Plan Sri Lanka: stories of wealthy families

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of maintaining their families by managing the household finances. The occupations they were engaged in brought little income to these women and as a result required regular borrowing from outside sources (mostly moneylenders) at exorbitant interest rates. According to Vimalawathi, ability to identify and access opportunities, motivation and the skills to carry out income generating activities were benefits of the economic security programme offered by Plan. She has a sense of contentment when she looks back and recalls how through this supportive programme, the leadership and the structures needed for their development were put in place. “People are willing to be involved in their own development and the development of their communities. This programme has improved their skills, knowledge and abilities to do this,” she says. “Our group members manage households and engage in a variety of livelihood activities to support their families through income-generating activities. These provide much-needed income for fulfilling household needs.”

has a given women a strong voice, and this is the most important outcome for me” she says. She also adds that access to financial services is another important benefit associated with this programme. Microfinance facilities obtained from SEEDS has assisted their businesses, she adds. Vimalawathi says that members have utilized the monies from instant loans that Economic Empowerment Group extends, for housing, business, cultivation and to meet working capital requirements in their small shops. “The community is being strengthened, by developing income generating activities through the microfinance services,” she adds. She says that they will continue to use the services of SEEDS as it will ‘guide us on the right development path’ and also for financial support. She also says that in a bid to further develop their income generating activities, create business opportunities and arranging buy back agreements with leading companies, they will continue to use SEEDS services.

Vimalawathi says that the group meetings and trainings have given women more self-confidence and a greater feeling of solidarity. The financial education training has improved their basic knowledge in accountancy and financial management much needed for their income generating activities and managing household finances. Their savings are also comparatively high as a result of the trainings they received “Now we are better at managing our finances and using financial services” she states.

Together with the income generating activity, she says that capacity building of group members through the different trainings were indeed a learning experience. When asked what support they envisage in future she responds that they would like to develop more linkages with service providers, government officials and other institutions that can support them in their quest to become “shinning stars”.

“The programme has enabled women to take active roles in decision-making on everything from household finances to family healthcare and the programme

Dilenatharu now has a greater sense of purpose and its members are seeing more hope for their future and the future of their families.

Stories of Wealthy Families


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