Pilipino Express • Mar 1 2024

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Facing challenges

Immigration minister discusses International Student Visa program

On January 22, 2024, Federal Immigration Minister Marc Miller announced that Canada will approve about 360,000 undergraduate study permits for 2024 – a 35 per cent reduction from last year. And the limit on each province and territory will be based on population figures.

Minister Miller visited Winnipeg on February 22nd to expound on the government’s decision to cap the number of international students and other immigration updates.

Pilipino Express’ Lucille Nolasco-Garrido (PE) interviewed Minister Miller about these on his recent visit to Winnipeg.

PE: International students coming into Canada are facing different challenges like accom-

modation, part-time work, etc., how is the government responding to all these?

Minister Miller: When I became the Minister of Immigration, it quickly came to my attention the incredible challenges in the International Student Visa program, which is intended to bring in the brightest of youth, who can benefit from a worldclass education system, and then go home and be themselves an ambassador of Canada to their home countries, using the expertise they learned in Canada, or after a few years become a permanent resident and help fill the labour market or even help grow Canada.

Unfortunately, that has not been the case. It’s been a pro-

“Canada needs more talent, workers.” – Marc Miller, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship

Philippine Madrigal Singers coming to Winnipeg this spring

Liza Soberano Volume 20 • No. 5 • March 1 - 15 , 2024 Publication Mailing Account #41721512 SCAN THE QR CODE WITH YOUR PHONE CAMERA TO START SHOPPING NEW TO CANADA? GET 100% PRE-APPROVED APPLY 24/7 AT VICKARFINANCIAL.CA We have the largest inventory of new and used vehicles in Manitoba. Visit us at 1501 Dugald Road or call (204) 515-0757. PROUD TO SERVE THE FILIPINO COMMUNITY FOR OVER 50 YEARS Jason Rajpoot Lease Sales Manager The Philippine Madrigal Singers will be in town for a concert on May 5. The choir will be touring Canada coast-to-coast from April to July this year. Story on p5 See CHALLENGES p14
8 March 10, 2024

Why is empathy such a buzzword in the work world today?

According to research, empathy is the most important leadership skill. In Dale Carnegie’s 1937 book, How to Win Friends and Influence People, it states: “If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person’s point of view and see things from that person’s angle as well as from your own.”

First off, empathy is not the same as sympathy. Sympathy is the feeling of concern and tendency to feel sadness or sorrow for someone’s misfortune.

Empathy, on the other hand, is understanding and sharing another person’s experiences and emotions. For example, you can feel sympathetic towards your co-worker’s personal loss.

Empathy is when notice a new coworker struggling with a task. You understand what they are going through, and you offer to help them. When you show empathy, it means you understand what it feels like to walk in another person’s shoes, and you support them through those challenging situations.

According to Daniel Goleman a renowned psychologist, empathy

is one of the five key components of emotional intelligence. Empathy is further divided into three major categories: cognitive empathy, emotional empathy, and compassionate empathy.

Cognitive empathy is described as the understanding of how the other person’s mind functions. Essentially, it involves an understanding of what the other person might be thinking. From the perspective of leadership, using this skill to better understand how their team members are feeling would help them to adjust their leadership style to motivate their team. From an employee’s perspective, for someone who works in customer service as an example, they can use this skill to gauge a customer’s or client’s temperament to determine the best way to proceed with a conversation or with a sale.

Emotional empathy is the ability to share another person’s perspective on how they are feeling. As an example, when you listen to someone who speaks to you who is choked up and in tears while they share their pain, the more you are to begin to feel the same emotions. As they show their sadness, it makes you want to comfort them through words or

gestures. In the case of emotional empathy, there is a shift from a cognitive perspective to sharing the emotional experience of the other person. Experts also refer to emotional empathy as “affective” empathy as it affects or changes your perspective as well as approaching the situation in a way that genuinely creates a rapport with the other person. However, social psychology suggests caution regarding emotional empathy as emotionally empathetic individuals are quite sensitive. Should they continue to experience dealing with other people’s issue and they are not resolved, their own mental health could suffer as well. Emotional empathy burnout can result from this. The reality is that we cannot serve anyone from an empty cup. However, leaders who can display emotional empathy (with balance of course) can help build trust between them and their team members, which enables the development of genuine rapport.

Lastly, compassionate empathy is described as the sharing of another person’s emotional pain and taking practical steps to help reduce the pain while simultaneously feeling concern for that person. As an example, a leader may show support to a team member who did not succeed in achieving a particular goal by inspiring them

OUR HEALTH Study shows daylight saving time has minimal effect on heart health

A recent Mayo Clinic study examining the effects of daylightsaving time (DST) on heart health suggests that the impact is likely minimal.

In the nationwide study, researchers applied an advanced statistical model to look for any connections between DST and serious cardiovascular problems, including heart attacks and strokes. The study looked at 36,116,951 adults aged 18 and up across most U.S. states. (Arizona and Hawaii were excluded since these states do not observe DST.)

Researchers focused on the week directly after the spring and

fall DST transition, when clocks are set either an hour forward or backward.

“We looked at five years across the U.S., and what we found is that it’s unlikely that there is a clinically meaningful difference in cardiovascular health due to daylight saving time,” says Benjamin Satterfield, M.D., Ph.D., a cardiovascular diseases fellow and lead author of the study.

Researchers found 74,722 adverse cardiovascular events occurred throughout the study during the spring and fall DST transition. An adverse cardiovascular event was

documented when a person was hospitalized with a primary diagnosis of a heart attack, stroke, cardiogenic shock or cardiac arrest.

“These cardiovascular events

to perform better the next time around. It is important to not only show empathy for how they are reacting to their situation, but also setting time aside to listen and offer practical advice. This can go a long way to help them understand how they can do better next time.

Empathy can be a valuable tool when dealing with co-workers, customers, and even managers. When you can put yourself in someone else’s shoes you may be able to manage the situation carefully and thoughtfully. The ability to connect with others and show empathy is crucial. Empathy makes a person human. Apart from our personal relationships, the workplace necessitates it more than ever because it is important

that employees get along with one another and be willing to help each other.

This article is intended for information purposes only and not to be considered as professional advice.

