Prairie pointer v 2 no 21 jan 30, 1947

Page 1


ne"'.s .and GR 7100 Your advertising phone number. All copy must be in Tuesday night for Thursday's Pointer.


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l lerhert Socoloisky, \Ylw just completed a hi g· h 1 y succcss.ful I VOL. 2, NO. 21 year as president of Parkland Curnnnrnily Club, was elected to the Board of tn1stees of t h e Parkland Light and \Valer Company for a five year LIGHT AND WATER lcrrn. This acMEMBERS VOTE ROR tion was taken LIGHTING, HYDRANTS at th e annual iVI o<krn light standards, meeting of the company which ;u~ttc water mains and fire hywas held in the lrants to he installe<l along with Socolofsky p a r k 1 a n d he padng and concrete walks ior school Tuesday night. Socolofsky Gariield Street in Parkland were tal·es the plan: of 'vV. 11. Cham- 1%·11retl Tllesday night \\"hen memben; who had been appointed to bers oi the Parkland Light and the board t<l iill the unexpired \Valer Company passed a resoluterm of Sidney Selden when he re- ion instructing the board of trusces to proceed with preliminary signed 1a~.t ~;u111111er As.snrancc that fire hydrants 1nstallatio11 of water mains Jll<l will be plac·cd where large enough underground electric conduit The resolt1tion rrsking for mains are installed was also anaction hy the mutual utility comnmrnred hy the trustees. Ten hypany was presented by Cliiford Cl drants arc now 011 order and \\'ill Le placed for use just as soon as Olson 011 bchali of the Parkland received. Others will be ·put in Community Club. That a 40 foot strip nf paving and curbs· would when larg·er mains- arc laid. E. 'vV. Beitz asked ii the company would he laid un this street frum the install hydrants purchased by res- .l\Iountain High\\"<!}" to Park .\ \"Cidents. !'resident Rosso said this nue had pre' iuusly b e en anwould be do1;e gladly where pro- 11ot111c<·d by County Commissioner Harn~y Seo-field. The com111unity per size water mains permitted \\"di over a lnmdred members -Jub also has pledges from all oi the company atknded the 1ncet- roperty owners Dn the street exing Tuesday and heard an excep- cpt one, that they will install tionally fine financial report fro!l1 ement sidewalks to make a com0. J. Stucn, treasurer. Nd worth ' ktely modern thoroughfare of of the mu tu a I \\'as gi\·en as this street After some disn1ssion oi the $196,823.49 and net profit for 1946 project, a standing vote by memwas $23,0%.11. In his annual report Stanley bers present at the meeting showed Rosso, president, told of the com- an overwhelming majority in fa vm jiany's activities for the past year of the street improvement Manager of the Light and \\atcr and this report is reprinted here Company :Mike \Vutz annu1111ccd in full that his firm had already phnned President's Report tor mstallation oi a 4-inch \\'ater "The foilo\\·ing members sen·ed as trustees· for your company the m;iin on Garfield Stred and that past year, having been elected at the J ipe had been ordered. He the first regular board meeting plans to lay il some time in April held after the annual corporation or Ma}

\]('\" .1!1. 1917




meeting. , Salary rer mo Pres.: Stanley Rosso ......... $35.00 Vice Pres.: 'vValter Daniels $35.00 Treas.: 0. J. Stnen $10.00 Sec'y: I vcr Johnson Trnstee: Sidney Selden Each meml)('r receil'es $10.00 pct month for attending all meetinp;s held during the year "Mite Wutz was· rehired to be m:inager ior the company for the year 1946 at salary of $275.00 per month. Esther Davis was re tained as collector and bookkeeper at a salary of $190.UO per month "As to the growth oi your company. 104 new light memberships and 115 new water memberships haYC been added duri1ig 1946. This was over twice the nuniber of memberships purchased last year There are now O\'er 850 members Transformers Installed "Forty-two transformers have hcen in.stalled in the systelll at a cost of $5,000 to help raise our voltage and take care of increased loads. Sufficient voltage will not be received until the city of Tacoma builds a new sub station, which is contemplated. Fifty nc\\ poles have been replaced and many more are needed "The wells- \\"ere pnt into operation in May of 1946. 'vVc severed connections with the city of Tacoma 011 J nnc 30, 1946, as they would not permit a tic-in or standby with their water supply. \11/e are in the process of buying an auxiliary gasoline motor to operate the pump at the tower fo case of any lengthy power failure or breakdown of the city's sub station at 98th ancl Pacific, estimated cost of which will he about $750 installed. The well at the tower supplies enough water but in summer we cut in on the lower well to help out. This well will have to be deepened and casing perforated as it pumps some sand "Two concrete b 1 o ck pump houses were constructed to protect the pumps and wells al a cost of $1,300. The complete installation inclutling wells, tower, houses and all incidentals have been paid without hnrrowing any money, but we have been working with a very small balance since that time, as we have had many other heavy expenses as new materials, much needed during the war, have begnn collling in New Mains ''Eighteen hundred fed of 4-inch ll"On pipe was laid to the new PLC gymnasium on ] ohnson street and the veterans' houses as· far as Sherman street, as existing lines were too small. The iron pipe was furnished by the college but the labor and fittings on this project cost 11s about $2,000. A three-phase power line is being built to the new college gymnasium at a cost of abon t $1,000. Two fire hydrants ordered last June have just been received and .installed at the new




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\'t.:LCJ cut;:,

honsing on Sherman street and Park Avenue at the request oi the government to protect this project. "Since 1939 when this board started laying new and replacing old mains with larger ones, it has been their policy to rough in for (Continued on Page Four)



Boys and Girls Groups Getting Orga:nized for Vvork on Projects

PARKLAND BUSINESS CLUB SPONSORING Under tlic leaders.hip of Mrs CONCERT ON FEB. 23 L. :\. Crnts and Mrs. Ross Plumb the boys and g-irls' 4-H .clubs re-' Tn celehnl<' thr return of Pacently in thr ~.;irl.iy dis'.1:ictl ciiic Lutheran College's. Clwi1: of an· plannmg a nmnber ol proJn ts. the \Vest, Parld;uul Bnsmess Club J'he Boys' 4-H Club, unclcr the is sponsoring a conn:rl by lids leadershiri Mrs . .I'lumb, l.1as farned singing gro 11 ,,_ J t will . he decided tti hold its first meetmg featured as the IHlllH'l'omiuc: c011tt the Kirby sd1ool tonight, Thurs- cert and will be held in Parkland day, January 30. The following Junior l ligh Sd1o"l auditorium on 'ioys· ha1·e signed· up as charter the afternoon of Sunday. Feb. 23 members: Tornrny Overill, Donald Members of the Parkland BusiMilton, Ronnie Anderson,. Robert ness Club tlccitkd 011 this concert Dale Tibbits, Wilfred not only as a great 111u~'i'--"al treat \ur:;lc:m. :\llan Loucks, Donalt! for the entire South End but also Goddanl, Terry Plnmh, Melvin as a reward to the choir icir the Smallwood. Don Jupiter and Bob good will ;ind fa\"tirahle publicit~ rhis group of noted PLC singers will wind up ;rn extended tour of California with a triumphant con- Tupite1 they will disseminate ior Parkland cert in Parkland, sponsored hr the Parkland Bnsinc:-.,. Club. Members oi the chorus are: First row (left All parents are urgNi to attend to right)-Eunice Oistedal. Seattle: Patricia Purvis, Smm1cr, \Vn.; Betty Lou Rieke, Cashmere, vVn.: this first rneeting as full cuoper- hruughout Oregon and California Afton Hj(•lrn, Firth, I dahu: Norene Skilbred, Eugene. Ore.; ~vlarilyn l'flncgcr, l'arklancl, \V 11.; Jcan atiun of tl1e parents is needed to during the tot!!" \\'hich they embark on today. 1l arbcck, Scatt le, \ \" n.: Charlene :\I artens, Park land, \ V n.; ]\ uth ]e:1sen. Tac·ollla, \\" n.; Gerrv ()!son n:ikc the club a success SihTrton, ()re.; N orn1a Lc1uke, rd i~s1Jtlla, }do11L; l I arriet l{th)t, Sa-11 JJieg-,,, C;1li i.: R11n1ohr Ct~lhaugTn, Kriedler Chairman Girls 4-H Astoria, Ore. £econd vow (left to rightl-Anita Norn1an, Taeoll!a, \Vn.; :\g11'" 1'nlcde1-, Ludi, Calii Myron B. Kriecller has been scMiriam Hopp. Cregun City, Ore.; Lt,is Tollf eldt, II oqniam, \\' n.; Lois l'earsuu, Kelso, \V 11.: \·alhorg The (;ids' 4-ll Club has been ectcd as general chairman for the Rustad. San Diego, Calii.; l\uth To-.Yc, San Diego, Calif.; Irene hcrson, Ketchikan, 1\las·ka; Leta 11.l."!z n·ry actin• a1Hl have adrled l!1an) hornc,·oming concert and he is algcr. Seattle. \\'u.; Grace Elaine Gull!augcn. :\st<>ria, Ore.: Hl"lty l{eim"n. Scattil', \\in.; Shirley .Morg:in e\I· na111es- to the list. Most oi ready deep in preliminary arrangeTaco111a, \ V n. Third row (left to righ t)-ll arry Carlson, l'ortland, Ore.; .l\lt:hin Ostcrli, Sacra111c11to Calif.; Gus .\ndcrson, B(>\\', \Vn.; Rolf Valutll, Bcllinghalll, \Vn.; Brita Skoog-. Olympia, \.\'n.: Durcthy. d1ese came from the Elk Plain ments. An advance ticket sale \\'ill Meyer, end rick, Idaho; (;unnar J. 1Ialmin, director; June Jorgenson, l'uyallup. \ Vn.: I saliel I I :u·,;tad, district. :\mong the new names are he started immediately and it is Seattle, \Vn.; Stan \Villialllson, \Vn.; Ross Hischoii, ·racoma, \\"n.; Lnther \Vatness, Spnkane, lris Smalley, Gt'orgia Smalley, ~xpccted that the schc)(J] auditor\Vn.: Gerry Lidc·r, Seattle, \\'n. Fourth row (ldt lo right)-Lyle Se,erson, Par: Janel. \Vn.: Ft! Sallll- Delores Jupiter, Leah Ann Green ium \\"ill he packed fer this event vig, Se:1ttk. \\·11.; llan-y Soloos, ·ra,·orna. \Vn.; :\rne Akre, E,·erett, \Vn.: Jes.s Thompsnn, Everl'lt. \Vn.; law, Joyec Loveland, Betty L011ry, Aboard t "·o bns,es· the ii;h· ]{oy Tollieldt, ll nquiam, \\'n.; Conlon Gano, Bellingham, \ Vn.; :\rnc Towe, San Diego, Calii.; l\alph Shir I e y Lo,·eland and Phylis choir n1c1nhl'rS arc 1nal~l11~ an 18Carl sun, Tacoma, \\ :i.; Hudy Johnson, Tacoma, 'v\'n.; Carl Fynboe, Parkland, \V tl.; h.cnneth Anenson, Wright day tour south through Oregon Burlington, \\"n.; ·l\lartin Gulhaugen, Astoria, Ore.: John T\icolai, Orland, Calii The Cirls' 4-H Cluh will hold ------------1 8 at ·its first · meeting. California, r_eturning.1·1,)tHlay, J JJ tl , "ll-February l'l . 17. Director ( 1 unnar J e 1ru;iry . 111 . 111 1c r , atn sc 1100 1 lu11cl1 rl)()lll ']', I) . '\falmin and Business ).lanager ''em e1s arc Ycry M . . . . . . ..



