Peoples Daily Newspaper, Monday, May 28, 2012

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Vol. 8 No. 46

Monday, May 28, 2012

62 soldiers expelled from Sudan for indiscipline >> PAGE 3

. . . putting the people first

Rajab 7, 1433 AH

Politicians Abuja satellite responsible for Tiv/ towns to gulp Fulani clash N37 billion >> PAGE 4


PPPRA scrutinises 2 foreign, probes 2 indigenous firms

>> PAGE 4

>> PAGE 19

Extra-judicial killings:

24 groups sue JTF ...As gunmen kill 4 in Kano

From Lawal Sadiq Sanusi and Edwin Olofu, Kano


coalition of civil society organizations (CSOs) in Kano has said preparations have reached an advanced stage to commence legal action against the Joint Task Force, (JTF), drafted to the ancient city to

maintain law and order, over extrajudicial killings and destruction of property of the citizens. Already, one case was filed last week at the High Court of Justice Zoo Road, Kano, while others are underway to seek legal redress for victims of alleged JTF personnel’s abuses.

Late Head of State, General Sani Abacha’s legal adviser, Prof. Auwalu Yadudu, told Peoples Daily in a telephone interview yesterday that 24 civil society organizations in Kano have concluded plans to take the JTF to court to seek redress for “victims of unwarranted killings and destruction of property in the state”.

Yadudu, who is in the lead “to prosecute all the trigger happy members of the JTF”, recalled that the CSOs issued a statement when the armed personnel were drafted to the state, urging government to avail them with the rules of engagement to forestall excessive use of force by security agents against the people.

He said: “We issued a statement at the beginning about our apprehensions; we said that if we don’t know the rules of engagement, the police and armed forces can use excessive force; our fears have been confirmed as on a daily basis there are allegations of extrajudicial killings, killing of Contd on Page 2

Nigeria won’t break up, assures Jonathan By Abdulrahman Abdulraheem


s Nigeria marks 13 years of democratic governance, now threatened by security and other challenges, President Goodluck Jonathan has said that a strong foundation for its continued existence as one indivisible entity is intact. The President, in an apparent reaction to concerns expressed by many Nigerians about the country’s ability to come out unscathed from the 2015 general elections, insisted that the founding fathers of the nation had done enough to erect a solid foundation that no one individual or group could wreck along ethnic or religious lines. Speaking yesterday at a special Democracy Day Church service at the National Christian Centre, Abuja, President Jonathan noted that “terrorism which came into the country like a thief in the night will be tackled and defeated. “I don’t intend to say so much today since I will address the nation on Tuesday but one Contd on Page 2

L-R: Bayelsa state Governor, Mr. Henry Seriake Dickson, President Goodluck Jonathan, First Lady, Mrs . Patience Jonathan, and Kaduna state Governor, Mr. Patrick Ibrahim Yakowa during the 2012 Democracy Day Church service yesterday at the National Christian Centre, Abuja. Photo: Joe Oroye

























Salami: It’s Jonathan’s coup against rule of law, says Tinubu From Ayodele Samuel, Lagos


ational leader of Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) and former Lagos state Governor, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, yesterday in Lagos, accused President Goodluck Jonathan of launching “a compound coup” against the rule of law and judicial integrity by not reinstating Justice Ayo Salami, the suspended President of the Court of Appeal in spite of the decision and recommendation of the National Judicial Council (NJC). “The first is the subtle assumption of power the Presidency does not properly wield”, he said. Tinubu, in a reaction to the decision of the NJC to reinstate Justice Salami and the apparent foot- dragging by the government, said “this type of executive highhandedness does not bode well for the administration of justice and

our nascent democracy”. He warned against a gradual descent into judicial anarchy with all the dangers it portends for individual rights and liberties of citizens. The ACN leader argued that “under the years of brutal military dictatorship, laws were being obeyed and the judiciary was not hamstrung. At least, those of us that were in detention got some reprieve by the order of the courts.” Tinubu described the non-reinstatement of Justice Salami as the second coup. “This goes directly to the independence of the courts,” he said. He added: “Justice Salami is in this predicament not because he did anything legally improper. He is in the soup because his objective, high quality legal work was seen as a grievous political sin by those in power. “Justice Salami is in trouble because he served his conscience

and refused to be part of the gang up to perverse justice. He had the temerity to decide cases according to applicable law and fact and this was unacceptable to the ruling party. He let verdicts fall where legality led them. “This means some verdicts went against the ruling party. This was enough to make them conspire against him. Now, the PDP has developed a script to intimidate other judges.” Tinubu called on all jurists, lawyers and civil society, particularly the media, to stand for justice and demand the reinstatement of Justice Salami. “The violation of the rule of law and constitutional checks and balances has to stop now before it gathers a momentum that brings irreparable harm,” he said. “By standing with Justice Salami today, we also take a stand for ourselves and the promise of a better future for the nation that

we love. “Now, Nigerians know this is part of a larger script to end the career of a courageous judge and amputate justice and subvert the rule of law. “Here the Presidency and PDP are culprits. The facts favour Justice Salami, but those who hold power in trust for millions of Nigeria will not let justice prevail. “The NJC and the consensus neutral opinion of the country’s most eminent jurists and legal scholars agree that the law points to only one proper course: Salami’s re-instatement.” “These people hold no partisan political brief. Their care is to promote legality. On the other side, stand only the PDP and their legal mercenaries. “I ask: who is behaving more dangerously partisan in this matter, the ruling party that ignores the great weight of considered legal opinion or the opposition that is willing to live by and under the law? I rest my case and say no more on this specific point.”

Extra-judicial killings: 24 groups sue JTF

2015: ANPP ’ll go into alliance with CPC, ACN — Tumsah, Page 37

International 31-34 Strange World 35 Digest








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Contd from Page 1 people and destruction of property. “In fact, we made a statement over that and we are going to take legal action. The legal action will be under the auspices of a coalition of civil society organizations in Kano, about 24 of them”. The CSOs that have come together to seek justice, according to Yadudu, include Network for Justice, African Research and Development Agency (ARADA), Kwandala Foundation, Widows and Orphans,and Democracy and Good Governance. Others are Muslim Sisters Organization, Civil Society Legislation Advocacy Group (CISLAG), Coalition of Budget Transparency Advocates, Rights Based Advancement Coalition (RIBAC) and Sustainable Development Network (SUDNET). On how many victims of extrajudicial killing they have been able to identify, Yadudu said: “I cannot give you a number now; the latest victim was killed on Thursday last

week and we are compiling the list of those affected”. Asked about his views on the government’s response or lack of it to the extrajudicial killings reported, he said the government’s silence has been expected but “we’re doing everything possible to help the victims get justice; we hold the government responsible”. Yadudu described life for civilians in Kano was very precarious “as currently they are trying to avoid angering the security men; sometimes it is difficult to avoid, but we have told people to be law-abiding; we have been telling them to avoid anything that can make them come under fire.” A neighbour of the latest victim of the JTF killings, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said, “extra-judicial killings by the JTF are daily occurrences in Kano and Maiduguri. “When I said more people have been killed by JTF than by Boko

Haram, I mean every word. “Not a single day goes by in Kano without at least three cases like this. The challenge has been to identify the victims and their families and to convince them to join in the effort to bring the perpetrators to book. “However, I can assure you from what I've seen that we are all going to pay a heavy price for this because nothing pushes recruits into the arms of Boko Haram like these extra judicial killings”. He observed: “If Kano becomes the main theatre of conflict, the authorities are certain to lose the fight because there are more than two million young people on Kano streets looking for a reason to bring this whole system down. An urban and asymmetric conflict of monumental proportions is looking us straight in the eye.” Meanwhile, unidentified gunmen on Saturday night shot and killed four persons at a Gidan Hamisu Gurgu relaxation spot at Gaida quarters of Kano

municipality. An eyewitness account said the gunmen arrived on a motorcycle and began shooting into an overcrowded spot patronised by mainly pokers. The report said the shooting occurred at about 6 pm, an hour after visiting Vice-President Namadi Sambo left the city. It was a visit that was marked by an unusually visible that witnessed security presence on the streets. The attack that lasted just ten minutes killed three persons on the spot while the other died in hospital from bullet wounds. No group has yet claimed responsibility for Saturday’s shooting, confirmed by Kano Police Command’s Public Relations Officer, Tanimu Rilwan Dutse. “We learnt that three people were shot dead by unknown gunmen Saturday evening at Filin Kashu relaxation spot at Gaida, and that one other person sustained injury”.

Nigeria won’t break up, assures Jonathan Contd from Page 1 thing I have to say is this, even though some people are busy predicting the disintegration of Nigeria, let me re-assure Nigerians that Nigeria will never disintegrate.” The President continued: “No individual or group no matter their ambition or selfish purpose will be able to divide this nation. Nigeria will never disintegrate.” He added that the country’s security agencies have “stepped up their gadgets and equipment” to bring the menace of terrorism in the country to an end. “We have done a lot and committed resources to advance our security architecture in order to tackle terrorism and God willing, we shall overcome,” the President said. Jonathan believes that Nigeria

is a powerful nation that is very well respected in the comity of nations because of its population, size, geography and the ability of its leaders to sustain democracy for the past 13 years. While thanking Nigerians for their consistent prayers and support, the President reserved special praises for the armed forces for their professionalism and for not taking advantage of the crisis in 2007 to interrupt democracy. “We have to specially thank our armed forces for being professional all through the period of the crisis we have had to face since 2007,” he said. “It is our own ability to sustain our democracy that gives us the moral right to approach any African nation at a time of any military interruption to demand

a return to the status quo. “That is why our Chief of Defence Staff commands the respect of his colleagues who sometimes take over power in their countries, anytime he goes there.” In a sermon titled "Know the truth and the truth shall set you free", former Primate of the Anglican Communion, Peter Akinola, said that there were no clear signs of genuine national unity in the country as leaders were interested in feathering their own nests, not national identity. On Boko Haram, he said the sect is not the only group that is disenchanted with the rest of the society. “Many other stakeholders are disenchanted but waiting for their time”, Akinola said. Clearly not inclined to talks with the sect, he said: "You open

yourself to ridicule if you open dialogue to a group that has made the country ungovernable. “Don't treat them with kid gloves. You don't dialogue with crime.” Akinola described the country as bloodthirsty. "We’re a bloodthirsty and bloodletting society with no regard for the sanctity of life. “Nigeria is at war against itself. Selfish politicians are doing all things on the basis of political exigency”. On how Nigeria came into being, he said there was “no consent from the South and North. It was done for the political and economic gains of the colonials. “Our leaders failed to gather the authentic representatives of Nigerians to seek the kind of independent Nigeria they wanted.”



Obasanjo is confused, says Rep From Sadeeq Aliyu, Sokoto


em be r, representing Gwaram constituency in the Federal House of Representatives, Yusuf Shittu Galambi, has described Former President Olusegun Obasanjo as confused, unbalanced in mind and soul while making ambiguous and confused. Galambi made the remark while reacting on the former President Obasanjo’s comment describing members of the National Assembly as “robbers and rogues”. He said, “Obasanjo is a confused old man that is loosing

his political relevance… (in addition to) his past records of irresponsible approach to matters of national interests that are supposed to be treated with decorum and respect on the future of our nation”. He said, “it was on record that Obasanjo can be worse than an armed robber giving the way he auctioned many government assets without clearly defining their market value. His singular action of auctioning four oil refineries, NITEL and Ajaokuta Steel Company among others without their real valuation, where they were sold at 30 percent of their real value is part of the major crises bedeviling our economy and nation’s stability today”.

Police arrests Guinness salesman over N3.7m From Ojebola Matthew, Lagos L-R: Vice-President Mohammed Namadi Sambo, Emir of Kano, Alhaji Ado Bayero and Kano state Governor, Engr. Rabi’u Musa Kwankwaso, during the VP’s condolence visit to the emir over the death of Sheikh Mudi Salga, at the weekend in Kano.

EFCC, police are corrupt – US report From Ayodele Samuel & Ojebola Matthew, Lagos


he United States has accused both the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), and the Nigeria Police Force (NPF) of rampant corruption. A recent report on human rights practices compiled by the United States Bureau of Democracy,

Human Rights and Labor, said corruption in the Nigerian Police remained rampant, particularly at highway checkpoints. It said, despite all efforts by the Inspector General of Police to strengthen the Police Monitoring Unit, charged with visiting police stations to search for bribe-taking officers, the unit made no arrests by years’ end. It further alleged authorities of

not holding the police accountable for the use of excessive deadly force and the deaths of persons in custody. “Police generally operated with impunity in the illegal apprehension, detention, and sometimes execution of criminal suspects. The reports of state or federal panels of inquiry investigating suspicious deaths remained unpublished.

2 policemen electrocuted in Birnin Kebbi From Ahmed Idris, Brinin Kebbi


rage dy occured at the Adamu Aliero estate yesterday when the dead bodies of two policemen were found along the road. According to an eyewitness who spoke to our reporter yesterday, the two policemen were electrocuted by Power Holding Company of Nigeria 11 KV wire.

The two cops, according to the witness, met their waterloo as they rode on a motorcycle along an untarred road just beside INEC headquarters. The duo had tried to dodge the sandy road and ran over the power cable. The eye witness, Usman Bala Shehu, a resident of the Aliero Estate, narrated how the incident occurred thus: “Yesterday, at

about 4 15 pm, I noticed that my house had no light but all my neighbors had. So, I went to the NEPA (PHCN) office at Gwadangwaji to report the case so that my light will be restored . As the NEPA staff is recording my case, suddenly two vehicles came, one a Peugeot and the other a police Hilux van, they said please switch off the light, two police men are dead”, he said.


he Lagos state Police Command has arrested a van salesman of Guinness Distribution Company at Shomolu, Lagos, Mr. Wale Idowu for allegedly disappearing with sum of N3,750,720 on May 5, 2012. Mr. Idowu was arrested through his referees while he applied for the job. According to Wale Ali, Manager of the Guinness distribution company, Mr. Idowu came to the office that day and pretended as if the cash had been deposited in the bank but luck ran out on him when the bank alert did not reflect the cash deposit. “It is the tradition of the company, that every sales man

must deposit their sales daily in the bank and bring the tellers to the company. That Tuesday, he was supposed to deposit N3,750,720.00, proceeds of the sales he made but when he came to the office that day. I thought he had come to submit his tellers but he left without anybody’s awareness”. “We waited for him to resume duty the next day but he did not show up. I kept calling his line but he refused to pick. Later that day, his friend called him and he picked up his call telling him that he has absconded with the company’s fund and we should not look for him,” Ali added. The state police spokesperson Mr. Jayeioba Joseph stated that Mr. Idowu was later arrested through his referee.

62 soldiers repatriated from Sudan for indiscipline, says GOC 1 Div


en er al Officer Commanding (GOC) 1 Division, Nigerian Army, Kaduna, Maj. Gen. Garba Wahab, said that 62 soldiers were repatriated from the mission in Sudan for acts of indiscipline. Wahab made the remarks at the graduation ceremony of 26 Battalion pre-deployment training course 1 at the Nigerian Army Peacekeeping Centre, Jaji, near Kaduna yesterday. He warned troops of the 26 Battalion against similar acts, adding that the army would not accept a repeat of such acts in

mission assignments. The GOC also urged them to remain focused and highly professional in the discharge of their duties. He said, “The Nigerian Army will not accept any situation, where its troops are disarmed, hence, the need for effective leadership at all levels”. The GOC said that those repatriated were being investigated to ascertain their culpability in the acts and would be punished if found wanting in the discharge of their duty, while in the mission area. (NAN)

‘N176 bn oil deal: FG’s role was that of facilitator of dispute resolution’ By Aminu Imam


he Federal Government has denied any round-tripping in the alleged N176 billion scandal involving presidential aides, two multinational oil companies and Malabu Oil & Gas Limited, a company owned by former petroleum minister, Dan Etete , over oil block 245. According to statement issued yesterday by the office of the Attorney-General of the Federation and Minister of Justice,

Mohammed Bello Adoke, “The role played by the Federal Government, its agencies and officials in relation to Block 245 was essentially that of facilitator of the resolution of a long standing dispute between Malabu and Shell over the ownership and right to operate Block 245.” Peoples Daily had on Friday reported how the Jonathan administration, Agip Exploration Limited (Agip) and Shell Nigeria Exploration and Production Company Limited (Shell) entered

into a secret deal in which the oil companies paid $1.1bn (N176 bn) to the Federal Government which was then transferred to Malabu. Subsequent investigations showed how the AGF, and the Minister of State for Finance Yerima Ngama allegedly transferred the funds a day before Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, the finance minister, was to resume office. The money was subsequently transferred to accounts of various Nigerian companies who are believed to be fronts for senior

government officials. However, the government yesterday alleged “misrepresentations and obvious mischief” in the reporting of the role of the Federal Government, its agencies and officials in the settlement of the dispute. Adoke explained: “In 2010, when this administration came to power, Malabu again, petitioned the Federal Government to implement the terms of the out-ofcourt settlement of 30th November 2006 on the basis of

which they had discontinued their appeal. “Government also took cognisance of the pending cases instituted by Shell against Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) and/or Malabu to enforce Shell’s rights to exclusively operate Block 245 as contractor on the basis of the 2003 Production Sharing Contract between NNPC and Shell and the financial implications of defending these actions on the public purse and opted for amicable resolution of the dispute.”



Public hearing on CBN autonomy holds today as experts call for restraint By Abdulwahab Isa


public hearing that seeks to effect an amendment to the 2007 CBN Act holds today at National Assembly complex, Abuja. The public hearing is coming after a Bill for an Act to amend the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Act of 2007 passed second reading. The bill sponsored by Sen. Ita Enang (PDP-Akwa Ibom), seeks to amend the Act to compel CBN to submit its budget to the National Assembly for approval every financial year as expected by law. It also seeks to replace CBN Governor as chairman of CBN board while also proposing the dropping of deputy governors as members of board. However, the step has generated reactions from both local and international scene. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has cautioned against the move as according to it, any attempt to tamper with the independence is wrong. Former governor of the CBN, Prof. Chukwuma Soludo has also called for restraint on move by the National Assembly to whittle down the autonomy of the CBN as guaranteed by the CBN Act 2007. Soludo who spoke recently declared that “the survival of that institution, CBN, is at the heart of the survival of the Nigerian economy”, adding that such attempt could hamper the effectiveness of monetary policy and the management of the macroeconomic framework of Nigeria.

Abuja satellite towns development projects to gulp N37bn By Josephine Ella


n estimated N37.463 billion will be required this year for the development and opening up of the satellite towns by the Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA). The Minister of State for FCT, Oloye Olajumoke Akinjide, handed the figure in a statement, through her Special Assistant on Media & Publicity, Oluyinka Akintunde. According to the statement, ongoing satellite towns’ development projects, accounted for N18.793 billion of the total cost while new projects in the satellite towns are valued at N16.670 billion. She said the sum of N2 billion has also been provided for the Satellite Town Development Agency (STDA) to take off. Akinjide listed the ongoing projects to include provision of engineering infrastructure to Kubwa Satellite Town (Districts 4 & 5) valued at N4 billion; provision of engineering infrastructure to Karshi Satellite Town Districts 1 & 2 (N4 billion). The statement further made mention of provision of engineering infrastructure to Bwari Satellite Town Districts 1 & 2 (N3.5 billion); construction of township roads in the six area councils of FCT (N1.248 billion); construction of Bwari-Karu Road (N1 billion); and extension of Karshi – Apo road (N750 million). Also included are: construction of Karshi-Ara road (N630 million); provision of roads, water and electricity supplies in resettlement site of Galuwyi/ Shere (N600 million); rehabilitation of road to Gwagwalada – Dobi – Izom (N500m); construction of Onex – Bwari Road (N400 million); construction of 11km MpapeGaluwyi/Shere Road (N400m); provision of 13km road to Kuje-

2015 controversy: CPC lawmakers back Buhari From Agaju Madugba, Kaduna


he Congress for Progressive Change (CPC) legislators at the National Assembly and Katsina state House of Assembly rose from a meeting in Kaduna yesterday and expressed support for the recent proclamation of the party’s presidential candidate in the 2011 general elections, MajorGen. Muhammadu Buhari, concerning the scheduled 2015 general elections. Buhari had two weeks ago affirmed that the 2015 elections may be bloody if the ruling People’s Democratic Party (PDP) rigs the polls. Addressing a press conference after the meeting, leader of the CPC lawmakers who is also the Senate Minority Leader, Senator Abu Ibrahim, explained that, “electoral victory that results from rigging is always a stolen mandate which in turn results in a government that is undemocratic and anti-people.” He described as false

insinuations that the national executive committee of the party purportedly expelled some of its members. Ibrahim accused the PDP of sponsoring some “renegade” members of the CPC to circulate the “mischievous” information arguing that it was designed to discredit Buhari over his position on 2015. As he put it, “we know that this is the handiwork of the PDPsponsored detractors of the progress of the great party. “We, the Federal and state legislators from Katsina state on the platform of the CPC are solidly behind the leader of our party, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari, and the legally constituted national executive leadership of the party. “We view the action of this renegade CPC group as malicious, mischievous and ultimately targeted at our leader, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari and we therefore condemn their action as abhorrent, illegal and of no consequence whatsoever.

Gaube; and construction/ rehabilitation of roads, drainages, flood control in Abaji, Gwagwalada, Kuje and other satellite towns (N230.5 million). The statement indicated that the new projects being executed by the FCTA include provision of infrastructure and construction of 5,000 units of affordable

housing in satellite towns (N4 billion); urban renewal and upgrading of Nyanya Labour Camp (N3.72 billion); construction of Kuje-KwakuGwargwarda-Rubochi road, WasaTakushara-Burum road, PandagiRimba Mamagi road. In the list, are also the University of Abuja Hostel Road

Gwagwalada and Kwali Bridge (N2.70 billion); purchase of heavy duty sanitation equipment (N1.50 billion); development of markets in four satellite towns (N511 million); and establishment of youth development & vocational centres in satellite towns (N489 million), the statement added.