Michele Majul-Ibarra, IPMA-ACP is a Director of Human Resources in the public sector. She holds the Advanced Certified HR Professional Designation with the International Personnel Management Association.



https://www.mindtools.com/ agz0gft/empathy-at-work

https://www.mindtools.com/ ab4u682/emotional-intelligence

Daylight saving time begins March 10

It’s time to spring forward one hour for Daylight Saving Time (DST) on March 10, 2024. It’s best to adjust the clocks on Saturday night before going to bed as the hour jumps forward at 2:00 am, Sunday.

DST is the practice of turning the clock ahead as warmer

weather approaches and back as it becomes colder again. The goal of DST is to make better use of daylight by prolonging the amount of time we can spend outside during daylight hours. DST) begins on Mar 10, 2024, and ends on Sunday, November 3, 2024

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Editor-in-Chief: EMMIE Z. JOAQUIN

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SUMBILLO: Graphic Designer/Photographer ALEX CANLAPAN: Contributor/Photographer Columnists/Contributors: DALE BURGOS JB CASARES YVANNE CABALLERO ANNE CAPRICE B. CLAROS ETHEL CLEMENTE FERNANDEZ BRO. GERRY GAMUROT NORMAN ACERON GARCIA LUCILLE NOLASCO GARRIDO MICHELE MAJUL-IBARRA PERLA JAVATE JUDIANNE JAYME PASTOR JUNIE JOSUE NOEL LAPUZ JON MALEK MALAYA MARCELINO ALONA MERCADO CST. REY OLAZO PAQUITO REY PACHECO DR. REY PAGTAKHAN CHERYL DIZON REYNANTE TIM ST. VINCENT MICHAEL SCOTT REGINA RAMOS URBANO RON URBANO KATHRYN WEBER Youth Contributors Aksyon Ng Ating Kabataan (ANAK) Philippine Correspondents: FRANCESCO BRITANICO CRISTY FERMIN JON JOAQUIN AMBETH R. OCAMPO SALES & ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT: 204-956-7845 E-Mail: info@pilipino-express.com Sales & Marketing Team: ISAGANI BARTOLOME RODGE LOPEZ RUBY PASCO NEIL SOLIVEN The Pilipino Express is a Winnipeg based news-magazine published twice a month. Its contents do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s opinion. The Pilipino Express and Pilipino Sports Express are registered names. Reproduction of any content and/or ad design published in the Pilipino Express is not permitted without the publisher’s written consent. Materials submitted are subject to editorial discretion and the publication accepts no responsibility for the return or safety of unsolicited artwork, photos, or manuscripts. All rights reserved. Annual subscription rate within Canada: $65.00. For advertising inquiries, call 204-956-7845, or e-mail: E-mail: info@pilipino-express.com. See DAYLIGHT p12 Why empathy?


Madrigal Singers’ 60th anniversary tour arrives in Canada “The most beautiful sound on earth” coming to Winnipeg this spring!

Winnipeg choir lovers are in for a rare treat this spring when the Philippine Madrigal Singers will be in town for a concert on May 5. The choir will be touring Canada coast-to-coast from April to July as part of IntenSIXTY: The Philippine Madrigal Singers’ 60th Anniversary Celebration.

Throughout its six decades of existence, the Philippine Madrigal Singers has received both critical and public acclaim.

“That is the most beautiful sound on earth,” an accolade one rarely hears, was bestowed on the Philippine Madrigal Singers by one of the jurors of the 1997 European Grand Prix (EGP) for Choral Singing in Tours, France, where they eventually won.

The EGP is the Olympics of choral contests and is open only to the grand prize winners of the six toughest European choral competitions in the previous year. The Philippine Madrigal Singers won the EGP again in 2007. This distinction of having won the prize multiple times belongs to only a handful of ensembles. To this date, the Philippine Madrigal Singers is the only Asian group in this elite circle of winners.

The choir has also received recognition beyond concert halls. In 2009, UNESCO named the Philippine Madrigal Singers as Artist for Peace for “putting fame and influence at the service of UNESCO’s ideals and efforts to promote cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue, and a culture of peace.”

Fondly called the Madz, the Philippine Madrigal Singers has been joining – and winning –choral competitions since the 70s. The Madz is one of the world’s most awarded choirs, having won all the top prizes in most of the prestigious international choral competitions: Arezzo and Gorizia in Italy, Marktoberdorf in Germany, Spittal in Austria, Neuchatel in Switzerland, Tours in France, Varna in Bulgaria, Debrecen in Hungary, and Cantonigros, Tolosa and Torrevieja in Spain.

Prof. Andrea O. Veneracion, Philippine National Artist, is the founder and first choirmaster of the Philippine Madrigal Singers. In 1963, she gathered colleagues and friends at the Abelardo Hall of the UP College of Music to sightread madrigals during their lunchbreaks and after classes.

Mark Anthony Carpio is currently the choirmaster of the new generation of the Philippine Madrigal Singers

After just a few years the Madz debuted at Carnegie Hall, representing the Philippines in the Choruses of the World choral festival. “The audience was so mesmerized that you could hear a pin drop,” Madz alumni would recount to the younger members.

Originally established as the University of the Philippines Madrigal Singers, the choir is also known as the Philippine Madrigal Singers. The Madz acquired its second official name after being designated as a resident company of the Cultural Center of the Philippines where it enjoys the same status as the Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra, Ballet Philippines, and Tanghalang Pilipino, among others.

The Madz specializes in the madrigal, a polyphonic song-form popular during the Renaissance. This has inspired the choir’s unique style of singing while seated in a semi-circle without a conductor. The madrigal, however, is only one of various genres in the broad repertoire of the ensemble: classical music, Filipino and international folksongs, contemporary and avant-garde music, opera, and even pop music.

In addition to tours, competitions, and festivals, the

Philippine Madrigal Singers conducts outreach performances throughout the Philippines and informally represents their country as ambassadors of goodwill. The Madz goes on international concert tours twice a year on average, making them one of the world’s most travelled choirs.

Currently directing the new generation of singers is Mark Anthony Carpio, who became the second choirmaster of the Madz in 2001. Mark will be leading the choir in its upcoming concert and festival tour of Canada. Notable among their stops will be Podium 2024, Canada’s national bilingual choral conference and festival in Montreal in May, after their stint in Winnipeg.