·TROYS .Southeast Tacoma LA'NDSCAPINC •· utua Meeting FIRE DES M I ~rI.:e STARTS AT PLC LA PERGOLA INN p'.·.o.lilcm of ob.taining wa.ter ~l)dt olllts ~' •r better lire protedion m.' the a.rea ".·ill be one ot the chief itc!lls of business to come. before the annual business meet111;.; ot the Southeast Tacoma 11t1ti1"l \\'· t - (., ']' d -111. ,.ht " 'l'l ·," c1.... ,ompany · · l ues ay . g. : . 11., .;'coo·ion ts to Je he 1d 11HHand Hall startt 8 ' 1L<Hnmunity I· mg a . o c oc '· · Be.sides annual reports there will be .d1scussio11 of the status of the ll''\\" ,,·ate1· ' ·l'. 1. l . 1 ' . 't •S w 11c 1 are Ill t 1e JlHKess c,f b:ing clrilkd. The iin·year term oi :\. I'. Ea:;ton on the hoard of trustees has expired and he , will . .be , .up . for . re-election. . Also thei e at c t\\ o board appomtments v·hicl1 11 ·t· 1 t"f" d 'l'I · rn.; 1C ra 1 te . 1ese arc David Malyon and C. Roley who wt·re 11·1cl·c·(I t f"ll · t ·l I - \. . · u l · vacancies creact >y resignations during the )"C" • C ·I 'f· I· ·l · "' · at ,1y or, presll cnt of the company, will preside.


EARLY MORNING BLAZE CONSUMES BUILDING ON MT.l' HIGHWAY '1 L · ic a crgu · 1a 1 nn · is nu· more. 1 t iat rernatned ot the Orchard 1 !ill establishment Tuesday morn·l\11 mg was a mass of charred rubble crossed by scattered bricks from the fallen chimney. '1 f" I. l H' ire. \\" 11c started at ap1 proxirnatl'ly 4-:00 1 a.nL Tuesday,



PLC Cagers to Tackle St. Martin"s at Lacey on .. Thursday; Here, Saturday. Coach Marv 11 arshman's l';icific reached its peak at 4:30 when the' Lutheran college cagers, currentlv entire structure was· ablaze.. running ." .second . in the \Vin co · A few minutes after the time "111 try to squeeze two more league the delayed a I a rm reached the ._. t -· ti · k , p kl l F'" '1c 011es 11s wee - out ot the same ar · anc tre Department both club-St. Martin's. Thn• tangle were on the seen;. The ··ti tl 1\.1 t" ·1·1 -1 · S I'" ]) \\ 1 1 1e l' .ar tans. urs( av . pana\vay·· •trt epartinent \Vas· · nt•'J·ht ·" 1 at ,acey and agam Saturday evenalso present hclpinrr · 1 l I-, · · 11 fl ·" to control lllg. on t 1c . arkla.nd Jtlntor high t 1c . am.cs. The fire had p. roschool · gressed '-''O far that onlv the out'ft,· J · l ·1<l· I · " er t 11 ee snccessivc losses '. )UIl' mgs ---o---J con d be· sa \'ed. '.e . . utes back last ?at. '-ay the owner'. stated 1 ll <la}L to edge u1 'v\ cs tern vVashmg- th;1t the btuldmg and equipment ton 51-50, in the most hectic con- (' tDtalecl abo.tit $20,000. Par· test seen on the home floor all ttal coverage by insurance softseason. ened the loss. Court of Honor in Parkland Ready for duty in this \\"eck's Called Out Monday February 23 for Rainier hall games \\"ill be all Ilarsh's reg,\nothcr call reached the ParkDistrict Scout Troops .ttlars-Ernie Perrault_. who turned laud depa_:tmcnt. a.t 9:45 a.m. ]". : ,. . .. _.. .. . . 011 ma against \Veslcrn, J_annary 2'.. It ong nated from the Distiict l'."Y an cl \ crn Morns, forwards. lanky R. 'v\I. Brison home1 where a floor \.1Lnnm'° a mrn1bu of aclt\'lltcs Harry McLaughlin at ccn;er and fn.rnace ui·erlieated. No damage for the co.irnng. n1 on th s, chief Fuzzy Willis and \i\lillic Mc- resulted. .unong ;''.h'.ch will he a Court of Laughlin, guards. The Lutes ha Ye Two donations· were received by 1101.''.'r: 1 his \nll take place \\'Oil three for four to date in Fire District No. 6 last week. They 11! 1. nnity l':trldand on \\linco play. came from O. R. Benrud and the start1;1g· at 8 _P· m. ---o--Farmers Mut11al lnsnran,·e Co. for 1 .l! kl.rnd I roop No. 33 will act the quick action a1Hl fine service as liosl and the buys hopinc.; rendered on tlH' Beurrnl residence ~'.'_r. a .larg~ turnout as it is 1hc January 14. lllst_ ti'.n.c three year;; that a Clean Chimneys Cotll t h.ts been held there._ _ . 0 IS a \ helpful \\"arning was passed The Founders Day fiftieth anOil recently by Fire Chief Herb p~pcr dn\ c no~\ gctllllg . u:H~er niversary "·ill be celebrated at the of the l{am1er County P.T.A. convention to be Jenness. Ile suggested that prop- '\'.·tY._ All held February 6 at the Collins erty owners clean their chimneys d1.stnct a.r~ takrng part and a censchool. Paul Pattison, \Vashing- regularly. This precatttiunary ac- tt,il 1c~e1vmg .dcp'.it has b?en set !V1xon s· ·M;. ton State Patrolman, will be the tim; will .prevent chimney iires 11 1:. which ·easily can restdt in costly s_ei\llC st'.1bon, 9601 Iac1f1c :\vc. afternoon guest speaket Delegate;; from the l'a»i.:land property loss. Chid Jenness also Scout off1c1als arc askmg South P.T.A. arc Mrs. L. B. H.ichardson, stressed the importance of having end residents to sal'e ;illwastc paMrs. l\:. F. Fleming, Mrs. 'vV the Parkland r c p 0 rt nnmber, 'ci: and bundle the stuft in 20-25 GI<.anite 8122, p st c d in each !Jottnd pa~lrng?s. A stack approxStave and Mrs. Jack Hart 0 home. 1rnately eight rnc.hcs high is close All P.T.A. members are urged ---o--to th? correct woght an.d it should to attend this meeting. The Park~)e tied two ways \nth string. land school bus will leave the ~hese bundles can be held until school at 9:30 a.111. for all those F :h_r,uary .~~ when _tlw Scout.s w.ill who wish to attend this meeting. A 1makt a pick-up, o~ the pap~r can nursery, under adult sttpervis.ion, be left at the rece1v111g slatton. A will be available for pre-school note should. be .fastened to each The main issue <lt the monthly chiltlrt•n Midland W.C.T.U. meeting will bundle dcs1gnatrng the troop ---·(}--lie the plans for the local institute which is to be credited. \lso planned is a Campo~cc to 10 Ile held in May. A 12 o'clock dinner will be served at the home he held 111 late May al Lillie Spanaway Lake. of the hostess, Mrs. Agnes ElmIn April a district-wide merit ·r· I ti , .. C ll ',., . · quist, preceding the business dis, p ac1 1c ,u lll an o cgc 1 rest. ']'I · '[ cl ]' 1 1 I t D t ld l .I\[/ cuss10n. 1C (ate JS . ues av, < e) hadge sho.w ~o be held in the Midt en _' r. . . ,. '...<.~s ,.o , anl rs. ruar:y 4 · Jami ball IS lll the plannina stag"C • r--:·• E?stvold_ ldt ~\i ednc;s·day. for ::t Mrs. Il elen Siegler and :Mrs more details of which will he antnp to C.ahforma, which will take 1\ C Tl ·11 · nounccd later. them on February 2 to Santa Barnna · . wmpsot: WI . assist Most of the above plans were 111 1 1 bara where they will visit frinitv Mrs. Elmq.t s l. Spectal d ns-IC and laid at a meeting of disti-ict Scout 1 1 1 r.utheran Church, whose pastor i~s prog-ram \\'I le prcsentc Ic;ukrs h.ekl las·t _\Vcdncs.da.y,\". N. H. Thorpe, former pa -;tor uary 22, Ill the Midland ftre halt. ---o---. oi Trinity Lutheran Clrnrrn r·f Parkland. FIRE CALLS TO They will be in Orland on February 9, visiting The First LutherThe business people of Parkland SPANAWAY DEPT. an Church w h c re Rev. Allen \\'Ill convene for a dinner meeting Two fire calls were answered Skindlov is pastot at the Indian lnn nn Fehrnary 4 by the Spanaway-Elk Plain VolFebruary 16 the Eastvolcls will at 7 p.m. The main discussion of unteer Fire Department recently. be guc,;ts at Central Lutheran the evening will cover plans for On January 25 at 8:30 p.m., called Church whose pastor is Rev. S. D the projected Homecoming Con- tn home of Otto Hoel, Second St., Disrud. cert of the Choir of the \.Vest. Spanaway. No damage. At 4:30 ---o--At the :11ceti11'.5 of J.anu.::iry. ~l i'. a.m. Monday, called to La Perg:ola . ,·as voted to adopt tile l'arl<lana fire SPANAWAY CUB SCOUT ;chool district lilllits as the boun---o--I COMMITTEE MEETING Jarv for the Parkland Business , . . .- . . Donald had been to school for 1 he comnuttee mcetmg ol Cub Uub. All those who own or oper- h . . Scout Pack 34, Spanaway, will be ate business establishments in this t e first time. held \Vednesday evening, F~bru- :irea arc not only invited but urged "Well, Donnie, what did you ary 5, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. to attend. Ca 11 \;I/alter Young, learn at school?" his mother asked. \Vin Hunt. All members are urged i1rcsident, at GH.anite 7559 to make "Nothing much," sighed Donald. to be present. dinner reservations. "I have to go back tomorrow."







h~ngup ga11~e


Scou~s. ~1e


Urnrcl~. 1 '.~·bu'.arr ~~'l

County PTA Will Note Founders Day



J\nothe_~- u11porL1nta~tl\ 1ly


~·t. ~·:u.I

, lll/idland W.C.T.U. eeting on Tuesday M

Eastvolds Making Trek to California s c r

Parkland Business Club Tuesday Eve.




