Star & Lamp - Fall 2011

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FALL 2011


A Season of Thanks and a Time to Serve I’ve always appreciated that our Founders’ Day is nestled between Thanksgiving and Christmas—in the very heart of the holiday season—because this is a time when we are all reminded to be thankful for our blessings and to open our hearts to be charitable. Earlier this fall I had the opportunity to visit with an alumnus while attending a college football game. He pulled me aside and shared with me that, before attending college, he had come from a small town and “had no clue how to dress, act or talk to people.” He explained that the older brothers in the chapter took him under their wing. He shared how was grateful he was for their guidance and noted how his success today as a professional was because of their support. I later sent a note card thanking him for his hospitality and expressed my gratitude for the story he shared about how the fraternity has impacted his life. I assured him that there were many alumni and friends of the fraternity working hard today to provide that same experience to students. Pi Kappa Phi is certainly thankful for those many volunteers who positively impact the lives of young men across the country, and in this issue of the Star & Lamp, we recognize some of those who serve. You will also find a letter from Past National President Jeff Wahlen asking for nominations for the National Council. While we know that not everyone can serve on a board level, we recognize that there are many other volunteer opportunities within Pi Kappa Phi for you to explore. As we expressed in our “Call to Serve” earlier this fall, we hope you will seek out your own opportunity and enrich your own life and others through service. So in this season thanks, we ask that you reconnect with your fraternity experience and give thought to how you can help young men begin their fraternity life and how you can help alumni connect with each other. As always, enjoy this issue of the Star & Lamp. Yours in the Brotherhood of Pi Kappa Phi, Mark E. Timmes Chief Executive Officer

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Gamma Epsilon (W. CAROLINA)


FALL 2011 SPRING 2011 FALL 2012


The map details Pi Kappa Phi’s expansion plans through Fall 2012. For more information about expansion or starting a new chapter of Pi Kappa Phi, contact Director of Expansion Tyler Johansson at

pi kappa phi charters six chapters this fall iota theta  tennessee tech Cookeville, Tennessee

Founded: October 22, 2011

Pi Kappa Phi initiated the founding fathers at Tennessee Tech as the new Iota Theta Chapter. Dick Baker, Delta Beta (North Georgia), presided over the chartering as the installation officer. Over the course of the weekend, Baker led the men through the national exam, oversaw the performance of the Ritual of Initiation and guided the ritual debrief and formal installation ceremony. After overcoming numerous hurdles during their five years as an associate chapter, the men of Iota Theta were initiated by a team from Alpha Sigma (Tennessee). The chartering banquet was hosted on campus and more than 50 family members and guests celebrated the chapter’s accomplishments. Tennessee Tech Dean of Students Edwin Baucher, and Katie Williams, director of Greek life, joined the men at the chartering banquet. During the keynote address, Baker congratulated the men on reaching their goal, but challenged them to see their chartering not as the end of a long journey, but rather the beginning of an even greater journey.

iota iota  cal poly pomona Pomona, California

Founded: October 29, 2011 Pi Kappa Phi officially welcomed its 225th chapter with the charter of Iota Iota Chapter at Cal Poly Pomona. The chapter was installed by National Treasurer Tracy Maddux, Zeta Theta (Texas), and Regional Governor Alan Wapner, Delta Rho (USC). The 33 founding fathers were initiated by teams

from Theta Sigma (Cal State - Long Beach). The nearly 100 brothers, guests and family members gathered for the banquet on Saturday night to honor the achievements of the chapter over the past 18 months. During the banquet, Maddux complimented the men on the brotherhood they had developed but also offered the brothers perspective on where to focus their efforts. “You have an opportunity in your hands to make a difference, to build something here, but most importantly to build yourself up and develop the leadership skills that will lead you into your future.” (Charterings continued on page 27)

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the first issue Pi Kappa Phi published its first magazine—The Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity Journal—in October 1909. Two years later, the Supreme Chapter voted to change the name of the publication. Subsequently, Volume 1, Issue 1 of The Star & Lamp was printed in November 1911.


STAR & LAMP  /  FALL 2011

Volunteers! O Volunteers!

18 Supreme Chapter 2012

A preview of Pi Kappa Phi’s next convention, to be held in our nation’s capital in August 2012. Supreme Chapter 2012 will also mark Push America’s 35th anniversary.



CEO CORNER 01 expansion news 06 PUSH AMERICA 08 foundation 20 ALUMNI news 24 collegiate news 28 chapter eternal

visit the new Fall Deadline October 1

Spring Deadline March 1

Winter Deadline January 1

In this issue, we spotlight members of our volunteer network and call upon others to step forward to lead us into the future.


12 Periodical postage paid at Charlotte, N.C., and additional mailing offices.

PUBLISHER Star & Lamp, (USPS 519-000), is issued quarterly by Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity at 2015 Ayrsley Town Boulevard, Suite 200, Charlotte, NC 28273. A lifetime subscription is $15 and is the only form of subscription.

After participating in a national survey of college students, we reveal how Pi Kappa Phi compares in terms of growth and development of our student members.


Raising the Bar

PARENTS The Star & Lamp is being sent to your address while your son is in college. Please feel free to read through the magazine as we hope it is a publication you will enjoy too! If your son is no longer in college or is no longer living at home, please send his new contact information to the P.O. Box address or email address shown to the far right.

Pi Kappa Phi recognizes recipients of the 2011 Summer Awards, which include Mr. Pi Kappa Phi, the Founders Awards and the Push America Cup.

SUBMISSIONS/DEADLINES Materials for publication should be sent directly to the managing editor at the P.O. Box address or email address shown to the right. Letters to the editor will be printed at the discretion of the editors.

Summer 2011 Awards





Star & Lamp P.O. Box 240526 Charlotte, NC 28224-0526

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STAR& LAMP FALL 2011 Vol. C, No. 4

COVER Lt. Rufus Herring is Pi Kappa Phi’s only known recipient of the U.S. Armed Forces’ Medal of Honor, which is worn around his neck.




Pi Kappa Phi’s national awards recognize students, chapters, alumni and volunteers for their leadership, accomplishments, dedication and service to the fraternity. This year, Pi Kappa Phi revamped its awards process to create two groups—Summer Awards and Winter Awards. To select this year’s summer award winners, an awards committee reviewed dozens of applications and spent hours learning about the diverse ways in

which brothers from across the country have brought credit to the fraternity. Our members have excelled in the classroom, led their campuses, succeeded with class on the intramural field, recruited high quantities of quality men and changed lives in their community through service. Congratulations to all our recipients, and thank you for continuing to better Pi Kappa Phi!

Founders Awards Kroeg Award

Fogarty Award

Mixson Award

Theta Xi (Arizona State)

Eta Chi (Texas Christian)

Theta Alpha (Southern Mississippi)

Alumni & Volunteer Awards Mr. Pi Kappa Phi Frank M. Parrish Alpha Omicron (Iowa State)

Volunteer of the Year

Regional Governor of the Year

Eli Aguirre, Eta Rho (Texas State) UTSA Chapter Advisor

David Corey, Eta Alpha (Samford) Capitol Region

Chapter Advisor of the Year

Assoc. Chapter Advisor of the Year

Alumnus Adivsor of the Year

Barry Morales, Theta Phi (La Tech) La Tech Chapter Advisor

Chris McCoy, Delta Eta (Morehead State) Cincinnati Chapter Advisor

Jay Hunt, Gamma Phi (South Alabama) South Alabama Advisor

Outstanding Friend of the Fraternity

Alumni Chapter of the Year

Housing Corp. of the Year

Mike Smith, Lambda Chi Alpha Colorado Chapter Advisor

Beta Eta (Florida State)

Alpha Sigma (Tennessee)

Alumni Event of the Year Beta Upsilon (Virginia) 50th Anniversary


STAR & LAMP  /  FALL 2011

Alumni Chapter Newsletter of the Year Omega (Purdue) The Omegalite

Student Awards Phillip M. Summers Student of the Year

Howard H. Baker Leadership Award

Clint Carlisle Theta Phi (Louisiana Tech)

Joseph Denoncourt Theta Xi (Arizona State)

Archon of the Year

Interfraternal Leader of the Year

Glenn Means Delta Eta (Morehead State)

Wayne Unger Theta Xi (Arizona State)

Emerging Leader Award for Push America

Emerging Leader Award for Push America

Paul Willar Alpha Kappa (Michigan)

Bryan Garcia Theta Sigma (Long Beach)

Thomas H. Sayre Push America Chairman Award Kyle Rutledge Eta Lambda (SUNY-Brockport)

Philanthropist of the Year Peter Bassick Omega (Purdue)

Push America & Chapter Awards W.E. Edington Award for Highest G.P.A.

Executive Award for Most Student Members

Psi (Cornell)

Alpha Psi (Indiana)

Altruist Award

Most Improved G.P.A.

