Expert Oak Tree Preservation Services
Tree diseases can cause major risks to tree health. Often in the initial stage, a deadly disease might seem to be a trivial issue. However, it spreads very fast and quickly reaches an uncontrollable stage. In certain severe cases, trees can even die. Hence, controlling tree diseases by proper tree preservation services in San Diego is a must-do for optimum tree health management.
In this blog, we will talk about the diseases your trees can suffer from. Additionally, it provides you with a clear picture of the benefits of hiring professionals for oak tree preservation services. Read more to find out everything about preserving Oak trees from deadly diseases.
Key Diseases Affecting Oak Trees
Oak Wilt
This fungal disease is caused by Bretziella fagacearum that destroys Oak landscapes. The fungus attacks the pointytipped leaves of red Oak trees. However, their symptoms are leaf loss and rapid wilting at treetops.
Xylella Fastidiosa
This is a bacterial pathogen transmitted by vectors and associated with diseases in Oak and other trees. This bacterium creates colonies in the xylem networks of plants and blocks the vessels.
Armillaria Root Rot
Different members of the Armillaria genus cause this fungal root rot that results in yellow to brown foliage, poor growth, and in the end, tree death.
Oak Leaf Blister
At the time of cool wet spring season, this fungal disease is caused by Taphrina caerulescens to red Oak trees. Due to this disease, raised, blister-like, and circular areas are found on the upper surfaces of leaves.
Leaf Spot
This fungal disease interrupts photosynthesis and weakens trees. The disease affects a limited portion of the overall leaf area. If this leaf loss is found in 2 or more consecutive seasons, the tree growth is paused and susceptibility to pest-infected, and other diseases is increased.
Sudden Oak Death
The plant pathogen, named Phytophthora ramorum, causes this disease that was first recognized by the death of Oak trees in California. You can identify infection of this pathogen with specific symptoms, like flagging, wilting of Shoot tips, and gradual loss of Oak leaves.
Potential Risk Of Insect Infestation
Galls are one of the potential risks of insect infestation, and it occurs when Oaks react to the egg-laying of wasps on flowers, branches, twigs, or leaves. These wasps inject a hormone in the plant tissues that causes abnormal growth and enclose developing larvae of the insect.
Bark Beetle
Ambrosia beetles or bark beetles are found in Oak trees, and they create buckshot holes on bark surfaces of infested trunks or branches.
Turpentine and engraver
beetles attack treetops and lower sections of trunks, respectively.
In summer and spring, oak worms eat the sprouted leaves of Oak trees. Sometimes in summer, these worms consume foliage completely. The yellownecked caterpillars of oak worms skeletonize leaves. As a result, full branches of the trees lack greenery.
The Oak pinhole borers are pests that bore deep inside stressed oaks and degrade the appearance of timber. They create galleries with regular, round cross-sections; the wood in the surrounding area is stained brown or black by ambrosia fungi.
Scales are one of the harmful insects for Oak trees as they suck tree sap and destroy branches in heavy infestation. Three scale types can harm Oaks such as pit, armored, or obscure. Lecanium scales are soft scales, larger in size than Obscure scales.
The larvae or caterpillars of OPM or oak processionary moths are pests of Oak. To feed them up, large populations of OPM damage the trees by stripping whole trees bare. As a consequence, trees become more susceptible to other diseases.
Benefits Of Hiring Professional Oak Tree Preservation Services
Perfect Diagnosis
Expert arborists who are skilled adequately can apply tree preservation orders that include fungus treatment and good management of tree diseases. These effective services are beneficial to decrease stress on trees as well as the likelihood of damage, caused by diseases. We, the experienced professionals of oak tree preservation in San Diego, recommend taking proactive actions before these threatening pathogens can downturn beauty along with the health of plants and trees.
Additionally, hiring professional services of oak tree preservation can help to provide unique treatment with the help of a tailored and holistic approach. As a result, plants and trees can be restored to good health.
Long-term Results
With professional tree preservation services in San Diego, the landscape of a homeowner can be protected. The beautiful and well-preserved landscape can definitely benefit businesses by standing out from competitors. In this way, a potential value can be added to the property. In addition to this, the homeowner need not spend hours or invest a massive amount of money frequently to protect the landscape.
After hiring professional oak tree preservation services, regular monitoring and inspection services are available to secure the health of oak trees in the long run. As professionals focus on proper diagnosis and inspection; hence it becomes easy to get rid of the diseases.
Final Thoughts
For maintaining the ecological balance in an area, it’s crucial to focus on protecting tree health. Also, to ensure that this goal is fulfilled, the first and most effective step is to develop precautionary measures. In this way, you can avoid a high infestation of pathogens and long-term damage to trees.
Removal of affected trees to restrict the spreading of deadly diseases in trees can’t be a regular practice in any way. However, this is a robust measure taken by professionals when no other alternative strategies seem ineffective. Therefore, contact a skilled Tree Healthcare Specialist for tree preservation services in San Diego to get proper suggestions on managing deadly diseases in tree
Original Source: How to Preserve Oak Trees from Deadly Diseases?