A UX writer's journey to the right words, through research and testing

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Hi! I’m Mattias. I’m a trained UX writer from the UX Writing Hub’s 
 Microcopy & UX Writing Course 2019.

Mattias Åkerberg / April 2, 2019

Hi! I’m Mattias. I’m a trained UX writer from the UX Writing Hub’s 
 Microcopy & UX Writing Course 2019. Wanna see my exam project?

Mattias Åkerberg / April 2, 2019

That’s great. Thank you! During this course I’ve learnt how to:

✔ Do UX research (before putting pen to paper)

✔ Define voice and tone

✔ Create task flows and wireframes (with the right features and content elements)

✔ Write proto-copy at an early stage

✔ Test the copy on real people (and then optimize make it better)

Let get to it!

My exam project ‌ ‌ is called Masterlearn.

What it is? Well, my content mission statement (fancy words!) goes like this:

Masterlearn is video-based learning website where professional forever-students go to get work-related classes that keeps them ahead of their game.

First, I did some research. I talked to people (not ”users”!) about what they wanted to get out of a website like this. I also talked to a true expert in the online education field.

I took a close look at the competitors, and I read forums, reviews and social media discussions to find the right words and expressions (that’s called conversation mining and vocabulary hunting).

Doing thorough research made the rest sooo much easier.

Then, I decided what to say and how to say it.
 I did an easy-to-use style guide for tone and voice.

Wanna see it?

Cool. Here it is! (sort of)

In words, the Masterlearn voice is:

From A to B


You-sir centered

In words, the Masterlearn voice is:

From A to B


You-sir centered

In words, the Masterlearn voice is:

From A to B

You-sir centered


Again, I decided what to say and how to say it.
 Then I did wireframes with almost real content, aka proto-copy.

For each of the 5 states, I did one A version and one B version.

Like this: 



And I asked 4 people 
 what they feel, think – and gravitate towards






32-43 years old, working with education and digital marketing, living in Stockholm and Gothenburg &

I listened, they talked. 

Bla Bla Bla Bla

"#$% And they told me A LOT OF interesting things. Oh boy, this was an eye-opener. 


đ&#x;‘ đ&#x;‘

Also, my teacher and mentor Yuval Keshtcher gave me great feedback.

Bla Bla Bla Bla


Here’s what they told me:

The homepage " B! I ride my bike to work, so A does not work for me. Though B is a bit funnier, I find the tone to be off – I find strained copy like this quite disturbing. It’s not fresh, and too mannered! I gravitate towards ”for free” in the sub headline.



# B! I bicycle to work, so I not very appealed by ”on your way to work”. Also, the B to +A thing … I didn’t get it immediately; I had to think to get it. I like ”Easy way to actionable …” – that’s good. But I do not like the ”bro language” in ”no ’my name is …’”. It does not speak to me, it takes to much focus. When you want me to pay 500 bucks a year, I do not want that groovy feeling all over it. $ B! It’s more urging than A, and it’s easy to read and to grasp. A require much more energy to read, and I’m not sure what to do here. Also, ”on your way to work” is a tortuous expression; I got stuck when I read it. % A! It feels easy and accessible. ”On my way to work” is easy to grasp, since I get a sense of the time frame which is required. B is probably more internationally viable, but to me it’s a bit mannered. ' Sign up to unlock the first free class = Excellent idea!



The search results page " A! This is super clear, and I like the fact that it repeats ”marketing”. I know what I will get here. B is not very clear, and I don’t know what to expect. Will something just kick off, since the numbers counts down?



# A! This makes the choice crystal clear, and I want the best ones to choose from. B gives me the impression that it’s easy and fast and ”you can change your choice of course at any time” , but that’s not important to me here. I want the best ones! $ A! ”Best classes to start with” is nice, and I get that the site has a lot of classes, and here’s a filtered, recommended selection. I’m not in the mood for some jaunty comments in a search results page. B is too much, and tries a bit too hard. % A! I feel like: ”This things gets me, I’m at the right place.” I mean, who doesn’t love a great list with the top pics? I like ”Best classes” – it means that someone has made a good selection here, so that I don’t have to. B is more stressed, like ”3, 2, now it’s close, go”. ' Count down copy on the search page is a nice idea. Seems to match the voice and style of the brand.



