2008 2009 v 39 no 1 4

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ed his succ essful c a reer as a p h otojour­ nalist in Aberdeen, Wash., and went on to work as the c hief photog rapher for the Walla Walla U n i o n - B u l letin for 1 8 years. I n 2005, h e retired from the daily newspa­ per business to run his own photography business.

Gayle (Ensor) Warner moved from Wena!chee, Wash., to Vancouver Wash., in September 2007. She is a n o H i c e m a n ­ a ger/client representative f o r R I S I n s u r a n c e Services in Portland, O r e . Her h u s b and, Ken, is a therapist for Columbia River Mental Health Services in Va ncouver.

1 982 Class R e p resentative - Paul Collard

1 988 Class Re presentative - Brenda Ray Scon

Jim Buchan i s t h e n e w c o a c h o f the

Edward and Ena Robins; a n d her brother,

women's and men's soccer programs at

Gordon Robins, and his family. S h e was

Lake Erie College in Cleveland, O h i o . He

Karla (Fullner) Satchell has ac hieved

preceded in death by her son, D i l l o n, in

was previously the head c o a c h of the

tenure as an associate professor of


women's and men's teams at Mesa State College, where he was a two-time Rocky

microbiology-immunology at Northwestern Medical S c hool in

Brian Kat! was honored in the June

Mountain Athletic Conference (RMAC)

Evanston, III. Her h u sband, Don, whom

issue of South Sound M a g azine as o n e

Coa c h of the Year, as well as a two-time

she married i n 2003, i s the international

o f " E i g h t D o c t o r s W h o Make a

Division II Great Plains Coach of the Year.

technology director for M i c roban

DiHerence." The article profiled several

International. They live in Evanston with

South Sound (Wash.) doctors who have

their three-year-old s o n, Grant Philip.

a positive i m p a c t on their patients, the

Michelle (Clark) Molyneux died June 1 1 .

interventional neuroradiologist with TRA

commu nity and the world. Brian is a n

1 997 Class Representatives - Andy a n d Stephanie ( Merle) Tomlinson

I n addition to the b a c h e l o r's degree s h e

Medical Imag ing at Ta coma General

received from PLU, she held a master's

Hospital. He lives in G i g harbor, Wash.

West. live in Wabash, Ind., with their

1 992


degree from Portland State U n iversity. S h e had taught eighth grade s c i e n c e at Maple Grove Middle S c h o o l i n

Sharon 'Hagerty and her husband, Kevin daughter, Alexandria. They are self­

Class Representative - Darcy (Panee)

Banleground, Wash., since September

Deborah Erickson was granted tenure

S h a n non and Kaitlyn; her parents,

Roger Brodniak is a social studies


2000. There she was a n inspiration to her

teacher at Arc h b i s h o p Murphy H i g h

and advanced to the rank of associate

students a s she continued to teach while

Cindy (Specht) Dapkus is the teacher at

School in Everen, Wa s h . He started a

professor at California Lutheran

she endured chemotherapy. Before

TinkerBel1 Preschool, a parent co-opera­

mock trial program at the s c hool in 2005.

University. I n addition to the b a c helor's

te a c h ing at Maple Grove, she spent 1 2

tive in Grants Pass, Ore. She enjoys

His te am recently placed sixth at the 2008

degree she received from PLU, s h e holds

years teac h i n g severely disabled stu­

spending time with her husband, Man,

state c h a m pionship meet and qualified

a master's degree from California State

dents, mostly at Banle Ground High

and c h i l d ren, Elijah, 7, and Lydia, 5.

for the American Mock Tri a l Invitational

U niversity San Bernardino and a doctor­

S c h o o l . S h e was a 25-year member o f

ate degree from U n iversity of the Pacific.

Trinity Lutheran C h u r c h i n Vancouver, Wash., where she met her husband,

1 983 Class Representative - Dave Olson

Eric Dooley's oldest d a u ghter, E mi l y '08, graduated from PLU on May 25. Eric is a

Chris at the a g e of 17. Her greatest joys in life were her happy marriage and h e r three daughters. S h e i s s u rvived b y her husban d of 20 yea rs, Chris



daughters, Katie, Sarah and Maddie; h e r

in Charlone, N.C. H e lives in M a rysville, Wash.

