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ALUMNI CHAPTERS Ames, lo Ave AWa--Gerald D. Lave, 1227 Burnett Atlont ., mes, Iowa . Decglu~aGTed Giles, 92B Sycamore Drive, BlrtnJ ' 0· Eu~~dhO,...m, Alabama-Harry W. Prater, 609 Chariest ve., Mt. Brook 9, Ala. Rutle3;e ~~· A. Weinheimer, 115-A Chattonao ·• orleston, S. C. 308 Gui,d' J~nnessee-Lee L. Ryerson, Jr., Chico rove, Chattanooga, Tenn. E.1~,;d 11~'J""~-;-Willtam H. O'Donnell, 1952 Clevel d ·• htcago, Ill. ISI~tn St O~it-John H. Haas, Jr., 3492 W. Caiutnbi ·• eveland, Ohio lady ~t So~t~ Carolina-William Babo, 1306 Caiutnb ·• a umbio 1, S. c. C/o ~~~:~j Benning, Georgia-Joe Freemon, Des Mol and Motor Co., Columbus, Go. St., o::•·J•.wo-James Jervts, 1623 E. 33rd Detroit M Otnes, I ow a. Pontlac,lc~~erry Martin, 70 Mowork Rd., Florence . srntth' <I S.:'tt,h Carolina-Mitchell ArrowGreenvll'l 1 · Cheves St., Florence, S. C. Greenv'il 1e5• ~·-cooper White, 103 Elm St., Ithaca, N ' . C. Bldg l~h York-H. M. Riggs, 701 Seneca Jackso~vll a co, N. Y. Mimosa le . Fla. Myron Sonlson, 3689 lonsin E 0rove, Jacksonville, Flo. i72~y a~t ~«!ndng, Mlch.-Loren C. Ferley, lincoln N · tchtgon Ave., Lansing, Mich. Fede;ol ~bras.ko-Winfield M. Elmen, 602 los An ecuntles Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. 17th \;lea, California-Rene Koelblen, 328 laulsviU ·• Manhattan Beach, Calif. louisv'iile ~~·-E. K. Dtenes, Box 695, ~•can ' Ky. Ave' ~eargla-Foy A. Byrd, 108 Carlisle ~ ·• aeon, Go. 101111 llisc'ay~la;.'da-Willlam A. Popy, Ill , 315 ~•ntg ve., Coral Gobles, Florida. Comc:.;:'ery, Alabama-Frederick H. White, Now y erce Bldg ., Montgomery, Ala. 21ith0 s~· ~· Y.-Jomes Lorrouse, 89-54 North J ·• ueens Village, N. Y Newarkrs~y-j::;AI Taboada, 123 Dewey St., 0 kioh ' • J 0111 0 N. W .~~~~· Okla.-Willi om A. Rlgg, 304 Orland ' 1 ·• Oklahoma City, Oklo. Ma 1 ~' f1o~do-A. T. Corter, Jr., 12 South Phliodel 5 ;· rtondo, Florida. 22nd P~~a, Pa .-Donold R. Williams, 118 E. Piltab ·• Chester, Penna. 627u"e~ Ponnsytvanta-R. Delmar George, Portland mont, Mt. Lebanon, Penna. S. w • <Cascade I -a. A. Hilllson, 8427 Roonok. St .. Portland, Ore. Horshb Virginia-Jesse M. Ramsey, 33 San F orger Rd., Roanoke, Vo. Host~~~c isso, Callf.-Arnold Turner, 2764 5 Seattl t ., Red~'<ood City, Calif. A, ~6 ~as~lngton-Dovid Peu:necker, 1605St. lo ' .E., Seattle 55, Wash. St., ~:· ~ls~ouri-Estlll E. Ezell, 701 Olive St. Matt· outs 1, Missouri. stde s~ews, South Carolina-John L. Wood'tarn ' · Matthews, South Carolina. Ble:;• ~a.-David c. Pinholster, 501 s. 'toied ., ampo 6, Flo . ton°'R.rhia--George Nemire, 1419 Adding\1110 B ·• Toledo, Ohio. P, o10 ~h, Flo, (Indian Rlverl-L. B. Vocelle, IV 01 hi · ox 488, Vera Beach, Flo. Glen":~~· RD. C.-Edward 1.. Tolson, 315 oad, Bethesda, Morvlond.




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Pi Kappa Phi NUMBER 3




Contents Page 2 Letters from Our Readers .......... . .2 Our of the Past . . . . . . . . .. . ... . Edicorial : Wilson Outlines Traits of Strong Chapter, by James M. Wilson, Editor-in-Chief ............... 3 You Want co Join a Fraternity? ................ 4 Prominent Pi Kappa Phi Alwnni ........ 6 Alumni! You Can Help Your Fraternity ........ 8 Direccory of Undergraduate Chapters . . . . . . . . . 9 McNeese, Central Michigan Groups to Become Pi Kapps Soon . 10 "Sally" Wolfe is National Rose . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ 12 Activities at Beta Lambda in Tampa, by Ronald Dristle, Historian, Beta Lambda, University of Tampa . . ......... 14 Tampa Alumni Association Receives Charter . . . . . . .. . 19 Parties and Campus Honors Combine as Grand Finale at Chi, Stetson .......... . .. . .... 20 Alumni Corner ................ . .. 22 Social Notes ................ 24 Chapter News, by Elizabeth H. Smith, Managing Editor . . . . 25 What about Your Chapter? .......... . . 28 COVER National Rase, Miss Marie Frances ("Sa lly") Wolfe, was sponsored by Beta Lambda Chapter, University of Tampa, Tampa, Fla.

Entered as second class matter at the post office at Charlotte, North Carolina, under the ~ct of M~ucb 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage proVIded for m the Act of February 28, 1925, embodied in paragraph 4, section 412, ~· L. an.d R., authorized january 7, 1932. The Star and Lamp 1s publiShed quarterly at Charlotte, North Carolina under the direction of the National Council of the Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity in the months of February, May, August and November. The Life Subscription is $15.00 and is the only form of subscription. Single copies are 50 ce~~ts. Changes in address should be reported promptly to National Office, 11 E. Canal St., Sumter, S. C. All material intended for publication should be in the bands of the Managing Editor, 11 E. Canal St., Sumter, S. C., SO days preceding the month of issue. lAMBS M. WILSON, Editor-in-Chi1/ ELIZABETH H. SMITH, Managing Editor

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National Convention - Philadelphia - August, 1956

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