The Watkins Manual of Exposure and Development

Page 158

Testimony--Continued "I obtained one of your thermometers while in India a couple of years back, also a tank, and have always been an advocate of your excellent methods. While again on the voyage I actually had some difficulty in convincing our Skipper I did a bit of photography without a dark room and used merely a changing bag for a few minutes."-F.W.T. "I have used one of your Standard Meters for very many years and it has always proved a most valuable and reliable assistant."-T. W. T.


June, 1910. "Your meters having served me so well in so many lands, I have decided that each sledging party on the Expedition shall have one, in the use of which I will instruct them." Dec., 1912. "Your exposure meters proved as reliable in the Antarctic regions as they have always been. In the extremely puzzling light of the Polar regions I should have been quite nonplussed at times without them. I have brought back many hundreds of negatives, the correct exposure of which they were the means of indicating." Daily Mirror, May 21st, 1913. "CAPTAIN SCOTT was particularly keen. At first he would let me work out his exposures for him, for photographic exposing in these regions is a very difficult business, and then he would go and develop the plates himself. But he soon progr_essed beyond this stage, and with the help t~f an exposure meter he worked out his own exposures. There was never any 'hit or miss'"work about any of our photographic operations down south, as an opportunity once missed seldom or never came again. As it was necessary that one should make sure of every plate or film exposed WE ALL USED EXPOSURE METERS."-H. G. PONTING. (Photographer in Captain Scott's Expedition).

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