Plymouth Housing Group: 2015 Annual Report

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T H I R T Y- F I V E Y E A R S O F S U C C E S S


Letter from the Executive Director an d Board president In 1980, members of Plymouth Church discovered that the church’s doorsteps had become beds for Seattle’s homeless. So they decided to do something about it: they formed a committee that resulted in the foundation of Plymouth Housing Group. Decades ago, we were a small agency run solely by volunteers. We leased a 30-unit apartment building and provided homeless men and women with a safe, warm place to be. As Plymouth grew, staff members realized that people are homeless for a reason. The challenges that initially led them to homelessness can prevent them from finding stability in housing. In other words, ending homelessness requires more than just providing a bed and a roof.

Light blue skies, Deep blue seas. Can colors line your sights To lighthearted thoughts? Lovely hearts unlit, unite.

Plymouth Housi ng Group our m issio n Plymouth Housing Group works to eliminate homelessness and address its causes by preserving, developing and operating safe, quality, supportive housing and by providing homeless adults with opportunities to stabilize and improve their lives.

Y es for H o m es !

We’ve shown that Housing First works. Over the years, our average length of tenancy has steadily increased, as has the percentage of tenants who remain in permanent housing at the critical one-year mark out of homelessness. This means that more and more Plymouth tenants are leaving homelessness behind for good. We couldn’t be more proud of this accomplishment—and in these pages, you’ll discover many other success stories.

Over the years, the Seattle Housing Levy has provided funding for five of our thirteen properties.

We want you to know: as daunting as the state of homelessness is today, there is hope. As we look at the needs on the street, we know that we have a solution. Plymouth’s model works. Housing First is one of the ways forward.

Best Regards,

In other words, it’s helped us create


homes for homeless men and women.

Paul Lambros Executive Director

John McHale Board President

Photo by Elisabeth Vasquez Hein.

— a n excerpt from the poem “Blue Tears Brew” 2009 by Frances Emily Waldow (pictured on cover, Plymouth resident since 2004, photo by Elisabeth Vasquez Hein.)

So Plymouth implemented supportive services to help our residents stay housed. And we realized something else: it’s extremely hard, if not impossible, to make positive changes to one’s life while surviving on the streets. No one can address significant challenges—veterans’ trauma, mental illness, addiction, disability, and more—without a safe, stable place to live. That’s why we were one of the first adopters of Housing First. Housing First is exactly that: first we provide housing, then we provide the support needed for change.

We’re celebrating over 35 years of service to people who have been homeless, but we’re not going to stop there. Just as we’ve done since our founding, we’ll continue to grow and evolve to meet the needs of our community and, most importantly, of those who are struggling to survive without a home right now. Thirty-five years from now, Plymouth Housing Group will still be right here, providing housing and support to our community’s most vulnerable citizens.

resident since 2012

Across Seattle, the four previous housing levies have funded more than


affordable apartments for seniors, lowincome workers, and formerly homeless individuals.

our visio n Housing is just the beginning … the first step to building hope and transforming lives. We envision a day when every person has a home and a better quality of life.

our core values Plymouth believes …

This year’s replacement levy will fund more than

• Every person has the right to a home • Every person is valuable, with a unique story and journey


• Affordable housing requires responsible stewardship


• Respect, trust and compassion are integral to all interactions

additional units—with

• Cultural diversity and embracing difference are sources of strength

dedicated to addressing homelessness.

That’s why we’re inviting you to vote yes on Prop 1 in support of the 2016 Seattle Housing Levy in the August 2nd primary. Let’s ensure that Seattle remains a city where affordable housing options are available to all.

an nual report credits Our deepest thanks to the men and women who generously and courageously shared their stories and portraits for this report. Design Causality ply m o u th h o u s i n g g r o u p | A NNU A L R E P OR T 2 0 15


“It’s just a little thing, but the staff here show they’re concerned about me. That’s how we need to live, by watching each other’s backs.” jobs, but his lack of English speaking skills got in the way. “I had never lived alone before. It was hard to live by myself. I was so scared.”

C reati n g A W elco m i n g Home

He found himself on the streets and became addicted to drugs. “When I used drugs, I didn’t know nothing else. I didn’t even worry about where I lived or if I died. It’s not life—no future, no hope, no nothing. At that time, I didn’t know that my life was terrible. Now, when I look back, I can see how ugly it was.” For seventeen years, Chanh was addicted to drugs. He lived in jails and on the streets. Every time he was released from jail, he told himself it was for the last time and that he would finally get clean. But he had no home to go to when he left jail and he couldn’t stay clean on the streets. “Drug Court saved my life,” he says. When he arrived there, he told himself, “This is my last chance.”

Chanh, resident since 2014

O n e Y ear O ff the S treets


hanh arrived in the United States in 1982. His family had passed away. He knew no one. He had fled Vietnam and survived the hazardous trip to Thailand. After living in Thailand for three years waiting for an American visa, he faced a difficult decision: to return to Vietnam and face possible execution, or to stay in Thailand and face the dangerous refugee conditions.

Rudy, volunteer


o doubt Rudy’s years as a Texas educator contribute to his calm, friendly demeanor. He and his wife moved to Seattle after they retired, and once they’d settled into their Belltown home, Rudy discovered Plymouth Housing Group. Soon, he began volunteering regularly at our Essential Supply Center, which provides basic household necessities to residents who are adjusting to their first homes after being homeless. In 2015, Plymouth implemented our Hospitality Program. The first few months off of the streets are the hardest, and we recognized that a little one-on-one support could go a long way toward helping our new residents feel welcome and comfortable in their homes. The Hospitality Program pairs dedicated community volunteers with new residents so that the volunteers can provide informal instruction and companionship.

“There are things we take for granted that can be challenging for someone coming out of homelessness—like getting regular mail,” Rudy recalls. “One of the tenants I helped was overwhelmed by his mail, so we went through it together, piece by piece.” Adjusting to life out of homelessness is handled the same way: surmounting one challenge after another. We’re thankful that Rudy and our other Hospitality Ambassadors are there to help our new residents succeed in housing!

2 0 1 5 V olu n teers

938 6,800 volunteers contributed


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hours of service

Fortunately, a church sponsored Chanh’s trip to the United States just in the nick of time. When he arrived, however, he faced daunting new challenges. He tried to hold down

Rudy became involved with the Hospitality Program shortly after it began. As one of our “Hospitality Ambassadors,” Rudy has helped two new tenants successfully settle into their new homes. Rudy helped them with things like understanding the basics of apartment renting, remembering appointments, getting to know the neighborhood, and more.

A contribution valued at



Photo credits: Rudy by Meghan Rowley; Chanh by Elisabeth Vasquez Hein; Bryan Stevenson by Jay Dotson Photography.

With the support of the staff at King County Adult Drug Diversion Court, Chanh was able to turn his life around. They helped him stay clean and they connected him to English classes and housing at Plymouth. “Nobody helped me like that before. I’ll never forget that place. They feel like family.” Now, Chanh has lived at Plymouth for over a year and gets help in staying clean and sober from our Recovery Support Program. Although he has graduated from Drug Court, he volunteers there two days a week to give back to the people he feels saved his life. About Plymouth, Chanh says, “It’s just a little thing, but the staff here show they’re concerned about me. That’s how we need to live, by watching each other’s backs.”

C ha n g i n g the Narrative

Change the narrative: do what’s uncomfortable, do what’s inconvenient, and stay hopeful.”


ur 2015 Key to Hope Luncheon did more than just shatter fundraising records by raising more than $810,000—it also inspired over 1,350 attendees to embrace the power of proximity for social change. Keynote speaker Bryan Stevenson, lawyer, author, and founder of the Equal Justice Initiative, challenged attendees to “Change the narrative: do what’s uncomfortable, do what’s inconvenient, and stay hopeful.” Stevenson delivered a strong message of hope for change based upon his years fighting for the rights of the poor, the incarcerated, and the condemned, and promoting alternatives to incarceration (such as the program Chanh, above, participated in). He drew connections between his own work and that of Plymouth—and praised our success. In Stevenson’s words, our work is strengthened by being close to (and therefore understanding) those affected by the problem of homelessness. We help community members understand the complexity of the issue, but we don’t let

Bryan Stevenson at the 2015 Key to Hope Luncheon

go of hope, even though the problem is staggering. In conclusion, Stevenson reminded listeners that working for social justice sometimes requires a person to be uncomfortable. His message of determination and hope rang through the room as the crowd erupted in applause.

