Slydebook: Introducing Slyde the Playground Hound

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By Curtis Stoddard Illustrated by Jacob B. Amen


by Curtis L. Stoddard, CPSI Illustrated and Produced by Jacob B. Amen 2002, All rights reserved SLYDE THE PLAYGROUND HOUND is part of a playground safety program designed for children. Instructors, care givers, administrators, recreation departments, service clubs, parents, playground specialists and anyone involved in the education of children can contact PLAYGROUND HOUND, LLC. for information about playground safety kits and classroom curriculum. PLAYGROUND HOUND, LLC P.O. Box 603 Ashton, ID 83420 1-800-388-2196 SLYDE, THE PLAYGROUND HOUNDtm is a trademark of Playground Hound, LLC, Ashton, ID. 83420 USA No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means now known or which will become known, without written permission from PLAYGROUND HOUND, LLC. Created, printed and bound in the United States of America

This book is dedicated to all of the children and their families who have suffered an injury or loss of a loved one due to a playground-related incident. We hope that Slyde can make a difference in the lives of all children who encounter him by teaching them about playground safety.

One warm summer day a happy hound dog mother gave birth to a small litter of puppies.

She raised the puppies to be smart and playful. They were good looking young pups!

When the pups were old enough, Devan and Jamie took one of them home.

They made a warm bed for the pup. They made a place for him to eat and drink.

The puppy grew every day and was soon able to play outside.

Devan and Jamie began taking the puppy to the park.

At the playground Jamie slid down the fire pole while Devan and the puppy watched.

Then Devan and the puppy played Hide-And-Seek in the crawl tunnel.

The children thought sliding the puppy down the slide would be great fun.

But something very bad happened! The puppy’s leash got caught on the slide. The puppy was choking!

It was the puppy’s lucky day. A man happened to be at the slide and unhooked the poor puppy’s leash.

It was a very scary day for Jamie, Devan, and their poor little puppy.足足足

Soon the puppy grew into a big hound dog. He still loved the park and playing with all the children.

The hound dog became known as Slyde, the Playground Hound. The scar around his neck helps remind him to play safe on the playground.足足

This helped Slyde decide that he wanted to teach children how to play safely on playgrounds.

Slyde spends all day at the playground. He plays with the children. He teaches them how to be aware of playground safety.  Slyde loves the children and the children love Slyde.

Grown-ups respect Slyde. He is very fun and friendly. He is also courteous and always plays safely.

Meet Slyde at the playground! And remember - play smart, play safe!

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