Times journal v 12 no 46 jul 25, 1957

Page 1


Sec. 34.66 P.L.&i"t U.S. Posfa£e Paid Parkland B~anch facoma, 'Vash. Permit No. 9P Occupant or Boxholder Rural Route Postmaster: In unable to delivc~. return postage is guaranteed on addressed papers.

lier Vandalism Acl lHl I ·· SUn a ~HJS~ery

I ""




Volume 12, No. 45




St. A<:cording to reports, David had just alighten from a southbound Tacoma Trnnsit Co.' bus at 113ih and ·Park and was l'unning across Park when hit. He was taken by ambul.ance . to Pierce County hospital suffering from multiple fract.u1·es, lacerations and a badly bruised. forehead. On Monday attendants .at tl1e hospital reported his conditio11 c'!.s satisfa1ctory. State Patiol1mm Gil Paulson investigated the accident. · ;

Drive Safely Save A Life!




Parkland Cycle &Key Ready for Grand Op~ning


Men in ch:.-:i.rge ···at' the· Pierce County Sanitary. Fill on MitchcilGould road a;·e still puzzled about an act of seemingly pointless· vandalism lust Fri_day nigii):. vVhen the men left Friday eveni1lg. the big shovel used in -operaU.c}.! 0£ the fill \Vas pai1{ef1 besi.d0. th0 road, securely 10ckctl and "dogged down". Next morning when. Ead D. Hardie, S!J.~\J.f,~. day attendant, arrived for work he discovered that during the night someone had 'broken into the big crane by smashing the leeks on the side door and the, roof opening and had lowered the boom onto the shovel, a rather intricate vperation requ1r1ng several steps which only a train~ c:d crane operat.or "\Vould kno~. Hardie immediately called Harold F. Mace, fill operator in charge, and he notified the Pierce County Sheriff's office and Deputy Sid Berven investigated. The puzzle remains unsolved, along vvith several questions: Why would anyone smash three locks (the tool box was also Lroken into) '~.rhen nothing \Va~ taken? WHY would a person capable of operating the equipi:nent risk discovery and possible arrest to do something of no benefit to anybody? The sanitary fill, one of the finest and most modern in the area,. is ahvnyS kept in good conw dition, all refus~ being . covered immediately after delivery. Those in charge foe] that it is a credit and convenience to the cOmm'unity and they cannot understand why nnyone would care to dam-age its equjpmcnt. TheY ask anybody weing prowlers in_ th.e fi.tture 1.o gel .tli a phone as quickly possible and call the Sheriff's


LEnox 7-0223


The dates of the 1957 Waller Eoad Community Fair are set as Sept. 6 and · 7; the place, the Community hail at 64th and 'i'Va1l(~r road. The last in·:7eting of th-~ fair cc-.mmittee headed by E. D. Constantini snd l\1rs. · Iviyers :5}\'hc.elcr. \vns v.'en ntte:t1ded by repr£:03en.i:nt.ives fro1n all_ partici~ P:ith-i'g orgnnizations. It vvas deCidcd to give a Cole1nan cn1np stove as the first n\va1:d nn,d a ¢-Umpur's ice box ns the second a'.vc.rd this year. Dinner will be served both nights of the fair with the Waller J:(oad PTA in charge Friday evening, Sept. (), with Mrs. Alven \:Vinters in charge. On 'the foll~JYV ing ffvening the dinner \vill be served by the Vv~ all er Road Grange \1 ith ~!.Irs. E. D. Constantini Us chairn1an. DinnBr menus wiil be announced later. With summer fast fading and ?;ardens at their best, it is the l;ope of the acting com1nittees that each resident of the community will keep hi mind the need for entl'ies in the canned frEit B nd vegetahle department. Jnms nnrl jellies are especially worth while to enter in competition with neighbors. All .women IJ.re urged to set aside a few jars 9£ canned goods to enter. Each year the Grange Auxiliary sponsors a baking contest. This year Vvomen and men \Vill compete in the baking· of white yeast and quick breads. An award \vill be 1



ALL SET-All details completed for the open house which this waekend marks ihe grand opening of the new home of Pa<khmd Cycle· and Key Shop, 11009 Pacific. Ave. Owner-1\fanager De,] Cheney and his assistants face the camera in front of the building. Pictured are, left to right: Com·ad Velez, Del Cheney and Jack.Gru.nert. (Sce~story on Page 12). Photo by McKcwcn

Vehicles Tangle

Elbe News Mrs. Medin Kirkpatrick of Arcata. CdiL, left Satmday, July 13, by plane for Ketchikan, Alaska, to spend a few days with her husband who is working at Bay logging camp. A nine-yearold son who has been with the father will retum wit.h her. Three young daughters remained here with Mrs. Mae' Kirkpatrick while she was away; mother and four children will· return· to their california home befor\' school starts. Visits Trips Miss Anita 'Kirkpatrick and Jean Rockwood are spending their summer vacation in Little Fork, Nfom., with Mr. and Mrs. Feidler who are giving the girls a wonderful time.