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For the first time in my life, I didn’t have to worry about her because she was in a safe space.” medication for her schizophrenia. “Plymouth was instrumental in getting her mentally healthy for the first time in her life,” Ronnie says.

When I got here, I was so torn down.”

Judy, resident since 2006

F i n di n g S tability

T e n Y ears at H o m e


udy came to Plymouth in 2006 through our Begin at Home program, which brings homeless individuals who are high utilizers of public services off the streets and into permanent housing. Judy had been homeless for a number of years and was suffering from severe medical problems and drug addiction. She was staying at a women’s shelter when she was offered a permanent home with Plymouth. “When I got here, I was so torn down,” Judy says.

she’s recently taken a big step toward further independence by participating in our innovative Housing Options Program. This program was developed because we realized that the jump from 24/7 supportive housing to fully independent living is too much for many of our tenants. Now, we can provide more independent housing that utilizes fewer staff resources (thereby stretching limited public dollars) while still supporting tenants with specific needs.

Having a safe, stable home allowed Judy to begin rebuilding her life—and once she did, she discovered that she wanted to give back to her community. Judy started volunteering at Mary’s Place, a resource center and shelter for homeless women and their families, and also gave her time to a women’s empowerment group. “I tell people to get involved by just being there, listening and paying attention,” she says.

Now, Judy has moved into Sylvia Odom’s Place, which opened in February 2016 and is the cornerstone of our Housing Options Program. As Judy enjoys greater independence in her new apartment, her former home is now available for someone moving out of a shelter or off the streets and in need of that 24/7 support. Judy’s path out of homelessness and toward greater independence has positively impacted not only herself, her family, and her friends—but also our entire community.

Judy has taken advantage of Plymouth’s supportive services to address the problems that led to her homelessness, and

Linda, Ronnie & Marilyn


efore she found her home at Plymouth, the voices in Linda’s mind had chased her from numerous places. “Because of her mental health, she’d get kicked out or evicted, or she’d abandon her home because she was scared, so she’d end up homeless,” says her son Ronnie. “Plymouth is really the only place I’ve ever seen that will house people with mental illness and provide them with a case manager to help them work through their issues. For the first time in my life, I didn’t have to worry about her because she was in a safe space.” Linda’s housing case manager, Marilyn, described how hard it was for Linda to begin to trust the community around her. “Building trust was huge with her—and it took a couple of years,” Marilyn says. But slowly, with a lot of support, Linda began to trust Plymouth staff and some of her neighbors. She began to leave her apartment and attend community events without fear. As that trust grew, Marilyn and the other housing case managers were able to convince Linda to take another big step: she went to a doctor and accepted

The success stories you’re reading about here would not have happened without the dedicated members of Plymouth Church’s 1980 task force to address homelessness. The strong, compassionate woman who chaired that task force was Sylvia Odom—for whom our newest building was named.


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Photo credits: Judy; Linda, Ronnie & Marilyn; Perry Plush by Elisabeth Vasquez Hein.

As for Ronnie and Marilyn, they’ve each found their own measure of success within the Plymouth community. Marilyn was promoted to a Social Services Program Manager and uses her skills to support housing case managers across Plymouth. Ronnie joined our Board of Directors and recently danced a fantastic salsa at our 2016 Seattle Dances fundraising gala. Today, Linda couldn’t be happier. With consistent medication, community living, and provided meals, Linda’s flourishing. “Four to five years ago, she was scared and hearing voices all the time. Now, it’s a night and day difference,” says Ronnie. “I’ve never seen her this happy and this social. Nobody’s ever seen her the way she is now.”

“It’s our block. We watch out for one another.”


n August 1975, Perry Plush opened the doors of Zanadu Comics and has been welcoming customers into his bright, colorful shop ever since. Zanadu has been in its current location at Haddon Apartments along Third Avenue since 1987—nine years before Plymouth purchased the historic property and rehabilitated it as low-income housing. In fact, with its nearly thirty-year tenure in Haddon, Zanadu Comics is our longest commercial tenant!

In April 2016, we joined the friends and family of Sylvia in mourning her passing. For our entire thirty-five year history, Sylvia was one of our greatest champions and devoted volunteers. Her passion for serving those less fortunate has touched thousands of lives—not only the residents who have walked through Plymouth’s doors, but our staff, volunteers, and greater community.

Sylvia Odom

At Plymouth, we provide permanent homes for those who have none. For many of our residents, our supportive housing is just right. Some use our support to find stability and then move on to greater independence. Others achieve hard-won stability before moving on to somewhere with greater support. All of these are successes.

A F a m iliar Prese n ce o n T hird A ve n ue

S ylvia ’ s L e g acy

We’re grateful to Sylvia for the spark she gave to Plymouth, and we’re committed to carrying on her legacy for another thirty-five years and beyond.

Due to her declining health issues, Ronnie and the housing case managers knew that Linda needed greater support than Plymouth could give. Although we have 24-hour staff, we’re not able to administer medication or make sure our tenants are eating regularly. The next step for Linda was finding a place with full-time medical care and making sure that she felt safe and secure enough to accept this move. With steady support, Linda was able to transition into assisted living— something not all of our tenants are eligible for. For those who aren’t, we connect them to as many community services as we can, including hospice care.

Perry Plush, owner of Zanadu Comics

Perry enjoys renting commercial space on the bottom floor of a residential building, and described a time when his store windows were smashed in and residents came down from their apartments to alert him and help him clean up. “It’s our block,” he says, “and we watch out for one another.”

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T H I R T Y - F I V E Y E A R S O F service to H o m eless Me n & W o m e n




m all & S D eter m i n ed

Pre p ari n g for Growth

B uildi n g C o m m u n ity

Meeti n g the E volvi n g Need

Reverend Dr. David Colwell of Plymouth Church paints an apartment. middle: The historic Lewiston Hotel, Plymouth’s second building. bottom: Sylvia Odom (right) gives a tour of the Lewiston Hotel in 1983.

Our renovation of the Pacific Hotel won a National Historic Preservation award. middle: Paul Lambros, early in his Plymouth career, speaks with a resident. bottom: BJ Houston, Building Manager of the Lewiston Hotel, in the 90s.

Maya Angelou at the 2009 Key to Hope Luncheon. Judy (whom you met elsewhere in this report!) moved into Plymouth on Stewart shortly after it opened in 2006. bottom: The Community Room at the Langdon & Anne Simons Senior Apartments.


Over our first decade, we grew from the spark lit by Plymouth Church. In 1980, Plymouth Housing Group was run solely by volunteers. By 1989, we had become a fully fledged, well-staffed organization ready to grow and faithfully serve the homeless men and women of Seattle.

During Plymouth’s second decade, we

In our third decade, we built many things—from buildings to capital campaigns. Our successful 4-year Building Hope campaign funded four buildings, including one for homeless seniors. We launched our Key to Hope Luncheon and heard from many amazing speakers, such as Maya Angelou and Malcom Gladwell. We showed that housing homeless men and women isn’t only the right thing to do, but it also saves public dollars.

During our fourth decade, Plymouth isn’t slowing




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deepened our commitment to our residents and put the pieces into place for a long, strong future. We continued expanding our portfolio of properties, added supportive services to help our residents achieve stability in housing, adopted our first strategic plan, and began advocating for public policy changes to benefit Seattle’s homeless and low-income residents.



Laura Bachman and Michael Darigol win the Judges’ Choice award at the 2014 Seattle Dances gala. middle: The Pat Williams Apartments in South Lake Union. bottom: Tenants, staff, and community members regularly gather to share music, poetry, and more at Plymouth Place’s Open Mic Nights.

down: we’re growing strategically to meet unmet needs. Our most recent projects serve homeless veterans, people in recovery, medically compromised individuals, and existing residents in need of a path toward greater independence. We’re bolstered by ever-strengthening community support and look forward to many more decades of service to Seattle’s homeless men and women.

