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Redundant use of words (2)

Last week, we started an engaging class on the tautological expressions we use in our everyday conversations. I stressed that some words are extraneous because they make our sentences wordier and unnecessarily lengthy. As students of English, it is high time we took enough time to critically study the correct expressions because learning the rudiments of English is not as difficult as many wrongly think.

Transport Fare


When you board a car to any location of your choice, you may face the temptation to call the money usually paid to the driver TRANSPORT FARE. What is wrong with it? The issue is, Oxford English Dictionary states that “fare” is money paid for a transport ticket. It’s sheer repetition to use TRANSPORT FARE. The proof that its use is erroneous is undeniable, according to the dictionary quoted.

The management informed all students to pay their transport fares for the excursion to Aso Rock. (Wrong) The management informed all students to pay their fares for the excursion to Aso Rock. (Correct)


When you board a car and want to pay the driver for the service rendered, it is grammatical to say CAR FARE. For example, I need to pay the car fare to Nasarawa State tomorrow.

BUS FARE should be used for the cost of an automobile conveying a large number of people to any location.

The bus fare to Kano is too high; I would prefer to board a train.

Train Fare

Use train fare for the cost of a train ticket.


Sule should pay the subsidized train fare before the opportunity ends.


Use airfare for the cost of an airplane trip.

Due to the harsh effects of fuel subsidy, airfare to Dubai has skyrocketed.

New Innovation

It is imperative to note that life advances every minute. Several headlines from the media houses capture the technological advancements, especially in Western countries. Amazingly, we are improving, but I would not refrain from addressing the grammatical error we spread around like cancer in a bid to announce the intriguing development.


Building an electric car is a new innovation. (Wrong)

Building an electric car is an innovation. (Correct)

Innovation is the introduction of something new. Have you now realized that it is tautology to use “new innovation”?

Predictions About The Future Of The 2023 General Elections

I had an eerie experience with several clerics’ hit-and-run prophecies about the 2023 General Elections. While listening to one of the clips posted on Facebook, one of them publicly predicted that the newly elected president would not be inaugurated. Expectedly, many gullible and religious congregants really anticipated the fulfillment of the revelation probably influenced by resentment, political hostility.


Bishop Wealth made several predictions about the future of Nigeria throughout the last December.

Study the sentence above and point out the redundancy.

Every prediction is about the future. Therefore, it is redundant to write “about the future” again. Grammatically, this expression is valid: Bishop Wealth made several predictions about Nigeria throughout the last December. I believe that this explanation is comprehensible.

Necessary Requirement

Bagging a degree in Education is a necessary requirement for teaching in Nigerian schools. (Wrong)

Bagging a degree in Education is a requirement for teaching in Nigerian schools. (Correct)

The redundant word “necessary” has been eliminated in the second instance. Requirements are necessary or prerequisite. Below is an example from the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary: There was a requirement of the government on citizens for paying taxes.


People suffering from stage fright are most likely to always use this repetitious expression during their contributions to public discussions. Please, repent from every mistake as we continue to spread the gospel of good English around the country through the Peoples Daily newspaper. It is about time you repented from the sins of grammatical blunders.

In my opinion, I think President Bola Ahmed Tinubu will perform incredibly before the end of his first tenure. (Wrong)

In my opinion, President Bola

Ahmed Tinubu will perform incredibly before the end of his first tenure. (Correct) or

I think President Bola Ahmed Tinubu will perform incredibly before the end of his first tenure. (Correct)

In one of our classes, I emphasized that opinions are always personal. Your thoughts when expressed are also your opinions. Using “In my opinion, I think...” sounds awful to the ears of every brilliant English user. This is one of the indisputable reasons you should strive to learn more about tautology. I would advise you to study other books on Common Errors in English to have a sound understanding.

I Met Him Personally

While working as an editor to a male lecturer, he penned a tribute in memoriam of a monarch whose leadership positively impacted the community he ruled. At the beginning of the remarkable recognition with the late king’s picture in his full regalia, he wrote “I personally recognize...”. Professionally, I deleted the word “personally” because it was not needed in the piece.

I went to see the chairman personally.

Of course, If you met the chairman, it must have been personally.

Study the following sentences and underline the redundant words in them.

The loss of over two hundred lives in India is a sad misfortune.

Read the passage and write its short summary.

Kindly send your answers to 07049203179 or samueltolulopealimi@gmail.com.

Names of students who got the answers to the last questions correctly

Akindunjoye Micheal, Alimi Olive, Olanrewaju Glory, Rasheed Fatai, Awoyemi Joseph, Oluniyi Mojolaoluwa, Princess Nada Onu-Pepple, Adebayo Ifeoluwa, Racheal Alimi, Tunde Samuel and Ayobami Safiyyah.