1925-1926 Mooring Mast

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hUTIIERA.:'\' COr..CEOE, PAR�I.AND. WASil., . ...

Th-e Coreee at work 10 a Chrlllt. A coDlmlttee meetlnl wa. beld at oC· P.. L. A .re at prelent emp 01"" lan's !He ·fo·rmed the Impor(ut P. I.. C: . December II. for tbe pur- at the �1�fI:' Mublne Sbop. hl, Tathought!! brousht out by Jle". Ram- �ee of fllrt�erlos plaos for l!le An- c,o�a. iliad In a rllc:ent Chapel talk. -" nual I\eun.lon to be held Feb'ruar1 Erna I�elmdahl. Iratlulole of . !Ii, . Publll;bed en'ry t",o ..·eeke d-u rlo« fhe' school year liy the studenta He aald that there 1.Il.. ·good anti 20th and 2lat. Miss Katherftte ArtIt_ ,..fBlted ·frlendl at P. �. c;: Batu .., or Paclflc"Lutherfto -College. .Parllla.nd. 'Yaahlnston, ' evil In the hearta of all Indhltluals: :len. ""ho III In · l'h�rge oC the Re. day. De«mber 5 .. She II In t�aln'ft� These are at 'll'o r. each trylns to union preparatlonlJ. warchaIrlll.o at. at the Swedllh l.uther.a n HOlpltal In . Subscription. one do)lar per ,.ear· conquer men. The Christian rell,- thlll meetln,. Otheri prellenQoirere Seallie. Se�"old. former atudt4\t 'of Entered !t'COnd class mat�t'T October ! U!5 ·ftt the post orrtc� Ion teaches and brln,a to Indlvlduall co-nn,a Gurd. Chalrman' or PUbl iC- u�� C., (; . December here 1', L.' visited, I K n ; ,.r Itt at � s h an, t , t Cha:I'II be�t "ood. III d committee ",,· M o at Parkland. Wllehln�ton, under. tbe ·Act of Mar�h 3, ;879, . reidler. . a . . allhour;h . . the)' rna,. endeaTor to lin: ('halrma.n of DecoratIon ('ommlttH and 6. . accordl�« to God'!! commantlll never and Alrred ADdentOn chairman or · E�ItOr.ln-Chler Martha·. Rjer�stld al laln '. perfectlon ; there.. Is' alwaYI prOR;ram committee. TwentY.leven per ('ent of the col:" Manllsln!: Editor H�lIry KIeI room for Impro,)emeut, lIecularly and Mr. Peter Oillon. former Itullent lege Itudenta . cQrolled In rn spiritually. The Chriltlan re.U«lon or P. L. A, la mem·ber of . tbe Slate Teache�' Collc,tI are ...�� . n� th!,lr "'ay Ihrou«n tot a seJi�J. ·The · Is not tb be condeinned by Jlld«ln� P""tllce Department In Seattle, RErORTEHS· ·· Chrlatlanll. Th.t Apoatle Pa,.ul Is. an . Mr. Eriln, John!lOn, «raduatt'j. of enrolhllent of . the IIchool Is 515 �nt1 A. ,?f lhat number 8C ani · IUpport �� Ceneral Ne....s " Ed Al;thur, Irene Oa.hl eluU,l ple or ooe who IItrhed to the commercial departmentll of p, L,:->11.. themaelvell either .eotlrel,.. or. In par 'Campua Locals 1917 III- A-teller fit PU et Sound Lillian Lee ut�osl for . perfection "ut eve,n · he tlonal lJank. ,where he has· been for while IIltentl.lng Ithoo\. Doroth): lA!,hmRnn could �ot Rltaln It, , ·Parkland Locall'l. . -1 he AUgllltana Mirror. Johanna "'-Rll.!lmuuen To 00 true belleyers men mUlt se..eral yeafl. Orsa:niUltlon� OId Ord;1 tint. haTe a know}edge of re· James Thompson. :latudent at · P. Religious Prot Ph. E, u·a ulII. ! and Pro·f. J'. h o Y I h 1 f SI e j MUllc �����r' �: �;o�� d��: :�o��I�I:�\�e�� °au::!!