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Office: Bas·ement PLC Chapel, Parkland


'.'n"ious .t? have all .parents at.tend alter \ oung \\"Ill. l.1e lll elm• rneetmg. Plans arc to present . , ·. . . . .. . . , . . a mmie on 4-H Club work and 1.1.1c it···rnuar). rncludes .the .tc1l $20000 PROJECT TO its meaning. 311; BEAUTIFY GROUN " Wo1:k Together \)ash .. J_an .. .''1· .1 ".1"'.l'rn';· NO'W UNDER CONTDRAS C I he lioyo. and .isirls 4-H clubs S)rle.. l eh. 1: S11' ct ten, .l ch .. -· T "II . I t l . . . • a em ( 111orn1ng) C:orvallts ( att\It ~ · · (.e,·enmg) · . .· •\ l l · . . t. ·t· ·\\"or< ogel 1cr l .Ill g1v111g en- ernoon ). a1ul. Eugene 4. , . _ · 0 . ,. .. · ,· . am sr:1p1ng J'rOJect is !wing ei .'unmcnts ant programs for F ·l 3 Lutheran Col- social functions. The groups have La 1t., .. · Feh. 6 L_:I) Eur l·cb :_Li, 1started ·at l'acific · . San• l·ranc1 ··,o· 9 ' ege \\ h1ch "ill cost het\\·een $1.S,- sonic very talented smgers and 8 V , ,' .. · ' · Clendale 000 and $20,000 and "iii be han-1 pla) ers in both the senior clubs ( · . a:i ll) ' ' .] cb. dled by \\"oodworth and Company and hope to organize a chorus and -'monlung ,rnd .afterno_on), and Los cf T 1'1 . . 1 ·1 1l 11"'1 ·t . l f :\nge es ( evenmg). I" eh 10 Long· aenma. 1e .project will in- ' c c 1es ra u1 l 1e near uture. B , . .' . 1 · ' 1 1 ·. ' , 1 0 1 1 dude the laying of a blacktop road ___ ___ Dteg°.; ,Feb 1 1 lrom the upper campus to the new ,:-· ·I .es: . eb._ 3-· r resno' 2 -,rymnas·illlll. the laying of concrete L 1' 1 l:J, ' . rlaml .iclcwalks · · j r 0 111 the Old . Main U r lto' JOUr IllJ.f onnaJ) and ( n:ornrng, }.; J·a 1ll at; h lJmldrng tu the old gym. from Old F'· ll O ' . J\1· · t ] · · · 'f,,· t 1· - p k 1 1 a s 1 rcgon (evenmrr) 111 0 · <1m o tie science hall and trom . · en Y- n·e a r · and Cub I' ' . . "' ·. the library lo the science hall. A Scouts and twenty parents gath·er .taps the st important s t f t · e·red 1·,1 P kl d I 1 "f cl· conceit and the chief re;ison tlnt 1 . . tour was plann' - -· l e o nc\V enn1s courts ' a SJJrink· f·ar an sc 100 .l.Y.. on ay a La!tforma I tl '"1, · cc s Ier system. J· Jl j" a' sewer · line ' and a new cvenmg l" k · or t" the regular ·Tanuary vear 11.ts the Los '\n.rclcs concert . lase ia H'1cl ar.c rncludecl in the ac rnec mg. .. ; · ". · ... · plans. The Scouts opened with the flag ,Ltt t . e ATug.nstana Synod 1·. ·t . , s·ilttte ·l f' -k . cague National Convention l he ,do "ee.< work began on the ·'•I· I1 am after convention . , ·17-16 \\' l · ac " ceremomes, C meets l'ebruar)' earn pus .lo tnm the tops of the firs, : ·a ter ubmaster, " . ,; cut do" n branches broken by. the, cert1l1cates of memberBr.eakfast 111 Hollywood clean out the dead limbs sl11p to four '.1ew Cubs-Ronald j .· . tl,ie . rather strenuons or widow-makers." Some of the Chap1pan, David Sannerud, On-al c.?nc:i t sc'.icdule, some !1leasant brandies were removed to permit French and Billy Ahrens. Then will be worl-.ed mto the light to shine through the Luther Steen, Eagle Scout, offi-1 Choir tr.Ip. On February ldJrary and science hall windows. c1ated at the graduation exercises, at Cf:30 a.m .. C:hoir members John J. lloffman and R. L. Hoff- f_or Max Spencer and Bob South- \\:tll 1 on th.e well-,lrnown man of Payallup arc doing this ''ell. who have completed the Cub 1°1_11 s work. Scout program and now become f.>1 ea.kfast rn I lolly wood. D111ne1 !'Jans are also being rnacle to Tenderfoot Sconts. at Cltf.ton's in Los Anclean up the debris caused bv The program topic was "Stars," is tor \Veclnesday 0 building operations so that a Jawi;, an cl skits had been prepared bear- I evenrng, 12 shrnbbery and flowers mav be ing on this subject. Cubs of Den I --- --planted. The lawn will exte!ld- oYcr the direction of Mrs. Gene I what \\"as· formerly the old softball showed how the earth and I ' diarnollll, allll will be referred to the other planets fonll with the as the "yard." :'.'n to. make up the Solar systern. j , ---o--I.he of Den. 3, under the Midgets and Heavies Both chrcctwn of :Mrs. V. L. Lucas, conCome Through With Wins ·1dcred the question of when the! In Junior High Games :tars ft:st appeared, finding the . .. . -. tSStOn a1Ewer 111 Genesis l. The Cubs of' A doul,Je victory was scored ~:.iss Anna lJamlem, Paciiic Lu- Drn 1, under Mrs. Ahrens, re- January 17 by the Midland Juniot theidn _College freshm;rn from counted some of the classical kg-. l ligh basketball boys .No:way, left school ends of the origin of tFie promi-I The Midgets came out on the fuc_sday, lo prepare for neut star groltpS. long end of a 19-9 tally against h_c. 1 com1!1g tr1y to Shanghai, Dr. 0. M. Jordahl led the group the lightweights irorn Orting. Tlic Chma, '.1·l11ch h?gms Febrnary 14 in ('<lllllllunity singing. :Vlr. Yonng Varsity squad s(111ec:zecl through on the S.S. :Vlanne Lynx: told nf snme plans being consid- :v tight game, con1ing ont on the .l\Iiss Ga!nl_em, one of six Nor- erccl for future meetings. happy side of the 19-18 score. The v:e?°1a11 m1ss10nartes going to After the Cubs had had their Orting Varsity, nf course, was· dcChma _on the .same boat, will go :.'op. Luther Steen took them to cidedly unhappy. The games were from Shangh.a1 to Lachowkow in the gym for some basketball prac- played in the Midland gymnasium l'rovmce where the Nor- tiee and the parents enjoyed pie with Mr. Taylor refereeing ~"e~1a11 Lutheran :Vlission is lo- an cl coffee in quiet. iv! rs. Carl Col- .The players and t.he points the~ eatu.1. _ tom matk the coffee. scored are as follows: Mt:ss'. (,arnlem learned a little of ---o--Mid.gets-Dunham 2, Mayfield tl:c Chrncsc language while still in SUMNER CHIEF TO SPEA 2., Crossman 4. !{aley 4, 11 ansle1 Norway, lml expects to have furSP . . K 2., I ligdtin 2. Miller 1, l\ccd, Lari0 thcr instruction fro Ill .a private T .. ~~AVJ__AY FIREMEN son, W. Kcn!ll'dy and I [aaYick. 111 tutor. Sh~· will stay in China eight hrc Clue[ (,arre:t oi the SumHeavies-Fell ~. Stumpf, Afdc years lieiore her tirst furlough is ner department will he g u cs t 6, Couture, Zongas 2, Flood 6, due. spcal~u- at the regular meeting of Gruhcrt, Olive and Ott 1 ---o--the Spanaway-Elk Plain Fire DeIt's nothing much to think of pa1~t~n:nt M~nday night, Fehruary }Jut e\•ei·y ll cl ti 3. 1 hts SeSS!On IS sfated for the O\V an 1en . • · . l wonde1· where Mahatma G di., Spana way school. s.tartmg 8:00 11 . C- . . . . f an o clock. :\11 members asked to be ai nes 1115 ountam pen. present. Over sixty babies were reg1ss· ---·-~-···. tercel at the first "well baby" c;inic sponsored by. the. I re-sclwol. Doctor .Marjunc. . lcr was the attendmg physician. On the aft:rno'?n. of Sunday, Gwenn and Violet Morris. She was assisted by five Pierce J:11rnary 19, Miss Shirley McKenThe bride is the daughter of the county health nurses. z1e, Span~way, bc~ame the bride late K. F. McKenzie of Spana way The next clinic will be held on of Mr. Wilham Griesbach of Oka- and is well known in that com- Febrnary 20 in the Park 1 and nogan. The marriage ceremony munity, havin" taught for five Methodist Church basement. The w~s pe.rfon;1ed by the Rev. R. J. years as fifth g~·ade teacher in the new patients may not be able to Frnkbemer. rn the.home of Mr. and Spanaway school. ;;cc the doctor, but the one regMrs. Morns Joy m Okanogan. The newl·vweds will nnke their .istered previously will receive DocThe bride,. beautifully attired in home in Okanogan, wl;ere Mr. tor Miller's attention a brown suit and brown acces- Griesbach is a contractor. He is The following s. hots will be ~·?nes w1tl1 a corsage ol yeliow the son of Mr. and Mrs. \V. H. a'iai!?.b!e: diphtheri~. wh00r!!;g l ahsma1; roses, w;is attended by Criesbach oi South Bend 'vVash.1 cough and smallpox vaccination her cou~w, Mrs .. \Villard ohnson, While on their wedding ~rip Mr. Pre-school mothers in charge and M1 s. Morns -! oy. 1 he best and Mrs·. Griesbach were guests are Mrs. Byron Bryson, Mrs. M i;1a11 was Mr. Morns Joy. Candle- 'v\leclnesday at the home of Mr. C. Stephens, Mrs. Ronald Rhine, ltghters were t11'? Misses Marjorie and Mrs. George King in Spana- Mrs. Clinton Williams and Mrs and 1'!erna M~rns, and Mr. Orville way and at the home of Mr. Gries- George Rolstad. Morns sang I Love You Truly" bach's sister Mrs Helen Herma---oand "Always," was sung by Orville sen in Tacot~a. . SUBSC RIBE, to 1, he Pornter ·

l~;"'_ng ~~1'.1c~rts: Ja1~. ~'e'::

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I'""S C b S ·~~ u couts Out -(: \.For Jan a M . ~ y eet1ng


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\~1,r~sented ~tc

cno~Y ~1·1.d

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~·under ·~ussell,

p LC S d tu ent Leaves For china 1w · .

~l.1ghway 0un,m~ie,




Monda~. l~. appe:>.~ r<~: .~ ?_,.J>r~gra.m, l>r;,ne1~1.1n I Cafete~·ia gele~ 1~lan11ed F~hruary MIDLAND JRS I DOWN ORTING I


s·lXty R eg1stere . d at

Well Baby Cl•lnlC •


F ormer . P.anaway Teacher Takes vows In wedding Ceremony at Okanoga n . .





l'age Two



Clover Creek Bessie Roland, reporter S k at in g Party-;\ group of young people enjoyed a skating party at H.cdondo Beach, Friday night. January 17. Tlio:;c attending were Cleora and .\lmeda Cope, Joan Bari1a, Lorraine McCorklc, Elmer Fromm, Jack Dullll, Tony Hibler and Gilbert Howard.