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PLYMOUTH PLACE Apartments On Lower Queen Anne, First & Denny.



Lewiston Apartments In Belltown, First & Blanchard.



Langdon & Anne Simons Senior Apartments In Belltown, Third & Blanchard.


David Colwell apartments In the Cascade Neighborhood, Denny & Stewart.



the Pat Williams Apartments In the Casade Neighborhood, Pontius & Thomas.


Sylvia odom’s Place In Belltown, Third & Virginia.


Plymouth on Stewart Apartments Near Seattle’s Pike Place Market, Second & Stewart.

Scargo Apartments In Belltown, First & Blanchard.

A.L. Humphrey House In Belltown, First & Cedar.

Haddon Apartments In Seattle’s retail core, Third & Virginia.


Pacific Apartments In Downtown’s Financial District, Fourth & Marion.

St. Charles Apartments In Pioneer Square, Third & Cherry.


14 Photos by Doug Plummer; SMR Architects; William Wright




people served in 2015 Cal Anderson House On Capitol Hill, Sylvia’s&Place Broadway Boren. Opening Early 2016 In Belltown, Third & Virginia.

3 5 Yea r s o f S u c c ess

seventh & Cherry Breaking Ground Second Quarter 2016

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C o m m u n ity C o n n ectio n s

2 0 1 5 F i n a n cial S tate m e n t

In 2015, we were proud to strengthen existing bonds to our community and also forge many new friendships and partnerships.

Operating Support & Revenue

S eattle D a n ces The 2015 Seattle Dances gala brought together 460 guests who raised $450,000 for Plymouth Housing Group. Thank you to Hallie Kuperman, the Century Ballroom dancers and our Celebrity Dancers— Rita Brogan, Mark Busto, Mark Dyce-Ryan, Mick Fleming, Sheila Kohls, Paul Purcell, Elizabeth Roberts and Chris Siegfried— for making this event possible.

Residential Rents & Fees

2015 Revenue & Support


Commercial Rents


Public Grants


Private Grants & Donations for Operations


Interest & Other Income Total Revenue

2015 Revenue & Support

245,708 $21,720,785

Operating Expenses Program Services Housing Management Social Services Housing Development

$8,913,686 9,011,748 373,357

Fundraising & Community Relations Total Expenses Net Income Before Depreciation*


| Commercial Rents

44% | Public Grants

Support Services Administration

37% | Residential Rents & Fees

1,332,093 774,104

13% | Private Grants & Donations for Operations 1%

| Interest & Other Income


2015 Expenses


Consolidated Statement of Financial Position Assets Cash & Cash Equivalents


Restricted Cash & Pledges


Accounts Receivable & Prepaid Expense


Property, Equipment & Amortizable Assets Total Assets


2015 Expenses


Liabilities and Equity Accounts Payable & Tenant Security Deposits Payable


PoP S o m e T o p s

B elltow n C rush

More than 120 young professionals joined us at our third annual PoP Some Tops event at The Rainier Club. Together, these dedicated, fun-loving attendees raised a recordbreaking $22,000 to support Plymouth’s mission. Thanks to the Promoters of Plymouth (PoP) Committee for organizing this great event!

The 2nd Annual Belltown Crush neighborhood party in Bell Street Park was a huge success! More than 400 attendees raised $25,000 for Plymouth. Attendees told us it was the perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon while also supporting a great cause.

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Non-Controlling Interest


Net Assets


Total Liabilities and Net Assets


44% | Housing Management 44% | Social Services

* Net income is largely earmarked for new housing development and rehabilitiaton projects.


Audited financial statements are available upon request.


| Housing Development

6% | Administration | Fundraising & Community Relations

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2015 Annual Fund Supporters Gifts Received from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015 Thank you to the donors who gave so generously to support the ongoing services and operations of Plymouth Housing Group in 2015. This list reflects tax-deductible gifts received by Plymouth Housing Group. With the exception of Gifts in Honor and Gifts in Memory, only gifts totaling $250 or more are listed. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy. If you have questions or concerns, please contact us at 206.374.9409, ext. 143. Donors who have given to Plymouth Housing Group for 3+ consecutive years are listed in bold. + indicates Plymouth received a matching gift thanks to this donor.

Corporate & Foundation Gifts $200,000 and Above Bank of America Foundation Employees Community Fund of Boeing Puget Sound Neukom Family Foundation

$100,000 – $199,999 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation JPMorgan Chase

$50,000 – $99,999 Brettler Family Foundation

$10,000 – $49,999

Bank of America Merrill Lynch Biella Foundation BNBuilders Evelene M. Goodlad Credit Trust HomeStreet Bank Horizon House Marpac Construction, LLC Office of Martin Selig Medina Foundation Microsoft Matching Gifts National Equity Fund, Inc. Orin Smith Family Foundation RealNetworks Foundation Safeco Insurance Foundation SAMIS Land Co. Seattle Foundation UnitedHealthcare Whatley Foundation Anonymous

$5,000 – $9,999

BECU Bosa Development Washington, Inc.


3 5 Yea r s o f S u c c ess Capital One Enterprise Community Investment, Inc. The Ex Anima Fund of SEI Giving Harper Engineering Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation Housing Development Consortium of Seattle-King County Metropolitan Improvement District Microsoft Corporation Olson Kundig Architects Perkins Coie LLP Prairie Foundation Schultz Family Foundation SMR Architects Union Bank

$2,500 – $4,999

Cardea Clise Properties, Inc. Colliers USA Foundation, Inc. Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle Heritage Bank Kantor Taylor Nelson Evatt & Decina PC McDonald-Miller Facility Solutions Pine Street Group LLC Raikes Foundation Ryan, Swanson & Cleveland, PLLC Seattle Steam Company Sound Community Bank Starbucks Swedish Medical Center Teutsch Partners Tom Douglas Restaurants TRUEBenefits LLC Visit Seattle Vulcan Inc. Zevenbergen Capital Investments LLC

$1,000 – $2,499

Ballista Consulting Bayview Manor Homes Beacon Development Group Boston Capital Foundation Budget Key Service, Inc. Dauby, O’Connor & Zaleski Decker Consulting Engineers Fazio Associates Fidelity National Title First Financial Northwest Bank Laird Norton Real Estate, Inc. Merriman Wealth Management LLC Moz OPEIU Local 8 Pew Charitable Trusts Prep Sportswear Slalom LLC Sprague Israel Giles, Inc. US Bank Washington Federal Foundation Western Wireless

$500 – $999

Barnes & Noble Belltown Business Association Bentley Systems, Inc. Boeing Company Cascadelink Compass Housing Alliance Davis Wright Tremaine LLP Enterprises International, Inc. The Fearey Group, Inc. Hermanson Company LLP Hines ICG, LLC The Keller Group Nordstrom

Parsons Public Relations Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Phillips Real Estate Services The Schneider Family Foundation Seattle Building Maintenance, Inc. Seneca Real Estate Group, Inc. Superfloors ISI, LLC T&A Supply Company Van Ness Feldman LLP Veterans NW Construction

$250 – $499

Bank of the West Employee Giving Program Century Ballroom Emerald Aire, Inc. F5 Networks, Inc. Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines Kaspars Special Events & Catering Kraft Foods Group Foundation Lease Crutcher Lewis Employee Charitable Matching On Call Nanny, LLC The Payne Group Republic Parking Northwest, Inc. The Riley Group, Inc. Schuchart Corporation Sitewise Design Socius Law Group PLLC The Common Good LLC Titan Electric TUNE UBS Financial Services US Bank Foundation

Individual Gifts COMMUNITY BUILDERS $50,000 – $100,000 Anonymous+

VISIONARY $25,000 – $49,999

David and Joanna Beitel Angus and Cynthia Cunningham+

CHAMPION $10,000 – $24,999

Dave and Kristin Acker Stewart Landefeld and Margaret Breen Ellen Ferguson Gretchen Hull Joseph and Kathleen Jenkins Susan ShanbromKrabbe and Moe Krabbe Stephanie and Erik Kristen Elise Holschuh and Brian McAndrews Pamela McCabe Kay and Jim McClaine Carol Bailey Medwell and Steven Medwell Susan Moseley Blake and Molly Nordstrom Charles and Eleanor Pollnow Vicki and Gary Reed Paula Rosput Reynolds and Steve Reynolds Elizabeth and Jonathan Roberts Matt Griffin and Evelyne Rozner Chris and Desiree Siegfried Anonymous (2)

