1927-1928 Mooring Mast

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������������� CLASS I' .I . I I Traditional Iv�; �ntlng Gives Rev. O Orda� Former.·P.rnI· PROGRAM GIVEN THURSDAY JUNE SEVENTH

. Jmpp� 't� to -


of 1928 apiJH.red- ln class 1


The cl.a&s d.ay exerc1ses at the gY,mnulum Thursday evening, June 7.

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A:ceordlng to the old tradition. the! clasa met out3.1de the main buUdlng IhortJy before the exerclse3 to the planUng of the Ivy. . ThiI planting done by Gladys Knutzen and Walter Chrls�naen. Mr. Christensen I in hb ivy oraUon said: . "Just thb Ivy cl1np "to the rough-j d ��t� :e:� =ale::b�t. :: ;:! I the .ey� of the world upon The ' It Ls our duty to i was








J. de.1 Is. Speaker; Largest CIUII .


Clau of

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be held t.hlI eventhe coI.Iece Auditorium.

1i211 are kI

q. PrtdtlY. In

Porty-'" iradual.ei � the I&rtre* class ever cnduakd from' PI.eWe will rl!Celve their dJpl� 'tr}- . hi,h school , COll* -.nd ' normal

p&rt.menU. The pi

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ThLs scene was stranrely Impmatve � expresslng in one sense a portion of '

���=!:r:'�;,:��:e�I:r. :; ad �Y. O. J. C>rd&1




gn,duatee w1l1 war d&lnU'

s1lk iOwna In puteue abadet: , C&J'1')'lDc , . oorsaceot the claa � wen, aweel peaa and �uda. Tbe colOI' ICheme ut In






now. of soUth Bell-

:!e::,O::�J.b�. �:����in;e� The prorram

Commencement driaa.