Recruitment Growth Award

Eta Chi (Texas Christian)

Beta Omicron (Northwestern State)

Epsilon Iota (UNC-Greensboro)

Push America Cup Eta Chi (Texas Christian)

Community Impact Award Alpha Mu (Penn State)

Leadership Through Service Eta Upsilon (Miami)

Leadership Through Service Theta Delta (Florida International)

Champion Master Chapters for Excellence in the Seven Objectives Delta (Furman) Kappa (North Carolina) Nu (Nebraska) Xi (Roanoke) Upsilon (Illinois) Psi (Cornell) Omega (Purdue) Alpha Delta (Washington) Alpha Sigma (Tennessee) Beta Eta (Florida State) Beta Nu (Houston) Beta Omicron (Northwestern State) Gamma Iota (LSU) Delta Alpha (Virginia Tech) Delta Eta (Morehead State) Epsilon Phi (UAB) Eta Zeta (Queens)

Eta Pi (Coastal Carolina) Eta Sigma (UCLA) Eta Upsilon (Miami) Eta Phi (Maryland-Baltimore Co.) Eta Chi (Texas Christian) Theta Alpha (Southern Mississippi) Theta Delta (Florida International) Theta Zeta (George Washington) Theta Eta (American) Theta Mu (UMass-Amherst) Theta Nu (Delaware) Theta Xi (Arizona State) Theta Tau (High Point) Theta Phi (Louisiana Tech) Theta Psi (RIT) Theta Omega (Binghamton)

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accessAbility Each year members of Pi Kappa Phi take it upon themselves to participate in Push America programs that are not required of them. Included in this are the dozens of men who participate in the AccessABILITY program. Through this program, chapters across the country can receive a grant from Push America to build wheelchair ramps for homes in their local community. Once a chapter decides to host an AccessABILITY project, they work to identify a local individual or family who is in need of a ramp. The chapter then hires a contractor, purchases the building supplies and provide the manpower to construct the ramp. Earlier this fall, a group of men from Theta Mu (UMass-Amherst) built a ramp in their community for a woman named Cheryl. She was overwhelmed by the support of the Pi Kapps from UMass.


STAR & LAMP  /  FALL 2011

“Access is really, really important for anybody, and people with disabilities are often left behind,” says Cheryl. “Being able to get in and out of my house is huge. These guys are all working hard, using their muscles and all of their energy, and they’re having a great time. These guys are great!” David Barnstone, Push America chairman at UMass, said of the event, “These small service experiences are really part of the reason I joined Pi Kappa Phi. It’s really amazing to just come out for a few hours and do something for someone besides yourself.” The AccessABILITY program is meant to help families who wouldn’t be able to afford to install a ramp on their own. And in many cases, the ramps provide a level of independence for chair users that they haven’t been able to enjoy in weeks, months or even years.

Early last spring, two chapters located within 30 minutes of each other joined forces to construct a wheelchair ramp in Toledo, Ohio. Members of Delta Sigma (Bowling Green) and Beta Iota (Toledo) partnered with the Ability Center of Greater Toledo to build a ramp for Zachary, a young man who uses a wheelchair. “We thought it would be a great opportunity for those two chapters to come together for something bigger than themselves, and we were lucky to be able to work with the Ability Center of Greater Toledo,” said Mark Urrutia, Pi Kappa Phi’s regional governor for the area. Urrutia also recounted a lunch that the Ability Center held for the participants. When lunch time rolled around, all of the nearly 20 brothers in attendance received menus for the meal. “We were all looking around at each other in a bit of confusion because the menus were in Braille,” said Urrutia. “Then, a woman said to us, ‘What? You don’t understand Braille?’ She brought out another young woman who started signing the menu for us. It was such a cool little lesson in empathy for all of us.” At the end of the project’s second day, all of the Pi Kappa Phis were able to stand together and watch Zachary take his first trip down the new ramp—a memory that those involved will not soon forget.

Since the program’s inception in 1994, chapters of all sizes and from all regions have completed ramp projects. Often described as the perfect mix of philanthropy and brotherhood, AccessABILITY projects are some of the most impactful opportunities that Push America offers to members of Pi Kappa Phi. And with each new ramp, Pi Kappa Phi helps to further Push America’s vision of changing the way society views people with disabilities and fraternities. Will Hopper, a junior at Eta Chi (Texas Christian), has participated in four AccessABILITY projects, and has been impacted by each and every one. “The most exciting part is seeing the reaction of the people who use the ramps,” said Hopper. “They and their families are always excited, overly appreciative, and usually surprised to see a group of fraternity guys doing volunteer work early on a Saturday.”


Push America provides up to $1,000 in grant funding for AccessABILITY projects. If your chapter is interested in an AccessABILITY project, contact Director of Special Events Nick Breaux at or (704) 504-0888 ext. 123, or visit


$586,000 Journey of Hope

$106,000 $365,000 Gear Up Florida

Chapter Fundraising

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p i


sc h o l a r s

A New Class of Scholars Pi Kappa Phi has recognized its best and brightest student leaders as “Pi Kapp Scholars” since 1927. The five recipients for 2011 each brought outstanding leadership and excellence in scholarship with an average G.P.A. of 3.86.

Matthew Anderson

Anderson received Bronze Tablet Honors this year from the University of Illinois—the highest academic distinction a student can receive from that institution. After graduating in May, Matthew joined the Teach for America program. Hoehn is a Certified Ritualist who is currently serving as chaplain of his chapter. He graduates in May of 2012 and plans to pursue a master’s of divinity. Ultimately he plans to have a career in ministry, academia or non-profit leadership.

Brian Kirn

Kirn has served his chapter in numerous roles as a committee chairman while reaching out to his campus and community and bringing

Matthew Anderson Upsilon (Illinois) Rhetoric / 3.94 g.p.a

McCollum Scholar Kappa (North Carolina) Political Science /3.77 g.p.a.

credit to the fraternity, including serving as an assistant director for the Theater Department and as a member of the Student Leadership Advisory Council.

Thomas Powers

Powers has served his chapter in roles as archon and vice archon and was selected for Pi Kappa Phi’s prestigious Council of Archons. He began graduate school this fall at the Medical University of South Carolina, located in Charleston, S.C.

Outstanding Associate Member

Andrew Wilson

Epsilon Phi (UAB) Biology; Philosophy / 4.0 g.p.a.

Wilson is a re-founding father of his chapter and served as Push America chairman.Hecontinuestobeaphilanthropic leader by volunteering as an ESL (English as a Second Language) instructor in Greenwood, S.C., to provide students with a better opportunity to succeed.

Brian Kirn

Beta Epsilon (Missouri) Spanish; Theater; Psychology 3.91 g.p.a.

Andrew Wilson

Epsilon Eta (Winthrop) Spanish / 3.82 g.p.a.

Kappa (North Carolina) History; Religious Studies 3.84 g.p.a.


STAR & LAMP  /  FALL 2011

Thomas Powers

Delta (Furman) Chemistry; Economics 3.79 g.p.a.

i nte r nat i ona l

Scholars Abroad Sean England

Theta Zeta (George Washington) Political Science England / 3.8 g.p.a.

England is studying this fall and spring at the London School of Economics—one of the premier social science institutions in the world. Through his studies and by immersing himself in the culture, he will be able to build a strong base to continue his studies when he returns to GW. The program in London is but one of his first steps into the competitive field of political research and policy making. After graduation, England hopes to attend law school as well as earn a master’s degree in legal institutions and theory. After his post-graduate work, he plans to pursue a career in political policy.

Casey Heier Nu (Nebraska) Biological Engineering Germany / 3.59 g.p.a.

Heier had been working on research projects several semesters when his professor began planning a trip abroad to further their research. Not only did Heier jump at the opportunity to participate, he also assisted in the planning of the trip. He was one of 15 students from Nebraska’s engineering program to travel to Germany where they researched new engineering techniques that produce sustainable energy and agricultural production while minimizing the impact on the environment. This work is directly aligned with the work that Heier hopes to do in the future. In fact, he plans to work full-time for the World Energy Project, a non-profit organization he cofounded that provides sustainable energy systems to groups around the world. As chair of the South Africa Scholarship Fund outreach committee for a local YMCA, Will Leinenstoll has already learned quite a bit about his destination. In this role, he has been able to raise money for local Cape Town students to attend the University of Western Cape, the same university where he is studying this fall.

sc h o l a r s

William Leimenstoll

Kappa (North Carolina) Environmental Studies South Africa / 3.8 g.p.a.

Leinenstollislearning about sustainability and eco-friendly development. In addition to class, he will be interning at a city planning and architectural firm. This experience will allow him to develop valuable skills that will aid him in his goal of a career focused on real estate development and sustainability.

Matthew Poehler Beta Epsilon (Missouri) Accounting Germany / 3.89 g.p.a.

Poehler is studying this fall at the Trulaske College of Business in Germany where he will learn about international accounting practices and how they differ from American accounting systems. Poehler believes that as businesses continue to globalize, it will be increasingly important to have knowledge of both American and International accounting systems. In addition to the growth of his technical knowledge, he is gaining knowledge about international culture. This holistic study abroad experience will prepare him for an accounting career upon graduation. Robert Pratt traveled to Amman, Jordan, to study Arabic through a unique program developed by the School for International Training. Over the summer he spent 30 hours a week in class, studying the both the Levantine and Modern Standard Arabic dialects. In addition to the rigorous study, Pratt lived with a Jordanian family for the duration of his time abroad, fully immersing himself in their culture.

Robert Pratt Delta (Furman) Political Science Jordan / 3.93 g.p.a.

Throughtheprogram, he became proficient in the Arabic language, making him highly competitive for graduate programs in International Relations.

