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Seminar “Enhancing Qualifications Frameworks and Quality Assurance in MENA” Marseille, June 14-15, 2010


Mourad Ezzine is the Education Sector Manager, Human Development Department in the Middle East and North Africa Region of the World Bank. He joined the World Bank in 1992 and worked extensively on human development issues and the linkages between education and economic development, in North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East. Before joining the Bank, he was Director of Planning and Information Systems in the Tunisian Ministry of Education and held management-level positions in the Tunisian private development bank. Mr. Ezzine holds a post-graduate degree in economics and statistics from the Ecole Nationale des Statistiques et de l’Administration Economique in Paris, a Master’s degree in development economics from the Sorbonne University in Paris, and a Maîtrise in Mathematics from the University of Sciences of Tunis. GUY HAUG Dr Guy Haug is a European expert on higher education development. He is one of the “fathers” of the European Higher Education Area and was centrally involved in the shaping and inception of both the Bologna Process and the EU’s agenda for the modernisation of universities in the framework of the Lisbon Strategy. He worked also for the EU for the creation of the ERASMUS and TEMPUS programmes. He has cooperated with various quality assurance projects and agencies and is currently working for the Valencia University of Technology in Spain.

JAMIL SALMI Jamil Salmi, a Moroccan education economist, is the World Bank’s tertiary education coordinator. He is the principal author of the Bank’s Tertiary Education Strategy entitled “Constructing Knowledge Societies: New Challenges for Tertiary Education”. In the past seventeen years, Mr. Salmi has provided policy and technical advice on tertiary education reform to the governments of more than 60 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. Mr. Salmi is a member of the Governing Board of the International Institute for Educational Planning, the International Advisory Network of the UK Leadership Foundation for Higher Education, and the Editorial Committee of OECD’s Journal of Higher Education Management and Policy. Mr. Salmi’s latest book, published in February 2009, addresses the “Challenge of Establishing World-Class Universities”.

JOHN COOLAHAN Dr. John Coolahan is Professor Emeritus at the National University of Ireland Maynooth. He has lectured extensively in Ireland and abroad, is author of three books, has published over 120 articles in Irish and international journals, and has edited several educational publications. Professor Coolahan has had extensive involvement in a public service capacity as an adviser on educational policy in Ireland. At international level, he has been a consultant on education to the EU Commission, the Council of Europe, the World Bank and the OECD. He was main author, or contributor, to OECD Reviews of Education in nine countries. He was author of the Irish Country Background Reports for the OECD reviews on Teachers Matter (2003) and on Higher Education in Ireland (2004).

SAÏD BEN SEDRINE Professeur Saïd Ben Sedrine est économiste des ressources humaines. Depuis l'origine, ses recherches s'inscrivent dans le cadre de l’institut national du travail et des études sociales (INTES) de l’Université de Tunis- Carthage. Ses activités d'enseignement et de recherche l'ont conduit à assurer des responsabilités au sein de cet établissement universitaire : Directeur, membre du conseil scientifique, cofondateur de la revue « Travail et développement », responsable de projet de recherche multidisciplinaire, en coopération avec l’Université des Sciences Sociales de Toulouse et l’Institut de Recherches sur le Maghreb. L’emploi, l’éducation, la formation professionnelle et le dialogue social sont ses principaux thèmes de recherche. Il a réalisé plusieurs enquêtes sur le processus d’insertion des diplômés et l’orientation professionnelle en Tunisie. Ses nombreux travaux d’expertise couvrent les domaines de son champ de recherche. II a été le rapporteur général de la consultation nationale sur l’emploi en Tunisie qui s’est déroulée en 2008.

MOHAMED FOUAD EL-FATEH M. MOUSSA Dr. M. F. El-Fateh Moussa is an active member in setting policies for technical education and vocational training in Egypt, and has been involved in various human resources development projects since 1990. He occupied different high level management positions in the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Higher Education, and the Social Fund for Development. Currently, he is an Advisor for Ministry of Manpower and Migration for TVET and HRD. At the International level, Dr El-Fateh provided a number of consultancy services to the European Training Foundation (ETF), the German Development Cooperation (GTZ). Dr El-Fateh’s work experience includes the design, development and implementation of strategies and executive programs related to enhancing entrepreneurial skills. While working for the Social Fund for development he participated in developing the Skill Standards and vocational qualifications meeting Labour market needs. Dr El-Fateh participated in the “Orientation” team for setting the new “Mubarak–Kohl Initiative” to enhance youth employability skills through vocational education and training. Recently, he is leading the Egyptian working team representing stakeholders for establishing the National Qualifications Framework in collaboration with the European Training Foundation.

DIANE LALANCETTE Diane Lalancette is an assessment analyst at the OECD Directorate for Education, where she has been since March 2009. She joined the OECD to work on the Assessment of Higher Education Learning Outcomes (AHELO) feasibility study. Diane has worked as a specialist in measurement and evaluation for the past twenty years. Prior to joining the OECD, she has held positions in three different Canadian provinces, being responsible for policy, marking, and reporting of student assessment results. She was also responsible for the implementation and administration of national and international assessment programmes as well as the analysis, interpretation and reporting of those assessments (PISA, PIRLS, TIMSS, SAIP, PCAP). In her past assignments, Diane has worked with diverse groups of professionals, including national and international education assessment experts and senior government officials in the development and implementation of public policies and new programmes, developing and monitoring performance measures and other education indicators. Diane holds a Master’s Degree in Education, Measurement and Evaluation from Université de Montréal, Canada, where she also lectured.

