PMCI - February 2015

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Over the past couple of years it has been my great privilege to get to know a truly inspirational man, an individual that has lived out the adventures that most of us only dream about, and then transformed them into a survival training programme that is respected worldwide. Working with specialist military units Brane T. Cervek has been teaching hostile environment survival, escape and evasion courses for over 23 years. Not only that but he has also spent some considerable time and money developing his own “LandCamo ABD” camouflage patterns which I’ll be covering in a future issue of PMCI. He is a unique individual whose story I am pleased to be able to share. PMCI: Brane, in your own words tell me what led you to set up the SSFN and the SERE programme I would say thoughts lead all things and thoughts give them birth and shape. My first childhood dream world came out of nature itself. Back then as a kid there was constant outdoor play just as Tarzan did in the jungle. I realized pretty soon that my own “jungle” is in the discovery of this magical world that we have been put into to survive. I knew quite from the beginning there must be much more than just hard pronouncing scientific names of the world that surrounds us, there must be a whole knowledge and universe of hidden secrets that can be revealed; the curiosity of how our forefathers lived and survived instilled in me an urge to discover these mostly forgotten secrets, not forgotten by survivalists, but forgotten by the average person


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