ADVOCATE: $5,000 – $9,999

Betty and Lyle Appleford Jill Zaremba and Jim Arnold Stewart and Jane Bainum Tom Alberg and Judi Beck Fraser and Deirdre Black Manuela and Terry Crowley Mark and Mitchell Dyce-Ryan Don and Lara Fosseen John and Carol Gallagher George Rolfe and Lois Gamble Duncan Michael M. Fleming and Drindy Gier

Jane Zalutsky and Mark Kantor Laura Larson Mark Busto and Maureen Lee Mike and Midge Litke+ Dan and Julie Little Laurie Lyford Peggy Newsom Teri and Michael Nist Katie and Scott Renschler+ Maria and Charles Royer Sarah Morford Tousley and Russell Tousley Chris and Beth Schmaltz+ Linda and Steven Strong David Poston and Paul Tonnes James O. Williams

ARCHITECT: $2,500 – $4,999

Tabitha and Tyler Bartlett Sarah Barton Shari and John Behnke Peter and Kelly Boal Erden Eruc and Nancy Board Bob and Jane Ann Bradbury Victor Chinn John Schoettler and Jeff Clapsaddle Rebecca and Chris Clements+ Rose Marie David J. Thomas and Barbara Davidson Jill and Matt Deasy Brandon and Natasha Erlich Robert and Karen Felton Kenneth and Michele Ferguson Mercedes Fernandez and Jeff Grant Paul Purcell and Barbara Guzzo Charlie Curtis and Jane Harvey Stan and Katie Humphries Stacey and Doug King Paul Lambros Justin Boone and Sanya Lawless Douglas Mar and Patty Lee M.A. Leonard Amy Koenig-Limp and Jason Limp James Solimano and Karen Marcotte Solimano Fowler Martin Keith and Natalie Matthews+ Dave and Angela McCann+

Shane McDaniel+ Ruth McLuckie Donald and Pamela Mitchell Richard and Kathy Miyauchi Jeannie and Bruce Nordstrom Craig and Tara Parsons+ Molly Pengra Taunia Penrose Jessica Gibson and Robert Rosen+ Sally Burkhart and Hugh Rubin+ Lynn Beck and Creed Russon Judie Sanders Mary Sheehan Candy Marshall and Jerry Stehlik Ed and Carmen Thomas Jeanne and Bob Tiscareno Chad and Tina Urso McDaniel Maggie Walker Chris Tompkins and Mimi Winslow Ed and Marcy Yoshida Laura and David Young Diane Pietrowski and Mark Young Anonymous

PLANNER: $1,000 – $2,499

Mitch Acevedo John Akin and Mary Stevens Akin Catherine and Jim Allchin Leslie Christian and Heather Andersen+ Anne G. Anderson Mary Jane and Gilbert W. Anderson Laura Bachman Bradley and Sally Bagshaw Mark and Heather Barbieri Alta Barer Michelle Badion and Richard Baxter Mark Benjamin+ Scott and Kimberly Benner Ed Benson Ralph Berezan Robert Bergman Laurie Black Senator Cory Booker Mike Booth Jeremy and Danae Burger+ Councilmember Tim and Joleen Burgess David and Deeann Burman Shannon Phillips and Tarik Burney Diane and James Castanes Robert D. Cook

Bob and Jane Cremin Joey Nist and Monica Daniels Eric DeJong Michele DeMaris Gregg and Julie DeRitis+ Susan Derrick David Domke Susan Duren David Eads Nick Drader and David Eldred Jennifer and Steve Ernst Dorothy Fidler Kris Draper and Stephan Fjelstad Mark and Kristin Fleischauer Robert and Micki Flowers Paul and Penny Fredlund John Garnett Laura Marquez-Garrett and Leah Garrett Bill and Lindy Gaylord Polly Young and Heidi Gemperle Kathy Gerlich Megan Gleason Beth and Peter Golde Marty and Suzanne Goodman Lois Juno Griswold Julie Schott and Bill Haggerty Phelps Fisher and Ann Fisher Hanson Peter and Ann Hanson Peter Hayes Greg Amadon and Karen Heim-Amadon Lucy Lee Helm Barbara and Doug Herrington Juliana Heyne Suzanne Hittman Scott Wasner and Moira Holley Kalen and Sean Holmes Mark Everts and Will Howington Rebecca Hughes Judy Ralston and Mike Humphries Christina Bollo and Betsy Hunter Douglas Ito David and Lucille James Tom Nelson and Perry Jones Alene Moris and Floyd Jones Joan Caine and Andre Kahr Karmann and Rich Kaplan Melissa Ries and Pat Kennedy Patrick Kennedy Kael Sherrard and Anne Kiemle

Mike Mariano and Grace Kim Jerry and Marcie Kindinger Janet Pelz and Bob Koplowitz Shari Koppel Roland and Bernadette Kumasaka Alan Kristal and Jason Lamb+ Sharon Lee Jeanne Marie Lee Gemma Lionello Steven and Anne Lipner+ Don Mar John and Marcie McHale Reba and Cam McIntyre Shelley Morrison Trenton and Genevieve Morton Jane Nelson Eric and Julie Nelson Thach and Camie Nguyen Edwin L. Noble, Jr. Barb Nystrom Doris O’Connor Eileen Okada Kathy O’Kelley Eiji and Audrey Ono Laura and Peter Orser Mary Pat and John Osterhaus James Pugel and Erin Overbey Andrea Owner Janet Sue Painter Liz Gorman-Paisner and Joel Paisner Nick Paranjpye Dean Kralios and Scot Partlow Dan and Carol Pepple Faith and Phil Pettis Daniel Klein and David Pfeiffer Don and Sue Phillips Ryan and Annasara Purcell Jordan Raisher+ Gail and Larry Ransom Jane and Jay Reich Mary E. Preslar and Raleigh M. Roark Stuart and Lee Rolfe Marc Rome Vicki and Al Rosellini Joshua and Katie Rosen+ Miriam Roskin Tim and Deborah Ross Ashley and Chris Rossman Mike and Tina Rowe Matt and Amy Rudolf Margot Page and Anthony Salisbury+ Ann and Wayne Sandstrom Craig and Lisa Schafer Vicki H. Schoettle

Ethan Schwartz+ Mark and Linda Secord Kim Brown Seely and Jeff Seely Langdon Simons+ Julie Smith Shawn Smith Nancy and Warren Smith John and Mary Snyder Cynthia and Brien Stafford Tom English and Penny Stansberry Jane and Alexander Stevens Carolyn and Clive Stewart Kathy and Jim Stoetzer John Sullivan Eduardo Sztokbant Jennifer and Steven Taylor Gretchen and Ted Taylor Jean Thompson Patty Solberg and Rich Unger Alan and Michelle Urdan+ Nancy Dorn and Carol Verga Betty L. Wagner Bart and Nancy Waldman Paul Watts Fay Weaver Grover Wickersham Kathryn Williams Doug and Carli Yip Anonymous (8)+

FRAMER: $500 – $999

Dorothy and Willie Aikens Walter G. Zisette and Andrea Akita Sandy Dial-Albright and Brian Albright+ Bill and Mary Ann Andersen Mary and Jeff Anderson Virginia Anderson Bob Anderton Peter and Diana Delimitros Argeres Sharon S. Armstrong Marybeth Austin Sam Baker, Jr. Mary Bakke Michael Romine and Kay Barksdale Scott and Diane Barron Anthony and Jessica Bastone+ Mike Pierson and Caroline Becker Michael Compton and Kate Becker Lynn Behar Jean M. Bell Rod and Mary Jo Bench Rita and Bill Bender Greg and Margie Berger Peggy Best

