Panorama Winter 2014

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Panorama Pittsburgh Theological Seminary Vol. LII No. 1 Winter 2014

Partnerships in Ministry Graduation Chapel Renovations New Faculty



t is no overstatement to assert that life is a collaborative effort. Almost without exception, one’s very survival—not only physically, but also emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually—most often depends on active support from other people. Certainly to flourish requires caring involvement from other human beings.

And so it is with Christian life and ministry. God has ordained that Christians not only are, but also that we act as a mutually supporting group—a family, in fact. Scripture is replete with examples and exhortations to such partnership in our common life. The model of partnership does not begin in the New Testament, however. We see it throughout the Old Testament in the life of the ancient Israelites, whose overarching partnership coupled the “sacred” role of priestly service by the Levites with the “profane” role of the remaining 11 tribes charged with practically supporting not only themselves but also the Levites living among them. During his itinerant ministry, Jesus sent advance teams—pairs of disciples—to prepare his way in the towns he himself would soon visit to announce the gospel. In Acts, the fledgling church met its members’ daily needs by sharing everything in common. And when the job of ensuring food for all became a challenging task, appointed supervisors assumed the job so the Twelve could fully pursue their main calling—namely, “prayer and the ministry of the word.” Later, during Paul’s evangelistic travels, the “untimely born” apostle collected money from far-flung Christian congregations to support financially the impoverished mother-church in Jerusalem. And elsewhere in Acts and the Epistles we read of elders and deacons charged with practical, administrative service to complement the teaching and preaching of the gospel by Paul and his protégés Timothy and Titus. We can add to these partnerships in evangelism, community life, and spiritual ministry the practice of prayer. James, for example, prescribes intercessory prayer over the sick by a team of church elders. And simply gathering as a group in Christ’s name—even a small group of only two or three—ushers the Lord’s presence, always accompanied by his power. At PTS we treasure our partnership with you as you continue to support our efforts for the Kingdom with your financial gifts, your volunteer activities, your encouragement, and your prayers. Sincerely,

The Rev. Dr. William J. Carl III President and Professor of Homiletics

Panorama Pittsburgh Theological Seminary Winter 2014 Volume LII No. 1 ISBN 8755-0954 Pittsburgh Theological Seminary’s Panorama addresses timely issues related to the Seminary and informs alumnae/i and friends about the school’s activities. The Alumnae/i News gives current information about graduates. Managing Editor Melissa S. Logan ( Associate Editor Connie Gundry Tappy ( Designer Lisa V. Hanington (

Calendar Visit calendar often for all the latest happenings at Pittsburgh Seminary. Many events are free and open to the public and are of general interest to the broader community. We welcome you to join us for them!

Editorial Board The Rev. Carolyn Cranston ‘99 The Rev. Byron H. Jackson, Ed.D. Thomas J. Pappalardo For changes of address call 412-924-1388 or e-mail For class notes, photo submission, or notice of births and deaths call 412-924-1375 or e-mail

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with great joy God’s message of good news in both word and deed. PTS is scripturally grounded, broadly Reformed, ecumenically minded, and culturally relevant. President The Rev. William J. Carl III, Ph.D. Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculty The Rev. Byron H. Jackson, Ed.D. Vice President for Planning and Institutional Effectiveness James R. Downey, Ph.D. Vice President for Finance and Administration Ann L. Getkin Vice President for Student Service and Dean of Students The Rev. John C. Welch ’02 Vice President for Strategic Advancement and Marketing Thomas J. Pappalardo

Pittsburgh Theological Seminary 616 North Highland Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15206 Phone 412-362-5610 Fax 412-363-3260

Winter 2014 48







Partnerships i n Mi nist r Y

21 Homestead Presbyterian Church Finds

40 Newest PTS Professors Emeriti

Partnership in Giving and Receiving

41 Pastor-Scholar Honors Professor-Mentors


Russian Sociologists Study American

22 Working Together—It Works!

42 Faculty News and Publications

Congregational Life

22 A Collaborative Labor of Love

48 Andrew Purves Installed as Jean and


Alums Receive Grant for Their

Collaborative Ministry

24 P T S N e ws



D.Min. Program Provides

24 Alumnae/i Days Recognizes

49 Celebrating the Lives and Mourning Our

Collaborative Opportunities

Loss of Professor Bob Kelley and His


A Practical Partnership

27 Scholarships Honor Former PTS Leaders

Wife, Ruth


Partnering in Degrees

28 Graduation

2 2

New Life

Distinguished Grads

Nancy Davis Professor of Historical

50 Alu m n a e / i N e ws

10 Public Theology in Action

30 Audrey Starr and Paula Cooper Named

12 Mutual Transformation through Mission

13 Camping Crestfield in Africa

31 Partnering for Church Planting

52 Marriages

14 Discovering Antiquity through

32 Welcome to the Board of Directors

53 Ordinations, Installations, and


34 Former Board Members Remembered

16 Continuing Education

35 Honoring Bob Harper Posthumously

for Vocational Living

18 Seminary Partners with Local

Calian Prize Winners

with the Anderson Award

36 Chapel Renovations

Organizations to Make a Difference

19 Committed Co-pastoring 20 Complementary Gifts for Shared Ministry

50 Births and Adoptions

Appointments 56 Retirements 57 Class Notes 64 In Memory 66 McMillan Society Feature: The Rev. Drs.

38 P T S F a c u lty N e ws 38 Meet Our New Faculty

Gary and Judy Angleberger

67 Investing for Silken Communities

partnerships in ministry

Partnership in Giving and Receiving (Phil. 4:15)


he 20th and 21st centuries have seen much theological

describe what, by God’s grace, we share with Christ and therefore with

discussion and some ecclesial institutional alignments in the

each other (Phil. 1:5; 4:15, and various verses in the fourth Gospel and

hope of strengthening ecumenical relations. Most Christians

Hebrews). Though in the 21st century healing is required so that we may

take seriously Jesus’ prayer that we would be one, and they

become entirely of one mind, thus removing some of the impediments

consider the current fractured state of Christian communities to be a

to full unity, we still share together significantly. Indeed, as those of

tragedy. One thing we don’t agree on is how to solve this problem.

us who are identified with a particular church body look sideways at

There is a wise and often-quoted dictum: “In essentials, unity; in non-

other groups, we may well see strengths and charisms that complement

essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.” (The maxim is often attributed

our own particular characteristics. Some fellowships exhibit a deep

to Augustine, but it is actually from the pen of 17th-century Lutheran

understanding of worship, others evangelistic imagination and drive,

Rupertus Meldenius and was made famous by his near-contemporary,

others a deep appreciation of learning, others a care for the poor, and

the Puritan Richard Baxter.) However helpful the saying, there remains

so on. Ideally these should all be present together—but there is also

a difficulty: our inability to agree entirely on which things are essential

much that we can learn from each other. Could it be that working

or central, over against those things that are “adiaphora,” that is,

alongside each other wherever we can, and learning from each other’s

not essential or centrally characteristic of the Church. What is the

strengths, is a more effective and truthful expression of unity than

non-negotiable basis of our unity as Christians, and where are the

working toward structural or “institutional” alliances?

“boundaries” of our identity? This dilemma has been expressed, until about the beginning of the 20th century, by a “hedged table” in many

Pittsburgh Seminary has experienced both kinds of ecumenical

denominations—that is, on the premise that communion implies

movements. Itself a merger between two Presbyterian seminaries

doctrinal agreement, Christians did not normally receive communion

serving different denominations, it has gone on to incorporate staff,

or partake of the Lord’s Supper when visiting in ecclesial communities

faculty, and students of various backgrounds. Our faculty includes

beyond their very own. Today, many Protestant churches have left such

members not only of the PCUSA, but also of Dutch Reformed,

scruples behind, but they remain in place for some Christian bodies—a

Episcopal, United Church of Christ, United Methodist, Eastern

regrettable commentary on our theological and practical differences.

Orthodox, Baptist, and Moravian traditions. We maintain partnerships of various kinds abroad, as this issue of Panorama illustrates. The

Whatever one thinks of “closed” and “open” communion, it is clear

student body is even more varied, as it represents more than 30

that there are some projects and endeavors in which all Trinitarian and

Christian affiliations. Such a mix is both enriching and complicating!

Christ-centered Christians can participate authentically. We can pray

Lively discussion and probing conversation accompany our study, and

together; we can learn together (though there may well be debate!);

decision-making occurs in the context of various, sometimes colliding

we can work together and serve those who are in need around us and

perspectives. In our endeavors beyond the Seminary’s walls, or as we

among us. The New Testament uses two favorite words for partnership

host groups from off campus, this dynamic is even more apparent.

and communion—metoché (“participation, sharing in”), and the

Working together across various bodies is not a task for the simple-

better-known koinŌnia (what is held “in common”). These words are

minded or the faint of heart—but it can be very rewarding!

sometimes used negatively to warn that Christians ought not enter into common life with that which is foreign to their nature—light cannot

As a member of the Orthodox Church, and a faculty member at PTS,

cohabit with darkness (2 Cor. 6:14), for example. More commonly they

I experienced this gift first-hand on my whirlwind tour to Moscow



partnerships in ministry

in October 2012. There I had the opportunity to address graduate

body of Christ, until all of us come to the unity of the faith

students and faculty of theology at St. Tikhon’s University, teach two

and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to maturity, to

classes at its undergraduate satellite campus in the suburbs, and

the measure of the full stature of Christ. We must no longer

visit various churches and monasteries. For them, I illustrated the

be children, tossed to and fro and blown about by every

“American-lively-style” of lecturing, and my audiences thought it

wind of doctrine, by people’s trickery, by their craftiness in

invigorating; I found their sobriety and diligence encouraging. We

deceitful scheming. But speaking the truth in love, we must

met together as members of the same Orthodox church, but my

grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ,

habits learned in the Antiochian jurisdiction and the American context

from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by

differed in some respects from their Russian and old-world conventions.

every ligament with which it is equipped, as each part is

The undergraduates were both intense and shy—characteristics very

working properly, promotes the body’s growth in building

different from the breezy attitudes found on U.S. campuses. A few

itself up in love. (Eph. 4:11-16)

students were bold enough to question me about the Reformed tenets of predestination—they had assumed that all our teaching

Notice that this passage does not depict a naively idyllic picture of unity;

was governed by and centered on that denominational distinctive,

rather, it recognizes that we must grow into maturity, that there is the

and they were surprised to discover that other matters preoccupy the

danger of confusion and deception (“being blown to and fro”), and

North American Christian community. The graduate students showed

that love must be joined by truth. My experience at PTS, and with the

greater savvy—they asked questions about our political scene, and they

partnerships into which our Seminary has entered, has been that as we

wondered how Christians would decide between a U.S. president who

hold together these things, speak honestly with each other, and seek to

seemed secular and one who was clearly sectarian! Prior to my trip,

grow into everything God intends us to be, we can be helped even at

some people at PTS had wondered how a Russian university aligned

those places where we strongly differ. At the very least, learning how to

with a traditional and old-world church that did not ordain women to

articulate our differences sharpens us and gives us more integrity. At the

the priesthood would receive me, a married woman and professional

most, our work together may deepen us and promote the building up

teacher of theology. So I was delighted that my lunchtime discussion

of God’s people—for our worship in the Holy Spirit and in truth, for our

with the St. Tikhon’s faculty, many of them ordained, was entirely

service to the world into which Christ came, and for our life together.

unforced and cordial, as between academic equals. Our horizons were mutually expanded. Nor has the partnership ceased: through SkypeTM, we have done a graduate seminar together and are exploring the possibility of translating my most recent book through their press. The author to the Ephesians reminds us of how the body of Christ is built together:

Dr. Edith M. Humphrey is the William F. Orr Professor of New Testament.

The gifts he gave were that some would be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the



partnerships in ministry

Russian Sociologists Study North American Congregational Life “What does your congregation mean to you? Why do you come to church, and what activities are you involved in? Are the values of your congregation different from those of society?”


rom Sept. 1829, 2013, four sociologists of religion posed

questions to Seminary faculty and students and Pittsburgh pastors and church leaders. These interviewers were not conducting a Gallup poll; rather, they were representing St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University in Moscow, Russia. Three of the four professors had never before visited the United States, and all were learning for the first time about North American congregational life. During 75 years of communism, the Russian Orthodox Church was prohibited from organizing Sunday schools or youth groups, prayer circles or social ministries. Outer forms of worship continued to exist, but the congregation as a community of mutual caring and edification was lost. Since the fall of communism in 1991, the church in Russia has reestablished thousands of parishes. But rebuilding congregational life takes longer than rebuilding a parish. Our guests were seeking insight from North American Christians. While discovering just how diverse our congregations are, the Russian scholars focused on Eastminster Presbyterian Church in East Liberty (which co-sponsored their visit) and St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in McKees Rocks. The results of their research will eventually issue in a book, which I will help edit. The Rev. Dr. John Burgess is the James Henry Snowden Professor of Systematic Theology.

John Burgess’s personal encounters with Russian Orthodoxy began in 2004, when he spent a sabbatical year based in St. Petersburg. Regularly returning to Russia (and leading a group of PTS students there in 2007), he lived in Moscow for the 2011-2012 academic year as a Fulbright Scholar and Luce Theological Fellow. His research focused on how the Orthodox Church is reshaping Russian society, and he lectured at St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Humanitarian University, which helped sponsor his stay. (Pittsburgh Theological Seminary has had a formal partnership with St. Tikhon’s since 2010.) In his most recent book, Encounters with Orthodoxy (see page 42), John reflects on his experiences in Russia over the past decade. Now a recognized expert on the Russian Orthodox Church, John speaks on the topic several times a year at the Foreign Service Institute in Washington, D.C., as part of the State Department’s training program for Foreign Service personnel. And as a regular speaker in North American churches across the U.S., John offers Christian leaders and laypeople new ways of refreshing their faith from the ancient traditions of Orthodoxy.



partnerships in ministry

Alums Receive Grant for their Collaborative Ministry


hree Pittsburgh Seminary alums and two then-students-

“This grant has allowed us more time and resources to engage in

now-graduates have been honored for their collaborative

theological reflection on what collaborative ministry means,” says Deb.

ministry efforts. A grant through the Presbyterian Church

“We’re readjusting the model because the days are gone when many

(U.S.A.) Communities of Theological Reflection/Communities

seminarians could work on a large staff to learn ministry. So we’re

of Theological Friendship will encourage the continuation of their work

trying to help students learn ministry by working with more than one

into the future.


The awardees included the Rev. Dr.

While in Seminary, Deb completed

Daniel Corll ’80/’01 (Mt. Pleasant

her field education requirement

United Presbyterian Church),

under Dan’s leadership. Then, when

the Rev. Dr. Beverly James ’81

Dan was on sabbatical, Beverly

(Riverview United Presbyterian

preached at his church. Realizing

Church), and the Rev. Deborah

the strengths of combining their

Warren ’05 (Second United

resources, time, and talents, the

Presbyterian Church), along with

group decided to approach future

Elaine Loggi ’13 and Melissa Morris

field education placements in a

’12, who were both students at

similar manner.

the time of receiving the honor. The group used the grant to

“Working in two churches and with

provide time and resources for

two field education supervisors was

biblical and theological reflection

a very positive experience for me. It

on the practical aspects of their collaborative team ministry.

not only allowed me to see ministry

From left to right: Beverly James, Deborah Warren, Elaine Loggi, Daniel Corll, Melissa Morris

Since 2005 the ministry team

in two different contexts, but it also showed me how churches and ministry leaders can accomplish

has worked together to cultivate

so much more when they work

communities. While each congregation maintains its own identity, the

together,” says Elaine. “Seeing the ways in which these churches

joint effort provides the resources of a larger church. The pastors fill

have worked together to overcome limitations has been an invaluable

in for each other during one’s time away from the pulpit. They also

learning experience and has given me many ideas and tools for my own

collaborate on mission projects and pastoral care. Seminary students


completing their required field education experience with any one of the trio’s churches also split their time between the congregations.



partnerships in ministry

D.Min. Program Provides Collaborative Opportunities Reformed Focus A unique arrangement with universities in Scotland Eastern Christian Focus A partnership with the Antiochian House of Studies, Bolivar, Pa. Science & Theology Focus An interdisciplinary focus between scientists and theologians Reformed Christian Spirituality Focus A hybrid learning structure Parish Focus Contextual, missional, practical


hadn’t thought of that,” is often a

collaborating, students can achieve true

rejoinder in a new cohort group. Therein

partnerships, which require both listening and

lies the inherent value of partnerships

an awareness of their own reactions—and at

within the Doctor of Ministry Program at

times subconscious motives.

Pittsburgh Seminary. By pooling resources and

6 4


sharing tasks—through discerning who does

Our Partnerships

what best—the D.Min. structure provides

A D.Min. program such as the Reformed Focus

fertilizer and water to assure deeply-rooted

(a unique arrangement between Pittsburgh

“plants” and deeply-rooted programs. By

Theological Seminary and universities in

partnerships in ministry

Scotland) models this kind of authentic

to hone skills in ministry. As we test the

What better environment for dialogue and the

partnership. Through the years, Pittsburgh

world of digital learning and access what it

creative movement of the Spirit, for reflection

Seminary has been privileged to participate

means to reboot graduate education, the

on themes of mission and purpose? Not only

with Scottish institutions. We have been

hybrid program will bring advanced seminary

does this model lead to discovery and renewal,

mutually energized through creative and

education together in dialogue with social

but also cohorts become partners in ministry,

ongoing dialogue, and discernment of

science methodology.

along with seminary faculty. Such partnership

purpose and goals. Students and faculty

is critical in this opportune moment for

travel between Scotland and Pittsburgh to

Why Partnerships?

change, in which fear and anxiety can override

experience different settings and cultures.

Contemporary ministry, including in the

hope for a future reality of and for the church.

highly important world of spiritual formation Likewise, the unique Eastern Christian Focus

and practice, requires robust and repeated

In the D.Min. program, the source of

(an agreement with the Antiochian House

retooling. Interestingly, William Pannapacker

partnering includes a shared desire to learn,

of Studies) combines the strengths of our

writes on the theme of cultivating partnerships

and also a shared yearning for belonging

faculty with those in the Eastern Orthodox

in what is now termed the “digital

and for solutions to problems. Partnerships

tradition. A variation of the Parish Focus

humanities.” He suggests graduate education

last because of collaborative strategies that

designed for clergy serving Orthodox and

will need to demonstrate technological

take into account different strengths, diverse

Eastern Rite congregations and agencies, this

competence and entrepreneurial ability.1

views, and attention to context—that value

program fosters dialogue between Protestant

Communication in the 21st century requires

difference. Too much of the time, we write or

denominations and Eastern Christian

such competencies. At the same time, the

preach or base our thinking on ideologies, as

traditions. And the off-site programs within

wider culture continues to reflect a yearning

though flesh-and-blood human beings were

the Parish Focus itself require careful attention

for community and connections through the

not involved. But partnering requires human

of shared resources between the Seminary and

lens of spirituality. How will those in ministry

engagement. And the Doctor of Ministry

our D.Min. campus partners: Eckerd College

lead the way? The responsibility rests with

Program continues to build on the strong

in St. Petersburg, Fla.; the Presbytery offices

us to “partner” technology with community

relationships we have established, while also

in Charleston, S.C.; and Pinnacle Presbyterian

and spirituality, so that we guide and shape

developing new ones. Join us!

Church in Scottsdale, Ariz.

learning rather than the other way around.

A leading indicator of both depth and focus

Adopting new forms of learning fosters

within a graduate degree program is the ability

transformation by directing our energies

to collaborate across disciplines, to establish

toward positive change. Theological precedent

ongoing functional and dynamic relationships.

guides us: “. . . creation is not just about what

A cogent example of this ability exists in the

happened once upon a time; it includes the

D.Min. Science & Theology Focus, a subject-

many dimensions of how God continues to

oriented partnership involving scientists and

interact with what God has made.”2 We are

theologians modeling a particular form of

made in the image of God to work together—

collaboration. As time and distance become

to partner—on many levels.

The Rev. Dr. Susan Kendall is the director of the Doctor of Ministry Program.

increasingly compressed, digitized, and virtual, creating intentional space for learning across

The D.Min. program is shaped by such

disciplines becomes increasingly important.

theological thinking. The seminar-style environment of the courses nurtures ongoing

Our newest D.Min. endeavor consists in a

collaborative dialogue by bringing together

hybrid program within the Reformed Christian

leaders with significant ministerial experience

Spirituality Focus. The new program, which

beyond seminary. Drawing on this experience,

will incorporate online education, is scheduled

they are able to discuss issues of concern,

to begin in June 2014. As institutions seek to

important experiential learning, and new

redefine their use of resources, collaboration


can be key in coping with the changes. Together, time and resources set the stage for new forms of learning and new opportunities 1 See Pannapacker, May 13, 2013, “Cultivating Partnerships in the Digital Humanities.” 2 McFarland, Creation and Theology: The Sources of Christian Theology, 2009, xiii


7 5

partnerships in ministry

A practical partnership


or the last two centuries,

The Rev. Dr. David Morse, lecturer

a large number of United

in Methodist studies, notes that

Methodist students have pursued their theological

education at a historically Presbyterian seminary—PTS (and our predecessor schools). Why? Well, for one thing, Pittsburgh Seminary has long been known for academic and programmatic excellence. For another, we are the only accredited seminary within the boundaries of the UMC’s Western Pennsylvania Annual Conference. So we have a long tradition and high numbers of UMC graduates. But perhaps the more interesting question to answer these days is, “How?” How is it that a graduate of a PCUSA seminary can become a United Methodist pastor? The answer lies in the formal covenant relationship PTS now maintains

“In the Wesleyan tradition we emphasize connectionalism. We believe the Church is much larger than just one local congregation or community. Thus we support one another through itinerancy Scott Lawrence, and mutual church senior M.Div. student connection. PTS’s ministering in The partnership with Wesley United Methodist Church Theological Seminary allows us as United Methodist students to maintain this Wesleyan connection while studying at a historically Presbyterian school. Most importantly for me, it also means we can continue to study here in Pittsburgh.”

with Wesley Theological Seminary

“the partnership also allows PTS students to take courses on site at Wesley, as well as online through Wesley. But the 270mile distance from PTS often makes taking Wesley’s on-site courses impractical, and most UMC students prefer the personal interaction of a campus class to taking courses online.” Since many of our UMC students are also filling pastorates in the Pittsburgh area as licensed local clergy, it is “almost impossible for them to be full-time students at PTS and take the required UMC courses in D.C. at Wesley.” UMC students who enjoy taking classes on campus, rather than online, also appreciate the opportunities at PTS to be in the “denominational majority” while studying UMC history, doctrine,

in Washington, D.C. PTS is, in

and polity. They register for their

fact, one of only three non-UMC seminaries to enjoy this “Education

specifically UMC requirements through Wesley, even if they are taking

Covenant for Partnership” with Wesley—as well as the geographically

them at PTS—and Wesley students may join them here in those classes!

farthest of those three from D.C. So for both reasons—geographical convenience and personal What does all this mean, in practical terms, for PTS students headed for

interaction—the covenant partnership is a “practically perfect” solution

ministry in the United Methodist Church? Simply put, the partnership

to UMC students’ educational needs, personal circumstances, and

allows United Methodists to receive their preparation for ministry at

ministerial goals at PTS. “The chief benefits of the partnership,” notes

PTS, since ordination-seeking UMC students getting their degrees

Dr. Morse, “are very practical.”

from non-UMC schools may only do so at a UMC-partner seminary. The master of divinity curriculum at PTS overlaps significantly with

By remaining on the list of certified UMC schools, PTS enables full-time

that required by the United Methodist Church in areas such as biblical

students and practicing pastors not to have to drive long distances,

studies, languages, and evangelism, for example. Because we also

move, or give up jobs. They can “stay put,” get an excellent theological

maintain United Methodist professors on our faculty and offer courses

education, and still meet the requirements for conference membership

in UMC history, doctrine, and polity, UMC students are able to fulfill all

and ordination in The United Methodist Church. Now what could be

their denominational requirements as students at PTS.

better than that?



partnerships in ministry

Partnering in Degrees


n the not-too-distant future of 2016, the Summer Olympics will

In 1964, Pittsburgh Seminary’s Dean Gordon Jackson was serving also

be hosted in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and NASA’s Juno spacecraft

in the classroom as a professor focusing primarily on pastoral ministry.

is expected to arrive at Jupiter. During this last year of President

He had a keen interest in developing up-to-date techniques that could

Obama’s second term, a company called Orbital Technologies

build up the ministerial skills of pastors and lay people. So he knew that

plans to launch a space hotel for the wealthy. At least one prediction

group work was becoming the national standard in counseling and

estimates that 40 percent of the world’s current population will be

interpersonal practices. To Jackson it made sense for that technique

Internet users. And according to a woman in the movie Ghostbusters II,

also to be incorporated into the realm of pastoral care. And knowing of

the world will end on Feb. 14.