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raising the bar Research shows promising results for Pi Kappa Phi’s impact on the growth and development of student members


n 1959, Pi Kapp College was established as one of the interfraternal world’s first leadership conferences. In 1983, Pi Kappa Phi first hosted what would become known as Mid Year Leadership Conference to train archons and vice archons. Over the past decade, Pi Kappa Phi has taken a calculated, intentional look at how we approach the development and education of our young men. Mid Year Leadership Conference is now attended annually by more than 1,250 officers, chairmen and advisors; Pi Kapp College has been redesigned as an institute for emerging leaders; and the fraternity has introduced a host of programs that aim to reduce risky behavior, confront issues that threaten brotherhood, and promote a chapter experience that supports individual growth and leadership. Pi Kappa Phi continues to invest time, resources and volunteer talent to help our members across the country further define their natural leadership abilities and vision for their undergraduate and lifelong fraternity experience. In order to guide our strategy for future educational programs, Pi Kappa Phi has embarked upon a mission to assess how the fraternity experience impacts our students’ development. In doing so, we have collected quantitative evidence demonstrating that engaging in Pi Kappa Phi positively impacts the development of our students. The UniLOA Survey This spring, 3,000 Pi Kappa Phi men representing more than 90 chapters completed the University Learning


STAR & LAMP  /  FALL 2011

Outcomes Assessment (UniLOA), a survey developed by researchers at Indiana State University. UniLOA examines seven areas of a student’s life—critical thinking, self-awareness, communication, diversity, citizenship, membership and leadership, and relationships. These areas closely align with the focal points of educational programs and service learning opportunities available through Pi Kappa Phi and Push America, which span from endurance events that raise awareness and funds for people with disabilities to leadership opportunities that promote self-awareness and civic engagement. How does Pi Kappa Phi compare? When compared to the more than 50,000 students across the country who completed the same survey, Pi Kappa Phi members ranked above the national fraternity/sorority average as well as the non-affiliated student average in every category. The survey also measures development of students over the course of their collegiate career. Dr. Mark Frederick, co-developer and business manager for UniLOA, noted that Pi Kappa Phi’s results indicate that our men are developing as leaders and citizens at an accelerated pace compared to their peers across the country. “Typically, we see drastic growth in the first semester, and then it slows down,” said Dr. Frederick. “With Pi Kappa Phi, there is consistent growth in the first three semesters. It is a healthier pattern than we see in most fraternities, and definitely healthier than nonaffiliated students. I’m not sure what

you are doing as a fraternity, but it is having a great impact on the first three semesters of learning.” Additional Findings Additionally, data from the survey sheds light on several individual practices that are associated with higher scores. • Members involved in one to three organizations scored higher than those only involved with Pi Kappa Phi • Members who study six or more hours per week scored drastically higher than members who study less than three hours per week • Members who attended between three and six educational programs per year scored higher than members who participate minimally in education program opportunities • Members who engaged with the fraternity at least four hours per week scored higher than members not engaged with the fraternity Participating in UniLOA serves as Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity’s inaugural attempt to assess our entire undergraduate population and will continue to be distributed on a yearly basis each spring. Pi Kappa Phi will use the data to inform individual chapters of areas in which they excelled as well as their opportunities for growth. Additionally, the data will help guide future educational programming and resources. If you would like to learn more about the UniLOA initiative, please contact David Meigs, director of leadership, at or (704) 504-0888 ext. 116.

seven areas of development The UniLOA survey assesses the following seven areas of a student’s life. CRITICAL THINKING Scores in this area are determined by an individual’s ability to evaluate, analyze, assess and interpret a problem or challenge, and effectively implement an appropriate solution. SELF-AWARENESS The self-awareness category measures a person’s ability to understand their place within an environment. Self-awareness is not a skill that is inherent within the human condition and is realized only after self‑reflecting on a particular experience. COMMUNICATION This area is evaluated by one person’s ability to effectively convey a message to another through a variety of verbal and non-verbal cues. DIVERSITY Diversity is assessed by an individual’s understanding and appreciation of differences between people, cultures, ethnicity, politics, religions, genders, ages, sexual orientations and a host of others.

Pi Kappa Phi Average

CITIZENSHIP This category gauges an individual’s understanding of their membership and participation in different groups—from the campus community to the global level.

National Fraternity & Sorority Average Non-Affiliated Student Average

MEMBERSHIP & LEADERSHIP The Membership & Leadership category measures an individual’s participation in a group, which could include holding an office with prescribed duties or contributing as a member to the common good through activity that supports the collective body.


RELATIONSHIPS This area scores an individual’s ability to connect with others through social, professional and intimate interactions.



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Volunteers! O Volunteers! I

n January 1960, as the United States marched through an era of innovation, change and growth, a newly elected President John F. Kennedy used the national pulpit during his inauguration ceremony to issue a challenge to his countrymen: “Ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.” These words acted as catalyst for Americans to find a way to give back to their country and helped further the civil rights movement, the space race and a period of achievement in the U.S. This opportunity for greatness was not motivated through a mandate or dictated by law but rather a simple reminder of the opportunity to serve and the effect that service can have on others. Kennedy went on to note that if each man sought to give back to his country in some way, “the energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it—and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.” The same stands true for Pi Kappa Phi. The fraternity is growing at unprecedented rate. Brothers are engaging in their communities and leading on their campuses, and the national organization is providing more opportunities to connect and grow through the

fraternity. If each member asks himself what he can do to continue to strengthen the fraternity, Pi Kappa Phi can continue to flourish and reach new heights. Ask yourself—what would happen if each brother continued to give his energy, faith and devotion to the fraternity long after graduation? t the Centennial Celebration in 2004, Pi Kappa Phi outlined the Second Century Vision to strengthen our brotherhood and empower our members to lead. This vision set us on a course to not only establish Pi Kappa Phi as a leader among fraternities but to also “redefine fraternity as a lifelong brotherhood of leaders.” In order to realize this vision, members must renew this sense of brotherhood by engaging in the greater fraternity—through mentoring as an advisor, creating opportunities to connect through local alumni events or hosting a Push America team as they pass through your city. By simply taking a few hours to serve the fraternity, alumni can do their share to create a lifelong brotherhood in Pi Kappa Phi. The fraternity now boasts more than 110,000 initiated members, 90,000 of which are living today. However, only 800 of our members volunteer in some capacity with the fraternity or Push America.


Join Pi Kappa Phi’s volunteer network


STAR & LAMP  /  FALL 2011

If members answer the “call to serve,” our chapters, alumni groups and service efforts through Push America will be strengthened and brothers will reap the benefit of increased civic engagement. Pi Kappa Phi offers opportunities for almost any skill set, allowing volunteers to give back to the fraternity with their unique skills. From finance to marketing, recruiting to member education—nearly any skill can contribute to the success of the fraternity as a volunteer. “Pi Kappa Phi has an array of volunteer roles for alumni and friends of the fraternity,” said Chris

Shade, Pi Kappa Phi’s director of volunteer services. “Depending on your interests and schedule, we can find a role that will not only help better the organization but also provide a rewarding experience for you.” ane Luckie, Beta Omicron (Northwestern State), has served in numerous volunteer capacities since graduating college in 2008. As an executive producer and news anchor for KTRE-TV in Lufkin, Texas, he found that despite his 50-hour work week, volunteering for the fraternity has proven both rewarding and energizing.


Pi Kappa Phi helped me become a successful young professional, and I feel obligated to help others find their own success as a student,” said Lane. “Volunteering with the fraternity keeps me grounded and maintains a connection with the values I was taught by my parents and during my experiences as a student.” Immediately after graduating college, Lane moved to a new state to begin his career. Though he had moved away from his home and his chapter, he sought ways to stay involved with the fraternity. He trained to become a Ladder of Risk and Alcohol Skills Training Program facilitator and traveled to work with chapters in his area. Later Lane was asked to become the chapter advisor for the Stephen F. Austin Associate Chapter and helped see the chapter through their chartering. He feels he owes a lot to his experiences with Pi Kappa Phi and is excited to have found a way to give back in his new community.

beta omicron (northwestern state) age: 25 location: Lufkin, Texas career: Executive Producer & News Anchor current role: Chapter Advisor, Iota Zeta (Stephen F. Austin)

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age: 72 location: Vincennes, Indiana CAREER: Professor, Indiana University current role: President, Alpha Psi Alumni Board

phillip summers

After being initiated in 1958, Dr. Summers attended the first Pi Kapp College at Burnt Gin Camp outside of Sumter, S.C. The leadership school molded his Pi Kappa Phi experience and inspired Dr. Summers to become a leader in his chapter. Twenty-five years later, Dr. Summers received a copy of the Star & Lamp and recognized himself in a group photograph from the inaugural Pi Kapp College. After writing then–Executive Director Durward Owen, Dr. Summers was invited to speak at the 25th anniversary of Pi Kapp College and subsequently asked to volunteer with the fraternity. He served in numerous roles and was eventually elected to the National Council. Since becoming involved as a volunteer, Dr. Summers has been a constant figure at national events and a weekly presence at the Alpha Psi house. He even goes so


STAR & LAMP  /  FALL 2011

Alpha psi (indiana) far as to visit and speak to each of the 96 live-in members of the house two times a week, every week.

Members need an alumni presence to help think through situations and plan for success,” said Dr. Summers. “This is best done in personal, faceto-face interactions and not just via email or cell phone. Building relationships takes time, but it is the most valuable contribution of the volunteer.”

