1965-1966 Catalog

Page 40

3 6. Scienc� houn The science s�lected mu�t meet the specific requirement of the college o r school concerned.

7. Social Sciences-1 2 hour.� The 12 hours required must be taken in no less than three departments, w i t h n o morc than six hOllrs in a n y one department. The COll r�cs Illay lw �dected

from the d", p a r t l llP,nts o f economics, geography, h i , to r y, p o l i t ical

gci(,nce, prychology a n d >ociology.

�fajor Area

of Study

Ea(;h candidate for a degree must complete a field o f con entration. Require­ ments for a major and/or a fiel d o f concentration are ou t l i ned by the in dividual colle�e o r school concerned. A major shall include a m i n i m um o f 24 semester hours with at least 12 hours in upper division COUTses, 6 hours o f which mll:;t be taken during the senior y ear .



The Colleg

of Arts and Sciences, the heart and center of the Uni ersity,

i res t o provide the educational experien ces through which the student may

receive a broad, general preparation for l i fe, secure a sound ba" i " fo r profes­ �ional tra i n i ng, or acquire a spec i fi ' knowledge and skill for service in a chosen /"icld. It is the purpose o f this college to bring the often repeated terms "liberal" ann "p rofessional," or "vocation al," int o mutually helpful relation to each other.

Degrees OffCl' d our es leading to the de�reeli of Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, and B achelor of Scienee in Medical Technology are off red by the College of Arts



COllrse Requirements Candi dates for the Bachelor of A rt s and Bachelor of Scienec dewees must meet the general U n iversity eourse requirements described i n the prece d i n g

p ages. In addition to courses req uir ed ill a ll curricula, candidates mu_t ha e a m i nimum of 14 sem est er hours of c l as s i c al or mode r n language in high

who pre�e n t les." than two un i t s in one ' o l l egc combiner!. S tu dcn or modem language must meet the requirement by c o m ple ti n g the f i r't and ,ceond year ( 14 ) , ou rs ) in the "arne or another la nguage. Studmlh prese n t i n g two o r three un.its from high ,ehool a re rCI]uired to ea rn �i x credits ( "econd }"ear) in the sUllie language or fou rteen h o u rs in another languuge. Four u n i ts in o n e language i n h igh �(:hool will "utisfy the requirement.

school ancl c la�,ieal

The science req u i relllent may b� ,utisfied hy one of the followi n g : Biology 121, 122 ; Chemi,try 1 09, 1 1 0 ; Geology 101, 102 ; Phy,ics 109, no o r 151, 152. Mlljor Require.ments A major is a sequence of c ourses within one department. The selection of the field of major concentration must be made by the end of th sophomore year. The ch oi e e must he approved by the hairman of the departm ent and

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