Robert Best Deborah Bianco Martin Attiq and Connie Blumenthal Julie Edsforth and Jabez Blumenthal Andrea Sato Borgmann and Russ Borgmann Anita Braker Christi and Bryan Bristow Michael and Cathy Bronsdon+ Paul Johnson and Julie Brown Dennis Buchanan Anne Bugge Victoria Buker Carol Burkhart John and Carol Burns Andy Cahn Dulcie Claassen and Timothy Callahan Christine and Bill Campbell Ann Carey Jacqueline Carr Richard and Bonnie Cavell Sai Chalemphohn Janine Chin Kelly W. Clark Lynn Claudon Ann Cockrill Mary Crawford Linda and Kevin Crayton Evelyn Crichton Barry Crist Calvin and Lois Crow+ Matthew Curry David Cusick Cheryl DeBoise Nina Dethloff Bill Dickey Ella Dillon Barbara Dingfield Jennifer Divine Tracy and Eric Dobmeier Jeri and Doug Donnelly Todd and Julie Dunnington Wayne Einfeld Cami and Peter Elbow Brian Sweeney and Monika Elgert Bryce Falkin Patty and Pete Farmer Stacie and Jeff Feinstein Joe and Miya Ferguson Carol Finn+ Lana Floyd Mary Ann Fordyce DeAnna Poling and Mark Forseth John Ryan and Jody Foster Jane and Jim Fredricksen Erna and Richard Friedel Evan Luckey and Jacob Galloway Helen Gamble

ply m o u th h o u s i n g g r o u p | A NNU A L R E P OR T 2 0 15


2 0 1 5 A n n ual F u n d S u p p orters Framer: $500 – $999 Joe Knight and Continued

Elizabeth Romney and Jim Giley Bill Gillespie Nesby and Dona Glasgow Stew Tolnay and Patty Glynn Cathleen Goetsch David and Shirley Gordon Tessa Gorman Mary Peterson and Agnes Govern Charles Grant Heather and Devin Grdinic Heather Tully and Michael Greenstein Anthony and Jean Greenwald Bert Gregory Nancy and Bob Grote Marc Stiles and Matthew Haggerty J.J. Leary and Dottie Hall+ Kyle Branum and Kimberly Harris Jeffrey Heimans Thomas Herche Mark Hernberg Elizabeth Herrick Pollack Dan and Kate Huber Marlys Erickson and Chris Hurley Thomas and Charlene Hutchinson Rita N. Inoway Judy Jennison John Braden and Kristin Johnsen Adrienne Quinn and Marianne Jones Emmy and Dale R. Jordan Jeannette D. Kahlenberg John and Nancy Jo Keegan Jeff Kirk Gerald and Maryellen Kolk Shari and Martin Kooistra Courtney Koster Lyn and Dave Kratz Kim and Peter Krech Quentin King and Glen Kriekenbeck+ Carol and Matt LaMotte Phyllis Lamphere Stephen Latimer Jane Lantzy Lewis Michael McCarty and Amy Livingston Brian and Jenny Lloyd Ann LoGerfo Devin and Lindsey Low Michael Maher


3 5 Yea r s o f S u c c ess

Susan Mask Michael and Gail McCormick Jason and Sha McGary Dorothy and Craig McGee Lauren and John McGuire Stephen McKenzie Diana Meacham Danny and Sara Meier Julia and Nick Meo Sarah E. Meyer+ Eric and Lucy Meyer Julie Meyer Phyllis Mines Medora Moburg Linda and Roger Museus Roger J. Bass and Richard B. Nelson Peggy and Hans Neville Oscar Oliveira David and Libby Opsahl+ Walt and Kathy Orzechowski Erin Page+ Ann Parker-Way Lisa and Ralph Pascualy Kelly Pelz Alia and Kevin Peterson Chris and Krissy Peterson Andrew DeVore and Olivia Pi Sunyer Walter and Susan Pietrowski Paul Amato and Rebecca Piha Janet Pope Laura Martin and David Purcell+ Noah and Jasmin Purcell Brooks and Suzanne Ragen Tina Ragen Sara Rankin Clayton Lewis and Thomas Rasmussen Jennifer Reyes Sara Giusti and Scott Rhodes Steven and Fredrica Rice Michael Richards Robert and Stephanie Richling Catherine and Thurston Roach Randy J. Robinson+ Janet and Tim Rohleder Bill Zook and Nanette Rosenthal Kim Ross+ Kevin Ryden Warren Samek Tal Saraf and Irene Basloe Saraf+

Julia Schechter Jan Laskey and Mark Schletty+ Brent and Susan Schlosstein Andi Love and Tucker Schonberg Gordon Prouty and Steve Schryver Debbie Ehrig and Mike Seidl LaDora Sella Michele Shaw Kathryn M. Sheehan Frank Bosl and Pam Sheets Alesha and Dave Shemwell Stacie and Karl Siebrecht Kate and Mike Smith Stephanie and Douglas Smith George and Kathleen Smith Gordon and Mary Stephenson Mark and Lena Sterley+ Bill Rumpf and Eve Rumpf Sternberg David and Julie Straus Alice Shobe and Eric Svaren Sharon Sakamoto and Ron Takemura Bill Affolter and Suzanne Tedesko Lou Templeton Alison Thomas Diane Thompson Sandra Masri and David Tift Dennis and Danielle Tilley+ Patricia Timmons Dan and Megan Tracy Toby and Jen Travis Kimberly Undi David Victor Chuck Weinstock and Kim von Henkle Tom Graff and Tracy Waggoner Jon Wagher Patricia and Edward Wagner Darin Harris and Cindy Walsh Kat Randolph and Kyle Wang+ M.E. and Paul Wanzer Skip Martin and Barbara P. Warren Helen Wattley-Ames Peter and Carla Weissbach Geoff White+ Tyler and Sharon Whitney+ Jeff Williams

Helen WilliamsGinsberg Richard and Catherine Wilson+ Retta J. and D. Myles Winbigler+ Jeff and Korynne Wright David and Stacey Yuchasz Niha Zubair Jake Zukowski Terry Zundel Anonymous (2)

GROUNDBREAKER: $250 – $499 Rahel Abraham John Adamucci Rima Alaily Carol Albert Tom Albro Megan Dohnal and Mark Aldham+ Victoria Allen, MD Annette Alling Marilyn Heiman and Robert Anderson+ Pam Anderson Dick and Laurie Anderson Debbie Burkart and Joe Arena Joel and Sandra Aslanian Leslie Aungst+ Julie Back Riley Green and Alec Baker Ellen Bakke Pragathi Balasubramaniam Mary Kaye Bardue Joy Barker Tim and Tony Barrick Steve and Stacey Bean David Wertheimer and Paul Beaudet+ Katherine Beckett Susan Beehler John and Deborah Bender GAH Benjamin Gregory Anacker and Lora Bennett+ Marcia Bennison Lisa Benoit Bobbi and James Benson Al and Judy Bentley Britta Jacobs and Michael Biesheuvel Mary Bingham Paul Birney Mark Herkert and Beth Bisignano Michael Black Stephen and Rebecca Blanchard Frank Blethen

co n ti n ued

William Blum and Kay Smith Blum Carol Bobo John Bodoia Susan Bogan Kim Bogucki Alan Borgida Marilyn Boss Hugh and Shannon Brannon Tom Brewer Milton and Donna Bronsdon Christina Rockrise and David Brown Alysse Bryson Todd Buntin Rebecca Burns Cindy Busto Rob Campbell Stuart Campbell Brett and Kendra Carlton Susannah Carr Margaret Carter Ken and Jennifer Carter Maria Casal Anthony and Kathy Caso Allison Brooks and David Catechi Mark and Betsy Chamberlin James Chamberlin Tim Solimano and Kate Chamberlin Olivia Leland and Van Chappell+ Jeff Chase Elise Chayet Peter Chin Stephanie Chissoe Laurie Christensen Jackie Claessens-Bauer Marci and Michael Clevenger Trevor Cobb Leonard and Else Cobb Linda Cohan Lee Colbert Cheryl Collins Ruth Conn Karen Conover Koleen Cook Monica Corsaro Meg Crager Mary Crisostomo Jay Crowell Phuc V. Dang Maud and Marc Daudon Fran and Denny Davidson Marc and Mary Jane Davis Gary Davis Melissa De Looze Gary Fallon and Leona De Rocco Jeffrey Degroot