“My career makes my free time very precious; however, it’s easy to make time for something you’re passionate about,” said Lane. “Even the smallest amount of time you can give is appreciated and can have a significant impact.” As an advisor for a new chapter, Lane helped a ragtag group of men learn what it meant to be a Pi Kappa Phi and watched as they developed a level of brotherhood that challenged each man to better himself. He continued to serve as a source of advice and encouragement as the colony grew, and proudly watched as the chapter earned its charter after 13 months. While observing the growth in these young members and recognizing his part in their development, Lane noted that there is “no better reward than seeing someone else find success and knowing you played a small role.” xecutive Director Emeritus and honorary fourth founding father Durward Owen, Xi (Roanoke), believes that a strong advisor presence is necessary for a chapter to succeed long-term. According to Durward,“I still believe the chapter advisor is the most important part of Pi Kappa Phi. He is the continuity— sometimes the only continuity a chapter has.” Many chapters are made up of outstanding student leaders who are motivated to build a brotherhood founded upon our values; however, each of those leaders pass through the chapter after their senior year, leaving an entirely new group of men to carry the torch. In chapters without advisors, these new leaders are sometimes left to flounder until they find their own way. In chapters with dedicated advisors, these men can seek the advice of a trusted volunteer to host a safe social event, plan a successful Push America fundraiser or recruit a quality associate class. Volunteers and dedicated alumni help pass along the experience and knowledge of the chapter so that regardless of the turnover in undergraduate leadership, the chapter can enjoy successes and avoid repeating past mistakes. During the 2010-2011 academic year, chapters with a chapter advisor and at least a two members on their Board of Alumni Advisors scored significantly higher on the fraternity’s Seven Objectives of Chapter


gordon wright alpha tau (rensselaer) age: 76 location: Oquossoc, Maine career: Retired Educator current role: Lost Alumni

Gordon has volunteered in various roles since June of 1959, but after retiring from his career in secondary education, he has found a unique way to give back to his fraternity. Gordon spends several hours a month scanning member records and internet search engines to help the fraternity locate contact information for lost brothers and improve chapter address files. Thanks to his tedious and largely thankless work, Pi Kappa Phi has been able to communicate with hundreds of “lost” brothers and has saved thousands of dollars in mailing cost over the years. He is a testament to finding a role that will help better the organization, no matter what the role may be.

Excellence report. In fact, 67 percent of chapters that were recognized as Champion Master Chapters this summer were bolstered by the support of a strong board of advisors. “When an undergraduate chapter is supported by passionate alumni and volunteers, we see stronger decision making, greater financial security and an increased commitment to our values” said Chief Operating Officer Christian Wiggins. “More importantly, we see a group of students who more clearly see the value of lifelong brotherhood and who, in turn, continue to stay involved with the fraternity themselves.” he time and talent that volunteers dedicate to the fraternity and Push America is a huge benefit to the organization. However, seasoned volunteers will note that the experience is equally as rewarding for the volunteer. Kathy Mohar is a certified therapeutic recreation specialist for IndependenceFirst, a non-profit organization in Milwaukee, Wis., that enables people with disabilities to live independently in the community. In 2002, she began interacting with Push America to coordinate the Journey of Hope’s stay


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People hold back from volunteering because they don’t have the time,” said Kathy. “A cause you believe in deserves your attention and support. Sacrifice something, and make a little time – watch less TV, let the laundry pile up. Most things consuming a person’s time have a limited impact on the world around them. It takes everyone working together to make a difference. Volunteering pays you by touching your heart. What more can you ask for?”

age: 41 location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin career: Adaptive Recreation Coordinator current role: Journey of Hope City Coordinator

For 10 years Kathy has planned and organized the Journey of Hope North team’s visit to Milwaukee. Each year she and her family coordinate food, lodging and visits with clients from her company, which helps people with disabilities live independently in their communities. Though she is not a member of Pi Kappa Phi, Kathy has developed a love for the organization’s dedication to serving people with disabilities. And while she must balance a hectic work schedule and two energetic boys, Kathy believes finding time to work with Pi Kappa Phi men is well worth the effort.

in Milwaukee. The first time the team cycled into town, Kathy and her family were overwhelmed by the commitment to service that was displayed by Pi Kappa Phi men from across the country. Since that day, Kathy’s efforts to host the Journey of Hope team each year have grown into a family affair and a highlight of her family’s summer. The values of Pi Kappa Phi and Push America have inspired Kathy to be involved as a volunteer but have also touched the lives of her sons. Kathy’s oldest son, Jacob, wrote a paper for school on leadership and discussed how Pi Kappa Phi men are leaders in their community, while her younger son, Nathan, shared the experience of a Journey of Hope cyclist to help his 5th grade class learn to calculate averages and percentages. Both boys are planning their college futures around universities with Pi Kappa Phi chapters so that they too can cycle the country to change the way society views fraternities and people with disabilities. Kathy fondly notes that volunteering with the fraternity and Push America is not something that has taken away from her time with her family; rather, it


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has given her an opportunity to set a good example for her children and involve them in service. It has offered a rewarding experience for her family and an opportunity to partner with an organization she has become enthusiastic about. i Kappa Phi is thankful for the hundreds of volunteers who currently work to aid our students, better the fraternity experience and further the mission of Push America. The fraternity owes its success to the people who have made Pi Kappa Phi a priority in their lives long after graduation. It is through this dedication to our brotherhood that Pi Kappa Phi has been begun to build a lifelong brotherhood of leaders. In the spirit of President Kennedy’s famous remarks, let each brother ask what he can do for the fraternity. By seeking an opportunity to contribute, volunteers will not only better Pi Kappa Phi and its members, but reap the rewards of continued brotherhood and shared purpose. The energy, faith and devotion our volunteers bring will light our fraternity and those who serve it.


dwayne todd Alpha eta (samford) age: 41 location: Columbus, Ohio CAREER: Vice President for Student Affairs, Columbus College of Art & Design current role: Chapter Advisor, Alpha Nu (Ohio State)

Volunteering after graduation allowed me to meet amazing brothers throughout the country who have become as close to me as some of my own chapter brothers were,” said Dwayne. “My appreciation for Pi Kappa Phi multiplied tenfold as I began to understand and practice what lifelong brotherhood really means.“ Dwayne first began volunteering for Pi Kappa Phi in 1995 while in graduate school. A group of undergraduate students at Texas Christian University

asked him to help them start a chapter of Pi Kappa Phi, and he was inspired to step in and advise the men because he knew just how impactful the fraternity could be in helping these students develop as men. In the 16 years since, he has served as a chapter advisor for two chapters, a regional governor, a Ladder of Risk facilitator, a Member Education Committee member, a Mid Year facilitator and any other role the fraternity needed filled. When Pi Kappa Phi re-colonized at Ohio State, Dwayne wanted to help provide the same transformative experience he received as an undergraduate. Through his service, he has built enduring friendships and has come to appreciate the fraternity much more than he did as an undergraduate.

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schedule of events thursday, august 2

In August 2012, Pi Kappa Phi will host the 53rd Supreme Chapter in Washington, D.C. From August 2-5, we invite you to celebrate Pi Kappa Phi as we observe the 35th anniversary of Push America.

the convention All members of Pi Kappa Phi—along with their families—are invited to join us in our nation’s capital. During the convention, all chapters of the fraternity are temporarily dissolved to form the Supreme Chapter, which will elect a new national council, vote on legislation and celebrate the successes of the year. Supreme Chapter 2012 will also include several educational opportunities, including special sessions for alumni chapters and housing corporations, young alumni, students and associate members.

the 35th anniversary A hallmark of the 53rd Supreme Chapter will be observing Push America’s 35th anniversary. Supreme Chapter attendees are encouraged to celebrate Push America as we mark this happy occasion with several Push America events throughout the convention—including a Push America luncheon, a Pi Alpha Ride-Along and the arrival of the Build America and Journey of Hope teams at the U.S. Capitol.

the hotel The JW Marriott is a luxurious hotel located on Pennsylvania Avenue. Situated near some of the most recognizable landmarks in Washington D.C., the JW Marriott is located around the corner from the White House and offers easy access to renowned monuments, the National Mall, museums, and other cultural venues around the city. visit for more info


STAR & LAMP  /  FALL 2011

11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m.

Conference Check-in Regional Governors’ Convocation Holocaust Museum Tour Welcome / Orientation Opening Event: Nationals Baseball

friday, august 3 8:00 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:45 a.m. 1:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 5:15 p.m. 6:00 p.m.

Alumni Breakfast Supreme Chapter Session 1 Region Meetings Mt. Vernon Tour & Lunch Push America Luncheon Committee Meetings Supreme Chapter Session 2: Nominations Nu Phi Society Events Young Alumni Reception

saturday, august 4 7:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m.

Founders 5K Race Committee Meetings Students’ Education Session National Zoo & Lunch Hillwood Estate Tour & Lunch Foundation Awards Luncheon Supreme Chapter Session 3: Elections Cocktail Reception Supreme Banquet Ritual of Initiation

sunday, august 5 7:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m.