1'HREE INJURED - When an Army truck and two l'ass·anger cam mixed early Thursday afternoon at FGrt Lewis East Gate,. enly the truck escaped seu·ious damage. The '55 Mercury coupe, in ditch' at !cit, driven by Kenneth D; Miller of Tacoma, was badly w<"ecked and a passenger, 'ferry Carlson, was injnl'ed.- The '5·1 CacliUae, right, driven by Caniilia l\1oore, of Seattle, sustained d?..Inage 9n front and side; two passengers, Elsie and Terry Bauer, '\vcre injured. State Patrolman R. E. Bair investigated the accident. Photo by

and sound. She has requested th'1t her name br;, omitted from the story. After an hour's search on her own, the frantic mother noLiiicd the Pierce County Sheriff's office,_ which immediately alerted the State J-Iighway Patrol. Two hours later, and nearly two miles a way, the lit'lle hoy and his Mrs. Roland · Fisk has been falthful clog were located by the Patrol and returned home by a qu~te. ill with flu and spent sevent! dayp in the Morton hospital. sheriff's deputy. Mrs. Muriel Schmidt caring for, her baby daughter while she was away.' Mrs. Oscar Gerber, mother o( Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Hanson George McCray of Pleasant Val- and family of Melbro, Calif., ai·e ley, is reported q'ttite ill and now visiting \vjt,h her mother, 1v1rs. at -a rest home at Morton. She Nora Funk. was 90 _years old July 4. Mrs. Charles Lormn and l\Irs. L. Gray are spending the week Birthday Party El'\vyn, Rahie1· \vas eight years at - Bible Camp at Covenant old Sat)nday,. July 20. and his beach at Des Moir,es, Wash. Ivfrs. Joe Jupiter k~ft Saturday rclativc'i and friends helped him cclchrnt.c the event 'at the home for Montana to he with her of his grandparents, Mr. and mother who is ill. ~!fr. ai;d !IL·s. Albert }\k~lson Mm. Frank Mettler Sr. Those prcserit were the 'Rahim· family, the were dinner guests Stmday at the Mcrt'Uer. Jr. family and Mrs. Ege- hpme of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard land and h'-'r children. It is a.1- Mctcdvey cf Eatonvilic:. Reporter' - Mrs. I\:at.e Nelson ways a pleasure io h;;.vc a gatherini at thr:ir gr8.rldparent's jJlace for th<fr() .iS a ht :or space to. play and. enjoy a g1:and time at the Mettler. heme,

Graham News


Last Thursday was· a perfect day for the Spanaway Volunteer Firemen Auxiliary picnic, which was well attended. Mrs. Orville Schley was honored at the picnic with a pink and blue shower. She was also presented with her Firemen's Pin. Congratulations Mi·. and Mrs. Ben Woodruff &1·e rejoicing in the recC'nt birth o( a son. Mi-. and Mrs. Martin Gihbons are mighty proud of their first rrrnndchild, Edmu11d Andrew Christensen, born ,June 29 at St. Joseph's hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Christensen (Maureen Gihbons), of Tacoma. Other grandpanmts are Mr. and Mrs. Joe Christensen of Tacoma. In Service Harold Tarpemiing, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Tarpenning, is now stationed at Fort Carson, Colorado. Besl. Wishes Be]at.ed "get 1:vell" i.vishes Jor 1-.frs. W. H. Griesback Sr., mother cf W. Griesback. Friends may drop a line to Mrs. Iviarie Baker~ c/o 'R.ay Cannon_) Box 1~:~0 Lakevie"',\r, V.7ash. Marie fr~ novi" in a cast Hnd ·\votlld ce.rtHin ly rtliPt;cd.ate cards or Jetters. Rep:wtcr - Mm. Olivr1' Omat., LE 7-6466.


C@Hins Ne\YS

Sincere ~yn1pathy is ex.i,t~i1ded to lho wifo and family of Eugcno L. Fletcher \'.'ho pas3cd a\vay last \veek. J\i1r. Fletcher, '''ho was born al Onlra11to Statio1.1, 10\\'a, can1e to this_ area 20 years ago e!:]- and h2d a \vide circle oI Iriei-i~. 'Visits~

_frips 1

l\'lr, and Mrs. Max Jilffenbe1·ger

and- Diane have returned hCnn-e frori.1 a v.·ondBrfu1 "vveek of. _:fiSh. . h~g ·.-and can1ping 011 the !1€.;~J±ut .. es 1:iver. ·

. M1·s.