L-R: Gombe state deputy governor, Mr. Tha'anda Rubainu, welcoming the state governor, Alhaji Ibrahim Dankwambo, at the weekend, after his return from Saudi Arabia where he performed Umarah.

Sultan blames politicians for Tiv/ Fulani violence From Uche Nnorom, Makurdi


he Sultan of Sokoto His Eminence Sa’ad Abubakar, has accused politicians of fueling the Tiv farmers/Fulani herdsmen crisis that has led the death of hundreds of persons and destruction of properties. The Sultan, who made this accusation at the weekend during a peace meeting held in Makurdi to resolve the feud, maintained that there are political issues and undertones about the crisis. He noted that it requires proactive steps and political will in tackling the impasse which has raged for many decades. His eminence warned against blame trading over the issues that often sparked off the crisis advising that focus should be on how to resolve the crisis. The meeting which was attended by the leadership of the Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association, the Tor Tiv Ochivirgh Dr. Alfred Akawe Torkula, Tiv Cultural Association in Taraba state, the catholic church, and the Anglican

Communion later went into a closed-door session that lasted for over eight hours. At the end, it was resolved that both groups should henceforth cease fire and demobilise their militias at the border communities and desist from carrying arms while security agencies from both Benue and Nasarawa states are to undertake a fact-finding operation to identify possible camps of militia with the view to dislodging same and to henceforth be proactive in their operations to avoid the reoccurrence of conflict. The Communiqué which was jointly signed by the secretaries to the governments of Benue and Nasarawa states, Dr. David Salifu and Hamza Elayo Mohammed, called on the Federal Government and the National Assembly to as a matter of urgency provide grazing areas for cattle as well as animal tracks to reduce the incidence of conflict between herdsmen and farmers. Themeeting emphasized the need for dialogue by all the political and traditional leaders to create

better understanding of the issues. During the meeting, a committee of three traditional rulers from the border communities in Benue and Nasarawa respectively, including Ter Nagi, Ter Guma and Ter Makurdi (Benue) and the chiefs of Kwandare, Adudu and Akpanaja was constituted and directed to meet soon to work out details of implementing the resolutions reached at the meeting. It called on Governors of Benue and Nasarawa states to receive the report of an earlier committee set up on the crisis on Wednesday 30th May, 2012 at Yelewat even as the Sultan’s Committee on farmers’ clashes with Fulani herdsmen was urged to resume sitting and submit its report to the Sultan as soon as possible. Both groups agreed that cattle rustling by Tiv youths shall henceforth be considered a criminal offence and treated as such. Similarly, Fulani herdsmen were told to desist from taking laws into their hands but should report their grievances to their host traditional rulers.



Senate moves to help Nigerians in trouble abroad By Richard Ihediwa


eprieve may be underway for thousands of Nigerians languishing in jails abroad as the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs has initiated high -level discussions with foreign missions with the view to secure the freedom of those found to be innocent.

Chairman of the committee, Senator Mathew Nwagwu, who disclosed this at the weekend, however asked Nigerians abroad to steer clear of trouble as the country will not back any citizen involved in criminal activities abroad. Nwagwu said the committee was holding talks with the foreign missions to help

innocent Nigerians that are already in trouble in foreign countries. "Every Nigerian should be an ambassador of the country. We will find a way of helping those who are innocent. We should not travel abroad purposely to en gage in dru g or oth er related offences", he said. Already, the committee, is

wor king wit h th e Ni geri an ambas sadors a broad to hold re gula r di scus sion s wi th Ni geri ans with a view to encou raging t hem to e ngage in lawf ul ventu res rath er tha n dr ugs or o ther related vices. The intervention is in keeping with renewed government campaign to shore up the negative

image of the country abroad. Nwagwu spoke to reporters at the reception and award ceremony organised by the Okigwe zonal meeting, Abuja to honour of him and other select dignitaries from the area. Others honoured at the event include a member of the House of Representatives, Rep Chudi Uwazurike.

Traditional rulers have solution to insecurity in Nigeria, says Magoro From Ahmed Idris Brinin Kebbi


Ogun state Governor, Senator Ibikunle Amosun (middle) presenting free school bag to one of the students of public school in the state in commemoration of the 2012 Children's Day, yesterdayat the M.K.O Abiola International Stadium, in Abeokuta.

5 students arrested with charms on Children’s Day From Dimeji Kayode-Adedeji Abeokuta


gun state command of National Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), yesterday arrested five secondary school students at the Moshood Abiola International Stadium, Abeokuta, venue of the Children's Day celebration for possessing charms and other dangerous weapons including assorted wines. The arrested culprits adorned in school uniforms were caught by the operatives just as students were trooping into the stadium in

preparation for the annual event. Their ages range between 14 and 17 years. Peoples Daily reports further that, four of the deviants are said to be students of Rev Kuti Grammar School while one is from Lantoro High School in Abeokuta. The culprits could not offer convincing explanation on the charms and other items upon interrogation and had to be whisked away for more drilling at the NSCDC headquarters at Oke-Mosan, Abeokuta. When contacted, Public

Relations Officer of NSCDC, Olanrewaju Kareem, confirmed the crime and arrest of the students, pointing out that they were being interrogated at the time of filing this reports. His words: "One of them is from Lantoro High School, while the other four are from Rev Kuti Grammar School, Abeokuta. From investigations conducted so far, they may likely be cultists, but investigation is still on going and we are equally working in conjunction with Ministry of Education to get rid of crimes from students".

Civil Defence arrests two car snatchers, six others at large From Ali Abare Abubakar, Lafia


he Nasarawa state command of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), has arrested a father and his son for allegedly heading a car snatching syndicate, with six other suspects still at large. Revealing this to journalists yesterday in Lafia, Soji Alabi, Public Relations Officer of the command, who stood in for the commandant, Nweze Emmanuel Okemini, stated that the corps effected the arrest in Karshi development area, stressing that the suspects specialise in snatching cars in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) and its environs. The two suspects, Bala Mohammed and his son, Bala Mohammed (Jnr.) confessed that

between January to date, they have bought about 30 stolen cars. Throwing more light over the arrest, he said, "One of the suspects, Mohammed Bala (son) was arrested on the 22nd of May 2012 at about 1200 hours while trying to dismember an already stolen Nissan Sunny car with Lagos registration number DP 362 LND. The arrest was made possible by the vigilant intelligence officers of the Corps." The commandant said the arrest of the son led to the arrest of the father, Bala Mohammed, a middle aged man from Kware local government area of Sokoto state and "six others now at large for their involvement in car snatching and other related crimes in the FCT and its environ." Okemini further said, "The

suspect also confessed to the crime that he has bought more than 30 of such stolen vehicles this year at prices ranging from N20, 000 to N30, 000 for a complete vehicle. According to him, "they usually go for cars that are in high demand like Toyota Camry and Honda cars" "Preliminary investigations revealed that the principal suspect Bala Mohammed specialises in buying stolen vehicles from vehicle snatchers in Abuja and its environs. He will then break the vehicles into pieces and sell the parts so that no trace of the vehicle can be found", he explained. He disclosed that the syndicate leader runs a warehouse in Kuchinkawo in Karu LGA.

I'll continue to respect traditional institution Ajimobi From Inumidun Ojelade, Ibadan


overnor Abiola Ajimobi of Oyo state has praised traditional rulers in the state for their support to his administration, pledging to accord them respect and recognition. The governor gave the pledge at the weekend while speaking at the formal presentation of a book commemorating the 86th birthday of the Soun of Ogbomoso, Oba Jimoh Oladunni Oyewumi, Ajagungbade III in Ogbomoso. The book - "The Merchant Prince and the Monarch'', traces the historical development of Ogbomoso from its early beginning in the second half of the seventh century to the modern period. He said that the monarchs support and cooperation had helped tremendously in the discharge of his duties, fulfilment of his electioneering promises. The governor described the Soun as a quintessential monarch, an accomplish Nigerian and an exceptional entrepreneur as well as an epitome of royalty. "I find him to be not only a hardworking individual but also a perfectionist,'' he remarked.

he chairman, Senate Committee on Security, Senator Muhammadu Magoro, has identified traditional rulers as the best solution to the insecurity facing some parts of the country. He stated this at the weekend in Birnin Kebbi at the public presentation and book on ''Traditional Titles in Northern Nigeria'' written by Sani Sami, the Emir of Zuru. N29.3million was realised at the occasion. He noted that the roles played by the traditional rulers in the past were been disregarded, saying '' traditional rulers were the vanguards of the society, they gave village head directives to perform some of the government activities, they were just like policemen then''. Magoro who was the chairman of the occasion, said there was need to return to the values of our former leaders who had good intensions in moving the country forward, lamenting over the level of insecurity in the country most especially in the north. He said members of the National Assembly are working had to ensure peace and harmony in the country. ''I promise you that the perpetrators will be fished out very soon and the truth of the matter have started coming out'', he said. Also speaking at the occasion, the former Minister of Federal Capital Territory, Senator Adamu Aliero who donated N2.7 million, commended the emir for writing the historical book. Senator Aliero said, for the past four years, he has not been attending any public functions due to some circumstances but promised to grace more functions. '' The past has gone, let us join hands together and move the state forward, I'm back for good'', he said. In his speech, the author and Emir of Zuru, said that he would be happy whenever the roles and innumerable contributions of traditional rulers are recognized and appreciated by the government and the public. However, he said, "at peace times, their roles and palaces seem to be forgotten'' . The emir lamented that monarchs "are only relevant when the peace and stability of the nation was threatened or when members of the public want traditional appointments or titles to add to their curriculum vitae".



Democracy Day: NASS Clerk demands strict compliance with legislation By Richard Ihediwa

A of

head of Tuesday’s Democracy Day anniversary, the Clerk the National Assembly,

Salisu Maikasuwa, has urged the legislature at the federal and state levels to set up processes that will ensure strict compliance to legislations so as to guarantee

Lakemfa dropped as NLC acting secretary general, Uyot takes over By Muhammad Nasir


cting Secretary General of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) Comrade Owei Lakemfa has been removed from his position; no official statement has been made on this development. However, investigations revealed that Lakemfa has been replaced by Chris Uyot who is expected to serve as acting secretary general pending further instructions. It would be recalled that Lakemfa became acting secretary general on the heels of the controversial sacking of John Odah as secretary general. Odah is in court seeking redress.

Lakemfa may have run into trouble over a recent statement he issued which some insiders said was beyond his brief. In what appears to confirm reports of disquiet over Lakemfa’s statement, NLC president Abdulwaheed Omar in a statement on Saturday which did not mention Lakemfa, said a recent media war emerged as a reaction to a statement purported to be issued by the congress. Omar added, “Congress noted that at no time was there a decision to engage any of the affiliate unions of the NLC, including great unions like NASU and (NUHPSW) in unnecessary media exchanges and war of attrition over issues that are purely internal and

the delivery of democracy dividends to Nigerians across the country. Maikasuwa who stated this while delivering an address at the Conference on Democracy clearly surmountable...” Efforts to reach the labour leaders over the controversy yesterday were aborted as the NLC boss told our reporter he was in a meeting, while comrade Lakemfa could not be reached for his reaction over the development.

and Development, organised by Nasarawa state University, Keffi, noted that there is a nexus between democracy and development adding that this can be achieved when there are institutionalised processes that ensures inclusion, transparency and accountability in governance. He said democracy must tend towards development and that this can only be guaranteed if there is a transparent system in which everyone in the society is given

the opportunity to partake in decision making as well as to partake in the consummation of such choice, a situation which, he said can only be achieved through strict adherence to the rule of law. Stating that the legislature must do all it takes to ensure strict compliance to legislations, Maikasuwa said: “Our legislature should (as it increasingly does), not only enact legislations but to ensure strict compliances with the spirit and letters of such enactments in an open inclusive and accountable manner. From this perspective, we will further our efforts towards establishing the nexus between democracy and development.”

NOA boss tasks leaders on youth mentoring By Tobias Lengnan Dapam


he Director-General of the National Orientation Agency, Mr. Mike Omeri has called on highly placed Nigerians to pay more attention to the mentoring ofthe youth along productive lines, stressing that if the nation must have a secure future, there is no alternative to proper up bringing. Omeri, made this call while addressing students of the Federal Government Boys College (FGBC), Garki, Abuja, where he was a guest speaker at the yearly mentoring forum of the school. He charged the youth to identify and adopt responsible roles models as a motivation towards the realisation of their dreams. A statement issued by the Chief

Press Secretary in the agency, Paul Odenyi, advised the youth to disabuse their minds from dependence on godfathers, noting that the era of such was over in Nigeria. “The choices we make in life will shape our future. As young people, don’t ever say something is not possible”. On his part, the principal of the school, Mr. Stephen Chega said the mentoring programme organised by the Explorers Book and Readers Clubs of the school in partnership with the NOA, was aimed at restoring, sustaining and promoting good culture and values among the youth. He said the partnership became necessary considering the direct relevance of NOA as an attitude molding agency to the task of raising future leaders for the nation.

Pa Rewane: Freed suspects demand N5 billion compensation From Francis Iwuchukwu, Lagos


Federal High Court sitting in Ikoyi, Lagos, presided over by Justice Charles Achibong, has fixed June 15,2012, for hearing of the N5 billion suit instituted against the Lagos state government by three suspects discharged by court over complicity in the murder of Pa Alfred Rewane in 1995 . The plaintiffs, Lucky Igbinovia, Effiong Elemu and Elvis Erenuwa, dragged the state government and the police to court asking for compensation over their alleged incarceration before the court

set them free last year. The trio of Igbinovia, Elemu and Erenuwa were arrested in 1995 and charged alongside others in 1996 for alleged complicity in the killing of elder statesman, Pa Alfred Rewane. They were however discharged by the state High Court last year due to lack of diligent prosecution. After regaining their freedom, they (plaintiffs) approached the court praying it to declare that “the roles played by the government for over 15 years were oppressive, wicked, malicious and an abuse of powers and outrageous disregard of the law”.

L-R: Former Minister of State for Education, Hajiya Aishatu Dukku, presenting Best Legislator Award on Female Agenda to chairman, House of Representatives Committee on Education, Hon. Farouk Lawan, during Tozali Magazine’s 5th anniversary and awards night, at the weekend in Abuja. Photo: Justin Imo-owo

Bar indicted Senators, Reps from sittings – Tapgun


ormer Plateau state governor, Fidelis Tapgun, has said National Assembly members facing corruption charges should not be allowed to attend sittings of the Senate and the House of Representatives. “One note the constitutional provision that deems an accused as innocent until proven guilty, but senators and members of the House of Representatives with corrupt charges on their necks should first clear them. “It is the only way to prove to the world, especially their constituencies, that they are respectable and honourable members that can make laws that will rid the nation of corruption which we all agree is the nation’s worst vice”, Tapgun said in Jos. “It is nauseating when you see a senator in the morning sweating in court for allegedly embezzling billions of naira while serving as governor, and later in the afternoon you see the same

man sitting with other senators in the chambers. “Once that fellow raises his hand to speak, you get a feeling that he is a common criminal and cannot have anything useful to contribute,’’ he told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN). Tapgun, who at various times served as minister of industries and Nigeria’s ambassador to Kenya, described corruption and greed as Nigeria’s worst problems, and called on leaders to “demonstrate seriousness”, in tackling them. “Governments at all levels should do more to fight the twin menace. People caught should be dealt with severely. We have been too mild with corrupt people and that is why the situation is getting worse every day. “A lot of former governors have been charged with massive theft and embezzlement, but they keep buying their way through. “They are normally so sure they can find their way and even

brag daily about the helplessness of the law”. He said these vices had kept Nigeria perpetually on its knees, and declared that corruption and greed were the main threat to the nation’s democracy. Tapgun called for the strengthening of existing structures to effectively tackle the challenges in the nation’s development processes, noting that most institutions were too weak to respond to the challenges. The former governor, however, said that Nigeria’s democracy was on track in spite of the noticeable shortcomings. “Nigeria’s democracy is on the right path in spite of distractions here and there. The issues we are facing now are phases that will give way to greatness. “We must note that the model we are copying did not attain its height in just 13 years of democracy. I am optimistic that we shall get there if we remain focus and committed to growth, stability and development”. (NAN)



State police an invitation to secession, says Ehindero


ormer Inspector-General of Police, Mr. Sunday Ehindero, says the creation of state police will lead to eventual disintegration of Nigeria. He said this in a lecture at a retreat of the House of Representatives' Ad Hoc Committee on the review of the

1999 constitution in Port Harcourt. Ehindero said that allowing the states to control the police would lead to anarchy because of existing issues among some states and regions in the country. He said states would be tempted to use the police under its control to address their

interests instead of national interests. "It will take us back to the days of ethnic militia, some issues have been handled with dialogue because the police is seen as that of all Nigerians". The former police boss said that security was more like development and should be the job

of everybody and not just physical protection as offered by the police. "Security is development, issues such as education, healthcare and other services must be tackled as a way of having security". Also, a Senior Lecturer at Bayero University, Kano, Dr. Mohammed Umar, said that security meant a lot more than provision of arms and ammunitions to the police. He said the problem with the police in Nigeria was borne out of

system failure and did not require constitutional amendment to correct. "Everything cannot be achieved through constitutional review, more arms is not the issue, more intelligence is, more effective oversight of the system is". Umar urged the House of Representatives to be careful in undertaking the on-going review exercise, adding that "any mistake could mean a problem". (NAN)

Admission controversy rocks Kogi varsity From Sam Egwu, Lokoja


Air Commodore Sulaiman Dambo (right), receiving his graduation certificate from Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, recently in Montgomery, Alabama, United States of America (USA).

he proper academic pursuit envisaged by the founding fathers and stakeholders of Kogi State University, Anyigba, may have been thwarted by the encroachment of admission irregularities which have cropped up in the institution. Many said the worst was the last admission execise where those who qualified were dropped for those who had godfathers, a practice which they noted was not obtainable under immediate past Vice Chancellor, Prof. Francis Idachaba. It was gathered that the admission policy into the varsity has now glaringly been reduced to negotiation, while those qualified but who have nobody to back them up miss out. One victim, Innocent Adanu,

Children’s Day: SERAP threatens sanction against FG over judgment From Francis Iwuchukwu, Lagos


ocio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP), yesterday, charged the Attorney General of the Federation and Justice Minister, Mohammed Adoke, to ensure that the Federal Government complies with the judgment delivered by the ECOWAS Court of Justice on the right of Nigerian children to free, qualitative and compulsory basic education without further delay. SERAP threatened that: "Should the government fail or neglect to fully and effectively implement the judgment within two weeks of the receipt and/or publication of this letter, we will seek sanctions against the government pursuant to Article 24 of the Supplementary Protocol of the ECOWAS Court of Justice, and Article 77 of the ECOWAS Treaty." The group in a letter dated, May 25, 2012 and signed by its solicitors, Femi Falana reads in part: "Since the judgment was delivered in November 2010, the government has neither

acknowledged the judgment nor taken steps to implement the letter and spirit of the judgment. "Since the judgment was delivered, more than 12 million Nigerian children of school age still roam the streets and have no access to primary education; 115 million adults are illiterate. "The UBEC also confirmed that several states have failed to provide the counterpart funds to access over N30 billion of th e UB EC fun ds, whi ch remain unspent to date. "While senior government officials send their children to schools abroad, poor children continue to be denied access to quality primary education in th e co untr y.

"The lack of real tools for poor children to fight the cycle th at plag ues th eir fam ili es an d vill ages , m ake th em mo re sus cep tib le to ma nip ula tio n a nd vi ctim isa tion by pol itic al le ade rs who see k p ubl ic po siti ons at all cos ts f or personal enrichment. "Without access to quality ed uca tio n, o ur chi ldr en cannot have the chance to end the cycle of poverty, disease, ab use , m anip ula tio n, victimization, and violence. "W e b eli eve tha t b y t he judgment, the government is re quir ed to r evi ew t he ef fect ive ness of the ex isti ng do mest ic leg al a nd

co nst itut ion al rem edie s f or th e en for ceme nt of t he hu man rig ht t o e duc atio n, and to take steps to address st ruct ura l or ge ner al deficiencies in national law or pr ac ti ce . "We note that Article 15(4) of the ECOWAS Treaty makes th e ju dgm ent of the cou rt bi ndin g o n me mbe r s tate s, inclu ding Nig eria. "Also, Article 19(2) of the 19 91 Prot oco l p rovides th at the decisions of the court shall be fi nal and im medi ate ly enforceable. The organisation therefore as ked the Fe der al Government to among others, "P ubli cly ack now led ge a nd

told our correspondent at Anyigba that it was not like this under Prof Idachaba who was very strict and did not allow politicians to pollute the academic standard, by bringing in those who were not qualified. A senior lecturer with the university, who craved anonymity, told our reporter in Lokoja that most academic staff members of the school were fed up of the situation created in the academic environment by the VC, Prof Hassan Isah, noting that things have changed for the worst. He further stated that despite all the complaints about the irregularities going on in the school, the VC prefers listening to the sycophants than addressing the issue, stressing that some would collect an undisclosed amount and offer admission to non qualified candidates. wel come t he ECO WAS co urt right to education judgment, and to express your government's commitment to complying fully and effectively with the judgment. It would be recalled that following a case instituted against the Federal Government, the ECOWAS Community Court of Justice in November 2010 delivered a landmark judgment requiring the government to provide as of right, free, quality, and compulsory basic education to every Nigerian child. The suit had alleged violation of the right to quality education, the right to dignity, the right of peoples to their wealth and natural resources and to economic and social development guaranteed by Articles 1, 2, 17, 21 and 22 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights. The court ordered the FG to make adequate provisions for the compulsory and free education of every child forthwith.