Ticket information and link to online sales of their Winnipeg concert will be released on March 15 by JYU events via social media.

– Oscar Pantaleon Jr. is an alumnus of the Philippine Madrigal Singers. He was a second tenor of the Madz from 1987 to 1996, singing in festivals, competitions and command performances in Asia, Europe, and the Americas. He now lives in Winnipeg and is the artistic director and conductor of the Musica Singers of Manitoba.


Of shop stewards and working-class heroes

Shop Stewards first appeared in the engineering industry between 1898 and 1900*. They are part of the local collective leadership or circle and the defenders of the workingclass interest. The democratic gains the workers have, such as the eight-hour working day, minimum wage, pension, etc., are the results of their collective struggles under the guidance of the union leadership. According to the Steward Handbook by the Canadian Labour Congress, “Why do we have stewards?”

Shop Stewards strengthen the union and raise the organization on an equal level with management. Unfortunately, most people only remember the high-ranking union officers or the good-looking reactionary politico whose mission is to reverse the historical gains of the workers. This made me ponder on writing this article as a tribute to two of our Filipino Shop Stewards, Isagani Bartolome, and Amado “Richard” Dumangan Jr.

Isagani “Issi” Bartolome

Isagani “Issi” Bartolome hails from Bustos, Bulacan, a town in Luzon – a major northern island in the Philippines. Isagani left the old country and arrived in Winnipeg in 1992 via the immigrant stream in search of greener pastures. Isagani’s first job was with Gourmet Baker in 1993, which lasted only for three months. It was with Western Reman Manufacturing that he, together with a couple of friends, formed a union for which he was fired. In 2004, he was paid $6.25 per hour and things were much cheaper than today. Isagani found work with Weston Foods (now Wonderbrands) on September 1,

2004. In 2009, he was asked to become a shop steward, a position he held until 2022 in the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers, and Grain Millers International Union (BCTGM) Local 389, located at Chevrier Blvd. (formerly at the Weston Bakeries building, 666 Elgin Ave.). Isagani explained that he likes to help out with issues around fairness, equity, workers’ rights, and welfare. Isagani is also active with the programs of the Philippine Canadian Centre of Manitoba (PCCM), and he is a staff member of one of the successful community newspapers in Winnipeg, Pilipino Express. In addition, he is an active member of the Mabuhay Serenaders, a seniors’ singing group, and was one of the organizers of Wonderbrands’ Christmas Party 2023.

Amado “Richard” Dumangan Jr.

Amado “Richard” Dumangan Jr. arrived in Winnipeg in 2007 from Balagtas, Bulacan, north of Manila. Shortly after that, he was hired by Weston Bakeries at its old warehouse. Like Isagani, Richard was also invited by Ambroise Sarrasin, who was the local BCTGM 389 Union Chair at that time (now the Regional VP for Western Canada), to be a shop steward after three years of working for the company. He accepted the invite and stayed up until 2022. Richard has no union experience in the old country, but he surprised me when he shared that he was a musician for some years. Between the ages of 17 to 24, he worked abroad, particularly in Japan as a musician. He was also a seafarer when he was 25 to 27, performing in cruise ships docked at Southampton, England. His favourite bands are

the Beatles and Juan de la Cruz, a famous rock and roll band in the Philippines. His group was in the Philippines (between 2002 and 2006) and was known as the “Caravan.” They performed in some prime bars in Manila and did backup sessions with Florante, a famous musician in the 70s and 80s. Isagani told me that Richard was active in the union and had the experience of sitting at the bargaining negotiations with management sometime in 2015.

Silent heroes

Having researched and written a manuscript on the history of Filipino labour leaders of Winnipeg titled Giving Back, Paying Forward: Narrative of Filipino Labour Leaders in Winnipeg (1968 to present),” I decided to write an article about Filipino shop stewards in the city. As a member of the local and as a new shop steward myself, Isagani and Richard are both well-liked and respected by the members. Isagani and Richard may not be famous in the community, but for ordinary people of workingclass background, they are heroes worthy of recognition for sacrificing their time in advancing and defending the gains of the working-class movement in their small way.

Levy Abad authored a book titled Rhythms and Resistance: Narrative of Filipino Musicians and Activists (1972-1994). Levy is also a singer-songwriter, poet, and migrant rights activist who has released four albums centred on the life and struggles of migrants.

* “Shop Steward Movement Originates,” St. James Encyclopedia of Labor History Worldwide: Major Events in Labor History and their Impact, Encyclopedia.com

PCCM meets with Filipino community

On February 16, 2024, officers of the Philippine Canadian Centre of Manitoba (PCCM) led by its president Virgie Gayot met with representatives of Winnipeg’s various Filipino organizations to update them about PCCM’s financial status and its various programs.

During this forum, PCCM treasurer Lou Fernandez reported that as of January 31, 2024, PCCM’s mortgage payable was at $747,482.25.

Gayot said, “I am aware that our community wants to hear the financial status of PCCM... how much mortgage is left for our centre. Although the financial report is one of the major topics on the agenda, I also called the meeting to connect with the community leaders to share each other’s program/activities/ events... I would say this meeting is a good way for us to communicate and listen to each other.”

The upcoming AGM on April

16, 2024, was also discussed. Close to 30 community organization representatives attended the meeting held at the PCCM’s multipurpose room. “It was actually a productive meeting... I encouraged them to be involved and to participate in our projects... we are here not to compete with each other but to act as one community... we must unite and support each other,” added Gayot.

Isagani “Issi” Bartolome Amado “Richard” Dumangan Jr. Leaders of Winnipeg’s Filipino organizations meet with PCCM leadership team. Photos by Rodge Lopez PCCM Treasurer Lou Fernandez presents PCCM financial status PCCM President Virgie Gayot discusses PCCM’s various projects

Pinays Manitoba celebrates International Women’s Day

On February 25, 2024, the ladies of Pinays Manitoba met to commemorate in advance this year’s International Women’s Day (IWD) – a special day celebrated worldwide on March 8th every year to honour the achievements and contributions of women. IWD is also a day to raise awareness about gender equality and women’s rights.

During the meeting, the Pinays discussed plans for its annual major event, the Pinays Manitoba Trailblazers Recognition Awards.