Plan for

school. Mr. Bon<'ss will graduate from the same school this year. Clubs Invited-At the las·t meeting of the Clc1·cr Creek Grange it was· 1·oted to give a standing in\'i1atio11 to the 4-H Clubs of the

Visit Uncle - Major and ]. C. Cann :111d children Brncc and ] crry frnrn Fort Richardson, Alaska, stopped to se·c their uncle, Ezra llellcr. \\'bile on their way to Fort Sill, Oklahoma. · · v· · 1l\I l M .. R e 1atlves 1Stt- .• r .. anl ''. 1 ~· \V. F. Meyer are cnJoymg a visit ·"·ith Mrs .. Meyer's mother and ncphe\\',. Mrs. Fr.ost and Elwin S\\'anscn. and J\h. and Mrs. Panesco, all of Oakland, Calif.



PARKLAND METHODIST CHURCH George W. Cooper, pastor Sunday: \V orship and vreaching at 11 a.rn. ''Partnership with Jesus Christ." Children's chur~h ;~ud nurserv at the same hour. Stones, songs:pictures. Interesting to childrcn. Parents arc invited to bring their childre11 and to attend the wbrship and preaching senicc at this hour, 11 a.rn. to 12 noon. Sunday school, 10 a.m. --.with the TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Breaks Leg-Mrs. \Varrcll SnyParkland, Washington der had the misfortpne to break Ernest B. Steen, Pastor ON OUR MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN YOU CAN AFFORD her 1eg. Thurs.: 7 :30 p.m., Boy Scouts. , . G S Cl . . Saturday: 9:30 a.m., ConfirmaTO TREAT YOURSELF AND YOUR HOME TO Ill .at H ~m:-1v1rs . . co.·· ics- tion class; 11 a.m. Junior Choir. sum 1s qlllte ill at her home. 1 Snnday: 9:00 a.m., Communion Service; 10 :00 a.m., Sunday scl1uul; Busy Bees Meet - The Clo1·er 11 :UO a.m., Junior and Hcgular Creek illlsy Bee 4-H Clllh met in \\'Orship service: 7 :00 p.m., Senior the South Summit Colllmunity League. Tuesday: 8 p.m., Ti"inity Guild ! Jail on Saturday, January 25. The \\'ill meet in the church parlors. main order of business was plan\V edncsday: l I :30-1 :00, The Laning a play which they will give in dies' Aid will serve a luncheon in March. Following the business scs· church parlors; 7:30 p.111., Choir. Colors: Rose, Blue, Gray sion which was in charge of Nancy lloness there \\'as a rollnd table CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Are you spending money to heat the outdoors? That's what you're discuss·iun 1Jn a ·•c;ood Demon"LO\·c" is the subject of the doing if your house is not insulated. No down payment and only stration." Due to the fact that an Lcsson-Sern1011 which will be read $10.00 per month will insulate your attic. You get a guaranteed heat electric 11·irc \\'as do\\ 11, there were next Sunday in all branches oi The no lights in the lmilding su all the Mother Church, The First Church savings of over 20%. things planned cnnld not be car- ni Christ, Scientist, in Hoston, . !\lass a ch use t ts. ncd out. . 11 (,o l en 'l' ext: I J. o Illl 4 : 7" ,o. •· 1•>C. . . lo1·cd. kt us Juve une anotl1cr: iur Bonesses Have V1s1tors - Mr. J,, 1·c is of God; . . l Jc that lcweth and Mrs. D. D. Dorothy of Brem· n<it lrnoweth uot God; for 1;od is [ erttrn spent the day Yisiting at the Jove." home of .Mr. and Mrs. Fred \V. The follo11·ing Ycrse from I John Boness. of Clover Creek, Monday, is included i11 the Lesson-Sermon: J anuarv 27. "lf we love Olli: another.. God ORVILLE TORGESON, Manager · d\\·ellct.h lll and l11s love 1s pcrV is its Sister-Miss Florence Jcctcd 111 us. Keane spent Sunday with lier sis- PRAIRIE MISSION SUNDAY ter. ~irs. Merlin Soutlrn·pJJ. SCHOOL Denny Lucas, Superintendent Fred Southwell, Ass't Supt. Leaders Selected-At their -·-·-----·-----·---·---·-- -.. Sun clay school at 10 :30. meeting Sunday night. January 26, Bible study 7 :.ll) Monday night. the B.Y.P.U. oi the Clcwer Creek Baptist Church selected their HARVARD SUN. SCHOOL leaders for February. They will be At Harvard School Barbara Renner, Bettie Cruts. Inor Bergstrom, Supt. G co r g e Allen and Lois Joan . Sunday School, 10:30 a.rn. every Southwell. Sunday. Harvard Sunday School MothBirthday Party - .\ group of ers' Circle meets the first \Vednesfriends gathered at the Ezra Hel- day of the month at 2 :00 p.m. ler home in honor of their daughter Shirley's twelfth birthday, on ST. JOHN'S OF THE WOODS CHURCH January 25. They had an enjoyRev. R. E. Logan, Pastor able time in spite of the weather. Mass, 8:00 a.m. Midland ComThose present were Amelia Rowe, munity Hall. Jane McCammon, Barbara RenCatHhism after mass. ner, Nancy and Shirley Heller. RUBBER GALOSHES SHIRTS MIDLAND Honor Anniversary- In honor PENTECOSTAL CHURCH SOUP PLATES SCALES of their twenty-seventh anniverPastor, Arnie Konsmo Sunday School Superintendent, FILING CABINETS STRETCHERS sary, relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Bonc,;s Sr., gathered at August Sumuland. FUR ARCTIC CAPS UNDERWEAR Meets every Sunday in Midland their home for dinner S1111day, JanRAGS FOR MENDING OR QUILT BLOCKS uary 26. Those present were Mr. P.-T.A. hall at 11 a.m. Sunday School, 9:45 a.rn. ;11Hl :\lrs. Fred \V. Boness and FUR-LINED FLIGHT JACKETS Lois M aric, \Vanda Fix, Richard, SPANAWAY FULL GOSPEL l\ancy and Nina Jane lloncss and TABERNACLE Mr. and Mr:;. Fred J. Boness, Jr. Stanley R. Weddle, Pastor Sunday School, 10 a.m. Morning worship, 11 a.m. Engagement Announced At Evangelistic service, 8 p.m. a gathering of friends rccelltly, Christ's Ambassadors, Wed. Miss Wamla ] ean Fix announced her engagement to Richard EdCLOVER CREEK BAPTIST \1.•ard Bo.ncss. son of Mr . and Mrs. Military lfoad opposite Clover Fred J. Boness. No elate has been Creek School Hours: 10 :00 a.m. to 6 :00 p.m. - Saturdays to 7 :00 set for the wedding. Miss Fix is Bible School, 10 a.m. George a graduate of Kapowsin high Chessum, superintendent. Next to Spanaway Post Office Morning worship, 11 a.m. ), .I ...................""',...,....,..................,,.............,,.......,,..................,,............ ............,,.........,................................,.... Youth Fellowship, 7 p.m. (Jun-· iur and Senior). Evening Gospel Service, 8 p.111. Mid-week service Thurs., 8 p.m. MIDLAND COMMUNITY HOME CHURCH Thure Moberg, Minister Sunday School, 10 a.m. GR 7311 Morning Service, 11 a.111. Bible study and prayer, 7 :30 9802 PACIFIC AVENUE p.m. \tVednesday. Ladies' Circle Vied., at 1 p.m. Girls' Club Wednesday, 4 p.m. Aluminum Roofing







Chrome-plated Bathroom Fixtures Laundry Trays

Brookdale bu ber Ca. On Mountain Highway


-JIOIU't.dl RT. 7, BOX 420


-~----··-·---~~ ~-----·-·-----




Some of our merchandise is new. Some has been used. But all of it sells at value prices.

Come In and Look A round



., ! I



Pachel Dis bating Ca. Mobilgas


Mobil oil


Let our driuer explain our Automatic Fill-up Seruice


OPEN 7 A.M. - 9 P.M.

GR 8625

At Brookdale on Mountain Highway Rt. 7, Box 497-A - Tacoma

---£~· _,....._..,-;:

ELMER DEARD ....................... .


Per Thousand


. _,/1

...................... Editor and

A community nnvspaper for Midland, Parkland. Brookdale, and Spana\\ ay. Publislied nery Thursday by Beard Printing Co., P. 0 Box 797, Parkland, Wash. Entered as second-class matter October 3, 194.\ at the post office Parkland, Washington, under the Act of March 3, 1879. ----·-'" -----FOR NEWS AND ADVERTISING CALL GR 7100

Margaret 'Keyes, reporter Call GArland 4350 Christmas Wedding-Mrs·. Flor-


Following was the marriage of her brother Edward Schafear, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Schalcar of South Tacoma, to \' d111a Vallir of St. Louis, Mo. Re\'. Francis Cox of Sulllmit periormed the marriage before 35 friends and relatives. A nephew of the groom and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Forman of Kapowsin, attended the couple. Only the lights of the Christmas tree illuminated the room. The bride wore a hluc princes·s style dress with an orchid corsage. At the reception Mrs. Elsie Gro01·c and Mrs. Florence I{incaid, sisters of the gr o o ln, sen·ed. The couple will li\·e in Mapleton, Oregon. '\mong those present were Mr. and Mrs. John Larson and children, Jim and Pat; Mr. and 1Irs. James Schafear and sons, llub and Ecl11·ard; Vilma Vallir and Uob, Virginia, Donald and l\ cnncth E incaid. Second Round Basli:etball-Thc Pierce County Junior H igll Baskelball League ll'ill soon be off on its second r o u n d with its five schools, Midland. Parkland. Dupont, Orting and Fife, participating. On January 31. the last games of the first rounrl take Fife to Midland, DuponVto Parkland, and Orting to Eapo11·sin. February 7 will sec tile first g·ames in tlte second rotrnd with Midland at Parkland, KapO\nin at Dupont, Orting at Fife. New in Midland-While Midland obtain:; nell' residents from Parkland it retains the occupants uf the home they will reside in. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hicks anc! s-011 Charles of Parkland \\·ill mo1·c this 1Hek into the George Turners' home. Mr. and Mrs. Turner and children haYe bought a new lwllle in i\lidland.


We offer them at Wholesale Price


98th and Pacific Ave.