Worship Service Committee Meetings Past Staff Breakfast Journey of Hope/Build America Arrival Pi Kappa Phi Awards Luncheon Supreme Chapter Session 4 National President’s Inaugural Address Push America Teams Reception

a call for nominations

nominating committee seeks candidates for national council In 2004, Pi Kappa Phi celebrated a century of fraternity with more than 1,300 brothers and friends who gathered in our beloved Charleston, S.C. Even with such a momentous celebration underway, our fraternity was already thinking about the future. A small group of dedicated brothers had been busy for more than a year outlining a bold 10-year strategic plan now known as “The Second Century Vision”—which called for our members to “redefine fraternity as a lifelong brotherhood of leaders.” As we approach the 53rd Supreme Chapter, which will be held in Washington, D.C., from August 2-5, 2012, it is again time to turn our focus towards the future. The “Second Century Vision” will enter into its final two years, and our next National Council will be charged with charting our course for the next 10 years. As such, it is my duty as past national president and chairman of the nominating committee to conduct a “call for nominations” for National Council candidates. The committee’s proposed slate will be announced this spring and presented to the Supreme Chapter next August. Any initiated member of the fraternity—student or alumnus—can nominate any jeff wahlen initiated alumnus (including himself) to serve on the National Council. Above all, committee chairman nominees must have an unwavering and proven commitment to the fraternity. Past service to the fraternity and a general understanding of the national fraternity are of utmost importance. Please send your nominations to: Jeff Wahlen, 123 South Calhoun Street, Tallahassee, FL 32301-1517. Your nominations may also be faxed to (850) 558-1315 or emailed to All nominations must be received no later than January 15, 2012. As provided in Supreme Law, the nominating committee is charged with assembling a list of nominees for National Council. The five-member committee, comprised of one student member and four past national presidents­, includes George Stahle, Theta Xi (Arizona State); David G. Lane, Omega (Purdue); J. Ernest Johnson, Alpha Iota (Auburn); John R. Andrews, Delta Delta (Truman State); and myself. While I hope that we are overwhelmed with nominations for the Council, I recognize that not everyone has the interest in or resources for serving at a board level. Pi Kappa Phi has always been a volunteer-based organization with multiple opportunities at a variety of levels. Towards that end, earlier in November our national staff issued a “Call to Serve” in an effort to fill a number of volunteer needs. Whether you would like to engage at the Council level or volunteer for one of the more than 2,000 positions within the fraternity, I sincerely hope you will make the choice to serve your fraternity and give back so that other young men will have an experience similar to yours. Yours in Pi Kappa Phi,

J. Jeffry Wahlen, Alpha Epsilon (Florida) Past National President

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LIFELONG Beyond the call of duty

Alumnus and World War II veteran Rufus Geddie Herring is the only member of Pi Kappa Phi known to have been awarded the prestigious Medal of Honor.

“The Medal of Honor is the highest military decoration awarded by the United States government. It is bestowed by the president, in the name of Congress, upon members of the United States Armed Forces who distinguish themselves through ‘conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his or her life above and beyond the call of duty while engaged in an action against an enemy of the United States.’ Fewer than 3,500 have been honored with the prestigious distinction, which was first awarded in 1862 during the Civil War.” A native of Roseboro, N.C., Rufus Herring attended Davidson College in Davidson, N.C., where he was initiated into Pi Kappa Phi on February 3, 1939. After graduating in the spring of 1942, Herring enlisted in the U.S. Naval Reserve. By August 1943 he had assumed command of a newly completed infantry landing craft and remained her commanding officer during the next year and a half.


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Herring was promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade in March 1944 and between February and July of that year he participated in the invasions of Kwajalein, Saipan, Tinian and Guam. In February 1945, Herring’s ship, by then designated a gunboat landing craft, took part in the bombardment of Iwo Jima just prior to its invasion by U.S. Marines.


Capturing Iwo Jima, a small island some 750 miles south of Tokyo, Japan, was part of the American strategy to winning the war in the Pacific. With two airfields the island was deemed tactically important by both Japan and the U.S. Its significance led the Japanese to heavily fortify the tiny island with vast bunkers, artillery, miles of tunnels and more than 21,000 soldiers. On February 17, while barraging the enemy’s shores, the ship took a severe hit from Japanese counterfire that fatally wounded most of the officers and left the ship reeling. Despite sustaining critical wounds, Herring took the helm, reestablished contact with the engine room, and kept the ship in action. Severely weakened, bleeding profusely and unable to stand, he propped himself against empty shell cases and rallied his men to the aid of the wounded while maintaining

position in the firing line in the face of sustained enemy fire. Herring was eventually able to guide his crippled ship to safety. For his “conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty,” he was awarded the Medal of Honor. After 36 days of some of the war’s most fierce fighting, the U.S. defeated the last of the resistance and the Battle of Iwo Jima ended on March 26, 1945. After retiring in 1947 with the rank of Lieutenant Commander, Herring returned to North Carolina to pursue a career in business. He passed to the Chapter Eternal in 1996 but is survived by two Pi Kappa Phi legacies—his cousin, Robert Herring, who was initiated into Epsilon Chapter at Davidson in 1942 and his son, Maxwell Herring, who joined Tau Chapter at North Carolina State in 1982.

LEFT: Herring’s ship, “449,” prior to the battle. CENTER: Wounded survivors are transfered to another ship after Herring guides the damaged vessel to safety. RIGHT: Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal presents the Medal of Honor to Lieutenant Herring on September 5, 1945, in Washington, D.C.

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Financial Mistakes of New College Grads Joe Templin, Alpha Tau (Rensselaer) @TheRealHeadGeek Upon graduation, the average college graduate has a new income stream, $50,000 of debt, and no clue what to do with either. They often wrongly assume that either the HR department or Mom and Dad will help figure it all out, which generally leads to the financial mistakes of new college grads. This book is essentially a “how not to” manual as it gives the average Millennial all the info they need to not mess up their financial future. Find it at

Motivating the Middle

T.J. Sullivan, Alpha Psi (Indiana) @TJatCAMPUSPEAK If you lead a student organization, and you’re frustrated that you and a few others do all the work, you need to motivate a specific set of overlooked members. “Motivating the Middle” offers a simple, empowering strategy for student government officers, team captains, chapter presidents, club leaders, residence life staff and other college students looking to make a difference on today’s campuses. Find it at


Larry Rochelle, Beta Iota (Toledo) @larry_rochelle “Bonaventure” is a novel set in Savannah, Ga., where empty graves reveal the secrets of the ages, depicting plots, counter-plots, steamy love affairs and fears of a generation of warriors. Palmer Morel tries to outwit the Feds and unknowingly involves his closest friends and lovers. Can he avoid death as assassins cross his path on the spooky paths of moonlit Bonaventure Cemetery? Find it at

If you would like to have your book featured, email us at star&

Pi Kapp chosen as CFO for the Texas State Alumni Association SAN MARCOS, Texas—Alumnus and past national staff

member Andrae Turner, Eta Rho (Texas State), was elected chief financial officer of the Texas State Alumni Association earlier this fall. In this position, Turner will chair the finance and budget committee. He will be the custodian of all funds of the Texas State Alumni Association and acts as manager of checking, savings and investment accounts under the direction of the board. Turner will assume a strategic role in the overall financial management of the alumni association and will have primary responsibility for planning, implementing, managing 22

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and controlling all financial-related activities. His term will begin on January 1, 2012. Turner graduated in 2007 with a bachelor’s degree in health administration. As an undergrad, he served in numerous leadership roles including as IFC president and president of the Mid-American Greek Council Association (now AFLV). Currently, he serves as the president of the Eta Rho Alumni Chapter and chapter advisor for Beta Nu (Houston). Turner will graduate with both a master’s in health administration and a master’s in business administration in May of 2012 from the University of Houston-Clear Lake.


CHAPTER ANNIVERSARY CALENDAR Pi Kappa Phi would like to congratulate the chapters that will reach a milestone anniversary in 2012.


Davidson College Founded: February 3, 1912 ETA Emory University Founded: April 27, 1912


University of North Florida Founded: May 1, 1987

Alumnus elected as governor of Mississippi JACKSON, Miss. —In November,

Phil Bryant, Theta Alpha (Southern Mississippi), was elected to serve as the state of Mississippi’s 64th governor. An alumnus initiate, Bryant graduated in 1977 and began his political career in 1990 as a state representative. He was introduced to Pi Kappa Phi by his director of communications, Mick Bullock, who is also a Theta Alpha alumnus. Impressed by the fraternity’s commitment to leadership, Bryant was initiated on February 2, 2007. Bryant, a Republican, is the current

Lieutenant Governor and defeated Johnny Dupree, mayor of Hattiesburg, Miss., by winning more than 60 percent of the vote. Both candidates were praised for running a clean race, free of attack ads and personal assaults. “Pi Kappa Phi prides itself as being a fraternity of leaders,” said Chief Executive Officer Mark E. Timmes. “Our vision is to redefine fraternity as a lifelong brotherhood of leaders. We congratulate Brother Bryant for his sustained leadership for the citizens of Mississippi.” Bryan will begin his term as governor on January 10, 2012.