Johnson) -is visitinrc:: at the ho~..,e of--hcr parents ·011,_,C.:U~YOU ri)a·\1 \vhik--: IvI1~. Shafer ls at sea.

Mr. and Mrs.

a_ Dutch

Dee an

OPEN v~n


IA JI!!. A !lbU


Road Garden club will take charge of the Flower Show feature and it promises to be one bf the best, with Mrs. Jack Johnson as chairman and Glen Ferris as co-chairman. Tho Youth leaders have turned in lhpir ;reports to the Fair Com~ mittee :rnd a panel of judges chosen by the Committee will

will be in charge Ro?-d Grange. The three 4-H Yonth groups will unite to displny one larr;a Looth that wili depict the activities of all. The Scouts will have an exl1ibit of merit. 'rhc Blue Birds will exhibit, a:> also will the Cubs. Fair concessions 'Nill be put up by the Marie Hazen Orthopedic Guilr and Ta.Chi-Ho Orthopedic Guild, the PTA, the Grange Auxiliary and all the Youth groups. The Orthopedic Guilds will have an informative display showing their hospital work and an educational display will be sponsored by the teachers uf Waller Road school. 'The PTA display will show the interesting activities connected with the organization. f,.l! people of the area are urged to keep the dates - Sept. G and 7 -- jn mind and help rnal·:e thi.s the best Fair yet.

Maso11ic Groups' Picnic S1Jnday A joint pknic \Vill be held by i.he Parkland JVlasonic Lodge, Faith Chzptcr 0. E. S. and Faith Asse111bly Order of D.ainbo\v for Glds Sunday, ~July 28. !vfen1b.crs a!1d theh· fal1'1ilies are to meet iJ1 the town of McKem1a P_ot. hi f_,C't then 11 :00 Et" 111. St~J:.~ drty :11ornj11g~ ·tvhere thP.y ivill be rnst a:ad escorted t.o the su111n1eiplncc nf 1\1r. sncl 1virs. Georr.;8 Rolst.ad on the D0scJ1ut.Ps rive:~Ea.ch family will bring a baske.t. hu:.ch and table Gervicc;· coffpn and .it€ crean1 '~.rlll bC ! fu~·!1ir~hcd b~t ;the Parkla11d Iv!a:::onic Lodge, Ga111es and prizeri v.rill be in ord-er fl)!' the a.fh:T~1non and a large aftendancs is_ t~'o:psctetl.



\Vee Teams To Play Tonight 'I11e Elk Plain Fire Department sponsored Pee VVee baseball team will play Eatcnville this (Thursday) evening on the · Bethel grounds. This is a return game i,vith Eatonville, the visitors having defeated Elk Plain 18 to 17 Sat1!:'..'day evening. Be sure to come out and ,mpport the local team tonight. The last league galJ1e will. be played Tuesday evening, July 30, at Roy. TO LIVE HERE Mrs. Cort Lively, a recent vis· itor at the home of her son-inlaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Walker Thatcher on the Mountain road, after a brief stop at her. former' home in Idaho to s2ttle hm· affah·s has returned and will live near her daughter. To share in the pleasant family reunion, Mrs .. Thatcher's daughter Mrs. Everett G-ra:n.t, of Gnttage,. Gro-v"C, 0Tc., joiner her m.othcr and grandmother for a short visit. VJ:SITS MOTHER


A1nerican Spana\vay S. Sm legion Nevis Builds In ADay

Through the combined efforts of the membership of Spanrrway Methodist church and many inBy Susan Swanson terested friends in tho communMrs. Thelma Walsh conducted ity, the new Sunday school her last meeting as president of building of the church was ernctthe American Legion A uxila1·y of ' ed from the ground up in a Parkland Post No. 288 on July single day. Arriving early Saturday morn11 at Sunshine Hall. She received the thanks and appreciation ing at the site, the volunteer· of the members for her time and workers began their race with the i,vork this year. Under her cap- sun and .i(efore evening the new able leade1·ship much has been structure V1.ras finished - 'valls, accomplished in the several roof, doors and windows. W!o-. branches of child welfare and men of the church did their community service for which the share by providing food for the American Legion is noted. She crew during the long day. The church strrff would like to thanked her officers for their close cooperation which made than!< everyone who helped and express deep tippreciation for a these thinr;s possihlo. task well done. The Youth FelOn ,July 12 a joint installa- lowship group of the chnrch rattion of officers was held with the Post. Mrs. Roy Young's drill. ed a special mention." All people of the area ale team vvas in charge of the ceremony for the Auxiliary. Mrs. Al cordially i_nvited to visit the church and see the fine new Nluckey -took over the gavel as bnildinl': also to attc~pd the serv· the _ne\v 11resid.ent and gave a ic"s of the church and Sunday nice Lalk on her pia.ns i.vhile iri school. office. h ~

S. Carta, Repoii;er

A dozen vi.siting ~ignitari-2s .were presont, inCiuding Jim Brown, District commander; Bill Iv.Eller, District co1nmander-elect; IVIrs: lVIary Erickson, District 'pr0sident, and l\llrs. Mabel Hart, District president~elect. Due to vacations, there will be no ineeting till August 2Z \Vhen the reports of delegates to the convention in Spokane ,vill be given.

Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Rich and 1\.lfr. n:1d l\1rs. 1Iarry Rich 1v1.:!1t to Grants Pass, Ore., over the wed:cnd to see Ivirs. M. H. Broughton, rDnthcJ' of the t\vo men, who fell and broke her hip \vhil~. attending the Spani~hAmencan Veterans ccnvcmt1on ·wiLh her husband. r\i!r. Broughton was installed as the new commander of the organization. The Mrs. Sam Carta is still quite Broughtons live i.n Portland. Reporter-Mrs. Ted Otterstad, ,ill at Madigan hospital. LE 7-7658.

Today's Laff •

Playground Neris COLLINS Local mothers sponsored a picnic at Spanaway for the chi!drea of the area on Thursday.

Ler..de1A Kay Scblm!-:e is planning a bike hike in irnar futme . . . Teen Club JA11:ES SA.LES -

1~nccts· eve1J.~

day at fou1~. SPANA WAY - Geo1·ge Fossen. , ..:ith the assistance of seve1~a1 n1othe!.·s, has been conducting swim trips to the MPD beach at Spanavvay ei/ery Tuesday and 1 rhursday afternoons. See t.he playground leaders for further _i11for111ation on the above subjects. Also, on the docket this Fl'ichy, is the third City VV'ide l"outh Council Dance to be held at South Park Co1nn1uinty Center fro1n 9 to 12. Hcfrcshn1e11_t.~:; i1:i11 be. and there:: \V-ili be go.111es t.o "for the n..~n~dancers. Mucic wi!I ho live by Cozart.'s band. The dance is co-sponsOrcd by the Metropolitan Park District and .the Youth (~nidance Division cf tho Tacoma Potic'c Dept.




Before the marriage, he talks and she listens. Alter the marriage, she talks and he listens. After the honeymoon, they both talk and the ne]ghbo1·s Uste11!


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Per Ft. The fol101.vi11g bui1din[; p·ern1its hav·e_ been issut!d by E2eith F. Jo11es, County Engineer Eu!ld~ ing I)epa.rti11e11t: Yr;mk Kinkella, $.'.!500 acldn. to !Url'lber store. 8729 Fruitland Ave., Puyallup; Herbert R. Simp· s:in, $542 carpcrt, 822 So. 103nd; R,ilyi:nond A . .Tohnson, $600 addn. to home, 907 So. 117th; Fred Scamm, $1500 re'model to home, 'R.-.1-...cn•fc ,.,....,....,.._. .. .,,_,

terribly in rieed cf .bats, 'hard hlls and o~her equipment ..·-.Any donations will be . ·gr'eatly aj>p\'clciafed, so vihy .don't :vou :call !viarv F1'ctfatd111', LE 1-6157'; or Vern bpto'n, LE 7"3926, und give the boys a llttlti added support. Reporter . ....:. l\frs. Ha1'o!d Burge'Sdn, LE 1-1640. _

YEARS O;<' FUJI[ AUE.AD-While tho award- oi the handsome boat and trailer from the Parkland Junim· Chamber of Cmnme;-ce was made to Gene Cooley (Cooley's Cusiom Floor Coverings), the accejltanee was a thrcc-wuy ·,family affair. Mrs. Cooley and Charles, 12-year-old sou of the couple: shared with Gene all the thrills of the wonderful gift and also plans for outings in the years to come. This is the Cooieys' fo·st boat and comes as a realization of a dream which they had thought still far in the futnre. Charles was the most em~itcd member of the family and had to have a ride in the boat Saturday ,night because he ;\las !eaving early Sunday for a week at Boy Scout Camp Hahohas on Hoods Cana!. The Cooleys wish to expross their deep appreciation for this grand gift .and to state that they are always happy to assist in any way possihle the splendid community belte,-ment projects of the JC's. Pictured above with the boat and trailer, left to right, Charles flash.es a big smile ,as Anzio GrP.:zzini, chairman of the Boat Av.rard committee of the JC, lnakes the fot·mall presentation to Mr. and Mrs. Cooley. Photo by McKewcn

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