Dankwambo wants FG to dialogue with all militant groups From Auwal Ahmad, Gombe


ombe state governor, Alhaji Ibrahim Dankwambo has called on the Federal Government to dialogue with the Jama'atul Ahalis Sunnah Liddawa'ati wal Jihad, known as Boko Haram and other militant groups with

the view to resolving the crises in the country. Dankwambo, who stated this while speaking with journalists in Gombe, shortly after the grand reception organised by the people of the state to welcome him back from the Lesser Hajj (Umrah) in Saudi Arabia, said that only dialogue with

Jama'atul Ahalu Sunnah Liddawa'ati wal Jihad known as Boko Haram and other militant groups would ensure peace and development in the country. He pointed out that dialogue is best option for the resolution of any crisis, adding that "any person who engages in any act has a reason for doing so. It is

good to always know the grudges of somebody before you take measures to resolve it". He said that any group that have problem, with government it is good to know what the problem is so that the issue can be resolved and leader has responsibility to ensure justice by listening to all complaints.



Part-time programmes contribute to falling standard of education, says NUC P oor quality of graduates of part-time programmes in universities is partly responsible for the decay in Nigeria's education sector, says Prof. Julius Okojie, Executive Secretary of the National Universities Commission. Okojie told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) yesterday in Abuja that activities of institutions offering part-time programmes were giving the education sector a bad image and raising questions on the quality of graduates produced. "I have hope for this education in this system here, but what is spoiling it; we have to rationalise. "The part-time programme is

giving us a bad name; we have students who go through the backdoor to earn certificates of universities that have reputation. "If the University of Benin has 25,000 students as regular students and 23,000 as part-time students. You can't possibly put your eyes on those 23,000; it is not going to happen". Okojie stated that the reputations of universities had been tainted because of the part-time programmes, usually run for financial benefits. He said, however, that a

mechanism was being put in place to upgrade such programmes and to allow for effective monitoring of the courses offered through distance learning. According to him, the NUC has already accredited the first 42 programmes, under the Distance Learning programme. "We have been moderating them; they started with all sorts of programmes with the undergraduates, but they could not cope with the study centres", he said. Okojie also told NAN that the

rationale behind the setting of nine new federal universities was to make varsity education more accessible. It would also help in developing the states in which the institutions were sited, he added. "The nine planned institutions are in the states where we do not have any federal university. For instance, we have yet to establish universities in Yobe, Zamfara and other states". The NUC executive secretary said the idea of setting up more universities was in line with

President Goodluck Jonathan's transformation agenda as it was the first time in many years that brand new universities were being established. "This is the first time that government is thinking of establishing new universities which is a deviation from the usual way of converting colleges of education to universities". Okojie, however, agreed that a lot of effort was needed to improve and build a stronger institutional framework in the sector. (NAN)

Doctors plan nationwide sympathy strike with sacked Lagos colleagues From Ayodele Samuel, Lagos


he National Association of Resident Doctors (NARD), has directed all its members nationwide to embark on a three-day warning strike to sympathise with their colleagues recently sacked by the Lagos state go vern men t. NARD, an association of medical doctors in all the University Teaching Hospitals across Nigeria after a congress meeting at the weekend planned to embark on a warning strike this week should the crisis between the Lagos state government and the sacked doctors not be resolved. NARD president, Dr. T.J. Achonwa said the warning strike shall begin on Thursday and last till Saturday. Achonwa directed all the resident doctors to stay off their jobs in the teaching hospitals all over Nigeria in those three days if the crisis in Lagos state health sector continues till Thursday. President of the association at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, Dr. Saheed Babajide, said the association also concluded that if the crisis is not resolved after the warning strike, it will trigger an indefinite strike by all resident doctors.

Catholic Archbishop of Abuja, Most Reverend John Onaiyekan (right), administering sacrament of confirmation to Catholic faithful, yesterday to mark Pentecost Sunday in Abuja. Photo: Justin Imo-owo

Jigawa police to deploy 800 officers for Democracy Day celebrations From Ahmed Abubakar, Dutse


he Jigawa state Commissioner of Police, Mr. Kayode Theophilus, said the command has concluded arrangements to deploy over 800 combat ready police officers to man the Aminu Kano Triangle, venue of tomorrow's Democracy Day celebration. The commissioner stated that the police amongst its constitutional responsibility must ensure that the celebration is carried out without any

circumstance of infringements upon the rights of the people that would grace the occasion. Mr. Theophilus declared that the police would collaborate with other security operatives to ensure that no one gets hurt or abused while the exercise lasts. The commissioner who stated this over the weekend while speaking to newsmen in Dutse, the state capital, noted that his actions are in line with the effort of the Inspector General of Police to restore the image of the police.

Magistrate’s court acquits kindred head over murder charge From Uche Nnorom, Makurdi


Chief Magistrate Court in Benue state headed by Dan Ogo has discharged and acquitted a kindred head, Chief Joseph Toko Zumbe of Mbagur Mbadede council ward of Vandeikya local government who is alleged to have killed a young man for sleeping with his wife. It was gathered that Chief Zumbe in conspiracy with his son, Toryila, murdered one Terhemba Akighir whom he caught making love with one of his six wives and

dumped his body behind his house. The chief was said to have reported to the police that he found a corpse behind his house though police investigation later revealed that he actually killed the young man. But when the matter came up, counsel to Chief Zumbe, Barr. Tim Dim brought a motion that the case be struck out for want of diligent prosecution which the legal adviser to the Ministry of Justice did not oppose. Consequently, the presiding magistrate struck out the case on the same grounds.

Those obstructing Salami’s reinstatement will be consumed - ex NBA boss From Olanrewaju Lawal, Ilorin


former chairman of the Nigeria Bar Association (NBA), Kwara state chapter, Barrister Salma Jawondo, has advised President Goodluck Jonathan and other eminent members of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) not ot play politics with the reinstatement of the supended President of the Court of Appeal, Justice Isa Ayo Salami,

noting that they would be consumed if care was not taken. Jawonko, who stated this in Ilorin in an interview with our reporter, said that the Attorney General of the Federation, Mohammed Bello Adoke was not sincere on the matter by not counseling the presidency on the right thing. He alleged that the AGF was behaving like a "PDP lawyer". "The case of Justice Ayo Salami is

a disgrace to Nigerians. He was suspended despite that he had filed a case in competent court. Yet he was suspended by President Jonathan. The same NJC realised its mistake and took another decision by reinstating him. But few member of the ruling power were asked to go to court to challenge him. Then, the presidency, through the AGF says a responsible government would not implement such recommendation while a case

has been filed against his reinstatement. "He is saying that the same government was not responsible when he suspended him despite Justice Ayo Salami had filed a case in the court that the Presidency lack power to suspend him? The question now is what was the AGF doing when the same government went ahead to suspend Justice Salami while there was case in the court"?

While warning presidency on the implication of prolonging the reinstatement of Justice Salami, Jawondo said those involved would be consumed. "My advice to those people who believe they have attained the heights is that if they believe that when they finish destroying Nigeria, they would go scot free is that they are playing with fire. Nigerians will rise and deal with them, they will be consumed.




The election tribunal Nigerians want


he federal government last Wednesday announced that a special tribunal would be set up to try those who incite violence during and after elections. The decision was taken at the weekly meeting of the Federal Executive Council, usually presided over by President Goodluck Jonathan. The setting up of the tribunal is the first step taken by the government to implement its white paper on the recommendation of the Sheik Lemu Committee that investigated last year’s postelection violence in some northern states. Making the announcement, the Minister of Information, Mr. Labaran Maku said: “The Federal Executive Council, in reviewing what happened and indeed the merit of this recommendation, accepted this proposition to establish a special tribunal to try election offences in the country. This, we believe, will make it possible for speedy dispensation of justice. “It will also ensure that all those who take liberty to spread violence, to cause mayhem in elections in this country are not only brought to book but that the judicial process to try them should be such that will be quick and orderly in the dispensation of justice.’’ Maku also said that the Council approved the banning of youth groups set up by political office holders and used as militias during elections. According to him,

the Attorney-General of the Federation and Minister of Justice has been directed to liaise with the Inspector-General of Police to work out modalities to stamp out such groups. No doubt, the physical destruction and killings that followed the April 2011 presidential elections were the most widespread in the history of

A special court to try established cases of electoral fraud, in our view, makes more sense than the one the government has opted for. Violence occurring during voting, and especially after results are announced, is a reaction to vote rigging as the 2011 debacle showed elections in the country. The spontaneity of the violence reflected the extent of dissatisfaction with the conduct and outcome of the poll. The federal government’s response was the setting up of the Lemu Panel, which investigated the “remote and immediate causes” of the unprecedented violence and submitted its report in record time. But it took the government a long time to come out with a white paper

OUR MISSION “To be the market place of ideas and the leading player in the industry by putting the people first, upholding the truth, maintaining the highest professional and ethical standards while delivering value to our stakeholders”

and still more time to take a concrete action. Even then, the government’s somewhat tardy response falls far short of the expectation of the majority of Nigerians, which explains why only the President’s party, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), found anything to cheer about. What most Nigerians want and expect to see in place is a special tribunal to try people who rig elections, thereby stealing the mandate of Nigerians. This was one of the cardinal recommendations of the Justice Mohammed Uwais Electoral Reform Committee set up by late President Umaru Musa Yar’adua. Even the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), the government-appointed election umpire, is well in support of that recommendation. A special court to try established cases of electoral fraud, in our view, makes more sense than the one the government has opted for. Violence occurring during voting, and especially after results are announced, is a reaction to vote rigging as the 2011 debacle showed. Preventing a repeat means taking measures to ensure that people’s votes count; it means the outcome must clearly reflect the people’s will. We fear that the government’s proposed special tribunal to try those suspected of inciting violence cannot achieve this goal. It is simply placing the cart before the horse or like a doctor treating symptoms rather than the disease.








“To be a reputable, profitable, innovative and technologically reliant media company offering world class services and products”


By Dimeji Daniels


doubt if President Goodluck Jonathan ever bothered to read his inaugural speech after May 29, 2011. Jonathan, like most before him, and Governors too, probably considers the inaugural speech an academic exercise that should soon be discarded as soon as it is over. I doubt, and I am willing to bet my salary on this, whether some of them even keep a copy(ies) of their inaugural speech. I have read several inaugural speeches by Nigerian governors and presidents (forgive the sickening way some of the speeches were crafted) that overtime I have come to believe strongly that is either they don’t bother to read it once in a while afterwards or that the pressure and responsibilities of the job become too complicated for their brains. If not, how did we find ourselves in this situation? Why would GEJ endlessly bungle the presidency? We all know, as he said, that the problems of Nigeria did not all start in his time, but we also know that Osama Bin Laden was already a menace to the US before the Obama presidency and yet Obama saw to his crushing. But who am I kidding? Why should I compare America with Nigeria? One’s leaders apparently lack sense of duty, the leaders of the other do not. So what is the basis for comparison? NONE!!! Despite their no-longer-news incapabilities, should the Nigerian leaders flip through their inaugural speeches once in a while, maybe, just maybe things would have been different? If President Jonathan does it, he would have by now known that By S.O.C. Okenwa


n Igbo land, kidnapping for money has become a multibillion Naira business with well-organized network. When people from other ethnic groups in Nigeria often accuse the Igbos of being too materialistic we often rise in defense of our people and tribe but the truth remains that with the advent of kidnapping the Igbos have taken it to another terrible level confirming the long-held view that Igbos love making money by hook or by crook! When it comes to money issues and how to make money the average Igboman is not lacking in ideas! Without conscience some go to any lenght (including right inside the church premises) to either kill for money or kidnap for same! Kidnappers and killers have taken over Imo state and Gov. Okorocha seemed powerless to do anything about it. There is no day that passes by without horrible tale of kidnappers snatching someone especially in Owerri. And the hinterland is worse; with little or no security and porous entry and exit points, these weird drugged boys are going about the ‘business’ as if it is now a legal way of making money. Not long ago these kidnappers had terrorised Abia state forcing some Aba residents to flee the city for fear of falling victim of this abhorent trend. Now people of Imo are relocating en masse to avoid


Mr. President, pick up your inaugural speech! he has expressly failed Nigerians and that at the rate he is going, he doesn’t seem to have any clue as to how to proceed. The so-called progress his government daily celebrates and vociferates about through Labaran Maku is at best described as moving round in circles, which is worse that retrogression (backward movement), for in retrogression there seems to be a destination, but sustained movement in circles will certainly, someday, along the line, result in spinning which could set us off-balance and make us collide with unforeseen objects. I doubt if even we are not already in that state. Was Boko Haram’s menace foreseen by our leaders? Clearly, their responses to the sect and their inability to stop it bear all the markings of being caught off-guard, like a child who gets too engrossed in spinning, forgetting that at the end of it (if he is not caught by strong arms) a fall awaits him. Today, I can boldly challenge President Jonathan to tell me if he has any workable blue-print to turn Nigeria around! I know he will begin to sell his transformational agenda; we know about that one and it doesn’t seem to be working. GEJ should come out boldly, without the prodding of Ngozi Iweala or Abati’s no-longer-credible words, to explain if he has any clue about

how to steer Nigeria towards progress or if he has the balls to see it through. We know for a fact that he is not a general as he says, but he cuts the figure of a man overwhelmed by events around him. Also, his tendency to vacillate makes him appear like a poor and incompetent leader. I challenge him to prove to me that the decision of my aged grandfather to vote for the once-shoeless Otuoke boy would not be a historical mistake! As a Nigerian who is well aware of his rights and the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, I challenge Jonathan to explain to me if he really understands the complexities of the various policies he is being spoon-fed with by people like Okonjo Iweala! Towards the end of last year, Labaran Maku, Diezani Madueke, Okonjo Iweala, Sanusi Lamido (just to mention a few) flooded our public life with reasons the fuel subsidy has to give way. They told us it was for our own good. Well, as it turned out, it was for their own good. Almost N3 trillion, according to the House of Representatives probe, was expended right under Jonathan’s nose as fuel subsidy. Why then the lie that it was only N1.3 trillion? While a waste management company and other moneysucking companies were tasked with the importation of PMS and

were smiling to the banks, Nigerians like me were groaning under this Jonathan policy (or is it Iweala’s policy?) Yet, in paragraph 30 of his inaugural speech, GEJ said: “Fellow citizens, in every decision, I shall always place the common good before all else.” Was removal of fuel subsidy, as we now see, for common good? How does punishing the poor for the greed of the rich amount to a common good? He went on: “The bane of corruption shall be met by the overwhelming force of our collective determination, to rid our nation of this scourge. The fight against corruption is a war in which we must all enlist, so that the limited resources of this nation will be used for the growth of our commonwealth.” Well, Mr President, most of the masses have already enlisted in the war, but have you? Have members of your cabinet enlisted in the war? With Adoke’s initial dilly-dallying about the subsidy probe and with your handing it over to the EFCC, it would seem you also believe, like your Attorney-General, that it was all a fact-finding mission. Besides my aged maternal grand-father who voted for you, there was a 103 year old man who participated in the election and a certain Emmanuel Bamidele Orevba (mentioned in your speech) who, though not a

politician, campaigned vigorously for you and later died from celebrating your victory, a victory he probably thought would bring succour to his children and children’s children. But how would he feel in his grave now? Happy? Disappointed? What about the corps members who worked tirelessly during the election only for some of them to lose their lives in the aftermath? We know the surviving ones have been repaid with delayed payment of their allowances. What about the dead ones? Shouldn’t President Jonathan honour them with a sterling performance so that they wouldn’t die in vain? Was the death of the Nigerians who lost their lives during the fuel subsidy protests for a common good? Were those prevented from protesting at the Gani Fawehinmi Freedom Park treated so for the Jonathanimplied common good? Going through Jonathan’s inaugural speech again, I could not but conclude that he has nothing to celebrate in his one year in office. Ignore all those onthe-paper achievements being reeled out by his ministers; Nigerians are not fooled! Except if those achievements happened somewhere else or all Nigerians took a vacation and did not know Jonathan has done so much for Continued on page 15

Kidnapping: What is Okorocha doing in Imo? being hit by these dangerous criminals. Yet all we hear from the Owerri government house is stoic silence! The upsurge in kidnapping of prominent indigenes in the 27 local councils that make up the state raises crucial questions which the Imo government is not answering. Questions like: who are the brains behind these abductions? What is the government and police doing to nip it in the bud? Are politicians in the state using this strategy to intimidate their opponents and run them out of town? According to recent reports many affluent families have either gone into hiding or relocated to either Lagos or Abuja, far away from home, in order to be off the radar of the mobile hitmen using sophisticated technologies and weapons that are difficult to trace or arrest! The tragic case of one Pastor Anslem Iwuala is instructive here. Just recently the man of God was nabbed by kidnappers on his way home in Egberede Nguru, Aboh Mbaise local council

area of Imo State. And after holding him captive for some days with his family paying the negotiated ransom of N500,000 the abductors still went ahead and gruesomely killed the pastor/businessman dropping off his lifeless body somewhere in town for the family to pick up! Who did he offend? Which business ‘deal’ went wrong? Dropping off on my way to Nigeria (for a weekend) in Lome Togo early last year my good friend based there had asked me to accompany him near the border to see a man of God. While there inside the pastor’s office I made it known to my friend that that part of the city of Lome was very cool; you could hear and see Ghanaians (especially little children) playing from the other side of the barbed-wired fence border which is Ghanaian territory! As the Pastor said prayers after a brief encounter we were about to leave when the car suddenly developed a little mechanical problem and we decided to fix it immediately since there was a mechanic workshop very close.

While the mechanic was on it I asked my friend to take me somewhere for some refreshment. As a car dealer in Lome he knew the city inside out. We took a brief walk down the street and saw a provision store. There we ordered for some buscuits and canned beer. Munching away the buscuit and sipping beer in a cool evening we soon struck a conversation with an old woman sitting comfortably close by whom we imagined onwed the shop. She told us, as we introduced ourselves as Nigerians, that she was Nigerian too from the Yoruba extraction. Another gaze inside the shop and the big portrait of the footballer Emmanuel Adebayor caught my attention. Upon inquiry the woman declared without equivocation that that was her son playing football abroad! It dawned on us then that we were with Adebayor’s mother! Perhaps to convince us further she called up Adebayor and spoke with him offering to pass the phone on to us. We declined of course

convinced she was real. She said her son Adebayor opened the shop for her and whenever he was in town he always came there to relax and entertain some friends. Wonders shall never end! As we drove away from the vicinity towards another part of town I told my friend that Togo was indeed peaceful and the Togolese less money conscious. International footballer Adebayor’s mother selling somewhere in town without kidnappers visiting her? If it were back home, like they did to Mikel Obi’s father, Adebayor must have paid millions to free his mother from captivity and perhaps he could have decided that closing the shop or ‘hiding’ his dear mother away from the public was the solution! In my village in Anambra state that was exactly what one of my brothers did when kidnappers nabbed his mother and from Lagos he had to cough out millions of Naira! The old man and woman are now ‘exiled’ in Port Harcourt! Does Gov. Rochas Okorocha knows something about Continued on page 15



Why increase electricity tariff? By Felix Ayanruoh


he Nigerian Electricity Power Regulatory Commission (NERC) proposal to increase electricity tariffs from June 1, 2012 has generated hostile reception from stakeholders and consumer advocacy groups. For some, it is a move to further impoverish the indigent in our society. With the combined effect of the fuel subsidy probe, oil subsidy removal and continued power shortages, Nigerians are right to once again be anxious about electricity tariff increase. NERC has argued that about fifty private independent power projects have been licensed to produce about 20,000 megawatts of power in the near future and that - if these plants are not costeffective the ultimate investors will not invest as expected. In as much as Nigerians have the right to ask the hard questions, we must not remain oblivious to the underlying By Ibraheem Abdulmajeed


would want to believe that the NJC has similar complaint or dispute resolution procedure, which Justice Salami could have followed to raise his grievance, but he failed to do this. Rather, he preferred to take his grievance about an employment relations to the press and the public and made it an all comers affair, for even the ‘butcher’ or mechanic (no disrespect to these professions), who know absolutely nothing about employment relations or administration and the niceties of the Law, to comment. I don’t know many employers that would support or be happy for issues relating to their company’s business or workplace to be made public, like Justice Salami did? This is SIN number four. By now the NJC decided to wade into the matter, and wrongly treating it like an issue between two personalities, rather than see it as a disciplinary issue of an errant employee or member. Even after finding that he was guilty of GROSS MISCONDUCT, in their ‘wisdom’ the NJC tried to give Justice Salami a soft landing, instead of wielding the big stick at him. In employment parlance, there is only one verdict for GROSS MISCONDUCT, and that is DISMISSAL. Instead, they offered him the opportunity to ‘apologise’, and forget or bury the matter. (My advice to anyone coming to the UK or already in the UK, who treats issues of gross misconduct lightly, should note that it could lead to dismissal if proved or found guilty). The stubborn Justice Salami chose in his own ‘wisdom’ to reject the opportunity offered. I believed that some people or his sympathisers in the NJC offered him this opportunity to give him a ‘soft landing’ and bury the whole matter, in a ‘paddy-paddy way’, like it never happened. They were seeking to apply the usual

reasons behind the increases. electricity precipitates the many economies of the world. The debate and discussions on wasteful usage of electricity It should be noted however, this issue should be devoid of and critically impairs the that recent tariff increases in emotions and legalese. operating revenues of utilities most developing countries Presently, electricity is sold to companies, forcing them to have been granted on a consumers below the short-run reduce efficiencies and capital haphazard basis to overcome immediate and long-run difficulties, marginal rather than to cost of ensure their production; l o n g - t e r m and even the Peoples Daily welcomes your letters, opinion articles, text f i n a n c i a l m o s t messages and ‘pictures of yesteryears.’ All written equilibrium. It r ud i me n t ar y contributions should be concise. Word limits: Letters - 150 is my belief that understanding words, Articles - 750 words. Please include your name and the present of basic a valid location. Letters to the Editor should be addressed increase is economics to: intended to and common ensure longsense dictates term financial that this is The Editor, balance. not a Peoples Daily, 1st Floor Peace Plaza, Government susta i na bl e 35 Ajose Adeogun Street, Utako, Abuja. is faced with the b us in es s Email: let dichotomous model. Quite SMS: 07037756364 dilemma of simply, the formulating a r e f o r m process will be a failure if investment, forego essential tariff structure to incentivize generation and potential investors cannot get maintenance and to seek power fair return of their investment, government subsidies. The distribution, on the one hand; as no investor will be willing to unwillingness of governments and social engineering of the invest in the sector. to raise tariffs in line with costs market through subsidies for In addition to its economic due to the political pressure has the benefit of the economically impact, under-pricing lead to power reform failures in disadvantaged, on the other.