The class page



The class page " A! This is the most appealing, and I like that the call to action is direct. When I click the button I assume that a new window opens, and I will sign up to get started.



# B! It feels unique, empathetic, and new in a good way. I like it! $ A! It’s clear, and contains some important information: it’s free, and it starts now. The B version gives me the feeling that I will receive like 14 emails before I can start the course. % B! This feels more personal, with the ”I” and the ”my”. B is good with the emphasis on ”free”, but it so generic, like you’ve seen it many times before.



The signup page " A! ”Great choice” is enthusiastic in a good way. I am also assured that this is for free, which what’s me feel safe. # A! While B is ”yeah I get that, but am I really to step onboard?”, A is an easy step. It explains the why to me (get a free course). I also like the word choice ”just”, since it tells me that this a all I have to do to get started. $ A! ”Great choice” sounds friendly and happy. It’s clear, and I know that I just need to sign up to get started. Also, it’s good to be reminded that it’s free. B is more vague, and I’m not sure what I am about to commit to. % A! Everyone seeks confirmation – I like this one. It’s also good to know that it’s still free. B is a bit off, not according to the theme.


* B


The confirm page " A! I know what to do here: ”check your inbox” is clear. But I wonder: ”Do I have to confirm something on a link in that email, or can I get started right away?” B does not feel right, since I want to get better, not entertained.



# A! There’s something here that appeals to me. Not sure what it is though. I want to be more confirmed here, to know that I’ve done a great choice. In B I don’t like the ”entertain me” thing, since entertainment was not what I committed to. If so, that should have been mentioned beforehand. The call to action should maybe correspond more to the headline, such as ”Let’s go”. $ A! This is nice and ”funny enough”. To get ahead of your game is something desirable when it comes to digital marketing. B is trying too hard, and makes me wonder: is it really entertaining stuff? % B! It’s funnier and more direct. It doesn’t need the emojis though. This was a tricky one, since both are good. I think A is more internationally viable. ' This sentence needs to be reworked. It runs on a bit too much. Consider how to break it into easily digestible pieces.



The confirm page " A! I know what to do here: ”check your inbox” is clear. But I wonder: ”Do I have to confirm something on a link in that email, or can I get started right away?” B does not feel right, since I want to get better, not entertained.



# A! There’s something here that appeals to me. Not sure what it is though. I want to be more confirmed here, to know that I’ve done a great choice. In B I don’t like the ”entertain me” thing, since entertainment was not what I committed to. If so, that should have been mentioned beforehand. The call to action should maybe correspond more to the headline, such as ”Let’s go”. $ A! This is nice and ”funny enough”. To get ahead of your game is something desirable when it comes to digital marketing. B is trying too hard, and makes me wonder: is it really entertaining stuff? ' The 'let us entertain you' seemed to come out of nowhere. Seems like the things should be more connected to building knowledge rather than entertainment. But if you want to communicate that the courses are both fun and insightful, try and work that in earlier in the flow.



That’s it! What I learned from the test:

1) Don’t be a bro

2) Don’t even try to be a smart ass

3) Keep it simple, clear and focused

So, I re-decided, did a few tweaks – and crossed out the wrong words. Here’s the true sound of Masterlearn:

The true sound of Masterlearn

The true sound of Masterlearn

The true sound of Masterlearn

The true sound of Masterlearn

The true sound of Masterlearn


for your time.

Let me know what YOU think. Send an email to mattias@pleasecopyme.se And make sure to get UX Writing Summarized – 
 a TL;DR newsletter about UX writing (by moi). Mattias Åkerberg / April 2, 2019

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