It will be held on Saturday, May 11, 2024, 6 p.m. at the Viscount Gort Hotel, 1670 Portage Avenue

in Winnipeg. “This year 2024, as we celebrate our 8th anniversary, our Trailblazer Awards event will be more special with our Trailblazers dinner and dance celebration on the eve of Mother’s Day.” said Pinays Manitoba President Winnie Navarro.

This year also marks the groups’ eight year recognizing Pinay trailblazers. They are Filipino women of all ages that have made outstanding contributions to the local Filipino community, Manitoba, and the global community. By doing this, the Pinays aim to develop

Mariel apologizes about her IV-drip in the Senate DOH warns Glutathione-drip’s harmful effects

Sen. Robin Padilla’s actress-wife Mariel Rodriguez has apologized for turning the senator’s office into a health clinic but clarified that she received a vitamin C drip and not whitening glutathione, as earlier reported.

Rodriguez released a statement through the senator asking for understanding from “all concerned, including members and staff of the Senate and the public.”

She clarified that it was never her intention to “malign nor undermine the integrity and dignity of the Senate.”

“I was at the Senate to show support for my husband’s bill. Despite my busy schedule as a wife, mother and online seller, I wanted to be there with him since his work is very important to him,” she said.

The host-actress drew

criticism online after conducting an IV drip at Padilla’s Senate office.

In a now-deleted post on Instagram, Rodriguez shared photos of herself conducting intravenous infusion at the senator’s office while waiting for session to begin.

“To clarify, I received a vitamin C drip, not glutathione, under the medical supervision of a professional nurse. Having mentioned this, my intent was just to inspire others that even amidst various activities or wherever they are, they can still prioritize their health by taking vitamins,” Rodriguez said.

“I want to extend my sincerest apologies. We uphold the Senate’s dignity and integrity. Thank you for your understanding,” she added.

Glutathione-drip’s harmful


The Department of Health (DOH) recently noted some harmful effects of Gluta-drips.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) only approved it as a treatment for advanced cancer patients – and even these patients need a doctor’s prescription.

It became popular in the Philippines because some unscrupulous people promote Gluta-drips to supposedly help avoid chronic illnesses, slow down aging, improve athletic ability and clean one’s liver by having nutrients and hydration delivered directly into the bloodstream.

DOH has advised those who were prescribed to use injectable glutathione for the wrong purpose to take legal action against the doctors.

See MARIEL p14

Pinays Manitoba’s members wish everyone a Happy International Women’s Day! role models for the local diverse community, most especially for the next generation of Filipino women. In a now-deleted post on Instagram, Rodriguez shared photo of herself conducting intravenous infusion at the senator’s office while waiting for session to begin.

Liza Soberano dazzles at ‘24 SAG Awards

After earning raves for her Hollywood debut film, Lisa Frankenstein, Liza Soberano graced her first major awards show in the US, the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) Awards, marking another important milestone in her pursuit of a Hollywood career.

The 26-year-old actress recently starred in her debut Hollywood film, Lisa Frankenstein, as Taffy alongside Kathryn Newton and Cole Sprouse. It was directed by Zelda Williams and written by Diablo Coby Soberano makes her US feature debut in the film with an innovative and amusing makeover of the popular girl slash cheerleader character. “Liza had such a firm grasp on Taffy’s incredible, hilarious sweetness that it helped blunt what otherwise could’ve been cruel lines and choices,” Williams says in the production notes.

The 26-year-old FilipinoAmerican actress attended the 30th SAG awards in Los Angeles, California on Feb. 24. The 30th SAG Awards was held at the Shrine Auditorium and Expo Hall in Los Angeles, California. The ceremony was streamed live on Netflix. The SAG Awards is regarded as one of the largest and most prestigious award-giving bodies in the Hollywood film industry.

See LIZA p9

Janella Salvador to star in two upcoming films

Actress-singer Janella

Salvador renewed her ties with ABS-CBN after signing an exclusive contract with the Kapamilya network yesterday.

“I grew here in ABS-CBN; I started here, and I do not see an end to it. Within the past 13 years, I have grown and learned so much and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I will always be proud to call myself a solid Kapamilya,” Janella said.

“ABS-CBN doesn’t just bring celebrities; you bring artists and make us want to strive harder. Thank you for the patience, thank you for believing in me, and thank you for standing up for me.”

Present at the contract signing were ABS-CBN top executives and ABS-CBN head of entertainment production and Star Magic head Laurenti Dyogi

She expressed her gratitude to her Star Magic family, especially to Dyogi who she described as a father figure to her in the industry.

“I treat you like my family and I know that in a family, there’s communication. He told me that I can talk to him anytime and that he wants me to know that I have a father in him,” she said.

After her starring role in Mallari, Janella is set to dominate the big screen once again with Thai actor Win Metawin in Under Parallel Skies which will

Liza Soberano at the SAG Awards in an elegant gown crafted by American fashion designer Pamella Roland. Photo from Pamella Roland Instagram Liza with co-star Kathryn Newton. A glimpse into the world of Lisa Frankenstein. Photo from Liza Soberano Instagram Win Metawin and Janella Salvador headline international film Under Parallel Skies Jane De Leon and Janella Salvador Janella Salvador See


From page 8

Since she started work on Lisa Frankenstein, Liza has been a member of the SAG-AFTRA, which stands for Screen Actors Guild–American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, an American union representing about 160,000 actors, broadcast journalists, announcers, hosts, stunt performers, and other media professionals.

Soberano stole the spotlight at the 30th Screen Actors Guild Awards in an elegant gown crafted by American fashion designer Pamella Roland Adding to the glamour, Liza turned heads as she became part of the glambot coverage by E! Entertainment

Sources: Patricia Dela Roca/ Philstar, Manila Standard


From page 8 premiere this April, and with Darna co-star Jane De Leon in How To Be A Good Wife Janella captivated viewers with her acting prowess starring in different successful series such as Darna, The Killer Bride, Oh My G! and Be Careful with My Heart.