The crucial question that stakeholders and consumer advocates should be asking therefore is who exactly is a “low-income” consumer? This is a difficult question, but experiential answers may be found in the Brazilian model, which offers important lessons on the impact of energy reform on the electricity consumption levels of the poor urban and rural households. Retaining a degree of subsidy to improve access to electricity service for the poor is justified, in part because of the lack of social welfare infrastructure for distributing income support to the poor. The issue therefore is electricity subsidies or cross subsidies and not tariff increase per se. A cost-effective tariff system is critical to the success of power sector reform; as such, NERC’s proposed tariff increase deserves a chance to succeed. Felix Ayanruoh is a US energy attorney, licensed in the state of New York state and District of Columbia.

The NJC vs Salami – The President’s dilemma (II) ‘Nigerian way’ of covering things up. Justice Salami’s rejection of this soft landing put the NJC in a precarious position. They, therefore, had no choice but to write to the President to DISMISS HIM (reluctantly, I would add). The NJC’s action, in my view, was dishonourable, by seeking to cover up and bury all the SINS of Justice Salami. What standards were they seeking to set by trying to give him a soft landing, after finding that he LIED, he committed PERJURY and brought the Judiciary into DISREPUTE and OPPROBRIUM? A LIE was enough to dismiss Justice Salami. But they wanted a ‘paddypaddy’ or ‘settlement’ approach. I frown at double-standards or multiple-standards or the bending of standards to suit individuals. I frown at the Law looking at faces before it is administered. I frown at people giving preferential treatment or treating people differently. I believe in one common standard for dealing with people or issues. I would have held this same position if Justice Musdapher had sided with Justice Salami and confirmed that the former CJN was guilty of undue influence and for compromising over the Sokoto State Election Tribunal matter, which was the genesis of the entire imbroglio. I would have called for the head (figuratively speaking) of the former CJN and called for his dismissal, even before he was due to retire, and his prosecution. But that was not the case. Justice Salami was found to be the erring one. The NJC tried to cover up for him and ‘settle’ or bury the matter. I have reserved Justice Salami’s

greatest SIN to last. More than anything else, his role in the OSUN/ EKITI States Election Tribunal issue is what irks me the most about all his SINS. This comes top for me. The hallmark of Justice is the ability to get fair hearing. The ability for parties to have equal footing or standing. This is why if a Judge has any interest whatsoever, whether pecuniary or otherwise, in a matter before his court, he must first disclose it and recuse himself. The Justice or Judge must not hear such a matter or be involved, either directly or remotely, where he has an interest. The Latin maxim, nemo judex in causa sua, which means that no Judge shall be a judge in his own matter (cause) or judge a matter in which he is a party or has an interest, is very apt. In the Osun/Ekiti States Election Tribunal matter, Justice Salami was accused of engaging in clandestine telephone communication with the ACN party chieftains up to the dead of the night or the wee hours of the morning before the verdict. The ‘Call logs’ were presented in support. The logs showed telephone communication exchanges between Justice Salami and some ‘Partymen’ of the ACN (one of the parties to the case that the Election Tribunal pronounced a life changing decision). The eventual decision or verdict of the Tribunal was absurd as it cancelled votes for whole communities, thus disenfranchising those communities, and pronounced the ACN Party as the winner of the elections. The proper decision would have been to call for a re-run. Anyway, this is besides the point,

and not what this piece is about. The NJC initially indicted Justice Salami over this issue, when they found him culpable or guilty of gross misconduct, as this was one of the issues considered by the NJC during their investigation. And despite this very serious allegation, yet the NJC sought to give Justice Salami a soft landing. This was the height of corruption and corrupting the institution of the NJC. In any case, and as I stated before, Justice Salami refused the soft landing, and the NJC had no choice or were now forced to recommend his dismissal to the President. The President, quite rightly, and rather than effect the dismissal, chose to suspend Justice Salami instead, against the recommendation of the NJC to dismiss him, until after all the matters in court have been exhausted. The matters are still in the courts, and they include, hilariously, Justice Salami’s challenge of the authority of the NJC to dismiss him or recommend his dismissal, claiming that they were not his employer, even though the provisions of the Constitution are clear about the duties, functions and powers of the NJC. If they are not his employer, who then is? If they cannot investigate acts of misconduct against him and discipline him, who can? The contradiction in this assertion is that if Justice Salami claims the NJC is not his employer and therefore, cannot recommend his dismissal, it means then that the same NJC cannot recommend his reinstatement. The NJC cannot

reprobate and approbate. Justice Salami cannot also claim that the NJC cannot recommend his removal and yet benefit from the decision of the same NJC to reinstate him. And until the dispute is resolved in court about who truly is Justice Salami’s employer, the NJC cannot go back and pronounce or make decisions about REINSTATING a person that is disputing their authority to DISMISS or REINSTATE him. This is the dilemma of the President. Another dilemma of the President is what to make of the decisions by the NJC, which are effectively two decisions. The first was the recommendation made to him last year, which he has effected, but instead of dismiss Justice Salami, he commuted it to suspension until the court cases are heard and disposed off or the matter resolved through the courts. The second decision, is the present one, where the same NJC, despite a competent court of Law being seized of the matter, disregarded the court (for the second time) and voted ‘unanimously’, or rather ‘biasedly’ or compromisingly to reinstate the dishonourable Justice. Some people will argue that if the NJC could disregard a court’s order to stay proceedings when it recommended his sack about a year ago, then the NJC was RIGHT to disregard a court’s order not to recommend his reinstatement. Two WRONGS have never and can never make a RIGHT! This is a problem of the NJC and a burden they will continue to carry. Osi Okponobi, A.R.M can be reached at



Suswam’s certificate forgery saga and Chief Magistrate Hafsat’s connection By Terfa Tega


he case of alleged certificate forgery involving Benue state Governor, Gabriel Torwua Suswam, has taken yet another twist. This time, the magistrate handling one of the numerous cases in the saga, Hajiya Hafsat Soso Sadiq of Chief Magistrate’s Court 2, Wuse Zone 2, Abuja, has been placed under investigation and ordered to hands off the case by Nigeria’s Chief Justice Justice, Dahiru Musdapher. The new twist, coming at the behest of Nigeria’s number one judicial officer, follows a petition, written against the magistrate by Barrister Alexander Oketa. In the petition dated April 23, 2012, and addressed to the Chairman, National Judicial Council, Barrister Oketa raised serious issues of professional misconduct against Hajia Hafsat, the trial Magistrate. It is a case full of ironic and dramatic twists. The Magistrate who had docked Chidozie Ukpabi and three others for alleged criminal defamation and forgery is now ‘docked’ by the Chief Justice of Nigeria. What brought about her present travails is her alleged involvement in the spirited efforts by agents of Gabriel Suswam - who took the case to court in the first instance -to get the same case settled out of court.

In his petition to the Chairman, National Judicial Council, Barrister Oketa, who is a solicitor for Chidozie Ukpabi, alleged that Hasfat had formed the unusual habit of phoning his client at odd hours, urging him to accept a job and a N20 million bribe from Suswam so that the charges against him will be dropped. Ukpabi was also allegedly urged to issue a press statement saying that his allegations of certificate forgery against Suswam were prompted by Senator George Akume to blackmail Suswam as part of the deal to get him out of trouble. “She told our client that the money was to be paid to him through her and that our client needed not worry about being double-crossed. She assured our client that she would hand over the money which she claimed was already in her possession as soon as our client appends his signature to the affidavit and makes the aforesaid press statement”, Barrister Oketa alleged. The petition also features the role played by one Jonah Onche, said to be a close associate of Suswam. He is said to be a frequent visitor to Magistrate Hafsat’s chambers and has been seen driving out of the court’s complex. He is alleged to have also phoned Chidozie with the same message as that given by Magistrate Hafsat, between May,

June and July, 2011. “The said Jonah Onche sent N100,000 to our client’s United Bank for Africa bank account no: 03920520017593 on the 12th day of July 2011 and instructed him to meet with him in Abuja but our client sensed danger and refused to meet him”, the petition alleged. To support his allegation that the Magistrate was engaged in some unethical conducts in phoning an accused person who was standing trial before her, Barrister Oketa cited a press interview granted to two journalists of the National Mail by the Magistrate. In the said interview, she is reported to have admitted calling Chidozie. She however denied ever making an offer of N20 million to the accused person. “Because our client refused to comply, the Chief Magistrate is at the verge of sending him to prison by every conceivable means. The Chief magistrate has engaged herself in several irregularities and arbitrary, prejudicial and unconstitutional conducts aimed at jailing the accused persons”, Oketa continued. Attached to the petition is an affidavit in support of a motion exparte sworn to by Chidozie. In the affidavit, Chidozie alleged among other things that the Magistrate had refused to release to him records of proceedings in

her court to enable him challenge her grotesque rulings in the case at a superior court. “Since January 2011, we applied for records of proceedings and paid the sum of N15,000 to enable us process our said appeal and to furnish His Lordship Justice O.O Goodluck (Mrs) who had requested for it to enable him decide on our application for the stay of proceeding….Our Counsel had complained severally in open court and pleaded with His Worship to enhance the release of the records but she refused to do so”, Chidozie swore. According to the affidavit, one of the issues they had hoped to appeal against was the unilateral decision by the Magistrate to create anomalies in the case, by changing the position of the parties in the case. “The name and position of the parties in the case was changed from Rt. Hon Gabriel Suswam v Power Steering and three others to COP V Chodozie Ukpabi and three others,and later to IGP V Chidozie Ukpabi and three others by the learned Chief Magistrate without an application from anybody.” The affidavit also contains a complaint over the role of a police officer, Mr. Simon Lough, in the case. He is alleged to have been engaged by Gabriel Suswam to prosecute the case. The role of this police officer was challenged by the defense counsel

since he is a serving officer. Chidozie averred in his affidavit that the unilateral decision by the Magistrate to change the particulars of the case was as a result of this challenge. He further swore that a letter from The West African Examinations Council dated 9th June 2011 in response to a police investigation letter confirmed his allegations of forgery against Suswam. As a result of this confirmation, he swore that “Gabriel Suswam devised several means to perpetually silence and or kill me and prevent me from disclosing the secret that he never passed his English and Mathematics and did not secure his LLB and BL with any genuine result.” The allegations are said to have sent shock waves to the Chief Justice of Nigeria, Justice Dahiru Musdapha. In his comments on the allegations, he is reported to have been disturbed about the avalanche of petitions against Chief Magistrate Hafsat Soso. He is also reported to have demanded an immediate investigation of the allegations raised against her in this case of certificate forgery case and many others. Nigeria and the world eagerly await the results of this investigation which is said to have been completed last week. Terfa Tega can be reached at

Kidnapping: What is Okorocha doing in Imo? Continued from page 13

kidnapping in Imo state that we don’t? No one can answer with certainty in the affirmative for now, for, there is no concrete evidence linking him to any of such heinous activity. But we may re-consider our position soon (if he does not declare a state of emergency and open war on the kidnapping syndicate terrorising the state as the chief security

officer of the state) by labelling him officially as an executive kidnapper masquerading as a Chief Executive Officer of the state. Nothing is indeed impossible right now in Nigeria! Not when the ‘transformation agenda’ of the present political dispensation has only succeeded in ‘transforming’ Nigeria into a haven for criminals in high

places. Not even when ‘Baba’ himself, ‘fired’ a salvo from Lagos recently, describing the National Assembly as populated by “rogues and armed robbers”! Not when internet scammers and spammers have been replaced officially by government functionaries and officials with everyone trying to outdo each other in terms of who steals more and goes free or gets

caught! The present terrifying situation in Imo state (in which the people are being held captive by roaming gun-toting assassins and kidnappers) calls into serious question Governor Okorocha’s capacity to continue occupying the State House. Owelle Rochas Anayo Okorocha’s credibility is at stake here; he risks losing the goodwill through which he rode

to power, unless he lives up to his responsibility and finds urgent solution to the Imo security crisis. The Imo people never had it so bad even in the scandalous years of Ohakim. And the grim reality of harbouring professional kidnappers and killers in their midst must rankle every sane mind! Okenwa can be reached at

Mr. President, pick up your inaugural speech! Continued from page 14

them. Electricity is still bad! Potable water remains a dream! Insecurity is sky-high! What is it that the Jonathan administration would be celebrating? The scores killed by Boko Haram? The disoriented, hungry and willing but unemployed Nigerian youths? The pension scam or its twin, the subsidy probe roguery? The un-motorable roads? Oh! We know he didn’t cause all the problems, but he did promise to fix them! It’s his job to fix them! “The time for lamentation is over. This is the era of transformation. This is the time for action... Let us all believe in a new Nigeria. Let us work together to build a great country that we will all be proud of. This

is our hour. Fellow Compatriots, lift your gaze towards the horizon. Look ahead and you will see a great future that we can secure with unity, hard work and collective sacrifice. Join me now as we begin the journey of transforming Nigeria. I will continue to fight, for your future, because I am one of you. I will continue to fight, for improved medical care for all our citizens. I will continue to fight for all citizens to have access to first class education. I will continue to fight for electricity to be available to all our citizens. I will continue to fight for an efficient and affordable public transport system for all our people. I will continue to fight for jobs to be created through productive

partnerships. You have trusted me with your mandate,and I will never, never let you down. I know your pain, because I have been there. Look beyond the hardship you have endured. See a new beginning;a new direction;a new spirit. Nigerians, I want you to start to dream again. What you see in your dreams, we can achieve together,” so he declared in his inaugural speech, only that we don’t see him fighting. Oh yes! We believe in a new Nigeria, but Mr President has not given us much to believe in. Just fickle promises! Those are wearing us off!!! And Nigerians have risen from their dreams. Never again will they be sent to the dreamland of lies and clueless leadership! We believe in dreams, but not here,

not now. And we believe in God also, but Mr President should stop pushing everything to God. If he fails, only he and he alone (not God) would be blamed. God has brought him from Otuoke village to Aso Rock in Abuja; it’s time for him to impress God! Rather than work to make Nigeria better, his supporters keep disturbing us in a mosquito sound-like way with his eligibility to contest in 2015 and this is already tearing the country apart contrary to another of his promises in his inaugural speech. He declared: “We will not allow anyone exploit differences in creed or tongue, to set us one against another.” Well, Mr President, your campaigners and defenders (whether self-

appointed or not) are already tearing us apart and unnecessarily hitting up the polity, all for an irrelevant ambition that may never see the light of day. Wake up, GEJ! Wake up, Mr President!!! Time waits not for you. Soon your administration will become history. What will history and Nigerians remember you for? Pick up a copy of your inaugural speech and read it again! You would discover that your government is not even crawling; it is dragging its buttocks on the ground like a crippled. Pick up your inaugural speech and get on the right track!!! Dimeji Daniels writes from Ado in Ekiti State.



Children’s Day: FCT pupils, teachers appeal Councilor for safe drinking water, sanitation facilities faults FCTA


ome pupils and teachers in the Federal Capital Territory on Sunday appealed to the local education authorities, area councils and the FCT Administration to provide adequate water and sanitation facilities in schools. They made the call in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) while commemorating the 2012 Children’s Day Celebration in Abuja. A cross section of the pupils from Garki, Durumi and Kubwa, told NAN that lack of water facilities affected learning in schools. Master John Artom, a pupil of Model Science Primary School Garki II, said most pupils knew about good hygienic practices, but lack of the facilities in schools and access to water at home made the practice of these habits difficult. “Water is a problem in my school, sometimes we get water and sometimes the tap will not run, if there is no water, there is no way we can flush the toilet

and we cannot wash our hands after using the toilet. “We have learnt that we must not do anything with dirty hands, we must wash our hands after touching money and clean our environment, so we need water.’’ Also, Joseph Zachari another pupil advised children that had access to water to desist from wastage and engage in good hygienic practices. “I will like to advise my friends that they should not waste water but should be clean always by washing their uniforms and hands properly, as we have been taught in school.’’ Sharing the same sentiments, teachers in these schools urged the local education authorities to provide facilities that would encourage school attendance, especially that of the female child. Mrs Sani Abu, a Mathematics teacher at the Durumi Primary School, said unhygienic practices and lack of good water sources had

resulted in sicknesses, absenteeism and failure in schools. “Water is life; if we have water running in schools it makes their brain cool and makes the children strong and healthy to learn better. “But without taking good water you see many pupils absent from school due to stomach ache, cholera, and dysentery; when children are admitted in the hospital, they miss tests and this affects their score at the end of the term.’’ She decried a situation where a large population of the pupils had to depend on untreated water sources which affected their health adversely. “Actually we don’t have water running in many schools so we need the government to come to our aid. “If these pupils have clean tap water, we will notice a change in their health; instead of them getting water from the well, ‘mairuwa’ (water vendors) and streams, quality water will boost both the health

of pupils and teachers.’’ Also, Miss Patience Aghoghobiar of the Local Education Authority Kubwa 11 Primary School said inaccessibility to water in the Kubwa area was not only affecting the pupils but also, businesses in the area. “In Kubwa particularly, not only in my school, water is a problem. Many at times taps are not rushing so you see people fetching dirty water even from the well because that is the only source of water readily available. “So government should assist not only schools but everybody with water that is easily accessible.’’ She noted that sanitation clubs were relevant in schools to help behavioural change and inculcate good hygienic practices in children. Mr Bala Oha, a French teacher and Coordinator, Sanitation Club at the Model Science Primary School, Garki 2 said the clubs taught pupils the importance of water, hand washing and sustaining a healthy environment. “Apart from the children learning about hygiene in Physical and Health Education lessons, the sanitation clubs in schools drive home the point and ensure that these habits are inculcated both at home and in the school.’’ (NAN)

plan to resettle five villages By Adeola Tukuru


he Councilor representing Garki Ward in the Abuja Municipal Area Council, AMAC, Hon. Bala Iya, has faulted the proposed plan by the Federal Capital Territory Authority (FCTA), to resettle five villages in the capital city. Speaking to news men in Abuja, Iya said there was need to correct the FCTA on the issue of resettlement of indigenes in order to put an end to the controversy surrounding it. He said the development made the indigenes to feel uncomfortable about the lack o0f due process in the resettlement exercise. He said that the FCTA administration should not concentrate on hunting for land in the Capital city, but should execute the policy of resettlement with human feelings in order to properly resettled indigenes of Abuja. “We are not saying that they should not resettle FCT original inhabitants, but we want them to be careful in relocating land to people who do not have any other state to call their own”, he said.

Gwagwalada PDP Chairman warns party’s Executives, Members By Usman Shuaibu

T Children rendering songs of praise to mark this year Children’s Day during church service yesterday at Faith Baptist Church Lugbe, Airport Road, in Abuja. Photo: Joe Oroye

Police kill member of robbery gang terrorising FCT suburb


he police have shot dead a member of an armed robbery gang that has been terrorising Galadimawa community, a suburb in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) on Friday. An officer at the Galadimawa Police Station told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) that the deceased was a member of a fourman gang, which attacked the community at about 2.30 a.m. He said the station received a distressed call and the police on patrol were drafted to the area, where a gun battle ensued

between the robbers and the team. The officer told NAN on condition of anonymity that one of the robbers was shot dead on the spot by the patrol team, while the remaining three escaped. A NAN correspondent who was at the station reports that the body of the robber was displayed and a large crowd of people gathered to watch. Items recovered from the robbers were also displayed by the police at the station. Some of the items include laptops, different brands

of cell phones, different denominations of Nigerian currency as well as a locallymade pistol. Some of the victims were seen trooping to the station to claim their stolen items. One of the victims, Mr Anthony John, said he was beaten by the robbers, who came to his house at about 2.40 a.m. before they made away with his valuables. When contacted on phone, the station’s officer, Assistant Superintendent of Police Ofem Ofem, confirmed the incident. Ofem said the corpse of the robber had been moved to the Divisional Headquarters at Lugbe for further investigation. (NAN)

he Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Gwagwalada Area Council of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Hon. Mohammed Usman Giri, has warned the newly elected Party’s Officials and its members against anti party campaign in the 2013 Area Council election. Giri, who gave the warning while speaking to Peoples Daily, urged the party’s Executives to work tirelessly to ensure PDP’s success during the poll. He further appealed to the entire supporters of the ruling

PDP in the FCT to remain loyal and committed to enable the PDP’s flag bearers to win an elections in 2013 across the six Area Councils. He advised the members of the PDP to be united and to desist from anything that will cause division among them, expressing regret over their inability to produce a government in Gwagwalada Area Council for the past six years. Giri, however, called on the PDP state officials to mobilize their supporters to come out en mass and give the party victory in the six Area Councils.