Alan Painter and Jackie Der Mark and Susan Dibble+ Bradley Dillon Jim Dillon Fatima Dizon Keith Dolliver+ David Doody Michael and Christi Dotson Martha Douglas+ Judith Downs Olivia Doyle Amanda DuBois Lori Dugdale Craig Vierling and Jennifer Durrie Kathy Dye John and Mary Eads Tyler Easterday Betty Eberharter Jessica Einfeld Kristi Ellefson Doreen Eng Tereza Simonyan and Tim Ernoff Megan Espinoza Brenda Evans Emily Evenson Robert and Emily Fazio Barbara and Tim Fielden+ Chris Fisher Amy FitzGerald Taylor Fleming Jill Fleming Libby Hanna and Don Fleming Marcella Fleming Reed Susan Boyd and David Fliegel Dorothy Forbes+ Eleanor and David Fordyce Mary Francis Curt Fraser Ryan Frederick David Grossman and Cezanne Garcia Angela and Kevin Gee Daniel Goddard Ed Goines Holly and Ben Golden Betsy Fetherston and Rob Greenwood Lyn and Jerry Grinstein Glen and Joan Griswold Barry Gumbiner Don and Janet Guthrie Joan Kohls-Guzzo and Pete Guzzo Joe and Jennifer Guzzo Jody Guzzo Jerry and Susan Haas Sally and Jeff Haber Willa and Walt Halperin Kevin Hamilton Bertha Faye Hanson

Tad Harmon Ken Harris Dalen Harrison Theresa Naujack and Lee Hartwell Anna Haugns Paul Hayes Matt Hays+ Katherine Heimbucher Monique Heineman+ Wendy and Kevin Henning+ David and Melissa Hennings Enoka Herat Steve Herbert Wanda Herndon Catherine Hillenbrand Amy and Mark Hoffman Linda Hoffman+ David Hoffman Steve Orser and Ann Hollar+ Pete Holmes Kirk Honda Christopher Houston Judy Howard Karen Huaulme David and Debra Hudacek Grady and Heather Hughes Wendy K. Hulett Tom and Julie Hull Jimmy Hung Andrea Iles Foster Staci Imes Joanne LaTuchie and Gary Ireland Kristi Isensee Paul and Jane Ishii Jeff James Tim Janof Mark Thometz and Kathleen Johanson Diana Steeble and Karin Johnson Jason Johnson Warren Johnson Nate Jones Steve and Stephanie Jones Nancy Jones Susan Delanty Jones and Larry Jones John Jones Idalia and Zachary Kaplan Andy Barker and Fred Kassab JoAnn Kelly Evan Kentop+ Jennifer Kenyon David Killough+ Rick King Greg Kipp Mary Anne Christy and Mark Klebanoff Tom Knollmann Mary Ann Knowles Anne Marie Koehler

Dave Kolk Jenn Kovacs Diane Kovarik Roger Kundtz Deborah Kuykendall+ Edie Lackland Afshan Lakha Mary Ann and Paul Lambert Deborah and Gary Landry Robin Landy Amadon Jerry Large Kelli Larsen Bill Larson Inger Lawrence Molly and Frank Lawrence Michael Lee Timothy Lee Jill Lelleher Mondello Patricia Lewis Tim and Renee Lewis Sarah and David Lewontin Michael Longley Paul DeStefano and Normandie Ludlam+ James Luey Terry and Glenna Luke Tracey Wickersham and Steve Marcus Don and Ruth Marsh Tricia Mason Mark Mason Serena Maurer Rev. Donald and Lynnea Mayer Amy McAnlis Toni and Thomas McClory Melody McCutcheon Bryan McDonald Lindsey McKay Saron McKee Paul and Anna McKee Sands McKinley Diane McQuiston Sara McVey Denny Meadows Margarita Medina Amy Michael Catherine Michiels Leslie Miller Scott Mindel Randa Minkarah Kate Moore Bob and Margaret Moore David Moore Carly Moorman Rebecca Morris Chatta Erin Moyer Valerie Heide Mudra Kerry Murphy Tamara Murphy Linda and John Murtfeldt Melissa Musser Junior Nagaki and Janice Nakamura

Wendy NakatsukasaOno Betty Drumheller and Gary Nelson Phebe O’Neill and Brian Neville Robyn Mah and Jim O’Brien Wayne and Tina Ogimachi Tony Visitacion and Lisa Okada Visitacion+ Scott Schepman and Donna Okawa Laurie Olsen Catherine Stanford and Thomas Olsen Heather O’Malley Yvette A. O’Meally+ Mary Beth O’Neill Grace Oppenheimer Stanley and Priscilla Orr Kimberly Orr Natasha Oshiro Miles Otoupal Mary Ann Ottinger Lucy Ou April Pace Hemanth Pai Hollis Palmer Julie Paul Beth Brunton and Dwight Pelz Ruth Pelz Lawton Penn David and Mary Pembroke Perlin Sarah Perry Linda J. Peterson Rick and Leanne Philipovich Kit and Bill Phillips Anne Phyfe Palmer Kimberley Pickard Phil Sweetland and Judy Pickens+ Walt and Ann Pietrowski+ Melissa Pinch John and Stephanie Policar Jamie Polito Johnston Dinny and Alex Polson Ginny Postma Kimberly Prestbo Cindy Proctor Timothy and Cori Punke Doris Quan Wendi Racine Ann Ramsay-Jenkins Lori Rath Leslie Reed Leanne Reel Cherise Reese Chuck Riley Fred Rivera Anthony and Linda Robinson Bill Robinson Stephen Romano

Mary Eva Rose, PhD Joan Rosenstock Lynette Ross Nate Rothbauer Jon Daniel and Diane Roubal Trevor and Raeanne Russell Craig Russell Lavina Sadwhani+ Phil Safar Susan and Bruce Saffery Murl Allen Sanders David Sarju Rebecca and Alexander Satterlund Tammie and Mike Schacher Michael Teeny and Melinda Schill Teeny+ Erin Moore and Jonathan Scholes Lupita and Scott Scott Bob and Lawson Sebris Linda Wilcox Sedgley and Richard Sedgley Paul Seligmann Rita Selin Herman and Donna Setijono Leslie Shapiro David Shapiro Coco and Todd Sherman+ Morgan Shook+ Susan Shulenberger Dylan Simon Jane and Jim Skrivan Erick Slabaugh Fred Slater+ Ryan Slemmons Sue and Mike Smith Joanna and Scott Smith Jennifer Smitrovich David Groff and Roslyn Solomon Mark Ellerbrook and Kristen Spangler Scott Starr Tylitha Stewart+ Sandra and Ben Straughan Owen and Mary Strecker Helen Stusser Diane and Richard Sugimura Gwen Sweeney Dana Swenson Margaret Taylor Steve and Jackie Thompson Mary Tisdale Lori Tonnes-Priddy Randy Tran Greg Traxler+ Kate Joncas and David Traylor Terry Pottmeyer and Geoff Trowbridge Diane Undi-Haga

Robin Updike Geri Urbas Eugene Vaatveit+ Morgan Van Dyke Jan Van Pelt Betsy Held and Curtis Veal Lisa and Sam Howe Verhovek+ Jim and Jeanette Vinson Matt Vollmer Anne Lyons and Christopher Voss Nicholas Wagner Douglas Wake Lynne Walker Judy and Bruce Walker Joyce Taylor-Wallace and Calvin Wallace Linda Walton Jeffery Harris and Judy Wasserheit Jared Watson Jan Weldin Martina Welke Heidi Westling Emily Wheeler Connie Whillock Dan Whitaker Cynthia Whitaker Carson White and Shoko Toyama Donna and Joseph Whitford Jill Wickersham Bob and Sara Wicklein+ Ben Wicks Keri and Chris Williams James F. Williams Jerry Williams Tess Williams Max Wilson Christopher Woodfield Max Wurzburg Corrie and Ted Yackulic Brian Zaugg Irene Zook Anonymous (4)