Aside from being a successful actress, she has also showcased her musicality through various hits such as Mahal Kita Pero, Blanko, and I Can

Source: The Freeman


Canada’s Indo-Pacific Agriculture and Agri-Food Office opens in Manila

Just back from the Philippines and feeling good about a fantastic week in Manila from February 20 to 24, 2024. I participated in the opening of the first-ever IndoPacific Agriculture and AgriFood Office. The Indo-Pacific region includes 40 countries and Canada’s Minister of Agriculture, Lawrence MacAulay, was in Manila to announce that Manila was chosen as the home base for the office, which will see not millions but billions of dollars in trade, not to mention the incredible trade growth potential.

The trip was a huge success, and I thoroughly enjoyed the many meetings, extended walks, and interactions I had with a number of people that were visiting from Winnipeg.

Food security and trade go hand in hand and what became clear was that in all the discussions there were a couple of common links. Canada and the Philippines have a healthy relationship and both countries want to make it stronger. Canada’s million plus residents of Filipino heritage are a valuable advantage and make Canada well positioned to build upon a strong base of person-toperson ties in many ways. Canada and Philippines have many common interests that support and encourage both countries to become closer friends and allies.

I love the Philippines and want to continue to build on the potential of both Canada and the Philippines by promoting better and more communications.

That is why I was so pleased to be a part of the ribbon cutting ceremony of the office in Manila just over one week ago. Canada is a trading nation and I believe it is only a question of time before Canada and the Philippines have a trade agreement.

I have so many stories and I can talk about all the meetings I had but for now, I just want to highlight how important the hog industry is and hopefully at some point I will publish just a story on that issue alone.

For now, it was really good to meet the people who own and operate Jollibee, and I reminded them about Winnipeg having the first Jollibee in Canada and how our Prime Minister visited the restaurant. Jollibee’s short-term goal is to open 100 restaurants in Canada.

Sticking with fast food, if you live in Winnipeg, you have likely noticed that KFC has been brought back to life with stores being renovated and service dramatically improved. Well, that is due to its new ownership. Having met with the CEO and others from RAMCAR, they decided to diversify from battery manufacturing to investing in

On a final note, we toured through a Metro store where they have over 150 items processed from Canada that you can purchase at their stores, and they indicated that the demand for Canadian products continues to grow.

On every trip I make to the Philippines I make a point of meeting with politicians and this trip was no exception. A special thank you goes to my friend, Ambassador Maria Andrelita Austria, who not only made arrangements, but also provided transportation and accompanied MP Marco Mendicino and me.

Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri was gracious with his comments and through him I have a better understanding of why the Philippines at some point needs to change the constitution, but it will not be easy. Offhand, it limits home ownership to people that would like to own and live in the Philippines and the possibility of Manitoba Hydro-type crown corporations.

Visiting the floor of the Congress and meeting with the speaker, Martin Romualdez, and several members of congress was very rewarding. Back in 2011, I started the Canada Philippine Parliamentary Friendship Group, and it was nice to hear that the Congress in the Philippines will likely be doing likewise this year.

I was afforded some time to take the MRT. As usual, it never disappoints me. I got off at the Taft station and after wandering around, checking out the markets, I wandered into Sto. Nino in Pasay where I met with the local barangay council including the captain. Walking around in the community is such an eye opener for me and I really value what I see. In many ways, I am humbled by it. Entrepreneurs galore and so many incredibly kind and hardworking people and often families just pulling together and being happy.

Unfortunately, due to my schedule, I was not able to host immigration workshops or visit schools or go outside of Metro Manila – next time. But I would like to give a shout out to those who, on only a couple of days’ notice, took the time to meet with me when the meetings were done. In particular, my kuya Henry Celones, Larry Dem, Robert Viray, Larry Vickar, Beng, Mervin Sison, Trish Magsino, Sir Felino de Jesus, and Rey-Ar Reyes of Pilipino Express

To friend and colleague Minister Lawrence MacAulay, thank you for allowing me to be a part of such an important gathering and the work you did in getting the first-ever Indo-Pacific Agriculture and Agri-Food Office headquartered in the Philippines.

Lamoureux with Ambassador Maria Andrelita Austria at a Jollibee in Manila KFC franchises and KFC Canada is wanting them to continue to expand in Canada. Ambassador Austria also took us for chicken and a peach mango pie at Jollibee. Very cool. MP Kevin Lamoureux with House Speaker Martin Romualdez MP Marco Mendicino, Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri, & MP Kevin Lamoureux At Jollibee with Canada’s Minister of Agriculture, Lawrence MacAulay


Second wedding for Jessy Mendiola and Luis Manzano

Three years after their intimate civil wedding in February 2021, Luis Manzano and Jessy Mendiola got married again in February 2024, not just once but twice! And just like their first, their second and third ceremonies held in the beautiful island of Coron, Palawan were private as well.

Mendiola revealed that she and Manzano held a second wedding because both their families would be present, which was always their dream.

In his vlog, Manzano told his viewers that they were having a church wedding and a beach wedding that day. He explained that they were doing it as their way of making their dream wedding come true and of giving Jessy’s family, particularly her parents, the chance to walk her down the aisle and see Rosie for the first time.

Mendiola said that they wanted to push through with it when the time was right and with their favourite people there.

“Our dream was to get the Lord’s blessing on our union, and we wanted both our families present during that special moment.. It was also the first time Rosie met my whole family, from my parents down to her cousins,” she added.

Jessy also said that they first had a wedding in the chapel which was followed by a beach ceremony with their loved ones.

The couple also had a welcome dinner for their guests ahead of the ceremony. Their family members, including Vilma Santos, Edu Manzano,

and Senator Ralph Recto, were among those present.

Jessy gave birth to their firstborn Isabella Rose, also called Rosie or Peanut, in January 2023.

—Nika Roque/JCB, GMA Integrated News. ABS-CBN

ASWE Basketball finals A clash of champions

The Red River College South Gym buzzed with excitement for the ASWE Basketball finals on a thrilling afternoon, Sunday, February 18, 2024. It was a moment everyone had been waiting for!

Among four amazing teams, the championship title was up for grabs. Centro, Huskies, Lightning Link, and Wellington Drive had given their all throughout the season, and now it all came down to this one epic match.

Throughout the season, these teams had impressed the crowds with their skills and determination. Fans cheered them on through every game, building anticipation for this decisive moment.

