Emerging Pacific Leaders Dialogue 2010 - Information

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N av i g at i n g o u r Future Together

Contents Emerging Pacific Leaders’ Dialogue 2010


About the Organisers


Navigating Our Future Together


Conference Objectives


Program Overview






Accommodation and Meals


Employer Obligations


How to Apply


Emerging Pacific Leaders’ Dialogue 2010 Are you on a Senior Leadership path? Are you ready for a transformative career experience? We are seeking high calibre men and women who are already on a path to senior leadership to apply for the Emerging Pacific Leaders’ Dialogue 2010 (EPLD 2010) that is scheduled to take March 2010. This intensive, exciting and intellectually demanding program will bring together 120 individuals to examine discuss and report on current strategic issues across the Pacific. EPLD is a program of equals. Competitively selected on merit, candidates will be drawn from all walks of life. They will be a diverse group of emerging leaders who are willing to learn from and be challenged by each other. Whilst each participant will have different and varied interests, personal skills and knowledge they all will have valuable and differing contributions to make on how to address local and national and regional issues. Assumptions will be challenged, and new understandings and opportunities for Regional development created. Participants will come from: Australia, Cook Islands, East Timor, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, French Polynesia, Kiribati, Nauru, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu. Other Pacific countries and territories may also be invited to participate.


About the Organisers EPLD 2010 will be staged by the Pacific Leadership Foundation. The Pacific Leadership Foundation (PLF) has been established by Commonwealth Study Conferences (Australia) Inc. and operates as a non-profit non-government organisation with the aim of promoting leadership standards across the Pacific region. Commonwealth Study Conferences were founded in 1956 by HRH The Duke of Edinburgh and these study conferences, and their regional equivalents, have been held regularly since that time. The Eminent Persons Group and the Board and Committees of the PLF are made up of regional representative leaders as well as CSC/EPLD Alumni supported by a small Secretariat headed up by the CEO of Commonwealth Study Conferences (Australia) Inc., and Secretariat support staff in 2/3 Pacific Island locations. This outstanding event has received generous support from governments and the private sector. Enthusiastic endorsement has also come from leading industry groups, non-government organisations, educational institutions and regional bodies such as the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat.

Navigating Our Future Together The Emerging Pacific Leaders’ Dialogue 2010 (EPLD 2010) is an event of national and regional significance scheduled to take place in March 2010 which will strengthen the capacity of the region’s future leaders to manage challenges collaboratively, positively and creatively. The vision for the Emerging Pacific Leaders’ Dialogue came from a group of Commonwealth Study conferences Alumni who saw the need for an innovative and experiential leadership development program in the Pacific. ‘Navigating our Future Together’ is the continuing theme of EPLD. It conveys the idea of charting a course, working together, and negotiating the shifting tides and currents. The Pacific region includes the world’s largest, most peaceful ocean with its many islands and rich diversity of cultures and traditions. The Pacific peoples are amongst the world’s most heterogeneous – a mix of ethnicities, indigenous peoples, mariners and settlers. EPLD 2010 recognises the considerable challenges in balancing globalisation and interdependence; and that respecting cultural values is imperative to the successful development of and cooperation between, Pacific countries and territories.

EPLD 2010 is an event of national and regional significance will increase the capacity of emerging leaders in the Pacific region to meet these challenges collaboratively. It will contribute to sustainable leadership and good governance, while promoting regional understanding and co-operation through an improved network of key relationships.


Conference Objectives Taking place over a two week period in March 2010, with the Opening Plenary in Samoa and the Closing Plenary in Tonga, EPLD 2010 will: Promote a culture of leadership in the Pacific that is aligned with democratic values and good governance Enhance communication, collaborative problem solving and decision-making amongst future leaders Expose participants to diverse cultures and increase their awareness of challenges facing the Region Build enduring relationships across communities, sectors and countries and territories by creating an active and influential Alumni network Develop participants’ leadership skills and broaden their horizons.

Past Participant Profiles Papalii Malietau Malietoa is a lawyer by profession and currently is Parliamentary Counsel for the Office of the Attorney General of Samoa. “The 2006 conference had a strong impact on my view of the region and the problems confronting each Pacific Island State. It was an eye opener traveling to the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu, contrasting their challenges and achievements with those of my own country Samoa. I found that humanities problems are not so dissimilar. In every country, in every culture, in every section of society there is a mother or father with huge hopes for the future of their children. Across our region hope endures and given the many challenges we face, I believe that is a positive foundation for moving forward.