HaavUr: wlll live a short sJ)H'!:h ' bethat loj8.Ity keenly felt by all �_ 1. half of the bOard of trustee.. Musleal . uatea. 'numberw t.o be liven are: Piano 1010, ':Kolod1e It&UeaDe" bJ � Immediately after, the clau p� ceeded in body to the l)'D1naS1um : . Was 8Uxrud (adv1aoz'), Ed Ivf:l'1llXlo Rorria Lanl'1Ow. AI Lubd., Waner Prof. J. -0. . Dlwarda; "Oreat Ia Thy . Arlin&' Bann�, Elmer Hauke, Olaf Chrtstenson, Mrw Pub, LaWl"ence �ure. Elmer Tveter, Arthur Ollen, 8ven-e Omdal. IIan'J � JOh n 8tuen. Love." �y �� qu.artet. Vo­ wbeft' the rqul&r clasa I1ay exe were held.;' The prosram wu u� a'i:ob.on,-J�_� �, Ph. •. Raup. VOcal- dWo(., fol- ' 7lgnes BOIT�oii': dylm t.raoD., Rut:tr."Itn-ouon, B1aneJiiC �.Ah&rfoiii,-.".uier Tdwe;-Karpiet, Iowa: Gladys Knutzen. Mae Frederickson. Palma 'Lanc:low, Lenore Lund, Anna '1bompeon, EVelyn 8neve Betay Jane Pot- MrI. ·Ph. E. Haup!' and Mrs. J. 0, EdI ter. 8vea OpdGl. Mrs. Jeanne CO'Wan: Gladys JOf'(enaOn. 8opb1a Peterson, 8tell.. 8&mue� Victoria Rum_n, Pal- ' warda. , With' the preeentaUon of d.IProcessional :!�� b�l�l��taE���th: �: �: :m Casperson. � ma Johnson. Doroth), Zimmerman, Alyce)*Uperaoo, �lp. .Benaon, Anne Leland. 'Marle Espeseth. Jerdla N�. . :o ! �:;-�::e 0' the 1no"'uUon of<I1pl"""" C"", HUIo'Y-<>W ","aI. s..u. I ILLUMINATED SIGN lBACC LAUREATE ALUMNI_ENTERTAIN " . 't. c. "" , Th... ",,1 Samu'''''n. Palma LanaI.... . . I GIFT OF '28 CLASS AT ' . IIIrb 8ebeol . ANNUAL PICNIC ":;ocal Solo-Arthur 01lon. SER CIXl r.o HELD tJ Agnes CIa.sa; ProPh�--GladyJ JOl'(enson. ; order to show an apprec1aUon of 1f"(\ �e annual Alumn1 Plcnlc waa beld BoITeson.8,h1& l4arp,re . Gladya Knutzen. l.&raon.aoobeon. Lencr& Anne Leland. Olga �nson and Mae the Pacific Lutheran COllege, a school ..: yR� GRADUA� J.. � at Crosby,a Landlnc. Vashon Island. Lun� hter Gr-mbQ. Elmer Hauke, PTedrlc1r:son. which lralna the student not only ¥red TveteT, El.mer, f3a!me�, liarn' mopUni !.he In' 2. June Saturday, on uartet-Arthur O n . S&n- ' physlca.lly and Intellectually but �Iao Special Services Conducted By d o� �, Ed · 'lveraon:. Jobn neQ.rod. Peter Orambolsoand Harry Arlin&, Ban- ' spiritually . I t has become the custom Rev. L. M. St&vig o� Tacoma; at eleven o'clock a melT}' crowd " ot 8� ) 0 uen and A h . nerud. i Specia MU8 � Given alumni and stud'enta bqarded a specl.al , rt ur .. of the graduaung claM to Qresent some Baccalaureatel ·services J...... �p � for the' class street . Class WIII-;-Betay Jane Porter, Sylvia ' token of remembrance. , for Tt.ootn a A boat . l . n. Laurence Haup and SophJe i The Cla.s.s of 1928 real1Zes what an of '38 were held , 8unday. June 3. ' at I.npald �t., wiJUna; at th Munlclpal Dock read , W&!Ulr Chrliterwen. \� ..ure, Ipulse HenrtDen. �teraon. . in the chapel of �:lfIc to talr:e the p�cnlcken. to their der;tI: IA� H ,.tmmense Influence P. L.. C. bas I:Wl on 8 o'clock Coll�. Gladys JorgeDlOll. 8VUTe OJDdal, Ar, I Vocal Duet Hanna Andef$On TIte proctSS1onal and l their Uves. It bas taught them fait Lutheran naUon: . by o play . Rev. . bad Dorothy Zimmttman. J.J.na: 8&nnerud. Enlyn Bnevel � � Pr f. EdWU'da ed Unfortunately the da) ! play and good ,portamanshiP. has .... rather 4-..ua ther Ton. , PreeentaUon of Class GUt-EImer helped to form a firm foundaUon for lAurence 8tavig of Our Saviors LutbH...... De�t . Hh poor start... On ' the way to the . \!: . Church sermon the eran deUYe1'ed . Hauke. them shoWn �� their cl\ar'ac;te� and has a ay pl na w Johnson, � Andel"lOl1, Palma �own utl1'ed ru . me, on beUe..veth text wu, ,"Be that Vocal solo-Ruth Erickson. how to aer.ve the eommunlty the him i.h.au O� ,rivers of Ihina stepa to the dock IIt.:r1k11l( se� on MrI. Joyce B&rkemeyer, Olp BeMoa. from Farewell Address-Victoria Rasmus- church the naUon and oM ' path. I Marie Ea�th, one of �e loin, Bem1ce Buttorl, AJy� Ouprenoa, ta comprebena and torcetul . water." In . . C . That' lluch an education f�r ChrUhurt and, lmme- Mrs. Jeanne Cowan, Ruth Erteboa. nJ,. Announcement of of (rBdu- t1an service may be made tnown to slve manner he. drove home a mesUge: P L. . senio en to the hOilpttal � be Marte Eapeeet,t\, Mae Predrleben:. Nor�' at.es to be, placed on 1925 trophy cups I more people lhe &'f&duaunB clau baa that wu an I.n.sp�UOD to all present. d..Iately talr: f minor ' rU Lanc:low, PtJma L&na:low, Anne LeI.njurle.. treated or I raised tunds and chOlen as Ita glJ't an He decl&red 1Jl&t the world was tWed l ConUnul!d on Paee 4) Un... p1a.oea such as :war, greed. D��k:.t;:, =o:erz land, �erd.Ia HordanI, 8vea � I illuminated II&'D' bearing' the inacn'p. with p�eaert , v O . ' Mabel pVb. Sophie PetenIOn. BdQ t poUUca and w:mappy homer;. Lutb c � of he eran Uon. I Home "T I an ch wu ctoria Vi l n . · Id Ral.I . B1anc;he · ta .� .Jane �, oR e Namego For. Lovmg . CoUege "'........ Th� attrac�wve of younc- -men a.nd TIt , beach ' _ In' every; . th IfOUP -..I .. be - �� a__...._ 'Anna . uuen.' ..... ... ere .. same wbo Will tor a ',p1c:n1c. Witbin a IboIt' time Rum AU · oJ .. 101 arch 111 to be bullt women the form . CopS Announc-ed l! In l . __ above the M&1n 8trtet of ParklaDd and =: �nsoU: �of ;::-�, !.t U:::l n � boa -:' .!t :;. ; 'I1lomJ*)tl ADd porotby. Z1mmermaq. near enouah to the Mount.al.n BJ.c:bwa, er A iood pic:n1c lunch ... prepared • Honorarr Aw ud. Begun By to make It Lmpou1 le tor aD, tn.veler � people ahould flow riven of Ininto the deeert placea ot ..,u- by 'the cook, JoIra. �. and DIOr CIass Piay ' . b helplass of :25 Ie Part to pua without noUd..nr It. alumni the It hal been amonr mora11ty In nationaUty, and ltua.Ut)'. Of Final Exercises " May the clear letters or t.bLs ....ft lUe Dramatic Succe'88 reported. that the: appetltel -brinl many a student to the COll t.o J4n 8;tavtr aana a solo accomp&nJ.ed rood that there .... oothInc tM,!.t An ewnt which 111 atwa,.. looked for- I be tauabt the same fundamen a·By.tbe·Day"-II Spee... "Marth t o carry bome by Mr Edwarda at the piano A mu- d1shea W&Jd to with a put dtal of antldpa- truths which bave had. such an in sleal Saeeeu TbroU,J'h Well number wu provided bJ the f&C- The cradU&teI 'ftl"e welcocted into Uon Ls �e &nnounoement of the nuence upo the Cho.ea ea.t Lwb1le Prof xavier the Alumni Aaaodatloa at a mee� ulty 1&d.Is· quarte � of 1928 the or the (rBduatei to be enf held on the be&cb In the a ternoon. ' -. . . l ied In lnYOCatllXl." . 'JI'&'iC!d on the ..Clau of o,a.... '0< uio _ . ""' ..... On ..,....,.. .�. ... .... . ..... .. ... Trophy JUNIOR.SENIOR , . CUpo' I .





