PMCI - June 2020

Page 24


READY TACTICAL SLING Firearms training and tactics are an ever-evolving series of techniques as is the gear that goes along with it. Few people outside of administrative personnel fully understand the cost and time that goes into every time a unit or department changes equipment. There is not only the cost of the equipment itself but the cost of training or retraining the end user, often compensating them for their time or having to work around their schedules for availability. -TS-



firearms, optics and even radios and night vision often require a day, several days or even weeks for training while other equipment is simply issued with barely an email or small instruction sheet on how to use it. One of these pieces of equipment is the sling. Whether its for a rifle, shotgun or even submachine gun, there never seems to be any thought given to its operation or full capabilities outside precision shooting circles. This lack of occupational awareness can be a huge gap in the success and safety of its end users. In this article, we are going to look at one product called the Ready Tactical sling that can maximize user safety and efficiency while being quickly adapted into daily operations. In January of 2020, I discovered a product on the internet with very little explanation but several great photos of its design. It was called the Ready Tactical Sling and what the photos displayed was a guy carrying his AR15 hands free in a high chest mounted position while walking and riding an ATV.


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