ARCO13 Sam Matthams

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From here then, albeit a sweeping overview of the research attained, the main points are evident. The relationship between the audience and site takes precedent, as what interests the visitor is the most direct route into their inner realm. The capability and sensibility of the volunteer room guides is paramount. They are the point of contact which is able to connect a multitude of desires to the engaging narratives that are interlaced throughout Cotehele. The site has so much to offer, distinct from its competition with its unfamiliar circumstances, and yet to put it all into print would overwhelm its visitors. The intrinsic link between the diverse abundance of history and its multivalent audience lies in the intelligently decisive interactions that can be created between them.

Conclusion In a market increasingly reliant upon its audience’s connection, heritage has had to divulge more of its life than ever before. The interactions now desired are no longer simplified within an appreciation of the displayed material, but instead depend on the site’s ability to emotively relate with its audience’s inner world. Daydreams and fantasies have the capability to interact with the physical space more engagingly than the reality. Therefore, the importance of a site’s presented narrative is that it not only conveys the character of the property, but also it’s embedded experience. It is on this premise that a chosen site is visited: it is seen as a place where such imaginings can be lived. Fulfillment of this inner projection relies upon the harmonious link between the build up and the experience, with the decisive interactions on site dictating the visitors’ overall perceptions. However, the capability to diversify the approach of the narrative, dependent upon the audience’s personal inner dialogues, can allow the internal fantasies to be directly catered for, and it is here that knowledgeable and intuitive guides surpass all other methods of heritage interpretation. Although the complexities surrounding a successful implementation can be structurally dismantled, revealing a strategic process of critical interactions, ultimately, its composition could never be ‘bottled’. With the ever-changing cultural trends, its composition would never stay the same. A continued dialogue between site and user must be maintained and responded to in order to instill the best possible circumstances for a meaningful connection to establish.


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