George Washington University Founded: November 15, 2002

For more information on anniversaries or for help in planning an event for your chapter, contact Director of Special Events Denise Nelson at

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c olle g ia t e N e ws

ONCAMPUS lambda georgia

ATHENS, Ga.—Since returning from a suspension and reorganization during the spring of 2011, the new Lambda Chapter has flourished. The chapter finished the spring on a high note as the chapter ranked fifth among IFC fraternities with a 3.35 G.P.A. Over the summer, the brothers were excited to host the Journey of Hope South Team for a cookout at the house as the cyclists visited Athens. It was an outstanding opportunity for the new members to learn about the Push America experience. The chapter spent the summer actively recruiting for the fall in order to bring new leaders to Pi Kappa Phi at the University of Georgia. After working through the summer and fall, the chapter recruited 43 men, the largest class of all 26 IFC fraternities! The chapter put just as much effort into educating their new members as recruiting them and initiated 39 new Pi Kappa Phis after a six-week initiation period. Their retention rate once again set the standard for UGA fraternities. The brothers have continued to lay the foundation for a strong chapter by becoming more involved on campus and continuing to strengthen their parents club. This fall, Archon Jonathan Branch was elected IFC Vice President of Public Relations, and the chapter has hosted numerous parents’ events at UGA home games. It is an exciting time at Lambda and the chapter plans to continue to work hard to grow Pi Kappa Phi.

UPsilon Illinois

CHAMPAIGN, Ill.—This fall Upsilon Chapter began the semester by engaging the campus in a campaign to spread awareness of the abilities of people with disabilities with its fifth annual Camp-Out on the Quad to raise funds and awareness for Push America. Over the last four


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years, the chapter has raised more than $20,000 in donations during the event. This year the brothers camped in the quad for six days until the $5,000 goal was surpassed. The chapter also dedicated itself to a successful fall recruitment and signed 21 new associate members. With the addition of the new members, the chapter total surpassed 80 members. With the chapter in its 80th year at the University of Illinois, the brothers welcomed alumni for the annual homecoming celebration for the Fighting Illini’s victory over Northwestern on October 1. The chapter hopes the Illini finish the season strong and the chapter continues to strengthen the brotherhood throughout the year.

Alpha Kappa (Michigan) hosts a “Wheel in their Shoes 5k” event to raise funds and awareness for Push America.

Alpha Kappa michigan

ANN ARBOR, Mich.—This summer, Alpha Kappa sent numerous brothers to take part in Pi Kappa Phi’s most impactful experiences. Andrew Hypner cycled as a Journey of Hope north route team member while Lars Johnson, Matt Grigorian and Michael McLaughlin participated in Pi Kapp College in Charleston. The chapter began the fall by hosting the “Wheel in their Shoes 5k” during which chapter members “wheeled” 3.1 miles to raise funds and awareness to support people with disabilities. The event raised nearly $4,000 for Push America and was featured in an article

in the Michigan Daily News. Push America Chairman Paul Willar was even honored with the Push America Emerging Leader Award for leading the event. Alpha Kappa continued its success this fall as the chapter signed 28 quality associate members and recently won the intramural sand volleyball tournament.

Beta Omicron

Northwestern State

Natchitoches, La.—Fifty-five years of history came together in grand fashion to commemorate the many accomplishments of the Beta Omicron Chapter at the 2011 Homecoming Reunion. A weekend of gatherings reunited brothers, spouses, and guests from around the country returning to their alma mater. On October 14 the annual homecoming parade, featuring a float from Pi Kappa Phi, rolled through historic downtown Natchitoches. Students lined the hill along Front Street for a pep rally on the banks of the Cane River. Once the echos of the NSU fight song had faded, a social at Antoon’s Riverfront Restaurant gave the opportunity for several generations of Pi Kappa Phis to connect. The turnout for the evening was one of the best in recent years. Saturday morning began with an alumni breakfast at the chapter house. Meantime, two student members had already begun a 25-mile cycling trek, an annual ride to honor the memory of Sharon Sampite, daughter of Beta Omicron alumnus Joe Sampite. Sharon lost her battle with cancer in 2009. The ride serves the kickoff for a week of fundraising by Pi Kappa Phi and Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority, who will contribute to a scholarship fund in her memory. “Extra Mile” Scholarships were presented to Chase Harvey, Kevin Bruce, and Cody Cloud. The Morgan “Extra Mile” Scholarship Program seeks to recognize academic


performance while encouraging active and sustained involvement in NSU, all while remaining active in the affairs and operation of the chapter. The chapter also received an award from the national fraternity, designating Beta Omicron as the chapter with the most-improved grade point average. Later, the alumni convened for the annual Alumni Association/ Housing Corporation business meeting. Officers gave brief reports of the previous year’s initiatives as well as outlined goals for the future of the chapter’s housing situation. The Beta Omicron Board of Alumni Advisors (BOAA) was also appointed. A new slate of officers was elected to the board of the Alumni Chapter. Lane Luckie; David Morgan Sr.; George Etheredge; Justin Owen; Joshua Alost; DJ Klucznik; and Chad Hancock were selected to guide alumni activities and support the chapter. Alumni also toured the recent upgrades and renovations to the chapter house. The fun and fellowship continued at the Demon Commons, where excitement for the game was stirring at the Pi Kapp tailgating tent. The smell of Jambalaya filled the air, while people waited in line for their turn at a game of washers or cornhole. The chapter debuted two new sets of custom equipment for the games. More than 100 Pi Kappa Phis, their families, and friends enjoyed all of the entertainment and music at the tent before watching the Spirit of Northwestern’s pregame performance. The energy in Turpin Stadium certainly helped carry the Demons to a 51-17 victory over Southeastern.

Zeta Phi

Colorado state

FORT COLLINS, Colo.—Zeta Phi began the new school year by recruiting an outstanding new member class. The chapter signed 33 associates, growing the chapter to nearly 100 men. The chapter also co-hosted its 10th annual regional ride with Eta Gamma (Colorado). This year, 55 cyclists rode from Fort Collins to Boulder. In addition to men from Zeta Phi and Eta Gamma, members of local sororities took part in the event to raise funds and awareness for Push America. The chapter continued to serve people with disabilities later in the fall as 20 brothers traveled to Breckenridge to take part in the Give-A-Push Weekend hosted by Push America.

Zeta Chi Albright

READING, Pa.—After a change in IFC bylaws, the Zeta Chi Chapter at Albright College took its first fall recruitment class since 1994. The chapter recruited the largest fall recruitment class of any fraternity on our campus, continuing to lead the IFC community. The new associate class consists of eight new members, increasing the chapter by 40 percent. Zeta Chi also hosted its first Pedals for Push event to raise funds and awareness to support people with disabilities. In addition to cycling on a stationary bike for 50 hours in front of Walton Hall, brothers also hosted a toll road and raised nearly $1,000 for Push America. The chapter is excited to continue to be involved with Push America and looks forward to growing the event in the future.

NU STUDENT HELPS ESTABLISH AN ENERGY NON-PROFIT LINCOLN, Neb.— Casey Heier, Nu (Nebraska), was one of five University of Nebraska students to help establish The World Energy Project, a Casey Heier, a senior majoring in non-profit organization biological systems engineering founded to work at the University of Nebraska, serves as the operations director with developing for The World Energy Project. communities around the world to install and maintain sustainable energy systems. In the summer of 2011, Heier, a re-founding father of Nu Chapter, was part of the team that traveled to Mali, West Africa, where they completed projects involving solar powered water pumps, drip irrigation systems, and large scale photovoltaic installations for a school, orphanage and hospital. The organization has grown to involve nearly 30 people and is planning several projects in three countries for summer 2012, including a return to West Africa. “Our success simply would not have been possible without my fraternity experience,” says Heier. “Pi Kappa Phi truly does create leaders and has taught me that we should never underestimate what we are capable of accomplishing. I never thought I would be this excited about my future career path, and it all started with Pi Kappa Phi.”

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LEFT: Theta Zeta (George Washington) hosts a Pie-A-Pi Kapp event during its annual War of the Roses competition. RIGHT: The men of Theta Mu (UMass—Amherst) secure the chapter’s first fraternity house.

ETA Omicron

san francisco State

SAN FRANCISCO—The chapter at San Francisco State kicked off the fall by hosting a successful recruitment. The chapter planned small events like crab fishing, a slip n’ slide party at Golden State Park and friendship visits at the Janet Pomeroy Center for people with disabilities to show the potential new members what Pi Kappa Phi is about. In the end, Eta Omicron signed 14 new associates to grow the chapter to 60 men. Later in the semester, the chapter returned to the Janet Pomeroy Center to tear down an accessible play ground that Pi Kappa Phi had built for the center more than 20 years ago. After tearing down the old playground, the brothers helped construct a new playground with better equipment to allow more children to enjoy the fun. After completing the construction, the chapter took time to meet some of the children and play on the equipment.

Theta Zeta

George Washington

WASHINGTON—In just a few short months, Theta Zeta has continued to grow. In April the chapter was


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awarded IFC Chapter of the Year at the Excellence in Greek Life Awards, ranking Pi Kappa Phi first out of 17 chapters. Over the summer the chapter sent seven brothers on Push America events, the most ever by the chapter. Archon Matthew Calardo, Vice Archon Adam Cella, George Williams, John Chambers and Dylan Wong all cycled on the Journey of Hope. Brother Noah Wasserman participated as a Journey of Hope crew member and Jorge Gadala-Maria served on the Gear Up Florida crew. This semester, the brothers welcomed a strong 19-man associate member class following another great recruitment. The chapter stayed busy as it held its annual War of the Roses, raising nearly $16,000 for Push America. Throughout the week the chapter hosted a fundraiser at a local restaurant, campus penny wars, a flag football tournament on the national mall and a friendship visit with a campus organization that serves people with disabilities. The executive council and alumni chapter are beginning to plan for the Theta Zeta 10th anniversary, which will be held next fall to celebrate the achievements of the first decade of Pi Kappa Phi at George Washington.