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HELD P L. . LETfERMEN �= �,":;...��-: :..:.::.::=.":.:

C , and ODe Early In the rnOl'1llDa on the · 3Oth of . ' · ANQUET V1c:e-preaideDt., Norrta La.nalOW; 8ec:- edy ..1tarUIa�by-&be-D!a7." The pia, "tirl � ODe boy troa1t.be B1ch 8cbooI )lay a IP'OUP Of tamlabed Semora LD . B 'retary-'I"l'tUUJft'. Ruih PadneIa; P'ac- ... counted ·.. � of the pea� HO De�t are cba.e:n by the ',acuIty. IeDlbkd at Spanawa, lAke fO: break. . ulty RepreaentaUve, Prof. Haute. ·Mr. � � MDkit- plaJI; at p, 1. O. bad p �ea . The students p1eted are t;twW Who In fut. The Juniors. - them Debate and Baseball L,tten Conrad O&ard I.. the re� prestdent. .It W&I well �iecl and well recetftld already hard at work. For t.be eyes of the facuIty haft � at and , ,etUll( 1IW1)' , " rood ..� from UM ' .Are Presented; Interesting , ...._ _u.. to ...... ,.u... ...., ...,. ...... U)e ... 'y ol. ..... <I1anot .. . Speeeh .. Given . . Jml1I , "�., u �, In the, �raem. � clraW J� '!1aht. dent&. ' � live . .'I1le LetWm..aD'. buquet�.... n .. U... tho .... ., · tho y.. ..... . . .to tho ""'- ...... ball. .... ..... .... tho ,.....,. ,..... .. un. .... .. ... the I..... . . . kID4. IliI:II&UDt moIiber wbo '"Weal out usually d1tDcult ,t.o pk:k tbt 1rUmen "A Uftly p.me ·of bueba.IJ. started the 1lI.nC. J!&De 2, In booor 'of Padtlc alb· · BREA KFAST

. lege:.HormaJ. . �\&'






STUDENT'BODY ·"""'· E;LECTS OFFICEJ,tS ....... ,.,.

Tbe 8tudeDt Bod7 at two f'eIUl,aI' due to tbt � that to IIWIJ' ''' ..u l d&)' a1f 1D � �. oDe-CUuatty-1itet. 9*tori. aDd � -memba'a. quaI1fteJ for' U. bcIbcr. A1W ....mal ... reported. ADDe l..alaDd and Cbrta- After a r:bkbD. dI:DDIr .ned � meeUDp: dec:ted. \be tolJowtDt' ornoen Ue � tblrd bue. Anne came MrL � ..&.ted by atudeo-. Kr for the 8Cbool year 01. J.J2I...a � the tOllowtD& .... • � .. � opeDed � � \ �Bz11Dc .T6ccbon. eo; Dtber Ton ADd ArUDc 8aDDer6d on � mlnua ber heeL" . Vk:e--pralde:Dt-Kuiba eua.. ban the eooe.e-Normal Depu1meDti . �'" bUDp')' IlaDci Was cnft.cted pun. ' and JiarI&rri JaecDotl aDd ltdwtii I-f. �� tram wbeDce came deleet.- One ' apeecb � anotber followed.. 8ec:retar7-KIrlam Be1Iu4abL ' �"""'J:d lvenon. and • C&Pt&ln football �rud. Arllna � At � (r)'iDI : Of � er.::u tram � H1Ib 8cbooI 'Depart- able ' BIt. at anns-RobeTt Knutaen.. • . ' (CobUhued on pare 2), " � (�ued OIl pqe: 4J _, �L . . ..J"





by thli day . '1CJ"I1bbAn' " � her-own IdIDUlJ IUlt iDto tbt t.cqround. lDpal Peel.. .. tbe d18cc:Iunpd but-o bud. ftIma JohDI9D and AII* 0.. ".. the' CbUdren aD � \belr JII&I:W well and �t.I)' l«d Ronald. �: 10 �tably bJ N� ', � (Oon�on � �) '. .


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