Across from the School

Scherer-Edtle-Last summer a visit with her sister .a11d husband, J\lr. and Mrs. J:1ck L. Scherer, on 86th and Golden Given Road, brought tog-ether lvlrs. Vera (~ar­ riss of San Diego and AI E. Edtle of Tacoma . .January 23, it resulted in a wedding at the St. Ann's Church at 9 a.m., followed by a wedding breakfast in the· pri\·ate dini11g room of the Olympus Hotel.. l{ev. Father Hobert E. Logan united the couple in the presence of the in1111ediatc fa Ill i l y and friends while :-h. and Mrs. Jack Scherer attr'ndcd them. The bride was attired in a pastel pink wool crc,pe dn'ss with leg·-of-mutton ske1cs. matching gloves, and gray hat with sequins decorating the tiny veil. :\ silver ribbon on her corsage of gardenias and pinks matched the sequins·. In her hands she carried a ruck crystal rosary. The matron of lrnnor contra:;ted the bride's costume with a gray cardigan snit _flcd::cd with tiny black stitching ot1 the front edge, which matched her black accessories. A large pink quill nn the hat was in agreenwnt '"ith the blouse and corsage of pink carnation. Early daffodil~ lent c11lor to the reception tabl!' on \\'hicb was a 3-tierecl ll'edding cake cut hy Miss Iv!arit' Scherer, assisted Mrs. Elmer l'. Mei\ llister of Montheroe, \\Tash. l mmediately following·. the couple left for a \Veck's honey1noon in \lancouver, B.C. Their home will he in TaCOllla. where he ll'orks with the telephone company. M·rs. Edtle came up for her second visit to \Vashingtou two weeks· ago.


In Hospital-Five year old Gunnar Johnson, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Gunnar Johnson of 8611 Mc]{ in Icy A vc., is in the Pierce County llo.spital. Ile was injt1rcd on January I 7 by the explosion of a dynamite cap with which he was playing. As a result of the terrible accident he lost three fingers, the sight of one eye and partial loss of the other. Young Gunnar had evidently found the cap at a place other than his home.


Weekend Guests-Mr. and Mrs. \V. B. Paulson, sister and brotherin-law oi Mr. Albert Nelson, were weekend guest:; at the Nelson home January 25 and 26. Returns From Seattle-H.oy Sno\'cr returned home Thursday. January 23, ha 1 i11g· spent a week visiting his cousin. l\[ r,;. I I cl en Deutscher of Seattle.


Visit in Tacoma-Mr. and J\I rs·. Albert Nelson spent \Vctlnesday in Tacoma 1·isiting Mr. Nelson's stepmother, J\lrs. Alma NeJs,lll.

Mt. Highway at Clover Creek


Here Thursday - ill rs. Emma Erickson of Tacoma was a \'isitor at the home of her uarents on Thursday night.




I've never been married."




Returns Home - Stanley !>: ihbey. a senior in the Puyallup high school. has returned to his lwull' in .l't1yallup. Ile 1nutore1l lo and from school \\'bile staying at the home of his sister. Birthday Party-.\ birthday P:<rt~· '".~s. given in, h:onor of Mrs.

!:.. G. 1111n1s last 1' nday, Jan nary 24, at her home. The aitenwon was spent Yisiting and in watching Mrs·. Tinius open her lovely 'gifts. Guests present included Mrs. Victor Anderson, Mrs. Paul Lindberg, .Mrs. C. S. Casperson, iVI 1·s. A. M. Casperson, Mrs. J. B. King, Mrs. 1l cncry Bcrgt, Mrs-. Carter Larson, George Ulvang, Miss Georgiana Thorsen and rvliss Rose Marie Tinius. A birthday cake and other refreshments cl1i'scrl the aftternoon.




Oil Stove Repairs and Service VALENTINES Toys at Reduced Prices

PARKLAND HOME SERVI CE Mid GIFT SHOP Mt. Highway at Hancock St. Next to Red & White

GR 7536


Shower Honors Mrs. Albert .lowers 11 onoring Mrs. !\ lbcrt .Jowers (Muriel Rohr), a pink and blue shower was given Jan. 25 at the home of her cousins, the Misses Lois and Mar)orie Rohr of Elk Plain. The afternoon was spent playing games, one especially intricate, as it originated in India and the guests· had great fun in sol\'ing it. Aiter 1-l rs. Jm,vcrs opened her many lovely gifts a buffet lunch ll'as served from a table which was centered with a miniature cradle. The guests incluclcd Mrs. Emma Rohr, who is the grandmother of both the honor guest and the two hostesses. Also present were the 1'1cs·damcs G old c n Smallwood, Leonard Co<lk. \Vm. Hohr, Lloyd Dillingham. J o h n Jones, Cleo \Voods, ] I. L. Patton, Leonard Small wood, I ncz Hill. F r an k llawes, llerbcrt Jlawcs, Bob Van Alstinc, Gleason Shafer, Geu. IL Dorfner. A. J. Wallick. H. D. Pennington, Chester \V right, Ray Manges, Edward Leh c r, John Eohr, Vcrlc \Vriht, the guest of ho 11 or, the hostessL·s alld Miss Aletha Smallwood. Children who attended the party with their mothers were La Vonuc Cook, Betty 1\nn Rohr, Nor111a Jean Patten, lvl arltnc. Sharon and Gary Smallwood. Buddy llowes, Sharalyn J can Shafer, Le Roy and Raymond Leber and Charlotte Wright.

l I

GR 7583

KIRBY NEWS Mrs. L. A. Cruts, reporter Phone Graham 461

NJ eet your friends for a .. SHAKE, SANDWICH OR STEAK



uto Parts


On Honor Roll-\Vc an' glad to hear that Mary •\nn Loucks., a n»;ident of Kirby district, has i1C'1· name on the honor roll this semester. Mary ·\1111 graduated from Injured-Cust11mcrs at the :\lid- Elk Plain last June and is attendland Variety Store hal'r missed ing Sumner high school this year. the cheery preseill"c of lvlrs. Lee Cuk ior a ll'cck while she is in Seriously III - \V ()rd \\·as rebet! suffering from bruised tissues cei\'cd Saturday by \Vesley \Voods in the neck. 11 er rlil'idcs that his 1110.ther, Mrs. Ida .\J onre. his time betll'ecn caring for her is in a nitical condition in the in their Micllanil hrrnw and run- ilJ ountain Vi C' ,,. Sanitorinm at ning the store. Lakevcw/

SPANAWAY METHODIST COMMUNITY CHURCH "The Church by the Side of .Large size Garbage Cans • the Road" James White and Raymond McMillan, co-pastors Sunday school at JO a.111 .. Merle Prettyman, supt.; Mrs. J. Snider, pianist. You arc invited to come and study with us. Church service at 11 a.111. Mrs. 0 'Vera, pianist. Sermon by the ---o--pastor. \"Ve extend you a very corGOODRICH OPENS SIGN dial 11·elcomc. Our aim is friendNO PRIORITY NEEDED SHOP IN PARKLAND AREA lincs-s and brotherhood. !\ complete S·ign service for the Youth Fellowship at 6:00. InLarge Stock of Quality South End was announced this teresting· lessons. --o-week by Chas K. Good rich. He CARPENTER TOOLS has set up a shop at his home at JJ 11 SUBSCRIBE to The Pointer South 102nd and ;\sh street. Gooclrich has been in the sign painting game for 25 years and had a shop in Tacoma for some time. He is nm1· specializing in truck lettering, s!10w cards. window.s and building signs. OLD GROWTH FOREST WOOD Ivi r. and ivl rs. c.ootlrich ha\'e SACKED COAL owned a home for thirteen years at their present l.ocation and. have FENCE POSTS AT YARD two children. ---o--. "Mary, have you ever awakened i1.1 the morning with a grouch?" "Gracious, Betty! You know Electric Conduit


Duo-Therm Automatic Water Heaters Range Conversion Units Floor Furnaces Radios-Zenith, Emerson, Delco


con11nuniiy to c0111e in ancl give ence Kincaid had at her Midland delllonstrations whenever they so home Ch1·istmas day a fa 111 i I y desire. ,gathering for a pot luck dinner.

Day in Seattle-Mr. am! Mrs. 1;:zra l l eller spent Sat nrday in SePARKLAND EVANGELICAL attle. Mrs. Heller and the childreu LUTHERAN CHURCH spent the day with her daughter, Walther C. Gullixson, Pastor ivirs. Jerry .Morrow. while Mr. Sunday: l l e 11 er attended the Rawleigh 9:30 a.m., Sunday school. 111eeting. 10:30 a.m., Morning worship.



January 30, 1947



Olson Electric 0. M. Olson 11222 J'acific :\\e.

GRanite 7705 Tacoma


WOOD or COAL BRoadway 3318

Parkland Fuel PAT MURRAY

Piper Funeral Home M36SO.PUGETSOUND GA 5436


Marsh & Knudtson Two Chairs ,for Fast Service Across from Parkland P. O.

at the




I..cllbo11111re 1'T111r§ing Don1.e Tule Lake Road


GR 8077


'fhursday, January 30, 1947

at 8:00 p. m. Tickets Sil eenls. SOU an<! pinochle will be playe<l. There arc priJ.t:S Lo l>e \\·on and rcfreshlllL'nL; ll'ill be served.


Parkland :.=u:el Oil

Rose Marie Righetti GR 8227

and §ervice §tation

Page Three

Ladies Club Mrs. 11 aruhl Visitors iVlrs, Allhild Dndkrj Bake•· and co-hostl'ss, Mrs, Les was. a guest at the' honie nf IVlr. Linbeck \\'ill c11tertain the Ladies Club uf the Spanaway Community and .Mrs. A rt Lo11gworth ui 3th Church at the llakcr home, ExtenStreet. sion ]\o;u\ 1 on 'rhursda:y 1 January . , , C d p \ 1 30th at 11 a. m. for fello\\"ship B ene f it ar arty - ·' )ene 1it •lc1·otio11s.. 1\ 11 who arc interested canl party was held. MoiHlay, Jan- in ci.llll'<'h acti1·ities are more tli:tn WEEK DAYS SUNDAY nary 20th al the h•nll(' of lvlrs. W<'icome Robert Steidel of 10th Street. The 7 A. M. 9 A. M. party was for Mr. and l'drs. Al Resident Moves-· i\'I r. and i\I rs. to to Uisllllp of 10th Street and l'aeific \N csky Dillon (Florence M anma) 10 P. M. 10 P. M. Streets whose home hnrllcd recent5th Street have moved to Kapowly. Mrs. '\dnlph \\':ill :llld lvlrs. sin whne their new home i:; under \Valt Feddersen tonL 'first honors, rnnstrnction. They \\"ill n1al«· their J\lrs. Samncl, s-ccond, Mrs. Loreen home ior the time being \\"ith lvl.r. Bnck, door prize and ;>,]rs. I larold Dillon's parents. Baker. consolation. l\efresl11nents were scrl"ul tu J\lesda111cs Frank Visits Sister-Mr. and Mrs. Ted Qui ch Dependable Niesc11, Ernest Scnii, l'etc Ny\Vor111al<I, Second stred, ha\'c as gard, Ed Samuel. Toiren !luck, their house guests, Mrs, \\'ormDelivery Seruice. !'etc c;arncr, \Valt Feddersen, ald's sister, Mr. and Mrs. l\aky :\nd» l~agu~in, l\l)i)l'rt l\'la1111i11g-, Drake from North BclHI, Ore. 011 George \V ooll1n11sL\ 1\1 nrris SyrnV. R. SELLE L. S. RYTKONEN Saturday, January 25, Mr. and 1no11s, I larold Bake1·, l'vlaniu GihMrs, \Vormald entertained Ensign IJ<i11s, Ernest Ballard, Dick Niesen, :tnd Mrs. l lcnry Simonsen and I Jerman Fuch, :\dolph \Vall, and daughter Patsy, Mrs. J errinc 11 all i;!!·!t·:t·:t·::·::. ::-::·:t·!t·!t·lt·!t·lt·!t·!t·lt·!t·:t·!t·!t·!t·lt·:t·~·!t·:t·!t·:t·tt·!t·!t·:t·:t-:t·!t.:t·:t·::·:t·:t·:t·!~·:t·:t·:~·j the hostess Robnt Steidel. and son Gordon of Se<ittle. CHASSIS LUBRICATION - OIL CHANGE - OIL FILTERS BATTERIES BATTERY CHARGE FAN BELTS CHAMPION SPARK PLUGS MUFFLERS FUEL PUMPS CHEVRON GASOLINE R.P.M. MOTOR OIL SEALED BEAM HEADLIGHTS


TIRE REPAIR Spot and Section Work

Stove Oil

Furnace Oil

Serving the entire South End with a prompt 3-day

GR 8112


G oo d r11c.... . . ._ ~~i ~•sn!i ~:~ :: ... ~~ 7~ LetteUna ~:~ i:i 7 :·: i:~...