Erma Meyerson’s national reputation in group work, he invited her to share her

That same year, however, will also

expertise at PTS. Accepting the invitation,

mark the 50th anniversary of the

Meyerson began collaborating with

establishment of the M.Div./M.S.W.

Jackson and other faculty to stimulate an

joint degree program between

interdisciplinary learning environment.

Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and the University of Pittsburgh. It’s one

Jointly thinking through these theories

of the longest running joint degree

and applying them in both the classroom

programs in the nation. But where

and students’ field education work,

did it all begin?

Jackson and Meyerson began developing other collaborative means for enhancing

Let’s venture back in time . . . to the year 1964. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

The University of Pittsburgh’s Cathedral of Learning

students’ application of the two disciplines. Observing a handful of other

would receive the Nobel Peace Prize, and the Beatles would make their

schools experimenting with joint degree programs (most of which no

first appearance on the Ed Sullivan show. Designer Mary Quant would

longer exist), they became energized by the possibilities for a joint

introduce miniskirts as a wardrobe essential for every stylish young

degree in theology and social work, so that students entering ministry

woman in the Western world, and an attack on U.S. ships by the North

could acquire not only a second degree but also, and most importantly,

Vietnamese would propel the country into the Vietnam War. Lyndon B.

the full range of social work skills often so pertinent to pastoral work.

Johnson would defeat Barry Goldwater in the United States presidential

Thus in 1966, the Pittsburgh Seminary/University of Pittsburgh joint

election, and in his first State of the Union Address Johnson would

M.Div./M.S.W. degree program was born.

declare a “War on Poverty.” A gallon of gas cost about 30 cents. Through the years the program has been honed in a way that The year 1964 also saw an intelligent Jewish woman named Erma

demonstrates and highlights the benefits of partnering—for the

Meyerson step onto the campus of Pittsburgh Theological Seminary as a

betterment not only of individuals and groups, of social workers and

guest professor in the area of advanced pastoral studies. A member of

pastors, but also of ministry at large, both within and outside the walls

the University of Pittsburgh’s Graduate School of Social Work, Meyerson

of the church.

was a national figure in the theory and practice of group work. Originating in the 1930s, group work aimed at helping individuals by involving them in group life. Recognizing human beings as both individuals and products of their social environments, the therapeutic

Rebecca Dix is a middler M.Div. student.

technique facilitated self-fulfillment as well as group development. Social workers trained in this approach made use of interviewing and interpersonal skills as they interacted with the individuals and families they sought to help. By elevating the social functioning of individuals within a group, group work sought to foster greater maturity in the group as a whole, and eventually the betterment of its wider social environment. Panorama


partnerships in ministry

Public Theology in Action


he essentiality of partnership for holistic human growth and thriving is grounded in creation and exemplified in Christ. No wonder our journey through life is necessarily relational.

Recently I had the opportunity to be involved with a major partnership between Pittsburgh Theological Seminary/Metro-Urban Institute, the Seminary Consortium for Urban Pastoral Education (SCUPE), and Rodman Street Missionary Baptist Church. The collaboration created opportunities that none of these groups could have enacted alone. The Metro-Urban Institute recognized the value of partnering with SCUPE to offer a course in Public Theology for students pursuing the certificate program in Urban Ministry at Pittsburgh Seminary. Once the Seminary approved the course, the Rodman Street church recognized the value of educating its members on the subject, too, and thus opened its doors to host the class. that public theology is key to being the church in the community. In part taught by PTS board member the Rev. Dr. Darryl Canady, senior

Viewing the world as our classroom, we students partnered to

pastor of Rodman Street Missionary Baptist, the course demonstrated

formulate group projects and discover ways to engage the community

Photos by Mark Hannan



partnerships in ministry

in obtaining the information and materials needed to complete them.

Working together as partners proved key in implementing the rally and

Our methods included door-to-door interactions, meet-and-greets in

also in producing a complete and comprehensive written articulation of

the community, and telephone calls on the topic of gun violence. The

our research. Each person’s contribution filled an important place in our

stories and information we gathered from these engagements with the

paper, and each person’s voice filled an important space in our thesis.

community issued in a final group paper, with each section written by

Personality differences and the dynamics of group work made the

an individual member of our group.

projects challenging, but in the end we all came together to accomplish a goal greater than our individual selves. Every aspect of the course taught us something—not only about the subject of Public Theology and the process of producing a group project (group dynamics, timelines, and event planning), but also about ourselves—about being a prophetic voice in everything we do. The practical application of our classroom and book learning as part of the Public Theology course not only gave “legs” to our newly acquired knowledge as we interacted with people in the community, but actually furthered our knowledge. The approach aptly illustrates the essential partnership between theoretical learning in the classroom and contextualized ministry in the world. And by bringing together as partners people of different backgrounds and ideas, the collaboration of PTS/MUI, SCUPE, and Rodman Street Missionary Baptist Church allowed public theology to make a positive impact right here in Pittsburgh.

But we also put our learning to the test by organizing an event of our choice—in the case of my group, a rally against gun violence. To carry out the event, we partnered not only with the sponsoring institutions and organizations (MUI, SCUPE, and Rodman Church), but also with the community, and on a topic that speaks to every neighborhood in every city of the world. The event gave the community an opportunity

April Roebuck is a senior M.Div. student.

to be heard, and in return the community gained a sense of hope from knowing that people are both listening to their concerns and trying to address them constructively.



partnerships in ministry

Mutual Transformation through Mission


sat quietly and intently listening to our language interpreter as several women from the hill tribes of Southeast Asia shared the stories of how they came to faith in Jesus. One after another, they recounted the details of who brought the Good News to their

Over the past decade, the World Mission Initiative has partnered with a

families, how they or family members were healed of physical ailments

small church-planting movement in a country in Southeast Asia, where

through prayer in Jesus’ name, and how the gospel had brought life

people are winsomely and joyfully sharing the new life they have found

and hope to their families by bringing an end to alcohol abuse or

in Jesus and God’s kingdom. The church has grown from very small

domestic violence. With great joy on their faces they told their stories,

gatherings that were often disrupted by local authorities, to more than

all of which ended something like this:

100 house churches which meet regularly.

“Then, we were not able to get work in the village because we had

But WMI cannot take credit for any of this growth! All of it has been

become Christians. Then, my husband/father was taken to prison for

accomplished by God’s Spirit at work among these courageous people.

sharing the Good News with other families in the village. Then, we had

We’ve enjoyed the privilege, however, of offering encouragement and

to move from our village to escape the persecution.”

support through small gifts, regular visits, and intercessory prayer in gatherings that meet weekly at Pittsburgh Seminary.

Yet the whole time, the joy never disappeared

In 10 years of building our relationship with these Christian brothers

from their faces. After

and sisters in Southeast Asia, 75 students and others have traveled with

hearing nearly a half

WMI to participate in this missional partnership. Each participant could

dozen of these stories,

give witness to stories of transformation happening in the midst of our

I finally broke in and

partner church, as well as in his or her own life of faith. And this mutual

asked, “How is it that you

transformation in Christ is what partnership in mission is all about.

share the stories of your suffering with such joy?”

As Paul writes in his letter to the Romans, “ I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong—that is, that

I will never forget the

you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith” (Rom.

answer. The woman I had interrupted looked straight into my eyes and

1:11-12). In our missional “going,” we may presume to offer some

spoke. Finally, the translation came: “Because Jesus is so much greater

gift of encouragement or support. But ultimately the Holy Spirit does

than all we had before. It is worth losing everything.”

a work of transformation in the “goers” as well as those to whom they minister. In the relationships that develop through our mission

That moment will always remain fresh in my mind, as will many more

partnerships—not only in Southeast Asia but also in 11 other countries

memorable moments since that first trip. My brothers and sisters in

of the world—the Church on both sides of the mission equation

Southeast Asia have helped to sharpen and focus my faith in Jesus in

becomes better equipped to continue sharing the life-giving gospel

a way I never would have imagined. Thankfully, the lessening of their

hope that comes only through Jesus Christ.

persecution over the years has given our Christian partners greater freedom to gather for worship, prayer, and fellowship. On the other

The Rev. Jen Haddox

hand, the elected leader of this movement recently said, “Please

’06 is associate

pray for us. With less persecution we become lazy, and we need the

director of the

persecution to drive us to our knees.” How many of us North American

World Mission

Christians have the courage and faith to pray this prayer for ourselves?




partnerships in ministry

Camping Crestfield in Africa


or the past nine years, the Rev. Betty Angelini ’09 has been

20 enjoyed daily worship together as well as Bible studies and time for

leading Crestfield Camp and Conference Center, a Christian


ministry facility of the Pittsburgh Presbytery located in Slippery Rock, Pa. Not only does Betty welcome campers to traditional

The week culminated in a worship service led by the children and youth.

on-site programs, but Crestfield also joins with local Presbyterian

“The kids took high ownership of this service,” said Betty. “If you’ve

churches to assist with summer day camps. Additionally, Mission

ever worked with youth ministry you know that the Holy Spirit truly has

Possible camps bring young people to the facility and then provide

to be present. They did a beautiful job!” The younger children played

opportunities for mission work in the local field.

“Jesus Loves Me” on the hand bells and acted out Scripture while the older ones led the Call to Worship through the energizer, “Revolution,”

Recently Betty’s work covered more of the map. For the first time, she

and Bible study. “It was truly an amazing thing!”

and others from Crestfield traveled around the globe to provide a camp experience for children in Africa. At the invitation of the Rev. Ken White

Often children of mission workers, “third-culture kids” as they are often

’76, associate pastor at Southminster Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh,

referred to, struggle to find their place in these settings. While their

and the PCUSA Mission Agency, members of Crestfield worked with

parents are working hard, the children are worshipping in a foreign land

the children of mission co-workers in Africa. For a week in April 2013,

in a native language. They may not have the chance to ask questions

Betty joined Ken, who was serving as spiritual director to the mission

related to their special circumstances. “The parents were so appreciative

co-workers; Aimee Spicuzza, M.Div. student at PTS and employee

of us being there to be present with their children,” says Betty.

at Crestfield; and two others from Crestfield, Becky Little, program director, and Mike Hilf, assistant program director.

Next time Betty hopes to be able to do a similar camp program in Latin America. “We live in a day and age when in ministry we are working

While the mission co-workers and mission staff from Louisville met for

to be missional. We have to go out into the world,” says Betty. “This

a week-long conference, Betty and the others from Crestfield provided

is the beginning of a wonderful partnership between the campus and

a camp experience for the attendees’ children. The group of more than

conference ministry and the mission ministry of the PCUSA.” Panorama


partnerships in ministry

“The Trench” at The Zeitah Excavations (Tel Zayit, Israel) reveals historical periods from 1,600-1,200 BCE (the Middle and Late Bronze Ages).



evelopments in the terminology used by modern archaeologists recently led the Seminary to update the name of the James L. Kelso Bible Lands Museum, now the Kelso Museum of Near Eastern Archaeology. But the new

identification continues to pay tribute to James L. Kelso, professor of Old Testament and Hebrew, first at one of Pittsburgh Seminary’s parent institutions (Xenia Seminary) in the 1920s and continuing for 42 years through its move to Pittsburgh and eventual merger with Western Theological Seminary. A 1919/1921 alumnus of Xenia, Kelso assisted William Foxwell Albright, of Johns Hopkins University, in excavating the Palestinian site of Tell Beit Mirsim from 1926-1932. In 1934, the two scholars collaborated on field work at the biblical site of Bethel. But the Seminary’s leadership in archaeological research had, in fact, begun much earlier, for in 1908 Kelso’s professor and mentor, Melvin Grove Kyle, had accepted the first position in biblical archaeology at a Protestant seminary—Xenia. Already by 1924 Kyle was partnering with Albright on an archaeological survey of the Dead Sea Plain. From the beginning of our involvement in this discipline, both Kyle and Kelso set a high standard for ecumenical collaboration with numerous researchers and academic institutions at home and abroad. Over the course of his career, Kelso worked with colleagues from the University of Pennsylvania, Carnegie Mellon University, The American Schools of Oriental Research in Jerusalem (ASOR), the Palestine Exploration Fund in London, and the Israel and Jordanian antiquities authorities, among other entities. The Seminary’s support of field work in Israel/ Palestine and Jordan also included excavations at Herodian Jericho, Tel el-Ful/Gibeah, Ashdod, Tell er-Rumeith/Ramoth-Gilead, and Bab edh-Dhra. And in 1950 Kelso even became president of two important bodies in Jerusalem: ASOR and the Board of Trustees of the Palestine Archaeological Museum (today the Rockefeller Museum). When Paul Lapp came to Pittsburgh Seminary in 1968, he quickly helped launch collaborative work in Egypt with Claremont University, the American Research Center in Egypt, and the Smithsonian Institution. Military restrictions cut this work short in 1969, so Lapp partnered with the State University of New York at Albany on work at Idalion (Cyprus). From 1975-1990, Nancy Lapp and Pittsburgh Seminary students participated with excavators from Indiana University of Pennsylvania and Valparaiso University in multiple seasons of excavations, again at sites



partnerships in ministry

Antiquity through Partnership its collections and programming under now Curator Emerita Nancy Lapp. Most recently, its expansion has included the acquisition of some 6,000 sherds (including 60 display-quality pieces) from the Smithsonian Institution under Curator Dr. Karen Bowden Cooper. Researchers from around the world visit Pittsburgh to examine the Kelso’s collections or to give scholarly presentations in our 40-year-old lecture series, endowed by the Jamieson Trotter Fund. This generous financial partnership, established in 1989, allows the Museum to maintain its facilities and collections, help Pittsburgh Seminary students gain hands-on archaeological field experience, and host international scholars giving open lectures on archaeology, biblical backgrounds, and related topics. Since 2000, scholars from 25 world-class institutions have given lectures in the Museum’s series, regularly attended by students and faculty from Pittsburgh-area universities, churches, and

From left to right: Ron E. Tappy, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary; P. Kyle McCarter, Johns Hopkins University; Marilyn J. Lundberg, West Semitic Research Project; Bruce Zuckerman, University of Southern California in the Dead Sea Plain. And from 1997 to the present, I have sought to build on this deep history of archaeological research through my work at Tel Zayit in the foothills of biblical Judah—a project affiliated with ASOR (now headquartered at Boston University) and with the Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (the oldest American center in the Middle East for research on the ancient Near East). My field project at Tel Zayit—The Zeitah Excavations—has incorporated hundreds of student-volunteer partners from dozens of institutions around the globe to expand our collective knowledge of the biblical world. And the volunteers’ experience greatly informs their individual study of the biblical texts by firsthand exploration of ancient sites

synagogues, as well as members of the Biblical Archaeology Society of Pittsburgh. PTS is proud to have an endowed chair of Bible and archaeology, a fully functional archaeological museum and lab area (visited by some 3,000 people each year), and a recognized field project of archaeological exploration. These wonderful assets truly help to distinguish the Seminary among all others and even among the majority of large universities in the nation. And these resources—founded on and sustained by vital partnerships—will certainly constitute major features of the Seminary’s recruitment and curricular programs as we prepare students for their various roles in education and the ministry of the church. To see a list of upcoming archaeology lectures or to plan your visit to the Museum, visit or follow the QR code.

throughout the biblical lands. Dr. Ron E. Tappy is the G. Albert Shoemaker Across more than a century, then, Pittsburgh Seminary has pursued an

Professor of Bible and Archaeology,

ecumenical approach to studying the world of the Bible by partnering

director of the Kelso Museum of Near

with some of the leading scholars and institutions in the field. And

Eastern Archaeology, and project director

many of the participants in these collaborative projects went on to

and principal investigator of The Zeitah

become well known archaeologists and biblical scholars in their own


right—Nelson Gleuck, George Ernest Wright, John Bright, James Muilenburg, William Brownlee, and others. The Kelso Museum houses many artifacts recovered in these early excavations, which occurred before laws prohibited removing objects from their country of origin. From 1970-2000, the Museum enhanced



partnerships in ministry

Continuing Education


ocation. As Inigo Montoya said, “You keep using that

It helps to remember that a vocation is just that—a call, a summons

word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”

from God to leverage who we are and what we have for the sake of

Growing up Catholic, I was taught early on that “vocation”

a world that desperately needs those gifts. A “call” means that we are not expected to “figure it out” on our own. God pulls, the world

was the realm of the select. Only those lucky folks who sensed a call

around us teaches us what it needs and benefits from our investment,

to ordination or vowed religious life had “vocations.” It was either that

and we live in response to that three-way partnership. As Frederick

or—at the other end of the spectrum—what aspiring plumbers and

Buechner writes, “Neither the hair shirt nor the soft berth will do. The

beauticians learned to do in “vo-tech” school. Either way, it was clear

place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the

that I didn’t have one. A vocation, that is. And so, I thought, I was left

world’s deep hunger meet.”

to my own devices to figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up. At its heart, then, vocation is an act of integrity and a way of leaning As I got older, I came to discover that vocation had just as much

into life that weaves together who we are, what the world needs from

baggage attached to it in other ecclesial traditions. Those communities

us, and how we live in response to that. It is always personal—your call

might cast the net a little wider when affirming religious leadership, but

is particular to you and who you are—but it is never private, since it is

vocation was still just that—something exercised primarily within the

always enacted in the commons.

four walls of a church. What, then, is the relationship between your vocation and what you But then my world got rocked. While I was in graduate school, a wise

do for a living? Ideally, they should align. If the presence of a vibrant

elder pronounced to us the following: “I believe that 100 percent of us

vocation is marked by integrity, then your work should feed into and

have been called to do God’s work in the world. And 100 percent of

be fed by your sense of call. When that integrity breaks down, as it

us have been gifted to do that work.” It created a seismic shift in my

inevitably will for most of us, the crisis isn’t a “loss of vocation”; rather,

landscape. For the first time, it was conceivable that I—along with the

it’s an indication that the way you live out your vocation needs to be

rest of humanity—had a vocation, too. The world opened up . . . and

renegotiated. The call is still there—it’s the venue that falls short. And

simultaneously got a lot more complicated.

if you’re under 80, it’s likely that you will have (or have had!) multiple “vocational incarnations” along the way.

The challenge of discerning what God calls us to do in the world is perhaps more knotty than ever before. Everything seems to be in

This is, perhaps, as it should be. As time unfolds, you change. The

flux; the church, the world, and what constitutes “ministry” are all

world and what it needs from you changes. Living out a vocation

undergoing quantum changes. Recent studies by the Pew Forum and

requires nimbleness, especially in a shifting landscape. It requires regular

Robert Putnam show the increase in people who identify themselves

and ongoing opportunities to reflect, pray, and connect meaningfully

as “spiritual but not religious,” while at the same time attendance at

with the other partners in the equation. Vocational living is the journey

mainline Protestant churches is declining, denominational lines are

of—and through—a lifetime, and along the way you’re likely to make

shifting as churches split and regroup, patterns of relationship and

multiple changes of costume.

knowing are reconstituted by “digital natives,” and so on. Interestingly, the researchers who investigated exemplary ministry According to data from the Association of Theological Schools, fewer

education in the study Educating Clergy observed the same

than 45 percent of M.Div. grads intend to pursue congregational

phenomenon. The ability to sustain a lively and relevant pastoral

ministry. For PCUSA students feeling led in that direction, it’s a

imagination over time depends on a person’s capacity to take a step

competitive prospect. If 100 percent of us are called and gifted to do

back and reflect on his or her commitments. When do you carve out

God’s work in the world, how is a person supposed to figure out what

intentional, sacred time to do that? Where are the spaces in your

that means and what it looks like?

life for reconnecting with the God who called you? The world that draws on your gifts? The experiences and tradition that inform those commitments?



partnerships in ministry

for Vocational Living I’ve come to see that asking what I wanted to be when I “grew up” was the wrong question, and a vocation isn’t something that you discover and then live in perpetuity. The questions should have been, “What am I called to grow into? Where am I called to do it? And who is doing the calling?” Do yourself a favor. Listen to those partners you have on this most important journey—your life, your community, the sacred stories, God. And give yourself the chance to hear what they have to say. I’ll give the poet Marge Piercy the last word. The last stanza of her poem “To Be of Use” resonates well here: The work of the world is common as mud. Botched, it smears the hands, crumbles to dust. But the thing worth doing well done has a shape that satisfies, clean and evident. Greek amphoras for wine or oil, Hopi vases that held corn, are put in museums but you know they were made to be used. The pitcher cries for water to carry and a person for work that is real.

Dr. Helen Blier is the new director of Continuing Education. Helen is a graduate of Emory University (Ph.D.) and Boston College (M.Ed. and A.B., theology). Most recently, she served as director of student information and organizational evaluation at the Association for Theological Schools. There she oversaw the administration and use of data-gathering instruments used by the member seminaries as well as consulted with schools to construct assessment protocols for institutional effectiveness, student learning, and degreeprogram outcomes.



partnerships in ministry

Seminary Partners with Local Organizations to Make a Difference


he list of needs in the Pittsburgh and surrounding area is

Mike founded Open Hand Ministries to provide affordable housing for

lengthy. While we certainly cannot solve all the problems, the

disadvantaged families in Garfield and East Liberty. In return, as mentors

Seminary’s employees, students, and alums are partnering

for the SYI youth, John and Mike speak at the Institute every year.

with local organizations to do our part. In addition to food

Each January they also update SYI reunion classes on the Farm and on

and clothing drives, special collections, and periodic volunteer days,

housing projects.

the Seminary enacts God’s love in a variety of ways, including the following.

“The SYI participants give a great boost to our productiveness during the weeks they work with us on these projects,”

Treasures for Children

says John. “Our ability to help

Every Christmas many children in Western

people in need relies heavily

Pennsylvania do not receive gifts because

on the partnership of the

their family is struggling and can’t afford

youth, student, and community

the expense. So each year the community

volunteers who do the hands-on

at Pittsburgh Seminary partners with the


Salvation Army in providing presents for Praying for the Peace of East

these children.

Liberty Before the holidays, donors take from

A year ago a neighborhood tragedy

our Christmas tree a tag inscribed with a

launched a collaborative prayer

particular child’s name and age. The donors

group spearheaded by Pittsburgh

then purchase toys and clothing and put the

Seminary student April Roebuck.

gifts under our community tree in Long Hall.

Now, at local sites where violence

The Salvation Army facilitates the delivery of

has taken place, leaders from five

the gifts by Christmas.

churches, lay people from those same churches and others, neighborhood

“Over the six years we’ve teamed up with the

residents, and Pittsburgh Seminary

Treasures for Children program, we’ve helped

students gather every Friday evening

about 250 children and their families in this

to pray for peace in East Liberty.

way,” says Nancy Hammond (advancement

Called Prayer for Peace, the group

office), who helped organize the Seminary’s

serves as a visible, active presence in the community by coming out

effort last year. “Through the partnership, we’ve been able to touch the

from the gates of the Seminary and the walls of area churches—and

lives of people we didn’t even know needed our help—what a great

hitting the streets.

opportunity to share the love of Christ!” comments participant Cheryl De Paolis (financial aid director).

Prayer for Peace participant KJ Norris-Wilke, a PTS student, reflected on one evening of the group’s activity last spring: “I am standing on

Hands-on Ministry

pavement covered in graffiti, with letters from friends and loved ones

For the past four years, Miller Summer Youth Institute scholars have

spray-painted onto the blacktop—letters saying goodbye to a 17-year-

teamed up with Seminary alums John Creasy ’06, BJ Woodworth ’07,

old community member shot on this spot on a Sunday night. It is Good

and Mike Stanton ’06 to work the gardens at Garfield Community Farm

Friday, and a pastor from our group calls out, ‘Where, O death, is your

and “rehabilitate” homes in urban neighborhoods of Pittsburgh. “It is

victory? Where, O death, is your sting?’ We feel it here among us….

wonderful to have our groups help with these very practical ministries

We came to mourn a young man none of us knew. We came to mourn

started by our Pittsburgh Seminary classmates,” comment Erin ’05 and

our community.”