Program Overview The program will focus on a number of areas of strategic significance – economic growth; regional co-operation and infrastructure; governance

Past Participant Profiles

and leadership; security, stability and strengthening communities; climate and environment; industry education and health. The three stages of the program are: Opening and briefing – Participants will spend two days in Samoa for Opening Plenary presentations, briefings and group discussions. In these sessions they will begin their enquiry into the values and purpose of leadership in the Pacific at a personal, country and regional level. Study tours – The core of the EPLD 2010 program involves ten study tours to ten separate locations throughout the

Caren is of Cook Islands Maori descent and was born and educated in New Zealand. She is currently Principal Consultant of her own firm, Ei Mua Consulting Ltd, specialising in community development, particularly with Pacific communities. Her consulting experience over the past six years has come from projects in New Zealand, the Pacific and the Cayman Islands in the areas of public sector reform and community development. Prior to this, Caren was Sector Manager, Local Government in the Office of the Auditor-General.

Pacific region, each of one week duration. Of the ten, eight study tours are expected to be hosted by separate Pacific Island countries/territories and Australia and New Zealand are planning to each host one study tour. Study tours will visit different communities and workplaces looking at local industrial, commercial and social situations focusing on the key challenges confronting

Caren’s experience in leadership development

those in positions of

includes training programs for youth leadership

leadership and influence.

and organisational leadership. The Emerging

The emphasis will be on

Pacific Leaders’ Dialogue 2006 provided a unique

teamwork and personal

leadership development experience for Caren in

interaction, as participants

her role as Group Leader for the New Zealand-

negotiate, communicate and

Cook Islands study tour group.

learn in an intense and challenging

Since EPLD 2006, she has focused on the contribution she can make towards improving economic development success for Pacific people in New Zealand. She currently holds roles as Board member for the Pacific Business Trust and Board member of the inaugural Pacific

new environment. Study tours provide a focus for discussion, exchange and reflection between participants and senior level hosts. In this highly interactive process participants will be challenged, have their assumptions challenged and learn to challenge others

Women’s Economic Development Advisory

Report back and closing – Each study tour group will present a

Board. She is also a member of the New Zealand

report back to the Closing Plenary session in Tonga. Following her

Institute of Chartered Accountants.

participation in the inaugural EPLD in 2006, HRH The Princess Royal,

EPLD 2006 helped to build Caren’s confidence in her leadership skills and contributed to her establishing her own consulting business in 2008.

Princess Anne has again been invited to attend the Closing Plenary and provide expert commentary on the report back presentations. All proceedings will be in English.


Selection Applicants for EPLD 2010 will be experienced managers or leaders in early to mid career with a proven track record. They will be chosen because they are likely to become, within the next decade, the people making decisions on the way their organisations, businesses, communities or countries respond and adapt to change. Selection will be based on an applicant’s education and experience, community involvement and personal attributes etc.

Education and experience

Past Participant Profiles

Successful applicants will be drawn from business, government, trade union, arts, education and community service sectors including NGOs. They will have acquired considerable knowledge and experience in their field along with a sound appreciation of the economic and social conditions impacting on their country of origin. Educational background and professional development will also be taken into account.

Sharyne was born and educated in Fiji. She is currently employed by the Colonial Bank which

Community interests

is a provider of all major financial services in Fiji;

Applicants will need to provide evidence of their contribution to

general insurance and investments. She has

community life, professional associations or voluntary organisations.

held various management roles prior to her

This can include involvement in local government, progress

appointment as the Executive Assistant to the

associations, community development or welfare work, volunteering,

Managing Director in early 2007.

committee or board work, regional organisations, honorary positions, professional or sporting organisations.

Personal attributes Applicants are expected to have: Demonstrated capacity for leadership

that is, banking, life insurance, health insurance,

Sharyne has significant experience in leadership development having actively participated in the Leadership FIJI program in 2005, Emerging Pacific Leaders’ Dialogue 2006, and within her current role she co-facilitates Colonial’s leadership fundamentals program and coordinates its leadership embedding initiatives.

Potential to advance to senior leadership roles

She is a member of the Fiji Institute of Bankers.

Ability to work as part of a team

She is passionate about community support

Strong interpersonal skills

with her Leadership FIJI 2005 group, founded

Willingness to undertake a rigorous and intensive program in challenging environments Genuine interest in regional development and the theme and objectives of EPLD 2010.

towards people with disabilities and together the Friends of Hilton support group to help implement an early intervention training program in Fiji for caregivers, teachers and families of children born with disabilities. Since her experience with EPLD 2006, Sharyne has advanced considerably in her career, community work and expanded on her special interest in Strategic Management and Organisational Change Management.