And in the big championship match, Centro did not disappoint. They won over their opponent, Wellington Drive, showing off their skill and determination once again. With a strong final score of 63-61 in double overtime. Centro win will be remembered for a long time, making them true champions in basketball history.

See ASWE p12

News. Photo: Team Pat Dy via Jessy Mendiola IG


Ni Bro. Gerry Gamurot


1. Aayawan

5. Sobrang hirap

12. Ipasyal

13. Itira

14. Timbang

16. Panghalip

17. Ospital

18. Ingkong pag inulit

19. Over time

21. Huwag aminin

25. Walang suwerte

27. Lihis

29. Sapantaha

31. Doble

32. Pakikitaan ng galing


1. Nakakatusok

2. Unlapi

3. Takipsilim

4. Panghalip

6. Alipato

7. Biyaya

8. Uga

9. Kumpiska

10. Tulad


From page 4

are common health conditions, so this led to the question of whether this is more than would be expected if this had not followed the daylight-saving time transition,” says Dr. Satterfield.

The observance of daylightsaving time varies around the world. Countries that move clocks forward or back one hour may do so on different dates, and some do not observe daylight saving time at all.

In the Mayo Clinic study, the Monday and Friday following the spring DST transition showed a statistically slight increase in the rates of cardiovascular events — but when looking at all the data, researchers did not see the rise as clinically significant, he said.

Researchers note that the time change practice was intended to align social and work activities with daylight hours and to conserve energy using less artificial lighting.

11. Tabako

15. Patibong

18. Linamnam

20. Sagot

21. Ilag

22. Palahaw

23. Wasak

24. Estero

26. Alyas

27. Igi

30. Simbolo ng arsenic

31. Huni ng daga


They underscore that making changes to the DST system out of concern for heart health is unnecessary.

“When decisions are made about whether to abolish daylight saving time, there is no need to take concerns regarding heart health into account,” says Bernard J. Gersh, M.B., Ch.B., D.Phil., cardiologist and senior author of the study.

Dr. Gersh and Dr. Satterfield note that the debate over DST includes other aspects of health. For example, Dr. Satterfield said researchers are exploring DST’s effect on mental health and its effect on the rates of motor vehicle accidents.

The Mayo Clinic Robert D. and Patricia E. Kern Center for the Science of Health Care Delivery supported this research. Review the study for a complete list of authors, disclosures and funding.

Courtesy: Mayo Clinic News Network. Photo from Healthy Heart FB page


From page 11

See below for results.

Following the team’s triumph, the Most Valuable Player (MVP) was announced. (See below.) A standout player whose leadership and exceptional performance shone throughout the game, earned the prestigious title.

The finals went right down to the wire. It finished in double overtime with exciting plays and tense moments. From amazing dribbles to lightning-fast passes, it was a testament to the talent and teamwork on display.

Let’s not forget the dedicated people behind the scenes – the coaches, referees, and organizers – who worked tirelessly to make the finals happen. Their efforts didn’t go unnoticed and were vital to the success of the event.

While the final score might fade, the memories of this intense competition and the camaraderie it fostered will live on. Here’s to

another season of unforgettable moments on the court, and to the enduring victory of all the teams! Awards

• Champion - Centro 2nd Place - Wellington Drive

3rd Place - Huskies

4th Place - Lightning Link

• Recognition Awards: Renchi Contreras (Huskies), Ronald Millan (Wellington Drive), Richard Tolentino (Lightning Link), Joel Lontoc (Centro), and Joe Gardiola (Lightning Link coach)

• Best MUSE: Centro

• Best in Uniform: Lightning Link

• Best Coach: Jaime Magnaye (Centro)

• Rookie of the Year: Aiden Pinga (Huskies)

• Mythical Five: Binh Nguyen

(Centro), Karl De Sagun (Centro), Jalen Millan (Wellington Drive), RJ Millan (Wellington Drive), and Don Dayrit (Huskies).

• Sixth Man: Lance Catipon (Huskies)

• Finals MVP: Binh Nguyen (Centro)

• MVP of the League: Jalen Millan (Wellington Drive)

ASWE would like to thank all the donors; Mr. & Mrs. Jhonny and Nanette Ilagan, Kristine, Kristoff and Mrs. Claire Abrenica, Mr. & Mrs. Agig and Eda Magnaye, Mr. & Mrs. Rodel and Nelle Pitahin, Mr. & Mrs. Doming & Felisa Ilagan, Ms. Clarisse Catipon Realtor, Mr. & Mrs. Rommel & Helen Contreras. And, for music and sounds, Mr. & Mrs. Jigz (Mang Jose) & Irish Marquez.


Kung bakit sa hindi ko maipaliwanag na dahilan ay parang kakaiba ang nararamdaman ko sa paggunita natin ng Edsa Revolution ngayong taong ito. Parang bumabalik ang euphoria at humahalo ang paghihimagsik ng damdamin.

Nakakailang or awkward sa kasalukuyang administrasyon ni Pangulong Bongbong Marcos na gunitain ang People Power Revolution dahil sa panahong ito ay ipinatalsik ng taumbayan ang kanilang pamilya na nagtapos sa rehimen ng diktaturya. Thirtyeight years later, naibalik sa puwesto ang anak ng diktador.

Seventeen years old ako nang mangyari ang rebolusyon. Tanda-tanda ko pa kung paano nakilahok ang aming pamilya at mga kaibigan sa pagkilos na ito. Isang makasaysayang kaganapan na naging ambag ng Pilipino sa mundo. “Marcos Flees,” iyan ang laman ng mga pahayagan nang kumpirmadong umalis na ng bansa ang mga Marcos.

Ang Edsa Revolution ay hindi tungkol sa mga Aquino. Ito ay kulminasyon at bunga ng mahabang pakikibaka ng mga aktibista laban sa rehimeng Marcos. Ang Edsa ang pumigil sa mga Marcos na manatili sa poder habang buhay at nagbukas ng pagasa ng kalayaan at demokrasya sa bansang Pilipinas.

Ang rebolusyon ding ito ay ang pagkabigo ni Juan Ponce Enrile na mamuno sa gobyerno. Ang kasaysayan ang makapagpapatotoo na wala sa equation si Cory Aquino nang mag-defect ang tropa ni Enrile at Ramos. Ang buong akala nila ay sila ang papalit kay Marcos ngunit sa kasamaang palad ay iba ang isinigaw ng tao – “Cory”.

