Thursday, May 7, 2015. Edition.

Page 26


PEOPLES DAILY, Thursday, may 7, 2015

Mother Earth

NESREA in new dispensation


eadership as we know is a sensitive role to play. As it is often said, the failure or success of an organization is the failure or success of its leadership. It was home coming for NESREA. The new management led by Dr Lawrence Chidi Anukam, Director-General/Chief Executive has assumed office to chart a new way forward for the agency. There is no doubt that there has been significant improvement in the Nigerian landscape since the coming of National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (NESREA). Ever since the agency has wasted no time in stamping its authority on the Nigerian landscape, locally and internationally so much that from the little mustard seed it was at inception, the agency has grown to become iconic getting involved in the tumult of the cleanup exercise not through the barrel of the gun but via dialogue, collaboration and where impossible, penalties. Now the crack surfaces of environment disobedience have sufficiently thawed to allow for better environmental practice, the polemics of corporate individualisms has disappeared giving way to collective partnership something that has been alien and even none existent in Nigeria. Never have such determination from so few, created such a vast impression knowing the reputation of Nigerians to resist change. No facet of the Nigerian environment landscape was spared in the last eight years. Take for example the issue of second hand Electronics. Once the Agency got its bearing

right and beamed its search light there, that sector has never been the same. The market has been comprehensively reinvigorated. Now people remember albeit not with nostalgia the days reminiscent when importation and distribution of second hand electronics are rampant, ubiquitous everywhere. The Agency went further to enact the Electrical/Electronic Sector Regulations, 2011 under which it introduced sanity into that sector. Known for its thoroughness, they would let Nigerians know the hazardous contents some of these seemingly harmless Television sets, Refrigerators, Cathode Ray tubes, batteries that contain lead. Because Nigeria happens to be a place where change is difficult to achieve and the toga of business as usual hangs practically everywhere, it wasn’t unexpected that the Agency would come face to face with resistance. One such areas is the Nigerian entry Ports where those who had enjoyed feeding fat using the Seaports as dumping ground for toxic materials, e-waste, started crying wolf and calling NESREA

names when the Agency clamped on them. But NESREA remained resolute and would not budge! While the battle was raging in that frontier, NESREA would later turn its attention to another volatile front: the indiscriminate manner telecommunication operators function in Nigeria by erecting base stations, mast heads where ever pleases them inside residential compounds without appropriate setbacks, and regard for safety of life and property. By the time the Agency introduced the National Environmental Standards for Telecommunications and Broadcast Facilities, Regulations 2011, it was time to show that this was not another jejune effort. The agency wasn’t interested in dancing “azonto” with tax payer’s money, and so began its purge of that sector breaching even the areas considered as sacred and untouchable. The big wigs that had operated unhindered with near disdain were surprised to see how quickly they were disarmed and dislodged. NESREA wasted no time in straightening all the crooked areas. Today, there is sanity in

Ambrose Inusa Sule environment watch 0703-441-4410 (sms only)

that telecommunication sector, NESREA was telling the truth and they saw it. Now prospective violators have packed their baggage and left town. Nevertheless, these achievements so far were mere icing in the cake. Next are those involved in trade on endangered species which led to suspension of Nigeria from CITES. Before NESREA intervention, trading in CITES boomed to no end, but the Agency would have none of that. They reacted sharply apprehending poachers of all manners, dealers of ivory tusk, animal products, etc. Those caught were sanctioned promptly; outlets copiously displaying animal products in major Nigerian hotels were seized and closed down. What was thought to be a fad had become an anathema. NESREA successfully got Nigeria’s suspension lifted from CITES and even enacted the National Environmental (Protection of Endangered Species in International Trade) Regulations, 2011. This is a huge boost to Nigeria’s International partners. NESREA has been so active along with her assemblage of complimentary staff such that through dint of hard-work, commitment and focus the Agency has prevailed with its mandate and has been everything but a failure. Now a nation known for “anything goes” is now one of “rule of law”. The process of carrying out its statutory responsibility and curbing Nigeria’s environment of pollutants and hazardous wastes though not an easy task has been less arduous. In another vein, it is now compulsory for Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) approval before any major industrial activity. Same applies to Environmental Audit Report (EAR) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Sanitation and Waste Control is now taken seriously through constant sensitization and mass awareness. Nigerians have been told to up their consciousness, to utilize waste bins, protective gloves, and keep their environment clean.

Sanitation and Waste Control is now taken seriously through constant sensitization and mass awareness. Nigerians have been told to up their consciousness, to utilize waste bins, protective gloves, and keep their environment clean.

The Agency also veered into the aspect of Noise Standards and Control through another Regulations produced in 2009. It is now an offence to blare your music and even allow your loudspeakers to disrupt tranquil environment. There are now penalties, fines and various fees for offenders or violators. Perhaps, it is in the construction sector where NESREA showed that it cannot be taken for granted. The deep chasm exhibited by some quarry operators for decades blasting improvised explosives (IED’s) with impunity and leaving behind gullies as death trap without any remedial plan were challenged and brought to book. In one instance an incredulous official had watched in awe as his company was shut down for violations until his construction company paid the requisite fine for that offence. Many of them had treated abatement notices served on them to remediate with distain until the hammer descended. Even those involved in environmentally sensitive commodities such as ozone depleting substance (ODS) including toxic chemicals have been fished out and dealt with. As if that is not enough, though the information is sketchy, but the word out is that the Agency is now poised to enforce new regulations on Vehicular Emission from Petrol and Diesel Engines for the first time in Nigeria. According to sources the Agency plan to do this by introducing Vehicular Emission Centres in Nigeria involving private partnership. This strategy is designed to ensure clean air in the Nigerian environment. Those who know the technicality involved would tell you that this is as much a new dimension as it is a plausible development. Not when the agency which has now ballooned to twenty-three State Field Offices, is now variously regarded as all of Environmental Operator, Regulator, Adviser, Capacity builder and as Job creator. Having come this far, the question now is what more can be expected from an Agency of this stature and magnitude of performance with Dr Lawrence Chidi Anukam in the helm of affairs. The answer is for the incoming government to continue supporting the agency in whatever form and guise, because there is still a lot to be done. To be fair, this is the time for other Agencies to emulate and follow the examples of NESREA and collectively move the nation forward. The era of gerrymandering is over. It is time to sit up and perform the task of nation building and leave a better future for upcoming generations.

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