Derek ’05 Davenport, who co-direct the summer program. They also came—and still come—to pray for peace. Committed to each Together John and BJ launched The Open Door in 2008. John takes

other and the community, the Prayer for Peace collaborative holds on

leadership of the church’s Garfield farm, while BJ serves as lead pastor.

to God’s promise that “where two or three are gathered in my name,



there [Christ is] among them” to bring peace to East Liberty. Occum et

partnerships in ministry

Committed Co-pastoring An interview with husband-and-wife co-pastors Tim and Jan Devine

So how do you balance the work/life relationship when your work literally comes home with you?

How did your commitment to co-pastoring come about?

The balance is most challenging during those seasons in our lives when

We met playing volleyball in the courtyard outside the Pittsburgh

we have unequal levels of energy to invest in our professional lives and

Seminary library. Neither of us came to seminary thinking we would be

ministry. We haven’t by any stretch mastered this balance, but we try to

co-pastors. Jan was initially enrolled in the Christian Education track;

find things we can do together outside of work. We particularly enjoy

Tim assumed he would be a solo pastor. Co-pastors were relatively

travel, tennis, and a new sport called pickleball. It’s fast and competitive

rare at the time we were students at PTS, but as our relationship and

enough that we can’t think about work at the same time! Sharing other

commitment grew, we sensed a call to share pastoral ministry together.

interests, and having two young adults currently living in our home,

When we had children, we made a conscious decision to continue to

usually means that dinner-table conversation doesn’t center on work.

serve in one church and one position. We knew we wanted to be our children’s primary caregivers, and we wanted our family to experience

How does your co-pastoral position better your personal

life in one community of faith together. Sharing one position allowed

relationship with one another?

both of us the flexibility to be actively involved in parenting and

Our pastoral partnership teaches us servanthood and submission to one

nurturing our children on a daily basis, be involved in the community

another as we deal with differences and conflict. Whereas sometimes

around us (for example, Tim now coaches high school varsity tennis),

couples drift apart because they follow different paths and interests, we

and live more simply.

are very aware of our relationship with each other because our lives are interwoven personally and professionally. Working together necessitates

How did you find a co-pastoral position?

that we persist in communicating with each other. Even with the unique

The three churches we have served were all originally looking for a

challenges of being co-pastors, this has been the right ministry path for

solo pastor or head of staff. We sent our PIFs to these churches and


encouraged them to consider the benefits of having two people, two sets of gifts, and two perspectives (male and female) in pastoral

How does your partnership as leaders benefit the church?

leadership. It was very interesting to watch PNCs, and then the

First of all, we offer two sets of complementary strengths, gifts, and

congregations, process the possibility and make the shift from their

passions in our ministry. We are intentional in modeling partnership in

assumed form of leadership to this new concept of co-pastors.

marriage, and that partnering relationship carries over to our work. God made us not only male and female, but also with distinct personalities

What are the greatest joys of working together in this shared

and different perspectives. If someone can’t connect with one of us,


there’s always another option! And because we have had a united

We have committed to life, ministry, and parenting together, with Christ

focus and a hands-on approach to ministry, perhaps congregations

as the foundation of each. The God we worship and serve exists in

have been more willing to walk with us as we work together toward

community, and God created us for community. Authentic community

becoming more Christ-centered, missional, and committed to authentic

is even more important in a profession that can be lonely and stressful.


We rely on each other for wisdom, support, and balance in our ministry as well as our personal lives. We are able to be honest with each other in a way that often doesn’t happen in staff relationships. What are the greatest challenges of working with your spouse? Our greatest ongoing challenge consists in setting boundaries between work and personal time. We constantly have to over-communicate

Currently, the Rev. Dr. Tim ’82/’96 and the Rev. Jan Devine ’83 serve as co-pastors of First Presbyterian Church of Endicott (N.Y.)—their third co-pastoral position.

with each other, because people assume that one person knows what they tell the other. And we need to be careful about putting unfair expectations on each other out of concern that what one of us says or does reflects on the other person.



partnerships in ministry

Complementary Gifts for Shared Ministry


hen Steve Franklin ’09

would handle not only the

accepted a call to Meridian

youth programs but also

United Presbyterian Church

discipleship for all ages. In a

not long after getting his

casual conversation with World

M.Div., little did he know what a big job

Mission Initiative Director

would develop there. The church had gone

Don Dawson and WMI Associate Director

through a long period of decline. With eight

Jen Haddox ’06, Steve mentioned his need

other Presbyterian churches in a three-mile

and asked for suggestions. Jen said her just-

radius of Meridian UPC, it was no wonder

graduated husband—Mike Haddox ’12—was

that the Sunday morning worship crowd had

seeking a call. His interest was youth and

dwindled to 70 or so—on a good day.

family ministries. Bingo.

But 70 seemed a manageable group for a

For the past year, Mike has served as director

first-time, solo pastor. Never mind that by

of family ministries and discipleship. He directs

the end of his first year at Meridian Steve

the MUPC youth group and Sunday School

had preached 50 out of 52 Sundays. During

programs for all ages, preaches 10 times per

that first year, Steve decided to take another

year, and recently completed the church’s first

momentous step: getting married. The heavy

confirmation class in four years. This summer,

work load, however, was making him realize

he partnered with three other churches

that his job as a pastor would leave too little

to sponsor Summer’s Best Two Weeks at

time for a healthy family life.

each church. “Mike’s preaching lets the congregation hear another pastoral voice,”

In the meantime, Steve became a victim of

Steve notes. “Our respective areas of strength

his own good pastoring. Under his leadership

complement each other, and his work allows

MUPC started growing, and quickly. Today

me to do more home visitation, serve the

services are packed with 160 worshippers—

congregation better, and have a family life.”

more than double the congregation since Steve took the call three short years ago. He

Mike’s pastoral work has also allowed Steve

remembers, “With all that growth, the job

the necessary time to develop and implement

became overwhelming for just one pastor. I

a much-needed capital improvements plan.

was working 70-80 hours every week.”

“The church has been debt-free since 1982,” he comments, “but until now no facilities

“Meridian is a community church located in

improvements had been made since the

the middle of a neighborhood,” he notes,

1970s.” The church is now in the process of

“so we get lots of visitors. We’ve experienced

completing a special-needs-entrance, replacing

a huge retention of visitors, so now we’re

energy inefficient windows, and installing air

having to consider adding a second Sunday

conditioning in the sanctuary.

morning service.” Steve had already added a children’s Sunday School program and

According to Mike, the pastoral partnership

developed a new vision and strategic plan.

works because of Steve’s willingness to share authority. “He’s not threatened by releasing his

He’d also started developing a youth group

staff to use their ministry gifts to the fullest.

program. At that point, Steve knew he’d

He sees staff members not as his employees

have to get help—and that’s what he told

but as his partners,” Mike continues. “In fact,

his session. Steve needed an associate who 20


he set partnership as the groundwork for this job even before talking to me about taking it.” That approach is vital especially for youth and family ministers, notes Mike. “Often there’s a stigma attached to the job of youth pastor, especially for a recent seminary graduate. Many people appear shocked when you tell them you want to center your ministry on youth. And in too many churches that devaluation translates into minimal amounts of pastoral authority and programmatic budgeting.” Fortunately, that’s not the case at Meridian. “Steve backs up his words,” Mike says. “Youth and family ministries don’t just get the budgetary leftovers. That’s part of the proof that at Meridian the leadership doesn’t give just lip-service to the importance of youth work.” He appreciates the freedom, flexibility, and authority his pastoral partnership with Steve allows—especially since the research shows that religious patterns are usually set by adolescence, or today by about age 10 or 11. “Mike doesn’t work for me,” Steve insists. “He works with me. Mike is free to envision his own role at MUPC. We coordinate our visions, but we each have the freedom to use our strengths. Mike is great at relating, at connecting with people. He’s always moving. I’m drawn to preaching and good at administration. While each of us can do all these things, as partners in ministry we can serve our congregation best.” Steve and Mike are “in it together”—for the kingdom of God, not for themselves. “There are so many roles expected of a pastor,” says Steve. “You just have to have help.”

partnerships in ministry

Homestead Presbyterian church finds new life Excerpted from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Last year, the dwindling congregation at Homestead United Presbyterian Church was bitterly divided over worship styles and how to face the fact that it could no longer afford both its beautiful building and a full-time pastor. “Now we have so many young people. I’m so excited about what is happening in our church,” said Mary Solomon, 83, a member since 1959.

They ranged in age from their 20s to their 60s. Keith would lead worship while Edwin provided pastoral care and Josh focused on teaching and youth outreach. “We were so blessed to get this trio of pastors,” said Frank Pietryga, whose family commutes to church from Plum. “We had been trying for years to find ways to minister to the local community, and Keith has those ties.”

Homestead is among several Presbyterian Church (USA) congregations in struggling communities that have found new life through ministries ranging from senior citizen luncheons to teaching business skills to teens, said the Rev. Sheldon

Keith was impressed with the congregation’s willingness to change. “So often we get formed in the way that we think church should be. Then, when the situation or the community changes and people don’t fit into that mold anymore, many

Sorge, general minister to

congregations would rather die

Pittsburgh Presbytery. “All

than implement change,” he

have this central feature:


They are committed to doing new things in order to reach

The congregation reluctantly

effectively and meaningfully

moved to a single service that

into communities that

uses both organ and praise

have gone through a lot of

band. Mrs. Solomon said that

difficult changes,” he said.

some who are the most irritated by drums stopped complaining

“When [Homestead’s] pastor

because they’re happy to see

moved last year to another

children. “Our young people are

call, the congregation

staying now,” she said.

chose to follow a bold new ministry model built around

The blended service works

an ecumenical team of

“because they’re not coming

leaders who have already demonstrated a deep commitment to addressing their

Pastoral Team of Homestead UPC Erwin Kerr ’79, PTS senior Joshua Fisher, and Keith Kaufold ’07/’12

community’s needs.” A search committee approached [2007/2012 Pittsburgh Seminary graduate] the Rev. Keith Kaufold, who ran a nearby Christian coffeehouse, even though he wasn’t Presbyterian but United Methodist.

here for music, they’re coming here to do God’s mission. It’s become a lot more missionminded and less method-

minded,” Brad Pietryga said. “That’s what the younger contingent wanted. The people who wanted to leave this building but who stayed here after the vote are now seeing the fruit of their ideas.”

His Eighth Avenue Place sometimes used the facilities of Homestead

It often takes a crisis to force mainline Protestant congregations to

United Presbyterian for larger social events. “No way,” Keith thought at

grapple with what God calls them to do, Keith said, but Homestead’s

first. “But the more I pondered and prayed about it, the more I felt God

response was exceptional. Typically, the building closes and is either

leading me that way.”

sold to an independent congregation or is redeveloped by a wealthy

After consulting [1979 grad] the Rev. Dr. Erwin Kerr, a retired United

suburban church that wants to sponsor inner city ministry.

Methodist pastor who knew Homestead well, and Josh Fisher, a

“I hope that we will experience revitalization from the existing people,”

Pittsburgh Theological Seminary [PCUSA] student who had volunteered

he said. “The mantra in the Steel Valley is ‘We just want it to be the

at Eighth Avenue Place, he made a counter-offer. All three would share

way it was.’ But I’m hearing less discussion in the congregation about

the part-time salary that had been offered to Keith alone.

making it the way it used to be. Now people are talking about the way that it could be.”

Copyright ©, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 2013, all rights reserved. Reprinted with permission.



partnerships in ministry

working together


ow does that work? I could never work with my husband.”

a journey that has surprised us greatly thus far and that we hope has

I am in the midst of another conversation explaining how

many, many more surprises ahead.

I co-direct the Miller Summer Youth Institute with my husband, Derek. “We would drive each other crazy,” the

After Derek and I graduated from college, I headed to the University

conversation continues. As I politely nod, I’m wondering how anyone

of Pittsburgh to work on a master’s in social work. Derek came to PTS

does not work with his or her spouse.

to pursue a master of divinity. Over the course of the next few years I also came to PTS and completed the joint M.Div./M.S.W. program. We

Derek and I met working together in youth ministry 13 years ago. We

graduated from seminary together in 2005—and SYI was a vital part of

were college students helping out with a local youth group. As we

our experience here. Derek had been an SYI scholar in 1997, and three

collaborated, we discovered that we were outstanding partners. We

of his fellow participants from that year were our classmates at PTS.

have different strengths and weaknesses. We see things just differently

While we were seminary students, Derek and I served as counselors on

enough from each other to cover almost every angle of a problem,

the SYI staff every summer. These years of education and partnership

issue, or plan. Suddenly, planning a youth group lesson took many

in ministry were rich and exciting. In 2005, we married and moved

more meetings than were necessary, just so we could spend extra time

to Florida to begin our first ordained calls as Minsters of Word and

together! We remember these times so fondly as we recall hours spent

Sacrament in the PCUSA.

working through Scripture and learning about our faith together. Those calls marked the first time in our relationship that we were not In the midst of our first summer of collaboration, Derek left for two

officially working together. I say “officially” because we still brought our

weeks. He went to a place named Pittsburgh Theological Seminary to

work home and talked about it most of the night. I served as a chaplain

intern for a program called the Summer Youth Institute. I had no idea

of Westminster Towers Orlando, and Derek was an associate pastor at

what SYI was all about, but I could tell—even at that immature state of

Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church. We loved our time in Florida, but

our friendship—that the program was very important to him. And over

we constantly yearned to be partners in our work. We spoke often of

the years it has become equally important to me.

that desire and shared the hope that at some future time we would again find official work together. In the meantime, we made up for the

That first year of our relationship—the working together, talking with

lack by being as present as possible in each other’s ministries.

each other, and beginning to share our life together—set the stage for

A Collaborative Labor of Love


ne quick glance at the table of contents in the latest issue of the Pittsburgh Theological Journal says a lot about the collaborative scholarship going on at the Seminary. Contributors include men and women, students, faculty, and staff; Presbyterians, Methodists, and Baptists; Caucasians, Latinos, and African-Americans; pastors, administrators, and poets;

M.Div.s, M.A.s, and alums—to say nothing of the variety of contributions themselves: research articles, reflections on pastoral ministry, creative expressions, sermons. Editor-in-chief Anthony Hita, who graduated with an M.Div. in June, undertook the Herculean effort late in the academic year. “In March,” he reflects in his introductory letter to Vol. 4 No. 1, “I approached the Journal with a submission but found that there was no Journal! You see, the Journal is a student-run activity, and no one had picked up the torch from the previous year. Could I complete this task in only two months before I graduated? I did not know, but I felt it was important enough that I had to try and knew I could not do it alone.” He further explains, “The Journal is a labor of love—the labor of the authors, editors, designers, and advisors who made it possible, volunteers all, from a variety of denominations, traditions, viewpoints, cultures, and backgrounds.”



partnerships in ministry

— IT works! During our five years in Florida we stayed as connected as possible

their ministry as an outpouring of the love they nurtured for one

with SYI. We came home to PTS for SYI X, the 10-year anniversary

another and their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

celebration of the program. Derek preached during the event, and we were encouraged that SYI was continuing to flourish.

Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and the Miller Summer Youth Institute are greatly honored to continue the legacy begun in 1920 with Roy and

Then the phone call came. We were asked to return to PTS as interim

Flo’s marriage and first ordained pastoral call. Derek and I are immensely

co-directors of the Summer Youth Institute. We leapt at the opportunity.

thankful for the opportunity to share in the Millers’ legacy. Our hope

And the rest is history. We have been back at PTS directing the Miller

in ministry is that we might reflect the partnership they began 94 years

Summer Youth Institute together since 2010.

ago, that their legacy might in some way continue through us and the Miller Summer Youth Institute.

During the past three years, it has been one of our great joys to learn about a couple who also had a vision for partnership in ministry and

Admittedly, sometimes Derek and I drive each other crazy—but our

a passion for working with youth and young adults. The program we

joint venture in life makes those times completely worthwhile! Like the

direct happens to bear their names: The Rev. Dr. Roy F. Miller, Ph.D.,

Millers, our partnership encompasses not only marriage and family, but

and Mrs. Florence Lantz Miller. Roy and Flo’s 39-year, full-time pastoral

also ministry and work—all the parts of our journey together.

ministry inspires Derek and me. We have learned much by reading their autobiography, From the Two of Us With Love. (The memoir is available for purchase at In the last years of his life,

The Rev. Erin

Roy wrote this personal history for his children and grandchildren. His

Davenport ’05 is

memoirs share the passion and love he experienced in his life through

the director of the

family, church, and the Lord. The book is a story of perseverance,

Miller Summer Youth

of keeping at it, of love. Roy and Flo understood their ministry as a


partnership. Though Roy held the degrees and official post, Flo was not only present, but also active and involved in all aspects of church life. It is wonderful to read about a successful marriage in which husband and wife participated together through all of life. It is inspiring to consider

In that same letter, Anthony elaborates his perspective on his

church history, ancient texts, and personal and pastoral experiences

theological education at PTS. “Seminary is a journey undertaken by

to share insights for deepening knowledge, spiritual insight, and

students, staff, faculty, families, and individuals of all types. We all

ministry—a collaboration with high aims and edifying results.

have come from somewhere, and we’re all going somewhere, even

From the time we are born, learning and growth happen optimally—

if the ultimate destination remains unclear. Like all journeys, the

sometimes only—in relationship and partnership with others. Thanks

seminary experience happens in a particular context and brings with

to the collaborative efforts of all who worked together to produce the

it experiences coming out of and going into individual contexts. The

Pittsburgh Theological Journal Vol. 4 No. 1, the rest of us can share in

pieces you find in Volume 4 of the Pittsburgh Theological Journal are

their growth “in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus

frozen moments of the human experience and struggle with the Divine,


placed into words and pictures . . . . They speak out of their diverse contexts, and into yours, inviting you to share for a time a moment of

To read the journal, visit

that journey undertaken by the authors.”

Pittsburgh_Theological_Journal or follow the QR code. Hard copies of this issue are

Those journeys led the writers to address a wide range of topics. Grace,

available in the Seminary’s Barbour Library.

judgment, ethics, exile, violence, and loss and grief comprise just some of the themes touched on in the articles. They delve into Scripture, Panorama


PTS news pts

Alumnae/i Days Recognizes Distinguished Grads

The Rev. Dr. William V. Davis ’65

Robert Benedetto ’77

The Rev. Dr. Edward B. Newberry ’71

Distinguished Alumnus in Academia 2012

Distinguished Alumnus in Academia 2013

Distinguished Alumnus in Pastoral

For nearly 50 years the Rev. Dr. William

Robert Benedetto ’77, distinguished alumnus

(Bill) V. Davis ’65, distinguished alumnus in

in academia, has devoted his career in

For the last three decades the Rev. Dr. Edward

academia, has been teaching English and

academia to serving as a librarian and archivist

(Ed) Newberry ’71, distinguished alumnus

literature. More than 30 of those years have

in both secular and church settings. He

in pastoral ministry, has served as pastor of

been spent at Baylor University, where he

received his M.A. from Pittsburgh Seminary

Memorial Presbyterian Church in Charlotte,

serves as professor of English and writer-in-

and M.L.S. from the University of Hawaii.

N.C. Prior to working there, Ed pastored

Ministry 2012


Chatham-Bethlehem United Presbyterian Robert served as archivist for the Presbyterian

Church in Chicago for seven years.

Bill earned his degrees from Ohio University

Church in the United States (the Southern

(A.B., M.A., Ph.D.) and Pittsburgh Seminary

Presbyterian Church) and was appointed

His contributions to the PCUSA are extensive.

(M.Div.). Since then he has taught nationally

deputy director of the Presbyterian Historical

Ed’s service to the General Assembly includes

and internationally at 10 universities, three

Society. Additionally, he worked as a librarian

Vocation Agency Task Force: Improving

times as a senior Fulbright Scholar in Austria

at Union Theological Seminary in Richmond,

Minority Prospects for Ministry, Council on

and Denmark.

Va., Princeton Theological Seminary, and

Administrative Services, Vocation Agency

the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley,

Task Force on Guidelines for Committees

In addition to his extensive teaching, Bill

Calif. He helped to design and build libraries

on Ministry, Special Committee on a Brief

has also written broadly. The latest of his 11

at these locations in addition to obtaining

Statement of Reformed Faith, and serving

books is Landscape and Journey, winner of

important research collections.

three terms as commissioner. Within the

the 2009 New Criterion Poetry Prize and the

Catawba Presbytery, Ed has served on the

2010 Helen C. Smith Memorial Award for

Robert has edited Interpreting John Calvin,

Committee on Ministry, and on the Catawba

Poetry. He has also published more than 100

a series of essays by Pittsburgh Seminary

and Mecklenburg Presbyteries Task Force on

critical articles, 1,200 poems, a dozen short

professor Ford Lewis Battles (d. 1979). With

Metro Urban Ministry. In addition to serving

stories, and 50 reviews. Bill has been active

PTS classmate Donald McKim ‘74 he also

on the Leadership Development Committee

across the States and around the globe

wrote Historical Dictionary of the Reformed

for the Charlotte Presbytery, Ed served as co-

presenting poetry readings and lectures.

Churches. His book Presbyterian Reformers in

moderator, co-chair of Mission Design Task

Central Africa was selected as one of “Fifteen

Force, and co-moderator of the Committee on

Bill is a member of the Academy of

Outstanding Books of 1997 for Mission

Preparation for Ministry.

American Poets, Poetry Society of America,

Studies” by the International Bulletin of

International Association of University

Missionary Research.

A graduate of Knoxville College, Ed received

Professors of English, and Texas Institute of

his M.Div. from Pittsburgh Seminary before

Letters (former president), among others.

earning his D.Min. from McCormick Theological Seminary.



pts news

Each year the Seminary names distinguished alums in the areas of academia, pastoral ministry, specialized ministry, and mission. Meet the grads who were recognized in 2012 and 2013. Alumnae/i Days 2014 will be held April 30-May 2. Join us!

The Rev. Paul D. Wierman ’61

The Rev. Theron D. Provance ’87

The Rev. Sherry Sparks ’95

Distinguished Alumnus in Pastoral

Distinguished Alumnus in Specialized

Distinguished Alumna in Specialized

Ministry 2013

Ministry 2012

Ministry 2013

The Rev. Paul D. Wierman ’61, distinguished

The Rev. Theron (Terry) Provance ’87,

In her role as associate dean of admissions

alumnus in pastoral ministry, has served the

distinguished alumnus in specialized ministry,

and vocations at Pittsburgh Seminary, the

PCUSA for more than 50 years. A graduate of

has spent the last dozen years helping the

Rev. Sherry Sparks ’95, distinguished alumna

Westminster College in New Wilmington, Pa.,

poor in Asia, Africa, and Latin America to

in specialized ministry, was able to combine

he served in the United States Air Force before

secure low-interest microcredit loans through

her two loves: students and the church. In

attending Pittsburgh Seminary.

Oikocredit. Terry serves as executive director

her work at PTS, Sherry assisted some 2,000

of this worldwide, nonprofit organization

students in discerning their calls to ministry.

Paul has been a pastor in four presbyteries and

founded by the World Council of Churches.

Her previous professional experience provided

led Park Presbyterian Church in Beaver, Pa., for

Oikocredit provides credit and equity to

the perfect mix of skills to be able to follow

17 years, until his retirement. During his time

individuals and small businesses through

her own calling to this specialized ministry,

at Park PC, Paul became founding president of

microfinance institutions across the developing

from which she is honorably retired.

the board of the Samaritan Counseling Center.

world and directly to trade cooperatives, fair

Additionally, Paul has exchanged pulpits

trade organizations, and small-to-medium

Sherry is a graduate of Carlow University

sized enterprises.

(B.A.) and Duquesne University (M.M.Ed.).

with Scottish pastors on three occasions. In

For nearly 40 years she worked in education.

1995 he was invited by the moderator of the

An ordained minister in the United Church

First she was in the private school system

Church of Scotland to serve for one month at

of Christ, Terry served a congregation

as a vice principal and music teacher; then

the Dornoch Cathedral.

in Pittsburgh before administering an

on the college level in admissions, student

international program in the UCC national

development, and pastoral care; and finally at

Paul also served the Synod of the Trinity as a

office. He has also worked for the National

the seminary level, again in admissions.

committee chairperson, vice moderator of the

Council of Churches and the American

Synod in 1981, and then moderator in 1992-

Friends Service Committee (Quakers). Terry

Concurrent to her involvement in education


has traveled extensively throughout the world

was her service to the church. Ordained in

visiting more than 100 countries for peace,

1995, three years later Sherry began serving

Remaining active in his retirement, Paul has

economic justice, disarmament, and racial

Beechview United Presbyterian Church as

served as interim pastor of five churches and


stated supply, a position she retains today.