Ganumpaman, ang totoong mga bayani ng Edsa ay hindi ang mga indibidwal na ito kundi ang mga simpleng taumbayan na literal na nagkapit-bisig upang pigilan ang mga tanke ng militar at inalayan ng mga bulaklak at pagkain ang mga sundalo.

Sa mga hindi inabot ang Edsa Revoluation, masasabi kong higit akong naging Pilipino nang mga panahong ito. Napakataas ng tingin ng buong mundo sa mga Pilipino dahil sa tagumpay ng rebolusyong ito. Masarap mahalin ang Pilipinas ng mga panahon iyon.

Ang Edsa Revolution ay hindi dapat kalimutan at marapat lamang na ikuwento nang tama at huwag baluktutin. Hindi ang mga Marcos ang biktima sa Edsa. Huwag sanang babuyin ang kasaysayan.

Ang kinasapitan ng mga Marcos noong rebolusyon ay bunga ng kanilang kagahamanan sa posisyon. Ang nangyaring

Hindi ang mga Marcos ang biktima sa Edsa

pagtaboy sa kanila ng mga taumbayan ay dulot ng galit ng mga ito dahil sa korapsyon, kawalanghustisya, panunupil, pagpatay, paninikil at marami pang pangaabuso dulot ng martial law. Ito ay isang bahagi ng kasaysayan kung saan dapat nating panghanguan ng inspirasyon. Hindi “fake event” ang Edsa Revolution, ang peke ay ang magandang buhay noong panahon ni Marcos.

Matapos ang Edsa ay may mga pagkukulang din ang administrasyon ni Cory Aquino at ang lahat ng mga sumunod na administrasyon.

Totoo din na maraming frustrations after Edsa. Kaya nga naupong pangulo si Erap, Gloria

na naging taksil sa bayan at later on ay si Duterte at noong 2022 ay tuluyan nang nakabalik ang anak ng diktador.

Hindi dapat kalimutan ang People Power Revolution noong 1986 dahil ito ay isang tagumpay ng taumbayan. Hindi ito tagumpay ng mga pulitiko, hindi ito tagumpay ni Enrile at Ramos at hindi tagumpay ng mga Aquino. Sana ang diwa ng Edsa ay manatili sa mga nakakaalala dito at doon naman sa mga hindi inabot ito, sana maging bukas at kritikal ang inyong kaisipan sa tunay na mga nangyari noong February 25, 1986. Huwag sana kayong maging mangmang sa


Noel Lapuz ay dating OFW sa Middle East (Dubai at Qatar). Nagtrabaho nang sampung taon sa City Hall ng Taguig bilang Human Resource Management Officer. Naging bahagi ng Bata-Batuta Productions bilang manunulat, entertainment host at stage actor. Nagtatag ng Kulturang Alyansa ng Taguig. Kasapi ng Ecumenical Movement for Justice and Peace (EMJP).

Paunawa: Ang mga paksa at salitang nakasaad sa Batang North End ay sariling opinion ng may-akda at maaaring hindi opinion ng mga taga-lathala ng Pilipino Express.

Flowers, but not for a valentine

On February 15th, the Barrion family came together to commemorate the second death anniversary of John Lloyd Barrion. A 19-year-old Filipino who was killed by three men during a robbery two years ago at the Travelodge Beer Vendor on Notre Dame Avenue just when he was wrapping up his shift and was about to go home to his family.

With the help of fellow Filipino community members from the 204, John Lloyd’s family and friends gathered for a vigil at the spot where his body was found by a fellow employee hours after his death.

This was not just a tribute, but also a call for justice and to promote vigilance regarding incidents like this. For this was not the first time a Filipino became a victim to such violence in this city. Jaime “Jimboy” Adao Jr. a 17-year-old was killed in his own home during a home invasion in 2019.

Apparently, the Barrion family, especially John Lloyd’s

mother and brother are still hoping for a much fairer sentence for the suspects, since only one of the three pleaded guilty and was convicted to seven years in prison. This has sparked the family and even the Filipino community’s unyielding rally for change.

As the vigil unfolded, the

memory of John Lloyd was honoured through speeches, lighting candles, and offering flowers. A true testament of how much the incident and John Lloyd’s memory is still truly and deeply embedded in each one of his loved ones.

Photos by Maryrose Villena


From page 1 gram that has had some fraud with it, an ecosystem that has had some bad actors and their numbers have significantly grown in the last two years in particular. And that volume, in my mind, and in the minds of many, is not sustainable and is not indicative of a healthy program. So, my foremost concern is for the students who come here expecting to get the best education in the world and then don’t get it.

Or (those who) are attracted (to come) here, in the false hopes of becoming a permanent resident when that pathway is not necessarily automatically there.

So, the first challenge is to make sure that we are getting rid of fraud in the system, with false letters of application, student experiences and such. So that’s what the federal needs to do at the intake point.

And more recently, a more drastic change is putting a cap on the number of people who can benefit from this program and to distribute the number of visas across the provinces who have the primary role of regulating the post-secondary institutions under the Constitution.

There were a couple of provinces like Ontario and British Columbia that are a bit of a runaway train, and we need to get that under control. But it doesn’t mean that there are no challenges in other provinces because those also exist, but the idea behind the measures that we took in the fall and principally in January is so that we can get a bit of better control federally, of a system that is mostly regulated by provinces, although it’s the federal government that does regulate intake.

Another important measure that I took at the end of December was to make sure students have enough money to come to a country that is not cheap to live in and where we do have an affordability challenge. I know this measure has been described by economists as one of our most significant affordability measures that we have taken in the country. But it was first and foremost intended to make sure that we have a program that Canadians and students can be proud of, in terms of our post-secondary education system that really benefits from international students but shouldn’t be abusing international students.

PE: You mentioned about caps or limits, do you think limiting the numbers of international students will really erase or ease the challenges that students face when they come to Canada?

