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ideal noun [C] 1 an idea or principle that seems perfect to you and that you want to achieve: She finds it hard to live up to her parentsŐ high ideals. * socialist ideals idea 2 [usually sing] a perfect example of a person or thing: My ideal would be to live in the country and have a f lat in London. idea ideally adv 1 periecty: They are ideally suited to each other. doskonale, idealnie 2 in an ideal situation: Ideally, no ciass should be larger than 25. idealnie idealism /aiŐdi:alizam/ noun [U] the belief that people shouid have high ideals and live according to them, or that the worid can be made perfect: Young people are usually full of idealism. Por, realism, idealizm idealist /aiŐdi:elist/ noun [C] a person who has high ideals (but who is sometimes not very practical) o idealist-a/ka idealistic /iaidiaŐhstik/ adj idealistyczny idealize (also idealise) /aiŐdi:alaiz/ verb [T] to imagine or show sth as being better than it really is: Old people o/ten idealize their early life. idealizować identical /aiŐdentikl/ adj 1 the identical the same: This is the identical room we stayed in last year. ten sam 2 identical (to/with sb/sth) exactly the same as: I canŐt see any difference between these two pens - they look identical to me. taki sam, identyczny identically /-kli/ adv/ identycznie, tak samo identical Ôtwin noun [C, usually pl] Identical twins come from the same egg of the mother and so are of the same sex and look exactly alike. bliźniak jednojajowy identity /ardentrfal/ verb [T] (pres part identyfying; 3rd pers sing pres identifies; pt, pp identified) 1 identify sb/sth (as sb/sth) to recognize or say who or what sb/sth is: The police need someone to identify the body. We must identify the cause of the problem before we look for solutions. identyfikować, ustalać 2 identify sth with sth to think or say that sth is the same as sth else: You canŐt identify nationalism with fascism. utozsamiać identify with sb to feel that you understand and share what sb else is feeling: I found it hard to identify with the woman in the film. utozsamia sie, identyfikowa sie Identify (yourself) with sb/sth to be connected with sb/sth: She became identified with the new political party. związywać się identification /aiidentift^eiJn/ noun [U] 1 the act of identifying or being identified: The identification of the people killed in the explosion was very difficult. o childrenŐs identification with W heroes identyfikacja; utozsamiante sie 2 (abbr ID) an official paper, etc that proves who you are: Do you have any identification? dowód tożsamości, legitymacja fridentity /aiŐdentati/ noun [C,U] (pl identities) who or what a person or a thing is: There are few clues to the identity of the killer. o The region has its own cultural identity and is demanding more independence, o The arrestwas a case of mistaken identity. o Chiidren of immigrants o/ten sufferfrom a loss of identity tożsamość iŐdentity card noun [C] a card that proves who you are dowód tożsamości, legitymacja

ideology /iaidiŐDlad3i/ noun [C,U] (pl ideologies) a set of ideas which form the basis for a political or economic system: Marxist ideohgy ideologia ideological /iaidiaŐlDd3lkl/ ad ideologiczny idiom /Őidiam/ noun [C] a expression with a meaning that you can not guess from the meanings of the separate words: The idiom Ôbring sth home to sbŐ means Ômake sb understand sthŐ. idiom idiomatic /iidiaŐma3tik/ adj 1 containing an idiom or idioms: an idiomatic expression idiomatyczny 2 using language in a waythat sounds natural: He speahs good idiomatic English. idiomatyczny idiot /Őidiat/ noun [C] (informal) a stupid or foolish person: I was an idiot to forget my passport. idiot-a/ka idiotic /iidiŐDtik/ ad] idiotyczny idiotically /-kli/ adv idiotycznie idie /Őaidl/ adj 1 not doing anything; not belong used: She is always busy. She canŐt bear to beidie. The fatory stood idie while the machines were being repaired bezczynny 2 not wanting to work hard; lazy: He has the ability to succeed but he is just bone idie (bardzo leniwy). leniwy 3 (only before a noun) not to be taken seriousy because it will not have any result: an idie promise próżny, pusty idleness noun [U] c> bezczynność idly /Őaidi/ adv bezczynnie idol /Őaidl/ noun [C] 1 a statue that people worship as a god bozek 2 a person (such as a film star or pop musician) who is admired or loved: When I was 14, Elvis Presley was my idol. idol idolize (also idolise) /Őaldalaiz/ uerb [T] to love or admire sb very much or too much: He is an oniy child and his parents idolize him. ubóstwiać idyllic /1Ődilik; US aiŐd-/ adj very pleasant and peaceful: We nad an idyllic holiday in the West of Ireland. sielankowy ie /,ai Ôi:/ abbr that is; in other words: deciduous trees, ie those which lose their leaws in autumn tj., tzn. if /rf/ conj 1 (used in sentences in which ovs, thing happens or is true, depending on whether another thing happens or is true): If you see him, giue him this letter. We wonŐt go to the beach if it rains. o If I had more time I would learn another language. If I had known ahout the accident, I would have gone to see her in hospital. I might see her tomorrow If not, IŐll see her at the weekend Jeżeli, jeśli, gdyby, o ile 2 (used after verbs sucn as askŐ, ÔknowŐ, ÔrememberŐ): They asked if we would like to go too. o l canŐt remember if I posted the letter or not. Zob. uwaga przy whether. (w pytaniach zależnych) czy 3 (used when you ar asking sb to do sth or suggesting sth politely): If you could just come this way, sir. If l might suggest something... jeżeli, gdyby