He earned his degrees from the University of

Additionally her work has focused on peace

Salzburg, Austria (B.A.), Pittsburgh Seminary

and justice issues, including participation in

(M.Div.), and Pacific School of Religion (M.A.

peacemaking trips under the auspices of the

in Christian Social Ethics).

Middle Eastern Council of Churches.

is a past president of the Seminary’s Alumnae/i Council.



PTS news pts

Alumnae/i Days Recognizes Distinguished Grads, continued Remembering Glendora Paul

The Rev. Dr. Robert J. Weingartner ’82

The Rev. Steven E. Hein ’75

Distinguished Alumnus in Mission 2012

Distinguished Alumnus in Mission 2013

The Rev. Dr. Robert (Rob) Weingartner

The Rev. Steven E. Hein ’75, distinguished

Beloved community member Dr. Glendora

’82, distinguished alumnus in mission,

alumnus in mission, has been serving the

Paul ’68 died peacefully on Oct. 23, 2012.

served in the pastorate for 20 years before

global Church for nearly three decades. Since

Glendora was a founding member and

becoming executive director of The Outreach

being ordained in the PCUSA, Steve has served

guiding spirit of the Seminary’s World


churches in Pennsylvania, Iowa, and North

Mission Initiative.

Carolina and currently is head of staff at St. Rob is a graduate of Oral Roberts University

Andrews-Covenant Presbyterian Church in

Born in a Christian village in North India,

(B.A.), Pittsburgh Seminary (M.Div.), and

Wilmington, N.C.

Glendora came to the United States on a

Princeton Theological Seminary (D.Min.). He

Fulbright grant and studied at Washington

has served three churches in Indiana and Ohio.

In the 1980s Steve traveled with the

University. When she returned to India

Now working with The Outreach Foundation,

Pittsburgh Presbytery to Africa. Since then

to teach in an international school, she

a validated mission support group of the

he has led numerous short-term trips both

continued to seek God’s guidance for her

PCUSA, his ministry takes him across the life of

nationally and abroad. He has guided the

life. Following her call, she came back to

the church and around the world.

St. Andrews-Covenant congregation into

the U.S. and earned her master’s degree

vital and significant mission service not only

from Pittsburgh Seminary, followed by her

Rob has served the PCUSA in numerous

within the Wilmington community but also

doctorate at the University of Pittsburgh.

ways, including as a member of the General

beyond, literally to the ends of the world.

Both Glendora and her late husband,

Assembly Council, Worldwide Ministries

Steve established two international church

Prodeep, became naturalized U.S. citizens.

Division Committee, Executive Committee,

partnerships between St. Andrews-Covenant

and GAC project team to create the Young

PC, one with the Petropolis Presbyterian

Adult Volunteer Program.

Church of Manaus, Brazil, and the other with

Before Glendora’s death Pittsburgh Seminary recognized her dedication to

Chuluchosema Church of Zomba, Africa. In

our mission by honoring her with the

His mission-focused publications include “A

2012 he led a group from his congregation

Distinguished Alumna Award and the John

Presbyterian Understanding of Evangelism” in

to Malawi, where obtaining fresh water is a

Anderson Award of Merit, the Seminary’s

Let Us Reason Together: Christians and Jews in

major challenge, and provided the resources

highest honor.

Conversation (Witherspoon Press, 2010).

for more than 16 wells. Steve is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh and Pittsburgh Seminary.



pts news

Scholarships Honor Former PTS Leaders Alumnae/i, as well as friends, have partnered with Pittsburgh Seminary to establish three student scholarships named after several leaders who have rendered exceptional service to Pittsburgh Seminary.

The Rev. Dr. Robert L. Kelley Jr. ’51 dedicated

The Rev. Dr. Stephen L. Polley received the

The Rev. George E. Tutwiler served as

his life to the teaching and preaching of the

Seminary’s Distinguished Alumnus Award

organist/choirmaster and instructor in church

gospel of Christ Jesus. Bob served Pittsburgh

for Pastoral Service in 2002 for his long and

music and United Methodist Studies at

Theological Seminary with a joyful heart

varied service to the church. In addition to

Pittsburgh Seminary for 30 years. An ordained

throughout his more than 63-year affiliation

pastoring, Steve served on the Seminary’s

elder in The United Methodist Church, he

as an alumnus, faculty member, and leader on

Board of Directors from 1989-1991, became

served area churches as associate pastor/

the Seminary’s Board of Directors. Respected

an emeritus member in 2003, served on the

minister of music for nearly four decades,

by all, he offered biblical insight, genuine

Alumnae/i Council from 1995-2009, and

and as national director of the Committee

hope, and Christ-like encouragement to

on the advisory board of the World Mission

on Seminary and Denominational Relations.

seminary students and church congregations

Initiative. Steve died Feb. 13, 2013.

Widely known as a recitalist, conductor,

for more than six decades. Bob died Oct. 30,

clinician, and lecturer, he was dean of the


American Guild of Organists’ Pittsburgh Chapter.

Tribute gifts to the scholarships honoring Bob, Steve, and George may be made online (at and/or come in the form of cash, deferred estate gifts, securities, and/or a qualified retirement plan.



PTS news pts

Graduation 2012

Degrees of Accomplishment During the Seminary’s 216th Commencement activities, held Friday, June 1, 2012, 81 students received graduate degrees—43 Master of Divinity (including one joint Master of Divinity/Juris Doctor with Duquesne University), 11 Master of Arts, two Master of Sacred Theology, and 25 Doctor of Ministry degrees. In addition, one student completed a Ph.D. in conjunction with the University of Pittsburgh. The Rev. Dr. Robert M. Franklin, president of Morehouse College, gave the Commencement address. The Rev. Dr. Susan Kendall, director of the Doctor of Ministry Program at Pittsburgh Seminary, preached the Service of Thanksgiving on the evening prior to Commencement. 28


pts news

Graduation 2013 The Seminary celebrated our 217th Commencement activities Friday, May 31, 2013. At that time, 84 students earned their degrees—46 Master of Divinity (including one Master of Divinity/Master of Social Work joint degree with the University of Pittsburgh and one Graduate Certificate in Urban Ministry through the Seminary’s Metro-Urban Institute), seven Master of Arts, six Master of Sacred Theology, and 25 Doctor of Ministry degrees. The Rev. Dr. Leanne Van Dyk, dean and vice president of academic affairs and professor of Reformed theology at Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Mich., gave the Commencement address. Dr. Martha Robbins, now Joan Marshall Associate Professor Emerita of Pastoral Care at Pittsburgh Seminary, spoke at the Service of Thanksgiving. Photos from both graduation events (which took place at East Liberty Presbyterian Church), audio of the sermons, and the lists of graduates and awards may be viewed online at www.pts. edu/graduation_2012 and graduation_2013.



PTS news pts

Audrey Starr and Paula Cooper Named Calian Prize Winners


hether she’s washing a window, taking out the

Similarly, the Seminary honored Paula Cooper ’10/’13 with the 2013

recycling, or vacuuming the floor, Audrey Starr

Calian Prize. “Paula has overcome seemingly insurmountable odds to

is working with a smile on her face. Audrey, a

finish two degrees at Pittsburgh Seminary—a master of divinity with a

custodian at the Seminary, received the 2012 Calian

graduate certificate in urban ministry, and a master of sacred theology.

Prize for Campus Community Service. This

In addition, she has been the face of PTS

award—established by former President

welcoming strangers who have come on

Carnegie Samuel Calian—is given to an

campus at all hours of the night to check

exemplary member of the Pittsburgh

into guest housing. She has demonstrated

Seminary community who demonstrates

true biblical hospitality for our visitors with

excellence in carrying out responsibilities

a charming personality and a winning

and volunteer assignments and also

smile. She’s also a good preacher!” notes

expresses a caring spirit of good will and

President Carl.

hope so essential in our life together as a community.

A native of Philadelphia, Paula came to Pittsburgh in 2006 as a seminary student.

“Audrey lights up every room she enters. I

On campus, she worked as the evening

don’t think she has a grumpy bone in her

and weekend guest host welcoming visitors

body. Faculty, staff, and students alike all

to campus. She served in the Metro-

appreciate the ever-present glow on her

Urban Institute Office as a congregational

face. She certainly epitomizes what the

convener bringing local churches to

Calian award is all about,” says President

campus to learn more about health-related

William Carl. Tom Fulton, director of

and urban issues. She participated in the

facilities, says, “I don’t think I have ever

Alumnae/i Phonathon and other campus

heard Audrey turn down a request or put

events wherever and whenever needed.

someone off by saying she’s busy. Her response is always ‘No problem’ or ‘I’ll be

In various student leadership positions

right there.’ She is definitely very deserving

Paula ensured that all members, particularly

of this award.”

international students, felt part of the community. Through the World Mission

Students also appreciate her calming

Initiative and Metro-Urban Institute, Paula

presence. Tony Richardson ’12 would arrive

traveled to Israel, Zambia, New Orleans,

early to class to study for his Hebrew exams.

Trinidad and Tobago, and Egypt on mission

Audrey would be there cleaning. Herself an


avid reader, she would offer him encouragement, remind him to stay calm, and promise to be thinking of him later during his test.

In the city, Paula volunteered with the Pittsburgh AIDS Task Force to educate people about the disease. She also worked with Pittsburgh

“Audrey is always considerate of the individual needs of those she

Interfaith Impact Network to raise funds in support of social justice. As

serves,” says Ann Getkin, vice president for finance and administration.

a student minister, she worked with Valley View Presbyterian Church,

“We are fortunate to have her as a member of the Seminary

Children’s Hospital, Allegheny Open Arms United Church of Christ, and


the Community of Reconciliation.

Audrey is married and has one daughter and one grandson. When

“From the time I arrived, it’s been all about community for me,” says

asked about herself, Audrey often redirects the conversation to her

Paula. And she certainly lived that claim at Pittsburgh Seminary.

grandson. “I could talk about him all afternoon,” she says with a smile.



pts news

Partnering for Church Planting Thanks to a $200,000 grant from The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations, Pittsburgh Seminary is establishing the Church Planting Initiative—an expansion of our Church Planting Emphasis

PTS Merchandise Now Available Online

within the M.Div. program. The Initiative recognizes that, historically, theological education has focused on preparing students to lead already established churches. Today’s seminary graduates, however, face a world that also, and increasingly, needs entrepreneurial, mission-minded pastors who are equipped to take the gospel to people in a wide variety of non-traditional settings. As a number of our more recent, church-planter graduates have discovered, non-traditional congregations are important for the future of the Church because they provide laboratories in which to explore the effectiveness

The Seminary’s new online store offers hats, polo shirts, t-shirts, sweatshirts, jackets, and shorts, as well as tote bags and travel cups. Select from different colors and have your ordered shipped right to your house.

of new models—part-time co-pastoring on a small church budget; holding worship services in nontraditional spaces, such as living rooms and storefronts; and reaching new groups of people with the gospel through different styles of music and liturgy, for example. Supporting church planters with resources and the permission to try “new things” brings life and energy

John Creasy ’10, associate pastor for the Open Door and director of Garfield Community Farm, works to create an ecologically diverse neighborhood farm and educate the church on environmental sustainability. He is one of our recent grads leading a church plant in Pittsburgh.

PTS merchandise makes a great gift for recent grads, new students, or alums looking to replace their favorite seminary sweatshirt. To buy your merchandise, go to www. fridaymarketinggroup. com/stores/PTS.

to the broader Church. The most effective way of ensuring this revitalization is to come alongside people who are passionate, committed, and inspired to establish a new church and to support their vision to launch a new ministry. A large part of that support involves providing the kind of educational preparation relevant to such ministry—the kind of preparation that will be available through the Church Planting Initiative. As a seminary, PTS is intent on observing, listening to, and responding to the movement of the Holy Spirit in forming Christ’s Church in our time. And we believe that God is calling us to provide an even greater level of leadership in the task of preparing well-educated, practically equipped Christians to plant churches—pastor-theologians who translate their academic work culturally and address contextually the contemporary issues confronting the Church. The partnering vision of The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations recognizes this need and is helping PTS to fulfill it.



PTS news pts

Welcome to the Robert Agbede is

The Rev. Dr.

is a lay preacher with Incarnation Anglican

president and CEO

Catherine Brall is

Church, and has served on the board of the

of Chester Engineers,

Canon Missioner

Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh. Michelle has

the largest African-

for the Episcopal

been named one of Pennsylvania’s Top 50


Diocese of Pittsburgh.

Business Women.

environmental and

She helps parishes

engineering design

identify their potential

The Rev. Jon

firm in the United

for growth, answer

Draskovic ’12 serves

States and the largest

real needs in their

as associate pastor

water and wastewater

communities, and

at First Presbyterian

treatment plant design and management firm

train leaders who will carry forward a new

Church in Great

in Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania. A

sense of mission. She earned an M.Div. from

Falls, Mont. He

hallmark of his business approach consists in

Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry and a

was ordained as a

developing a work culture that emphasizes the

D.Min. from Fuller Theological Seminary.

Teaching Elder in the

importance of giving back.

PCUSA shortly after Eliza Smith

graduating with his

Mary Barbour,

Brown, director of

M.Div. from Pittsburgh Seminary. Jon also

a University of

communications and

holds a master’s of agriculture in international

Pittsburgh graduate, is

external relations

development from Colorado State University.

an active community

for the Association

He worked in the Katrina recovery effort as

volunteer serving on

of Theological

a floodplain manager with FEMA and has

the board of Rumsey

Schools, develops and

volunteered at the Faith Alive HIV/AIDS clinic

Hall School and

implements the ATS

in Jos, Nigeria.

the Garden Club of

communications plan,

Allegheny County’s

including print and

The Rev. Patrice L.

Garden History and

electronic publications, the website, media

Fowler-Searcy ’13

Design Committee. She is a former board

relations, and promoting use of ATS resources

is the director of

member of Sewickley Academy and past

and services by the Association’s member

mission at East Liberty

president of the Garden Club of Allegheny

schools. A lifelong resident of Pittsburgh,

Presbyterian Church in


she serves on the boards of The Carnegie

Pittsburgh. As liaison

Museum of Art and The Landmarks Financial

to the East Liberty


community, she serves

William Bevan III is a partner at Reed Smith

on the board of East

and has been practicing

Michelle Keane

Liberty Development

law for more than 40

Domeisen ’12, a

Inc. and on the East Liberty Neighborhood

years. In addition to

retired senior vice

Improvement District Steering Committee. She

his work in the labor

president of Grubb

was accepted as one of 50 individuals from

and employment field,

& Ellis Company,

across the country to participate in the Harvard

Bill counsels employers

earned two degrees

Divinity School Summer Leadership Institute

concerning the hiring,

from the University

for Church-based Community and Economic

antidiscrimination, and verification provisions

of Pittsburgh.


of U.S. immigration law, as well as issues

Michelle co-founded

relating to undocumented workers. He is a

Pittsburgh Women

frequent presenter for the Pennsylvania Bar

in Commercial Real Estate, is an associate

Institute, for whose Labor Law Symposium he

member of the Women’s Board of Pittsburgh,

serves as a course planner.

serves on the Rebecca Residence Foundation,



pts news

Board of directors Ken Jennings,

in New Wilmington, Pa. A graduate of West

The Rev. Dr. Robert

managing director of

Virginia University and Pittsburgh Seminary,

Weingartner ’82

ThirdRiver Partners,

Bill serves as an alumnae/i representative on

works with The

formerly co-directed

the Board.

Outreach Foundation,

the Global Leadership

a validated mission

in Healthcare Program

David Murdoch

support group of the

at the University of

works in corporate,

Presbyterian Church

Michigan Business


(USA). His ministry

School and served as

commercial, and

takes him across the

a global managing

bankruptcy law as

life of the church and

partner at Accenture

an attorney for K&L

around the world.

in health care and change management. He

Gates. For his work

He was awarded the Seminary’s Distinguished

is a bestselling author, national consultant

in strengthening

Alumnus in Mission Award in 2012. (See page

for Twelve Stone Ministries, and board


26.) Additionally, Rob has served on the board

member of RxOutreach. He has worked at

relations, Dave

of directors for New Wilmington Mission

healthcare technology, pharmaceutical, and

was given The Cross of the Order of Merit,

Conference (1995-1997) and Presbyterians for

biotechnology organizations, at more than

the highest tribute the Federal Republic of

Renewal (1996-2001).

25 academic medical centers and integrated

Germany can pay to individuals. Additionally,

delivery systems, and taught at eight colleges

his selection by his peers for inclusion in the

The Rev. Kristin

and universities.

2013 edition of Best Lawyers in America

Beckstrom Widrich

places him among a distinguished group of

’04 is the alumna

attorneys to be listed for 20 or more years

representative on

Stephen Lee is president of the

the Board and is

investment firm H. L.

Attorney John G.

currently working on

Zeve Associates

Shortridge retired

her doctor of ministry

Inc. Prior to joining

from U.S. Steel

at PTS. She is the

Zeve, Steve owned

Corporation, where

acting head of staff

and operated an oil

in his last position he

of First Presbyterian

and gas exploration

served as manager of

Church of Moncks Corner, a 265-member

company in Louisiana,

governmental affairs.

congregation in South Carolina. She has been

where he managed

He is a 1962 graduate

active in both the Charleston Atlantic and

private and corporate funds and discovered and

of the PCUSA-

Pittsburgh Presbyteries, currently serving as

operated five oil fields. He has served on the

affiliated Hanover

chair of Self Development of People Local

board of Shadyside Academy and is as an elder

College (the first private liberal arts college in

Committee in Charleston Atlantic.

of Pittsburgh’s Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church.

Indiana) and a 1965 graduate of Northwestern University Law School (J.D.). He has also held

The Rev. Dr.

membership in Phi Delta Phi International, a

William McCoy

professional society upholding legal ethics and

’86/’07 pastors the


1,500-member First Presbyterian Church in Charleston, W.Va. Formerly he served the 400-member New Wilmington Presbyterian Church Panorama


PTS news pts

former board members remembered William Pierson

Richard Cromie

Tousimis-Lauffer Distinguished Annual Lecture


The Rev. Dr.

Award in 2006.

The Rev. Dr.

Richard Cromie

William Pierson

’61 died Feb. 9,

Max helped found the international

Barker ’50/’79

2013, at the age

Biophysical Society. He served as member of

died July 8, 2012,

of 76. A graduate

the first National Advisory General Medical

at the age of 85.

of the University

Sciences Council of the National Institutes

Bill was awarded

of Pittsburgh,

of Health, and as consultant to the Surgeon

one of the first

he earned his

General of the U.S. (1963-1967).


doctorate at the


University of St.

Max was both scientist and churchman.

given by Rotary International to study at the

Andrews, Scotland, and received an honorary

His served the PCUSA as an elder of the

University of Edinburgh, Scotland. He served

doctorate from Grove City College. Richard

Presbyterian Congregation of Middletown,

on the Seminary’s Board of Directors from

served on the PTS Board from 1981-1988.

moderator of the Presbytery of Carlisle, and

1999-2001 and received the Distinguished Alumnus Award in 1991.

a delegate to the World Council of Churches’ Richard founded Desert Ministries in 1982 to

Church and Society Conference in Geneva,

bring “the Living Water of Christ to people

Switzerland (1966).

An ordained Presbyterian minister, Bill founded

everywhere.” He also served pastorates in Ft.

the Bower Hill Community Church, Pittsburgh,

Lauderdale, Fla.; Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh,

Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell cited Max

and served there until he became director of

and Allison Park, Pa.; and finally at the Royal

for his remarkable character, leadership, and

continuing education at Pittsburgh Seminary.

Poinciana Chapel in Palm Beach, Fla., from

public service.

He was head of staff at First Presbyterian

which he retired in January 2004. He also

Church in Allentown, Pa., taught at Moravian

served at Carnegie Mellon University and

Stephen Polley

Seminary, and was interim pastor at six

the University of Pittsburgh. Richard was a

The Rev. Dr.


moderator of the Pittsburgh Presbytery and a

Stephen L. Polley

published author.

’54/’59/’75 died

In Allentown, Bill co-founded Operation Rice

Feb. 13, 2013,

Bowl, an ecumenical sacrificial meal program

Max Lauffer

at 85. He served

to alleviate world hunger that is still used

Max A. Lauffer

on the Board

by Roman Catholic parishes during Lent. In

died Aug. 8,

from 1988-1991

recognition of these efforts, he was invited to

2012, at the

and became an

confer with Mother Teresa.

age of 97.

emeritus member

He joined the

in 2005.

Bill authored 13 books and was an

Board in 1965

international speaker at various NATO

and became an

Before earning his degrees, Steve served in

chaplains conferences and at the International

emeritus director

the U.S. Army. He was pastor of Mt. Jackson

Maramon Convention in India. Working with

in 1990.

United Presbyterian Church, New Castle,

his close friend Fred Rogers ’62, from 1969-

and then of Northmont United Presbyterian

2002 he served as the puppeteer and voice

His work at Rockefeller Institute for Medical

Church, in Pittsburgh’s North Hills, for 26

for Dr. Bill Platypus and Elsie Jean Platypus on

Research produced one of the first pictures of

years. During this time, Steve served as

Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood.

a virus ever created. This advance toward the

moderator of the Pittsburgh Presbytery

prevention and cure of infections from viruses

(1967) and on the committees of the General

helped pave the way for the production of

Assembly Mission Council and the synod’s

flu vaccines. Working at the University of

general mission committee (1981-1984).

Pittsburgh, he played a large role in bringing

He was also a member of the Ecumenical

Jonas Salk to the University to develop the

Development Cooperative Society, now known

polio vaccine. Max received the University’s

as Oikocredit.



pts news

From Steve’s retirement from Northmont in 1984 until 1996, he acted as the Beaver-Butler executive presbyter, after which he became pastor emeritus at Northmont as well as pastor for ministries of care at Cranberry United Presbyterian Church—a role he filled until

Honoring Bob Harper Posthumously with the Anderson Award

2011. In 1993, PTS recognized Steve as distinguished pastor in residence. Serving on the Seminary’s Alumnae/i Council from 1995-2009, he also chaired the World Mission Initiative’s advisory board from 1997-2000. In 2002, the Seminary honored him with the Distinguished Alumnus Award for Pastoral Service. Robert Rumer Robert “Bob” Rumer died Nov. 20, 2012, at the age of 90. A chemical engineering major, he graduated from Washington University at age 19 as a member of Phi Delta Theta and the honor societies Tau Beta Pi and Phi Kappa Theta. Bob served as a Lieutenant JG in the U.S. Navy and worked on the Manhattan Project. An industrial career eventually led Bob to Pittsburgh, where for 25 years he worked as a chemical engineer and then executive for Monsanto Company, serving as vice president and general manager of the agricultural division. He went on to work for Mobay (Bayer) Corporation for an additional 16 years. In 1985 Bob retired as executive vice president of Bayer Corporation. Bob was an active leader in the Presbyterian Church throughout his life. He served as chair of finance on Pittsburgh Seminary’s Board of Directors. In his retirement years he volunteered for FISH (community food and clothing distributor), for a time serving as its

Pittsburgh Seminary honored Robert T. Harper (1954-2012) posthumously with the John Anderson Award of Merit. Members of Bob’s family accepted the award Friday, June 1, 2012, during the Seminary’s 216th Commencement Exercises. Named for Pastor John Anderson, founding president of Pittsburgh Seminary’s antecedent school (Service Seminary, begun in 1794), the Anderson Award is bestowed by the Board of Directors on individuals who have contributed distinctive service to the Seminary and community at large. Bob served on the Seminary’s Board of Directors from 1996-2005 and spent five of those years, 2001-2006, as chairman. A shareholder with Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney in Pittsburgh, he served on the firm’s board and was vice president of administration, co-chairman of the firm’s Corporate Practice group, and chairman of the Health Law Practice group. Over the years, Bob earned a number of professional awards. He was listed in The Best Lawyers in America for Corporate Law and Health Law for 17 consecutive years. In 2010 he was named “Pittsburgh Health Care Lawyer of the Year” by Best Lawyers, and in 2012 the publication named him “Pittsburgh Corporate Lawyer of the Year.” In 1998 he became an adjunct professor of law at the University of Pittsburgh. An active church member, Bob served the Westminster Presbyterian Church in Upper St. Clair, Pa., as legal counsel and clerk of session. He and his wife, Sue, raised two daughters, Elizabeth and Emily.

president. Panorama


PTS news pts



pts news

The Seminary community has been worshiping in the newly renovated chapel for more than a year now. A rededication service was held Nov. 26, 2012. We invite you to join us whenever you can! Check out additional pictures of the service and renovated space by following the QR code. Pictures are also available on Facebook.



