Issue 3, July 2011

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Number: 3

July 2011

“Don't read that – it's full of Truth!”

STRIKE! STRIKE! STRIKE! So it has happened. Across the country 750,000 College, Plymouth University and MarJons workers have stood up to tell the government University, at Land Registry offices, the Child “enough is enough”. The UCU, NUT, PCS and Support Agency and Revenue and Customs as ATL unions staged coordinated 24 hour walkouts well as at the dockyard at Camels Head Gate”. affecting schools, colleges, universities, job centres, In the city itself up to 500 protesters tax offices, the DVLA, border control, the list goes supported the Trade Council led march through on and on. the city centre from midday. This was then In Plymouth up to 3000 workers took part followed by a rally in the Lower Guildhall where in strike action, according to Dave Franklin, chair speakers addressed a crowd of around 200. of Plymouth Trades Council. Twelve unions were represented in the According to the Herald “across the city 58 hall, showing the solidarity of all working people schools were either partially or fully closed and with the action of the strikers. there were pickets outside two job centres, at City Notable moments included calls from

Unison that the fight was not just about public sector pensions and but for all pensions, including those in the private sector, and to put an end to the “race to the bottom”. The UCU delegate spoke to rapturous applause when recalling how his father had died before receiving any pension – and wondering if the ConDem government had the same planned for him. Unsurprisingly for Plymouth there were the usual calls of “get a job” from members of the public – a comment that always amuses us at the Star, surely having a job is a prerequisite for being a trade unionist, never mind going on strike?

Unity Against the EDL

Communist party members in Plymouth have issued the following statement regarding the planned EDL demonstration on the 9th of July: The South Devon branch of the Communist Party of Britain calls for the maximum possible turnout to stand against the planned demonstration by the so called “English Defence League”. Party members in Plymouth will be supporting the Unite Against Fascism and Love Music – Hate Racism events taking place on the 9th of July. The EDL play upon the fears of ordinary people and exploit the divisions which are all to often exaggerated by sections of the media. They use an irrational characterisation of Islam to blame the Muslim community for world events. This same characterisation leads to the victimisation of immigrant, minority ethnic and vulnerable sections of our society. While many members of the EDL are undoubtedly vulnerable young men and women themselves, the EDL leadership and their overarching agenda is that of a racist and violent street gang organisation. It is disappointing that this sort of ideology is still present in Britain, especially as 2011 marks the 75th anniversary of both the Battle of Cable Street and the beginning of the Spanish Civil War against Fascism. The Communist Party of Britain urges calm from both groups on the 9th of July and condemns any threat of violence on the streets of Plymouth. Party members are also concerned by the “mobilisation” of EDL members from other areas of the country. The EDL in Plymouth are a tiny organisation and any intervention from other members will only exaggerate the importance of this unrepresentative group. President of Bristol Trades Union Council. The charter can be read in full at which Bristol People's Charter Meeting also includes information on setting up charter groups and has resources On Monday the 27th of July around 40 people attended a public meeting available to download. hosted by the Bristol Morning Star Readers and Supporters Group and A similar meeting is being planned for Plymouth later on in the year. supported by Unite and the RMT. Any parties or unions interested in taking part should contact the organiser, The meeting “The People's Charter – The Alternative to the Cuts” Tim Gulliver by email – was addressed by Communist Party General Secretary, Robert Griffiths, Tony Burke, Assistant General Secretary of Unite and Mike Langley,

Foreign Newsdesk

More Information

Published by the Plymouth Morning Star supporters group, assisted by the South Devon Branch of the Communist Party of Britain

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