if l were you (used when you are giving sb advice): If I were you, IŐd leaue now. na twoim miejscu if only (used for expressing a strong wish): If oniy I could driue. If only heŐd write. żeby tylko igloo /Őiglu:/ noun [C] (pl igloos a small house that is built from blocks of hard snow by people in the Arctic regions (Eskimos) Iglo ignite /igŐiiart/ verb [I,T] (formal) to start burning or to make sth start buming: A spark from the engine ignited the petrol. zapalać ignition /igŐniJŐn/ noun 1 [U] the process of igniting zapalanie 2 [C] the electrical system that starts the engine of a car: to tum the ignition on/off zapłon ignominious /iignaŐmmias/ adj (formal) making you feel ashamed: The team suffered an ignominious defeat. haniebny, sromotny ignominiously adv haniebnie, sromotnie ignorance /Őignarans/ noun [U] ck of information or knowledge (about sth): The workers were in complete ignorance (pozostawali w zupenej niewiadomoci) of the managementŐs plans. The mistake was due to ignorance. Ignorancja, nieznajomość ignorant /Őignorant/ adj 1 not knowing about sth: Many people are ignorant of their rights. IŐm very ignorant about (wielkim ignorantem w zakresie) modern technology, IŐm afraid. nieswiadomy (czegoś), nie wiedzący 2 (informal) rude or impolite (because you donŐt know how to behave): That was a uery ignorant remark! prostacki ignore /igŐn3:(r)/ verb [T] to pay no attention to sb/sth: I said hello to Deby but she totally ignored me. George ignored his doctorŐs advice about drinking and smoking less. Uwaga! Ignore i be ignorant bardzo się różni znaczeniem. Ignorować, nie zważać na ill1 /il/ adj l (US sick) (not before a noun) not in good health; not well: I went to bed early because I felt ill but I felt even worse when I woke up. I have been illl with flu. My mother was taken ill (zachorowaa) suadenly last week. My grandfather is seriousiy ill in hospital. Zob. uwaga przy sick. chory 2 (oniy before a noun) bad or harmful: There should be no ill will between friends. lŐm glad to say I suffered no ill effects from all that rich food. zy, krzywdzacy ill2 /il/ adv 1 (often in compounds) bady or wrongly: You would be Ul-aduised (byby nierozsdny) to driue untii you have fully recovered. zle, nieodpowiednio 2 oniy with difnculty; not easiy: They could Ul afford (z trudem mogli sobie pozwoli na) the extra money for better heating. z trudem, ciezko IDM augur well/ill for sb/sth AUGUR bode well/ill (for sb/sth) BODE ill-Őfated adj uniucky nieszczesliwy, fatalny, il-Őtreat verb [T] te treat sb/sth bady or unkindly: This cat has been ill-treated. maltretować ill-treatment noun [U] maltretowanie IŐll /al/ short for

I WILL, I SHALL illegal /iŐli:gl/ adj not allowed by the law; not legal: It is illegal to own a gu without a special licence. nielegalny, bezprawny illegally /-gali/ adv nielegalnie illegible /iŐled3abV/ adj difficult or impossible to read; not legible: The doctorŐs handwriting is guite illegible. nieczytelny illegibly /-abli/ adj nieczytelnie illegitimate /-ilaŐd3itamat/ adj 1 (used about a child) bom to parents who are not married to each other nieslubny 2 not allowed by law; against the rules bezprawny illegitimacy /iilaŐd3rtamasi/ noun [U] nieślubne pochodzenie illicit /1Őlisrt/ adj (used about an actiyity or substance) not allowed by law or by the rules of society: the illicit trade in wory. They were having an illicit affair. Antonim: zwykle legal nielegalny, zakazany illiterate /1Őlitarat/ adj 1 not able to read or write; not literate niepismienny 2 showing that you have littie education: You must be illiterate if youŐve never heard of Sartre! niedouczony illiteracy /iŐlrtarasi/ noun [U]: adult illiteracy analfabetyzm illness /Őmias/ noun 1 [U] the state of being physically or mentally iii: In case of illness you can cancel the holiday. There is a history of mentol illness in the family. choroba 2 [C] a type or period of physical or mental iii health: Although it is serious, cancer is not always a fatal illness. Father is just getting over his illness. Zob. uwaga przy disease. choroba illogical /indsikl/ adj not sensible or reasonable; not logical: It seems illogical to me topay somebody for doing work that you could do yourself. nieuzasadniony, nielogiczny illogicality /i|lod3iŐkadati/ noun [C,U] (pl illogicalities) nielogicznos illogically /-kit/ adv nielogicznie illuminate /iŐlu:mmert/ verb [T] (formal) 1 to give light to sth or to decorate sth with lights: The palace was illuminated by spotlights. an illuminated Christmas tree oświetlać

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