PTS faculty news

Meet Our New Faculty The Rev. Dr.

The Rev.

The Rev. Dr. R.

Leanna Fuller

Dr. L. Roger

Drew Smith—

brings a rich

Owens is our

co-convener of

background of

new associate

the Transatlantic

parish experience

professor of

Roundtable on

and superb

leadership and

Religion and

teaching skills

ministry. Roger’s

Race, Research

to her position

strong preaching

Fellow at the

as assistant

and pastoral

University of

professor of


South Africa in

pastoral care.

enhance his

Pretoria, and

Leanna’s stellar academic work (valedictorian

wealth of experience both as a professor

scholar-in-residence at the Leadership Center

and Phi Beta Kappa at Furman University

and a seminal thinker in the area of spiritual

at Morehouse College in Atlanta—serves

and Senior Graduate Teaching Fellow at the

formation. Coming to Pittsburgh Seminary

Pittsburgh Seminary as professor of urban

Vanderbilt Center for Teaching) bode well

from Duke Memorial United Methodist Church

ministry. With an M.Div. from Yale Divinity

for her future as a scholar and a mentor

in Durham, N.C., he teaches homiletics,

School and M.A. and Ph.D. in political science

to students and pastors alike. Leanna’s

pastoral arts, pastoral theology, and Christian

from Yale University, Drew has received

specialized research has focused on conflict in


many honors and awards for his academic leadership, including selection in 2002 as

the church, an increasingly challenging issue Roger received his doctorate in theology from

an Emerging Leaders Fellow by a Duke

Duke University and his master of divinity

University/University of Cape Town program

Leanna received her doctorate in religion,

(summa cum laude) from Duke Divinity

on Leadership and Public Values, and selection

psychology, and culture from Vanderbilt

School, where he has also taught. His honors

in 2008 for an Indiana Governor’s Black Expo

University, where she earned numerous

and awards include a Lilly Fellowship for

Leadership Award.

fellowships, awards, and honors, including

the Formation of a Learned Clergy and a

the Louisville Institute Dissertation Fellowship

John Wesley Fellowship, A Foundation for

Both a social scientist and Baptist clergyman,

in 2010-2011. Her dissertation bears the

Theological Education.

Drew has initiated and directed multiple

in our time.

projects related to religion and public life

title, “When Christ’s Body is Broken: Anxiety, An active scholar-author, Roger’s service to

and brought community leaders together

the wider church includes working on the

to discuss the Church’s public mission and

Leanna’s ministry experience includes serving

planning team for the General Board of

ministry. He has been active in international

as associate pastor of Oakland Christian

Discipleship UMC, and serving as secretary

community development and youth leadership

Church in Suffolk, Va., where she coordinated

both for the Lilly-funded Colloquium on

development, initially with Operation

youth ministry and Christian education

Excellence in Ministry and for the Core

Crossroads Africa during the 1980s. He

programming. Leanna also provided pastoral

Planning Group of the Lilly Endowment’s

served in 2005 as a Fulbright Professor at

care for patients as resident chaplain at

Religion Division.

the University of Pretoria and in 2009 as a

Identity, and Conflict in Congregations.”

Riverside Regional Medical Center in Newport

Fulbright Senior Specialist at Presbyterian

News, Va.

Theological Seminary in Cameroon. Drew has ministered in a number of parish, prison, and campus ministry contexts. He has also lectured in many international venues, including in Israel as part of the U.S. State Department’s Speakers Bureau.



pts FA facult C ULT Y y news

Moving On The Rev. Dr.

The Rev. Dr.

The Rev. Dr.

Johannes G. J.

Lisa Thompson

M. Craig

Swart, associate

joins our faculty


professor of

as assistant

former Robert

world mission

professor of


and evangelism,

homiletics, a

Professor of

brings a

position formerly



held by the

and Ministry


Rev. Dr. Audrey

and pastor

of mission

Thompson (no

of Shadyside

experience, new

relation). With


church development activity, and pastoral

a master’s and doctorate from Vanderbilt

Church, was recently installed as the

leadership in both large and small churches.

University and an M.Div. from Fuller

seventh president of Princeton Theological

With a doctorate in congregational mission

Theological Seminary—and having received

Seminary. He assumed the presidency and

and leadership from Luther Theological

a Lilly Faculty Fellowship from Vanderbilt

an appointment as professor of pastoral

Seminary, he has a unique ability to help

and a doctoral fellowship from the Fund for

ministry in January 2013. Before coming to

students and congregations think theologically

Theological Education—Lisa has the skills

Pittsburgh, Craig had filled pastorates at

about ministry in the 21st century.

to become the leading African-American

National Presbyterian Church (Washington,

homiletician of the future, according to many

D.C.) and in Madison, Wisc. Craig has

in her field.

written eight books, writes columns for

Most recently, Jannie served as pastor of

The Christian Century, and speaks widely

Second Presbyterian Church in Oil City, Pa. Jannie has both an evangelical heart and

In addition to her teaching at several schools—

on theological formation of pastors for

a love for social justice, which led him to

the Association of Chicago Theological

contemporary ministry.

participate actively as a young man in bringing

Schools, McCormick Theological Seminary,

about the end of apartheid in South Africa, his

and Vanderbilt University—she served as an

Dr. Dale C.

home country.

instructor-coach at the Academy of Preachers

Allison Jr.,

in 2010.

former Errett

As senior pastor of Fontainebleau Community

M. Grable

Church in Johannesburg, he led the Dutch

Lisa’s experience as a campus pastor at Asuza


Reformed mega-church during their post-

Pacific University has prepared her well for

of New

apartheid attempt to become more multi-

interacting with and modeling ministry for


cultural, multi-racial, and multi-lingual. Before

a wide variety of students. Deep pastoral


that, he led a new church development

wisdom and spiritual maturity mark her

and Early

among college students at an emerging

mentoring both in the classroom and the


technicon campus in Cape Town while serving

church, and she brings excitement to our

at Tafelberg Dutch Reformed Church.

campus in the areas of preaching and worship.

has become the Richard J. Dearborn Professor of New Testament Studies at Princeton Theological


Seminary. Dale served Pittsburgh Seminary for 16 years prior to accepting his new appointment this academic year. An internationally sought-after New Testament scholar, Dale has published more than 20 books, both scholarly and popular; served on six editorial boards; and is the main

Watch our new faculty members’ video profiles online at

New Testament editor for Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (DeGruyter).



faculty pts FACULT news Y news

newest PTS professors emeriti Alice Patton “Betty” Barbour Betty Barbour, wife of former Seminary President Clifford E. Barbour ’22, died March 15, 2013, at the age of 89. A 1945 graduate of the University of Tennessee in education, Betty earned her master’s in art from Columbia University, New York, in 1949. After teaching school for one year, she married the Rev. Dr. Barbour in 1950 and supported his presidency, first of Western Theological

Dr. Martha Robbins, now Joan Marshall

The Rev. Dr. John Wilson, now P. C. Rossin

Seminary (1951-1959) and then the

Associate Professor Emerita of Pastoral Care,

Professor Emeritus of Church History, served

consolidated Pittsburgh Theological

retired last summer after serving Pittsburgh

on the faculty of Pittsburgh Seminary for 29

Seminary (1959-1961).

Seminary for 27 years.

years before retiring last summer. In addition

Betty carried on this support as Dr.

The first woman in the Seminary’s history to

as vice president for academic affairs and dean

be installed into an endowed faculty chair,

of the faculty.

Barbour continued as president emeritus until his death in 1979. (The Seminary’s Clifford E. Barbour Library bears his

to his professorship, John served for six years

Martha co-founded the Pittsburgh Consortium on Faith and Health; the Spirituality and

During his tenure at PTS, his teaching focused

Psychology Program (an APA approved

on the modern (post-Reformation) period, but

program for granting continuing education

he taught all periods of church history. With

Bessie Burrows,

credits for psychologists and other mental

research interests in 19th-century hermeneutics

former Christian

health providers); and the Certificate Program

and religious thought, he authored books


in Spiritual Formation within the Continuing

in English and German and published

professor and

Education Department, all for which she

Introduction to Modern Theology: Trajectories

registrar at

remains an advisor and a frequent instructor.

in the German Tradition in 2007.

Seminary (1955-

Martha also founded the Pneuma Institute,

Before coming to Pittsburgh Seminary, John

1971), died

which provides educational and supervised

served as Privatdozent for church history at the

Sept. 1, 2013,

training in spiritual direction and leadership.

University of Basel and as a pastor in the Swiss

in Daytona Beach, Fla., at age 97. A

In her retirement, she is continuing to lead

Reformed Church. In retirement, he continues

native of Pennsylvania, Bessie graduated

Pneuma and to conduct workshops and fill

to write and publish.

from Geneva College (Beaver Falls, Pa.)

speaking engagements both nationally and

in 1937. In addition to her work at PTS,




during her life she served as a mission teacher in Frenchburg, Ky.; Christian education director at Westminster Church, Des Moines, Iowa; and Geneva College registrar.



pts FA facult C ULT Y y news

Pastor-Scholar Honors Professor-Mentors


ittsburgh Seminary alums will often tell you that their time

“Under Dr. Battles’

here was shaped by the professors who taught and mentored

instruction, Calvin

them—professors known not only for their academic

became alive, and under

accomplishments, but also for the personal interest they

Marion, the writings of

take in their students. Dr. Walter Ellis, who received his Ph.D. in 1974

[Scottish theologian]

through the Pittsburgh Seminary/University of Pittsburgh cooperative

P. T. Forsyth,” he says.

Ph.D. program, looks back on a PTS professor-couple who exemplified

Marion Davis Battles was

that kind of mentoring relationship for him. To honor them, in April

herself a gifted woman—

2013 he established the Ford Lewis Battles and Marion Davis Battles

summa cum laude and

Endowment Fund at Pittsburgh Seminary.

Phi Beta Kappa at Tufts, followed by a master’s

Dr. Ford Battles (pictured right), a Rhodes Scholar and respected

from Fletcher School of

academic, is best known for his study and translations of writings by

Law and Diplomacy with

leaders of the Protestant Reformation—most notably, his translation

honors; a participant

of Calvin’s Institutes. But it was the Battles’ teaching and mentoring at

in the International

Pittsburgh Seminary that forever shaped Dr. Ellis’s life and ministry, as

Communities of Calvin

well as their warm welcome of then-student Ellis into their home. “Ford

Scholars and in the

and Marion Battles, with their daughters Nancy and Emily, soon became

charter meetings of the United Nations at the close of World War II,

not only my teachers, but also some of my closest friends. The doors to

where she specialized in human rights for prisoners of war; translator/

“The Battles’ unique combination of academic excellence and balanced scholarship, personal faith commitment, and care for students is rare, and their legacy and influence will endure long after writings that reflect the ‘flavor of the day’ are forgotten.”

their studies and to their

editor of a work on the primacy of the Gospels titled “The Fruit of

home were always open to

Lips”; and an accomplished pianist.

their students,” he recalls. “The Battles’ unique combination of academic excellence and balanced “In 1969, when I was

scholarship, personal faith commitment, and care for students is

seeking to pursue my

rare, and their legacy and influence will endure long after writings

interest in Reformation

that reflect the ‘flavor of the day’ are forgotten. My gratitude to the

studies and North

Battles—and to the Seminary for what, in retrospect, were the happiest

American church history,

years of my life—has never wavered. I am grateful to have had the

a professor at Vancouver

opportunity of honoring them through a scholarship that encourages

Theological Seminary

academic excellence in the areas of Reformed and North American

put me in touch with

history and theology,” Dr. Ellis notes.

Ford Battles, professor of church history and history

Seeking to “fill the Reformation model of the pastor-scholar,” Canadian

of doctrine. The ‘Hartford

citizen Dr. Walter Ellis taught occasional courses at Pacific Lutheran and

exiles’—Dr. Battles, Dr.

Trinity Western universities while also filling consecutive pastorates from

Robert Paul, and Dr. Dikran

1974-1991 at First Baptist Church, Tacoma, Wash.; Westmount Baptist

Hadidian—had all just

Church, Montreal, Quebec; and Fairview Baptist Church, Vancouver,

moved to Pittsburgh from

British Columbia.

Hartford [Seminary]. At that time Dr. Bob Doherty, an expert in collective biographical history, was teaching at the University of Pittsburgh, so the new cooperative Ph.D. program in religion, which Dr. Battles was influential in launching, was a perfect fit for my interest in Baptist history, sociology, and theology.”



faculty news pts FACULT Y news

Faculty News and publications The Rev. Dr. John P. Burgess, James Henry Snowden Professor of Systematic Theology, recently conducted sabbatical research on “Orthodoxy and National Identity in Post-Communist Russia,” funded in large part by a Henry Luce III Fellowship in Theology. During his residency in Russia he gave interviews on Russian television, including one with Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev), Head of the Russian Orthodox Church’s Department of External Church Relations. John’s most recent publications include articles in English, German, and Russian: •

“Minority Report: Lutherans and Methodists in Russia,” Christian Century 130/20 (2013);

Encounters with Orthodoxy: How

Protestant Churches Can Reform Themselves Again (WJK, 2013)

“Curiosity about the Future: What Will Become of the Gospel in Eastern Germany?” (in German), epd-Dokumentation 14/15 (2013);

Review of Gerald J. Beyer’s “Recovering Solidarity: Lessons from Poland’s Unfinished Revolution,” Religious Studies Review 39/1 (2013); and

John P. Burgess, James Henry Snowden

Professor of Systematic Theology When John first traveled to Russia, he was

“Parish Life in the United States and Russia: Issues of Community and Belonging” (in Russian), in The Russian Orthodox Parish in Russia and Abroad (St. Tikhon’s, 2013).

In 2013 John presented many conference papers in national and international venues, including:

hoping to expand his theological horizons and explore the rebirth of the Orthodox

Church since the fall of Communism. But what he found changed some fundamental

“Religion and National Identity: Orthodoxy in Post-Soviet Russia” (Religious Identity and Politics conference, University of Michigan);

“The Orthodox Church in the New Russia: A Force for Political Democratization?”

assumptions about his own tradition of

(School of Slavonic and Eastern European Studies, University College London, and The

North American Protestantism. In this

McDonald Centre for Theology, Ethics and Public Life, Christ Church College, Oxford,

book, John asks how an encounter with Orthodoxy can help Protestants better see

England); •

both strengths and weaknesses of their own tradition. In a time in which North

Belgorod, and St. Tikhon’s University, Moscow, Russia); •

American Protestantism is in decline— with membership having fallen to below

“Belonging to the Church in Russia: An American Perspective” (Orthodox Seminary, “Church Unity, Heresy, and the Question of Eucharistic Fellowship” (Re-Forming Ministry Project Consultation, PCUSA Office of Theology and Worship, San Diego);

“Curiosity about the Future: What Will Become of the Gospel in Eastern Germany?”

50 percent of the population—Russian

(Conference on Protestant Churches in the GDR from the Perspective of the West,

Orthodoxy can help Protestants rethink

Theological Academy of the Thuringen Evangelische Landeskirche, Neudietendorf,

the ways in which they worship, teach, and spread the gospel. John considers Orthodox rituals, icons, saints and miracles,

Germany); and •

“Orthodoxy and National Identity in Post-Soviet Russia: Lessons from Patriarch Kirill’s Program of Votserkovlenie” (Luce Theological Scholars Consultation, Pittsburgh).

monastic life, and Eucharistic theology and practice. He then explores whether and

John also gives quarterly presentations in Washington, D.C., on the Orthodox Church in post-

how Protestants

Soviet Russia for the Russia/Ukraine Area Studies Program of the State Department’s Foreign

can use elements

Service Institute. His other professional leadership activities include giving church series and

of Orthodoxy to

serving as a project proposal evaluator for the Fulbright Program in Russia; Fellow of the Center

reform church life.

for Barth Studies at Princeton Theological Seminary; member of the Steering Committee of the

(See Page 4.)

Reformed History and Theology Group of the American Academy of Religion; and faculty mentor for the PCUSA’s Company of New Pastors program.



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The Rev. Dr. William J. Carl III, president and professor of homiletics, gave the plenary lecture on Studying Theology and Educating the Church at the Abraham Kuyper Center for Public Theology’s 2013 conference on Church and Academy (Princeton Theological Seminary). In May he gave a workshop on brain techniques at the Festival of Homiletics (Nashville, Tenn.), which he also presented at the Twentieth Century Club (Pittsburgh). Most recently he has taught and preached at St. Andrews-Covenant PC (Wilmington, N.C.); National PC (Washington, D.C.); First

Prayer in the Trinity (e-book, available

PC (Charleston, W.Va.); First PC (Athens, Ga.); Lake Erie Presbytery (Pa.); First PC (Meadville, Pa.);

for most e-readers through Amazon,

and Sewickley, Aspinwall, and Beulah Presbyterian churches (greater Pittsburgh).

Smashwords, and similar retailers)

President Carl also participated in the memorial Service for the Rev. Dr. Stephen Polley ’54/’59/’75

Ronald S. Cole-Turner, H. Parker Sharp

at Northmont PC, Pittsburgh, and preached the ordination services for the Rev. Melanie Kim ’12

Professor of Theology and Ethics

at First PC, Sarasota, Fla., and the Rev. Bob Ruefle ’07 at Hillcrest UPC, Monroeville, Pa. Most of us have trouble praying. Who are we to talk to God? How can our words The Rev. Dr. Leanna K. Fuller, assistant professor of pastoral care, presented “In All Things

mean anything to God? All the great

Charity: Toward a Theology of Intra-Christian Dialogue” to the Church & Christian Formation

theologians of prayer have recognized

study group at the Society for Pastoral Theology Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Ga., in June 2013.

this problem. But the New Testament is very clear in saying that Jesus Christ both prayed and continues to pray for us. On

Dr. Robert A. J. Gagnon, associate professor of New Testament, recently completed a three-part

the basis of his prayers, our prayers for

series on the Presbyterian Hymnal Controversy for the Presbyterian Layman online. He presented

ourselves and for each other are lifted

“Rise from the Dead or Play Dead?” (2013 Salt & Light in the Public Square Conference, Union

up and offered effectively on our behalf.

University, Jackson, Tenn.) and published “The Scriptural Case for a Male-Female Prerequisite

Likewise the Holy Spirit intercedes for us.

for Sexual Relations: A Critique of the Arguments of Two Adventist Scholars” in Homosexuality,

In the prayers of Christ and through the

Marriage, and the Church: Biblical, Counseling, and Religious Liberty Issues (Andrews University,

intercessions of the Spirit, God is already

2012). Over the past year he has given numerous interviews, including:

engaging us in what we experience as prayer. For this reason, we can see prayer

for the television station OKCFox;

as already going on—an activity we do

on the Lutheran Public Radio talk show Issues, Etc.; and

not initiate but are invited to join. Ron’s

on the Janet Mefferd Radio Show.

book explores at length the way the New Testament speaks of God and prayer.

A founding board member of the Restored Hope Network, Rob has been cited in national

Drawing on theologians from Origen to

publications ranging from Christianity Today to the New York Times.

Moltmann, it invites prayer grounded in a distinctly Christian view.



faculty pts FACULT news Y news

Faculty News and publications, continued The Rev. Dr. Angela Dienhart Hancock, assistant professor of homiletics and worship, presented “Training for a Serious Game: Theo-Political Discourse as a Christian Practice” (symposium Theo-Politics? Conversing with Barth in Western and Asian Contexts, RuhrUniversität, Bochum, Germany). She lectured on: •

“Pulpit, Politics, and Pathos: Protestant Rhetoric and the National Socialist Revolution” (Department of Religious Studies Colloquium Series, University of Pittsburgh); and

Violence in Scripture (Interpretation:

(Thurber Lectures, The American Church in Paris).

Resources for the Use of Scripture in the Church; WJK, 2013) Jerome F. D. Creach, Robert C. Holland Professor of Old Testament

“How Then Shall We Read? Karl Barth and The Practice of Biblical Interpretation”

While in Paris, Angela also gave a radio interview on the program ACP Today: Faith Talk from Paris. The Calvin Institute of Christian Worship awarded Angela a worship renewal grant for the Pittsburgh Seminary chapel program 2013-2014. In 2012 she established a weekly Taizé service at PTS.

The Bible frequently depicts God as angry and violent, and also sometimes depicts human violence as positive or even as commanded by God. These depictions form one of the most vexing problems in approaching Scripture and in interpreting the Bible for preaching and

The Rev. Dr. R. Drew Smith, professor of urban ministry, published “North/West African Conflicts and Interfaith Interventionism,” Capital Commentary (2013). Internationally during the past year, he presented conference papers titled: •

(The Church’s Community Role in Times of Austerity [for which he served as co-

teaching today. In this volume, Jerome first examines the theological problems of violence and categorizes the types of violence that appear in Scripture. Then he wrestles with the most important biblical texts on violence to work through specific interpretational issues. This new volume will help pastors interpret those difficult texts by encouraging them to face violence in the Bible with honesty.

“Expanded Poverty, Church Ministry Distance, and Public Policy Evasions in the U.S.” convener], University of London); and

“Contemporary Responsiveness to Black Enslavement Past and Present: 150 Years After the Emancipation Proclamation” (Black Churches and 21st Century Captivities [again for which he served as co-convener], Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration, Accra, Ghana).

Drew also led the workshop “Unearthing Global Power for Justice” (Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference in Dallas, Texas) and spoke on “Fostering Respect and Understanding Among Religions, Cultures, and Nations” (World Congress of Religions in Washington, D.C.). Among Drew’s other professional activities are his service as an external doctoral dissertation examiner for Antioch University’s Department of Leadership and Change and his conducting of dozens of urban ministry interviews on urban ministry innovators across the U.S. as part of a research grant from the Louisville Institute.



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Dr. Ron E. Tappy, G. Albert Shoemaker Professor of Bible and Archaeology and Director of the Kelso Museum of Near Eastern Archaeology, continues to direct The Zeitah Excavations field and study seasons at Tel Zayit, Israel, in the spring and summer of every year. He served as a juror for the 2012 National Endowment for the Humanities grants awarded through the William F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research. Karl Barth’s Emergency Homiletic, 19321933: A Summons to Prophetic Witness

Ron’s recent publications include:

at the Dawn of the Third Reich (Eerdmans, •

“The Tabula Peutingeriana: Its Roadmap to Borderland Settlements in Iudaea-


Palestina, with Special Reference to Tel Zayit in the Late Roman Period,” Near •

Eastern Archaeology 75/1 (2012); and

Angela Dienhart Hancock, Assistant

“Israelite Samaria: Head of Ephraim and Jerusalem’s Elder Sister,” in Archaeology in

Professor of Homiletics and Worship

the ‘Land of Tells and Ruins’: A History of Excavations in the Holy Land Inspired by What does a theologian say to young

the Photographs and Accounts of Leo Boer (Oxbow Books, 2013).

preachers in the early 1930s, at the dawn Over the past year he presented conference papers in national and international venues

of the Third Reich? What Karl Barth did


say, how he said it, and why he said it at that time and place are the subject of

• • • •

“The Trouble with Old Excavation Reports . . . And New Ones, Too?” (Biblical

Angela’s book. This is the story of how a

Colloquium, Baltimore);

preaching classroom became a place of

“The Archaeology and History of Tel Zayit: A Record of Liminal Life” (The 16

resistance in Germany in 1932-1933—a

World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem);

story that has not been told in its fullness.