��� U. Xuler jud,ed . debate at Ka_' ��ut�l �:�:��: � ��:'led,: �i ��ou�� t� alo. 1t Is rtl"port- PtI-';l!lo We!.llleiday ' eYe_nlnl. I>ec. Alfred Ande�on· the Word oL Ood, . Secondly, ther accident a month Z!�::�I�� Leola Ib.sen mu!!' believe and trus·t 'What they ed that he III ·r.ecoverln«. Hi\. 8 ntl 161h. Kapo..·srn debated 8Aallllli tire · E1:cbltnKPII a.nd Jok� Iar hili "The' Is 'brother which Dible l ry. who wal ahw I!:aton.. llle HIAh School on the Child Amorette Da)' learn from:the 8u81nllll8 Manager student at P. 1... C.. at the slime labor queltlon: Nina lo;lde , E�thcr Sydow, Arthur Knutlen T'et�r SognefeJ!t Truth" and "His Word.'; . A!MIlstantli . time. ar� living nUlll Fadness nuth Dull AdverUslog 50 1 IlO� " 11"1 5Ih·erton. Ore· The Parkland Men's CIJ.lb vllyed WedneldllY. December 9. the lin· gon. 0, J, Stue !) Nenll� IIltened (0 a Ihort, Interell· U1r�er N.elaon. graduate rrom the 1':1I10nvllle · Athletlc Club Wedlleaday .'ftculty Advls.e . J��' Chapel talk by Pro!. Ph. E, high IIchool cla!!� of ' 2 5 . J!I 'Worklnl': r:enln�, Oecel"nl)er 16th . . The reo �f)t -.L ' - .., -+-t--------:--� 7 . .. lulta of the lIame "till come In thc uge. In Aberdeen, Walhlngton, . " �e.?"'J. "e �n arth and g� Will en,.. :.s the. hor-"I day I il'llThe toward � t;lken from MIIIII Anna Fadn�!I , '\Ormer P. L. c:'," ctio"en topIe �h \ xtend to our I·eaders. It IS dunng thiS month . ' ' ..., '' , .........,,.. ... .".. , I Vunc. spec· r ;;,,,';.,;!.",...,."", ' greeting _which sccond· ' challter of Luke wtlere It A. student. Is a tnlned : that all -Christians will celebrate the advent of our Lord ·:,"d tel l!! about JC!!UII In the .temple arid laliling at the Mountain View Sanl. l Hllir ('ulllnK . . Sa\'ior-a da\· Ret 'ide to cel�brate the birth �f Chri�t. This ho..... hll IllIre(ltll �·ere · · aJl:llously tArhlm, ,iliuth or Tllco'mll. ! ' I.II,II!'!" IIml ("hll,ln'nll IJobltlnJ( Fadness. ��r.adllate of j "'1",,1. '·Ia:!" 11IIrltl'r Wprk J)one was the glad· tidings' hat came not only to the Je\ ·s. but to the loo k Ing for h i m. .'h!ally after find., .... "ISS Son!ft D . whole world. The ;\i at that first Jule-tide was filled with j�r :�:)"e�'�; t �: 1:��l eA:�:� J:��� a�I� ';;;���I:. c.3!1hler at McCormick 8ro* ·i 1 �IA It: GSt � ' KRU TS�a�kln nd . -angels were sin · "Glory be to God in the highe�t." It IS ered. "'.... llh thou not that I m ust . Mr. Lun 'l.I nnlng Is Prfnclpal of I L· the sphit of the rst Christmas that we \';· ish to bring to ;\11 our be altoul· Father'", buslncu,!d ! Ihe Fife I-Ill1;h �chool at }o'ife, Wl1sh· ,. readers. of ,I'. L, A. ·l The speaker emphosh:ed that the Ington . . He Ie grnduate · 1I111.IIM\" .fI JU; :TI SGH There are many ways in which we· observe this holiday. and bUl'!lnC!:I1I or Chrhstlan (!oell not MlsH. .Emmll . H)"nnlng: a gradUnlC DEW DROP I NN e a h ec r . :::��a�i ��r ������'" ���m\\·7h� ��I;���ll �h��;��:ste�����c\· \� ::�� '::I�1 f=X�;:�� (II�R:I�I I ,�.: ��o��:: �� l �r�'m�;rl!ls��\::�!n�n InTI:�:m�U b 1)llIn/'tI'���I :��III'II 1111<1 "cems to liS that It cannot be an.,; Chrlstma� \\ Ithout gifts tllf'r(,for consider thc cconomlc 1111. 1 1 (;cort;o Grcen'Aood gradllllte or (ulIf,'('tiOllll Chnstmas tl·E'es. "hOPPing, Chnstm,ls dlnller and a numbC'r of IIMtRnce of Chrll!t lanll\ It Is I)oor '2 . I , '" hl .::'= d::� f mp o . .. O" = ' ' = "' = O = = ..=::: '= >=�========= other things that \\e ha\e assoctated \\Ilh thiS holtest of hollda\ s bUOllne!:lil 10 ... alt unlll ""e lire 01,1 '1: 1 ��� ". :�=:: =.; : . " There are man, beautiful custom:) associated \\ ilh Christmas hcrom.' R Chrl!lIl.1Il \\flat busllieK I ' thus the NOI"eglans ale kno\\11 fOi thClr hOSPlt,lht) . not on h l}Ian hen offered opportunl..\.l j \VHEN YOU THINK to human beings. but \\ htch also extend� to a mm[\I s--<lome�t lc herl.'h\ he could make m l-tl'f""on · OP I'lHOTOGRAPHS nd \\Ild A fine expressIOn of thl� SPirit "e find at Chri�tmaq- doll ,\r�, I� t lil· r�l.hnt \\OIlIct""KR \ thAt ... REMEl\IUER In Nor\\ay \\hen bunches of oats nrc placed fOi the \\lld buds It III plent\ of tlnH! aft...r I R11I fIfn " r� . on • . _ ;107 I{u�t nhlg ' _ II T�:S��r�O����·r�;n��:e�rnc�ls���:n�I�\elebrntlng Clmst mlH' ��:; ::;I�d �;�au�l�a!h!l!c��tlnl�:�O::c ' ;". "!.'Itln 4� IIItI� " . . . ,,::::::;:::�.:::::::::," .::::::::: :::::::::::: ;::::::::....".."".." ".."" ....". will not lead us aright' m�d insure propcr attitude of mind nnd It:at when get old yo� WOII I(I I' ,, , "" � hC1u,;t. To give and receive gifts. to han �autifully dec?�ated not make th.v million. .Applylng fir trees in our homes and chu�che� and to Stt at .the traditIOnal Ihll< to the ('hrlsthlll life It III IlOOr � f·hPis..t!"�s dinner. an� other thmgs we ?o and CIlJO,Y c[\nnot 1.)111 I h \l�ln'c"!I to IIcl:1Y hel ll): Christian. I � REAL SILK HOSIERY MILLS' the splnt of ChrlRt mto o.ur henrt� . \� e ' h",:e 8. l'Ight to cnJor i ll THI rh:ltwell arc that If )"011 flo 1I0 t � oursel\'e� n�d these pracl1c�s are t�el"cfol"e Ju�tJfiablc ; h�t thC ma k C lise of I he O llpDn unllY when � . n 6Ider. ! ; danger lies In that we may. do a:;. so many do rhus forgC'ttlllg to Hl\lnl;, \"011 wl.ll 10He It \\·h DRANCH SERV icE OFFICE cp.lebrate Christ�as ns it 'originally wai'\ intend(,d-remembel:.ing . . , � . � ...




