Jenny Randles - The Truth Behind Men In Black

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the British MoD. Why would they treat him in this manner? If they were from a government unit it is one which officially does not exist and whose files are not available to the British public. The law states that all such records should now be available as more than 30 years have passed since these two men called on Jim and his wife. The only reason they can be retained is if they are deemed to affect national security. But why would an innocent photograph of a strange floating man do that?

ROCKET MAN A few weeks after this visit Jim took another strange photo足 graph on the marsh. It depicts a streak of light climbing into the sky, not unlike a rocket launch. Again, he saw nothing at the time, and rockets were not actually launched from this site. To my eyes the blur of light resembles some sort of lens flare with sunlight bouncing off the camera. But this is merely a guess. The fire service also asked Jim to give a talk about his adventure and he readily agreed. In order to illustrate this he went to Burgh Marsh with his camera loaded with slide film. His intention was to take transparencies to show during his lecture. This was to bring a further mystery when the slide film was returned minus all the shots taken on Burgh Marsh. Needless to say Jim reported the matter to the police-who, no doubt a little wearily, agreed to investigate again. They came back to him soon after and intimated that there was nothing they could do. The film had been seconded by the government for some sort of investigation and that was all that could be said. Jim pressed further and was merely advised that during a rocket launch around the time ' ' when you took that photograph of the man" some automatic cameras had recorded "more or less the same thing. " The launch was aborted as a result. "Now can you see why they need to have your film?" Jim


see. He asked no further questions and was happy

to cooperate with any investigation, but he never heard any-

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