19 93 Class Representative - Barbara ( Murphy) Hesner

( H e rlockerj Stewart

1 994 Class Representative - D a n Lysne and

mother, Lynne Clark; h e r sister, Pani

Jack J a un a l is the author of Images of

step-moth er, Linda Clark; h e r grand moth ­

1 995

er, Florence Snider; a n d her father a n d

Class Representatives - Krista Sickert­

mother-i n-law, Lawrence and Kathleen

Bush and Stephanie Page-Lester

America, a book released on June 30 that evolved from a research paper he did for American History Seminar, an upper divi­

the skipper of a custom 53-foot

sion history class he lOok at PLU in 1 983.


1 989

the Artemis. He

Class Representative - Lisa ( H u ssey)

1 990

Distinguished Fellow of the American

Class Representatives - Sean Neely

sure. org),

Dave Pearson has been promoted by the

meeting i n A p r i l . He l i v e s in Fort Worth,

Seanle Seah awks to vice president/c o m ­

Texas, with his wife, Elizabeth, who is a n

munications a n d broadc asting. H e i s

otolaryngologist, a n d their three children:

responsible f o r s h a p i n g t h e team's p u b l i c

Kelly, 1 7; Christopher, 13; a n d Sarah, 1 1 .

i m a g e a n d serves as t h e l i a i s o n between

British Columbia. I n 2007, they were first

Lysn e and J e nnifer ( R iches) Stegeman

cations, website content and the

Keith Folsom is working on his P h . D . in computer s c i e n c e at I ndiana Un iversity.

1 99 1


w a s a tireless community volunteer,

Class Representative - Stacey (Kindred)

serving as a Girl Scout leader, youth soc­


cer coach, PTA leader, a n d church c o u n ­

Dan Merchant made his debut a s a

school teacher and most recently a para­

feature documentary d irector with "Lord,

educ ator at Mt. View Elementary S c hool

S av e Us From Your Followers."

i n Puyallup, Was h . Susan's warm heart,

Susan (Robins) Cheek died May 4. S h e

to Hawaii most summers, but took this

at Hood Canal School District.

summer oH. H e will take part i n the

I n Memoriam Margarel Ellion


19 1

Feb. 24

Leland Weaver on April 1 5.

p : rs John Arna


Ju n e 4,

George Johnson on March 15. Mike Slork on Apnl 1 6.

on April


Palricia Belliingham Wolford on

Glenn Guslavson o n MaV

I 1_


Hedwig ( Dahlet Mallon 0lg8 (Hugo) Arne


John Sluen


May 3 1 .

Mark Sluen


May 21

countless friendships a n d provided unending love and support_ Her family

Rod Cory is an Internet sales training

was most important to her. Surviving her

manager for RHDi in Ta c o m a

are h e r husband, Paul


1 988 Michelle (Clark) Molyneux o n June 11.

1991 Susan (Robinst Cheek o n M ay 4.

Paul Pflueger on April 16.

20 6 Rachael Spears on May 7.

kind ways and bubbly person a l i ty Class R e p resentative - D a rren H a m by

1 98 1 Sept. 5, 2007.

c i l member. She a l s o worked a s a pre­

touched those who knew her. She made

ditions this year, they were third i n class

Tom Churchill is the new superintendent

players. He also oversees all team publi­ Sea hawks' broadcasting department.

i n class and first overall. With trying con­ and third overall. N i g e l races the Artemis

the l o c a l and national media and the Sea hawks' front oHice, c o a c h es and

a race

held every Memorial Day in Victoria,

1 996

York City at the organization's a n n u a l


H e lives i n Seanle.

Class R e p resentative - Mari ( H o s eth)

College of Physi c i a n Executives i n New

1 987


previously the dean of students at SLHS.

Scot! Ransom was awarded

Class Represe ntatives - Ja net ( O l d e n )

compete in the

Seanle Lutheran H i g h S c hool. He was


R e g g e a n d Carolyn (Plocharsky) Stelling

and his crew

Mark Henderson is the new principal at



racing sailboat i n Seanle c a l led

Molyneux. She was preceded i n death by h e r father, Michael Clark.

Class R e p resentative - Mark

Nigel Barron is

Catherine (Overland) Hauck

missionary pastor in Vietnam.

Clark; her brother, Michael Clark; her

1 998 Class Re presentative - Sha nnon

Rumohr Roberts Beth Ralko


Mar�h 25.

on March


h e r daughters,



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