Gifts in Honor In honor of Adrienne Quinn Medina Foundation In honor of Aidan Low Devin and Lindsey Low In honor of Amy McAnlis Colleen Bohlman In honor of Anne Low Devin and Lindsey Low In honor of Anthony Hendricks Linda Lightfoot

In honor of Bill and Sue Grinstein Lyn and Jerry Grinstein In honor of Carl Kese Susan Kese In honor of Carol Bailey Medwell John and Mary Eads In honor of Charles and Krista Grinstein Lyn and Jerry Grinstein In honor of Chris Schmaltz Angelo Devito In honor of Craig and Tara Parsons Gib and Ann Parsons In honor of David Conrad Amy and Mark Hoffman In honor of Diana and Charlie Parrault Victoria Benzing Jennifer Koch Carol Skowronski In honor of Dorothy Mann Karen Matsuda In honor of Duncan Green Linda Lightfoot In honor of Ellen Kahan Deborah House In honor of Erin Page Margot Page and Anthony Salisbury In honor of George Einsetter Mark and Michael Mendelow In honor of Gretchen Reade Sandra Page Lilligren In honor of Jacquelyn Rome Marlys Erickson and Chris Hurley In honor of Jane Harvey Tracy and Eric Dobmeier In honor of Janet Pelz Clayton Lewis and Thomas Rasmussen In honor of Jean McKee Hickey Carolyn and Gregory Tow In honor of John Sullivan Kathryn W. Sullivan In honor of Kathie Truax Mark and Michael Mendelow

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2 0 1 5 A n n ual F u n d S u p p orters In honor of Langdon and Anne Simons Brenda Gaedke Carol Deal Schaefer and Gary Schaefer In honor of Libby Hill Tracy and Eric Dobmeier In honor of Lynn Beck Jerry Cohen In honor of Marty Thompson Karen and Lupe Carlos, III Carole Claassen Janelle Coppinger Brenda Hallquist Hilltop House Linda Meller and Jonn Ireland Amber Joy Yuriko Kojima Mollie Fitzsimmons and Howard Lee Reed, Jr. Hiroshi and Jon Nakagawara Darla O’Brian Helen O’Leary Walter Patterson Charles Reid Ko Ridings Leota Stanley Martin Thompson Mark Yamamoto In honor of Meredith Barret and Jake Sparling Anna Sparling In honor of Merrily Chick Kit and Bill Phillips In honor of Paul Lambros Ellen Alpert Bradley and Sally Bagshaw Tara Connor and Liam Boyle Jennifer and Steve Ernst In honor of Paul Purcell Rita Selin In honor of Paula and Steve Reynolds Susan and Marcel Heuver The Sheri & Les Biller Family Foundation In honor of Peter Hornyack John Hornyack In honor of Phyllis & John Daniels Margaret T. Gordon In honor of Reverend Brent Brentnall Jeffrey Gill In honor of Roberto Miastas Ronald Alexander


3 5 Yea r s o f S u c c ess

In honor of Robin Appleford Betty and Lyle Appleford In honor of Russ Glaser Audrey Arbeeny In honor of Sara Nelson Microsoft Matching Gifts In honor of Stephanie Kristen Trevor and Raeanne Russell In honor of Sylvia Odom Bob and Jane Ann Bradbury Dorothy Guth Martha Jean and Terry Paul Teigen In honor of Terry Tazzioli and Nicole Brodeur Paul Hayes and Harvey Ross

Gifts in Memory In memory of Alice Carter-Carle Horizon House In memory of Anne Simons Anne G. Anderson Jean Brown Brenda Gaedke W.R. and Pamela Greenwood Horizon House Marlys Erickson and Chris Hurley Laird Norton Real Estate, Inc. Nancy and Neil McReynolds Medina Foundation Jackie and Carl Meurk Gay Miller Sue and Stan Pocock Barbara Pringle Ann and Wayne Sandstrom Carol Deal Schaefer and Gary Schaefer Pam Schell Steven Scott Langdon Simons Ann Wyckoff In memory of Audrey Gruger Horizon House Ann and Wayne Sandstrom

In memory of Carl Kese Susan Kese Cynthia and Brien Stafford In memory of Charles Neace Stella Caldwell In memory of David Colwell Bob and Jane Ann Bradbury Ann and Wayne Sandstrom In memory of Edward Gruger Horizon House In memory of Ellie Ernst Jennifer and Steve Ernst In memory of Henry N. Wagner, Jr. Nicholas Wagner In memory of Jean McKee Hickey Carolyn and Gregory Tow In memory of Joseph Burbridge Nancy L. Brandrud In memory of Leola C. Brock Kim Ross In memory of Lulu and Burton K. Wheeler Gloria Sayler In memory of Mark Chambers Barbara G. Anderson Anderson Zurmuehlen Shareholder Contribution Fund Michael and Susan Cross Nancy Dombrowski Oda Egeland Gianna Hill June Johnson Scott Minnick Diane and George Montgomery Shoko Sasaki Gertrude Sundsted Anonymous In memory of Mel Odom G. Dennis and Margaret Davidson David Wolter and Rhe Jain Kit and Bill Phillips Kathryn Rood Cynthia and Brien Stafford Lou Templeton

In memory of Mike Mines Bob and Jane Ann Bradbury Horizon House In memory of Mildred Rita Gannon Tara Connor and Liam Boyle In memory of Norman Lee Audrey Manzanares In memory of Payton Smith Anne Northrup and Ralph Hawkins Edward and Priscilla Lange Chris and Dick Marshall Anne Moldrem Wallace and Marilyn Prestbo Daniel Ritter Jean and John Voeller In memory of Rich Liranzo Michael Liranzo+ In memory of Steven Colwell Nita Hays-Amodeo and Bruce Colwell Joseph Curtin In memory of William Bud Schoettler Ann and Wayne Sandstrom

In Kind Gifts Heartfelt thanks to each generous community member who donated an in-kind product or service to Plymouth in 2015. This list recognizes donors whose gifts were valued at $250 or more; those at or above $10,000 are indicated in bold. 5th Avenue Theatre Mitch Acevedo Alaska Airlines Andrew Will Winery Anthony’s Restaurant Laura Bachman Barnes & Noble Michelle Badion and Richard Baxter BECU - Spokane Valley Dan and Cindy Brettler Butch Blum Butler Valet and Transportation Sheri Campbell Candere Cruising Cascadelink

Ply m outh H ousi n g Grou p S taff

co n ti n ued

Chateau Ste. Michelle Chihuly Garden and Glass Chihuly Studio Andy and Kristen Cline Covington Cellars Crowne Plaza Hotel DeLille Cellars Disneyland Resorts Linda Eguchi Fairmont Miramar Fairmont Olympic Hotel The Finerie Flatstick Pub Michael M. Fleming and Drindy Gier Glass Distillery Gold Mountain Golf Club Paul Purcell and Barbara Guzzo HD Estates, LLC Hedges Family Estate Holland America Line Inc. HomeStreet Bank Hotel Andra Hotel Max Marlys Erickson and Chris Hurley Hyatt at Olive 8 Vince and Mary Pat Iaci Ink 48 Hotel Inn at the Market Douglas Ito Januik Winery Jay Dotson Photographic Services LLC Kaspars Special Events & Catering KeyBank of Washington Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants KING 5 TV Jon LaFrance Michael Leigh Leonetti Cellar Yvonne and Jeff Lindbom Long Shadows Vintners Major League Ultimate - Seattle Rainmakers James Solimano and Karen Marcotte Solimano Mayflower Park Hotel Teri and Michael Nist Scott Schepman and Donna Okawa OOLA Distillery Owen Roe Winery Pacific Northwest Ballet Erin Page Patagonia Pete’s Wine Shop Pineapple Hospitality Plymouth Church Janice Price Puget Sound Business Journal

Deb Raney Renaissance Seattle Hotel Ruby Montana’s Coral Sands Inn Scarborough Winery Chris and Beth Schmaltz Barbara Schneider Seattle Art Museum Seattle Mariners Baseball Club Seattle Metropolitan Magazine Seattle Symphony Seattle Theatre Group Chris and Desiree Siegfried Starwood Hotels and Resorts Swedish Medical Center Theo Chocolate Total Wine & More Tranche Cellars Va Piano Winery Vain Salon Visit Seattle Bill West The Westin Seattle Westin St. Francis Willows Lodge Woodland Park Zoo World Trade Center World Vision Anonymous