Past Participant Profiles Rhoda is the Executive Officer of Leadership Papua New Guinea (LPNG). The LPNG leadership development program was inspired by the EPLD 2006, to specifically address leadership challenges in PNG. Rhoda was one of fifteen participants from Papua New Guinea who agreed to work together on their return to contribute to, assist and support the development of our new generation of leaders. LPNG strives is to provide structured and focused learning programs that places emerging and current leaders through life changing and learning experiences. LPNG espouses to groom and develop good leaders in all sectors of our population who by their action and efforts can significantly contribute to the prosperity and future well-being of their respective organisations, communities and invariably the country as a whole. LPNG is networked with other similar initiatives within the Pacific and the Commonwealth. Apart from her work here at LPNG, Rhoda involves herself in other service organisations such as the Young Women’s Christian Association, Rotaract Club of Port Moresby and recently was a finalist at a World Bank Tingim Yut Kompetisen where her organisation ONE (Our Nation Empowering) will be implementing an innovative youth project involving indigenous Motu Koita (people group) youths in a battle of the bands music competition.


Cost The costs associated with travel, accommodation and meals will be met by EPLD 2010 organisers. This includes the cost of travel from home to the conference opening and from the conference closing to home. The EPLD organisers are able to meet these costs through the generous support from governments and the private sector across the region. Successful applicants will however need to meet some incidental costs including costs of visas required for attendance at the Opening and Closing Plenary, and to countries visited by the study tour.

Past Participant Profiles Accommodation and Meals Twin share accommodation in mid range accommodation will be provided to all participants for the Opening and Closing Plenary sessions and study tours. While accommodation may vary depending on availability in particular study tour locations, Simon commenced his career working in the international aid and development sector,

the organisers will endeavour to ensure the same general standard for all participants.

undertaking projects within the Pacific, South

Participants will need to make their own payment arrangements

America, and Middle East. Since returning from

for any sundry or incidental costs incurred at their designated

overseas he has built a career in human resource


management and organisational development, and has worked with a wide cross section of organisations from the government, corporate

Every effort will be made to accommodate any special dietary requirements and other observances.

and not for profit sectors. Simon continues to be involved in youth and community development issues and is Chair of Youth Challenge Australia, an organisation providing opportunities for young people to get involved in practical community orientated projects in Australia and the developing world. The insights he gained from participation in the

Employer Obligations EPLD 2010 is directed to those people who show genuine promise of becoming the next generation of leaders. The program is intensive and full-time over a two week period. Participants will need to take

inaugural Emerging Pacific Leaders’ Dialogue

leave from work and other commitments.

in 2006 have proved invaluable and have

Employers are asked to provide paid leave for employees

helped to inform and expand Youth Challenge Australia’s program in the Pacific. Most notable amongst these is the Vanuatu Youth Training and Livelihood Centre (VYTAL Centre), a ground breaking youth and community development initiative of the Youth Challenge team in Vanuatu.

participating in the program as well as for any preparatory sessions that may be required. Non-employer organisations supporting an EPLD 2010 candidate are also required to release that person from any duties they perform in a paid or honorary capacity. Employers are required to complete the Employer Authorisation form.


How to Apply You are eligible to apply for EPLD 2010 if you live in a member or observer nation of the Pacific Islands Forum, including Australia and New Zealand or other participating Pacific island country. On-line application is strongly preferred. The applications must be supported by: – Your employer (if you are in paid work) OR – An organisation or person of authority ( if you are self employed or not working) – A reference addressing the selection criteria Employer and Referee forms should be completed and forwarded online Please ensure that your employer has read the Employer Obligations Section in this booklet or on-line before approving your attendance on-line. All Employers and Referees will receive a confirmation email or phone call regarding your application. In the rare instance that an online application is not possible application forms can be requested from and returned to: Lynn Vernon Secretariat Support Emerging Pacific Leaders’ Dialogue 2010 GPO Box 301

Terms and Conditions Applicants should note the following terms and conditions of EPLD 2010: - An application to attend EPLD 2010 does not guarantee acceptance. - Selection of applicants will follow a rigorous and competitive merit-based process - Participants attend EPLD 2010 as individuals and not as representatives of their employing/ sponsoring organizations - Selected candidates are responsible for acquiring all relevant visas - Successful applicants must attend the entire proceedings except in exceptional and agreed circumstances, including any activities prior to the official opening ceremony - No partners/spouses.

Katoomba NSW 2780 Australia Phone: +61 4784 2202 Email: lynnvernon@epld2.com

Applications open: 1 May 2009 Applications close: 13 July 2009 Applicants will be advised of the outcome of their application no later than 30 September 2009.


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