Minister Miller: Well, it isn’t the end of the story. It is really a first step in a system that has gotten out of control. I am prepared to take more steps with provinces that do not exercise jurisdiction in the way that they should, in making sure that the student experience that they have at university is one that is reflective of what they have been promised when they come from abroad. I know that one of the big source-countries where we get incredible talent from is the

Philippines. I want to make sure that those students are getting the experience they were promised when they were applying to Canada. I’m sure they have other choices as to where they could go.

So, these measures I think would be an attempt to make sure the students have a better experience but there are (still) a lot of unanswered questions that we need to answer, and steps that we need to make, to make sure this is something that we Canadians can be proud of.

With regards to money, we know that students from abroad pay six to seven times more than what Canadian youth pay for education. But they are not getting the six to seven times (worth) of what they should be getting. It is where (some of) the institutions have taken the money and used it to fill their coffers … this is something that we can’t ignore. The provincial government makes money off this, the institutions themselves make money off this, the federal government doesn’t get a penny. But we do have a role and responsibility to make sure that people coming into the country on the back of an international visa student system are the ones the program are truly intended for in the first place. There will be some turbulence this year and the last thing I want to see is, students paying the price ... because they are entitled to get the best education they are promised. They are entitled to their dignity. They are vulnerable and we don’t want them to get exploited.

PE: Are there any restrictions or regulations as to how much a school or a university can charge an international student?

Minister Miller: Currently, no. Not (any that) the federal government has authority over as much as we may have an opinion. But there are some places where people are paying $30,000, $50,000 or even more, to go to a university and not getting what they were promised. The cost is something (where) the university and institutions have leverage. As opposed to domestic students, where those fees are heavily regulated in my own province of Quebec and across the country. So, that underfunding has had a repercussion and the institutions being smart have looked abroad and have seen this unlimited source of those (students) who will pay the price to come here and benefit from this education.

Definitely, there’s work to do within the next couple of years regarding the quality of the program that the federal government supports by issuing visas that is really up to the standards that we expect it to be.

PE: Regarding the ability of the international students to bring their families with them, like their spouses and children, have there been any changes regarding this?

Minister Miller: Based on the second pillar of what we announced about a month ago after the cap, was to limit that ability to bring your spouse to those people taking master’s and PhD

programs and not to undergraduate cohort. We have seen a lot of abuse in the system, it is not saying that undergrads are not allowed to get married, but we do want to avoid a situation where that has become a norm and where there has been abuse. And we have seen in some areas, not legitimate marriages being leveraged, particularly in the undergraduate level.

And it’s something that I didn’t think made sense, and our analysis show it doesn’t really make sense.

Upgrades and modification for five-year super visa for parents and other immigration streams:

PE: How about the other federal immigration streams like the Express Entry, Business Immigration, Sponsorship – are there any updates or changes that we need to know?

Minister Miller: We are always looking to improve the system, like the ETA plus program that we recently put into place in the Philippines. That has been a really important measure for people to come to Canada in a more seamless fashion.

We’re looking at upgrades and modification for a five-year super visa for parents. I know there’s a lot of criticisms about the lottery that exists with respect to parents and grandparents. Part of alleviating that cap-system in that first-come-first served program is one where we can have a better super visa program for parents and grandparents to come here for a longer period of time.

Labour Market Impact Assess-

ment – (LMIA) program:

PE: I think there was a bit of confusion about the Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) program when the government announced that tourists can apply for work while here in Canada. I know of a few who came here on a tourist visa, they came four, six months ago, but still are unable to get a job. What can you say about this?

Minister Miller: There are some actors who tell people – oh, come here and you can work. I would say it’s more than a confusion. I think there are some people who are deliberately abusing the fact, telling people that they can come here, and they can work. That is not the case. If you come here as a tourist you’re supposed to visit hopefully the beautiful parts of Canada, there are many. Not to work. There are legitimate streams that people can actually avail themselves of. But they do have to beware of some bad actors that make false


From page 7

“Should you think that injectable glutathione was wrongly prescribed for you by a physician, please consult a practicing lawyer or the Public Attorney’s Office for legal advice on matters such as medical negligence and what may be done in the interest of justice,” the DOH said in a statement issued Saturday evening, after television personality Rodriguez drew flak from netizens for receiving her IV drip inside Padilla’s Senate office.

promises about Canada and then lead people to a desperate situation when they come here.

Sometimes working as you know, under the table, or in desperate work conditions.

PE: Are you aware, sir, that there are employers asking these tourist-visa holders to pay say, $5,000 to $10,000 so they will hire them through the LMIA program?

Minister Miller: Yes, that is unlawful and should never be encouraged.

About immigration consultants:

PE: What about immigration consultants promising jobs through LMIA?

Minister Miller: About that, the regulation of immigration consultants is something that’s currently a field that has a lot of sharp individuals and bad actors. But immigration consultants are supposed to be consultants; they’re not supposed to be filling their pockets based on false hope or misinformation. It’s very hard to regulate actors that are outside the country. I think we have enough challenges regulating

The agency stressed that it does not support the use of glutathione for skin whitening.

Citing an FDA circular, the DOH said that no published clinical trials have evaluated the use of injectable glutathione for skin lightening. It further noted that there are also no published guidelines for appropriate dosing regimens and duration of treatment.

The FDA only approved the use of injectable glutathione as an “adjunct treatment in cisplatin chemotherapy,” according to the

actors that are inside our country and are still prone to abuse. Again, this is something that we have to tackle as a government. Canada needs more talent, workers:

PE: Anything else you would like to impart to our readers?

Minister Miller: Because we have so many shortages, with so many people aging out, we need talent, particularly workers. And it can’t be all homegrown. There are plenty of ways to come to Canada legitimately and perhaps get permanent residence. So, we encourage people to apply, if they have the skills and the will to come to Canada. They should also be wary of people entertaining false hopes. Canada is not a cheap place to live in, but it is a place that offers a lot of opportunities.


For more information about immigrating, studying, or working in Canada, visit www.canada.ca.

Editor’s note: This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.


The health department stressed that the FDA has not approved any injectable products for skin lightening.

In fact, officials in the Philippines has already warned the public in 2011 that repeated IV injections of glutathione could lead to kidney failure, blood poisoning, and toxic epidermal necrolysis, a life-threatening infection that causes skin to peel off.

Sources: DOH. Mayen Jaymalin, Philstar


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