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SPECIAL REPORT Gov Alia’s 11 days on the saddle

Barely 11 days into the life of the new administration in Benue State, Governor Hyacinth Alia has stirred the hornet’s next with emergence of State Assembly Speaker of his choice and mass sack of workers, writes UCHE NNOROM.

Just eleven days on the saddle, Benue State is already witnessing some dramas that have sent tongues wagging. Governor Hyacinth Alia seems to be braving the odds and calling the bluff of certain power blocs to assert his authority as Chief Executive of the State.


On Monday 5th June, 2023, one of such events unfolded in the election of the Speaker of the State Assembly.

Prior to the inauguration of the 10th Assembly, there had been speculations, claims and horse trading about the candidacy of Mrs. Becky Orpin as the likely person to emerge as Speaker. Mrs. Orpin it was said, had the strong backing of leader of the All Progressives Congress, APC in Benue State Sen. George Akume who only recently was appointed as the Secretary to the Government of the Federation by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

Leaning on that support, the Party hierarchy headed by Comrade Austin Agada who is Akume’s protege, conveyed a stakeholders meeting at the party Secretariat on Sunday 4th June,2023. The meeting which was attended by the new Chief of Staff to Governor Alia, Paul Biam,Chief Press Secretary Kula Tersoo, past speakers of the House including Terhemen Tarzoor Nigeria Ambassador to Namibia, David Iorhemba who only recently defected to the APC from the PDP, Steven Tssv who doubles as Vice Chairman of the party, as well as selected past Assembly members from the three (3) Senatorial zones and members of the present


During the meeting which lasted till almost midnight, Agada spoke in harsh tone threatening fire and brimestone to the new members on dangers of opposing the choice of the party. He warned them sternly against hobnobbing with the opposition Peoples’ Democratic Party, PDP to do otherwise. Agada reminded the members that the party and its leader had sacrificed so much for them to emerge and any plot to go against the decision of the party, may spell doom for them.

At the end of the meeting, a strong worded resolution was reached interalia:

The State Working Committee of the All Progressives Congress (APC), today 4th June, 2023 at a Stakeholders meeting held at the Party Secretariat in Makurdi in consultation with party leaders and stakeholders on Zoning arrangement.

The State Working Committee noted with respect to the outcome of the meeting which has zoned the office of the Speaker of the 10th Benue Assembly to Zone B and Chief Hon. Mrs Beckie Torkwase Orpin (Gboko-

East) was chosen as the party consensus candidate for speaker. We urge our party leaders, members and the people of Benue State to continue to support our party in this period of transition, bearing in mind that it is for the good of the good people of the State.

However, on the day of inauguration of the House and election of the Speaker, there was twist of event. It was learnt that Governor Alia had held meeting in Government House with 18 members loyal to him and afterward, proceeded to the House complex.

Inaugurating the House, Governor, charged the new legislators to collaborate with the Executive arm of government in order to deliver the much expected dividends of democracy to the Benue people.

The governor however, assured the lawmakers of his administration’s support at all times and solicited for constructive engagements and support from the legislature and