Two cars in mid-day crash on Constitution road Abuja


wo cars were involved in a mid-day accident on Constitution Road, between the Church gate Junction and the NNPC mega station on Sunday in Abuja. The numbers of casualties as at the time of the report were unknown but the cars that collided were badly damaged. According to an eye witness, who did not want his name mentioned, the accident was as a result of impatience on the T-junction.

He said that the accident would not have happened if the Honda car which hit a street light pole, had exercised a ”little” patience to give way to the occupant of the Mazda c ar . When NAN sought to find out about the occupants of the two cars, the eyewitness said that they had been taken to the hospital. He, however, said he did not know where they were taken to. (NAN)



Plans to set up ear, nose centre in Maitama hospital underway By Josephine Ella


rrangement is ongoing for establishment of an ear and nose centre at Maitama District Hospital, to cater for persons with hearing impairment, the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Health and Human Services Secretariat (HHSS) has revealed. The Secretary, HHSS, Dr. Demola Onakomaiya, who dropped the hint, when members of the Abuja Association of Deaf paid him a courtesy call in his office said the centre, which would be comparable to what obtains in developed countries would be man by experts. Onakomaiya, said the challenges facing deaf and dumb people in the society is enormous, hence the FCT administration through the secretariat, has put in place programmes aimed at

alleviating the challenges those in the FCT are facing. He said that the specialised centre in the offing was one of such efforts of the administration to ameliorate the challenges of deaf people in the territory. According to him, “the desire of the FCT administration under the leadership of Senator Bala Mohammed to provide qualitative health care services to the residents gave birth to the idea of creating the centre which will assist patients with hearing impairment”. Dr. Demola further disclosed that efforts would be made to procure hearing aids and possibly a specialised clinic for the deaf in the nearest future. In a remark earlier, the chairman of the Abuja Association of Deaf, Mr. Abdulwasiu Mabawonku appreciated the secretary for

honouring their request for a visit. Mabawonku, who observed that among group of persons with disabilities, the deaf people are the most marginalised, lamented the neglect of the deaf in the campaign for the eradication of HIV/AIDS. He therefore, asked for the approval of the secretary to enable the association present a proposal for HIV/AIDS awareness for all the deaf in the FCT, saying, “we are human beings with sexual drive and can also be infected”. The group also demanded for the appointment of a deaf as a desk officer for persons with disabilities in the FCT health department from whom information or other areas of health can easily flow for optimal benefit of all persons with disabilities in the territory.

City College of Education matriculates 400 By Usman Shuaibu


he leadership of City College of Education Mararaba Gurku in Nasarawa State, has matriculated a total of 400 students undergoing NCE/ Diploma programs in the Institution. The provost of the Institution, Dr.Yakubu Aruwa, disclosed this in a chat with Nigerian journalists in his office, saying that his administration will continue to provide a conducive environment for the students to learn. While presenting his speech, Aruwa noted that the City College of Education is a place where academic excellence can be achieved; pointing out that the management of the school will continue to produce qualified teachers across the

A man and his wife escaped death when he lost control of his vehicle and ran against a tree along, yesterday Utako-Arab Contractor yard, in Abuja as recorded here. Photo: Joe Oroye

country. He advised the students to be good ambassadors of the school and Nigeria at large.

Court sentences 3 men to 30 days imprisonment for disturbing public peace


n Abuja Chief Magistrates’ Court on Friday sentenced three unemployed men of no fixed address to 30 days imprisonment each for constituting “public nuisance’’. The convicts are Emmanuel Adamu, 32; Nnaji Valantine, 28; and Jamilu Umar, 25. The convicts pleaded guilty to the offence, while Elisha, the fourth accused, pleaded not guil ty. Delivering judgment, Chief Magistrate Zainab Bashir gave the three convicts, who pleaded guilty an option to pay N2, 000 fine each. Bashir granted Elisha, who pleaded not guilty, bail in the sum of N50,000 with two sureties in like sum. She said the sureties must have reasonable means of livelihood and must reside within the jurisdiction of the court. Police prosecutor Simon Emmanuel had told the court that some policemen attached to the Life Camp Police Division, Abuja, arrested the convicts and accused on May 17. Emmanuel said the convicts and the accused were found at a `criminal hideout’ within the Life Camp area, disturbing public peace. He added that the convicts and accused could not give a satisfactory account of themselves when they were arrested and that the offence contravened Section 198 of the Penal Code. Bashir adjourned Elisha’s case to June 5 for further hearing. (NAN)

FCTA to involve communities in environmental sanitation


he Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA) says communities in the FCT will now be actively involved in environmental sanitation. The FCT Minister of State, Ms Olajumoke Akinjide, made the statement in Gwako Community, Gwagwalada Area Council, on Friday at the inaugural ceremony of the Community Sanitation Initiative of FCTA. Akinjide, who was represented by her Environmental Consultant/

Advisor, Mr. Ayo Sotinrin, said the initiative was to teach, encourage and actively involve communities in environmental sanitation issues. She said the initiative became necessary following persistent outbreak of epidemics in rural communities in the FCT, especially at the area councils. “This initiative is designed to teach and sensitise community members on the need to keep their environments clean because it is clear that the outbreak of the epidemics were due to poor sanitation.

“The initiative will not end with cleaning of the streets but will extend to ensuring that every household has a toilet,’’ Akinjide said. She said plans had been concluded to engage sanitation officers on house-tohouse inspection to ensure that every household had toilets. In her remark, Hajiya Maimunat Abubakar, the Head of Environmental Sanitation Department, Gwagwalada Area Council, said the initiative would no doubt reduce incidences of epidemic outbreaks

in rural communities. She attributed the nonchalant attitude of community members to environmental sanitation to the fact that government had solely been involved in the exercise. According to her, communities will now have regard for their personal hygiene since they will be involved in waste gathering and evacuation to dump sites. Abubakar added that the choice of Gwako as focal point for the initiative followed high cases of epidemics in the community.

She said that the people had remained adamant in their poor attitude to sanitation issues in spite of efforts of the council to encourage them to change. Alhaji Halidu Pada, the Sarki (leader) of t he c o mm un i ty , c om m en de d the minister for the initiative and pledged to mobilise residents to embrace it. Items, such as wheel barrows, hand gloves, brooms, polythene bags, shovels and head pans, were donated to the community under the initiative. (NAN)



INSIDE - Pg 20 FCMB records N9.9bn loss after tax


PPPRA probes 2 foreign firms, suspends First Deepwater By Muhammad Nasir


n its determination to enforce transparency and probity in the petroleum downstream, the Petroleum Pricing Regulatory Agency (PPRA) has ordered two international oil trading companies to submit their mother-vessel load out documentations for scrutiny. The two companies are Mercuria Energy Trading NV of Netherlands Antilles and Arcadia Energy of Switzerland. Similarly, First Deepwater Ltd, an indigenous oil marketing company, has been suspended from further Premium Motor Spirit (PMS) import, pending completion of an on-going investigation on irregular documentation which the

company presented to the PPPRA. The Executive Secretary of the PPPRA, Mr Reginald Stanley, confirmed the development in Abuja on Sunday, affirming that a directive had been issued to the two foreign companies and that First Deepwater Ltd had been suspended. He recalled that the PPPRA had, three weeks ago, sanctioned a Swiss oil trading firm, NIMEX for infraction, in what was seen in the energy industry as the commencement of a new regime of transparency and probity. Stanley said the scrutiny of the load outs of the companies was aimed at ensuring total transparency and probity, in line with the policy trust of the new management of the PPPRA.

Mob: 08033644990

Chinese investment in Nigeria hits N1.34 trillion – Official By Aminu Imam


hinese investment in Nigeria has hit the $8.4 billion mark (N1.344 trillion), says the Head of the Political and Press Section at the Chinese Embassy, Yonghua Ding. Mr. Ding, who stated this in Abuja on Thursday, noted that the investments are in telecommunications, agriculture, oil and gas and power, among others. He said the figure was recorded in 2011. Mr. Ding also said that trade

between both countries had reached the $10.7 billion mark, a 40 per cent increase over the figure for 2010. He said that the bulk of the trade was recorded in the wholesale and retail sectors. The envoy said the balance of trade is in China’s favour because Nigeria’s main export was oil which accounts for only 1 per cent of the trade. “China is interested in agriculture and solid mineral products, we hope to explore these areas and have more exports from Nigeria.” He commended the cordial

relations between both countries, adding that China had simplified its visa procedure to facilitate trade for Nigerian businessmen. “Those who meet the necessary requirement are issued visa within a week; these are part of measures to boost economic cooperation between both nations”. Nigeria and China established diplomatic relations in 1971. Both nations signed the Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement and Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreement in 2001 and 2002 respectively.

Kaduna plans directory to boost commerce


he Director, Administration and Finance in the Kaduna state Ministry of Commerce and Industry,Gabriel Angon, has said that the government will soon produce a business directory for the state.

Flight schedule AIR NIGERIA (MONDAY - SUNDAY) LOS-ABJ: 07.15, 11.40, 14.00, 16.30, 17.00, 17.20, 18.30. ABJ-LOS : 07.00, 09.30, 10.30, 11.15, 16.15, 19.15, 19.35 ABJ-KANO: 18.40 KANO-ABJ: 08.35 ABJ-S OK (MON): 09.35 ABJ-S OK (FRI): 10.10 ABJ-S OK (WED /SUN): 11.20 SOK-ABJ (MON): 11.35 SOK-ABJ (FRI): 12.00 SOK-ABJ (WED /SUN): 13.20

AEROCONTRACTORS (MON - SUN) LOS-ABJ: 06.50, 13.30, 19.45 LOS -ABJ (SUN): 12.30 LOS -ABJ (SAT ): 16.45 ABU-L OS: 07.30, 13.00, 14.00, 19.00 ABU -L OS (SUN): 10.30, 14.30, 19.30 ABU -LOS (SAT ): 18.30

DANA AIRLINES (MON - SUN) LOS-ABJ: 07.02, 08.10, 12.06, 15.30, 17.10 ABJ-L OS: 07.20, 09.36, 13.05, 14.40 ABJ-LOS (SAT /SUN): 13.05, 18.00 LOS -KANO: 08.10 KANO-L OS: 11.25 KANO-ABUJA: 11.25 ABUJA-KANO: 10.08

IRS AIRLINES LOS-ABJ: 9.45, 11.45, 2.45

Angon said this on Friday in Kaduna stating that the aim was to promote economic activities in the state. He said that the ministry had received a directive from the Federal Ministry of Trade and Investment to compile all registered businesses and owners in the state. “The ministry is already making arrangements to have a comprehensive data, which will include addresses and contacts of business operators in the state. The business directory will on completion build stronger business ties amongst the business community in the country,’’ he said. The director said that the directory would make it easier for investors to explore the opportunities available in the state. (NAN)

Nigeria may reduce reserves of Euros to minimise risk – CBN


igeria may reduce the portion of its foreign reserves kept in euros to minimise risk amid the European debt crisis, the central bank said. “The euro component at 7.8 percent needs to be monitored closely and if necessary further reduced to minimize the currency and exchange rate risks associated with euro holdings occasioned by the eurozone debt crisis,” the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) said in a report published Friday on its EXCHANGE RATES


KANO-LOS (S UN /SUN): 10.30


website. The bank held $2.5 billion worth of Euros as of the end of 2011 out of its total reserves of $32.6 billion, with the U.S. dollar accounting for 82 percent, it said. Nigeria started adding the Chinese Yuan in the fourth quarter, which reached $101 million equivalent by the end of the period, according to the report. The euro has come under pressure as the prospect of

BUYING 0.2817 197.5055 244.5343 41.2489 154.7

SELLING 0.3017 198.7822 246.115 41.5156 155.7

BUYING 243 43 154

SELLING 257 45 159

Greece leaving the 17-nation euro region increased after parties opposed to the terms of the country’s second bailout by the European Union and the International Monetary Fund won most of the votes in May 6 elections. A fresh round of voting will be held June 17 after politicians failed to form a government. The euro touched its lowest level since July 2010 against the dollar amid concern Spain’s

regional governments may lose access to capital markets. The shared currency fell 0.1 percent to $1.2525 at 11:33 a.m. New York time after touching $1.2496, the least since July 6, 2010. It was little changed at 99.73 yen. The yen traded at 79.64 per dollar. The foreign currency reserves of Nigeria rose 14 percent this year to $37.5 billion as of May 23, according to the bank’s data.

Management Tip of the Day

22nd May, 2012


ABJ-L OS : 11.30, 3.45, 4.45 LOS-KANO: 6.15 LOS-KANO (S AT /SUN): 16.30 KANO-L OS: 07.30

L-R: Regional General Manager, North, Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria (FAAN), Mr. Ali Nock, Speaker, House Representatives, Hon. Aminu Waziri Tambuwal and Hon. Bashir Adamu, inspecting the newly renovated international terminal of Malam Aminu Kano International Airport, Kano, yesterday in Kano.

Hire for passion, not just talent


eople are more creative when they feel passionate about their work. Whether they are driven by interest, enjoyment, satisfaction, or a sense of personal challenge, they are more likely to take risks, look for multiple solutions to a problem, and seek out the best one rather than the easiest. These are

the people you want on your team. Get to know potential hires as thoroughly as possible, even before you have an opening for them. Ask them why they do what they do, what disappointments they’ve had, what their dream jobs would be. Look for fire in their eyes as they

talk about the work itself, and listen for a deep desire to do something that hasn’t been done before. When you talk to their references, listen for mentions of passion. Source: Harvard Business Review



COMPANY NEWS Africa contributes less than 1 % world manufactured goods - Aganga


he Minister of Trade and Investment, Dr Olusegun Aganga, on Friday, said that Africa’s contribution to global manufactured goods is less than one percent.

Indomie makers out with Power pasta spaghetti


ufil Prima Foods Plc, makers of Indomie Instant Noodles have introduced another quality product named Power Pasta Spaghetti into the pasta segment of the market, through their subsidiary Pure Flour Mills Limited.

Enterprise Bank launches stressfree salary ‘plus’


nterprise Bank has launched a product, Enterprise Salary ‘Plus’, which puts additional value on the corporate electronic pay element of the cashlite initiative.

Siemens to discuss road map to sustainable development in Africa at SCT

Interbank rates tumble 4 percentage points


igeria’s interbank lending rates tumbled this week to an average of 10.41 percent, compared with 14.66 percent last week, after large cash flows from budgetary allocations to government agencies boosted liquidity in the market, traders said on Friday. Nigeria last week distributed 563.09 billion naira ($3.53 billion) to its three tiers of government in April, down from 613.70 billion in March. The proceeds hit the market on Thursday, raising the liquidity level and forcing down the cost of bank borrowing. From Ngozi Onyeakusi, Lagos


irst City Monument Bank Plc has incurred a loss after tax of N9.9 billion for the financial year ended, 31st December, 2011, against profit of N7.9 billion written in 2010. This loss was attributed to the significant risk asset write down by the bank within the period. This is contained in the bank’s annual report and account which was unveiled at the firm’s 29th annual general meeting in Lagos. Speaking on this, the bank’s Group Managing Director/ Chief Executive Officer, Mr Ladi Balogun stated that the ugly situation is a temporal setback adding that the details of the banks result demonstrated a strong business fundamentals. He further noted that the bank is looking forward for a reversal of the present condition in the 2012 financial year. Balogun equally assured that the bank recorded an improved financial performance

Africa’s top energy producer distributes oil revenues among its three tiers of governments federal, state and local - from central accounts on monthly basis and this provides banks funding for their operations. The secured Open Buy Back (OBB) fell to 10.25 percent, compared with 14 percent last week, 175 basis points lower than the central bank’s 12 percent benchmark rate, and 0.25 percentage points above the Standing Deposit Facility (SDF) rate. Overnight placement and call money fell to 10.50 percent

FCMB records N9.9 bn loss after tax in key areas as its gross earnings grew to N80.3 billion from N62.6 billion written in the comparable period of 2010. Net interest revenue increased by 35 per cent from N40 billion recorded in the previous year, to N54 billion recorded in the period under

PHCN says power supply would improve by July


ko Electricity Distribution Company has assured customers within the zone of sustainable electricity supply in the next two months with the ongoing power sector reforms. Chief executive officer of the company, Oladele Amoda, gave the assurance at a customer’s parliament organised by the EKEDC, as part of moves by the company to engender a vibrant relationship amongst customers, on Tuesday in Lagos.

review, this he said was driven by the 46 per cent and 21 per cent growth in interest income and non-interest income respectively. The Chairman of the bank, Mr. Jonathan Long stated that in the light of the bank’s overall performance, it has not been

possible for it to pay dividend for the period rather the board is therefore recommended instead a bonus of 2.4 billion units of ordinary shares by means of capitalization of N1.2 billion which was unanimously approved by the bank’s shareholders.

Skye Bank declares N3.3 bn total dividend From Ngozi Onyeakusi, Lagos


kye Bank Plc has declared a total dividend of N3.3 billion for the year ended 1st December, 2011. Shareholders of the bank at the firm’s annual general meeting in Lagos approved a dividend payout of 25 kobo per ordinary share held by the investors whose names were detailed in the bank’s register, and this translated to N3.3 billion. The Chairman of the bank,

Mr. Olatunde Ayeni while addressing the shareholders at meeting stated that the bank was able to record good performance in spite the tough economic condition. Gross earnings according him, grew by 25 per cent from N83.9 billion in 2010 to N104.8 billion in the period under review while total asset increased by 31 per cent, from N705.9 billion written in the comparable period of 2010 to N927.1 billion in the 2011 financial year. However, profit before tax

declined by 49 per cent, from N12.7 billion recorded in the previous year to N6.5 billion written in 2011, which the chairman attributed to the drop in the significant asset provisioning by the bank. Total bank deposits increased from N507.6 billion to N658.1 billion thereby recording 30 per cent growth. This growth performance was achieved in spite of fluctuations in the rates and pervasive pressure on pricing of various deposit products and services, he said.

Nigeria’s non-store shopping up 25% to N62bn in 2011


iemens has announced that its Sustainable Cities Tour will visit Lagos on the 30th and 31st of May. The tour, according to the company is a worldwide travelling exhibition that is now making its way around Africa, stopping in different cities to promote discussion around sustainable infrastructure development.

each, compared with 15 percent each last week. “The market is liquid and cost of borrowing is coming down,” one dealer said. “The central bank has not been aggressively mopping-up liquidity in the system as it used to do and this has helped the market to retain bulk of the cash inflow.” Traders said about 278 billion naira, a portion of the budgetary allocations for states and local governments hit the market on Thursday. The market opened on Friday with a cash balance of 387 billion naira, compared with 32 billion

naira last week Friday. “We see rates stabilising at this level or inching up a little next week because we still see the system retaining much of the liquidity unless the central bank resumes aggressive mopping up of liquidity,” another dealer said. Traders said matured bills had boosted liquidity and auctions of new treasury bills had failed to match it. Nigeria sold a total of 126.32 billion naira ($791.35 million) in treasury bills ranging from three months to one year at its bi-monthly auction, with higher yields on the paper than at the previous auction. Source: Proshare

T Inflation rates from May, 2011 to Apr, 2012 Max = 12.9%, Min = 9.3% for period in display. Current Inflation rate = 12.9% Source:CBN

he continuous growth of the formal retail sector in Nigeria, along with increasing internet penetration, have given rise to a budding retail trend done outside the physical stores, the non-store retailing. This retail trend, according

Earnings Report for Banks Source:Pro-share Nigeria

to a recent report by Euromonitor International, a global market research organisation, recorded a 25percent growth in 2011 valued at N62.4billion, which is an additional N12.5billion to the N49.9billion recorded in 201 0. Pushing this retail segment most is internet retailing, which recorded 25percent growth during the period under review, while other non-store methods like direct selling and vending trailed behind. “Non-store retailing’s growth of 25percent is boosted particularly by the fast growth, over the last five years, of internet retailing, which also saw 25percent value growth in 2011. Computer and internet use is growing fast in Nigeria from a very low base. In particular, trust, which has been a challenge for internet retailing, is improving among the populace, who have been introduced to electronic payment methods in shopping through their banks, and so have started to believe they would not lose their money if they shop electronically,” the report stated. (NAN)



Equity market dips by -0.66% as bearish sentiments persist T rading activities on the Nigerian bourse remained bearish for the third consecutive week due to unrelenting bargain hunting witnessed in most trading days of the week while the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) kept its monetary policy rate on hold at 12% for the fourth time in a row citing the need to balance inflationary concerns with slowing growth as the basis for retention. Furthermore, Equity Market sustained downwards movement to open the first trading day of the week pessimistic due to continuous speculative trading as envisaged in our Sentiments Analysis Report with NSE Index sliding by -0.32% while the bulls re-surfaced on the


ields on Federal Government bonds fell on Wednesday after the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) held rates at 12 percent, with a boost to liquidity from maturing debts and oil revenues expected to push yields down further, dealers said. CBN left its benchmark interest rate on hold on Tuesday for the fourth time in a row at its by-monthly meeting, citing slowing economic growth and rising inflation, which spurred demand for bonds at current yields. Traders said investors had been holding off from taking a position pending the rate decision.

bourse in the second session as the key market indicator closed northwards by +0.15% due to renewed and weak bargain activities witnessed in some sectors on the main board. Market resumed downtrend in the third session after closing green previously as sell pressure outweighed bargain hunting to record -0.12% loss while similar outlook was recorded in the fourth session as the key market indicator slides further by -0.43%. Conversely, trading activities on Friday closed northwards marginally as sentiments turned positive. Consequently, the key benchmark indices inched up by +0.06% while market closed the week with aggregate loss of -0.66%.