M :J

SJ 10\\' CA RDS -


l\lJI LDI ;\(; Sl(;:\S


Just call GRanite 6256 iur lntlllL'diate Ser\'ice



H :::


South 102 and Ash Street


........ f'.............................................. (> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f- ..


U'~S~ Colored Shirts Sport Shirts

:·: :·:




Well -- '.\J 1·s. Ted 11 :i rri,, ,,f l>t h Street, is rnn1· well iollo\\'ing an i11ne~s rif flu.

Tee Shirts Work Shirts

"A COMPLETE SUBURBAN MEN'S SHOP" Across from Parkland P, 0.

Gilbert Peterson, Prop,






( 1 block off Mt. Highway -

9th Strcei, lla\·e

:---;1 rt't'I hi J;ronkdale.

Peterson's Men's Wear



Ill-Pfc. N cil c;;iJlap;her, lllth street, is confined at :vr cChord (;e1wral Hospital in pn;paration for a sho11 lc](,.. operation at Madi· gan llospital this week. The ("';aJlaglwrs (Sis McLcllan) celebrated . tlwir iirsl wedding an11i1·crsary Moved 1\l 1-, and ;>,J rs. I' tchanl I h ·t ·e ·]· J)el\L'1l1cr and son h'.irhard junior • ~ \\· c 1.,




west of Parkland Garage)

Get Ready for Winter Entertaining Order the extra pieces of Unfinished Furniture you need (Chests, Kitchen Cabinets, Desks, Etc.) and touch up the dingy places with fresh, attractive colors.

KEMTONE-easy to use water paint NASONS-\vhere a good oil paint is called for. " -Clothes Line and Clothes Pins Del Levage, owner

Call GRanite 7900

Home Sca1na11 First Class (;eurg·c l\t>bcrt l\.reger, gTandson •)f .\l r. :tlld :\I rs. l\ohcrt E reg-er \)f lltli Street. is lH)\\" ho111c on a 20-d;iy k:1 n.'. 11 c "·as in the South l'aciiic hul ""s recc11tly stationed in ~urfolk v·iq.~·inia.

. Convalescing-'.\! r.'. l lany Plll,;bury i .. .; co11\·alc:-d·i11g at lH·r hotne 011 thi; IV!t. l lig-h11·ay aitt·r :1 recent npnation i11 ;i local hospiLtl.



GARFIELD Variety Store 326 Garfield St.


9612 Pacific Ave.


and 11ill be gone one rnontli, Return-~! r. an cl Mrs. Vincent J~reuncr.





tnrncd from a nwnth's trip in Calii"rnia.

Benefit Card Party --- :\ ht;ncfitl Visits-IVlr. and Mrs. Kad Marcard party ll'ill he. hc_ld at Sp,:111 - t.i visilt.'d friends in Eatunville 011 :l\\':tY School, Fridav, I· ehruary /th, Sunday.


GR 7758

For Pickup and Delivery Service

hone GRanite 887

Mid-winter Scout Trip - J°ioy Scout Tniop 34 of Spanaway went 011 it~ 111id-\vi11ter ean1ping· trip t \Yo \Yee ks ag-u at a site un the Skul . c111ch11ck rin'.r. Th c boys built their s·helters and kept fires going all night. Hut they were up early the next morning and spent the· day climbing the rocks and ledgt'.S and hikinr.; through the lllmtntains. The foll0\1ing sc,n1ts rnadco the trip: Wilbur Corp, Busler St nit h, Don ,\ nderson, Frederick Lent, \Vaync l\f cNicklas, Joe DuhachL'.r, Pet e Dulrncher, Jerry Tinlwck, and Ass't Seoutll1astc-r 1.c'c' CoqJ.

In Minnesota :\l r. arnl J\l rs, l\c,hcrt Hice ;111d sons Clarence l\ulwrl and l\ichard l xon of 'E. Hey Y arc 'L-,iting i\1 rs. 1\icl~·s In Hospital )cl rs. L"lifiord p:trcnts, ;>,Jr. and Mrs. \Villian1 :\l ason, 4th Stre(•l, is in Tacorna D:l\·j,.,, ni \"crg,·s Fall, :\lin11c3<"•La. c;<'!ll'ral llnspital \\"here she ll}](ll'r\\'('Jlt a n1ajnr opcratio11 'J'uesday, .. Entertain Mr. and iv! rs. 11 erk liinnall of Snolwmi.'h spent the Visits Daughter - Mrs. CJ A, \1·eckl'11<l \\'ith Mr. and '.\lrs. J ..\, Cilhcrt .and granddaughter J)or. l\irkhokr oi 12th Street. On Smt- <>! hy ( ,r:.y "f i\.I ilitary l~oad 11·ill day they entc•rlainc·d ~,Ir. :ind 1· lwr d:rnc;hter, l\'lrs. CarlyltA !ldrcll" Stodd(•n, Sr., uf Mapleton, :\da111,; nf Baker's Field. \Vhile Iowa and :\ntlre11· Stodden , Jr., in California, Mrs. (;iJ!Jert \\"ill visand f:1rnil.\ nf Tacnllla. it fri<'lHls and re!atin'.S on the coast


way at Beech Street-next to the Indian Inn;

Entertained -- i\l r. an<l :\I rs. Chd :\l cA tee oi 10th Stred, cuter!·! taiued i\I aster Sgt. and :\l rs. Ste\'e ::: \V"luncyer ni l'nyallt1p, Satnrday, J:\llll:lr\' rn.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J·::. .


cated in the Curtis buildil1g on the Mountain High-

Initiated-Rnsalie Baker, daughReturns-'.\] r. and 1frs. Garfield 1,·r oi Mr. and .i\lrs. 1 larold Baker Williams, \Vallcr Roacl. have reof Exte11sin11 l~oad wa:-; initiated turned from a si'< ll"eeks- trip into lhc J•)li's Danghters, Bethel th rongh Cal ii ornia, .\ riz<)lla, Bo11l:>Jo. 8 ()f 'J'act)Jlla. Saturday, Jandt•r Darn and Nevada.

uary H :': :-:

H ft

cleaning service in our new and modern plant, lo-

Auxiliary Meets - The Spana\Yay- Elk !'lain Firemen's Auxiliary \\"ill llll"Ct Monclay, February 3, at 8 p.m., at the Spanaway s<:hool \\'ith Mrs. Mildred M<Hlahl prc.>iding. All 1ne!llbers arc asked to attend as plans for the anirnal Firemen's Ball will be discussed. 11'1rs. Frances Dorfncr, Mr·;, II ansou, ?vlrs, ].,;: elly Cray and '.\lr.s. Bertha Feddc'rson \\'ill be hostesses for the evening. P. T. A.-The Spana way P. T. 1\, will meet \Vednesday, Fehruary 12th, 8 p, m, at the school.;\n a tractive program will he presented with Sam Crcrn presiding. The' in1hlic is more lhan welcome.

1&.lli8on :.=urrier8 Anything in Furs





Call GRanite 8879

Elk Plain News


Alice Dorfner, Reporter Graham 458

Spanaway Electric Service

Discharged From Anny-Cecil \\"right, son of Mr. :rnd Mrs. Chester \V right, has returned to Fort Lewis, \\"here he will soon 1·eceive his discharge, Cecil has been serving with the army in Austria and is ,·ery happy to be on home soil a g- a i tL The ship the "General Muir," on which he crossed the Atlantic, arrived in New York on Jan11ary 16, after a si'<teen-day crossing. Due to the heavy storm 11"11ich they cnco1111tc·1·cd they were nn the water ailont twice the time it nsllally ta kcs ior a troopship tn make the trip.

Lee Corp


PACIFIC Welding Service

13497 Mt. Highway (BROOKDALE)


Baby Boy-A son, M i c h a c 1 George, \\'as born to .Mr. and Mrs. Geurge Elston on January 24 at St. J useph's I J ospital i11 Tacoma . Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, Lowel Els.ton.




Arc &Gas EbDIDG

The Hu:uacalow

.... Entertain-\! r. and Mrs. Charles Newman of 10th Street, entertained the other e\·euing i11 a house party Mr. and Mrs. Don McLcllan, Staff Sgt. and Mrs. Clarence N. McC!nrt', Mr, and lv1 rs. Sam GrCL'll, Mr. and Mrs.. Earl Burris, Mr. a11cl J\frs. Lester Mi 11 e r, Mrs. () 11· c n llarrett, l\Irs. Caroline Uveraa, :\I 1·s. :\lice Prettyman, M1·s. E1·a Davis antl Mr. L. Komp.

Birthday Party-On January 23, GRanite 9978 Pacific Ave. and Sales Road seven friends were i11vitcd to help cckhrak the eleventh birthday of llol1hic K ll]Jcr. There \\"as a big bonfire \\" h c re the ycH111g-stcr.s j roasted \\·iencrs and 111arshnu::dlo,vs and later indoors they enjoyed g am cs and the birthday cake. Open 7:00 a.m. to 1:45 a.m. (Saturday 'til 4 a.m.) TIH•se present were David l\ich, ALICE GAMACHE, Proprietor Dale :\•l iclrns, Tommy Greenlaw, Ray ;>,!eyers, Jack Oclden, Dale 'J'ilihil!s, Thorny Tibbitts. and - - · - - r~;:::tEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE:EEEEEEiEE:EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!EEEEEEEEEEEEE:EEE:EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~EEi:EEEEEE;i: Bi 1hhic )( uper.

Newcomers Sgt anti Mrs. Clarence N. !vlcClure ha\'c rnuved into the l<ocl :Vliller lwnte Oll 10th Street.

