinctive accomplishments of Dr. Zirkle and his spirit and commitment in defending and caring for his fellowmen reflect great credit upon himself and the Department of Defense.” Dr. Zirkle became aware of the plight of patients in developing countries while serving as an orthopaedic surgeon for the US Army in the Vietnam war. Once he returned from duty and began his private practice in Richland, WA, he returned to Vietnam and Indonesia regularly, to treat patients and teach local orthopaedic surgeons.

SIGN Fracture Care International, founded in 1999 by Dr. Zirkle, provides orthopaedic education to surgeons from developing countries and donates the instruments and implants needed to heal broken bones. SIGN Equipment is designed and manufactured in Richland. The equipment is engineered for use in developing countries, and does not require the use of expensive live-view x-ray machines, or even electricity, to perform successful surgery. SIGN Surgeons have healed more than 210,000 patients in 50 countries. SIGN Surgery allows a patient to return home in a few days and return to work in a few weeks, rather than lying in traction in a hospital bed for a few months. For people who depend on their limbs to earn a living, a quick recovery means that they can keep food on the table and keep their family on a path out of poverty. - John Yegge, Kiwanis Club of Tri-Cities Industry Spring 2018 | PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine 29

Kiwanis Kiwestions Game 1. Why do you need new members in your club? A. You need more friends. B. Your Club needs more helping hands. C. Your club needs more ideas. D. All of the above. 2. What is the most important thing to do with a potential member? A. Tell them everything you love about Kiwanis. B. Tell them nothing and make them club President. C. Listen to them and then share how Kiwanis will fill their need. D. Ignore them, your club already has too many members. 3. Which was a Membership program in the PNW? A. Membership 6-Pack. B. MAS. C. ReMember. D. All of the above. 4. What is the largest club in the PNW (as of February 28)? A. Steilacoom . B. Port Townsend. C. Yakima. D. Olympia. 5. Which is most important in the effort to grow membership? A. New Clubs formed. B. New Members brought into existing Clubs. C. Existing members retained as members. D. All of the above. 6. Who is responsible for recruiting new members? A. The Lt. Governor. B. Every Kiwanian. C. The Membership Committee/Chair. D. The members that find it easy to do. 7. What is the magic answer to recruiting new members? A. Attending a seminar/workshop. B. Do more service. C. Tell the prospective member they can be Secretary. D. There is no magic answer. It is about relationships. 8. How many clubs had a net gain of members in February? A. 40. B. 23. C. 96. D. 381. 9. How many clubs in the PNW have a 40% or greater gain in members so far this year (as of February)? A. 8. B. 10. C. 13. D. None. 10. How many PNW Divisions have net gained 20 or more members this year (as of February)? A. 3. B. 5. C. 15. D. 9.

11. What proposal is the PNW making to the ICON House of Delegates? A. Requirement that every club must recruit a new member. B. Dues increase. C. Make Family Membership permanent. D. Change the requirements to be a Lt. Governor. 12. How is Gov. Roger rewarding those who recruit two new members? A. A certificate of appreciation. B. A Membership Priority 1 pin. C. A trip to Toppenish. D. All of the above. 13. Who are the chairs for the PNW membership team? A. Greg Holland and Jackie Sue McFarlin. B. Brian Tenclinger and Lynsy Wikel. C. Roger Bell and Jerry Deas. D. Sue McFarlin and Kathleen Moylan. 14. What should be done for a new member? A. Give them a Kiwanis Pin. B. Give them a Kiwanis Club badge. C. Give them an orientation of your club and our organization. D. All of the above. 15. To be a PNW Distinguished member you must do the following? A. Sponsor two new members. B. Attend 5 or more interclubs. C. Have perfect attendance. D. All of the above. 16. Which is more important? A. Put the new member in Club office as quick as possible. B. Give the new member time before putting them in Club office. C. Listen to the new member and encourage them to become involved. D. Wait for the new member to figure out your Club. 17. Probably the best way to do a new member orientation is? A. With a powerpoint presentation. B. With an informal social setting. C. In a classroom situation. D. By osmosis at Club meetings. 18. What is the most important step in recruiting new members? A. Tell them about Kiwanis. B. Listen to them to find out what Kiwanis can offer them. C. Wearing the Kiwanis emblem. D. Ask them to join or come to an event. 19. What is a trained club helper called? A. Coach. B. Helper. C. Lt. Governor. D. Club Opener. 20. What is most important in your Club? A. The service projects. B. The fund-raising efforts. C. The friendships and fun among members. D. New members. E. All of the above

Answers at bottom of the next page. Don’t peek! 30 PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine | Spring 2018

HAVE YOU MOVED? If you have moved, or are planning to move, please print your name and new address: Name_________________________________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________________________ City _____________________________ St/Prov _______ Postal/Zip Code__________________ Send this form, with the address label from the back cover to: Member Services Department Kiwanis International 3636 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, IN 46268

Fax: 317-879-0204 Email:

Send completed forms along with the $5 for each entry to the District Office at: 5425 Glen Echo Ave., Gladstone, OR 97027-2627 1-D; 2-C; 3-D; 4-A; 5-D; 6-B; 7-D; 8-A; 9-B; 10-D; 11-C; 12-B; 13-D; 14-D; 15-A; 16-C; 17-B; 18-D; 19-A; 20-E Answers Spring 2018 | PNW Kiwanisbuilder magazine 31


Kiwanis International 5427 Glen Echo Avenue Gladstone, OR 97207 USA

Pass it On! When finished reading this magazine, cover the address printed at right with a label indicating your club name, meeting time/location, and contact information. Then give it to a prospective member or leave it in a waiting room.

BOOK YOUR ROOM NOW! The direct link to the hotel for guest room reservations for this event is:

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