Theta Mu UMass

AMHERST, Mass.—The Theta Mu Chapter started the fall by moving in to a chapter house for the first time. The chapter was chartered in 2006 and was highly successful despite the lack of housing options near campus. When the Alpha Chi Omega sorority house became available over the summer, the chapter worked with Pi Kappa Phi Properties to obtain a lease on the house. The brothers moved 30 men into the facility for the fall semester and have enjoyed the experience of a residential fraternity house. The chapter also worked to have a successful recruitment class. Theta Mu recruited 22 new members to bring the chapter total to more than 80 men. The brothers are looking forward to initiating the new members and experiencing another successful year at the University of Massachusetts.

Theta Xi

Arizona State

TEMPE, Ariz.—Theta Xi could not be more pleased with the successful year the chapter has experienced. The chapter had six brothers participate in Push America summer events, maintaining the tradition of having

representation on all three summer events since the chapter chartered in April 2007. Brothers Stahle, Walton, Denoncourt and Aguilera rode on the Journey of Hope, while Brother Lopez participated in Build America and Brother Smith participated in Gear Up Florida. In August the chapter began recruiting vigorously and their efforts paid off as the chapter was able to bid an associate member class of 50 members—the largest of all 21 IFC fraternities on campus! Soon after signing the new class, the chapter was honored by the national fraternity with the Kroeg Award—the highest honor bestowed upon an undergraduate chapter. The men were ecstatic about the award, but will not rest on their laurels. Theta Xi has vowed to continue to redefine fraternity and bring credit to the fraternity every day. In early October, the chapter celebrated Family Weekend with the women of Kappa Alpha Theta. Events included dinner at Bucca di Beppo in Scottsdale, Ariz., and a tailgate before cheering the Sun Devil football team to victory against Oregon State. More than 600 active members, associate members, sorority women and families attended the event.

COLLEGIATE NEWS (Charterings continued from page 1)

zeta PI MARSHALL Huntington, West Virginia Re-Founded: November 5, 2011 Zeta Pi has returned to Marshall University as a chartered chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. After 12 months of growth and development, the re-founding fathers spent the weekend celebrating with alumni, university faculty and family. James Krucher, Beta Alpha (NJIT), presided over the chartering as the installation officer and was assisted by Ohio State Chapter Advisor Dwanye Todd, Alpha Eta (Samford). Over the course of the weekend, the chapter took the national exam, experienced the Ritual of Initiation and was officially re-instated during the formal installation ceremony. A team from Delta Eta (Morehead State) was on hand to initiate the new Zeta Pi brothers. On Saturday night, the chapter gathered together with nearly 100 guests to commemorate the re-chartering. Zeta Pi alumni were impressed by the new founding fathers and their achievements, including earning the top fraternity G.P.A. and the university’s most outstanding philanthropy event for their Pedal for Push bike-a-thon.

Iota Kappa Northern Colorado

Greeley, Colorado

Founded: November 12, 2011

Pi Kappa Phi chartered its 226nd chapter as Iota Kappa at the University of Northern Colorado. The new chapter was installed by long-time volunteer T.J. Sullivan, Alpha Psi (Indiana), and Mr. Pi Kappa Phi 2011 Frank Parrish, Alpha Omicron (Iowa State). The 43 founding fathers were initiated by the men of Zeta Phi (Colorado State). Heather James, University of Northern Colorado’s assistant director of student activities, was also on hand at the chartering banquet to celebrate the accomplishments of the chapter and address the founding fathers. James congratulated the men for redefining what it means to be a fraternity man on campus. During the keynote address, Brother Sullivan challenged the men of the Iota Kappa Chapter to remain true to the fraternity’s values. “You will never take off your letters,” Sullivan said. “Everything you do from this point forward will either live up to or violate the promises you made last night. Continue to make us proud.” While accepting the chapter’s charter, Archon Kevin Schoewe echoed Sullivan’s remarks adding, “Ritual is the one major thing that sets fraternities and sororities apart from clubs and organizations. It has turned men who started out as my friends into my brothers.”

theta cincinnati

Cincinnati, Ohio

Re-Founded: November 12, 2011

After remaining dormant for nearly 100 years, Theta was re-chartered and officially installed at the University of Cincinnati. Theta Chapter originally started as a local fraternity that had petitioned to become a chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. Pi Kappa Phi’s founders were under the impression that the group’s petition came from the University of Cincinnati and agreed to issue the charter in 1913. Upon discovering that the new group was instead from the Cincinnati Conservatory—an institution the young fraternity was not interested in at the time—the founders opted to close Theta less than one year after granting the charter. Ninety-eight years later—some 55 years after the Conservatory officially merged with Cincinnati—Theta was re-installed by National Secretary Tom Sullivan, Delta Omega (Texas A&M), and National Historian Tim Hebson, Alpha Eta (Samford). Teams from Eta Upsilon (Miami – Ohio) and Alpha Nu (Ohio State) were on hand to initiate the new members. During the banquet, Scott Rankin, father of member Payne Rankin, shared his experience as a founding father of Delta Sigma (Bowling Green) and how proud he was to see the men of Theta create their own legacy. After the program ended, more than 100 guests hit the dance floor to close out the celebration with music and dancing.

alpha gamma oklahoma

Norman, Oklahoma

Re-Founded: November 19, 2011

Cheers of “Boomer Sooner” could be heard in Norman as Pi Kappa Phi welcomed back Alpha Gamma (Oklahoma). Forty-four undergraduate members and six alumni were initiated by teams from Gamma Tau (North Texas) and Theta Lambda (Missouri State). Past National President Dr. J. Patrick Figley, Chi (Stetson), and Tim Welles, Alpha Gamma (Oklahoma), oversaw the initiation and chartering weekend as chartering officers. In the 13 months since the expansion, the chapter has already established itself as a fraternity of leaders. In fact Founding Archon Shane Pruitt was honored as the IFC President of the Year, three members were awarded the President’s Award for Outstanding Freshmen and three men took part in Push America team events over the summer. “I have been truly impressed with how quickly these men understood Pi Kappa Phi,” said Tyler Johansson, director of expansion. “They understand that fraternity is an opportunity to build meaningful friendships, to challenge one another to lead and better the lives of those around them. As long as the chapter continues to live Pi Kappa Phi’s mission, they will continue to grow.“

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obituary news

CHAPTERETERNAL alpha charleston Mr. David Calvin Heisser Mr. James Philip Holcombe Mr. James R. McGeehan Mr. Robert Vernon Moore Mr. Norman MacGregor Rugheimer Mr. Ernest Leon Zinkowski beta presbyterian Mr. William Leonard Blackburn Mr. Richard Kelly Bullock Mr. John Mackall Gantt Mr. Henry Sanford Howie Jr. Mr. Charles Covington Owen Mr. Dale D. Russell Mr. Robert N. Spurrier Mr. John Thornton Stubbs Jr. Mr. William Ralph Walker Mr. Henry Harrison Whitaker GAMMA California - BerKEley Mr. Bruce Ralph Barden Mr. Edward James Conway Mr. William Ray Kern Mr. Charles Fredrick Vannice Mr. Neil Bereford Weatherall Mr. Maurice W. Wood delta furman Mr. Claude Daniel Finley EPSILON Davidson Mr. James Dewitt Thacker Mr. Abraham David Walker ZETA Wofford Mr. Ralph Daniel Bowers Mr. David William Cecil Mr. Fred Albert Elias Mr. Williams McAdoo Euliss Mr. John Chester Groblewski Mr. Richard James Kincaid Mr. James Rembert Owings Mr. Ralph Phillips Jr. Mr. William Stanley Reiber Mr. Wilson H Sanders Mr. Brady Davis Weed III Mr. Steve W. Williams ETA EMORY Mr. Primus Seale Hipp IOTA Georgia Tech Mr. D A Chocran Mr. Joseph Nocella Mr. Robert Manor Stamps Jr. Mr. James Francis Tierney Mr. David Comfort Watkins Mr. Thomas David Woodman

KAPPA NORTH CAROLINA Mr. Harvey Mariner Jones LAMBDA Georgia Mr. Harry Joseph Baldwin Mr. Selby Glenn Benton Mr. Wilder Morris Blitch Mr. Robert McWhorter Boswell Mr. Norman Dewitt Burkett Mr. Donald Harold Dalton Mr. James Gibson Hull Mr. Robert Newton Loyd Mr. Michael Paul Smith Mr. William Lee Wilson Mr. Jack E Wise MU Duke Mr. William Edwin Baldwin Jr. Mr. Norman Alexander Benfer Mr. Joseph Alexander Elliott III Mr. Albert Rich Erwin Mr. Andrew Ryan Everson Mr. Thomas McCarley Garrou Mr. James Edward Gatling Mr. William Edwin Harris Mr. Harold Houston Hawfield Mr. Edwin Lee Jones Jr. Mr. Charles Lee Nance Jr. Mr. Arthur Vann II

