Pinetree Garden Seeds 2014 Catalog

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The following grains and legumes have many useful applications. Each is used on idle portions of the garden to enrich and protect the soil in different ways. Some of the following grains can be grown to harvest then processed through a grinder to make flour. The seed is simply broadcast and lightly raked into the soil.



Fagopyrum esculentum Accumulating phosphorus, buckwheat is very fast growing and can be turned under just six weeks after planting. It is also very useful for shading out the most persistent of noxious weeds if planted early in the spring. Not at all cold tolerant it grows about 3’ tall. Sow 2-3 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. cc2A. 1 1/2 LBS., $5.95 cc2B. 5 LBS., $11.95

Usually, this crop is planted in fall to protect and enrich the soil throughout the winter. Plant up to three weeks before the ground freezes solid and turn under in the spring, a few weeks before the garden is to be planted. Grows about 5 ft. tall. Sow 3-4 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. cc6A. 1 1/2 LBS., $5.95 cc6B. 5 LBS., $11.95


Medicago A standard perennial alfalfa whose good yields continue for 4-5 years, and then can be plowed under and re-seeded. Alfalfa is an excellent choice for the home gardener to enrich soil that won’t be used for 2 or more years, and can make a nutritious mulch or compost by cutting it several times in the course of the summer. Does a good job of crowding out weeds. If alfalfa hasn’t been grown on your soil in the past, an inoculant is required and this seed is pre-treated with inoculant. Grows about 3 ft. tall. Sow 1/2 lb. per 1000 sq. ft. cc7A. 1 1/2 LBS., $11.95 cc7B. 5 LBS., $24.95

Hordeum vulgare An excellent spring cover crop and valuable feed crop, sprouted barley can also be used to make malt for beer brewing. A fast-growing grain, this six-row barley produces lots of organic matter in the form of straw. Grows about 3 ft. tall. Sow 4-5 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft. cc3A. 1 1/2 LBS., $5.95 cc3B. 5 LBS., $11.95

oATS Avena sativa Another fast growing grain that can be turned under several times a season to enrich the soil. If planted prior to September, it will winter-kill, but the stubble will protect the soil throughout the winter and it is easily tilled under in the spring. Grows 3 ft. to 4 ft. tall. Sow 2-3 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. cc4A. 1 1/2 LBS., $5.95 cc4B. 5 LBS., $11.95

SPELT Triticum aestivum var. spelta Good rotation crop with corn and beans. Breaks the weed cycle in row crops. It provides quick fall growth to prevent erosion. Spelt can also be seeded on ground too wet for spring oats, as it tolerates these conditions better. Grows on less fertile soil, an advantage to the organic grower. Spelt (triticum spelta) has been grown in Europe for over 300 years. Due to its genetic make-up, most wheat sensitive or allergic people can eat Spelt products. Grows about 2-4 ft. tall. Sow 3-4 lbs. per 1,000-sq. ft. cc5A. 1 1/2 LBS., $5.95 cc5B. 5 LBS., $11.95


BIg N ALFALFA Medicago An annual alfalfa discovered by University of Minnesota researchers. It is superior to regular perennial alfalfa for nitrogen fixing because it does not enter dormancy and continues to fix nitrogen until it is killed by frost. In tests, Big N provided 124 pounds of nitrogen per acre versus 85 pounds per acre for dormant varieties. If planted in the spring, you may wish to cut the alfalfa several times and compost it. Great for forage. If you have garden space you don’t want to use or new ground, a year of this will really improve the soil. Grows about 3 ft. tall. Sow 1/2 lb. per 1,000 sq. ft. Big N Alfalfa is shipped treated with the appropriate inoculant, no additional treatment is required. cc8A. 1/2 LB., $3.95 cc8B. 1 LB., $7.95 Additional Soil Amendments can be found on pages 108-109.

YELLoW sweet cLoVEr Melilotus officinalis A terrific bee plant and a good cover crop. The thick roots are good for breaking up compacted soils. This variety generally lives for two years and will be particularly vigorous in the second year. Quite a beautiful plant, growing 1ft. to 5ft. tall depending on conditions. Sow 1/2-1 lb. per 1000 sq. ft. cc11A. 1 1/2 LBS., $7.95 cc11B. 5 LBS., $17.95

WHITE cLoVEr Trifolium repens The perfect living mulch for garden paths, wide spaces, between beds or hills. A hardy, low-growing perennial clover that effectively smothers weeds, prevents erosion, retains moisture and builds soil fertility. Sow in early summer, after most of your garden is planted. Don’t be afraid to walk on it—it is tough! Growing up to 12" high, it should be mowed or clipped once or twice in the season. Sow 1/4-1/2 lb. per 1,000 sq. ft. cc14A. 1 1/2 LBS., $12.95 cc14B. 5 LBS., $28.95

HAIrY VETcH Vicia villosa This annual legume provides excellent nitrogen fixing and is more resistant to frost than any other. Sow in late summer to establish a stand before the ground freezes, and it will survive ordinary winters in the North to regrow vigorously next spring. Turn in a few weeks before spring planting. It benefits from a companion grain like rye or oats planted with it to protect it through the winter and provide support for vines in the spring. A versatile green manure, it tolerates acid soils, low fertility, shade, and can fix over 100 lbs. nitrogen per acre. Grows 2 ft. tall. Sow 1 lb. per 1,000 sq. ft. cc16A. 1 1/2 LBS., $9.95 cc16B. 5 LBS., $21.95

SUDAN grASS – SorgHUM A quick growing producer of nitrogen that will crowd out almost all weeds. As it decomposes it adds significant nutrients to the soil. This sorghum can grow over six feet in height so, if planted early, it will have to be scythed or mowed a couple of times. This diverse grain is used in a number of different ways in different cultures, from molasses to liquors to bio-fuels, and is a traditional forage crop in many locales. cc20A. 1 1/2 LBS. $5.95 cc20B. 5 LBS. $11.95


MAMMoTH rED cLoVEr Trifolium pratense If you grow clover on fallow ground, it improves the quality of the soil. This is because of the nitrogen fixing property of this legume. It is mainly grown in the North since it won’t tolerate hot conditions. Plants are one to two feet tall and make a fine display with their red flowers. Plant clover in the spring in a spot where it will be left for the whole season. A half-hardy perennial, it will re-seed itself if not cut before it sets seed. Often this clover will die the first year—a real plus in a cover crop. Grows 2-3 ft. tall. Sow 1/2 lb. per 1,000 sq. ft. cc10A. 1 1/2 LBS., $6.95 cc10B. 5 LBS., $16.95

Pisum sativum This short term green manure smothers weeds well and adds nitrogen and other nutrients to the soil. Peas are often mixed with vetch, oats, or rye as an effective cover crop. The sprouts are delicious and you can even harvest the peas themselves for soup. cc22A. 1 1/2 LBS. $5.95 cc22B. 5 LBS. $11.95


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mushrooms and grains

grains / cover crops

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