College Bulletin, v. 12 no. 2 pt. 2, August 1932

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ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT OF PACIFIC LUTHERAN COLLECE-1932 In submitting hereby his fourth annual report to the Pacific Lutheran Col­ lege Association, the undersigned recognizes the manifold and undeserved blessi ngs of a gracious God, whos str ength is made per fect in human weaknes . This year has been a very difficult y ear , and }'ct the Lord has made it a good year for Pacific Lutheran C ol l e ge and has pointed out with evident clearness the path He wants us t follow. Such pr ogres s as the Colleg has made is de finite l y due to the desire to do His will. Each year He has made this lesson plain: W ith Him we go forward, withom Him we r trogress. Neither time nor streng t h permit a long report. After a brief outline of the year's work, the report will imply i ndi cat e the matters requiring the atten­ tion of the Association. This year's enrollment was 262, an increase of 1O.55!�, ver that of l ast ' year. Last year s increase was 10.75%. T he High School enrollmem decreased from 106 to 70. The J u n io r Co ll eg e enrollment, about 2-3 of which was in the Normal Department and 1-3 in the Liberal Arts, incr ased from 131 to 1 2. The scope of the College has remained u nc ha nge d except for the ddition of the third year in the Normal Department. The B oar d of Trustees has voted that the scope shall remain the same for the coming year, and the entire present staff has been re-e1ected. Changes in ,he per so nne l will a ccord ing ly be very few, even as they were few during th y ar just past. In the teaching staff there have been but two changes: Mr. Keith Reid took rhe place of Mrs. Olive E ng er Bomstead as tea cher of s hortha n d a nd t ypi ng fter Chr is tmas , and Mr. E. Tingelstad, who was elected editor of "Pacific L uthera n Herald" at the last convention of the Pacific District of the Norwegian Lutheran Church of f\merica, taught part-time during the summ er session and gave a course in School Administration during the fir s t semester. Dr. H. J. Hoff, after two years' leave of absence, chose to remain at Bethany College. In the field f orc e, however, the change has been unexpectedly great. R.ev. Carl Foss res ig ned last November to accept the pastorate of Trinity Lutheran Church at Silverton, Oregon. M es srs. Paul A. Preus and Victor .. Elvestrorn voluntarily withdrew from the reg u l ar payro ll last January in order to promote the finance p l an now known as the Preus-Elvestrom pl an. The one re maining field man, Rev. Geo rge O. Lane, will retire on June 15 to accept the pa s tora te of Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church, Seattle, W as hin gton. The disruption of the field service greatly increased the strai n u pon the Coll eg e administra tion. No matter what people say, such service must be maintained. The constituency of the Col t e ge owe� a grea t debt of gratimde to these four field men for their loyal, intel tjg e n t, and self-sacrificing servic�. To them, under God, in very large measure is du e the uninterrupted progress, not to say s urvi val, of Paci fi c Lutheran Coltege through a very tr yin g p riod. The members of the faculty and of the administration hav continued to show the finest s pir i t of cooperation, and have sa cr ific ed a consid r a bl e portion o! their sal ary . The student bo dy , too, I!nder the able and loyal leadership of ric Hauke, student b o dy president, and Walter Y ung, tudent body vice· president, a nd associates, has freed the pr sidel1[ of the College from the cares which us ua lly shorten the life of that official. Ne vertheless this has been a difficult y e ar. The financial problem has been cute throughout the whole year; and the responsibility of p oi nting t11 way to

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