Further analysis on acquiring banks since transaction date showed that the share price of Access Bank Plc has recorded 34.55% gain, followed by FCMB with 8.97% gain while Union Bank Plc leads the chart with 69.86% gain. However, Sterling Bank recorded -6.30% loss while ETI also closed negative with -2.49% loss recorded. However, the All-Share Index in the week under review moved down by -0.66% to close at22,232.36 as against a decline by -1.07% recorded last week to close at22,381.11. In the same vein, the market capitalisation in the week depreciated by N47.43 billion (US$316.25 million) to close at

Bond yields fall after rates held Financial markets were closed on Tuesday when the rate decision was made. On Wednesday, yields on the shortest three-year bond, which has less than two years to maturity, fell to 14.75 percent, from Tuesday’s close of 15.1 percent. “The reaction is (also) on the back of bond maturities on May 22nd and another expected on the 25th totaling N295 billion,” said, head of rates and credit trading at Standard Chartered Bank, Ayodeji Adelagun. Bond prices were moving up, as proceeds from the May 22

maturity and expected flows from the May 25 one are reinvested, he added. Dealers said the decision to hold rates lifted a layer of doubt over what steps the central bank might take to stabilise rising price levels in Africa’s second biggest economy, after April inflation rose to 12.9 percent. The five-year bond was trading at 15.18 percent on Wednesday, compared with 15.25 percent before the rate decision. Federal Government will retire N295 billion worth of maturing three- and five-year

N7.09 trillion (US$47.25 billion) as against depreciation by N76.96 billion (US$513.08 million) recorded last week to close at N7.13 trillion (US$ 47.56billion). The total volume traded in the week closed at 1.73 billion units valued at N15.10 billion (US$100.68 million) compared with 1.84 billion units valued at N13.86 billion (US$92.38 million) exchanged in 20,421 deals last week. The volume transaction in the week when compared with the previous week data moved down by -5.85% as against downwards movement by -17.63% recorded last week. Weekly value went up by +8.98% as against negative position of -28.39% recorded last week. debt issued at 10.5 percent next week, boosting bond liquidity. The central bank will auction N126.33 billion in T-bills to soak up some of it. “We expect yields to drop up to 50 basis points, across maturities next week, with the lower end of the yield curve the worse-hit,” a dealer at a mid-tier Nigerian lender told Reuters. The central bank has favoured positive real interest rates in Nigeria to encourage foreign participation in the bond market and support the naira. It had hiked rates six times last year to fight inflation, pushing yields up. Dealers say greater liquidity is preserving that trend.


Transcorp heads for highest in 8 months on profit


ransnational Corp. of Nigeria Plc, which has interests in hotels, agriculture and oil, gained for an 11th day on Friday, heading for the highest in more than eight months, as first-quarter profit surged.

CBN sells N126.32bn Tbills


igeria sold a total of N126.32 billion ($791.35 million) in treasury bills ranging from three months to one year at its bi-monthly auction, with higher yields on the paper than at the previous auction, the central bank said on Friday.

Oando Q1 2012 net income slides 5% Y-o-Y


ando Plc has released its Q1, 2012 results to the Nigerian Stock Exchange. Revenue increased to N 158 billion, up 38% from the N 115 billion it made in Q1, 2011.

Dangote Flour FY 2011 profits Oando posts N586 bn earnings in 2011, profit plummets slide, declares 10k dividend ETI informs ando, Ni g e r i a ’s N 378 billion in the previous by 15%. From Ngozi Onyeakusi, Lagos leading indigenous y e a r . investors on An exceptional charge of N o il an d g a s c om p an y H o w e ve r a n i n c r e a s e i n 1.48 billion caused profits to angote Flour released its r e p o r t e d i t s a u d i t e d 2 0 1 1 O an do ’s d eb t b y a bo ut 60 % 2011 FY earnings slump. f i n a n c i a l s t at e m e n t s t o t h e o r o ve r N1 8 0 b i l l i o n l e d dividend Profit before tax came in at N financial statements on the c o m p a n y ’s 396 million, down 92% from the Ni g e r i a n S t o c k E x c h a n g e a f f e c t e d Thursday. ( NS E ) o n F r i d a y . p r o fi t a b i li t y . N4.9 billion it made in 2010. payment The Flour, Noodles and metrics P r of i t b ef o r e ta x a r ri ve d A tax credit of N 281 million P r o f i t a b i l i t y Spaghetti maker reported sales of N 66.3 billion, down 2% when helped boost Net Income to N di sa pp oi nt ed t he c om pa ny ’s at N 15 billion, a decrease of schedule million, yet this shareholders especially since 38. 6% over the N 24 bill ion compared to the N 67.6 billion 677



it made in 2010. Manufacturing costs escalated by 4% to N 56 billion whilst Distribution and Administrative Costs improved

performance was down 75% from the N 2.7 billion it made in 201 0. Company management has proposed a 10 kobo dividend.

no dividend was declared. The multinational c om p an y r e po r te d a gr o wt h in revenue of 54.8%, as sales topped N 586 billion; up from

it made in FY 2010. Net income f ollowing the trend, also shed 76% from N 1 4 b i l li o n i n 2 0 1 0 to N 3. 4 billion at the end of last year.


cobank Transnational Incorporated (ETI) has formally informed the Exchange that the closure date of register of the company will be Monday, July 2, 2012 while the dividend payment date will July 17, 2012.

Lafarge Cement WAPCO records N8.5 bn profit after tax

F Source:Pro-share Nigeria

oremost cement manufacturing and marketing company, Lafarge Cement WAPCO Nigeria Plc on Wednesday announced that it recorded a profit after tax of N8.5 billion in the 2011 financial year, compared to N4.8 billion for the year ended 31st December 2010.



Omotosho power plant ready for operation From Ngozi Onyeakusi, Lagos


he Omotosho power plant Phase 2 is ready to contribute 120 megawatts to the national grid, the Niger Delta Power Holding Company (NDPHC) Limited has said. The Managing Director of the company, owners of the National Integrated Power Project (NIPP), James Olotu made this disclosure on Thursday in Lagos, after an inspection exercise to some NIPP power plants in the South-West. Olotu said Unit 2 of the four units in Omotosho was ready to contribute 120 megawatts into the national grid while the other three units would come on stream soonest. He said on-going successes recorded in the NIPP power

project was in line with the transformation and power sector reform agenda of President Goodluck Jonathan administration. “One of the units in the Omotosho power plant phase 2 now contributes 120 megawatts to the national grid. “We are working seriously to ensure all power plants under the NIPP commence operations before the end of the year,’’ Olotu

said. The NDPHC boss said the NIPP would ensure that all power projects were completed within the stipulated time frame. He said Nigerians should be rest assured that the days of total darkness were getting shorter and shorter. “Light is here and every single month we will ensure effective power delivery to Nigerians in all NIPP projects

across the country,’’ the NDPHC Managing Director said. He assured Nigerians that there would be something to make Nigerians smile henceforth and till December in terms of power distribution and commissioning. Speaking on other power plants, Olotu assured that the plants coming up on stream were in Sapele, Geregu, Alogi, among others.

Mr. Liu Zhao-Long, Managing Director of China Machinery Engineering Corporation, lauded the Nigerian government support and promised to ensure that Nigerians are the major workforce in the company. He said the company currently has a workforce of about 1,000 personnel, of which the Nigerian workforce is about 700.

RTEAN decries high turn-out transport managers


he National President of the Road Transport Employers Association of Nigeria (RTEAN), Mr. Olufemi Ajewole has said that existence of too many transport managers and levies were threatening commercial bus operation nationwide. Ajewole told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Lagos on Saturday that indiscriminate arrest and enforcement of sanctions by the managers were making transport business uninteresting. He said that members of the union were being forced to pay numerous levies, including union dues and local government levies. The RTEAN president said that these levies were eating deep into the pockets of members. He said that the partial removal of petrol subsidy by the Federal Government had raised the cost of the business. Ajewole said that the Federal Road Safety Commission also introduced expensive driver’s licence and vehicle number plates, while operators were still counting their losses to the fuel price increase.(NAN)

L-R: Chairman of the House of Reps. Committee on Industry, Hon. Mohammed Ogoshi Onawo, listening to the Group Executive Director of Dangote Group, Alhaji Sada Ladan-Baki during the facility tour of Dangote Cement Ibeshe plant by the committee memebers, wekeend.

Sub-Saharan fund attains USD 50 m mark for its 2nd anniversary By Aminu Imam


he Regional MSME Investment Fund for SubSaharan Africa (REGMIFA) has successfully attained the USD 50 million mark reaching more than 112,000 borrowers, 91% of which micro-, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). REGMIFA celebrates its second anniversary with good performance results in 2011 and promising prospects for 2012.

Development Finance Institution (DFI) investors have created a successful track record for crowding in private sector investors in African microfinance. This May, REGMIFA celebrated its second anniversary since its inception as a fund dedicated to fostering growth through the support of micro- up to middle-sized entrepreneurial activity in Sub-Saharan Africa. On this occasion, Chairman of

the Board of Directors of REGMIFA, Mr. Wolfgang Kroh and CEO of Symbiotics, Mr. Roland Dominicé the Fund’s Investment Manager, presented an overview of REGMIFA’s achievements during 2011 and its prospects for 2012. The Board of Directors and the Investment Manager announced that at the end of 2011, and despite the unfavourable market conditions, the Fund was able to close the year with strong

investment activity, which brought the portfolio to a level above USD 43m, and achieved a satisfactory financial performance, fully in line with the development and sustainability return goals set up by the Fund’s stakeholders. As of 31.12.2011, the Fund had a gross asset value of USD 60.8m, positive financial targets and no loss in its portfolio. As of today, it has reached a portfolio level of USD 51.3m.

Dangote’s 6 million metric tonnes Calabar cement plant takes off July By Aminu Imam


he quest by the Dangote Cement Plc to hit 60 million metric tons per annum cement production from all its plants within the next three years has received a boost with the coming on stream of another six million metric tons per annum capacity plant in Calabar, Cross-River state. Chairman of the Cement Company, Alhaji Aliko Dangote who made this disclosure at the weekend during this year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company in Lagos said the Calabar plant

will be ready within the next 60 days. Fielding questions from newsmen after the meeting, Dangote explained that the Calabar plant was almost completed and that the location was very strategic as it was meant to serve the consumers locally and in Central African states like Cameroon and Gabon. He assured that Dangote cement would continue to lead in more investment in the cement industry while explaining that additional investments by the management would only increase the value of the shares

of the organisation and remain investors delight. Dangote pointed out that with the planned expansion of Ibese plant by another two lines of three million mtpa each, the June 11 commissioning of the Obajana Plant line 3 and the ground breaking of the line 4 as well as other operations in 14 other African countries, Dangote cement will hit 60 million mtpa within the next three years. He disclosed that Ibese plant would be expanded with the addition of 6 million mtpa line 3 and 4 within the next 26 months, noting that all the expansion works were meant to achieve the

target of Dangote cement of being the largest cement producer in the world. By the Dangote Cement calculation, of the 60 million mtpa, 55 per cent would be local consumption while the rest 45 per cent will be for export to other sub-Saharan African countries. He stated that much as the Dangote cement management is producing more, so also it is not compromising quality of the product. He explained that Dangote cement uses the latest technologies in its plants and challenged anyone to come forward to disprove his claim that Dangote cement quality is

one of the best in the whole world. On the price of cement, the industrialist explained that contrary to the widely held views that the piece of cement has been on the increase, the price of Dangote cement has remained same over the years despite the fluctuation of the foreign exchange and the increasing cost of energy. The leading cement manufacturer had during the AGM announced a profit of N125 billion and declared a bonus of one for every ten shares held by its investors and endorsed a dividend pay-out of N1.25.



2015: ANPP ’ll go into alliance with CPC, ACN - Tumsah INTERVIEW Tijjani Musa Tumsah is the National Secretary of All Nigeria People’s Party (ANPP). In this Interview with Umar Mohammed Puma, he speaks on the one-year-old administration of President Goodluck Jonathan, the party’s alliance talks with other opposition parties. Excerpts:


his administration is one year old; how will you rate the performance of President Goodluck Jonathan? I don't think this administration has lived up to the expectation of Nigerians who elected it into office. Let me start with security challenges; this administration has failed to secure the lives of ordinary Nigerians. Everywhere in the country there is one form of violence or another. From insurgency in the North, to militancy in the South-south, to Kidnapping in the South east and the government has not done enough to curtail the situation. Then there is the issue of corruption which is on the increase every day. The cost of living has become unbearable as a result of corruption. The cost of food items is beyond the reach of ordinary Nigerian, the cost of public transportation has risen up as a result of increase in the prices of petrol product by the federal government. The little amount public workers get as salary at the end of the month is no longer forthcoming, in some cases the money hardly meet the basic needs for which the workers have toiled. For the past 13 years that PDP has ruled this country, they were unable to provide basic need of ordinary Nigerians. No good roads across the country, no potable water to drink, no good healthcare facilities, in view of the high level of insufficiency of electricity in the country and yet, the Government is planning to increase the electricity tariff. This my party has rejected in totality and I believe every well meaning Nigerian would reject it. So, as far as ANPP is concerned, this administration has failed to meet up to its expectations. There have been alliance or merger talks by the prominent opposition parties, including CPC and

ACN, what is the stand of ANPP on the discussion? The ANPP is willing to working with other opposition parties to form a formidable opposition that would be strong enough to challenge the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP); weather by alliance or merger. In whatever form, as a matter of fact, our National chairman has initiated a meeting with other chairmen of opposition political parties in order to discuss areas of cooperation and possibly alliance, so that we can come up with formidable opposition party that would not only checkmate the ruling party, but wrest

I don't think what Buhari said was different from the clamour of ANPP in a democratic environment. What he said was that in 2015 elections, it has to be free and fair. We in the ANPP believe in the same line of thought with him, that every vote must be counted. The ANPP believes that there is the need for all elections into every political position to be held on the same day. This would save cost for both INEC and the political parties. It would also save the electorates' time in selecting the leaders of their choices for different elective offices. It would also go a long way in improving voter participation. Note that the higher participation of voters, the increased tendency to check and prevent electoral frauds. We believe with greater commitment, this can be achieved. We also believe that if tribunal cases are disposed of before the inauguration of elected officials, this would go a long way to improve our elections. So, any comment that would help in strengthening our democracy should be encouraged, even if that comment came from the opposition. What he said is not something new. I suggest the PDP should give it a thought, not

Our National chairman has initiated a meeting with other chairmen of opposition political parties in order to discuss areas of cooperation and possibly alliance, so that we can come up with formidable opposition party. power from it come 2015. We believe Nigerians are tired of the PDP and its failed promises. What Nigerians want at this material time is a new dawn; a new crop of people that would change this country positively. As a political party, we believe that the happiness of all Nigerians should be paramount in the formulation of policies and programmes that would affect the daily lives of the citizenry. The comment made by Muhammadu Buhari on the likely consequences of flawed election in 2015 has generated controversies across the country, what is the position of ANPP in this regard?

outright criticism. This has shown that what Buhari said is true. It is a challenge for all democrats across the country, to make sure our democracy works and also a challenge to ensure that there is social justice and peaceful conduct of elections. It is also a challenge to the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to ensure that they conduct free, fair and credible elections, and to respect our existing electoral laws and be fair to all concerned at all times. It is also a challenge to all political parties, including the ANPP to ensure that we educate and mobilized all Nigerians to know their rights and exercise such rights according to the

Tijjani Musa Tumsah constitution of the federal republic. It is also a challenge to our police, the army and all the paramilitary to ensure that the right things are done. Laws are meant to be obeyed by all. Finally, I challenge the Nigerian people, especially the electorates, to ensure that no one would take away their rights to freely elect those who would lead them, as well as the basic right of free, fair and credible election by INEC. What is the position of ANPP on the planned increase on electricity tariff by the Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN)? The issue of electricity tariff, our Chairman has spoken against it. We at the ANPP believe that it would only further inflict untold hardship on Nigerians whose living condition has deteriorated because of the prevailing economic situation in the country. Our economy is in bad shape, the value of Naira has depreciate such that most people that are using their legitimate income can no longer feed their families well, let alone save money to buy their own houses to shelter their families. Many Nigerians now groan under the agony of pains due to the recent increase in prices of petrol. I think what the government should do is to encourage privatization in order to attract investors. The demand for electricity is huge and remain

untapped; what investors need is the conducive environment where they can secure their investment and remain profitable through the forces of demand and supply. In view of the high level of insufficiency of power in the system, we should first allow privatization to take place and then the forces of competition can determine the price the consumers would pay. There was a report credited to former President Olusegun Obasanjo, in which he referred to the country’s lawmakers as rogues. ANPP has considerable number of legislators. What is your take on that comment? We are certain that our legislators in the National Assembly are not rogues and criminals, in fact, our legislators are occupying sensitive positions and are heading sensitive committees in the National Assembly and are doing better. The ANPP is proud of what they are doing. For this kind of statement to be coming from somebody like Obasanjo, who was once the president of this country for such a long time, it is rather unfortunate. I think he should be summoned by the National Assembly to explain what he meant by that. But for us here, we are certain that our legislators are not rogues and criminals. That can be verified by their performances in their various legislative duties.



PDP says Salami is victim of confused loyalty From Ayodele Samuel, Lagos


he South West chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has asked the suspended President of the Court of Appeal, Justice Ayo Salami, to calm down and decide if he is answerable to the National Judicial Council (NJC) or President Goodluck Jonathan, describing his stands as unstable. The PDP, in a statement by its Zonal Publicity Secretary, Kayode Babade, said the call became

Author begins campaign against Obama same sex marriage By Osaigbovo Iguobaro, Benin


n Author with 53 published literary works, Oyemire Raphael, has stated that he will use a yet to-be published book, 'The mistakes of Barack Obama' to campaign against President Barack Obama's endorsement of same sex marriage. Apostle, Oyemire Raphael, who disclosed at the weekend in Benin City, the Edo State Capital shortly after he launched five books including: The power of focus, 20 Secrets of billionaires and Poverty of the mind and the way out, said that Obama's lackluster agreement to gay marriage informed his idea. According to him, "The fact that men make mistakes of aiding corruption or stealing from people from where they ought not to steal, the worst mistake is Barrack Obama's public acceptance to gay marriage. "Gay marriage is worst. God condemns it, the Society condemns it. No matter his quest for reelection as US President, it doesn't make him give his support to that. God is seriously against Gay marriage." Speaking on the Bill Prohibiting Nigerians from same sex marriage, which was recently passed by the Senate, he assured that President Goodluck Jonathan is antithetical to Gay marriage, stating that the Bill will soon be signed sign into law. 'Look at his body language, may be speeches in various organisations portray that he is against it'. He urged young writers, particularly victims of piracy, not to let down their guards in their literary pursuit, saying that he prefers to launch his books in Peoples house and offices instead of the conventional way. 'A lot of people give up easily. The fact that people pirate your book doesn't mean they have pirated your destiny. All you need to do as a writer is to continue to write‌I want to say to you that book has given me money. People say, 'book don't sell, it's a lie. Most launchers prefer to donate privately. ..God is behind it and when God is behind a project, that project will never fail, he said.

necessary following reports quoting Salami as saying that the President had no power over his job, even after he (Salami) had deposed to an affidavit where he said the President and not the NJC was constitutionally empowered to sanction him. The party said Salami's unstable position on who his employer is between President Jonathan and the NJC had exposed the reason why the Court of Appeal under him, gave conflicting judgements on cases of similar facts.

"On Monday, February 13, 2012; in a motion on notice brought pursuant to section 295(2) of the 1999 Constitution, Salami, through his counsel, Chief Akinlolu Olujinmi, SAN, claimed that NJC had no power to appoint, suspend or reinstate him, since he was not an employee of the council. "He noted that NJC's involvement in his appointment was simply to recommend, adding that the salary paid to him was governed by an Act of the National Assembly. "He asked the Court of Appeal to

determine, among other issues, 'whether having regard to the provisions of Section 238, 318 and paragraphs 13 and 21 of Part 1 of the Third Schedule to the 1999 Constitution, the plaintiff, who was appointed to a judicial office as President of the Court of Appeal under extant constitutional arrangements designed to secure the independence of the holder of a judicial office is subject of employeremployee relationship with the 1st defendant (NJC." The PDP added that it was

comical and utterly embarrassing to note that the same Salami that repudiated the NJC just three months ago, is saying through his lawyer that the NJC is his employer. "On Friday, May 25, 2012, Justice Salami declared that it was only the NJC which suspended him that could reinstate him to the office. "He said that the letter written to President Jonathan by NJC reinstating him was only to inform him of its fresh position since the earlier decision to suspend him was also communicated to him.

Edo gober poll: INEC disqualifies Action Alliance candidate By Osaigbovo Iguobaro, Benin


he Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has disqualified the governorship candidate of Action Alliance (AA), Ishaka Paul Ofemile, in the governorship race slated for July 14th by the commission in Edo state. Ofemile, who was

disqualified for late submission of forms CF 001B and CF 002B, however, attributed his inability to submit the forms early enough to logistic problem. The victim who was at the Nigeria Union of Journalist (NUJ) Press Centre in Benin, however, admitted that the forms got to INEC Headquarters in Abuja 24 hours later than supposed.

He regretted that his party had already wasted huge funds for campaigns and rallies, in preparation for the election, before his attention was drawn to the sad news about his disqualification on Nigerian Television Authority (NTA), last week Thursday. Ofemile, however, urged INEC to consider him on the grounds that the postponed

Continuous voter Registration by INEC, scheduled to begin on the 18th of May 2012, was postponed until after the polls, following the pressure from ruling Action Congress of Nigeria (CAN) candidate, Adams Oshiomhole. He added that hence the decision of INEC is at variance with the provisions of the Electoral Act 2010 (as amended), he deserves a waiver.