“Liminal Life and the Story of Tel Zayit” (Tyndale Lecture in Biblical Archaeology,

In that emergency situation, Barth took

Triennial Conference, Northampton, England); and

his students back to the fundamental

“Abracadabra: A Writer’s Tenth-Century Toolkit” (Lanier Library, Houston).

questions about what preaching is and


what it is for, returning again and again He regularly teaches locally in churches and synagogues, most recently at Fox Chapel,

to the affirmation of the Godness of God,

Hiland, John McMillan, Third, Pleasant Hills Community, and Oakmont Presbyterian

the only ground of resistance to ideological

churches, as well as Temple Emmanuel, all in the greater Pittsburgh area.

captivity. No other text has so interpreted Barth’s “Exercises in Sermon Preparation” in relation to their theological, political, ecclesiastical, academic, and rhetorical context.



faculty pts FACULT news Y news

Faculty News and publications, continued The Rev. Dr. Steven S. Tuell, James A. Kelso Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament, published “HWJR?” Pittsburgh Theological Journal 4/1 (2013), which he also presented as the keynote address, “HWJR: How Would Jesus Read?” at Pittsburgh Seminary’s workshop for Christian educators, Journey Inward; Journey Outward. Baker Book House has published a new edition of his commentary on Ezekiel. Steve presented several conference papers, including: Scripture and Tradition: What the Bible Really Says (Acadia Studies in Bible and Theology, 2013)

“The Book of Ezekiel as a Work In Progress: Indications from the Lament Over the King of Tyre (28:11-19)” (Lemadim Olam, Chicago, and, St. Andrews, Scotland, as one of 17 Ezekiel scholars invited by the International Society of Biblical Literature);

Edith M. Humphrey, William F. Orr Professor of New Testament In some of the church’s history, Scripture

“Between Ecclesia and Ecclesiola: Ecclesiology and The United Methodist Church” (Theology and Education Committee of Christian Associates, Pittsburgh); and

“Ezek 44:15-31 and Lev 21:1-22:9: Which Came First?” (Society of Biblical Literature, Biblical Law section, Baltimore).

has been pitted against tradition and vice versa. Edith Humphrey, who understands

Steve’s recent speaking engagements have included:

the issue from both Protestant and Catholic/Orthodox perspectives, revisits this perennial point of tension. She

of Death: Perspectives on the Afterlife,” for the Jewish and Christian Theological

demonstrates that the Bible itself reveals

Dialogue, jointly sponsored by the Agency for Jewish Learning, the Greater Pittsburgh

the importance of tradition, exploring how the Gospels, Acts, and the Epistles show Jesus and the apostles claiming the authority of tradition as God’s Word, both written and spoken. Arguing that Scripture

serving on a panel with Jewish theologian Dr. Neil Gillman on the theme, “The Death

Rabbinic Association, and Pittsburgh Theological Seminary; •

the invited lecture, “The Good Books: Diversity and Unity in Scripture” (Waynesburg University, Pa.); and

preaching, leading a seminar, and teaching a course in the John Templeton Foundation “Scientists in Congregations” grant program on the theme, “With All Your Heart,

and tradition are not in opposition but are

Soul, Mind and Strength: Growing an Ancient Faith in Modern Times” (Calvary PC,

necessarily and inextricably intertwined,

Indiana, Pa.).

Edith defends tradition as God’s gift to the church. She also works to dismantle rigid

In June Steve gave a WESA radio interview on “Lewis, Tolkien, and the ‘True Myths’ of Faith.”

views of sola scriptura while holding a high

He serves as United Methodist representative to the Committee on Theology and Education of

view of Scripture’s authority.

Christian Associates and as a member of the Pittsburgh District Committee on Superintendency for the UMC.



pts FA facult C ULT Y y news

The Rev. Dr. Edwin Chr. van Driel, associate professor of theology, published articles including: •

“Election,” in Westminster Handbook to Karl Barth (WJK, 2013);

“Theological Vision Statement” and “A Statement on Language,” in Glory To God: The Presbyterian Hymnal (WJK, 2013);

“The World is About to Turn: Retelling the Story of Jesus Eschatologically,” Call to Worship 46.4 (2013); and

“The New Translation of the Heidelberg Catechism: A Work of Love” (with George Hunsinger), in The Presbyterian Outlook (online ed.; Jan. 31, 2013).

Edwin’s recently presented conference papers include:

Abba, Give Me a Word: The Path of Spiritual Direction (Paraclete, 2012) L. Roger Owens, Associate Professor of Leadership and Ministry With a style and warmth of presentation that will remind readers of Henri Nouwen’s

• • •

“To Know Nothing Except Jesus Christ, and Him Crucified: Supralapsarian Christology

most popular work, Roger’s book

and the Cross” (The Foolishness and Wisdom of God: Reconsidering 1 Corinthians

interweaves his personal stories of struggle

1-2, University of Geneva, Switzerland);

and transformation with reflections on the

“Analytic Theology, the Academy, and the Church” (Fifth Annual Logos Workshop in

history and purpose of spiritual direction.

Philosophical Theology, Center for Philosophy of Religion, University of Notre Dame);

The result is a wise introduction to an

“‘Salvation History’ vs. ‘Apocalyptic Invasion’: A Theological Analysis” (Galatians and

ancient art and practice of “soul care”

Christian Theology Conference, University of St. Andrews, Scotland); and

directed at Christians of all backgrounds.

“How the New Interpretation Can Enrich Reformed Theology: On Justification

“This is a guide for those eager for a

and Eschatology” (Creation, Conflict, and Cosmos: A Conference on Romans 5-8,

serious yet joyful journey from isolation

Princeton Theological Seminary).

to communion. It is about companionship on the greatest journey anyone can

He has also spoken on “The Making of a Hymnal: The Theological Story of Glory to God” (PAM

undertake. It is about kindness in the

Hymn Festival and Workshop) and “The Future of the Church” (Pittsburgh Clerics) at Pittsburgh

old sense of the word,” says Alan Jones,

Theological Seminary, with the latter talk also given at a PTS reception at the General Assembly

dean emeritus of Grace Cathedral, San

of the PCUSA; and “Into his Marvelous Light: The Future of the Church,” a series of three


keynote lectures (California Small Church Conference, Manteca, Calif.).



faculty pts FACULT news Y news

Andrew Purves Installed as Jean and Nancy Davis Professor of Historical Theology


n November 12, 2013, Pittsburgh Seminary was pleased to install the Rev. Dr. Andrew Purves as the first Jean and Nancy Davis Professor of Historical Theology. The inauguration of this new faculty chair, established last spring, was made possible by identical twin sisters who partnered in their bequests to

provide a substantial gift to Pittsburgh Seminary. “The inauguration of the Jean and Nancy Davis Chair of Historical Theology is an important event for the future of PTS. It emphasizes the Seminary’s continuing commitment to teaching and scholarship for the church,” said Purves. “I am honored to be the first person installed into this position and am grateful to the Seminary for recognizing my work as a theologian/teacher in the church of Jesus Christ.”

From Every Mountainside: Black Churches

A native of Edinburgh, Scotland, Andrew received a Th.M. from Duke Divinity School and

and Civil Rights Beyond the Southern

a Ph.D. from the University of Edinburgh. Ordained by the Philadelphia Presbytery in 1979,

Movement (SUNY Press, 2013)

he pastored Hebron Presbyterian Church, Clinton, Pa., until 1983, when he joined the Seminary’s faculty. Andrew has published eight books and many articles, both academic and

R. Drew Smith, ed., Professor of Urban


Ministry Jean and Nancy Davis were lifelong Pittsburghers who died within four months of each It has become popular to confine

other at age 97—Jean in October 2012, and Nancy in February 2013. Neither one ever

discussion of the American civil rights

married, and they lived their entire lives in a red-brick house built by their father on South

movement to the mid-20th-century South.

Braddock Avenue in Pittsburgh’s East End. Their modest lifestyle allowed them to steward

Drew’s book contains essays that treat

a substantial inheritance from their parents, who had held the distribution franchise for the

the subject as an enduring topic yet

laundry whitening detergent La France.

to be worked out in American politics and society. Essays point to the multiple

Both sisters attended Pittsburgh’s Winchester Thurston School. Jean graduated from Mount

directions the quest for civil rights has

Holyoke College in Massachusetts and also earned a degree in music from the University

taken, into the North and West, and into

of Michigan. She served with the USO in Germany and for a short time headed the music

policy areas left unresolved since the end

department in the Tarentum schools. Nancy graduated from the Pennsylvania College for

of the 1960s, including immigrant and

Women, now Chatham University. She served with the WAVES in the U.S. Navy and for

gay rights, health care for the uninsured,

several years worked as a secretary at Westinghouse’s Bettis facility.

and the persistent denials of black voting rights and school equality. In exploring these issues, the contributors shed light on distinctive regional dimensions of African American political and church life that bear in significant ways on both the mobilization of civil rights activism and the achievement of its goals.



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Celebrating the Lives and Mourning our Loss of Professor Bob Kelley and His Wife, Ruth The entire Seminary community is remembering with fondness the Rev.

While serving as minister of education at a local church, Bob was called

Dr. Robert L. Kelley Jr. ’51, who died Oct. 30, 2013, just four months

to the Seminary as a part-time instructor in homiletics and language

after his beloved wife and life’s partner of more than 60 years, Ruth

study. He was then elected by the Synod to be a full-time member of

Anne Jacob Kelley, died on June 28. Ruth was a graduate of Wilson

the faculty. Bob went on to earn his Th.M. from Princeton Theological

College, a Presbyterian-affiliated liberal arts college in Chambersburg,

Seminary and Ph.D. from Princeton University, and later Tarkio College


(Missouri) honored him with a D.D.

“A remarkable teacher and

From 1955-1997 Bob taught principally

energetic, attentive pastoral

in the area of New Testament. In 1990

mentor, Bob had an astonishing

he became the first occupant of the G.

impact on his students as he

Albert Shoemaker Chair of Bible and

lived out his vocation to be

Archaeology, and upon his retirement the

our Barnabas, the encourager

Seminary granted him emeritus status.

(Acts 4:36),” noted the Rev. Dr. Andrew Purves, Jean and Nancy

In addition to his service at Pittsburgh

Davis Professor of Historical

Seminary, Bob was well known

Theology at PTS. Bob was 85 at

for his preaching and teaching in

his death.

churches—over the years, he served 20 congregations as an interim pastor.

Bob dedicated his life to teaching

After “retiring,” Bob filled an interim

and preaching the gospel of

position in the Seminary’s admissions

Jesus Christ. He served Pittsburgh

office and taught for two years in

Theological Seminary with a

the Miller Summer Youth Institute.

joyful heart throughout his more

He served six years on the Alumnae/i

than 63 years of service. With

Council and a three-year term on the

the motto, “Jesus first, Others

Board of Directors as the alumnae/i

second, Yourself last—JOY,” he

representative. In 2000, Bob received the

offered hope and encouragement

Seminary’s Distinguished Alumnus Award

to students, colleagues, and

for outstanding service in academia.

congregations alike.

Honorably retired from the PCUSA, he continued to be active in the Pittsburgh Presbytery by serving on the

People were drawn to Bob because he “learned your name—and never

Pastors Encouraging and Listening (PEAL) team.

forgot it,” said the Rev. Carolyn Cranston ’99, director of alumnae/i and church relations at PTS. “He paid attention. He listened, he affirmed,

The Rev. Phillip Germaine ’56, remembering with fondness the years Dr.

he guided, he respected, and he celebrated not only his students, but

Kelley helped him through the world of Koiné Greek, commented, “I’m

also every member of the Seminary community. Most of all, Dr. Kelley

so grateful for Bob’s patience and lively spirit throughout all the years I

prayed and continued to pray for a very long list of people.”

knew him.”

Bob earned an honor scholarship to the University of Pittsburgh

In 2012, the Seminary began raising support for The Rev. Robert L.

and completed his course work in three years. In 1948 he entered

Kelley Jr., Ph.D., Scholarship to honor Bob’s legacy. More information

Pittsburgh-Xenia Theological Seminary, where he won the Thomas

about the scholarship is available at

Jamison Scholarship and graduated summa cum laude.

Memory_Honor. Panorama


alumnae/ i news

Births and Adoptions To Lori D’Angelo ’02 and her husband, Jamie Smith, a son, Michael Xavier, born July 3, 2013. To Erica Alderdice Birkner ’04 and her husband, David, a son, Alexander Alderdice Birkner, born July 1, 2012. He joins his brother, Christian. To Barbara Hines Kennedy

To Caroline Sunquist Becker ’06 and Tim

To Rich Kinney ’07 and his wife, Christianna,

‘04 and her

Becker ’07, a daughter, Hosanna, born Sept.

a daughter, Maranatha Dawn, born June 30,

husband, Ed,

15, 2013. She joins big brothers Luke and

2013. She joins siblings Shaddai Elizabeth and

a son, Josiah


Richard Paul II.

July 4, 2013. He

To Matt ’06 and Alyssa Bell ’11, a daughter,

To David Koehler ’07 and his wife, Emily, a

joins big sister,

Theresa Joy, born Feb. 28, 2012.

daughter, Grace, and a son, Joshua. They join

Moore, adopted


siblings Ian and Sarah. To Anna Parkinson ’07 and her husband, David, a daughter, Theresa Ann (granddaughter

To Jim Keener ’05 and his wife, Jennifer, a

of John Dyke ’10), born July 7, 2012.

son, Cooper Augustine, born Dec. 12, 2012. He joins siblings Dorea Grace and Jameson Noble.

To Jonathan Ellegood ’06 and his wife, Jennifer, a daughter, Leah Karis, born Sept. 18, 2012. She joins her brother, Caleb.

To Chris Brown ’08 and his wife, Eileen, a daughter, Rebekah Catherine, born Jan. 4, 2013. To Kate Lockard Snyder ’05 and Joshua Snyder ’07, a daughter, Willow Rae, born March 19, 2013.

To Keith Kaufold ’07 and his wife, Monica, a daughter, Malea Marie, born Sept. 20, 2012. To Hyeon Gu Lee ’08 and his wife, Myung Ae Yoo, a son, San Jun (English name: Caleb), born March 19, 2013.



alumnae/ i news

To Benjamin Glaser ’09 and his wife, Brandy,

To James Estes ’10 and his wife, Lindsey, a

To Chris Dericks ’11 and his wife, Nicky,

a son, Owen Darwin (grandson of Joanne

son, Simeon Isaac, born July 28, 2013.

a daughter, Norah Christine, born Feb. 23,

Glaser ’09 and nephew of Elizabeth Glaser


Troyer ’08), born Nov. 27, 2012. To Doug Holmes ’09 and his wife, Kate, a daughter, Nathalie, born May 31, 2012.

To Kevin Starcher ’10 and his wife, Chrissy, a son, Levi David, born Aug. 31, 2012.

To Bethany Harbaugh ’11 and her husband, Matt, a son, Daniel Matthew, born Feb. 8, 2013.

To Nadia Buzzelli Mullin ’09 and her husband, Mike, a son, Caleb, born Feb. 25,

To James Salyers ’12 and his wife, Anna, a


son, Elias Edward, born May 31, 2013. James received his S.T.M. diploma in absentia so that

To Chad Bogdewic ’10 and his wife, Patricia,

he could welcome Elias at his birth.

a daughter, Eliyana Grace, born March 21, To Katie Mohr Scott ’12 and Will Scott ’12,

2012. To Peter Ahn ‘11 and his wife, Joy, a To Mike

a daughter, Elinor Jane, born Sept. 14, 2013.

daughter, Aria YaeJin, born Sept. 11, 2013.

Holohan ’10 and his wife, Marianne, a son, Finn Giovanni, born April 27, 2013. To Aimee ’11 and Charles Cotherman ’12, a

To Jane Anabe ’13 and her husband, Joaquin

daughter, Anneliese Faith.

(now a Pittsburgh Seminary student), a daughter, Irene Rose, born May 3, 2013. She joins her brother, Isaac.



alumnae/ i news

Marriages Calvin Fahrion ’58 to Barbara R. Fleming on

Nathan Leslie ’10 to Mary Kay Joynson on

June 12, 2011.

Oct. 20, 2012.

Woody Meredith ’75 to Donna Foster on

Ryan E. Pixton ‘10 and Deborah Boersma on

June 30, 2013.

May 14, 2011.

Anita Killebrew ’98 to the Rev. Ralph R. Herbert on Feb. 18, 2012. They serve together at Great Bridge PC, Chesapeake, Va. Charlie Hamill ‘12 to Bethany on June 23, 2013.

Allen Thompson ’08 to Kelsey Martin on June 30, 2012.

Caitlin Rohrer ’10 to Steven Werth ’09 on April 27, 2013. Jeff Eddings ’08 officiated. Andrew Wirt ’10 to Katherine Marie on Aug. 10, 2013. Katie Mohr ’12 to Will Scott ’12 on June 16, Zachary Morton ’11 to Meaghan Cochrane Elizabeth (Beth) Arnold ’10 to John


on Aug. 20, 2011.

Creekpaum ’10 on March 10, 2012. Amanda Hoover ’10 to Matthew Grubbs ’13 on June 8, 2013. Pittsburgh Seminary Alumnae/i Director Carolyn Cranston ’99 officiated. The wedding party included Helen Darsie ’08, P. J. Pfeuffer ’12, and Sam Monte ’12. Alex Nelson ’12 to Kristy Leitze on July 28, Tai Brown ’12 to Sean Courtemanche on Aug. 4, 2012.

2012. Anthony Hita ’13 to Megan Schwemer on June 22, 2013.



alumnae/ i news

Ordinations, Installations, and Appointments Craig Kephart ’88 was installed as Executive

Carolyn Cranston ’99 gave the pastoral

Carl A. Hendrickson ’09 was ordained and

Presbyter of Washington Presbytery, Pa.


serves the Springdale Lutheran Church, West Sunbury, Pa.

Ralph Cotton ’89 and his wife, Lori Holstein

Rebecca Cartus ’06 was presented for

Cotton ’92, moved to Florida to begin new

ordination by The Federation of Christian

appointments. Ralph serves the Alva UMC and

Ministries. Participants included Walt

Lori the Hope UMC, Cape Coral.

Pietschmann ’90, Anne Keller ’03, Thomas Bodie ’06, and Stuart Broberg ’90.

Steve Morse ’89 was appointed pastor of Greensburg First UMC, Pa.

Arnie McFarland ’07 was appointed pastor of Calvary UMC, Somerset, Pa.

Jeffrey Vayda ’93 was installed as pastor of Bob Ruefle ’07 was ordained as a Teaching

Edwin Brinklow ’10 was ordained as a

Elder in the PCUSA. Participants included

Teaching Elder and is pastor of Dakota

Debra Rogosky ’98 was appointed to the

William Jay Geisler ’99, John Creasy

Community PC, Ill.

United for Christ Charge in the Washington

’06, Jeff Tindall ’07, Kevin Long ’07, and

District of The UMC.

President Bill Carl. Bob is pastor of Cheswick

Matthew J. Campion ’10 was ordained as

PC, Pa.

Minister of Word and Sacrament and is pastor

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Lubbock, Texas.

Cristen Decious ’99 was appointed to the Minburn UMC, Iowa.

of Emmanuel UPC, Eighty Four, Pa. Carrie Benton ’08 was ordained as a Teaching Elder in the PCUSA. She is a

Elizabeth (Beth) Arnold Creekpaum ’10

Keith McIlwain ’00 was appointed pastor of

temporary associate pastor at the Community

was installed as pastor of Sandy Lake PC, Pa.

Slippery Rock UMC, Pa.

of Reconciliation Church, Pittsburgh.

Ellen Campbell Gardner ’02 was installed

Barry Givner ’08 was installed as pastor of

Elder in the PCUSA at Hampton UPC, Pa.

as the first female pastor of Bethpage PC,

First Baptist Church, McDonald, Pa.

Participants included Ted Martin ’12 and

Julia Fenn ’10 was ordained as a Teaching

Brian Wallace ’06. Julia is an associate pastor

Kannapolis, N.C. Janice Holmes ’08 was ordained as a

at Hampton UPC.

Mark Whitsel ’04 was installed as pastor

Teaching Elder in the PCUSA. Participants

of Pleasant Hills Community PC. Participants

included Darrell Knopp ’76, Clara Brown

Nathan Leslie ’10 was ordained and is pastor

included Betty Angelini ’09 and Alumnae/i

’00, Judy Slater ’91, Maxine Jenkins ’02,

of First PC of Bessemer, Pa.

Director Carolyn Cranston ’99.

Sue Washburn ’12, and Donald Polito ’09.

Jennifer C. Young-Thompson ’04 was

Janice is pastor of the Olivet Church, West

Renee Mikell ’10 was appointed to the West

Elizabeth, Pa.

Newton First UMC and the Madison UMC. She

installed as pastor of First PC of Port St. Lucie, Fla.

is the first female and first African-American Henry A. Pearce ’08/’12 was installed as

pastor to lead the West Newton Church.

pastor of Medina PC, Ohio. Michelle Wahila ’05 was installed as an

Susan Mullin Moudry ’10 was ordained at

associate pastor of the American Church

Grant Sutphin ’08 was ordained and is

the Western Pennsylvania Annual Conference

in Paris (France). Angela Hancock, assistant

associate pastor at First PC, Statesville, N.C.

of The UMC. Serving as sponsors were Susan’s sister-in-law, Nadia Buzzelli Mullin ’09,

professor of homiletics and worship at PTS, preached.

Jill Terpstra ’08 was installed as pastor of

and Steven Tuell, James A. Kelso Professor of

St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, Elgin, Ill.

Hebrew and Old Testament.

Robert Walkup ’05 was installed as pastor of

Participants included Joseph Heddon ’97

Baldwin UPC, Pittsburgh. Alumnae/i Director

and Deirdre Hainsworth, assistant professor of ethics. Panorama


alumnae/ i news

Ordinations, Installations, and Appointments, continued Ryan E. Pixton ’10 was installed as associate

Charlie Hamill ’12 was ordained to the

Melissa Morris ’12 was ordained as Minister

pastor for children and youth at the Fox Valley

diaconate. He is assistant rector of Christ

of Word and Sacrament in the PCUSA. She

Presbyterian Church, Geneva, Ill.

Episcopal Church North Hills, Pittsburgh.

serves in a temporary pastoral relationship at

Andrew Wirt ’10 was ordained as Minister

Heidi Helsel ’12 was appointed pastor of

of Word and Sacrament in the PCUSA and

Central/Riverview UMC Charge, Western

Thomas A. Phillips ’12 was commissioned at

installed at Stewartstown PC, Pa.

Pennsylvania Conference.

the Western Pennsylvania Annual Conference

Riverview PC, Pittsburgh.

of The UMC. He is associate pastor at Trinity Nathan Carlson ’11 was ordained at the

UMC, Oil City, Pa.

Western Pennsylvania Annual Conference of Jordan Rimmer ’12 was ordained as a

The UMC and is serving McKnight UMC.

Teaching Elder and is pastor of Westminster Bethany Harbaugh ’11 was ordained as

PC, New Brighton, Pa.

Teaching Elder in the PCUSA. She is associate pastor for children’s ministries at Elfinwild PC,

Brian Sandell ’12 was appointed youth

Glenshaw, Pa.

minister of St. Paul’s UMC, Chambersburg, Pa.

Zachary Morton ’11 was ordained as Minister

Sally Henry ’12 was ordained as a Teaching

Katie Mohr Scott ’12 was ordained as

of Word and Sacrament in the PCUSA. He is

Elder in the PCUSA and installed as pastor of

Minister of Word and Sacrament. She is

associate pastor for young adults at First PC of

Sardis PC, Linden, N.C.

chaplain, congregational liaison for mission

Manhattan, Kan.

partnership, and volunteer coordinator at Westminster Neighborhood Ministries, Indianapolis, Ind. Will Scott ’12 was ordained as Minister of Word and Sacrament. He is a Lake Fellow Resident Pastor at Second PC, Indianapolis, Ind.

Donna L. Johnson ’12 was ordained as Michael Spicuzza ’11 was ordained as a

Minister of Word and Sacrament and installed

Teaching Elder in the PCUSA. He is pastor of

as pastor of Laboratory PC, Washington, Pa.

Third PC, New Castle, Pa. Melanie Kim ’12 was ordained as Minister of Laura Stone ’11 was ordained and is

Word and Sacrament and installed as associate

temporary pastor of UPC, Slatington, Pa.

pastor of First PC of Sarasota, Fla.

Jarrod Caltrider ’12 was appointed pastor of

Sam Monte ’12 was ordained as a Teaching

Kathleen Shirey ’12 was ordained as Minister

Sandyville and Independence UMC, Sandyville,

Elder in the PCUSA and is pastor of Covenant

of Word and Sacrament in the PCUSA. She is


PC, Wellsville, Ohio.

pastor of Community UPC, New Alexandria, Pa.