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the joy that was b,·ought into the \\;oi'ld by the fir�t and greatcs� I� I� Christmas gift. We Rent Santa Claus 'Ther.e is not a :.ingle home. howe\·er. humble as it ma�· be Costumes ,1 � "Jilin :H1HI Thor.-.·I\ but that the Christ Child mn)" ent�r in nI'HI .hm·c a p13ce in the :-;".MI . Tncollltl, \\"11. hearts of �t:( ·membe�s. Then aJ1d onl:-' then can , wc .IJnderstnnd I . ( ·",'1"11111"\ I ��I 1nS�\I; ����s p�II � /;g�� I means--p eacc :1l1dhapPiness-the glad \�·h�t ChrlsUnfls rasHr Tacoma ld:. , '' ' ' ." ' '' ''". . ( j :' ! l idmgs are ours.-P. S. .. . " , �, adlson 1409 SaieA & Servlee ' l --�� THE NEW VENR W NDE � � � �� � �� ����� ��� �__� O R�UI. A� � NEW COl":JTRA� ISSt.l.ED , BY We are ·fa�t appr.oaching the mile mark of another year. This Nielson & ���8on Motor mOVes us to the- thought of self-examlnation�. Looking bark of Des Moincs, Iowa how littl(' we reaily-h ·e accomptished, upon the AId rear we Stllr �ln1f>f Can< � how wc have neglected to make use of our vaJua Ie time;'h e way " Sh'WIII"I.\\·,\rlll·r Illllilo", we should, anel how we even han tram,gressed e law of kind­ 5629 So. Union Av. ' Ta�om3 . !i �rh)'''vnu �i� r'��f!mr�'��'ld���u;.:lo�nt�3�&"�h:o,C��Pf:��;:�� �:'i�·,- 'pi;7: !g..ggg ness. Whtn our :rear's cxpetiences pa�s through our m}nd as a d )· Z � J ):�i n�e ft���"�, �a�it1t,!>'i:" i i��:�f�m h-::�:nt�r��� !;.t�ti . kaleidoscope. let us take inventory of all our shortcomings:- and I ���r."�: rl�T��e�8 �!l��. I\�!. lwm:u�'ir d��alblyrt� ��ll�;;:.O. ::� when we in this way find out the reason \"hy we didn 't get along H Folkestad & son I . New Year we castles should, resolutions the way let-our be not �I('n's Furnillhl nltl'" t e a o u , ' su��; 9a�� I�n\·('=I$ ����S��b·�;�O ��c�� \V� k���' ��:� ��� �:�t !n �u;.��sl�e��! . . of the United States, but we can all be a little more conscientious SOuth Tacoma , Wash. lot,,1 dllllbllll),. TomOr ° )4 in our wOl'k and a little more kind and considerate in Qur assG' � ;P I":{ :&wTOO �te ciations·-f· S. "'? ,, . M. H: Ringstad, D istrict hogent ·· 1 · '1'1 PE P . P arkland, '}K� � . \Vashiogton � . \. � V � � iADf:s�'E CI..o:i �H G t To DlY mind pep means full of life, enthusiasm.- an·d spirit to gs, N�t only ��es pep �eal with int�rput the "go" in thi!l liChlostic'and scholastic athletics of all kmds buL it can be apphed to coUege · studies, business.. or whatever trade one is pursuifrg, . . ;;, :�. " , " Why not · lIIkess 'a little more imporlance . on pep in otlr: ' ii. ., ' '� �o� ' ;...--; ;:. � , .. , 6 " ...Repairing -;"� �ndabl ·" � studies?' Sometimes we may feel like throwing our books aside . · TC ..-!, BROADWAY�' £LEVENTH . DI A " O S DS .' H E8 nnd 'p l!tting our studies oft' but· after al� what did our paren ta· ,' ' ; : = : :::: : send us to college for? Did they sene:! us here to play? Nd1 'S·pecialty' -Of . Did-they send '-us ·here to acquire knowledge and take our 1'1'!8pP.C- . ' ong the· educated ,.'· n tbe world? Wh\,'_. certa!nly! " I've pl"cos am . Let Me Ins.are ·Your AutodieI a�d Chlldr ��'..!...Hair . . ._ -.----l!g .! Bobbl bet's consider our- parents • I lttle m�ho · al'e no--doubt- bi�, Home,-o!''---u-B lineaaMarc'eU.·ngo �crijicing to pu� us th rl!ugh eo,jege, a.pu llUU'pep to our"sludy. ShamPOO "go � M_ H. JI,lNGSTAD












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