New Cleaning Firm ii! Opens in Parkland



r/rdo - ';cite - Ltµ and all other forms of Insurance

Ill Ill

11 t. \"iew Cleaners and Dyers· llahe Huth hil 60 home nin,; in upcucd this week in the Curtis 1CJZi. I le retired in 1936 as a player building in Parkland, This bnild. hut in 1938 coached briefly for ing· is the new welded steel structtlre on the Mountain highway at rn1 Beec.h street, near the l nclian lnn. m Office 223 Tacoma Bldg. - Phone MA 3311 !!1 Mt. View Cleaners is owned .by 1 ~ t1Yo brothers, 'vV 111. D. and Robert RES. PARKLAND PHONES GR 8052 & GR 8718 E. :\llison, both oi whom have had » 111any years' experience in the i!Jmmm:mmmmmmmmm::m:::::mm:mmm:m:m::m::m:::::m:m:mmm::m::::;:i OCCASIONAL FURNITURE cleaning and pressing industry. I. ii "Bill" is· also a furrier with 25 LINOLEUM RUGS years' experience, and has been SHA.DES-BEDDING operating a fnr remodeling and cleaning business in his home at ELEC::TRICAL APPLIANCES DRAPERIES l\oute 7, Box 486. Ile later plans ENJOY A SANDWICH, LUNCH OR to establish a complete metropoliFULL COURSE DINNER tan inr service in connection \\"ith the cleaning establishment. Bob We Cater to Small Banquets and Luncheons Allison ll"as discharged from the navv last J\ugust aiter three years· nn1 t


BONDED CAB· 24-HOUR SERVICE Stanley C. Peterson, Operator



Parkland's Newest Business ,....,...._~~~~-


nn1A /~J."t






of SPrvice.

A three-clay cleaning service along with pick-up. and delivery will be fea~ured by these men in their new enterprise.

OfJering Three-Day Service At Park Ave. and Violet Meadow


1141 Broadway -

Store Hours: 10 to 5:40 P.M. -

BR 5131

---o--SUBSCHIBE to The Pointer

10 a.rri. to 10 p.m.-Closed inursuayis MOUNTAIN HIGHWAY AT BROOKDALE

Pointer Classifieds Are Paying Dividends


Tlinrsclay, January 30, 1947

THE PRAJl{ll:' Plll'.\'TEI<



j will ~e served, and the cl~rgc will • he fifty cents a plate. 1 he co111111it tee in rhargc of the luncheon cc>1i,;i.,ts of Mrs. Ca r I Korsmo, Mr,. S. Sc\t:rsoil an<! Mrs. J. El- WELL DRILLJNG--Elcctricallv welded joints and all work gua1~­ iinl(, .. lll. :\ lmsiness !llccting "·ill antecd. Call or write E. J. \Vebiollo\\' at 2:00 p.m. with Mrs. Anne her \Veil Drilling Co., Rt. 3, Box Fenney presiding. 841. Glbnitc 7211. 19tfc Father Dies - (;ail Owen was OIL llEATING SERVICE. ,\II 111akc,; repaired. Oil heaters for called to North Hollywood, Calif., sale. Pr,·t tyman I I eating & Oil "si Frid<1y dt;c to the sudden Service, (; H 7694. Qnick scrvdeath of his fathe1·, \Varren Owen. 1ec. l 2tf c 11 e expects to ret nm to Parkland J~fif.: for ffandknit·-;;:;c;;-;-:·-t~J~: on Thursday. en nnw. J\ny size, any pattern. l. "n1er Tacoma and ll cndricb;, One in A Million-ls 1500 (; '.{anite 7350. l 9tf c pinochle 11 c \\' s? Sam Beckman \\:.\;~1°'\ l\H)\iF TO EVERsn·111s to thing so t and we all hope ETT' (J\111er will trade s·mall 3-l·etlrootn h1J111c near Everett, to do the same some day). On fnrnished or 1J:Jt, ior 2-bedroom Saturday nig·ht while he and Mrs. home in So. Tacoma or ParkHeckman \i•cre playing pinochle land. Phone GR 7100. Zlp with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Beckman, Sam held 1500 trnrnp in OIL JlEATlNG SEkVICE. All m a k e s repaired. Prettyman ' his h and, and i,;. still boasting II eating & Oil Service, GR 7694. aL1ntt it. Quick serYice. 12tfc


Tl•e . .ome of





Pasteurized milk from our modern plant is delivered in Spanaway, Parkland, Tacoma, and all outlying districts. Breeder of the northwest's finest registered Jersey cattle

VISITORS ARE WELCOME Try a quart of our milk tomorrow and taste the difference




Walter Schorno, owner:

Yelm 2556

Dinner Guests-Mr. and Mrs. Chris l ! erman oi :\llison Road .vne din.ner g. nests. of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lien on Snnday.

Conright, Mrs ...Frank.Kle·c.·se, l\lrs. 1 Tutten, :Vlrs. Esthe1.· DaYis, Miss .\. !{. Hackerd, l\lrs. () r vi 11 e Luella Knathe, ivlyron B. Kreidler l leidel, Mrs. John Brunton, l\lrs. 1and l'rof. (), J. St1wn. Chas. :..JcKenzie, Mrs. Ruby llarris and l\·I rs. Hobert l\'ie,;c11. Dinner Guests - Lt. Col. and :\!rs. \\'eldun \\'alkcr had as din Honors Sis t e r-l\I rs. Lester 11l'r g-ue:-;ts on Sunday evening. I\1.r. Knutsen entertained on Thursday and l\1 rs. c;curge Hrcmcr and l\lr. e\'ening in honor of her sister, Mrs. :l!ld '.II rs. B11rton llrc"·n. M. \V. l\Iills, who "'as Yis·iting· here fron1 J\stc>ria, Ure. Other Bingo Party - l\l rs. I) o n a l d '°L'e,;ts ,,. ere: l\lesdamt·s C. M. l'-napp entertaint•d :1 g- rt) n p oi \\'old, G. \Valkcr, Norman \Vold, friends at a Bingo p:1rty on ~·1011i ,»Jrn l\lartins<lll, E 1 don Cook, day C\'ening. l l er gnt•sb \\'ere the .I I a le,· l'etersnn, Carl Ellingson, l\lcsdame,; I. :\1. L'lh:rg·, Ga I c .\. K-nut'<·n, E. B. Elling,;m1, D. J. ()\\'ell, :\. Dalky, l lugh Carroll, t ;rahinski, ;\I llill, :..torton (;uirl, C L Carroll. \\'illian1 Sclnnalen>:dwin Ellingson, 0. 11. Ellingson, ht·rg, Hobert 11 a11cr and l l arland nd i\lerk 1-:n111'en. ! f ed1na11.

IN PARKLAND Mrs. Robert E aner, reporter GRanite 7551

-·--Visit in Bremerton - l\I r. and :Vlrs. A. I\. l lackerd of 586 Sales l{oad \Yent tn Bremerton on Sunday, "'here they Yisited with l\I rs. llacLerd's mother, l\lrs·. S. :-J. Lindsey. Here from Seattle-:11 iss Beth \\'ebster uf Seattle \isitt:d Snnday at tht• home of hn :;ister, l\l rs. Pc:tri l·:J!i,1t, nn Sak,; Road. Brush Party - .Mrs. John .\. Neman \\'as hostes:; on Monday al 1 :.\0 p.rn .. for a IJrnsh party. :\ de1llo11stration of \'arious brushes "as made hy Andrie R. 1\lillcr, ' after \\'hi ch refreshments \\CJ'C st•ned hy the hostess. Others attending were Mrs. James Elliot, i\lrs·. Frank Kinney, Mrs. Myrta

Dinner Guests-Mr. and Mrs. ). l\'. Engebretsen and children and Mr. and Mrs. Hagen had clinncr on Sunday with Mr. Engellretsen's lnnthL'r, M1·s.. Karen En-ebrctsen oi Tacoma.


Tenth Birthday - Donald Re .. diske C'('lebratetl his 10th birthday last Saturday and thus e \\'llll shan·d in his birthday cake \1·crc \'1rs. F'rcd Heckman, .Miss Jennie lhllard, ::Vlrs. llaley Peters<m and "hildre11: Leonard and Donglas. and his iather and u1other, l\lr. and :..I r.s. Sam Bcdonan.


Honeymooners Visit-\Vhile on their honcyllloon trip, .Mr. and _Mrs. Joe Gc11tchy of Idaho paid a surprise \'i:;it on Mrs., Fred Beckman of Brookclalc last Thursday. Mrs. Geutl'l1y is a niece of Mrs.


Ory Wood, cord ........ $12.00 Utah Stoker Co a 1, Oil Treated, ton 12.50 15.50 Utah Lump Mill Wood, block and 8.00 slab, per cord

Dinner in Seattle-Mr. and Mrs .. r;. Kagcler and children drove to Seattle on Sunday to ha\'c dinner with Mr. and I I. Curry, am! al· 11 111 sec Miss M argarct Gagliardi nf PcnnsylYania, who is \'isiting with the Currys.


c am c r a

Club - The 'Leven' Lenses Cam{Ta Club met at the ho1ne of Miss Anna Marne Nielsen nn Sunday eYcning with Miss Phone j Crace Blomquist as hos·tcss. The MAIN· other members arc: Mr. and Mrs. 7745 \V;iller \'1H1ng, ?vfr. and Mrs. E. 0.



PARKLAND REALTY CO. .GRANITE 7232 Office: Arneson Bldg,, Garfield St., 150 feet West of Mt. Hy.

"Fiue Years' Experience witf1 South End Properties"

Afternoon Coffoe-l\lrs. "Weldon \ Valker inl'itcd a gToup of lll'ighhors in for afternoon coffee last \·Vcdnesday. I !er guests \\'ere 'Mcsdallles Leonard S Ill it h, Lcs·tcr J<}h11'on, Lewis Duffey, \Villiarn (;anH't, Burt<>n Brewer, Stewart \Vhitt', Charles Christensen and l(ohnt I laner. Visit Brysons - Louis Kott um and l<ussdl Stcinhilber, both of Hcnl'illc, Minn., spent the past \H-ek visiting in the home of l\fr. a1Hl Mrs. Byr"n Bryson. Ladies' Aid Luncheon-The Ladies' Aid of Trinity Lutheran Church will IH· hostesses for a luncheon in the chmch parlors on \Vcdncsday, February 5, to which cvc1·yo11c is welcome to come. Ser\'ing will he from 11 :30 to I :00 p.111. J\11 home-cooked food


I IDB Tl E Our Selection of 'I'ools Is Coinplete


Hand Pruners Pole Pruners Hedge Clippers Pruning Saws.