A frontline politician in Katsina state, Alhaji Umar Abdullahi Tsauri (middle), inspecting the four bridges he constructed at Kahutu village in Danja Local Government Area, at the weekend.

Jonathan’s first year a tale of incompetence, says CPC By Ikechukwu Okaforadi


ongress for Progressive Change (CPC), has described the first year of President Goodluck Jonathan, as a failure, pointing out that a sincere examination of the administration indicates a negative impact of the government on the lives of ordinary Nigerian. In a statement issued yesterday in Abuja by the Publicity Secretary of the party, Rotimi Fashakin, CPC insisted that Jonathan's

government is known for grandstanding and abundant rhetoric, without commensurate policies and actions to improve the infrastructural development, education, road, electricity, security and economy of the country. "The poor results of Nigerian students in NECO, WASC and JAMB Examinations really typify the sordid decadence of Educational standard under the Jonathan Administration." CPC stated. Speaking further, the party regretted that the regime has

proven to be adept in making vain electoral promises, emphasizing that it is still beyond reason that an administration that has not provided good funding for the existing universities found it expedient to set up new ones. While noting that the new universities have not taken off due to poor funding, CPC lamented the comatose state of the Nation's infrastructure, adding that the present administration has no plans to improve it. According to the statement, "The policy summersault in the

economic management is enough indication of the confusion at the top echelon of the Nation's governance. The leadershipinduced sleazy tendency is still nightmarish, as the like had never been seen in the Nation's history." In addition, the party attributed the current insecurity in the country to what it called 'symptomatic of the pervasive ineptitude of the Leadership', stating that there is equally an added ethno-religious divisiveness, alleging that this is supervised by the leadership for vain political advantage.





CPC state chairmen appoint caretakers to run party By Ikechukwu Okaforadi


gainst the backdrop of lingening crisis in the Congress for Progressive Change (CPC), which led to the purported dissolution of the National Executive Council (NEC) of the party by its state chairmen, a caretaker committee has been appointed to prevent vacuum in the leadership of the party. According to the statement issued yesterday in Abuja, by the Secretary of the Chairmen,

Emeka Okafor, the new national caretaker committee, which will be inaugurated soonest, will immediately constitute a public hearing committee to probe the affairs of the last regime and appropriately make recommendations. He said a meeting of an enlarged NEC of the party, which comprises the State Chairmen, the National Caretaker Committee and the Stakeholders, will be convened next week, adding that the National Caretaker Committee will

approach the Protem NEC to see how the pending court cases can be resolved outside the court. "On the activities of the El Rufai Renewal Committee, we shall continue to give them all the necessary support. More doors will also be opened for discussions on any form of collaboration with political parties that are willing to go into alliance with us." The statement pointed out. The state CPC chairmen refuted the allegation of bribe made against them by the Publicity secretary of the party,

Rotimi Fashakin, arguing that they are not so poor to be bribed with N100, 000 each by the PDP, adding that N100, 000 is not enough to take care of their bills for the 2 weeks they spent in A bu ja . "He should rather ask his purported former National Secretary what was his mission at the VILLA on the day of the last Presidential Election. Rotimi Fashakin should also revisit the authentic CPC constitution and tell the whole world if the emergence of their

purported NEC met the basic constitutional requirements of our party and the Electoral Act." The statement read in part. Meanwhile, those appointed include: Shehu Barau Ningi, Chairman (North East), Mohammed Tukur Abba Sada, National Assembly Liaison Officer, Hajara Okara, Woman Leader, Ibrahim Musa, Youth Leader, Chris Agha Oko, Secretary (South East).

CPC tasks FG on citizens’ welfare


L-R: Deputy Speaker, House of Representatives, Hon. Emeka Ihedioha, Speaker, Hon. Aminu Waziri Tambuwal, Rivers state Governor Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi, and former Chief Justice of Nigeria, Justice Mohammed Lawal Uwais, during a Ad-hoc Committee on the Review of the1999 Constitution retreat, recently in Port Harcourt.

Garba pledges to promote welfare, professionalism By Umar Muhammed Puma


he re-elected President of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) Mohammed Garba, has stated that the new executive committee of the union will improve the welfare and professionalism of the members his second term. He stated this in Abuja in his address after the inauguration of the union's new executive committee. He promised that the issue of training would be given

priority attention by the new administration so as to enable journalists improve on the quality of their reportage, adding that the union would ensure that the members demonstrate the highest level of professionalism in their dayto-day journalism practice. Besides, Garba said that the union would conclude negotiations with media proprietors on the initiation of insurance policies for journalists working in their establishments. He said that the union

would also pursue the implementation of good welfare packages for journalists across the country. ``I want to assure all journalists in the country that this executive council will take the issue of welfare seriously. ``We will particularly pursue the issue of insurance cover for journalists. ``I want to assure our colleagues in the private media that they will be carried along by their respective proprietors," he said. Garba pledged that he

Sokoto CNPP Chairman advises FG on poverty eradication


hairman of the Conference of Nigerian Political Parties (CNPP) in Sokoto State, Abba Sidi, yesterday advised the Federal Government to introduce vibrant policies to tackle poverty in the country. Sidi said in Sokoto that poverty was partly responsible for the increasing violence in the country, adding that the government must evolve workable policies to address the

problem. He said that the government needed to tackle the pervasive problems of poverty and unemployment which had resulted in serious social and economic dislocations especially among the youth. “We are in dire need of programmes that would improve the well being of Nigerians for peace, progress and political growth of our

country." Sidi urged Nigerians to assist security agencies with information that would lead to the arrest and prosecution of criminals. He said that security matters should not be left in the hands of security agencies alone; adding that information on dubious characters would enable the security agencies to discharge their primary assignment without stress. (NAN)

would complete the new permanent secretariat for the union and the International Institute of Journalism (IIJ) before the end of his tenure. He said that his team would also push for an amendment of the union's constitution to incorporate past NUJ leaders in the running of the union's affairs. He said that the former leaders would become trustees of the union via the proposed a me nd me nt . Garba, however, called on candidates who lost in the NUJ elections to join his team in efforts to take the union to greater heights. Garba got 670 votes to defeat his closest rival, Mrs Olufunke Fadugba, who secured 150 votes at the polls. Mr Rotimi Obamuwagun scored 508 votes to emerge as the Deputy National President; Mr Adolphus Okonkwo garnered 193 votes to emerge as Financial Secretary, while Hajiya Fatima Abdulkareem polled 409 votes to win the post of National Treasurer.

rince Tony Momoh, the Chairman of Congress for Progressive Change (CPC), has called on the Federal Government to guarantee the security and welfare of the citizens as provided for in the Constitution. Momoh stated this on Sunday in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Abuja. He said there was nothing like good governance in the country because the security, welfare and all that could be called social justice were very deficient. "There is no welfare in Nigeria because the roads are bad, there is no power, education is decayed, the hospitals and consultative clinics are inadequate, jobs and infrastructures are lacking. "So, where is the welfare in the Nigeria polity? Our democracy has not given us that democracy the world knows and so had not helped the governance. ``Things have gone entirely wrong in Nigeria because we are not practising democracy in this country. " (NAN)

Tight security in Lagos ahead of Democracy Day festivities


ecurity is being beefed up in Lagos ahead of the Democracy Day celebration, Joseph Jaiyeoba, spokesman for the Lagos State Police Command, has said. Jaiyeoba said in Lagos yesterday that the development was in compliance with a directive from the Acting Inspector-General of Police, Mohamed Abubakar. He said that the Lagos State Commissioner of Police, Umar Manko, had directed Area Commanders and Divisional Police Officers to beef up security within their jurisdictions to avoid any ugly situation. According to him, security men have been deployed to man strategic places across the state in line with the directive. Jaiyeoba said that operatives of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad and the Rapid Response Squad had also been mobilised to work with the regular patrol teams. (NAN)



nyimba intensified its quest for the Nigeria Premier League title by defeating current leaders of the pack, Rangers, 2-0 and thus pile pressure on them and other rivals for the league. Both teams now have 46 points apiece, but Rangers still lead the standings courtesy of a better goals difference. Ex-Rangers player Razaq Adegbite opened scoring for


Enyimba down Rangers in oriental war Enyimba in the 23rd minute through a diving header off a free kick. Enyimba were the better side in the first half with two shots on target to none from Rangers in the first 45minutes. Ugwu Uwadiegwu’s 20-yard free kick in the 51st minutes took the

game beyond ‘The Flying Antelopes’ but got the marching orders in the 53rd minute from referee Sani Mohammed for pulling off his shirt to celebrate the goal for a second bookable offence. It was sweet revenge for Uwadiegwu who was put in the

cooler last season by rangers for missing a penalty against Kano Pillars at home. Enyimba coach Abdul Maikaba said that it was a good match and that they deserved their victory. “It was a good victory for us as it has put us in pole position to win the league. This was a game

Super Falcons beat Zimbabwe, as Flying Eagles lose again


t was a mixed grill of results for Nigeria yesterday following the Super Falcons’s on-theroad victory over their Zimbabwean counterparts while the Flying Eagles lost for the second consecutive times at-the8-nation Invitational Tournament in Cape Town, South Africa. The Flying Eagles were beaten by their South American archrivals Argentina 1-0 in a match the junior Eagles had hoped they would use to redeem their image and rekindle hope of securing a semi-final ticket in the tournament they are defending

champions. In yesterday’s match at the 2010 World Cup stadium, the Cape Town Stadium, John Obuh’s lads barely held out against the South Americans until the 42nd minute when Franco Fragapane exploited a defensive slip to slot home past an exposed goalkeeper Samuel Okani. Unlike their game against the Black Satellites, the Flying Eagles failed to create real chances at goal and had to pull out centreforward Alhaji Gero, who was clayfooted in the 37th minute for Sikiru Alimi.

Kaduna United central defender Ikechukwu Okorie was the pillar of the Flying Eagles back four and he and later Kingsley Patrick had to head away goalbound shots on the goal line. Argentina, on the other hand, enjoyed the ball possession and had at least three chances they have put away to further underline their superiority. The game was marred by countless stoppages as both teams fought out a physical combat in which at least three Argentina players were booked. However, the Eagles could still

advance to the semi-finals if they beat South Africa on Tuesday and Argentina beat Ghana. The South Americans had beaten South Africa 3-1 in the opening game while the hosts down Ghana 2-0 yesterday. Meanwhile, two goals in the second half was all the Falcons needced to beat their Zimbabwean counterparts in the first leg of the Africa Women Championship qualifier in Harare. The two goals scorers were Evelyn Nwabuiku and Stella Mbachu second leg comes up in Abeokuta in a fortnight.

that we needed to win, and we did it. We are on course for the title. Our boys played to instructions and it worked.” Lobi Stars capitalised on the banishment of Ocean Boys to Benin City and recorded an away win. Lobi were trailing host 1-0 in the first half, but second half goals from Chimaobi Nwogbo and Tony Okpotu eventually saw them carry the day. Speaking after game, Lobi coach John Zaki said, “We went for a favourable result knowing fully well that this game was on a neutral venue. Our ambition of continental ticket is still there.” In Port Harcourt, champions Dolphin beat ABS FC 2-0 with goals from Emeka Atuloma and Emma Nwachi in the first and 79th minutes, respectively.

RESULTS Dolphins 2 ABS FC Enyimba 2 Rangers Ocean Boys 1 Lobi Stars 2

Keshi drops 5 home-based Eagles, retains 12 as team hit Calabar he Chief Coach of the Super Eagles, Stephen Keshi, on has dropped five of the 17 domestic league he had initially retained for the 2014 World Cup and 2013 African Nations Cup qualifiers. The former Togo and Mali manager dropped the five yesterday while giving nod to 12 others to team up with the other 14 foreign-based players whom he had equally invited to join the camp in Calabar. A statement released by the team’s Media Officer, Ben Alaiya, said Keshi made the announcement during dinner at the Excel Oriental Hotel in Lagos, before they departed for Calabar yesterday. Those dropped were listed as Ugonna Uzochukwu of Rangers, Gbolahan Salami of Enyimba, Warri

Wolves’ Ossai Uche, Heartland’s Dan Akpeyi and Okemuteh Odah of Sharks FC of Port Harcourt. According to Alaiya, those dropped yesterday had featured in the Super Eagles’ narrow loss to their Peruvian counterparts in Lima on Thursday. Peoples Daily Sports recalls that Keshi though had expressed appreciation with the team for lifting the quality of play in the second of the game, but had equally been disappointed few players who could respond to the challenges of the big stage. It said the 12 home-based players would be joined by Ekigho Ehiosun to compliment the 14 players earlier announced to bring the number of players in the Calabar camp to 27. “If I have my way, all of us will be in camp, but we have reached a crucial bend and only the best of

the best will be needed. “That does not mean you are not good enough, and that is why I can assure that sooner than later, we will again call on you. “Go and ensure that you always play regularly for your clubs and very well too because that will form the basis of your recall.” The 12 home-based professionals, who made the list, are: Chigozie Agbim, Azubuike Egwueke, Sunday Mba, Ejike Uzoenyi, Juwon Oshaniwa, Izu Azuka and Godfrey Oboabona. Others include: Henry Uche, Kalu Uche, Papa Idris, Gabriel Reuben, Obinna Nwachukwu and Turkey-based Ekigho Ehiosun. Keshi also urged Nigerians and those in authority with special reference to the media, to support the team with prayers and positive words rather than causing

Victor Moses

Vincent Enyeama

Gege Soriola

Stories by Patrick Andrew


unnecessary distractions. “Nigeria is blessed with thousands of players all over the world and not all of them can be invited at the same time. “So, we must be careful when we start insisting that A or B, must be invited and the media has a crucial role to play here, otherwise we will divide the team and that is not good for us at this time.”

Nnamdi Oduamadi

...Victor Moses is early bird in Eagles camp


igan Athletic’s Victor Moses, was the first of the 14 foreign based players to hit the Super Eagles camp in Calabar as the team begins intensive preparations for the qualifiers for the Nations Cup and World Cup 2014. Moses breezed into the team’s temporary abode at Excel Oriental in Lagos, on time for the team’s departure for Calabar, where it will prosecute its home games against Namibia and Rwanda. The Wigan Athletics want-out player reaffirmed his desire to remain in the English Premier League but would not say which offer he has accepted out of the several being dangled before him. Peoples Daily Sports recalls that the player is being courted by Arsenal, Liverpool and Tottenhamm who want to strengthen their depth before next season begins in August.

Meanwhile, newly appointed Camp Commandant of the national team, Lt Col Rabiu Yandoto, has promised Nigerians that he would carry out his duties to the best of his abilities by ensuring camp discipline. Yandoto, whose first official assignment was the trip to Peru, said he has made observations about the workings of the team and has been able to study the philosophy of Head Coach Stephen Keshi, and is certain that discipline under him will not be compromised. Eagles Media Officer, Ben Alaiya quotes Yandoto as saying “At all times, I will liaise with the Head Coach and all other necessary functionaries of the national team, to ensure that we up the level of discipline in the national camp so as to be able to achieve the result we want to in the team”, he said.



Synthetic turf Froch stops Bute in fifth to win IBF crown on Aper Aku C Stadium soon, says Chia arl Froch stopped Lucian Bute in the fifth round in Nottingham on Saturday night to claim the IBF supermiddleweight title. The 34-year- old Briton’s comfortable vi ctory over the unbeaten Romanian made him a three-time world champion after his two WBC title wins. Froch, whose record is now 292, including 21 knockouts, started brightly and had the 32-year-old Bute in trouble in the third round and again late in the fourth, roared on by a raucous home crowd. Bute, who came into the fight with a 30-0 record, including 24 knockouts, was caught by a right hand in the fifth before a flurry of punches from Froch culminated in another right that forced Bute to hang on to the ropes. Referee Earl Brown started a standing count but Bute’s corner came into the ring to save the Canada-based fighter from further punishment. Froch was fighting for the first time since losing in the final of the


r Aondowase Chia, the Benue Commissioner for Sports, says that Astro turf would soon be laid at the main bowl of the Aper Aku Stadium. Chia made the statement in Makurdi on Saturday at a media briefing on the activities of the State Ministry of Sports. He said the contract for the laying of the turf at the stadium was awarded in 2010, adding that the project had not been completed due to the difficulties in shipping the equipment. The commissioner said the contractorMonimichelle Sports Management-had started bringing the equipment to site from Europe. Chia said the pitch had been excavated, while the actual laying of the turf would soon commence. The renovation of the stadium had been the reason Makurdi-based Lobi Stars FC are playing its league matches outside the state.

Carl Froch

Roland Garros: Tsonga, Del Potro take hard road


o-Wilfried Tsonga struggled under the weight of expectations while Juan Martin Del Potro shrugged off an injury scare in yesterday’s opening games at Roland Garros. Fifth-seeded Tsonga, the highest-ranked player in action, overcame a worrying first set wobble to beat Russian qualifier Andrey Kuznetsov 1-6, 6-3, 6-2, 6-4. Tsonga, who sparked controversy on the eve of the tournament, by claiming that French players had no chance of winning their home Grand Slam, next faces Germany’s Cedrik-Marcel Stebbe. Ninth seed Del Potro, the Argentine who won the 2009 US Open, having made the semifinals

Juan Martin

here in the same year, saw off Spanish veteran Albert Montanes 6-2, 6-7 (5/7), 6-2, 6-1 in a shade over three hours. He will tackle France’s Edouard RogerVasselin for a place in the last 32. Del Potro, a potential quarterfinal opponent of Roger Federer, had beaten Montanes in straight sets on his way to the Estoril title in April. But he endured a bumpy ride on Philippe Chatrier Court when his troublesome left knee, which had already been taped, required further strapping at the end of the marathon second set. The 23-year-old, the only man outside of Novak Djokovic, Rafael Nadal and Federer to win a Grand Slam title in the last seven years, also needed a doctor three games into the second set as the soaring temperatures threatened to take their toll. Andy Roddick slumped to a fifth French Open first round defeat when the injury-plagued American lost 6-3, 6-3, 4-6, 6-2 to France’s Nicolas Mahut. Former US Open champion Roddick, who has never got beyond the third round in Paris in 10 visits, came into Roland Garros having made his season’s E uropean claycourt bow only in Dusseldorf last week where he lost all three matches.

Now ranked at 29 in the world, Roddick has been battling hamstring problems for most of the year. World 88 Mahut has now equalled his best French Open performance having also made the second round in 2010. The 30-year-old will tackle either Canada’s Frank Dancevic or Martin Klizan of Slovakia for a place in the last 32. Also making the last 64 was 2003 champion Juan Carlos Ferrero, who defeated French wildcard Jonathan Dasnieres de Veigy 6-1, 6-4, 6-3. Ferrero, playing in his 12th Roland Garros, next meets Croatian 21st seed Maran Cilic.

Del Potro

Haye vs Chisora

Govt withdraws subsidy to boxing federation over fight


uxembourg’s boxing federation has been stripped of government subsidies over the proposed fight between David Haye and Dereck Chisora. The country’s sports minister reacted to the federation’s decision to sanction a heavyweight bout between the unlicensed British fighters. They are scheduled to meet in London in July. “ T h e minister was not amused by this initiative,” an official at the ministry said on Thursday. “This does nothing to further the value of sport or the image of Luxembourg in general.” Dereck Chisora He added that the

subsidies were about 3 000 to 4 000 euros per year and acknowledged they would not make a huge difference to the sporting body. “The gesture is more symbolic,” he said. Haye and Chisora were involved in a brawl at a news conference after Chisora’s defeat against WBC champion Vitali Klitschko in February. Chisora had his licence withdrawn by the British Boxing Board of Control (BBBC) and former champion Haye relinquished his when he announced his retirement in October after losing to Wladimir Klitschko last July. Zimbabwe-born Chisora was also banned indefinitely by the World Boxing Council. Luxembourg’s boxing federation agreed to sanction the fight at West Ham United’s Upton Park stadium on July 14; a move condemned by the BBBC. The board said earlier this month anyone involved in the proposed fight would be stripped of their licence. The Luxembourg Boxing Federation

agreed to give both fighters licences and is set to have Haye medically tested. Chisora has already passed his tests. “Chisora had his licence withdrawn, but he hasn’t been suspended so he is entitled to seek a licence elsewhere,” said Toni Tiberi, the federation’s secretary-general. He added that the pair were far from the only boxers to have misbehaved. “You saw the incidents with Frazier and Foreman. Tyson bit [his o p p o n e n t ’s ear] ear and was still allowed to box,” he said. “This fight will be a real match and David not one just Haye put on for show.”

Super Six tournament against Andre Ward in December. Froch had lost his WBC title to Andre Ward in the Super Six series last December. The 32-year-old Bute had held the IBF title since he beat Colombia’s Alejandro Berrio in 2007. Both boxers had traded jabs in the fourth round before Froch delivered a powerful right, followed by a flurry of punches. Bute was saved by the bell as Froch landed a fierce left hook to end the round. The Canadian lo oked timid and unsteady as the fifth round got under way. Froch then connected with a right that rocked Bute’s head back and several more punches that pushed Bute against the ropes, prompting referee Earl Brown to start counting. The popular Nottingham resident was regarded as the underdog against Bute, who was fighting his first bout outside North America and Romania. Bute had never really been extended since making his professional debut in November 2003. He had beaten two South Africans, Dingaan Thobela and Andre Thysse. He won the vacant WBC super-middleweight title in June 2008 when he beat Jean Pascal over 12 rounds. He retained the belt against Jermain Taylor and Andre Dirrrell before losing it to Mikkel Kessler in April 2010. Froch also beat Arthur Abraham in November 2010 in a clash for the vacant WBC belt. He retained it against Glen Johnson before losing the title to WBA “super” super-middleweight champion Andre Ward in December last year. On the undercard, Carl Frampton beat Raul Hirales by 119-109 on two cards and 120-108 over twelve rounds to take the vacant IB F intercontinent al superbantamweight belt. The undefeated Frampton improved his record to 14-0, with nine knockouts. Hirales lost for the first time and now stands at 16-1-1; 8. Junior welterweight Pier Olivier Cote moved to 19-0; 13 when he stopped Mark Lloyd (15-6; 3) in the fifth round. In Brentwood, E ngland, former heavyweight hope Audley Harrison stopped Ali Adams in the fourth round. Making a come back after a disappointing professional career, the former Olympic Games champion improved his record to 28-5; 21. Adams, who was knocked down in the fourth round, has now dropped to 13-4-1; 5.

