Royal City Record December 5 2012

Page 7

The Record • Wednesday, December 5, 2012 • A07

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letter inspires response Dear Editor:

Re: ER trip leads to anger, Letters to the Editor, The Record, Nov. 28. In response to the letter written by L. Luyten, I am going to give them the benefit of the doubt and say they were having a very bad day and needed to vent. I hope they are feeling much better now. That said I am sorry they felt their visit to Royal Columbian Hospital emergency was not pleasant but I am still wondering how seeking relief from pain led to an attack on our non-European citizens. Here are some points that Mr./Ms. Luyten may have forgotten to think about: ◗These elderly patients talking in their native tongues may very well have been born here or lived here for decades. My grandmother was born on the prairies and never learned to read, write or speak English. Still, she and my grandfather worked unbelievably hard, paid taxes and helped make this country something to be proud of. ◗Perhaps these elderly people, like Mr./ Ms. Luytens, did not want the specifics of their ills broadcast through the waiting room and decided to spare the rest of the patients their complaints. Or maybe they just didn’t want nosy parkers eavesdropping on their conversation. If these elderly people have just come over from another country maybe they are working harder than can be imagined by caring for their grandchildren while their children work. ◗ Other cultures and countries that are non-European have a rich history of wonderful skills and arts. Really they do. Through my life, I have tended to dismiss remarks made after any phrase such as “I am not a racist, BUT …” However, I did throw caution to the wind and allowed myself to read what the writer had to say. I am not angered by L. Luyten’s letter. If anything, I feel pity and embarrassment. What could have been an interesting firsthand account of a trip to an emergency room turned into an inappropriate diatribe against our fellow citizens. I have also been in wretched pain,

and at the time I doubt that I could have described the people around me and all my surroundings as well as they had. I might have been surrounded by Asians, Caucasians, the Queen of France, or little green men, and I wouldn’t have cared. In conclusion I thank the writer for reminding me to never make snap judgments, jump to conclusions, or treat the person sitting next to me with anything less than common courtesy and respect. Diane Adams, New Westminster

Food bank boosters

Dear Editor:

“Sleigh bells ring, are you listenin’, on the Fraser, the Native’s glistenin’, a beautiful sight, we’re happy tonight, cruising for the food bank in the twilight.” This past Sunday, Doug and Helga Leaney, owners of the paddlewheeler, Native, decided to give Santa and the food bank a helping hand from the wheelhouse, by launching their “Cruise for Food,” with food and cash donations directed to New Westminster food bank. Those of us lucky enough to take the plunge with them enjoyed an outstanding, family-oriented afternoon, entertained by the Sharon Young Trio, augmented by a children’s rhythm and percussion section during enthusiastic carolling. Our water landscape included eagles, a curious harbour seal and dozens of seagulls drawn to our wake. Youngsters and oldsters alike skipped along the deck enjoying the wind and the spray and a chance to see the Royal City from a new vantage. We hope that this spontaneous paddlewheeler plan will turn into an annual event. Helga, Doug and their staff, our generous corporate neighbours, are selflessly doing their part to improve the lives of others. Yes, Captain Irving, there is a Santa Claus and he will live on in the hearts and minds of all those folks on the Fraser that paddled on the Native’s “Cruise for Food” food bank fundraiser! Louisa Lundy, New Westminster

Women: Time for change and action continued from page 6

of B.C. are having the same problem. There just isn’t enough funding in place to respond. Community services make a huge difference every day. It is simply wrong when they are prevented from providing help and support that can save lives. In B.C., high-profile tragedies bring a flurry of activity and announcements related to violence

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against women and children. But what’s needed is a continuing, well-planned and adequately funded set of supports and prevention services shaped by communities. British Columbians need to hear from leaders at all levels of government about their specific plans to address violence against woman and children. A provincial election is coming. Please make your

voice heard. We will continue to remember and honour those who have fallen to violence. But it is time for action. Shabna Ali is executive director of the B.C. Society of Transition Houses and Tracy Porteous is executive director of the Ending Violence Association of B.C. They submitted this on behalf of the roundtable of provincial service organizations.

The New Westminster Record welcomes letters to the editor. We do, however, edit for taste, legality and length. Priority is given to letters written by residents of New Westminster and/or issues concerning New Westminster. Please include a phone number where you can be reached during the day. Send letters to: The Editor, #201A–3430 Brighton Ave., Burnaby, B.C., V5A 3H4, fax them to: 604-444-3460 or e-mail to: No Attachments Please. Letters to the editor and opinion columns may be reproduced on The New Westminster Record website, The New Westminster Record is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

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