LAkewood 2167

9648 Pacific Ave.




tCunti1111ed from page I; iirc hydrants 011 CO!l\'l'llient and ractical inkrscctions. To sho"' yon that yonr hoard nf trustees ha\T n't·ugnized the need for hydnnh on Non:mher 6 1942 a ' · ., ••. I ' .. 1 . ,'?•J 111ot1u11 \\'as pa,sse<


"On the Mountain Highway"

Parkland, Washington

Bargains at Your Red & White Store Soap Powder, Doff ____________________ pkg. 27c l'Tew 1Q47 Blend


Red & White. Coffee ________ .__________ Jb. 43c G'rapefruit, R & W, sections, 2's ________ l9c RED & WHITE

Peas, 4-sieve, 2's ___ _

.-2 for35c

R &W

Corn, whole kernel, 2's -----· _ ._____ l9c Shortening, R & W ________3-lb. pkg. $1.17 Salt, R & W, 2-lb. pkg. __ .------ 2 for 13c Cigarettes ----------------------·----- _carton $1.59

ach \\'Oud :tll<I coal range. Also 50-lb. Cuulcrator, and coal and electric. .l.1rooder. Some sect;n.d hand house doors. Cnrner \\'allcr and John l\.1ahon Road. ]{(. ~-B"l<_.Y>6. S. J. Carlson. 21 P B ULI;, AND B?1\R SERV l CE. Delivered. Registered Guernseys no extra charge. U. L. Myers, nt I'..1ux ... -~ ?>() ]) S p.l!M\\ , . ,.a)., l' • 1, - , Phone GR 8636. tfc · . . BULL and boa1· scrncc. Glfamte 7725 !Otfc · \VALK-IN FHEEZER 240 CU. FT. portahl~' w a I k--in fr c e z" r box. Staml~ss· st~cl weatherpruol collstruct1on. Can bccunn:rtedtocooler.Mt.View Ranch, Rt. 4, Hox 415, Tacoma. I'hune GR 7031. 2lp SEPTIC tanks pmi1ped, contents hauled . away. Established business. Phone GA 1986 or GA 9794. · 29tfc BR(J\VN COAT with fur collar; 3 suits and 3 dresses, sizes 14 and 16. GR 7496. 2lc ANN()UNC!NC Myrtle's Beauty Sho;>. Fourth house \\'est of telephone bldg-. on Lafayette St. Phone Gl<anill' 4679 fur apJ><>int--'.1.'..'::.'.:t.~.:_____ 20-21 SINCE 1919-NOT A F1\ILUHE TO:l\l NORTON-Expert water-1 proofing, cuncrttt', hril'lc 01· tile. Basement,; a SJ't•cialty. Phone GH6283. l'arl.l:ind. 18-Zlp



___ doz. 37c ORANGES, lge. size ORANGES, med. size ____________ doz. 25c _________ so lbs. 98c POTATOES, No. 2 MEATS BACON, sliced Eastern _________ ,_Jb. 63c Lard, 1-lb. pkg. --··---.-. _____ _______ 29c Pot Roast, beef ·-------------------------·----Jb. 39c T-Bone Steaks .... . _... _.. .Jb. 57c READ YOUR DAILY NEWSPAPER FOR COMPLETE LINE OF WEEK-END SPECIALS

Clearance Sale H.LA.1'JKJEI§ 20% Discount JUST ARRIVED

Coleman Gas Lanterns

---------·---~·--------~-------·- ------~·~·-

to }Hll c lase -'

fire hydrants. D ll ring the next 111unth this was sidetracked hecaUSt' of the need oi a light and I f ff . 1 . water or l _. an< ware ' ._ ionse, . . . I oI ice I \\' 11c 1 iar< -to-get pnonties were arnil'.1bk at that time. finan;i;il rcct:\·ery fr" m th1.s, on Apnl 3, 194~. the hoard agarn decided to order hydrants. Shortly thcreafter the c i I y of Tacoma raised uur water rate 300 percent s·n after complete failure to reach an agreement with the city we decidt·d to construct our o\\·n \\'ater supplv. \Ve now have fi,·e standanl h-ydrants and fiYt: stand-pipes and as more hydra"nts are received they "·ill be installed on the present 6 and 4 in di mains. :\lso on '-inl'l1 mains where sections are built iip, stand-pipes will be inS·talled. ,I. he manager has made a .'ludy of appropriate places. "During· September 1946 '\ll agreemei;t ~as mad~ \\'ith' tlic . .. . "'ltnty comm1ss10ners as h1!l'"'·s: To Replace Wooden Mams ''The Parkland Li· lit and \Yater ,. g ... ompany. agrl'es tc'. n·place any wwHicn pipe that might come un· der the P~\'emcnt of slreets 1'.efore the lmprovcment of s a 1 d ,-;treets is begun by Pierre county. Datetl Scptcrnber 28, 1946. "Thirteen hnndred fret of (Jinclt L'its·t irnn pipe has been or<kred, delivery to he in about 60 days, estimated cost about $1,000, from Park to Pacific on (;arfield. "Some necessary projects for 1')47 will be the installation of a 'i-inch Jin(• from the water to\\'er to Llncoln .:\venue on 11 !\" street, a 6-inch main from Garfield street sonlh to Brookdale and on llarrison street \vest of "G-" to take care of t ha! fast biiiltling sectiun. These projecls- will Ile taken care nf as soun as money and materials bcCollle :wailable but cannot all he cnmplcted in 1947. "Res.pectfnlly submitted, ''STJ\NLEY ROSSO, "President."






FO ;~ S:\ L E-·Twu-vcar-()ld Mon-

. Entertains-Mrs. Robert C. St. Clair entertained :1 large group of friends last Friday evening. Lunch - 11 . · . '1 · I to \\as sencd. to tie owrng: " is. 'f.1 1 I I () ·son, 1 J. BL'tz, l\'rs-. :\ rno' .v s. :\ . . \nderson, Mrs. C. Juggert, 'Ji·· J;r1•il Jy· 11 1~· ..... ,., 1·[rs C M ". '· · '" ' ·','~" • ; . . h.orsrnu, Mrs. Clifford h.orsmo, Mrs. B. Streng, Mrs. 0. Hoyland, Mrs. Ira Tisch, Mrs. \V. Larson,' Mrs. Lyle Christoffcrson, Mrs. T. II ()J · l\·I . F T tt. l\l.. · _so~i,.r"." 0 · 0 en,, .. 1'· R. C. Binkky, M1:s. Paul \\ilson, Mrs. Stewart \\ h1te, :\.!rs. Burton 1:re1n·r, lo.I rs. W. _White, l\lr,;. L. ::iL'\'erson, :0.-lrs. I•. Bryan, l\lrs. (;. V. l Ianer, l\lrs. R. 1Ltnl'r, Mrs. Peck, :..1 rs. E. ! I intlcrlie, Mrs. F. Enearl Sr., and thL" Misses c;Iadys Ho\'land, Ida Korsmu and Ethyl Kor,llHl.

,_S OCO l0 f S k Y

Serving Parkland for Over 25 Years

FOR S:\LE-J' arm en t L' r and

1 lampshire layns. Tnrn right ii_1:st road past. Craney Crow. hrst honsc "n n~hl.;, John J> ]·"] , I l' ·1 l' . ?\.()I' :). l)) ( ' \.L ' >U:'\. - - J, Spall:t\\'a\'. 21p EXPERT~--f:'URNl'TiJ!u~---REPAIRING ancl finisbing--cupboard doors and drawers. Sub· urban \Voor 1working, 9643 Pipeline Road near 96th and "A." ~ ~< GR 8662. tfr FOR SALE---4 ur -5 ruum DtwTherm oil heater. GR 7768. 21 p WELLS UJ{JLLED and p;:;;,~)';s on a F.11.A. loan. 3 years lo pal· Einar Thorsen, Rt. 7, Box All makes of Radios, Phonographs. Recorders, Sound 431, Tacoma. c;H 8707. tfc Equipment. Radio Tubes and Batteries FO!{ SALE - Eight weeks old l·igs. G Ranite 7002. 21 c FOR I<ENT-16 MM silent and sou~1d carto?ns, shorts, feature~, C Ra111te 7360. I 9ttc . projectors. . . . . ..... (,()()]) fa~n~ly -~~w. foi;_ ,sale. .~<t. 13, Box -5), c..... an1tc /887. _Jc Radios Repaired in the home by Appointment CLEAN bull service. Registered PICK UP AND DELIVERY GA 2351 and grade bulls. Bert Quam, Airport & A St. GR 8910. tf · I 1 1'. ()!'~ "S 1\ I, r<,- \\' · · cstmg rnnse e ectnc range, <lld type and cheap. Call c;Ranite 76.;3. Zip ROOFS· J·ff:p)\:TizED--All kinds. .\ 1 5 0 new composition roofs. GR 7857 evenings. Stfc 8 - FOOT LUMBER NU\;V is the time to ha"e your N 0. 4 SHIPLAP and 2 x 4's refrigerator checked and seniced. Spana way J<cfrig<'ration FISHING TACKLE Service. GI< 7689. 20 .. 2J-22-23c .N le W and used pu!l1ps for sale. For service call after 4 o'clock or Sundays. E in a r Thorsen, GRanitc 8707. tfc AT MIDLAND FURNISHED cabin for rent. \Vaterfront. !~-;; blocks. to Span96th and Portland Ave. G Ranite 8488 away bus, sturcs and pust (}fficc. New utility house, automatic hot water. $25 month. West End, First street, Spanaway. 2lp ~<Q>~~<.0><.<!?'>~~<.0'><.<!?'><Q><Q>1



Catron Radio and Electronic


8232 Pacific A venue


1t/e eut ~ ~


SUBSCRIBE to The Pointer


\,V eddings - Corsages Funeral Designs

Bridal Shower for Peggy H alversen Miss l•cggy 11 alYcrson was the hu11or guest at a surprise bridal slwwer at the home of Mrs. Ira Tisch with the Misses Yvonne Tisch and Caroline Peterson acting as hostesses on Sunday aftern1 Hrn, Jan nary 26. Appropriate games were player! and lunch was served from a table decorated with tall yellow tapers and greens. M·rs. Charles Totten presided at the urn. The guest list includcrl the Misses lletty l\cichcl, Marj i e Smith, Donna :\n1undscn, Bell} Sorenson, Mary Knudtsen, J onn l(usrnusscn and Hetty !lull; and Mesdames B. James, l!cnry James, :\re hie I<asmussen, Jcnald Flow('rs, Charles Totten, \V. H.. lfeindselman, Ira Tisch and V. Vert. M arriagc rites will he held for Miss l 1alvcrsun and Mr. Loren Lee l l eindsclman on Friday eve-· ning, January 31, in Central Lnihcrau Church, ·racon1a.





THEATRE Fri. and Sat., Jan. 31, Feb. 1 "JANEY GETS MARRIED" Joan Leslie, Robert Hutton plus Richard Cromwell in "THE VILL'.11.GE BARN DANCE"




Stella s <;J/owelzs





FO ]{ papering, pain ting and kemtoning, call GR 7231 or GR 7496. Free estimates, reasonable. l 9tfc

'at d.ed-

Across the street from PLC

Sleo,tt Walter Young, Prop.


fTHEBUGl 7 I ~~ :REza::;IE~a i §



ELDON KYLLO, Proprietor

GR 8176


Tues., Wed., and Thurs., Feb. 4, 5 and 6

Firsl Lunatic: "Betcha you can't climb np that beam of light that's shining in the window." Second Lunatic: "Do you think I'm crazy? I'd get h,alf way up and you'd turn it off."

Edward G. Robinson and Loretta Young in "THE STRANGER" plus . "GOD'S COUNTRY"

§ § §


Sunday & Monday, Feb. 2, 3 "THREE LITTLE GIRLS IN BLUE" with June Haver, Geo. Montgomery







are GR 7947

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