BORHENE CHAKROUN Borhene Chakroun has a PHD in Education Sciences from Bourgogne University in France. His academic work focuses on certification and validation of prior learning. Borhene has worked, during the 1990s, as trainer, chief trainer, VET projects manager and advisor to the minister of VET in Tunisia. Since then, he has worked as short-term consultant for the EU, World Bank and other international organisations before coming to the European Training Foundation (ETF) in 2001. He has started as programme manager and VET expert. He is currently Senior Human Capital Development specialist and Team leader of the EU funded regional project Education and training for Employment (MEDA-ETE). He is also coordinator of ETF’s community of practices on National Qualification Frameworks and Recognition of Qualifications.


Mark Keese is a Senior Economist at the OECD in the Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs. He is currently responsible within his directorate for issues relating to skill use at work and the OECD’s Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC). Previously, he was in charge of the OECD's thematic review of ageing and employment policies, which produced 21 country reports and the synthesis report, Live Longer, Work Longer. His published works include articles on: ageing and employment policies; labour markets in transition countries; earnings inequality; and minimum wages.

ADRIANA JARAMILLO Adriana Jaramillo is a Senior Education Specialist, currently based in Marseille at the newly established Center for Mediterranean Integration. Joined the World Bank in 1996, and has extensive experience in Education Policy and Management from Early Childhood Development to Higher Education. She has worked on post conflict and in conflict countries such as Sierra Leone, Congo and Guinea Bissau , as well as middle income countries in Latin America, and Tunisia and Jordan. Since 2004 she has focused her work on higher education policy and practice, in particular addressing the challenges of quality, relevance, governance and financing of the sector in the Middle East and North Africa. She has been posted in West Bank and Gaza and currently in Marseille she is the Human Development Coordinator for the Skills, Employability and Labor Mobility Program.


Juan Manuel Moreno is Senior Education Specialist at the Department of Middle East and North Africa of the World Bank. Having worked in education development projects in over 20 countries, he is currently responsible for the Bank´s education portfolio in Jordan and Lebanon. Before joining the Bank in 2002, he was Associate Professor of Education at the Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia (UNED) in Spain. From 1999 to 2002 he served as Vice-Rector of International Relations of UNED and as the Secretary General of the Ibero-American Association of Higher Distance Education (AIESAD). Dr. Moreno has been a visiting scholar at SUNY Buffalo (USA), and at the University of Niejmegen (The Netherlands). He has also served as consultant and evaluator for the European Commission and UNESCO. Dr. Moreno has co-authored (with Ernesto Cuadra) the 2005 World Bank first policy report on Secondary Education: Expanding Opportunities and Building Competencies for Young People: a New Agenda for Secondary Education. He has published extensively (eight books and nearly 100 journal articles and book chapters) in the fields of curriculum development, education reform and school improvement, distance education, and teacher education and professional development. FATIMA BOUHAFA Fatima BOUHAFA est chef de la Division des Programmes et de la Coordination Pédagogique au Ministère de l’Emploi et de la Formation Professionnelle. Ingénieur d’Etat en Génie Electrique : option Electronique de l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Électricité et de Mécanique de Casablanca (ENSEM, Maroc) en 1991, elle a débuté sa carrière au sein d’un office régional de mise en valeur agricole au Maroc (ORMVA) au bureau des stations de pompage, puis elle a intégré en 1993 l’Office de la Formation Professionnelle et de la Promotion du Travail (OFPPT) en tant que formatrice des Techniciens supérieurs en Electronique, avant d’intégrer le Ministère en charge de la Formation Professionnelle en 1995. Au sein de ce ministère, elle a participé à la réalisation de plusieurs études ayant trait à l’analyse du marché de l’emploi et de la formation. Elle est chargée des dossiers liés à l’ingénierie de la formation et plus particulièrement la production des outils méthodologiques, l’élaboration des programmes de formation, la formation du personnel d’encadrement technico-pédagogique et la validation des programmes de formation. Elle assure la coordination, au niveau du Ministère en charge de la Formation Professionnelle, de tous les projets de développement et d’implantation de l’approche par compétences, dont notamment ceux lancés dans le cadre de la coopération internationale financés par l’Union Européenne, l’ACDI et l’USAID et est membre des différents comités de suivi chargés du suivi de la réalisation de ces projets.

En plus de ces activités, elle coordonne, depuis 2006, le projet de mise en œuvre du CNC au Maroc. JEAN-MARC CASTEJON PHD in Education At the Ministry of education, Mr. Castejon was specialised in adult learning. He was the coordinator of a number of European projects in the Leonardo programme till 2000. Mr. Castejon works at ETF since 2000 where he is Team leader in reform projects design in TVET on behalf of the EU in Algeria, Syria, Morocco and Tunisia. Since 2005, he is the team leader in NQF projects in the MEDA region and Caucasus region. Currently, Mr. Castejon is busy with an ETF publication of the experience of ETF on NQF in 20 partner countries.

MARGARITA PEÑA ICFES (Colombian Institute for Education Evaluation) Director General since 2006. Former viceminister of Education of Colombia and Secretary of Education for the capital city of Bogota. International Consultant for the Interamerican Development Bank in Guatemala, Honduras and Panama. Consultant for the Colombian Minister of Education. Doctor of Education from Pennsylvania State University and Master of Sciences from University of Edinburgh. Extensive experience in public sector management, policy making, education reform and institution building.

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