Jon Draskovic ’12 was ordained as a Teaching Elder in the PCUSA. He is associate pastor at First PC, Great Falls, Mont.



alumnae/ i news

Scott Dennis ’13 was ordained. Participants included Andrew Purves, Jean and Nancy Davis Professor of Historical Theology; James Davidson ’02; and Carolyn Cranston ’99, alumnae/i director. Jonathan George ’13 was appointed pastor of Canal Fulton UMC, Ohio. Sharon Stewart ’12 was ordained as a

Anthony Hita ’13 was appointed to the

Janice Reed ’13 was ordained as a Teaching

Teaching Elder in the PCUSA. Participants

Stahlstown UM Charge, Pa.

Elder in the PCUSA. Participants included

included Mark Whitsel ’04, Andrew Purves,

James Legge ’67, Sharon Stewart ’12,

Jean and Nancy Davis Professor of Historical

William Jackson ’13 was ordained as a

Jordan Rimmer ’12, Sue Washburn ’12,

Theology, Betty Angelini ’09, Brenda

reverend in the Progressive National Baptist

Beverly James ’81, Alumnae/i Director

Barnes ’07, Carolyn Cranston ’99, alumnae/i

Convention. Participants included John Welch

Carolyn Cranston ’99, Marsha Parrish ’12,

director, James Davison ’69, Carol Divens-

’02 (vice president of student service and

Donna Johnson ’12, Kathleen Shirey ’12,

Roth ’85, James Kirk ’08, Jay Lewis ’96,

dean of students), De Neice Welch ’04, Eric

student Jake Horner, Board member Sheldon

Marsha Sebastian ’99, Jeff Tindall ’07, and

McIntosh ’12, William Zachery ’12, and

Sorge, and adjunct professor Peter deVries.

Board member Sheldon Sorge. Sharon serves

current Pittsburgh Seminary student Bobby

Janice serves Clarkson PC, Rogers, Ohio, and

in a temporary pastoral relationship at Crafton

James Smith.

New Waterford PC, Ohio.

UPC, Pittsburgh. Gregg Stierheim ’12 was appointed pastor of Brasher Falls UMC, Upper New York Conference. Heather Stierheim ’12 was appointed pastor of First UMC Massena, Upper New York Conference. Elaine R. Loggi ’13 was ordained as Minister Andrew Tennant ’12 was appointed pastor

of Word and Sacrament and installed as

of Benton’s Ferry UMC, Fairmont, W.Va.

pastor of First PC, Fairfax, Mo. Participants included Edwin van Driel (associate professor of theology), Laura Blank ’13, and Jane Anabe ’13. Joel Montgomery ‘13 was ordained as a Teaching Elder in the PCUSA and installed at First PC in Vandalia, Mo. His wife, Janis ‘13, and mother, Sue Sterling Montgomery ‘77, are also PTS graduates.

Dan Turis ’12 was ordained as a minister of the Reformed Church in America and serves as

Eric Oliver ’13 was appointed to the

pastor of Good Samaritan Church, Gahanna,

Evangelical, Elgin, McCray, and Wayne Valley

Ohio. Andrew Purves, Jean and Nancy Davis

UM churches, all of which are in Corry, Pa.

Professor of Historical Theology, preached. Panorama


alumnae/ i news

Retirements Ruth Doyle ’67, honorably from the PCUSA.

F. David Throop ’71, honorably from the

Robert J. Rogers ’75, honorably from the

She remains on the pulpit supply list for the

Los Ranchos Presbytery and named pastor

Philadelphia Presbytery.

Genesee Valley Presbytery, N.Y.

emeritus of Placentia PC, Calif.

John Free ’68, as pastor of The UPC, Ingram,

Douglas J. Tracy ’71, honorably from the

Pa., following 44 years of ministry. He served

Lake Huron Presbytery. He currently serves as

churches in Beaver Falls, Erie, and Pittsburgh,

Stated Clerk for the Synod of Lincoln Trails.

Pa., and Athens, Ohio. Anthony Barta ’72, honorably from the Paul E. Anderson ’69, honorably from

Western Kentucky Presbytery and named

Oaklands PC, Laurel, Md.

pastor emeritus of First PC of Hopkinsville, Ky.

Bob Eckart ’69, honorably from the Central

John Becker ’72, honorably from Lake Huron

Presbytery. Having begun ordained ministry in

Florida Presbytery.


1976, his retirement concluded more than 11

Gary B. Collins ’70, honorably from the Los

Charles Best ’72, honorably from the Carlisle

Immanuel United, and McKeesport PCs since

Ranchos Presbytery.

Presbytery. He serves in a temporary pastoral

2001. Earlier he served Emlenton-Nicklesville

relationship at Great Conewago PC, Dillsburg,

Yoked Churches (1976-1988), Apollo United


(1989-1997), and Blairsville United (1997-

Darrell Knopp ’76, from the Pittsburgh

years of ministry in McKeesport, Pa.—Central,

Carl (Bud) Engstrom ’70, honorably from the Grand Canyon Presbytery.

2001). He considers his greatest joy the birth Ed Brown ’72, honorably from the Miami

Dale Sewall ’70, honorably from the Seattle

John H. Milne ’76, honorably from the

Presbytery. James Gordon Cramer ’72, honorably from Elizabeth Y. Anderson-Domer ’71,

of his granddaughter, Mya.

Valley Presbytery. Monmouth Presbytery.

the Ohio Valley Presbytery. R. Scott Flaherty ’79, honorably from the

honorably from the Elizabeth Presbytery. Richard Anschutz ’73, honorably from the

Geneva Presbytery.

John F. Dietz ’71, honorably from the Lake

Beaver-Butler Presbytery after serving 31 years

Erie Presbytery.

as pastor of First PC, Parker, Pa.

Byron McElroy ’80 from the pastorate.

J. Robert Gray ’71, honorably from the Scioto

Nancy J. B. Clark ’73, honorably from

Kenneth Moe ’80, honorably from Grand

Valley Presbytery.

National Capital Presbytery.

Canyon Presbytery.

David M. Kilgore ’71, honorably from the

Frank E. Heller ’73, honorably from the

Bill Hess ’84, honorably from Donegal

Geneva Presbytery.

Beaver-Butler Presbytery.

Presbytery. He is interim pastor at Central PC,

Jerry Kuyk ’71, honorably from the

David E. Jackson ’73, honorably from the

Whitewater Valley Presbytery.

Miami Valley Presbytery.

Howard A. Newman ’71, honorably from

Carol S. Brown ’75, honorably, after more

the Shenandoah Presbytery.

than 37 years of ordained ministry—eight

Robert C. Murdock ’90, honorably from

years as pastor of Garrard and Manchester

Lackawanna Presbytery.

Downingtown, Pa. Nancy Duff Chambers ’85, honorably from the Seattle Presbytery.

David G. Persons ’71, honorably from the

Presbyterian churches, Clay County, Ky., and

Western New York Presbytery.

29 years as assistant/associate pastor at First

Jan C. Olowin ’91, after a distinguished

PC, Stroudsburg, Pa.

career as a monsignor in the Erie Catholic

Ed Steinmetz ’71, honorably from the

Diocese. During his career, in addition to

Missouri River Presbytery.

serving as a parish pastor and a campus



alumnae/ i news

class notes 1950s

Robert E. Bell Jr. ’58 was named pastor

Holiness by Pope John Paul II and received the Director of the Bureau of Prisons Award

Donald Andrews ’53 was named pastor

Presbytery, N.J. Bob has advancing dementia.

for “outstanding pastoral care to staff and

emeritus by Trinity PC, McKinney, Texas

minister, he was named chaplain to His

emeritus by Lakehurst PC, Monmouth

Donald R. Dawson’s ’58 wife, Dottie White

inmates” from the U.S. Department of Justice Andy Carhartt ’54, dually ordained

Dawson, died March 30, 2012. They were

Presbyterian/Episcopalian, serves two

married more than 55 years. Their wedding

Meredith Patterson ’91, from her service as

congregations in Boulder, Colo.: PC of the

was conducted in Mercer by another

organist, chancel choir director, and bell choir

Apostles, and St. John’s Episcopal. Andy and

Pittsburgh-Xenia graduate, H. Walter White

director at Westminster PC, near Greensburg,

Jinny, both World War II vets, celebrated their

’54, Dottie’s brother.


66th wedding anniversary in 2012. Their oldest

in Washington, D.C.

Aland Smith ’91, honorably from Hillside PC,

of five children, John Forrest Carhartt, died in

Elwyn L. Tedford’s ’58 wife died Dec. 23,

Maui, Hawaii, Aug. 10, 2012, at the age of 65.

2011. He and Marilyn Law Tedford were

Greenville, Pa.

married in the Seminary’s chapel in 1958. Paul Salansky’s ’54 wife, Betty Jo, died Sept.

Sherry Sparks ’95, honorably from the

20, 2012.

Pittsburgh Presbytery.

Bruce Henderson ’59 and his wife, Karen, moved to Bristol Village Retirement Community,

Kenneth Bailey’s ’55 new book, Paul

Waverly, Ohio. Recently they were in Egypt,

Thomas Topar ’96, serving in retirement as

Through Mediterranean Eyes: Cultural Studies

where Bruce taught at the Evangelical

pastor of four churches near Punxsutawney,

in 1 Corinthians (InterVarsity Academic) was

Theological Seminary in Cairo. They continue

Pa.: Marchand, Sportsburg, North Point, and

named the 2012 “Outstanding Book in the

providing scholarship aid to Sudanese students

Porter UM.

Field of New Testament” by Christianity Today.

in both Sudan and in Egypt.

Lee Clark ’97, honorably.

Charles W. Holsinger’s ’55 wife, Nancy, died.

Bill Paul ’59 received the second annual

Donna Hess ’97, honorably from Redstone

Robert Denny ’56 and his wife, Betty, have

Outstanding Mission Service and Support at a


two boys and two girls, all serving their

dinner during the annual McClure Lectures.

World Mission Initiative Award for

congregations; nine grandchildren, and three Anne Bump ’99, from the Sacred Order of


Priesthood in the Episcopal Church. John Harland ’56 is pastor of congregational Jay Hollinsworth ’02, honorably from the

1960s William Huson ’60 is pastor emeritus at Park

care at Calvin PC, Tigard, Ore.

Avenue UMC, Johnstown, Pa.

Robert G. Bolt ’57 celebrated the 55th

Randy Rice ’60 is pastor emeritus of the

anniversary of his ordination.

United Church of Lincoln, Vt., where he and

Pittsburgh Presbytery. Eleanor Williams ’07, after 30 years of teaching in the Pittsburgh Public School

his wife, Sue, have lived for nearly 25 years.

District. A special education teacher and co-

George Mehaffey ’57 is chair of the Civil

founder of Parents Against Violence, in 2012

Discourse Committee of the Columbus

John D. Sharick ’60 is spending his retirement

Eleanor was named one of 50 “Women of

Metropolitan Church Council to coordinate

years doing visioning, organizational, and

Excellence” by the New Pittsburgh Courier.

efforts with the University of Arizona, The

conflict-management consulting with

University of Akron, and Johns Hopkins

organizations around the country.

University in dealing with controversial issues. The effort, begun in Tucson in 2011, now

Bob Gruber ’61 and his wife, Charolene,

operates as the National Institute of Civil

moved from their Hot Springs, N.C., home of


30 years to Douglasville, Ga., to be close to family.



alumnae/ i news

class notes, continued 1960s,


Ed Sensenbrenner ’62 has partially come out of retirement at the age of 80! He is now

William N. Jackson ’61 is interim pastor of

preaching two Sundays a month at Hoge

Westmont PC, Redstone Presbytery, Pa.

Memorial PC, Columbus, Ohio, where he also provides pastoral care and moderates the

Gordon Kunde ’61 earned a master’s in

session. Ed grew up in Hoge Memorial and

agriculture from Penn State University and

was ordained there in 1962.

served a term as a missionary in Brazil under the PCUSA, then worked for 30 years as an

John (Jack) Francisco ’63 was diagnosed

agribusiness and economic development

with lung cancer in July 2011. After

Larry Dunster ’66 and his wife, Susan,

consultant and manager, primarily in Africa

undergoing radiation and chemotherapy, he

celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary

and Latin America. Since 2007 he has been

had surgery in March 2012. He recuperated

in 2012 by taking their family to London,

a part time pastor to the First PC of Umatilla,

at home in Blowing Rock, N.C., and is now

Paris, and Dunster, England, and returning to


“cancer free.”

America on the Queen Mary 2. Larry serves as a Sunday supply in Trinity Presbytery. He and

Charles Olsen ’61 co-authored Discerning

Bill Smith ’64, while retired, is serving as

his wife continue to lead study groups to the

God’s Will Together: A Spiritual Practice for

a volunteer chaplain with Toledo Fire and

Holy Lands and Europe in addition to group

the Church (reissued by the Alban Institute)

Rescue. He sings with Masterworks Chorale,

travel to Alaska, South America, and Russia.

with Danny Morris.

performing three concerts a year. Bill is a member of Ohio Passenger Rail, which

Dennis Haines ’66 and his wife, Donna,

Bruce E. Bryce ’62 recently published a

advocates for rail passenger and light rail

celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary

collection of pastoral essays titled “Grandpa’s

services, and also preaches occasionally.

in 2012 by visiting Rome and taking a

Code,” in which he writes a personal letter

Mediterranean cruise.

to his grandchildren that shares with them a

Charles Dickinson ’65 is retired in Boston.

lifetime of common-sense faith.

His is involved with Massachusetts Council of

Susan Becker Peterson ’67 recently visited

Churches, the Massachusetts Bible Society, The

Russian churches with the Faithful Women

Burton Froom ’62 celebrated his 50th

Boston Theological Society, and the Institute

Tour through Outreach Foundation. She noted

anniversary of ordination as a PCUSA minister

for Reformed Theology.

how much they do with smaller congregations

in July 2012. His daughter, the Rev. Rebecca

to serve the needs of children and families.

Froom, graduated from Harvard Divinity

John A. Toth ’65 and his wife, Nancy, fulfilled

School and was ordained as a Unitarian-

a bucket list dream trip in December 2011.

Universalist minister.

They took their children and grandchildren

Bill Green ’62 recently published two

Robert E. Singdahlsen’s ’67 wife, Julie, died.

back to their birth place, the Panama Canal

Bill Weckerly ’67 teaches college part time in


Florida and recently offered courses in world

booklets: Pastoral Musings, 43 brief articles on

religions and contemporary ethics.

varied subjects, and Traversing the Labyrinth:

Bob Cassell ’66 is moderator of the

Caring for Yourself While Caring for Someone

Association of Presbyterian Interim Ministry

Donald P. Wilson ’67 was featured in an

Else, a primer for persons engaged in long-

Specialists and, as an honorably retired

Oct. 18, 2012, article of the Greene County

term caregiving.

member of Los Ranchos Presbytery, continues

Messenger. The article covered a speech Don

to provide support and consultation to

gave at Waynesburg University on the Rev.

Wesley Poorman ’62 and his wife, Janice,

congregations in southern California during

John Witherspoon, a Presbyterian minister

have lived in a Presbyterian continuing care

times of interim ministry.

who signed the Declaration of Independence.

community in Bethlehem, Pa., since summer 2011, having moved from their retirement

Bruce Mounts ’68 was featured in The Daily

haven in Saylorsburg, Pa.

News on Oct. 27, 2012, commemorating the 40th anniversary of his service to Amity PC, Dravosburg, Pa.



alumnae/ i news

Hannah Paik ’68 has moved to Korea with

Douglas J. Tracy ’71 received the 2012 Life

Edward Lowrey ’75 was featured in The

her husband, Dong Soo. Both have been

Achievement Award from The Association of

News-Herald May 18, 2013, as he celebrated

teaching and publishing there.

Presbyterian Church Educators. A teaching

50 years of service to the Episcopal Church,

elder and certified Christian educator in

having been ordained at his home parish,

Steven Washburn ’68 occasionally serves

the PC, Doug teaches Polity and Worship

Trinity Memorial Episcopal Church, Warren, Pa.

as supply preacher in local pulpits for the

in the PCUSA at McCormick Seminary. He

He has been vicar of The Memorial Church of

Southern Kansas Presbytery.

has served as adjunct faculty at Austin and

Our Father for more than 25 years.

Princeton seminaries and was on the faculty R. Eldon Trubee ’69, honorably retired,

of Ecumenical Theological Seminary, Detroit,

R. Michael McDowell ’75 is interim pastor at

serves as temporary supply at First PC, Dalton,

from which he retired as associate professor of

First PC, Mooresville, N.C.

Ohio. He is also a parish elder in Muskingum

Christian education in 2010. Bob Koschik ’76 is temporary supply for First

Valley Presbytery and a chaplain at Pomerene Hospital, Millersburg, Ohio.

Norman Dalton ’72 and his wife, Leah,

PC of Boston, McKeesport, Pa.

became great-grandparents in April 2012. George Ward ’69 received The Queen

At Amelia Plantation Chapel, Amelia Island,

Mark Dalbey ’78, fifth president of Covenant

Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for

Fla., Norm chairs the worship committee and

Theological Seminary, St. Louis, Mo., began

Distinguished Volunteer Community Service

preaches occasionally, and they both sing in

his service there in May 2013. He was formally

in Canada in 2012. The citation honored

the praise chorus.

installed Sept. 27, 2013.

Jud Dolphin ’72 welcomed a new grandson

Barry Dawson ’78 left this fall for Bangkok

to the world March 30, 2013—Max William

to assume regional responsibilities for the PC


Dolphin, born to Max and Renee Dolphin.

mission partnerships in nine countries.

Eduardo O. C. Chaves ’70 was recently

Kenneth H. Yount ’72, a professor of political

appointed, for a second time, coordinator of

science and history at Alderson-Broaddus


the UNESCO Chair in Education and Human

College, received the Outstanding Faculty

Russell Duncan ’80 is pastor of Christ the

Development at the Ayrton Senna Institute in

Member of the Year Award in 2012. The

King Fellowship, Spencer, N.Y.

Sao Paulo, Brazil.

award recognizes excellence in teaching and

George’s 30 years of work supporting families in grief and/or struggling with addictions.

student service. Bill N. Lawrence ’71 was named pastor

Catharine McCloskey-Turner ’80 and her husband, Mark, returned to Michigan after

emeritus by the First PC of Martins Ferry, Ohio.

Don McKim ’74 was named a 2012

spending nearly two years in Shanghai, China.

Bill served as pastor for 29 years before retiring

Distinguished Alumnus at Westminster

Their first grandchild was born in December

in 2008. Since then, he has served as stated

College, New Wilmington, Pa. He recently


supply of the Two Ridges Church, Wintersville,

published several new books: Living Into

Ohio. He and his wife, Linda, live at Atwood

Lent (Witherspoon), a guide to reflection

Byron McElroy ’80 retired but continues as

Lake, Mineral City, Ohio.

on discipleship and Christianity over the

owner/co-director of Seeds of Hope Farm in

Lenten season, and Coffee With Calvin: Daily

eastern Ohio, with his wife, Mary. They offer

Howard A. Newman ’71 and his wife,

Devotions (Westminster John Knox), a glimpse

spirituality events, clergy R & R, Christian

Marilyn, are enjoying retirement. They

into the theology of John Calvin broken into

nurture, and family ministry.

purchased a home in The Villages, Fla., and

small sections for daily reflection. Beverly James ’81 is Pittsburgh Presbytery’s

plan to spend five months there, six months in Fishersville, Va., and one month in their fifth-

Randall Frost ’75 published “Thinking

associate minister for discipleship. Read more

wheel trailer in Zelienople, Pa.

Systems in Pastoral Training,” a chapter in the

about Beverly on page 5.

book, Bringing Systems Thinking to Life. John D. Rickloff ’71 is honorably retired and serving as the interim pastor of First PC of Jeannette, Redstone Presbytery, Pa.



alumnae/ i news

class notes, continued 1980s,


Graham Standish ’88 published “What kind

Bruce Ballantine ’94 is interim pastor of First

of gun would Jesus carry?” in the Pittsburgh

PC, Wooster, Ohio.

Robson Ramos ’81 lives in Brazil and has

Post-Gazette on March 3, 2013. The article

published O Sequestro do Rolo Sagrado (The

argued that more Christians should look to

John Dalles ’94 was commissioned to write

Kidnapping of the Sacred Scroll), a fictional

Jesus’ example when considering the issue of

a hymn for the surprise 40th anniversary-of-

book about the church. His first book,

guns and their ownership.

ordination celebration for Glenn Doak ’72,

Evangelização no Mercado Pós-Moderno

held by the congregation of The First PC of

(Evangelization in the Postmodern World), was

Gary Fuss ’89 wrote a new book, The

Athens, Ga., which he has served since 1996.

published in 2008. He is also working toward

Joshua Accounts (Xulon, 2012). Gary seeks

The hymn is titled “We Are Your People God,

a law degree.

to encourage readers in their journaling,

Who Pray.” Pittsburgh Seminary president Bill

praise, study of the Word, prayer, and belief in

Carl was the guest preacher. Another of John’s


hymns, “Now Is the Time to Speak,” won the

Dan Hrach ’83 is pastor of Summit PC, Stafford, Va.

2012 Macalester Plymouth United Church


Hymn Contest.

Walt Pietschmann ’90 is temporary pastor at

Kenneth Osborne ’94 is interim pastor at

Bethesda UPC, Elizabeth, Pa.

Churchville PC, Baltimore Presbytery, Md.

University of Dubuque, was appointed as

Edward Bowen ’91 is pastor of Bates

Scott Wilson ’95/’12 serves as interim pastor

an ex-officio member of the Iowa Economic

Memorial PC, Huntington, W.Va.

of Mt. Hebron PC, Ellicott City, Md.

David Mayo ’83 is pastor of First PC, Marietta, Ga. Jeffrey Bullock ’85, president of the

Development Authority Board. Bill Parker ’91 was featured on March 19,

Jay Lewis ’96 is temporary pastor at Mt.

Jim Richards ’85, pastor of First PC, Cape

2012, in a Daily American article about a

Hope Community PC, Penn Hills, Pa.

May, N.J., was recently named to the board

revival Bill led in Johnstown, Pa.

of the not-for-profit equity professional East Lynne Theater Company.

Steven Satterfield ’96 is chaplain at Fort Bill Walker ’91 is pastor of Sykesville PC,

Carson Hospital, Colo.

Wrightstown, N.J., whose MANNA Ministry Lori Ruff-Schmalenberger ’85 is interim

serves more than 2,100 people from 11 food

Rob Marrow ’97 serves Cross Roads PC,

director of children’s ministries at Tustin PC,

pantries. MANNA transports food and goods

Monroeville, Pa., which recently sponsored


gathered from businesses to those in need,

God’s Great Earth Summer Day Camps for

including victims of Hurricane Sandy.

preschool and elementary age students.

School, Duluth, Minn. He also teaches

Michael Frencher ’92 was elected bishop

Jim Yearsley ’97 is pastor of Village PC,

Introduction to Christian Theology, 21st

in the AME Zion Church at the General

Tampa, Fla.

Century Spirituality, and Religious Perspectives

Conference in Charlotte, N.C. Prior to his

on Health Care Ethics as an adjunct professor

election, Michael was pastor of Trinity AME

John Culp ’98 is pastor of Fort Square PC,

at the College of St. Scholastica.

Zion Church, Greensboro, N.C.

Quincy, Mass.

Wayne Blaser ’88 is interim pastor at

Fred Soberg ’93 is a temporary pastor for

Tom LeGrande ’98 is pastor of Augusta

Westminster PC, Bradenton, Fla.

Venice PC, Washington Presbytery, Pa.

Heights Baptist Church, Greenville, S.C. He

Cynthia I. Jackson ’88 chairs the Hunger

John Zingaro ’93 wrote Susan Nelson,

instruction at Gardner-Webb University. Tom’s

Fund Ministry of Pittsburgh Presbytery and

the Life and Influence of a Feminist

published dissertation is titled “Connecting

serves on Amos 5:24. She also serves on

Theologian. For a copy, contact John at 6309

the Dots: A Case Study Examining the Impact

the Expansion Team, North Hills Table, and

Saint Marie St., Pittsburgh, PA 15206.

of Service Learning.”