Ennis sets new British heptathlon record


ormer world heptathlon champion Jessica Ennis gave her hopes of winning Olympic gold in London a timely boost on Sunday by winning a combined events meeting here in a new British record points tally. The 26-y ear-old record ed a new personal best of 6,906 points to replace in the record books Britain’s 2000 Olympic champion Denise Lewis whose previous best was at 6,831. Russia’s Tatyana Chernova, who took Ennis’ world title in Daegu last year, was 132 points behind in second, with Olympic champion Nataliya Dobrynska a distant ninth almost 600 points adrift.



United close on Kagawa deal

Transfer The season is over. Clubs are counting their blessing as well as losses and would like to make amends and even beef up their squads where noticeable lapses exist. And the transfer market is agog barely 24 hours after major European leagues dropped the curtain. And so to keep abreast with latest rumours, we begin daily doses of movements within the market both for players and coaches like.


anchester United is set to make an improved offer of £13m for Shinji Kagawa. The Borussia Dortmund midfielder has one year left on his contract but Sir Alex Ferguson wants to land him. United are also confident Eden Hazard will choose to move Old Trafford this summer. Manchester City and Chelsea are also fighting for Hazard’s signature but the Belgian winger has confirmed that his choice will ultimately be governed by regularly he will be a starter. Manchester City, Manchester

No chance of City exit— Kompany

M Shinji Kagawa United and Chelsea are fighting to sign the highly rated striker. Hazard’s compatriot Jan Vertonghen remains focused on a move to Tottenham from Ajax.

anchester City captain Vincent Kompany has pledged his long-term future to the club and outlined his desire to help Roberto Mancini’s side win the Champions League. Kompany, 26, was instrumental in City’s maiden Premier League title triumph, with his imperious displays at the heart of their defence earning him widespread acclaim. The Belgium international, who replaced Carols Tevez as skipper last year, is thought to have atracted the attention of a number of Europe’s top clubs - but he insists there is no chance of him leaving Eastlands any time soon. Kompany said. “The project is to take the club back to its former glories but people won’t see this for perhaps another 10 years. I’m happy to be part of all that. “It’s not a three-year project but rather one for 10, 15, 20 years. It’s exciting to think I can be part of taking the club where it wants to go.”

Switzerland coach advises Djourou to quit Gunners


witzerland coach Ottmar Hitzfeld has urged centreback Johan Djourou to consider his Arsenal future if he wants to continue to be a part of the national team set-up.

Djourou, 25, made just 14 Premier League starts in 2011-12 and was often criticised when he did play, with his display in the 8-2 defeat to Manchester United standing out as a particularly abject

showing. The Swiss defender’s form has also been a concern for his international boss, though Hitzfeld is convinced Djourou’s inconsistency is down to a lack of

Real, Barca, United, Juve, Anzhi in race for Van Persie


hampions are poised with a £20m bid for the Arsenal striker who only has one year left on his contract Manchester City is firmly at the front of the queue to land Robin van Persie if Arsenal is forced to sell their star striker. City’s greatest competition could come from Real Madrid or Barcelona if either Spanish club decides to enter the bidding. City are poised with an opening bid of £20million for Van Persie, who has just a year left on his Arsenal contract, with Manchester United, Juventus and Anzhi Makhachkala also expressing an interest. Already lost Kolo Toure, Emmanuel Adebayor, Gael Clichy and Samir Nasri to City in recent years, Arsenal is desperate to do all they can to stop Van Persie following his former team-mates to the Etihad Stadium. Anzhi are prepared to offer Van Persie a staggering £300,000-a-week deal, but the Dutchman has no wish to finish his career in Russia and is motivated by top-class trophies rather than money. Spain could provide a solution to all parties as Van Persie is understood to be keen on the prospect of Madrid or Barca and Arsenal would rather sell their captain abroad if they have to let him go. Madrid has shown an interest in Van Persie, but is yet to make a move while Barca has given little indication they will enter the bidding. Robin van Persie

regular playing time at Emirates Stadium. Despite his struggles, Djourou signed a contract extension in February that keeps him at Arsenal until 2015 and looks set to continue battling out with Thomas Vermaelen, Laurent Koscielny and Per Mertesacker for a starting berth.

Everton table £6m for Copenhagen striker


avid Moyes has sent scouts to watch Senegalese striker Dame N’Doye but may have to sell before he can buy Everton boss David Moyes is chasing FC Copenhagen’s £6million-rated Senegalese striker Dame N’Doye but will have to sell to bid. This week Moyes sent two top spies to watch the 27-year-old hitman score against Silkeborg as Copenhagen played their last game of the campaign. N’Doye will be up for sale in the summer and the Goodison chief is looking closely at him as he tries to bring in more firepower. N’Doye has been a prolific goalscorer for two years and looks made for the Premier League. However, Moyes has been told he will have to raise funds before he can buy, with a full-time deal for Tottenham’s Steve Pienaar also in his sights.

Spurs fail £14m Damiao transfer bid A

Vincent Kompany

Parma slap high price on Giovinco


arma president Tommaso Ghirardi believes striker Sebastian Giovinco is worth at least €40 million. Giovinco, 25, is part-owned by Juventus and has been strongly linked with a move away from Parma this summer. It has been suggested the Italy international could return to Juventus while he is also a reported target of Barcelona, Manchester City and Inter Milan. The market dictates prices, but I have no fear in saying that Giovinco is worth as much as Javier Pastore,” Ghirardi said “I think he is better than the Argentinian and he is as good as Alexis Sanchez.’’ Pastore joined Paris Saint-Germain from Palermo last summer for €43 million, w hile B arcelona sig ned Sanchez from Udinese for €37.5 million. There will be plenty of time for other scenarios. But I think that he will either stay here with us Giovinco scored 15 goals in Serie A this season and has been named in Italy’s Euro 2012 provisional squad.

Sebastian Giovinco

Arsenal offer £6.4m plus Chamakh professional football last term, for Giroud scoring 21 goals in 36 matches as


Leandro Damiao

purs has reportedly had a £14million transfer bid for Internacional striker Leandro Damiao rejected, as Harry Redknapp steps up his efforts to strengthen his forward line. Tottenham is keen to turn Emmanuel Adebayor’s loan spell from Manchester City into a permanent deal and have also held talks with Marseille’s Loic Remy about a potential £20million move. Redknapp has not restricted his efforts to those two players and has also investigated the possibility of a deal for Brazil international Damiao, who he first tried to sign last summer. Juventus, AC Milan, Roma and Paris Saint-Germain are also keen on Damiao and the Brazilian club is confident at least one of the teams will match their valuation.

rsenal is set to open the bidding for Montpellier striker Olivier Giroud, by offering £6.4million plus the services of Marouane Chamakh, according to French reports. The Gunners are long-term admirers of 25-year-old Giroud, who enjoyed his best season in

Olivier Giroud

Montpellier secured their first ever Ligue 1 title. Aston Villa, Liverpool and Newcastle have also made checks on the powerful hitman, but Arsenal remain in pole position, especially after German side Bayern Munich dropped their fleeting interest over the weekend. Giroud is currently contracted to Montpellier until 2014, and despite seeing his £10.4million buyout clause rise to £12.8million following his side’s title success, the France international still represents good value. Arsenal are hoping to do business on the cheap, with RMC reporting that the offer is just over £6million in cash, plus a readymade replacement in Chamakh.



Duo lead Kenya’s lead double podium sweep in Bangalore


eig ning World junior Cross Country champion,Geoffrey Kipsang, and Helah Kiprop led Kenyan podium sweeps at the fifth edition of TCS World 10K, an IAAF Gold Label Road Race yesterday.

An early morning shower which left the course wet coupled with a stretch narrowed by prolonged metro rail construction work left the course records undisturbed. Thus a pre-race prediction of a world lead in the men’s race became unrealistic at this juncture. About 15 runners were in the lead group when they reached the first kilometre. The group began to split in two, while eight remain in lead bunch when they w ere approached the third kilometre mark. Before the next km arrived the leaders become visible. Dennis Kipruto Kimetto, who set a World record for 25Km earlier this month, did the front running along with Ethiopian Feyisa Lelisa and Moses

Kipsiro from Ug anda, before he started trailing after the 14.08 km. But Kipsiro continued in the lead along with Kenyans Bernard Koech and Alex Korir during the third quarter of the race. Two other Kenyans, Geoffrey Kipsang and Victor Kipchirchir, surged past the trio at the eight kilometre mark when the race entered Cubbon Park and remained at the helm of affairs thereafter. With just one kilometre to go, Korir was once again on the core group and began charging after the other two for the top spot. Kipsang entered the stadium first, with teammate Korir 50 metres behind and Kipchirchir on their tail.



Helah Kiprop


He went on to win the USD 21,000 prize purse clocking exactly 2 8 : 0 0 , leaving the c o u r s e record of 27:51 set by Eritrean Zersenay Tadese in t h e inaugural edition

Donald retains PGA title L

uke Donald returned to the top of the world rankings for the fourth time within a year after strolling to a seemingly effortless four-stroke victory in the PGA Championship at Wentworth yesterday.

The Briton took over from Northern Ireland’s Rory McIlroy at the summit after shooting a fourunder 68 for a 15-under tally of 273 at the European Tour’s flagship event. World number 10 Justin Rose

(70), who partnered countryman Donald in the final round, missed a succession of birdie chances and had to settle for a share of second place with 1999 British Open champion Paul Lawrie (66) on 277. Ireland’s Peter Lawrie (71)

here in 2008 intact. It was indeed the fourth fastest time in this race. Pre-race favourite Kimetto finished well back in 27th in 30:51 while 2009 winner Deriba Merga from Ethiopia failed in his bid to recapture the title, ending well behind in 51st place clocking 32:28. But unlike in the men’s race which saw changes in the lead throughout the contest, the women’s race was straight business betw een three Kenyans: Helah Kiprop, Esther Chemutai and Doris Changeiywo. Ethiopian Fatuma Sado, runner-up in this year’s Mumbai Marathon who went on to conquer the title in Los Ang eles thereafter, did mak e a challenge to the trio in the middle of the race along with compatriot Selam Abere. H owever the Kenyans thw arted the challeng e as they shifted the pace between themselves. Kiprop, who came second behind teammate Fyles Ongori in the Berlin Half Marathon earlier this year, kicked away in the last kilometer to win in 32:22. “I could have easily broken the course record had there been anyone to charge me in the final stages of the race,” she said. Grace Momanyi, the joint winner of the inaugural women’s race in 2008 finished sixth in her third appearance this year. Momanyi was a Commonwealth Games gold medallist

finished in fourth position on 280. Donald, who retained the PGA title he won for the first time last year in a playoff with Lee Westwood, became only the third player to win the trophy in backto-back years after Nick Faldo (1980-81) and Colin Montgomerie (1998-1999-2000). The anticipated head-to-head “Duel in the Sun” with Rose never

London Games: Gebrselassie’s Olympics dream ends in flames E

Haile Gebrselassie

thiopian athletics legend, Haile Gebrselassie, yesterday failed to qualify for the London Olympics as he could only finish seventh in the 10,000 metres. The 39-year-old two-time Olympic 10,000m champion who had already failed to post a qualifying time for the marathon admitted his hopes had been dashed after his disappointing performance against 12 of his compatriots. Ethiopia were using this as a qualifier for the Olympics. “The Games in London, is over for me. I ran a good race till the last lap. I felt good but I manifestly didn’t have the speed to compete against my rivals,” he told. “That’s life. I am not disappointed,” added Gebrselassie, whose epic defeat of Kenyan great Paul Tergat at the 2000 Olympics in Sydney, his second Olympic title, is one of the great finishes of all time. Tariku Bekele and Leleisa Desisa Benti finished first and second respectively - with the former posting the best time in the world this year of 27min 11.70sec - to book their tickets for London. The third spot is being kept for Bekele’s older brother and world record holder Kenenisa, who has been struggling for several months with a calf muscle problem. Gebrselassie, a four-time world 10,000m champion, had come into the race boosted by his victory in the 10km Great Manchester Run in northwest England last week in 27min 39secs.

for this distance on the track in Delhi two years ago. How ever her teammate and Delhi runner-up Changeiywo made it to podium today with a 32:44 clocking while Chemutai finished second, 10 seconds faster.

Geoffrey Kipsang materialized as the latter failed to convert half a dozen birdie chances while Donald plotted his way round in typically steady fashion in light winds on the outskirts of London. Rose smashed his club into the turf in frustration at the 15th hole after a wayward approach landed in a greenside bunker. While his partner was bogeying that hole, Donald tapped his tummy and heaved a visible sigh of relief after knocking in a kneetrembling par-saving effort from four feet. Rose also found a greenside bunker at the 16th and his title rival effectively sealed the first prize of 750,000 euros ($938,400) by sinking his putt for a birdie three from 10 feet. The unflappable Donald, who went to world number one for the first time after winning here last year, was asked if he was in as much control as he appeared to be in yesterday’s final round. Donald has won a host of glittering prizes around the world, and last year became the first player to top the orders of merit on both sides of the Atlantic. However, it is next month’s U.S. Open, the British Open in July and the U.S. PGA Championship in August that he has his eye on.

Luke Donald



A Britain's Jessica Ennis sets a new national heptathlon record in winning the Hypo event in Gotzis, Austria. B Chelsea defender Branislav Ivanovic has claimed Real Madrid is "tracking" him but stressed that he is happy with the newly crowned European champions.


C Elena Baltacha loses to Sam Stosur on day one of the French Open, but Jo-Wilfried Tsonga wins and Venus Williams is also in action.


D Carl Froch stops Lucian Bute in round five to take the IBF supermiddleweight title and become a three-time world champion.


E Luke Donald regains his world number one status from Rory McIlroy with victory in the BMW PGA Championship at Wentworth.


F Chelsea striker Fernando Torres is in defending champions Spain's 23-man squad for Euro 2012 but the injured David Villa misses out.


G Barcelona forward Pedro has been named in Spain's final 23-man squad for the European Championship, but there was no place for Atletico Madrid's Adrian Lopez or Valencia's Roberto Soldado.



. . . putting the people first

MONDAY, MAY 28, 2012


Venus advances to 2nd round at French Open


enus Williams bounced back from a poor start at the French Open yesterday, beating 19-year-old Paula Ormaechea 4-6, 6-1, 6-3 in her first Grand Slam match since revealing she has been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. The seven-time major champion seemed taken aback by her opponent's early aggressive play, but still managed to turn the match her way and reach the second round. The 31-year-old Williams, a former top-ranked player who is now No. 53, is 12-4 this season. Williams pulled out of the U.S. Open last August before her second-round match, saying she had Sjogren's syndrome, an autoimmune disease that can cause fatigue and joint pain. She returned to the tour in March.

Heartland dismantle Lions


itle holders, Heartland came from behind to defeat hard-fighting Mbaise Lions 3-1 in the state FA Cup final at the Dan Anyiam Stadium, Owerri yesterday. Uche Agino put his side forward in the 21st minute while Kabiru Umar brought score level after he converted a penalty in the 42nd minute to end first term one goal apiece. Umar grabbed the second goal in the 78th minute after his shot was headed into his own net by Boniface Junior and substitute, Abdul Haruna scored the winner in the 80th minute. Heartland coach, Nduka Ndubuise said after the match that the victory was significant both to him and his wards. "I am happy leading Heartland to win their first trophy of the season as well as retain the trophy they won last year. I'm proud to win my first trophy at the saddle and I'm confident Heartland will defend the title at the national level. "Lions are good side but experience won the trophy for us," said Ndubuise who left Mbaise Lions to take charge of Heartland. Both teams will represent the state at the national finals.


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Don't pay any attention to the critics; don't even ignore them — Sam Goldwyn


ven President Jonathan will be forgiven if he is not sure whether his cup, at the end of his first year as president elected on his own, is half full, or half empty. To say the least, it has been an eventful year; and it will not be an exaggeration to say it may yet be his easiest year of the four he has been sworn to serve. If this has downed on him, it will be a sober President Jonathan who will be celebrating the first anniversary of his own Presidency tomorrow. If it downs on the people with whom he shares responsibility of running the nation, we should hear less of achievements, and more of a stronger commitment to fix the gaping holes in the administration's record. Two developments in the last week both define the character of Jonathan's administration so far, and appear to be the basic issues which will determine his agenda in the future. The first is the emerging story about how $1.1 billion belonging to the Nigerian people from the sale of an oil block which belonged to Malibu oil was shared by private companies owned by people close to the presidency. The second is the statement credited to Chief C.K Clark, the President's political godfather, that President Jonathan will run for the Presidency again in 2015. The emerging story about the manner over N150 billion was shared out by private companies on instructions from top government officials will cast a pall on festivities and celebrations. In a nation whose citizens have been shocked beyond belief by scams and outright theft of incredible amounts, these last revelations will cap it all. It will be explained or rationalized, of course, and there may even be a token commitment to investigate. But Nigerians will not believe it. Instead, people are likely to cry once again to the high heavens for heads to roll. The same way they are demanding that heads roll from the fuel subsidy scam. The same way they want heads to roll over the pensions scam. The same way they want all the revelations from the investigations of the National Assembly to be followed up faithfully and culprits brought to book. The first year of Jonathan's full-bloodied presidency may be recorded in history as the year of huge resistance against antipeople policies, and of

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QUOTABLE QUOTE By all means marry; if you get a good wife, you’ll be happy. If you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher — Socrates

PHEW! FIFTEEN MINUTES with Dr Hakeem Baba-Ahmed

President Goodluck Jonathan

monumental theft. A cynical citizenry will become even more distrusting as the administration subjects finding, reports and investigations to further scrutiny, which will allow suspects regain composure and confidence, and cover tracks with good lawyers and bureaucratic lethargy. Between the insurgency of the Jamaatu Ahlis Sunnah Lid da'awati Wal Jihad (Boko Haram) and corruption of unspeakable proportions carried out with chilling impunity, there will be little left for Nigerians to cheer in this anniversary. It may have been noted by the President and his close advisers, but it needs restating that in two

basic areas, this administration has failed very badly. These are in the areas of securing lives and property of citizens and promoting their welfare; the two basic functions of any government. The manifestation of organized violence and rampant violent crimes have rendered life for all Nigerians more precarious. The national assembly has moved into the vacuum created by incompetence and weak political will of the administration to expose how improvements in citizens' welfare have been hijacked by rampant and entrenched corruption. The President lost much of his turf to organized violence and crimes, and the opportunism of politicians in the legislative arms. He will find it increasingly difficult to put out policies which involve additional hardships for the public, such as the forthcoming review on electricity tariff, if Nigerians hear only of stolen billions. The second element which has defined the character of President Jonathan's presidency, and is likely to define his agenda, is his political future beyond 2015. By now, when old man Clark speaks, the wise listen with rapt

Jonathan's presidency will have one eye on managing an economy under assault from large scale corruption, and a polity threatened by organized violence and debilitating crimes; and the other eye on consuming maneuvers for 2015. How does he intend to handle these two simultaneously? Or, more significantly, what does he have that will enable him do this successfully?

attention. When old man Clark and Pastor Oritsejafor say the same thing only the most foolish will be indifferent. And both say the only obstacle between Jonathan and another term from 2015 is a stubborn northern resistance, but it will be successfully challenged. Jonathan will run again in 2015 as it is his right to do, and in his interest to do. Others have done it before him, and those opposed to him are only doing so because he is from where he comes from. Nothing about competence, track record, ability or proven capacity to govern an increasingly difficult nation. So Jonathan's presidency will have one eye on managing an economy under assault from large scale corruption, and a polity threatened by organized violence and debilitating crimes; and the other eye on consuming maneuvers for 2015. How does he intend to handle these two simultaneously? Or, more significantly, what does he have that will enable him do this successfully? He certainly cannot rely on his public service to shore up deficiencies in integrity, competence and courage, when it is being routinely assaulted by arbitrariness, impunity and corruption. His entire arsenal of institutions and mechanisms intended to prevent the types of outright theft and fraud we see have been rendered laughable by the public stunts of the legislature which uses its oversight powers to show how a poor manager President Jonathan is. He will find it difficult to rely on the nation's security asset to put an end to the insurgency which is crippling the north and threatening the rest of the nation, because it is more a part of the problem, than its solution. And though the brand new PDP leadership he has just helped install may give him some comfort, his party's stranglehold on the nation's political terrain is by no means guaranteed. The problem for President Jonathan is that Nigerians are not sure who he is, or what he can do. If what they have seen of him in terms of managing crises, the economy or corruption is the Jonathan who wanted so badly to become President this time last year, they won't be impressed. If there is more to President Jonathan than what Reuben Abati, C.K Clark or Pastor Oritsejafor say, he should show himself to Nigerians. The nation must not be run all the way to 2015, the way President Jonathan has run it so far.

Published by Peoples Media Limited, 35, Ajose Adeogun Street, 1st Floor Peace Park Plaza, Utako, Abuja. Lagos Office: No.8 Oliyide Street, off Unity Road, Ikeja, Lagos, Tel: +234-09-8734478. Cell: +234 803 606 3308. e-mail: ISSN: 2141– 6141

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