This list contains the names of people who filled staff positions between January 1, 2015 and December 31, 2015. Annual Report contributors are indicated in bold. Executive Director


Paul Lambros

Leadership Team Carole Antoncich Lynn Beck Marlys Erickson Amy Fitzgerald Betsy Hunter Kelli Larsen Andrea Owner Alia Peterson Diane Pietrowski Tammie Schacher

Human Resources

Administration Kim Barker Penny GatesChristianson Gretchen Reade Rainelle Sizemore Porter

Compliance Monique BishopKearse Jamoral Bonner Andrew Byrum Sharyl Coston Giselle Cyr Jennifer Defluri Michael Diaz Kevin Friedrich Emma Grochowsky Elliot Hart BJ Houston Sela Kennedy Chris Mack Rochelle Moore Sam Sauer Jason Tesoriero

Karla Armstrong Lewis Crawford Lisa Dam Mary Jane Heimbucher Tanya Hurst Deb Raney Khanty Sengpraseuth Ike Tarabi Alison Thomas Parker Travis

Elizabeth AguilarImsland Brian Gaston Allison Mcgrath

Information Technology Eric Chau Alan Erhart Mike James Dillon Uhrich

Property Management Norman Adkins Mark Afalava Mat Afalava Ron Alexander Martin Alvarez Meghan Anderson Denise Armstrong Tracey Battles James Bedore Ben Beehner Aster Berhane Monique Bishop-Kearse Donna Bland

John Blanks Anna Boenish Emily Burns Randy Cain Manuel Cauich Kuk Lee Colbert Janice Connelly Tracy Cramer Jill Cummings Jacquie Dahl Kimberly Davison Engedawork Desta Patrick Durkin Emily Dykstra Jones Henry Escobar Donna Flake Matthew Forsberg Craig Frering Brandon Getz Yakita Gibrano Idris Gilliard Paul Griswold Valentin Guerra Linda Hargrove Barry Harkin Shawn Harrigan Brian Hatfield Theresa Hohman Anitra Hooper Joy Howard Allan Humiston Joseph Hurst Gabriel Ingalls Karl Ingram Walter Johnson Linea Jonasson-Wirtjes Doron Jones Scott Jones Jeremy Kern John Kern

George Kimball Martin King Victor King Binh Lai Willie Lane Phong Le Chan Lee Haley Lee Tavia Lee Rodney Lewis Carnella Linder Norma Locke Moses Lyons Dan Macdonald Camille Mathews Glynn Mccarter Kyle Mccray Vevala Mclemore-Young John Meadows Jr. Tesfa Mekonnen Nic Minatre Ronnie Mitchell David Mooney Dave Moore Jr. Greg Morris Beverly Muhammad Shah Murtaza Todd Napier Teddy Nguyen Jacob Niewald Brenda Paiz Luana Peters Huy Pham Robert Pope Nick Radish Carl Rainey Jr. Katharine Revello Hilda Reyes Pearl Roche Jackie Rome

Paul Rosenthal Ron Roy Chai Saechao Jane Sanchez Mark Schickedanz Keith Scott Tanoja Sharpe Anthony Shaw Michael Sheldon Smitty Smith Renee Stampler Jamia Stephens Parker Storm Raquel Strong Jeramie Thomas Marcia Thompson Trina Thompson Robert Turner Victor Ware Clint Washington Mariah Weston Michael Williams Domunique Wilson Michelle Wise-Bailey Erik Yorgensen Sterlyn Young

Real Estate Jacob Brett Lyle Harris Jr. Kim Lokan Tim Parham

Resource Development Elisabeth Vasquez Hein Shari Kooistra Maggie Polzin Meghan Rowley Shoko Toyama Amanda Vail

Social Services Ryan Agnew Kris Benson Alan Berliner Jeffrey Buchan Oliver Crane Maia Demers Kerriann Egan Aaron Emery Taylor Farrant Tracy Fisher Michelle Flowers Beruke Giday Kristina Giscombe Sarah Glass Rhonda Goodrich Kimberly Harrell David Hathaway Jeanese Hime Nate Juarez Jorge Lausell Mycie Lubin Marilyn Mitchell Danielle Montrose Kim Murer Michael Quinn Liz Rapuzzi Carlos Reiner Kevin Roach David Rodriguez J.J. Stein Christina Stewart Valerie Turrentine Melissa Van Conett Denise Vanbeek

2 0 1 5 Missio n A ward W i n n ers  We couldn’t do the work we do without staff who dedicate their time to our mission to provide housing and support to formerly homeless men and women. The work isn’t always easy, but it’s always important and needed. Our staff change lives, every day. At our annual Mission Awards ceremony, we gather to celebrate our mission and honor the hard work of four individuals and one team who have exemplified the core of what we do. The 2015 award winners are: Binh Lai

Brandon Getz

Linda Hargrove

Randy Cain

Janitor at The Saint Charles

Building Manager at Plymouth Place

Building Assistant at the ScargoLewiston Apartments

Building Assistant at the A.L. Humphrey House The

Binh diligently and often quietly can be found scrubbing away at the Saint Charles Apartments, ensuring that tenants have a clean, comfortable place to live. He takes great pride in his work, completing it with a ready smile and often a laugh. Tenants frequently praise Binh for his ability to keep the building clean—but also for his substantial kindness.

Brandon is a living model of the Plymouth way: using his great sense of humor and patience for when there are bumps in the road, he’s created a stellar team that cares for our residents. And his energy goes far beyond just daily tasks. Over the past two years, he and his team have curated the (now famous) monthly Open Mic Night event, drawing residents, staff, and volunteers from across the Plymouth community.

Linda is a source of warmth, empathy, and nurturing at the Scargo-Lewistion. One of her colleagues describes Linda as the smiling face that represents the heart of Plymouth’s mission. When faced with a challenge, Linda often says in impeccably good cheer: “We’re in it to WIN it!” Her can-do attitude bolsters everyone around her—residents, staff, and volunteers alike.

amount of work that Randy is able to squeeze into an eight-hour shift is exemplary! He’s dedicated to serving the residents with dignity and he’s passionate about readying vacant apartments for new residents. Through all the tasks and daily work, Randy keeps his focus on resident satisfaction, knowing that at the end of the day his work is about making their home a better place to live.

Leadership Alan Berliner, Monique Bishop-Kearse, Jennifer DeFluri, Elliot Hart, Brian Hatfield, Jeanese Hime, Sela Kennedy, Team Award Jeremy Kern, Chan Lee, Christopher Mack, Rochelle Moore, Michael Quinn, Sam Sauer.

Photo Credit: Meghan Rowley

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2113 Third Avenue Seattle, WA 98121 206-374-9409

Ply m outh H ousi n g Grou p 2 0 16 B oard of T rustees Officers John McHale (President), Anderton Law Office – Washington Bike Law Eleanor Moseley Pollnow (Vice President), Actor/Community Volunteer Keith Matthews (Secretary), Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Edward Thomas (Treasurer), Deloitte Seattle Stewart Landefeld (Immediate Past President), Perkins Coie

Trustees Kristin Acker, Zillow Carol Bailey Medwell, Integrative Family Law Joan Caine, Sirius Advice Diane Castanes, Taylor Avenue Partners, LLC Robert D. Cook, Washington State Housing Finance Commission Gregg DeRitis, First Financial Northwest Bank Mercedes Fernandez, Mercedes Fernandez Interior Design Jessica Gibson, Amazon Ronnie Henderson, HomeStreet Private Bank Stephanie Kristen, Windermere Jon Okada, Veterans NW Construction Craig Parsons, Seneca Group David Poston, Allen Institute for Brain Science Chris Schmaltz, UnitedHealthcare Searetha Simons, Tenant Representative J. Anthony Whatley, Fit After Fifty Yvonne Wilkinson, Tenant Representative Jane Zalutsky, JZworks

Melvin, Plymouth resident since 2014 Photo by Katelyn Folmar

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