Priority Goals Information Resource #1

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Invest in culturally responsive, evidence-based training, tools, and instructional practices.


Supporting student outcomes and experiences through an investment in developing those who serve students.



Improving teacher quality through professional learning, a variety of resources, and observation and feedback.


Utilizing research, evidence, and responsive practices to create teachers of impact for all students.

DR. WAYNE N. WALTERS Superintendent of Schools


We are creating the backdrop of inquiry regarding the best pedagogy, curriculum, and training needed to support our staff to positively move outcomes, as well as racial and disability disparities of our students.

A well-designed and implemented high-quality teaching and learning process that results in improved student outcomes is a core goal of our school district To meet this goal, an investment in culturally responsive, evidence-based professional learning is required. As we strive to make significant improvements in student outcomes and eliminate racial and disability disparities, as evidenced by the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA), Pennsylvania Alternate System of Assessment (PASA), and Keystone Exams, we must invest in pedagogy that makes learning more inclusive, relating the lived experiences of our students with the academic concepts they are learning in the classroom

An investment in improved instructional practice is paramount for student success and improved outcomes. If learning is the ultimate goal of teaching, and culture is central to learning, then culturally responsive education presents an opportunity to ensure every child regardless of his or her background has equitable access to the same learning outcomes Hanley and Noblit (2009) offer that “The use of students’ cultural knowledge as the core of instruction is more likely to engage students in learning” (p. 28.). If each child’s culture is valued equally and affirmed evenly through both the content we teach and our methods of delivery, we can essentially provide all students with whatever they need to achieve the desired outcome (On Track to Equity, pg 11)


Like many school districts across the country, we are challenged with providing innovative methods and tools to advance engagement and learning post-pandemic This means that it is our responsibility to provide the tools and training our teachers and staff need to bridge the culture and needs of their students with what is happening in the classroom. Through the use of instructional tools and resources, collaborative professional learning communities, observations of practice, growth-oriented feedback, and progress monitoring, we will support and hone teacher skills and practice. UNAPOLOGETICALLY STUDENT FIRST


Culturally responsive teaching uses students’ customs, characteristics, experience, and perspectives as tools for better classroom instruction (What Is Culturally Responsive Teaching, Education Week 4/18/2022) Educator Gholdy Muhammad describes it as both a theory and model to respond to students’ histories, identities, literacies and liberation in pedagogy She identifies five pursuits or goals educators must strive towards to help students gain self-reliance, self-determination and self-liberation:

Identity – teaching students to know themselves and others; Skills – teaching students the proficiencies needed across content areas; Intellect – teaching students' new knowledge; Criticality – teaching students to understand and disrupt oppression; and Joy – teaching students about the beauty and truth in humanity

An investment in culturally responsive, evidence-based professional learning is critical to the implementation of high-quality teaching and learning that results in improved student outcomes and racial and disability disparities in the Pittsburgh Public Schools Once Culturally responsive teaching is understood then our district can move to implementation of Culturally responsive education (CRE) CRE must become the bedrock of any well-designed professional learning plan aimed at dramatically improving student outcomes

CRE implementation will become a Tier 1, core system of teaching, pedagogy, curriculum, theories, attitudes, practices, and instructional materials that center students’ cultures, identities, and contexts throughout educational systems.

All students should experience CRE regardless of race, zip code, gender (including gender identity or expression), disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, and economic designation Through academic content, inclusive pedagogy, and equity-focused professional learning, we will maximize the intellective capacity of all students, specifically students of color by validating, affirming, building and bridging their racial, cultural and ethnic identities, and effectively close or reverse the racial achievement gap If we implement CRE with fidelity, we can create school cultures that support the success of all students UNAPOLOGETICALLY STUDENT FIRST

The five priority goals articulate key strategies aimed at improving Culture, Systems, and Instruction in the Pittsburgh Public Schools. Implementing these priority goals begins with inquiry. The conclusions emerging from this process will outline a collaborative and strategic approach to solve our challenges with student outcomes and experiences.

Priority Goal #1

Invest in culturally responsive, evidence-based training, tools, and instructional practices.

Priority Goal #2

Construct safety, health, and wellness protocols.

Priority Goal #3

Expand stakeholder communication and partnerships.

Priority Goal #4

Design effective organizational systems.

Priority Goal #5

Strategically allocate resources to ensure equity, excellence, and efficiency.

For more information on the Superintendent's Priority Goals, please visit

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