Lon Weaver ’86 is chaplain at Marshall

completed his doctorate in curriculum and

St. Brendan’s Pennsylvania Interfaith Impact Network.



alumnae/ i news

Jo Ramsey ’99 is temporary associate pastor

John Welch ’02, vice president for student

Cyndi Bloise ’06 serves Center Avenue UMC,

at East Union PC, Cheswick, Pa.

service and dean of students at PTS,

Pitcairn, Pa. Her passions are the church’s

continues to be recognized in the Pittsburgh

Circles (anti-poverty) Initiative, for which

Patricia Sharbaugh ’99, assistant professor of

Post-Gazette for his work as a member of

they received an expansion grant, and New

theology at St. Vincent College, was one of 50

the Community-Police Working Group in

Beginnings (alternative worship).

Catholic theologians invited to participate in

Pittsburgh. Elizabeth Broschart ’06 is pastor of First PC

a conference on “The Intellectual Tasks of the New Evangelization.” The new evangelization

Anne Woodman-Howe ’02 published

is directed toward people who were baptized

Coming Home: The Congregational Choice

or even confirmed, but on whom the gospel

to Live in God’s Amazing Grace in 2013. The

Mary Browne ’06 is a chaplain and clinical

message has had little impact, and those who

book urges and enables congregations to

pastoral education supervisor at the South

live in historically Christian nations but have no

make Jesus the center of their congregations.

Texas VA Hospital, San Antonio.

of Boyne City, Mich.

relationship with the church. Frank Harmon ’03 is associate pastor for

Helen Kester ’06 is pastor of Highland Park

Merle Timko ’99 welcomed her new

youth, children, and their families at Pinnacle

PC, Lewistown, Pa.

grandson, Levi James Landis, born to Michelle

PC, Scottsdale, Ariz. Chad Martin ’06 published “God-as-Potter:

and Jim Landis, Aug. 31, 2012. Jim Steiner ’04 is interim pastor of Hillcrest

Creativity and a Theology of Art-Making”


UPC, Monroeville, Pa.

in the Spring 2012 issue of Conrad Grebel

Jeri-Lynne Bouterse ’00 is serving as interim

Anita Stuart-Steva ’04 and her husband,

master’s thesis at Pittsburgh Seminary. Chad

pastor at Riverdale UPC, Moon Twp., Pa.

Patrick, welcomed their new grandson, John

is associate pastor of Community Mennonite

Patrick Anderson, into the world.

Church of Lancaster, Pa.

B. De Neice Welch ’04 is involved with the

Ann M. Osborne ’06, associate minister for

Northside Christian Health Center to increase

congregational care at Highland PC, Lancaster,

Carmen Cox Harwell ’01 serves St. Mark’s

understanding of and access to hospice care

Pa., was awarded her D.Min. (in spirituality

PC, Beachwood, Ohio.

among African-Americans in the greater North

and aging in worship) from United Theological

Side community of Pittsburgh. An article in the

Seminary, Dayton, Ohio. Ann supports 750

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette highlighted her work.

retired members of the 1,500-member

Review. The article derives mainly from his

Marie Brown ’00 is now in her tenth year as pastor of the First Baptist Church, Crafton, Pa.

Jeanine Haven ’00 serves First PC of Wyoming, New York.

congregation. Eugene Blackwell ’05 was featured in the

Wendy Keys ’00 is temporary pastor of

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette for his work with

Jeff Paschal ’06 is pastor of Guilford Park

Swissvale PC, Pa.

the Homewood Renaissance Association in

PC, Greensboro, N.C., and was selected

building safe space for teens.

as Town Square Columnist for the News &

Steve Russell ’01 was inducted into the

Record Newspaper of Greensboro. The first

Edinboro University Athletic Hall of Fame in

Kim Viehland ’05 was interim pastor at

of Jeff’s monthly columns focused on biblical

2013. He is regarded as one of the finest

Mifflin Avenue UMC from February to July

interpretation. He is using the venue to share

defensive backs in Edinboro’s football history

2012. She is now caregiver for her mother,

the gospel with a larger audience.

and was named to the university’s all-time

who has Alzheimer’s. Kim sings in the church


choir and serves as secretary for the church

Brenda Barnes ’07 is temporary associate

council and Wilkinsburg Community Ministry.

pastor at Sewickley PC, Pa., where she works

Jay Hollinsworth ’02 is interim pastor for McKeesport PC, Pa.

with Sewickley’s pastor, Kevin Long ’07. Deborah Warren ’05 received a grant from the Louisville Institute, a Lilly Endowment-

Derek Campbell ’07 serves Living Stones

Norman (Chips) Koehler ’02 and his wife,

funded program based at Louisville Seminary.

Resources, a non-profit equipping everyday

Jan, celebrated their 57th wedding anniversary

As pastor of Second UPC, Wilkinsburg, Pa.,

disciples in Altoona, Pa. For more information

in 2013.

she studied “Intentional Team Ministry:

or to support this ministry, contact Derek at

Enjoying God Together.”See page 5. Panorama


alumnae/ i news

class notes, continued 2000s,

Janice Good ’08 and her husband, Charlie,

Zak Lantz ’09 is editor of The Punxsutawney

became proud grandparents when Charles

Spirit. He began working as a sports writer at

David Koehler ’07 co-chairs a steering

Stephen Good—“Little Charlie,” son of David

the west-central Pennsylvania newspaper in

committee starting a Rwanda Partnership

and Sarah Good—arrived on Nov. 27, 2012.



Mission Network. Joseph (Blake) Hudson ’08 is serving as

Don Polito ’09 is serving as temporary pastor

Catherine Craley ’07 is pastor of Round Rock

associate pastor of Eastminster PC, Marietta,

of Liberty PC, Liberty Borough, Pa.

PC, Mission Presbytery, Texas.


Chris Davis ’07 is pastor of Grace PC, Beaver

Janice Krouskop ’08 is executive director

Connellsville PC, Pa. A member of Redstone

Dam, Wis.

of the Scenic City Women’s Network,

Presbytery’s Council, she has served on the

Chattanooga, Tenn. A former SCWN board

Finance Committee and as Moderator.

Suzanne Zampella ’09 is pastor of

Keith Kaufold ’07 is part of a team working

member, Janice has a passion for marketplace

to help revitalize the congregation of

ministry and the Network’s mission to

Homestead PC, Pa. See page 21.

encourage, equip, and energize today’s


Christian working women.

Chad Bogdewic ’10/’13 serves a three-point

April Leese ’07 is working with the staff

charge: Fairmount UMC, West Finley, Pa.;

of Stony Point Center, N.Y., mostly on the

Hyeon Gu Lee ’08 is pursuing a doctorate

Nineveh UMC, Pa.; and Union Valley UMC,

computer and hosting groups, but also in the

in intercultural studies at Asbury Theological

Graysville, Pa.

kitchen and gardens.

Seminary. The dissertation topic is building long-term partnerships through short-term

Robin Craig ’10, determined to make a

Sarina Meyer ’07 is interim director of lay

missions, and he is doing his field research in

difference and to help others after the 2008

and continuing education at The Presbyterian

Korea and Sri Lanka.

suicide of her son, Josh Williams, presented

College, Montreal. Emily Miller ’07 is associate pastor of

testimony on Nov. 14, 2012, to the Ohio Ben Libert ’08 is pastor of Highland UPC,

Senate Education Committee in support

Newport, Pa.

of legislation that would mandate suicide

The Church of the Covenant, Washington Presbytery, Pa.

prevention education for Ohio educators. She Matthew Rich ’08 is pastor of Reid Memorial

has also written “Faith-filled Responses to

PC, Augusta, Ga.

Suicide” and “Care for Suicide Survivors” for

Martha Neba-Mbandi ’07 received a

The Huffington Post. She is serving as pastor

doctorate in instructional management and

James Riggins ’08 is serving a two-year

leadership from Robert Morris University.

mission assignment in Thailand teaching

Martha began serving her first call, to Mosaic

English. He works with Christian Volunteers in

John Creekpaum ’10 is interim pastor at Cool

Community Church in 2012. In Cameroon,

Thailand. Follow James on his blog at www.

Spring PC, Mercer, Pa.

she hopes to implement the educational and

funding models she developed as a pilot project for other low-income nations.

of Nankin Federated Church, Nankin, Ohio.

James Estes ’10 is associate pastor of mission Andrew L. Weber ’08 is settled minister of

and outreach at First PC, Tulsa, Okla.

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Newark, James Purdie ’07 is pastor of St. Basil


the Great Mission, Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese, Poquoson, Va.

Melissa S. Goodman ’10 is temporary pastor at Dayton Glade Run PC, Dayton, Pa.

Randi Henderson ’09 is the pastor of UPC, Keokuh, Iowa.

Deborah Saxe ’07 and her husband are

Amanda Hoover Grubbs ’10 serves in a children’s ministry position at Korean UPC,

starting a Disciples of Christ church in

Doug Holmes ’09 is pastor of First PC,

Westerville, Ohio.

Albion, N.Y.

Gibsonia, Pa. Cinda Isler ’10 is pastor of Hebron PC,

Carrie Benton ’08 is designated pastor at

Jeffrey W. Jones ’09 is pastor of Harmony

Mountain Lakes PC, Seeley Lake, Mont.

UPC, Harrisville, Pa.



Clinton, Pa.

alumnae/ i news

Eric Laverentz ’10, senior pastor of The PC

John S. Dunlop ’12 is dean and professor

Peter John Spiro (Hon. Colonel) ’12 was

of Stanley, Overland Park, Kan., wrote a new

of liturgics and theology at St. Herman

honored by local dignitaries, family, and the

book, Is Caesar Our Savior? Why Only The

Theological Seminary, Kodiak, Alaska.

community of St. Athanasios Greek Orthodox

Church Can Keep Any Nation Free (www.

Church, Aurora, Ill., on June 17, 2012, at St. Wray Fanton ’12 is associate pastor of

Athanasios Church.

Sherman Community Church, N.Y. Lisa Renee Sayre ’10 serves on the leadership

Sue Washburn ’12 is pastor of Reunion

team of Shalom: A Peace Church Community

James Graham ’12 is senior pastor of Valley

of Brother Francis and Sister Clare, a

View Bible Church, Paradise Valley, Ariz.

Presbyterian Church in Mt. Pleasant, Pa. Jane Anabe ’13 is director of children’s

Mennonite church in Pittsburgh. She is also studying to become a certified registered

David Grissom ’12 is rector of St. Alban’s

and family ministry at Newlonsburg PC,


Anglican Church, Murrysville, Pa. He and his

Murrysville, Pa.

wife, Linda, have four children. David Sutherland ’10 is moderator of the 139 General Assembly of the PC in Canada. th

Jason Clapper ’11 finished his second year

Woodrow Dixon ’13 is pastor of Jubilee Michael Haddox ’12 is director of ministries

Fellowship Christian Reformed Church, St.

at Meridian UPC, Butler, Pa., where Stephen

Catharines, Ontario, Canada.

Franklin ’09 is pastor. See page 20. Matt Fricker ’13 is director of youth ministry

at Lavonia PC, northeast Georgia, and started a doctor of ministry program at Columbia

Peter Jackson ’12 is rector of Saints Theodore

Theological Seminary.

Orthodox Church, Williamsville, N.Y.

Gabriel Crawford ’11, formerly on

Nancy Klancher ’12, assistant professor

InterVarsity staff, was confirmed in the Roman

of philosophy and religion at Bridgewater

Catholic Church on the feast day of John the

College, Va., received her Ph.D. from

Daniel Isadore ’13 is a ministry liaison


Pittsburgh Seminary in cooperation with the

between The Pittsburgh Experiment and the

University of Pittsburgh.

Coalition for Christian Outreach.

Wall Street Journal on May 19, 2013, about

Eric McIntosh ’12 is deacon-in-charge at St.

Chelsea Leitcher ’13 is in a two-year chaplain

embracing a second career as a clergyperson

James Episcopal Church, Pittsburgh.

CPE residency program at the San Diego VA

at First PC, San Antonio, Texas. Matthew Grubbs ’13 serves at Korean UPC, Gibsonia, Pa.

Kathy Dain ’11 was interviewed in the

after leaving a first, more lucrative career.

Hospital, Calif. Alex (Scott) Nelson ’12 works for the Tri-

Chris Dericks ’11 is associate pastor for family

Cities Chaplaincy as part of his practicum

Judith Tobias ’13 is pastor of First Hungarian

ministries at First PC of Murrysville, Redstone

for the master’s in social work degree he is

Reformed Church of Homestead, Pa.

Presbytery, Pa.


B. T. Gilligan ’11 serves Harrisville UMC, near

Scott Pitz ’12 is project manager for The

intern for 1001 Worshiping Communities and

Grove City College, Pa.

Kingsley Association in the Larimer area of

is now a chaplain resident at Wellspan Health/


York Hospital, York, Pa.

Minh Towner ’13 served as a summer 2013

Christine March ’11 is ministering through Laketon Heights UMC, Pittsburgh.

Anthony Richardson ’12 is head chaplain of Highland Park Care Center, Pittsburgh.

Doug Marshall ’11 is interim pastor of John McMillan PC, Bethel Park, Pa. Charles (Charlie) Cotherman ’12 is a doctoral student at the University of Virginia.



alumnae/ i news

In Memory J. Davis Illingworth ’42

Richard Eyster Sigler ’52

Sun City, Ariz.

Mechanicsburg, Pa.

Jan. 12, 2013

Aug. 18, 2013 Survived by Heather McLaughlin

Robert L. Caldwell ’44

Sigler ’95

Cedar Rapids, Iowa Feb. 15, 2012

Richard S. Smilie ’52 Knoxville, Tenn.

Harold J. Walker ’44

Sept. 23, 2013

Washington, Iowa July 30, 2012

M. Edgar Datesman ’53 Bedford, Pa.

Alfred Spotts The Rev. Dr. Alfred L. Spotts ’44 died April 16, 2013, at the age of 93. Retired pastor of Sterling Kansas United Presbyterian Church, he was named as pastor emeritus in 2002. Sterling College awarded him an honorary doctorate in divinity in 2000. Alfred is pictured here holding the Bible that he started using during his seminary days at Pitt-Xenia.

T. Donald Black ’45

Dec. 31, 2012

Jenkintown, Pa. Feb. 16, 2013

Marjorie C. Elgin ’53 Kent, Wash.

James W. Pollock ’45

July 11, 2012

Washington, Iowa

Survived by Vernon G. Elgin ’52

April 14, 2013 Thomas M. Hutt Jr. ’53 J. Claude Gould ’46

Menasha, Wisc.

Land O’Lakes, Fla.

April 23, 2009

May 27, 2012 Wayne L. McCoy ’53 Peter Van Lierop ’49

Dayton, Ohio

Bensenville, Ill.

Dec. 21, 2011

July 28, 2012 Don F. Pierson ’53 William P. Barker ’50/’79

DeKalb, Ill.

South Wellfleet, Maine

Sept. 11, 2010

July 8, 2012 John M. Rock ’53 Thomas M. Cummins Jr. ’51

Valparaiso, Ind.

Pittsburgh, Pa.

June 14, 2012

Sept. 17, 2013 Francis Thom ’53 Robert L. Kelley Jr. ’51

Scottsdale, Ariz.

Pittsburgh, Pa.

May 30, 2013

Oct. 30, 2013 Robert R. Cunningham ’54 Charles W. Neu ’51

Tulsa, Okla.

Brooklyn, N.Y.

Dec. 22, 2011

Aug. 16, 2010 Charles Ray Fenton ’54 Robert S. Humes ’52

Chanhassen, Minn.

Oakmont, Pa.

Aug. 1, 2012

June 17, 2012



alumnae/ i news

John D. Mellinger ’54

Thomas J. McLaren ’57

Margaret S. Yingling ’65

Molly O’Mega Brown ’87

Germantown, Tenn.

Erie, Pa.

Pittsburgh, Pa.

Perry Township, Pa.

Nov. 26, 2012

Dec. 16, 2012

Oct. 26, 2012

Aug. 6, 2012

Stephen L. Polley ’54/’59/’75

Ernest B. Murphy ’57

Robert J. Huck ’68

Rick Dean Vesely ’87

Cranberry Township, Pa.

Navarre, Ohio

Waverly, Ohio

Traer, Iowa

Feb. 13, 2013

Sept. 27, 2011

Aug. 3, 2012

July 17, 2012

Merle E. Strohbehn ’54

William E. Johnson Sr. ’60

Jack R. Moon ’68

Kathryn Irish Filer ’88

Stillwater, Minn.

Grandview, Mo.

Cutler Bay, Fla.

Oil City, Pa.

Dec. 28, 2012

Nov. 20, 2012

April 16, 2010

March 2, 2012

Norris Lee Cook ’55

Richard S. McConnell ’60

Glendora B. Paul ’68

Henderson, Nev.

Clarence, N.Y.

Pittsburgh, Pa.

Carol Edre Lynn ’89

Oct. 30, 2012

Nov. 15, 2012

Oct. 23, 2012

Gibsonia, Pa.

John G. Evans ’55

Marion W. McCoy ’60

Harvey G. Throop ’68

Edwardsville, Ill.

Charleston, S.C.

San Diego, Ca.

Thomas Wayne Jackson ’90

Feb. 23, 2012

March 16, 2013

Sept. 19, 2012

Beverly, W.Va.

John (Jack) B. Hawes Jr. ’55

Richard M. Cromie ’61

Philip Bell Jr. ’71

Orange City, Fla.

Matthews, N.C.

Memphis, Tenn.

John Stanton (Stan) Bell ’97

Dec. 16, 2012

Feb. 9, 2013

April 9, 2013

Feranandina Beach, Fla.

Charles E. McCloskey ’55

Edwin Carl Carlson ’62

Walter Wynn Kenyon ’74

Livonia, Miss.

Butler, Pa.

Jackson, Miss.

Murphy J. Hickerson ’98

June 16, 2012

June 22, 2013

Feb. 13, 2012

Canonsburg, Pa.

Charles M. Fullinwider ’56

David L. Heyser ’63

Thomas C. LeClere ’74

Roswell, N.M.

Duluth, Minn.

Pittsburgh, Pa.

Randall V. Boyer ’08

April 6, 2012

Feb. 11, 2013

June 23, 2012

McMurray, Pa.

Philip M. Hastings Jr. ’56

Alfred C. Horn ’63

Gerald L. Fennell ’76

Bangor, Maine

Lafayette, Ala.

Youngstown, Ohio

Nuhu Siman ’09

March 5, 2012

March 26, 2013

May 22, 2013

Taraba State, Nigeria

Robert Wilson Marsh ’56

John B. McLaren ’63/’68

Susan Shira Nilsen ’77

California, Md.

Elmira, N.Y.

Bridgeville, Pa.

Dec. 4, 2012

Nov. 18, 2012

July 15, 2013

Irene Hays Turnmire ’56

David L. Barrett Sr. ’64

Charles D. Moore ’81

Spokane, Wash.

Waynesburg, Pa.

Elizabeth Township, Pa.

June 1, 2012

Dec. 29, 2012

March 31, 2013

James E. Wigley Jr. ’56

Fitz Allen John ’65

James Leo Armstrong ’87

New Wilmington, Pa.

Palm Bay, Fla.

Pittsburgh, Pa.

Feb. 29, 2012

Sept. 20, 2005

May 3, 2012

Survived by Joe Filer ’88

Sept. 28, 2011

July 14, 2011

March 29, 2012

May 9, 2012

Feb. 21, 2012

July 1, 2011



alumnae/ i news

The Rev. Drs. Gary and Judy Angleberger, John S. McMillan Society Members Division. While serving in Brazil as a delegate to the World Council of Churches, she was elected one of 150 delegates on the WCC’s Central Committee. Also a leader in the PCUSA, prior to retiring Gary served as a pastor for 18 years (14 of those years in the First PC of Granville, Ohio), consultant with the General Assembly’s Major Mission Fund, and then as associate executive of the Synod of the Trinity for Communication and Stewardship, as well as a volunteer regional representative of the Theological Education Fund, which raises money for the denomination’s seminaries. Gary and Judy strongly affirm their Presbyterian tradition of providing well educated ministers (Teaching Elders) for the local church. And they’ve promoted the value of education among their family members and congregants. “It is, therefore, quite natural that when we arranged for the disposition of our assets in the light of our values, we included our seminaries [PTS for Judy, and Union-New York for Gary] in our planned giving.” This year with the Presbyterian Foundation, the Anglebergers are establishing the Angleberger Scholarship at Pittsburgh Seminary through a charitable remainder trust, in addition to providing funds to Union Theological Seminary, N.Y. Gary comments that Pittsburgh Seminary is special to them because Partners in ministry as well as in marriage, the Rev. Drs. Gary and

PTS prepared Judy for the ordained order of Teaching Elder. That

Judy ‘96 Angleberger recognize the principle of Christian stewardship

position has been a source of great joy over her more than 15 years

as important to the nurturing of the Church. So they’ve put a lot of

as a pastor. Judy’s ties to PTS extend beyond her status as a graduate,

thought into how best to steward their own resources.

however—for five years she served as the Seminary’s associate director for development and director of planned giving. That role made her

“In our homes of origin and in our church life, we learned to see our

all the more aware of the importance of planned gifts for ensuring the

resources of time, abilities, and money as gifts from God to be used in

Seminary’s educationally excellent preparation for ministry.

Christ’s mission to the world through his Church. As we grew older and benefitted from the estates of our parents, as well as investments of our

Gary and Judy sum up their decision to include the Seminary in their

own, we realized that the privilege of Christian stewardship extends to

estate plan by noting: “When we came to Western Pennsylvania some

our accumulated assets—that the guideline of the biblical tithe should

32 years ago, colleagues who were graduates of Pittsburgh Seminary

guide our planned giving as well as our current giving,” they note.

offered us their Christian support and friendship. They invited us to participate in PTS’s continuing education opportunities, various lecture

Pastor of Steffin Hill PC in Beaver Falls, Pa., Judy has served the church

series, and Alumnae/i Days events. Through those activities and Judy’s

in a number of additional leadership capacities. She has represented the

theological studies, Pittsburgh Seminary has played an important part

Beaver-Butler Presbytery on the General Assembly Council (now PMA)

in our Christian life—and we want the Seminary’s educational and

of the PCUSA and chaired the denomination’s World Wide Ministries

spiritual impact to continue into the future.”



Investing for Silken Communities


few months ago the new Pittsburgh Theological Seminary

Today, many resources in our society are being redirected to economic

website went live at Refreshed and made

development—a very worthy cause, since people need jobs to support

easier to navigate, the site now provides new, user-friendly

their families and to prosper. But jobs are only one aspect of what

tools for our graduates, students, prospective students,

makes communities vital and whole. Many others, such as education,

and friends.

effective governance, and good housing are also necessary components of a thriving community. And as Christians we recognize that the most

One carryover feature of the site consists in our online Gift Catalog,

important strand for holding the fabric of society together consists in a

which includes student and faculty profiles; the history of endowed

community’s spiritual health, its people’s relationship with the Lord.

faculty chairs, student scholarships, and important lectureships; and links to supporting programs, such as the World Mission Initiative,

Without the ministry of the gospel of Christ, we are left with “burlap

Metro-Urban Institute, Kelso Museum of Near Eastern Archaeology,

societies” at best. But when gospel ministry is present and active

and The Zeitah Excavations. You will find the catalog at

in a community to support Christian values, families, finances, and


decision-making, communities of fine silk emerge. It is such “silken communities,” characterized by forgiveness and the grace of Christ,

The online Gift Catalog also illustrates the needs met by financial

that graduates of Pittsburgh Seminary help to weave.

gifts of specific amounts, so that in it you can learn how your gift to PTS makes a direct impact for Christian ministry—ministry through

So I encourage you to check out our online Gift Catalog. Why not

our students, our faculty, our graduates, and our entire Seminary

invest today in the Christian leaders of tomorrow who are preparing for

community as we partner in pursuit of our mission of preparing

Spirit-led service at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary?

Christian leaders for global ministry. These men and women are passionate about their call to share the good news of Jesus Christ—and to do so with grace undergirded by the necessary education, in and out of the classroom, for reaching an increasingly secular culture.

Thomas J. Pappalardo is the vice president for advancement and marketing.

The PTS Gift Catalog tells you about: Gifts that help Students Gifts that strengthen Academics Gifts in Honor or Memory Gifts that enhance our Mission Planned Gifts




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