STAR & LAMP  /  FALL 2011

ALPHA gamma oklahoma Mr. Carl Dixon Green Mr. Merle Elliot Watkins

RHO Washington & Lee Mr. George Thomas Myers

ALPHA EPSILON Florida Mr. Richard Chalkley Bartlett Mr. Donald Kenneth Curry Jr. Mr. William Pettigne McWhorter Mr. Joseph Robert Phelan Mr. Jack Dorian Raudenbush

SIGMA South Carolina Mr. Fred Henry Bremer Mr. Henry Wallace Couch Mr. Olin Ray Dabney Mr. Derwin Taylor Lamb Mr. Clayton Everette McManaway Jr. Mr. Burt Mitchell Orr Jr. Mr. George Carlton Player Jr. Mr. Hugh William Priester Jr. Mr. Charles Alexander Robinson Mr. James Foster Thomson TAU NORTH CAROLINA STATE Mr. Ernest Patrick Cain Jr. Mr. Edward H. Cole Mr. Jason Basil Deyton Jr. Mr. Eric Gregg Gibbs Mr. William Marion Joyner Mr. Donald Miller Seltzer Mr. Shelton W Thomason

NU NEBRASKA Mr. Richard Dean McMillan Jr. Mr. Hugh John O’Neill

UPSILON ILLINOIS Mr. Robert Francis McKenzie Mr. Walter Scott Renner Mr. Robert Charles Taylor Mr. John Sidney Thompson

XI Roanoke Mr. Donald Allen Eamigh Mr. Guy Frank Linkous Jr. Mr. Douglas Charles MacKenzie Mr. Thomas Henry Nicholson Jr. Mr. Richard Eastwood Poff Mr. Cornelius Herbert Ramsey Mr. Thomas Morgan Williams

CHI Stetson Mr. Gerald Thomas Barker Mr. Francis Eugene Brasher Mr. James Forrest Lawson Mr. William Robert Martin Mr. Tom Foard Pattillo Jr. Mr. Myron Franklin Samson Mr. Elbert David Tyner

OMICRON Alabama Mr. Gene Douglas Airheart Mr. Robert Thomas Ballantyne Mr. Charles Marbury Buckner Jr. Mr. Wiley Lamar Bullard Mr. Raymond Wayne Cobb Mr. George Richard Cowart Mr. William Thomas Creel Mr. James Clarence Martin Jr. Mr. Robert Everette Medlin Mr. Ollie Wilson Nabors Mr. Don Norton Mr. Robert Hoke Perkins Mr. Jacob Taylor Peterson Mr. Dan Fred Prescott Mr. Robert Leslie Quarles Jr.

OMEGA Purdue Mr. David Riley Feltner Mr. Roger Alan Lockhart Mr. Frank Martindell Jr. Mr. Ryan Lawrence McHie Mr. Bruce Groff Morris Mr. William Hudson Mundhenk Mr. Leo Charles Powers Mr. Fred Allen Queisser Mr. Herman Gale Riggs Mr. William George Scheck Mr. Daniel Chester Seeley Mr. Robert Barnhardt Stauber Mr. Raymond Christophe Stith

Visit to report a deceased member.


Mr. Carey Michael Sherrer Mr. William Gladstone Sutton Mr. Richard Clark Van Hala

ALPHA ZETA Oregon State Mr. Peter James Guettler Mr. Carl Booth Hampton Mr. Jack Theodore Reviglio Mr. Richard Sterling Shaffer ALPHA ETA samford Mr. Jimmie G Knight Mr. Orbie Lee Medders Jr. Mr. John Glen Shiley Mr. Jonathan David Williamson ALPHA IOTA Auburn Mr. Frank Mooty Awbrey Jr. Mr. Joe Billy Fain Mr. Samuel Ralph Pate ALPHA MU Penn State Mr. Richard Eugene Moore Mr. Guy E. Stevens Jr. ALPHA omicron iowa state Mr. Eldred John Harman Mr. Robert J. Landgraf Mr. Warren William McElhinney ALPHA sigma tennessee Mr. Elbert Houston Coles Mr. George R. Roberts Mr. Thomas James Snow ALPHA TAU RENSSELAER Mr. Robert Paul Adams Mr. Willis Lee Stewart Mr. William Robert Terrill Mr. William Lum Zabriskie Jr. ALPHA UPSILON DREXEL Mr. Eugene Robert Kiehl Mr. Robert E. Lake Mr. John Joseph Parrish Jr. Mr. Winfield A. Scott Mr. Jack A Steer Mr. Lawrence Eugene Thibault ALPHA PHI IIT Mr. Paul Everett Bryant Mr. Jerome Bernard Dirkers Mr. Virgil Ray Hettick


Mr. Edwin Noyes Searl Mr. Thomas LeRoy Speer Mr. Robert Matteo Tamburrino ALPHA PSI Indiana Mr. David Charles Gibson Mr. Neil David Storey ALPHA OMEGA OREGON Mr. Robert LeRoy Amack Mr. Victor W. Doherty Mr. Donald Greco Mr. Quentin Way Randall Mr. Alfred George Ruedy Mr. Harold Paulsen Saabye Mr. James Brice Shaw BETA ALPHA NJIT Mr. James Aloysius Hess Mr. Herbert Alfred Martin Mr. Frank Soltys BETA beta florida southern Mr. James Richard Beneyfield Mr. James Herman Bryant Mr. William E. Engel Mr. William Kline Kenney Mr. Jon Louis Morris BETA gamma louisville Mr. Edward Kenneth Dienes Mr. William S. Gorgas Mr. Warren D. Robb BETA delta drake Mr. Ronald J Peirce BETA epsilon missouri Mr. Eldon Henry Behle Mr. Frank Burt Boyd Jr. Mr. Harry L. Dilley Mr. Charles Henry Garner BETA eta florida state Mr. Andrew Thomas Denison BETA THeta ARIZONA Mr. John Ralph Gaines BETA IOTA Toledo Mr. Robert John Byersmith II Mr. Robert Charles Higgins

BETA kappa georgia state Mr. Philip Francis Quinn

Delta Beta North Georgia Mr. Dean Calhoun Dickinson

ZETA Beta California - san diego Mr. Bradford Lawrence Dezurick

BETA mu mcneese state Mr. Henry Bertrand Mr. Benjamin Charles Harlow

delta zeta appalachian state Mr. Douglas Lynn Thompson

ZETA Gamma north Dakota Mr. Anthony Reese Nieman Mr. Wayne K. Stenejhem

BETA OMICRON northwestern state Mr. Richard Redden Brown Jr. Mr. Charles Edmond Doty Mr. Aubrey Lynn Ryals BETA upsilon virginia Mr. Robert William Francis Jr. BETA OMEGA East Tennessee State Mr. Reginald Wayne Berry GAMMA alpha west alabama Mr. Norman L. Davenport III Mr. Larry Jackson Ware GAMMA Beta Old Dominion Mr. Charles Michael Jackson Mr. Thomas John Lewis Mr. Robert A Magoon GAMMA Delta memphis Mr. Phillip Glyde Gregory GAMMA zeta west virginia tech Mr. Donald Earl Skaggs GAMMA kappa georgia southern Mr. William Johnson Mobley GAMMA Nu lagrange Mr. Jack Boulger Adams Jr. Mr. James Lee Dodd GAMMA rho lander Mr. Darryl Glenn Andrews Mr. Kenneth Niles Capps Jr. GAMMA upsilon oklahoma state Mr. Richard Dean Garner GAMMA phi south alabama Mr. Robert Scott Griffith Delta alpha virginia tech Mr. William Charles Bryan

delta Theta Mars Hill Mr. Charles Frederick Heffner III DELTA Lambda UNC-Charlotte Mr. Thomas Edison Hartis Jr. DELTA Rho Southern Cal Mr. Bradley Borden Dunning Mr. Robert A Skultety DELTA chi kansas state Mr. Troy Alan Kueser DELTA PSI Texas - Arlington Mr. Mateo Josue Reyes Mr. Tegene Tadesse EPSILON alpha elon Mr. Miguel Eduardo Viso EPSILON delta auburn-montgomery Mr. John Ed Sawyer EPSILON Epsilon Virgina - Wise Mr. Kenneth Charles Sanders EPSILON Mu Bradley Mr. Jason Danby McDowell EPSILON Nu Sacramento State Mr. Kurt Richard Ericson EPSILON rho lenoir-rhyne Mr. Alfred Lee Bickford EPSILON sigma christian brothers Mr. Gregory Dane Clifton Mr. Kenneth David Tucker EPSILON psi slippery rock Mr. Don A. Weirick EPSILON omega texas tech Mr. John Winston McAnally Mr. Bradley John Neu

zeta Delta Shippensburg Mr. Richard H. Hiltner Mr. Thomas E. Horan Mr. Henry J. Paxton zeta Lambda Cal State - Chico Mr. Scott Melvin Strong zeta Rho Cal State - Fullerton Mr. Matthew Gavin Rzyski zeta Chi Albright Mr. Frank Michael DiLeo zeta Psi IUPUI Mr. Trent S Schmidt ETA Gamma Colorado Mr. Layne Burke Weinberg eta Zeta Queens Mr. Richard Lascelles Kerr eta PHI Maryland-Baltimore co. Mr. Michael Davis Elm Mr. Christopher Charles Griffith theta Delta florida international Mr. Ernesto Enrique Escobedo iota delta new hampshire Mr. Todd M. Walker iota epsilon susquehanna Mr. David Eugene Stefanovige

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